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I don't think I have ever seen such a polarising view between the reviews and the actual score of this anime

May 2, 2022 10:37 AM

Dec 2017
A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it?
"Quoting fake quotes is the best way to sound smart on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln, 2003
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May 2, 2022 10:42 AM

Jul 2015
Hot takes bring more attention, so those reviews get more updoots.
There are actually way more positive reviews, but since they are just like any other, they barely get any attention.
You can look up any anime page and you'll see the same thing.

May 2, 2022 10:53 AM

Aug 2021
This happens a lot and it happens the other way too where the top reviews are mostly positive but the score is relatively low (Ex. Darling in the FranXX). I’m not really sure why but I think it just depends on the show cause some have good reviews high score, good reviews low score, bad reviews high score, and bad reviews low score. I think it’s mostly just random and depends on what reviews hit or not.
May 2, 2022 10:53 AM
Feb 2020
same with demon slayer
May 2, 2022 11:00 AM

Feb 2020
Steins gate 0 has top review score as 3/10 with a mal score of 8.52
Slime s2 has top review score as 3/10 with a mal score of 8.4
fairy tail has 2/10 with 7.59 mal score, bnha s4 has 2/10 with 7.95 and s3 had 3/10 with 8.09 and s4 has 1/10 with 7.4

This not as bad
AdampkMay 2, 2022 11:03 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

May 2, 2022 11:01 AM
Jul 2020
People with shitty hot takes get more traction and votes. A lot of people want to think they’re above “popular” anime as well. Lots of shows that do well get attacked by people who can’t let people enjoy things.
May 2, 2022 11:13 AM
Jul 2021
Those who hate or simply dislike sth are always the most vocal ones. But in the end, they're just a minority.
May 2, 2022 11:14 AM

Jun 2021
Whasz said:
A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it?

Actually this is quite common,take AoT S4P2 for example it has a score of 8.89 currently but the top review is of 2/10. Same for Steins Gate it's literally the 3rd highest anime on the site but has a top review of 3/10. Hot takes get more attention, this is evident. I haven't checked but pretty sure many other popular animes will have the same thing.
May 2, 2022 11:20 AM
Feb 2021
Hate is louder than positivity. The people lighting up forums and stuff are a very small minority. Don’t let it bother you and don’t listen to the posts. They shouldn’t affect your opinions on it.
May 2, 2022 11:20 AM
Jan 2021
Whasz said:
A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it?

Go see the top reviews of demon slayer and check the actual score lmao, it is just hater behavior
May 2, 2022 11:26 AM

Nov 2021
Whasz said:
A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it?

People here just like to straight up hate on whatever is popular so it's pretty normal
May 2, 2022 11:27 AM

Feb 2014
It’s because it was getting popular and certain fandoms get scared their obsessions will be taken out of the top of the list as a result. I won’t point any fingers but something similar happened when Fruits Basket made number one on the list, it got review bombed with a bunch of negative reviews and ratings. That’s honestly why the top 5 has barely changed over the years. That’s why I don’t trust reviews on here anymore, you never know if it’s an accurate review or someone hate bombing a title. I bet you the same thing’s gonna happen to Chainsaw Man when it comes out since it’s another anticipated possible hit.
May 2, 2022 11:35 AM

May 2009
Negative reviews are less common when an anime is well loved and people who don't like a hyped anime will be looking for a review they can relate to. So the upvotes from people looking for someone who is expressing their negative opinion will coalesce around the smaller number of negative reviews.
May 2, 2022 11:37 AM

Apr 2016
No, it's just that people who enjoy this anime have problems.

Deep, personal problems.
May 2, 2022 11:51 AM
Apr 2020
Swagernator said:
No, it's just that people who enjoy this anime have problems.

Deep, personal problems.

Even if it was the case, what gives you (or other ppl) the right to say shit like this? Don't forget that we are still talking about a piece of fiction that exists just to try to please people, to just give them 20 mins of relax. I did not see anywhere written that this was gonna be the peak of anime, realism or whatever other dumb things you wanted it to be. I dont know why are people taking seriously an anime that did not even pretend to be all that deep. Even if you dont like it it's fine, but going from not liking something to insulting people because they like it its just dumb, and i think you are the one that may have some deep problems if you feel the urge to say this nonsense
May 2, 2022 11:57 AM
Apr 2021
Another useless thread complaining about ratings
May 2, 2022 11:59 AM
Sep 2021
Simply said you either love it or hate it there is no between so there is nothing to be mad about
May 2, 2022 12:14 PM

Apr 2019
This is precisely one of the reasons why you shouldn't read reviews. Reviewers are minorities so using them as a source of reliance on whether you should start something is not... So great.
May 2, 2022 12:43 PM
Apr 2021
Henkei shojo is the one I’ve seen that’s super controversial. It’s mostly very high or very low scores. It makes sense why once you see it.
May 2, 2022 12:49 PM
Sep 2020
Negativity is always louder. Thats just how it is.
May 2, 2022 1:16 PM
Oct 2020
I don’t quite think that negativity is louder than positivity. I think that people who don’t agree with the general consensus of an anime are more passionate to disagree so they write/upvote those reviews, whether positive for a bad anime or negative for a good anime
May 2, 2022 1:26 PM

