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Jul 26, 2024 7:58 AM

Nov 2011
Man, the scenes between 2B and 9S just reminds more of their unique relationship. Similar to the game, they continously have those small talks every now and then.

On another note, it's scary but also incredible how intelligent the machines are in destroying humanity. 9S' peace didn't last long as he found himself fighting for surival again. Not even a moment of peace for this guy. The machine designs from this episode reminds me of the game with the desert-like setting.
Jul 26, 2024 7:58 AM

Dec 2021
The climax of Route C at last.

The machine lifeforms not only infected the YoRHa units on the ground but also infiltrated the Bunker through a virus, triggering a self-destruct sequence. This led to the collapse of the 13th satellite orbital base, the Bunker. 2B and 9S managed to avoid contamination and successfully escaped from the Bunker. They now begin their descent back to the surface to find the remaining YoRHa units and continue their mission.

Remember playing this entire episode like it was yesterday... fuck it hurts to have to see it again. It really does hurt to see just gradually as the episode goes on the virus just takes over. Love how they showed it from 9S' perspective for a second there. Which ofc leads to 2A arriving and ending 2B's misery, once and for all. Props to 9S' seiyuu. Dude killed it as he just slowly transcends into rage. And there it is. That fucking tower.

Goodness. A-1, you knocked it out of the planet this time. Thank you.

R.I.P. 2B... πŸ’”

Jul 26, 2024 9:04 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Umm, what? R.I.P 2B? :(
Jul 26, 2024 9:38 AM

Jul 2017
Route C's big moment is here and while it was clear in the episode itself (like the game) that it was building up to the moment you knew was going to happen, it still hit. 2B's virus still lingered enough for the contamination to take place and her struggle with the percentage of the contamination acting as a countdown for her was brutal to watch. A2 managed to show up and save her from dying from the hands of the already infected YoRHa soldiers but 2B's infected nature was too late to save. At least A2 managed to see her memories and witness what all she went through, accepted them and ended 2B's misery before she completely lost herself and went berserk like the others. 9S getting the glimpse of his beloved partner there die at the hands of A2 in such a bloody manner had him lose his complete mind before he fell off the bridge. The voice acting was great, the emotions were there and with the title drop at the end there. The flashbacks and perspectives shifting between 2B and 9S hit (especially from 2B's side) and yeah, the ending leaves a depressing and ominous feeling with what is to happen with a full 8 episodes to still go. Rest in peace to 2B, glad she still managed to die with her emotions still in tact enough without losing herself and calling 9S 'Nines' in the end to be at peace. The voice acting with 9S' rage there was awesome as well.

This episode like the other two, were so great and conveys well the brutal rollercoaster of emotions that this game can really showcase. The previous episode was more unpredictable and horrifying but this was more emotionally weakening as a whole. The cover girl and the main character dying like that is not something we see too often and with the bunker exploding for good, the moments in this episode all but confirms that. Great stuff though and this start continues to go very strongly as one of the very best from this season for me.
animejasJul 26, 2024 10:31 AM
Jul 26, 2024 9:41 AM

Dec 2019
Another peak ep here and man, this whole ep hurt seeing 2B end up like that and 9S' raging too to A2 there (she did the right thing tho). RIP 2B/E.
Jul 26, 2024 9:45 AM

May 2015
And here we go. Now into the tower
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 26, 2024 9:51 AM

Feb 2019
Another masterfully adapted episode man they’re doing this justice which is insane because we thought this was unadaptable. 2B gradual succumbing to the logic virus as she realises the emotions she’s harboured for 9s all this time was gut wrenching and of course that ending!

The expanded dialogue from the commander as the bunker exploded the ost and that aerial battle whew, A-1 know how to make a scene epic and give you goosebumps for sure. Animation in that fight scene is so cool and I love how they give off the video game vibe even in anime format.

Seeing 2B and 9s love story evolve over time through their memories from each of their perspectives was so good. Before she knew it 2B had fallen deeply in love with 9s but didn’t have the frame of reference to express that.

A2 my beloved 😍 they did her justice today. For someone as stoic as she normally is to be shaken shows you the weight of 2B memories and wishes for the future that she passed on. Hate it had to end that way for her πŸ’”

what a scene for 9s to walk into though. 9s seiyuu deserves all the awards for that feral scream. Could feel all the pain through my screen.

Getting close to the endgame now.. can’t wait to see what A-1 cook up
Marinate1016Jul 26, 2024 11:33 AM
Jul 26, 2024 9:54 AM

Jul 2011
Find someone that loves you like 9S loves 2B.

The sword have NFC. A sword that is a data storage too. Nice.

