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Feb 22, 7:58 AM
So this is where the Blue Night truly started and Satan is the catalyst of it. Seems this episode had to bring out all the strong exorcists and users to deal with this. As expected, this was what set off the major events all the way in season 1. Mephisto is lowkey awesome in this arc for keeping his cool. Yuri's character story has been an emotional one including this episode. They really managed to bring out the best of her imo. |
Feb 22, 7:58 AM
two demons talking to each other. then satan start burning others. showing the regular characters when they were younger or as kids... someone was going to kill mother who still has a baby inside, but father stopped. he also try to kill the second baby. first baby stopping him killing second baby. father vs. first baby. they were able to stop him. satan appearing in another human's body. battle next |
I ♥ Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!! |
Feb 22, 9:23 AM
Ahhhh it's so cool to see where the other characters were when it all happened. Was a bit lost last week with the whole Shiemi stuff, but this episode briefly explained it thankfully. And it was awesome to see that even as a baby, Rin’s instinct to protect his brother was already kicking. Next episode though... I've read a bit ahead, and tears will be shed from what I remember. |
Feb 22, 10:25 AM
Instead of me judging if this episode is good or not, let me tell this instead. I watch this episode in the air-conditioned room in late night, yet I'm sweating excessively with my eyes wide open. |
Feb 22, 10:29 AM
Basically this episode: Hydrogen Baby vs Coughing Bomb. Running down a mountain in mid-winter while pregnant or carrying babies, when doesn't even matter. All stress for a world wide lottery. |
Feb 22, 11:44 AM
So what truly kicks this off is Satan trying to find a host body ( none are strong enough) & thinking Yuri has deserted him. And Rin is still on a rampage. |
Feb 22, 11:53 AM
IzanaSolos said: Ahhhh it's so cool to see where the other characters were when it all happened. Was a bit lost last week with the whole Shiemi stuff, but this episode briefly explained it thankfully. And it was awesome to see that even as a baby, Rin’s instinct to protect his brother was already kicking. Next episode though... I've read a bit ahead, and tears will be shed from what I remember. This ep itself was enough to make me cry 😢 |
Feb 22, 12:41 PM
Yuri really is a terrible exorcist because what do you mean you're fighting to let Satan's children, which canonically means the antichrist, live? |
Feb 22, 3:06 PM
Yukio got dropped on his head as a child, that’s why he’s so retarded |
Feb 22, 3:15 PM
Reply to notthatjesus
Yuri really is a terrible exorcist because what do you mean you're fighting to let Satan's children, which canonically means the antichrist, live?
@notthatjesus the girl slept with Satan for no logical reason. From that moment on, it can be said that she is a terrible exorcist lol |
Feb 22, 3:16 PM
The way that the Paladin was treating Yukio as a LITERAL INFANT made me physically gasp out loud - man was brutal! |
Feb 22, 9:01 PM
best one until now |
Feb 22, 10:46 PM
So everything is Lucifer's fault because he is unhappy and wanted everyone around him to be miserable as well. Satan just wanted to spend his last moments with Yuri and tell her that he loved her but nooo, Lucifer had to blow up his face— literally. Queue Satan believing Yuri is the one who betrayed him and searching for a body. I wish he could see how it really all went down like Rin is. I feel like that would solve a lot of the problems. |
Feb 23, 1:49 AM
another great ep not easy to stop the child almost to no pity for babies... Satan is back to bring new troubles... |
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc just have a look, you won't regret it... Link below: |
Feb 23, 2:10 AM
So after all, Shiro managed to defeat Satan! The Oceanids’s Carousel was an amazing technique! Yuri’s child is so cute, I hope everything will be fine with them. |
Feb 23, 4:04 AM
So thats what Blue Night is eh. Two major things happening in one night. |
Feb 23, 5:08 AM
yeah, please stop with the babies and giving birth topic, the way it was presented was outright disturbing. could have added more gore and body fluids to create a completely uncomfortable situation for the audience. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Feb 23, 8:33 AM
Feb 23, 11:52 AM
Amazing answering questions I forgot I had from S1 |
Feb 23, 3:16 PM
Reply to SydneyMc
The way that the Paladin was treating Yukio as a LITERAL INFANT made me physically gasp out loud - man was brutal!
