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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Kashin-tan
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girasopa Jan 26, 2012 11:43 AM
are you alive?? :(
girasopa Jul 17, 2011 12:48 PM
I finally answered you, my dear K.
I'll be more on now. :)
Hope you are well!
girasopa Jul 17, 2011 12:47 PM
Darling now I'm back!
So I'll finally answer you! It's been 4 months already! D:
Ok so I said in that other comment I'm dating! It's really a social kill to date to study and to work! But now I'm not working anymore and I'm on vacancy, so I can answer you for shure!

Still in the team manager? Where are you working now?
Oh gosh I'm looking for a job too, but in my area, graphic design. I'ts been tough, they don't call 'cause I don't experience, but how can I have it if they don't call me?! D;

Yeah I konw the care bears, I didn't reconigze the name. xP
They are a lil creepy indeed.

I know! But they Horse is the same as Gemini and Dragon is Aries. Go figure.
Ow a fire rabbit, same as my cousin! :D

I did know about the cat! Uhh I love cats! <3

So I have to tell you now I'm going back a lil to that I want meat! </
The thing is my boyfriend is a meat lover and you know I'm easily persuaded! I did eat a german sausage last month with me.... terrible mistake. I felt really sick. Now I'm a lil ew with meat, but sometimes when I see some "meat food" that I used to like I get that waht if I took just a lil bite?! hahaha Btw I still eat sushi sometimes too, so I'm not really veggie neh!

No I still didn't change my glasses... thought I need to.
They still work, but i'ts gettin kind of ugly and old D:
What about? Bought new ones?

What did you wear in Purim?
I love the sound of it Purim Purim Purim! :D

Oh how is the situation down there? I haven't heard about it anymore.

Well I don't much about video games prices, but 110 reals are much more than I can afford in a game! D:

I saw the last HP the other day!
Yeah I cried! xD
And saw Tangled, really cute! And Black Swan is really cool! I dig it.
Did you saw Kung Fu Panda 2? Well it's not that big of deal but I loved it! Hahaha :D

Did you ever saw Donnie Darko or The Breakfast Club? I re-saw this movies recently. They are really cool! You should check it if you don't know it!

Oh it's the same down here, about the driving test it is. Did you pass it?
I didn't do it yet. It's a lil expensive.... :/

About your stories:
1. OMG that really sux. haha
Weirdo no, crazy that is. You have to saty away from this kind of guys. I have only bad memories from guys who says that they are jealous and like you in the first date! D:
I think your friend was trying to get rid of him! xD

2. That sounds like heaven!
I love massages and jacuzzis and saunas!! :}

Now my story:

Ok what will I tell you? About how I start dating.. xD
It's the only thing new and juicy I have to tell you, sorry if it's boring, btw
So his name is Thiago and we met in pre-course for uni in 2009. Well from the start I liked him, but I never admit it. The fact is he was really not my type, he is personalite is great, but he is not very good looking, well he really don't give a damn about how he appear. He have bear and kind of long curly hair and don't dress very tidly and he is nerd and a lil shy.
So you get why I didn't you admit it that I liked him. Plus he was that kind of guy that don't really cares about girls and dating. But anyway I fell for him and did for several times give him a hint that you konw I liked him. But he was a wall, didn't get it at all.
Then we became really best friends and all and in the begining of this year I decided to give him up. But before that I would give one last chance. So I did the most stupid thing ever, I told him I liked a friend of mine but I didn't know what to do and asked him advice. And he said he didn't knew what to say, he wasn't really good about and blablabal and because he was in the same situation as me, he was in love with a friend of his. When he said that I knew it was me! Ohh I was so happy. But I didn't say a thing and we planned to go to the cinema and talk before the movie. Well we didn't really talk before and after the cinema, "cause I got really really nervous and he knew what I was going to tell him but he didn't say or do a thing, the bastard. But later when he was taking me home(he have a car), he pulled in front of my house and then I said:
- Eh Thiago the girl you like is me isn't it?
And he said yes and the we start dating :D
The End

That was really big! XD

Ok I hope I answered it all! It's been so long and all, I tried to remember it all, sorry if I forget one thing or another! ><

Anyway how are you and all?? :D
oksi91 May 22, 2011 1:31 PM

Hey Guys!
As there has not been any improvement with mass messages issue, Canon Pairings Club wasn't able to continue our tournament with the couples... Nevertheless, we want to continue it. The only way we came up with is MASS MAILING :) So, those of you who are willing to continue to vote in our matches, please send me your email address. I assure you, it will be used for matches notifications ONLY. If there will be a certain number of addresses which allow us to continue, we will restart the votings!! In case not, the waiting for the mass msg will continue..