Jul 26, 2024 10:26 AM

Jan 2018
Oh, man... It's that episode already. Even though I already played the game, 2B's death hit hard when I first found out about it and it still hits hard now. :(

The voice actors did such an amazing job conveying the emotions of the characters. Especially 9S's voice actor. And the animation also conveyed it very well.

This was arguably the episode I was looking forward to the most in Season 2. And A-1 did not disappoint. Crazy how they disappointed me so much with the Persona 5 anime which made me so worried about NieR: Automata's anime adaptation initially. Season 1 was still a bit weird tho.

It's still not over yet so I can't say for sure that they've already redeemed themselves since the hard part begins from now.

Even tho it's the 2nd time I'm experiencing the story it's still emotionally destroying me. It's why I refuse to rewatch or replay certain things.
I can't wait to watch the rest.

The infamous screen.
0451Jul 27, 2024 12:07 AM
Jul 26, 2024 10:26 AM

Oct 2015
I gotta say, they are adapting this so fucking well the last 3 episodes. They also use the ost a lot better then in season 1, there it sometimes felt a bit out of place or out of balance. But with the commander going down and , well. The entire episode 4 have been amazing.

I honestly never thought i would say this.. But A-1, you guys are crushing the expectations this season!
Jul 26, 2024 10:50 AM
Oct 2020
I want to cry. again.
Jul 26, 2024 10:56 AM
Oct 2020
I don't know if I can take any more emotional damage. God damn it why do anime girls always have to cut their hair? RIP A2's hair. I'm going to miss it. Also RIP 2B

9S's screams are going to keep ringing in my ears for a bit.

This season/part has been amazing. I just pray pray pray that there's not issues this time and no delays.

Despite never played the game I've been enjoying this series a lot despite the delays that happened in the first part. Also just noticed there's quite a big drop in people watching this compared to part 1. People are missing out
RexnihiloJul 26, 2024 11:01 AM
Jul 26, 2024 11:04 AM

Jan 2009
holy shit 2b died? or her memories are now transferred to a2 so she becomes 2b too? any gamer can spoil it for me?
Jul 26, 2024 11:15 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to deg
holy shit 2b died? or her memories are now transferred to a2 so she becomes 2b too? any gamer can spoil it for me?

LuizMakarovJul 26, 2024 11:33 AM
Jul 26, 2024 11:17 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to LuizMakarov

@LuizMakarov ah ok thanks for the info so we might see
degJul 26, 2024 11:39 AM
Jul 26, 2024 11:27 AM

Jun 2015
Its just sad that all their allies and friends that they had made are now either dead or are enemies thanks to being hacked by the machines. Whats worst than infected allies are ones that don't care about their lives. That machine ball snake sure was a creative design. Nice to see A2 re enter the narrative. But man seeing 2B's arc end like this sure was tragic. Equally tragic is 9s's descent into madness.
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Jul 26, 2024 11:31 AM

Jul 2010
Second season is so much better, man, and hits harder than the previous one. Absolutely hate s1, but so far they're nailing s2.

I really hope the quality stays the same + there won't be any more "changes for the sake of changes". I am still a bit salty they cut off a lot of content in order to shove ~40 hours into 24 episodes (no I don't want to see every single quest to be animated but there's a lot of things that were left off screen or rushed af), but hey, who am I to complain...

9S scream is peak voice acting, sounds so feral
Jul 26, 2024 11:34 AM
Feb 2022
Well, now the season has officially kicked into high gear now that the prologue is done. Having played the game, it is exciting to see how they did justice to this and more sequences to come.
Jul 26, 2024 11:41 AM
Jan 2016
Reply to Shingster
Its just sad that all their allies and friends that they had made are now either dead or are enemies thanks to being hacked by the machines. Whats worst than infected allies are ones that don't care about their lives. That machine ball snake sure was a creative design. Nice to see A2 re enter the narrative. But man seeing 2B's arc end like this sure was tragic. Equally tragic is 9s's descent into madness.
@Shingster Well that's the case for the Yorha units. There's still Lily's resistance and Pascal's village, we don't know their fates as of now.
Jul 26, 2024 11:43 AM
Jan 2016
Reply to deg
@LuizMakarov ah ok thanks for the info so we might see

Only if you want to be spoiled on the romantic possibilities.

Jul 26, 2024 11:48 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Quiddity131

Only if you want to be spoiled on the romantic possibilities.