@SydneyMc That wasn't the Paladin, just some random mustache bastard and his goons who got what was coming to them. Though the treatment was abhorrent regardless. |
Feb 23, 9:30 PM
baby rin killing everyone while yuri is giving birth really gave me chills |
Feb 24, 3:28 AM
Reply to celesokumura
baby rin killing everyone while yuri is giving birth really gave me chills
@celesokumura Rin as a nutcase baby was not on my bingo card. |
Feb 24, 10:15 AM
Honestly, I found this episode just way too edgy. So edgy that it became cringe, at least to me. I couldn't feel any emotion watching it, just a dull sense of "eh, so that's what happened". When that poor soldier was checking Yukio's eyes to see if Yukio was linked to Satan was burnt alive, the female doctor just took the baby from his ash-becoming hand (how tf do you die burnt alive but your hand falls perfectly to the ground holding the baby and protecting him from any brain damage?) like nothing happend. Like? Hello? A person just died burnt alive in front of you and you didn't even flinch... So overdramatic. It's a shame. I was really liking this season. It's probably just me though. This episode is a 1/10 for me. I am never this critic, but the experience was just appalling. It took me more than an hour to finish the episode. |
ClannadstanFeb 24, 10:40 AM
Feb 24, 10:21 AM
Reply to notthatjesus
Yuri really is a terrible exorcist because what do you mean you're fighting to let Satan's children, which canonically means the antichrist, live?
@notthatjesus that's something I honestly never understood from Blue Exorcist. I know it's not related to Christianity as how we westerners/Christians see it, but rather how (ignorant) Japanese people see it, but still, they are using clear references to Christianity, from crosses, to traditional dresses to the Vatican itself. I'm really biased on this matter because I'm a very religious catholic and I live literally in Rome very close to the Vatican City and Holy See itself, but man, I really dislike the fact that what is being presented as the truth is that Christian exorcists are actually evil men, the Vatican is as evil as the Illuminati and Satan, who is the personification of Evil incarnate to us Christians, is actually the good guy in the story. Satan has 0 redeemable qualities, but here he is capable of loving another human. What I found worse than anything though is how the author decided to make a woman fall in love with Satan himself and not seeing how giving birth to his son (who is actually the antichrist to us Christians who actually know who Satan is) is actually a world threatening tragedy. Like :/. Japanese should stick to their religions if they don't understand Christianity. |
ClannadstanFeb 24, 10:39 AM
Feb 24, 11:30 AM
Reply to Clannadstan
@notthatjesus that's something I honestly never understood from Blue Exorcist. I know it's not related to Christianity as how we westerners/Christians see it, but rather how (ignorant) Japanese people see it, but still, they are using clear references to Christianity, from crosses, to traditional dresses to the Vatican itself. I'm really biased on this matter because I'm a very religious catholic and I live literally in Rome very close to the Vatican City and Holy See itself, but man, I really dislike the fact that what is being presented as the truth is that Christian exorcists are actually evil men, the Vatican is as evil as the Illuminati and Satan, who is the personification of Evil incarnate to us Christians, is actually the good guy in the story. Satan has 0 redeemable qualities, but here he is capable of loving another human. What I found worse than anything though is how the author decided to make a woman fall in love with Satan himself and not seeing how giving birth to his son (who is actually the antichrist to us Christians who actually know who Satan is) is actually a world threatening tragedy. Like :/. Japanese should stick to their religions if they don't understand Christianity.