P.S. Those of you who aren't aware, we also made a HUUUGE list of all known canon couples, HERE You are welcome to nominate more ;))
danino May 14, 2011 7:23 PM
מכיר את ההרגשה... שירות לקוחות זה דבר מעצבן :)
דרך אגב עברתי לחצי משרה ועכשיו אני כבר לא עובד 12 שעות ביום חחחח
פלייסטיישן 2? מזה 2007? בכל מקרה נראה לי שב500 שקל אני יכול לארגן לך אחד עם צ'יפ ו2 שלטים. נצתרך לבדוק...
אצלי הכל מעולה! חזרתי לפני יומיים אחרי שבועיים בברצלונה. הייתי בפיינל פור, הייתי בעיר שברצלונה זכו באליפות וזה היה מטורף לגמרי, וסתם שתיתי כמו חולה נפש עם חברים שלי :) היה ממש פינוק.
מה קורה אצלך? דרך אגב יש לך פייסבוק?
girasopa May 9, 2011 3:14 PM
Nooo my love and thx! It's was my bday! 21! \o/
I disappeared because I'm busy with uni, lots of projects and tan tan tan I'm dating! 4 months baby! :D
I will answer your comment tomorrow for shure! \o/
danino Apr 7, 2011 1:31 PM
לא ממש... איך הולך שם?
אני עכשיו מנהל חנות של משחקי פלייסטיישן חחחח
סוגר בערך 12 שעות עבודה ביום כי אני עדיין עובד גם בבית ליסין אז גם לי אין ממש זמן למחשב. אבל היום חבר אמר לי שהסדרה החדשה של גינטמה התחילה אז אני חייב להתחיל לראות :)
Kenshin- Mar 31, 2011 4:18 AM
Omg Whisper of the Heart <3
danino Jan 11, 2011 10:39 AM
היי מה קורה? קצת נעלמתי חחחח זה מה שקורה שתקועים כמה חודשים על סדרה אחת :)
girasopa Jan 1, 2011 11:14 AM
What about yours? Pele-Phone? Make me think about Pelé, the football player! xD

Well I didn't really understand... sorry
What did you meant with care bear?! xD

Hum I guess I expected a good year, 'cause the tiger and the horse are like "friends" in the zodiac.
Oh you're rabbit! So 2011 it's your year! :D
So just you know a lil more about the horse, I'm the metal horse.
Yeah I know what you mean.

Oh K, I don't know why a part of comment disappeared so I don't know what did you wrote.. when a cat loose his tail?!
And what about Carl, the king of Sweden?! .__.""

Naah what a pitty!
Do you think I can send you by mail? Do you think they will let? xD
Hahahaha oh I used to be the same, but now I'm over it. I still like salty things the best though.

Yeah it looks yummy ne!! *---*
I know, but actually they are korean, but it's the same kind of act.
But I confess that I'm a korean/japanese/taiwanese drama fan... xD
I know it's lame, but I like it...xD

And it shure did.
I no longer feel the hungriness for meat!(?) Hahaha
Just sometimes with specific things like Paprika Schnitzel.

Hahaha I guess you are a bird person! xD
How is she now? Did she got over the eggs?
Poor lil one. I mean she wants to be mommy but her eggs will never become
lil Cockatiels!

It would be awesomesauce.
Have I told ya?! One of my big dreams is to travel around the world!

Well you beat me. Don't know him.
Oh that's cool. It's always nice to hear you are pretty and stuff!
I need and want a new pair of glasses, but first I need the money!! xD
Well I knew it that you didn't celebrate christmas, but happy hannukah / a lil late
Hahaha you always eat a lot in holydays, it's part of it!!

Huum I don't know which one I prefer, I like both, but both have bad parts for me. xP
Well since I'm always feeling hot I guess colder weathers are the better for me
How is the weather now??

Oh that's good to know.
Well I don't know how much is 240 shekels but I'm guessing it's not expensive! xD

Oh but it's was not a special day or something.
It's just a theme party! xD

Uuuuuh tell me about it!
I saw HP! Love it. Not as great as the book, but I love the movies aswell!
Omg I'm such a HP fan!! xD

Good luck K!! =D
I need to learn to drive aswell. ><"
So how is it going your driving lessons??

In my house?
I have to confess that in these last weeks the only thing I do is work and read books. So nothing funny and out of
ordinary to tell you.. xD
What about you??
girasopa Jan 1, 2011 11:13 AM
oksi91 Dec 29, 2010 5:07 AM

Hey guys! We decide to bring back our club to life! We have made a pretty big list (with pictures!) of all couples we know HERE. Check it out please, and help us by NOMINATIG new couples which we haven't yet noticed.The list will get updated everytime a new canon couple get confirmed!
girasopa Dec 24, 2010 11:04 AM
Daaaarling as always I'm sorry for the delay!
I will for shure answer you in this xmas weekend!! \o/

PS: I really loled with your rescue team to find me!! :D
Love ya girl, seriously!! :}
girasopa Dec 24, 2010 11:01 AM

PS: Sorry for not replying, I will reply you tomorrow!!! \o/
(I hope >_<")
Tyranid5 Dec 13, 2010 8:55 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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