@Quiddity131 welp if the adaptation is faithful then ok no choice but if its not faithful they might change the ending
Jul 26, 2024 11:57 AM

Apr 2021
As someone who don't play game, this second part is incredibly messy. I just don't understand anything about what is happening anymore.
I'll avoid anything written by this scenarist in the future.
Too bad, I rather liked the first part, even though it was not exceptionally written already, it was at least understandable.
Jul 26, 2024 11:58 AM
Feb 2022
IzanaSolos said:
The climax of Route C at last.

The machine lifeforms not only infected the YoRHa units on the ground but also infiltrated the Bunker through a virus, triggering a self-destruct sequence. This led to the collapse of the 13th satellite orbital base, the Bunker. 2B and 9S managed to avoid contamination and successfully escaped from the Bunker. They now begin their descent back to the surface to find the remaining YoRHa units and continue their mission.

Remember playing this entire episode like it was yesterday... fuck it hurts to have to see it again. It really does hurt to see just gradually as the episode goes on the virus just takes over. Love how they showed it from 9S' perspective for a second there. Which ofc leads to 2A arriving and ending 2B's misery, once and for all. Props to 9S' seiyuu. Dude killed it as he just slowly transcends into rage. And there it is. That fucking tower.

Goodness. A-1, you knocked it out of the planet this time. Thank you.

R.I.P. 2B... πŸ’”

This isn’t the end of Route C. This was just the prologue of this play through.
Jul 26, 2024 12:39 PM
Jan 2015
Even though I knew what was gonna happen, it still didn't make it any better!
Jul 26, 2024 12:58 PM

Jul 2010
Reply to rvdboom
As someone who don't play game, this second part is incredibly messy. I just don't understand anything about what is happening anymore.
I'll avoid anything written by this scenarist in the future.
Too bad, I rather liked the first part, even though it was not exceptionally written already, it was at least understandable.
@rvdboom it's almost pointless to watch anime without at least playing the game, because it's amalgmation of events, stories, games etc. Season 1 especially. It's very easy to get lost.
I don't understand how people try to make sense of it and missing half the context. Even I don't feel 100 % comfortable since they keep bringing up Replicant I never played.

Part 1 is much easier to understand (if you close your eyes on missing context and ignore the stuff you don't understand). Part 2 demands your full attention and understanding of what's going on. Part 2 is the reveal and the catharsis, the big payoff. But I think with enough effort, you COULD make sense of it, especially with a lot of stuff being explained.

With all that said, Yoko Taro is one of the most brilliant writers in the industry. No cap fr. I have infinite respect for this man for writing Automata.
Jul 26, 2024 1:22 PM
May 2021
Damn rip 2b man no wayy shes dead…
Jul 26, 2024 1:29 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to 0451
Oh, man... It's that episode already. Even though I already played the game, 2B's death hit hard when I first found out about it and it still hits hard now. :(

The voice actors did such an amazing job conveying the emotions of the characters. Especially 9S's voice actor. And the animation also conveyed it very well.

This was arguably the episode I was looking forward to the most in Season 2. And A-1 did not disappoint. Crazy how they disappointed me so much with the Persona 5 anime which made me so worried about NieR: Automata's anime adaptation initially. Season 1 was still a bit weird tho.

It's still not over yet so I can't say for sure that they've already redeemed themselves since the hard part begins from now.

Even tho it's the 2nd time I'm experiencing the story it's still emotionally destroying me. It's why I refuse to rewatch or replay certain things.
I can't wait to watch the rest.

The infamous screen.
@0451 The question is just the order to experience each character POV since you end up playing both.
You don't miss anything regardless of which path you choose first.

For ending, they will go for E 99% sure, they will just shrug off both C and D and jump straight to an adaptation of E without running around those 2.
Waifus only represent ideals
Jul 26, 2024 1:31 PM

Jan 2018
CorbanEsp said:
@0451 The question is just the order to experience each character POV since you end up playing both.
You don't miss anything regardless of which path you choose first.

For ending, they will go for E 99% sure, they will just shrug off both C and D and jump straight to an adaptation of E without running around those 2.

Makes sense. I never replayed the game to check if they were different.

And yeah I know they're probably gonna go for E but how will they reach it? Are they gonna completely skip the interactive parts? I have a feeling it might be a completely different ending that's done differently to suit the medium.
Jul 26, 2024 1:31 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to TheMangaManiac
@rvdboom it's almost pointless to watch anime without at least playing the game, because it's amalgmation of events, stories, games etc. Season 1 especially. It's very easy to get lost.
I don't understand how people try to make sense of it and missing half the context. Even I don't feel 100 % comfortable since they keep bringing up Replicant I never played.

Part 1 is much easier to understand (if you close your eyes on missing context and ignore the stuff you don't understand). Part 2 demands your full attention and understanding of what's going on. Part 2 is the reveal and the catharsis, the big payoff. But I think with enough effort, you COULD make sense of it, especially with a lot of stuff being explained.