@Clannadstan I mean, I think that there's some points that you're missing here, my friend. First of all, I'm also a convinced orthodox. Of course, I sometimes complain about the way our beautiful religion is portrayed in manga. The one that immediately springs to mind is DRCL, where there's blatant blasphemy in a chapel. So I completely understand your frustration. However, I don't think most viewers watch Blue Exorcist for its religious aspect. The world it depicts is above all fantastic and deliberately exaggerated. What's more, the list of ‘villains’ you mention stems more from a misinterpretation of the film than from any real intention to harm Christianity. The Order of the True Cross in no way represents authentic Christianity, still less Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we were to transpose it to our reality, it would be more akin to the Inquisition or any other organisation that has used the name of Christ for purposes contrary to his teachings. As far as Satan is concerned, I don't entirely share your point of view. Maybe it's a question of interpretation, but if you look closely, this character has never felt affection for anyone except Yuri. His attachment to her is explained as soon as Rinka appears. This character, and even more so now, is shown as a repulsive, heartless, treacherous being who thinks only of his own pleasure. Like Mephisto or Lucifer. Neither of them has any good intentions. As for Yuri's supposed love for Satan, it seems to me that it's more a question of possession. Like so many others before her, she was deceived and manipulated by the Evil One. Her true love was Shiro. Finally, as far as Rin is concerned, although her image may evoke the Antichrist for us, the author's approach is quite different. She has chosen to make him the son of the most abominable being in order to show that we are not defined by our origins or condemned by the actions of our parents. We can all break our chains and choose our own path. In the end, to better understand this work, we would have to ask the author herself about her intentions. In any case, may the Lord bless you and your family, my brother in Christ. I remain open to discussion, so don't hesitate to respond. |
Feb 24, 12:13 PM
The blue night began. I don’t know if this means that Rin awakened Yukio’s powers or, rather, gave Yukio demonic powers. 😨 We also saw that Shiro stepped in to help contain Rin, along with Mephisto’s aid in restraining the demonic heart and convincing the Order not to attack Rin any further. Though, well, this is far from over, with Satan arriving. |
Feb 24, 3:09 PM
You know, I've been asking myself this question for a long time: why is Blue Exorcist my favourite series? There must be one or more reasons why, after so many years, this saga remains the one that touches me the most. Could it be nostalgia? No, I don't think so. I discovered My Hero Academia around the same time, and yet it doesn't evoke the same intensity in me. Could it be the influence of popular success? Neither. If it was, I'd probably be more attached to Naruto. No, it's something much more personal and profound. And this episode is striking proof of that. It's hard for me to put this feeling into words, but if I had to try, I'd say that no other work has accompanied me so much throughout my life, or made me feel such a wide spectrum of emotions. Joy, sadness, adrenaline, anger... Other series have awakened some of these sensations in me - Karakuri Circus, Vinland Saga, Insomniaques - but none of them has brought me back to that carefree childhood. That moment when, without worrying about tomorrow, I enjoyed an episode to the full before leaving for school, carried away by a simple, pure dose of happiness. With this episode, thanks to the sumptuous music, the masterful performance of the voice-overs and the captivating animation, I felt like that kid again, sitting on the family sofa, savouring the moment without a thought for the future. This may sound like a strange comment, but it's my sincerest feeling. Seeing this adaptation evolve and touch so many people around the world fills me with emotion and pride. So, whether it's for this season, this animation or simply for bringing this work to life with such respect and energy, from the bottom of my heart: thank you, Studio Voln. PS: The whole fight scene gave me the shivers, but when the Oceanids appeared and the music started, it was the apotheosis. I was so overexcited that I couldn't stand still, having to move to get rid of the overflow of emotions. (OCEANIDES CARCEEEEER) In short, Blue Exorcist is and will remain, in my eyes, an iconic work. |
Feb 24, 4:08 PM
Wow Satan caused pure chaos everywhere, and it's even more chaotic as Yuri is giving birth to her 2nd children... but Satan actually came back in another body by the end. |
Feb 24, 9:25 PM
Just when the boys are saved Satan shows up to screw everything up |
Feb 25, 4:51 AM
Yuri deserves so much better than that immature manchild Satan. She also deserves better than to get blamed for this entire situation when it was the fault of those men who started the entire project. Satan accidentally confessing to his son (Lucifer) was kinda funny though. Not so funny was that his search for a body caused so many people to die and others to probably get traumatised (like the Shima brothers). Though I'm glad those Exorcists in the "delivery room" got what they deserved. I'm also glad those childbirth scenes were written by a woman. Overall great episode. |
Feb 25, 3:26 PM
it's great as always |
Feb 25, 7:58 PM
Are you serious!? A cliffhanger at the final moment! This episode was intense. We find out that The Blue Night was a result of Satan’s love and rage towards Yuri (sparked by Lucifer). The whole time, Satan was setting everyone on fire in order to find a compatible body. And Mephisto’s plot was what I expected. To have Shiro seal Rin’s heart within the Koma sword and eventually raise the two children. But how will the blue night truly end? Will Satan end things in a Romeo & Juliet fashion, bringing Yuri down with him? Shoutout to big brother Rin! He’s been protecting his family literally since birth. If it wasn’t for him, Yukio would be dead |
MasterKFeb 26, 8:17 AM
Feb 26, 10:53 AM
idk, it was a fine episode, kinda cool, but more than half of it was just Satan killing people, not that impressive btw how fkng incompetent are the exorcists? I get it, Rin it's the son of Satan, but still it was just a fucking baby, they had the best exorcists there, and no one was able to do shit lmao |
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~ Btw, cry about it. |
Feb 26, 5:44 PM
Reply to Kumoiro_Shizuki
@Clannadstan I mean, I think that there's some points that you're missing here, my friend. First of all, I'm also a convinced orthodox. Of course, I sometimes complain about the way our beautiful religion is portrayed in manga. The one that immediately springs to mind is DRCL, where there's blatant blasphemy in a chapel. So I completely understand your frustration.
However, I don't think most viewers watch Blue Exorcist for its religious aspect. The world it depicts is above all fantastic and deliberately exaggerated. What's more, the list of ‘villains’ you mention stems more from a misinterpretation of the film than from any real intention to harm Christianity.
The Order of the True Cross in no way represents authentic Christianity, still less Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we were to transpose it to our reality, it would be more akin to the Inquisition or any other organisation that has used the name of Christ for purposes contrary to his teachings.
As far as Satan is concerned, I don't entirely share your point of view. Maybe it's a question of interpretation, but if you look closely, this character has never felt affection for anyone except Yuri. His attachment to her is explained as soon as Rinka appears. This character, and even more so now, is shown as a repulsive, heartless, treacherous being who thinks only of his own pleasure. Like Mephisto or Lucifer. Neither of them has any good intentions. As for Yuri's supposed love for Satan, it seems to me that it's more a question of possession. Like so many others before her, she was deceived and manipulated by the Evil One. Her true love was Shiro.
Finally, as far as Rin is concerned, although her image may evoke the Antichrist for us, the author's approach is quite different. She has chosen to make him the son of the most abominable being in order to show that we are not defined by our origins or condemned by the actions of our parents. We can all break our chains and choose our own path.
In the end, to better understand this work, we would have to ask the author herself about her intentions. In any case, may the Lord bless you and your family, my brother in Christ. I remain open to discussion, so don't hesitate to respond.
However, I don't think most viewers watch Blue Exorcist for its religious aspect. The world it depicts is above all fantastic and deliberately exaggerated. What's more, the list of ‘villains’ you mention stems more from a misinterpretation of the film than from any real intention to harm Christianity.
The Order of the True Cross in no way represents authentic Christianity, still less Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we were to transpose it to our reality, it would be more akin to the Inquisition or any other organisation that has used the name of Christ for purposes contrary to his teachings.
As far as Satan is concerned, I don't entirely share your point of view. Maybe it's a question of interpretation, but if you look closely, this character has never felt affection for anyone except Yuri. His attachment to her is explained as soon as Rinka appears. This character, and even more so now, is shown as a repulsive, heartless, treacherous being who thinks only of his own pleasure. Like Mephisto or Lucifer. Neither of them has any good intentions. As for Yuri's supposed love for Satan, it seems to me that it's more a question of possession. Like so many others before her, she was deceived and manipulated by the Evil One. Her true love was Shiro.