With all that said, Yoko Taro is one of the most brilliant writers in the industry. No cap fr. I have infinite respect for this man for writing Automata.
@TheMangaManiac Thanks for the feedback. It's fine if it targets more the players of the game, I'm just not the good target for this. :-)
Hope you guys will keep enjoying it.
Jul 26, 2024 1:39 PM

Nov 2017
Another big episode! 2B's death is just as sensational as in the game!
Jul 26, 2024 2:17 PM

Feb 2014
Just like with the game, the anime aced this part of the story. You have a feeling that the worst was going to happen with the way things were going for 2B and 9S and that worst fear had come true.

In Brutal fashion, 2B got infected with the virus and was powerless to stop it from spreading inside of herself. It felt fitting for A2 to arrive, but she was also the one to put an end to 2B's life. As for 9S, being separated from 2B during the battle in the sky, then being held up by the annoying boss in the desert, which he did really well to win a tough fight, before arriving in the city ruins to see A2 plunge the sword into 2B proved to be too much for him to handle. His feral scream towards A2 was voiced with perfection in this scene in particular.

As with the game, we also get the title drop after that tower appears in its full form, welcoming us to the brutality of this particular route that the story is in right now. It's a sucker punch to the feels, that I can guarantee.

An excellent episode overall and I highly look forward to seeing how A-1 Pictures further adapts this part of the story.
Jul 26, 2024 2:19 PM

Jun 2017
Why did 2A cut her hair? Or since she got all of 2B's memories, they are somewhat merged now? Cause then 2B isn't really dead in that sense then. lol
Jul 26, 2024 2:28 PM

Sep 2018
Interesting, can't say I saw that coming.
Jul 26, 2024 2:33 PM
Feb 2021
Reply to 0451
Oh, man... It's that episode already. Even though I already played the game, 2B's death hit hard when I first found out about it and it still hits hard now. :(

The voice actors did such an amazing job conveying the emotions of the characters. Especially 9S's voice actor. And the animation also conveyed it very well.

This was arguably the episode I was looking forward to the most in Season 2. And A-1 did not disappoint. Crazy how they disappointed me so much with the Persona 5 anime which made me so worried about NieR: Automata's anime adaptation initially. Season 1 was still a bit weird tho.

It's still not over yet so I can't say for sure that they've already redeemed themselves since the hard part begins from now.

Even tho it's the 2nd time I'm experiencing the story it's still emotionally destroying me. It's why I refuse to rewatch or replay certain things.
I can't wait to watch the rest.

The infamous screen.
0451 said:
At this point in the game, you are asked to choose to play as either 9S or A2 at certain points. So, I wonder how that is going to be adapted. I guess both perspectives will be shown. And then there's still the question of how the ending will work.
Feel that next ep would be A2 flashback from HER (instead of Lily) perspective. Viewer need to be reminded who A2 is and feel to this character
Jul 26, 2024 2:34 PM

Oct 2021
Damn it, such pain... even after all these years. I thought 2B's death was handled well, although it could never match the game's impact.

There, you actually control her and see the logic virus worsen while slowly walking towards the bridge. It's a sequence of storytelling genius by the great Yoko Taro.

That sense of desperation as the screen/UI constantly glitches is difficult to pull off in an anime format, but they could've done more to show it IMO. Even so, it was still incredibly emotional, and I actually liked 9S' rage better here.

Now the emotional trauma arc begins...
Jul 26, 2024 2:56 PM

Jul 2017
Reply to MomoSinX
Why did 2A cut her hair? Or since she got all of 2B's memories, they are somewhat merged now? Cause then 2B isn't really dead in that sense then. lol
@MomoSinX It's a way to honor 2B after accepting her memories and recognizing what she was going through like a tribute, can also be interpreted as a change in some ways after recognizing 2B's' memories and experiencing a shift in mindset to grow with my interpretation at least. Change in mindset and moving on with someone cutting their hair short is seen a lot in other Japanese stories as well.
Jul 26, 2024 3:12 PM
Jan 2016
Reply to MomoSinX
Why did 2A cut her hair? Or since she got all of 2B's memories, they are somewhat merged now? Cause then 2B isn't really dead in that sense then. lol

From a meta standpoint, my understanding is they wanted to use footage of A2 to promote the game but trick people into thinking it was 2B with a different outfit.

This was rendered pointless in the anime, where they not only spoiled it in the OP but even in promotional material before the season started airing.