Finally, as far as Rin is concerned, although her image may evoke the Antichrist for us, the author's approach is quite different. She has chosen to make him the son of the most abominable being in order to show that we are not defined by our origins or condemned by the actions of our parents. We can all break our chains and choose our own path.
In the end, to better understand this work, we would have to ask the author herself about her intentions. In any case, may the Lord bless you and your family, my brother in Christ. I remain open to discussion, so don't hesitate to respond.
@Kumoiro_Shizuki Good evening brother, I'm sorry for taking so long to answer. Work has been rough on me lately, I can't even sleep proprerly sadly, but let's get into the response ^^: first of all: I made the giant mistake of checking what was that DCRL scene you were talking about. I find it disgusting not for the act but because Sakamoto, who I actually used to respect, had the audacity of making that happen in a chapel. I don't think that he was being a satanist or something like that, I think that he is a japanese/pagan ignorant who does not respect our religion. People who have not grown up with Christianity can not understand how absymal that was. I get it, you are not Christian but have some respect for those who identify as Christians. That's one of the moments when I think of myself that Japanese people should stick to their tribal religions and not be allowed to speak of our religion, because it shows how ignorant and disrespectful they can be. Funnily though, just 2 days ago I was able to watch a movie called Kimi no Iro. I wrote a review about it, basically it has a deep christian foundation and i love it. Three guys use an abandoned church to practice their rock band. You shhould check that out. It made me cry so much lol. Stunning work of art. Probably the only japanese medium that depicts our religion without their stupid pagan bias. About Blue Exorcist: I understand all your points and actually agree. But I still feel like the author decied to corrupt some aspects: the Devil's names are actually those of real demonic beings. Gehenna is actually present in the Bible, I remember reading about it in Reveletions, it is the place of eternal damnation where souls of the people whose name wasn't written in the Book of Life get thrown in Judgment Day. I still feel like using Christian lore but allowing bhuddist monks to see devils and stuff like that is pretty messed up. I like your stances on Satan and Rin, I don't agree on Yuri's though. I know it was meant to birth Rin and start the story, but no matter what, no matter if you call it Rinka or any other name: once you understand that that being is literally the most evil being of all time, you don't go there and copulate with him. I can agree and understand what you mean on "controlling Satan" but I feel like Yuri legit loves him... and she loves her sons. I can understan they are her sons, a mother loves her sons always. But they are SATAN' sons too... I like your opinion on Rin, I really respect that and like that view. God bless you and your loved ones dear orthobro ^^ |
Feb 27, 11:14 AM
I thought we would have finished that backstory by now, will this be the whole season? |
Feb 28, 7:28 AM
Alright, kino is back on the menu. What had me amazed about the whole aftermath of the twins' birth is that the person who showed themselves the most sensible, reasonable, mature, understanding and, dare I say it, compassionate in that situation is... a literal demon. Out of all the scores of humans there. That's just... wow. But Mephisto's duality is never far away, and the way he just stood there, dispassionately observing without lifting a finger as the Paladin died with that pitiful, broken 'Father', a desperate plea for his help, on his lips is another wow, in a very different sense. Which is why, surprisingly enough, I found myself feeling the most not for Yuri - with her, her suffering is foretold and par for the course - but for the Paladin. The grow-ass confident and proud man of authority pathetically begging his 'father' for salvation in his last moments like a lost 5 year old and getting none. And all after his opinion on how to deal with Rin's body had gotten rebuked by said father (the face Mephisto made at that moment... like he was looking at a maggot on a pile of dung before his feet) just moments earlier, too... damn. Abel Franken is probably a clone from the Samael batch who had gotten a recommendation from Mephisto to become an exorcist like Shirou did but, considering his age, it must've happened 15 years before Shirou got his. That said, I also wouldn't put it past Mephisto to seduce some good woman and get her pregnant just for the sake of an experiment and for seeing first-hand the whole developmental process of a hybrid between a human and a top-ranking demon and all it entails in preparation for the birth of Satan's kids. This option is even worse, though thankfully less likely. Either way, Abel got the short end of the stick. It's clear that he (the Paladin btw) absolutely adored Mephisto (a demon! just think about it!), regardless of whether he was a clone or a real biological son, even his goatee is a tribute to this love and adoration. Even after turning into an adult man in a position of power half a century old he hadn't gotten over it, desperately wanting his father figure's acknowledgement till his dying breath... tough luck, man. It's in moments like these that it hits the hardest that Mephisto really is a demon, he may discern and understand human emotions better than humans themselves do but, unlike with humans, they never become his governing principle and never really push aside or challenge the cold hard rationale that drives him. |
ったく、嫌な世の中だよ。 |
Mar 1, 2:46 AM
Reply to Clannadstan
@Kumoiro_Shizuki Good evening brother, I'm sorry for taking so long to answer. Work has been rough on me lately, I can't even sleep proprerly sadly, but let's get into the response ^^:
first of all: I made the giant mistake of checking what was that DCRL scene you were talking about. I find it disgusting not for the act but because Sakamoto, who I actually used to respect, had the audacity of making that happen in a chapel. I don't think that he was being a satanist or something like that, I think that he is a japanese/pagan ignorant who does not respect our religion. People who have not grown up with Christianity can not understand how absymal that was. I get it, you are not Christian but have some respect for those who identify as Christians.
That's one of the moments when I think of myself that Japanese people should stick to their tribal religions and not be allowed to speak of our religion, because it shows how ignorant and disrespectful they can be. Funnily though, just 2 days ago I was able to watch a movie called Kimi no Iro. I wrote a review about it, basically it has a deep christian foundation and i love it. Three guys use an abandoned church to practice their rock band. You shhould check that out. It made me cry so much lol. Stunning work of art. Probably the only japanese medium that depicts our religion without their stupid pagan bias.
About Blue Exorcist: I understand all your points and actually agree. But I still feel like the author decied to corrupt some aspects: the Devil's names are actually those of real demonic beings. Gehenna is actually present in the Bible, I remember reading about it in Reveletions, it is the place of eternal damnation where souls of the people whose name wasn't written in the Book of Life get thrown in Judgment Day. I still feel like using Christian lore but allowing bhuddist monks to see devils and stuff like that is pretty messed up.
I like your stances on Satan and Rin, I don't agree on Yuri's though. I know it was meant to birth Rin and start the story, but no matter what, no matter if you call it Rinka or any other name: once you understand that that being is literally the most evil being of all time, you don't go there and copulate with him. I can agree and understand what you mean on "controlling Satan" but I feel like Yuri legit loves him... and she loves her sons. I can understan they are her sons, a mother loves her sons always. But they are SATAN' sons too... I like your opinion on Rin, I really respect that and like that view.
God bless you and your loved ones dear orthobro ^^
first of all: I made the giant mistake of checking what was that DCRL scene you were talking about. I find it disgusting not for the act but because Sakamoto, who I actually used to respect, had the audacity of making that happen in a chapel. I don't think that he was being a satanist or something like that, I think that he is a japanese/pagan ignorant who does not respect our religion. People who have not grown up with Christianity can not understand how absymal that was. I get it, you are not Christian but have some respect for those who identify as Christians.
That's one of the moments when I think of myself that Japanese people should stick to their tribal religions and not be allowed to speak of our religion, because it shows how ignorant and disrespectful they can be. Funnily though, just 2 days ago I was able to watch a movie called Kimi no Iro. I wrote a review about it, basically it has a deep christian foundation and i love it. Three guys use an abandoned church to practice their rock band. You shhould check that out. It made me cry so much lol. Stunning work of art. Probably the only japanese medium that depicts our religion without their stupid pagan bias.