You could say there are tropey reasons to include it but the hair cut trope is monumentally overdone in anime and video games to the point that it comes off as incredibly lazy writing and I'd have hoped Yoko Taro wouldn't fall back on it.
Jul 26, 2024 3:27 PM
Jul 2024
Man, this was BRUTAL. But at least A2 has her Memory Data. Seeing that infection percentage was just chilling. Too bad 9S will never know this was an act of mercy.
Jul 26, 2024 3:28 PM
Aug 2023
Even though I know the story and have a strong idea what is going to happen... why am I still sad?
Jul 26, 2024 3:53 PM
Oct 2020
Anime onlys, prepare yourselves. This was only the beginning!

It still hurts even though I knew it was coming ;-;
Jul 26, 2024 4:21 PM

Sep 2018
Reply to rvdboom
As someone who don't play game, this second part is incredibly messy. I just don't understand anything about what is happening anymore.
I'll avoid anything written by this scenarist in the future.
Too bad, I rather liked the first part, even though it was not exceptionally written already, it was at least understandable.
@rvdboom I'm an anime-only too but the whole anime until now is pretty easy to understand for me. Much easier to understand than watching Lain or Ergo Proxy for the first time lol
Jul 26, 2024 4:32 PM
Oct 2020
I think 9S' breakdown is one of the best in anime/jrpg history. Hell yeah.
Jul 26, 2024 5:33 PM
Aug 2023
great, now i'm broken😭
Jul 26, 2024 5:46 PM

Jul 2022
Damn, did 2B really die? And on top of that, 9S misunderstood the moment he saw A2, which will push him further into madness. This is definitely going to be a lifelong pain. I knew NieR would break me, but I had no idea it would be this devastating.
Jul 26, 2024 6:28 PM

Nov 2021
Just when I thought last week it couldn't get any more depressing.. man this cour is so good
Jul 26, 2024 6:35 PM
Nov 2019
Why is 2B and 9S's love story as tragic as Frieren and Himmel 😭
Jul 26, 2024 8:00 PM

Dec 2018
I wish they showed more of the hacking; 9S is very important, maybe it doesn't make for good tv idk. Welcome back to A2, very important character that you don't get to see much of in A route but she's super important. I was hoping we'd spend more time on the rebels but I guess not. 2B made a statement something like "I spent so much time ___ing you, that could be taken as "killing" or "loving" and given the story I would believe the latter. It's all up to 9S and A2 right now, and shit is about to be fire!
Jul 26, 2024 11:59 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to rvdboom
As someone who don't play game, this second part is incredibly messy. I just don't understand anything about what is happening anymore.
I'll avoid anything written by this scenarist in the future.
Too bad, I rather liked the first part, even though it was not exceptionally written already, it was at least understandable.
@rvdboom It makes perfect sense to me. And Part 2 so far feels like an improvement over Part 1. But I already played the game and already know the full context. You're just better off playing the game. The writing is brilliant and not something that's doable in any other medium.
Jul 27, 2024 1:22 AM
Aug 2021
the_mantis42 said:
Well, now the season has officially kicked into high gear now that the prologue is done. Having played the game, it is exciting to see how they did justice to this and more sequences to come.

That Was All A Prologue?!
Now...The Credits Rolling These Last 2 Episodes Makes Sense
Jul 27, 2024 3:08 AM
Mar 2023
The episode was very good but i have a few gripes.

1. I think my biggest complain would be that Anime mentions too much of 9S wanting 2B to call him Nines. In the game we play like dozens of hours until this scene with 2B and if i remember correctly 9S only asked her twice to call him that (rollercoaster in amusement park and forest kindom) in the anime especially 2nd cour we were spammed with this a lot of times and for me it lost the impact like in the game.
2. My second thing would be the scene on the bridge where 9S breaks. I personally think that it took too much time in the anime (even tho that VA did really good job). The transition in the game from disbelief, sadness to anger was perfect. In the anime version the music/background sounds stopped and we had to watch 9S squeaking and screaming for like 20 seconds+, i swear at the end i started to feel cringy.
3. Also i think this is more subjective than the rest. I feel like the the build up to "that" moment wasn't as good in the anime as the game because of the perspective changes to 9S. The desert fight with 9S and the battle music there was imo unnecessary and was ruining the build up. It was building up in 2B perspective then going to 9S and losing it and then again to 2B and building up. I don't mind 9S being attacked by machines when trying to find 2B but being attacked by some Boss instead of just normal size ones kinda felt like they wanted to keep our attention span and make us hyped up. I know in Japan people like moments of relief/comedy between heavy scenes but i would personally prefer constant build up from the beginning to the end.

Don't get me wrong. I still loved this episode and i would give it like 9/10 but these changes above would imo make the episode even better.
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