About Blue Exorcist: I understand all your points and actually agree. But I still feel like the author decied to corrupt some aspects: the Devil's names are actually those of real demonic beings. Gehenna is actually present in the Bible, I remember reading about it in Reveletions, it is the place of eternal damnation where souls of the people whose name wasn't written in the Book of Life get thrown in Judgment Day. I still feel like using Christian lore but allowing bhuddist monks to see devils and stuff like that is pretty messed up.
I like your stances on Satan and Rin, I don't agree on Yuri's though. I know it was meant to birth Rin and start the story, but no matter what, no matter if you call it Rinka or any other name: once you understand that that being is literally the most evil being of all time, you don't go there and copulate with him. I can agree and understand what you mean on "controlling Satan" but I feel like Yuri legit loves him... and she loves her sons. I can understan they are her sons, a mother loves her sons always. But they are SATAN' sons too... I like your opinion on Rin, I really respect that and like that view.
God bless you and your loved ones dear orthobro ^^
@Clannadstan I also apologise for the delay in replying, brother. Like you, studying takes up a lot of my time, especially at this time of year. Indeed, DRCL is a real disappointment for me too. I really like his stories, especially The Climber and Innocent, which are probably among my favourites, because of their drawing and their rich, well-developed story. But he seems to have completely lost his way during the writing of this manga. And that's a sad state of affairs. After that, it's true that Japanese society is rather ignorant of our faith. Nevertheless, I have to say that there are some works that have a deep respect for it. I'm thinking in particular of Orb and Innocent Shonen Juujigun. These openly criticise the institutional and political excesses of the church in the past (particularly during the Middle Ages), but in no way (at least in my opinion) insult our faith. On the contrary, and I'm going to avoid divulging anything to you as much as possible, but there's a character called Badeni in Orb who is a model of the faith in my opinion. He's certainly a rather unique priest, but despite everything he remains firm in his faith and knows that the right path is that of Christ. As for Innocent Shounen, he may seem a little more strange and/or inaccessible, so don't take my words for granted. There is also, although I've only read the beginning, the manga/oav by the great Rumiko Takahashi called One Pound Gospel, which talks openly about Christianity. But then again, I haven't seen it, so I could be wrong. As for Kimi No Iro, the trailer was touching, so thank you for the suggestion. As far as Blue Exorcist is concerned, I also understand your point of view. There are a lot of Christian references, like the Gehenna (also mentioned in chapter 5 verse 22 of Matthew's gospel). But I think, in my humble opinion, that Kato wanted to make a sort of potpourri of all the world's beliefs by combining them to make a world turned towards Spritism. Just look at how the Aztec believers were portrayed. As for Yuri, I may have misspoken as well. What I meant was that Satan manipulated Yuri for this very specific purpose. Just look at all the love she has for Shiro throughout the story. But it's true that some of her actions are illogical. I suppose it was all for the good of the story. In any case, thank you very much for your kind message. It's a pleasure to talk to people like you. God bless you and have a good Sunday. |
Mar 3, 7:42 AM
the heart was sealed in the sword, but it is not the end of the nightmare! kekeke |
Mar 8, 7:42 PM
Woah, baby Rin defeated a paladin, while some random 3 exorcist manage trapping baby Rin inside a water magic circle.... No wonder Yukio is a retard, just look at that shit paladin treating him during his 5 minutes of life... I was confuse when saw Shiemi on those timeline and her name is also Shiemi....Huh? Hope they explain that later... is she the same Shiemi? or it's her mother??? The father with his wife and baby that Satan try to process kinda look similar with Shiro simp assistant...... The whole Blue Night tragedy is very sad when some of the protagonists group family is dead protecting them. It's not Satan went berserk to unleash his deadly blue flame event, it's actually him trying to find a very strong body to process. Satan with his insane mind suddenly think Lucifer as Yuri? Ahaha, Yuri has a pretty sexy voice you know, while Lucifer... Sure he have a nice soothing voice... but it is still a male voice... IT IS ALL LUCIFER FAULT those event happened. For world peace bullshit indeed Lucifer. |
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