May 2021
Most people would say "The negatives are always louder, normal hater behavior". I wouldn't go that route because it is lazy. The reason that negative reviews in certain shows like My Dress-Up Darling are on top comes from the fact that they are anime that doesn't resist the usual analysis about its qualities, since its popularity comes from superficial characteristics that are certainly unrelated to a deeper purpose, or to say, anime that are certainly not meant to be smart and are potentially created within the margins of the fantasies of the author.
When an anime is not meant to be smart it is harder to make a positive review beyond one that complicately say "I enjoyed it", while people who doesn't like the anime have certainly many logical reasonings about their opinion, so they easily validate the opinions of people who find the same shortcomings. Can you make a positive review about a dumb anime? Yes, if you try to understand what they were coming for instead of elaborating the review from what you want them to create (Fanservice critics are guilty of this, the fanservice is not the problem of the anime, they clearly wanted to make fanservice, not an issue by itself). A positive review like that will always be more complicated since it needs a bit more of knowledge about the decision-making that could make something shallow/obscure great, and probably wouldn't fit this anime anyways because the main issue is that the romance fails miserably

May 2, 2022 3:07 PM
May 2021
People actually look at reviews on this site?
May 2, 2022 4:47 PM
Jun 2021
lower scores are more controversial so they get more attention
May 2, 2022 6:20 PM

Jul 2016
the main issue is that the romance fails miserably
the romance is not failed because its just not a focus this season its building their relationship to each more on hints but not heavy to it. The main girl realised her feelings early is good. Its slow progress but for it saying its failed is false because they dont have that realization to each other. Which can be build up to be romantic with the future

May 2, 2022 6:44 PM

May 2021
chriskor022 said:
the main issue is that the romance fails miserably
the romance is not failed because its just not a focus this season its building their relationship to each more on hints but not heavy to it. The main girl realised her feelings early is good. Its slow progress but for it saying its failed is false because they dont have that realization to each other. Which can be build up to be romantic with the future

I didnt meant that it failed because it didnt end up in a relationship conclussion. I said that it failed because the approach was wrong, the characters didn't have symbiotic relationships that allow the romance to flourish naturally, the interactions didnt have the back and forth because Marin just switched up constantly around her two personalities, and Marins get in love with Goujo just by being pretty much perfect in plenty of aspects. Not saying that there werent good parts, the Motel scene was really good, but the anime lacked that kind of moments that give that tension because of the aforementioned issues

May 2, 2022 7:02 PM

Jul 2016
Gween_Gween said:
chriskor022 said:
the romance is not failed because its just not a focus this season its building their relationship to each more on hints but not heavy to it. The main girl realised her feelings early is good. Its slow progress but for it saying its failed is false because they dont have that realization to each other. Which can be build up to be romantic with the future

I didnt meant that it failed because it didnt end up in a relationship conclussion. I said that it failed because the approach was wrong, the characters didn't have symbiotic relationships that allow the romance to flourish naturally, the interactions didnt have the back and forth because Marin just switched up constantly around her two personalities, and Marins get in love with Goujo just by being pretty much perfect in plenty of aspects. Not saying that there werent good parts, the Motel scene was really good, but the anime lacked that kind of moments that give that tension because of the aforementioned issues
its not that difficult to understand how she has a crush to him. Its part of her persona about her cosplay self and being a dere for Gojo is nothing wrong with it. This season has no lacking of their dynamic because its the focus of the anime. The tension is there and Gojo is feeling the same but he has some social issue or lack of self confidence which can develop as the story progresses. And the motel scene even the infamous measuring scene has some intense moments to it

May 2, 2022 7:03 PM
Jul 2018
tobythesandwich said:
People with shitty hot takes get more traction and votes. A lot of people want to think they’re above “popular” anime as well. Lots of shows that do well get attacked by people who can’t let people enjoy things.

Do you happen to describe everyone's opinion that you disagree with as "shitty hot takes"? Is this just how people deal with disagreements or something? I just hate the mentality that many people have that if you give a rating below 7/10 that you're basically just "attacking" and "not letting others enjoy things".
May 2, 2022 7:06 PM

Oct 2021
This is one of the reasons why revamping the review system is very much needed. Mushoku Tensei has a similar case too.
May 2, 2022 7:07 PM

May 2021
chriskor022 said:
Gween_Gween said:

I didnt meant that it failed because it didnt end up in a relationship conclussion. I said that it failed because the approach was wrong, the characters didn't have symbiotic relationships that allow the romance to flourish naturally, the interactions didnt have the back and forth because Marin just switched up constantly around her two personalities, and Marins get in love with Goujo just by being pretty much perfect in plenty of aspects. Not saying that there werent good parts, the Motel scene was really good, but the anime lacked that kind of moments that give that tension because of the aforementioned issues
its not that difficult to understand how she has a crush to him. Its part of her persona about her cosplay self and being a dere for Gojo is nothing wrong with it. This season has no lacking of their dynamic because its the focus of the anime. The tension is there and Gojo is feeling the same but he has some social issue or lack of self confidence which can develop as the story progresses. And the motel scene even the infamous measuring scene has some intense moments to it

I literally said that it is not difficult to understand her crush

May 2, 2022 7:24 PM

Jul 2016
Gween_Gween said:
chriskor022 said:
its not that difficult to understand how she has a crush to him. Its part of her persona about her cosplay self and being a dere for Gojo is nothing wrong with it. This season has no lacking of their dynamic because its the focus of the anime. The tension is there and Gojo is feeling the same but he has some social issue or lack of self confidence which can develop as the story progresses. And the motel scene even the infamous measuring scene has some intense moments to it

I literally said that it is not difficult to understand her crush
which i said that its not a failed romance because it is progress as the story goes. Its a series that has slow burn romance which is okay. And the important is the dynamic of the MCs building up to that most likely outcome but for now. The MCs gonna go through some developments especially Gojo

May 2, 2022 7:30 PM

Sep 2021
Who actually have the time to write a review lol ? It just says a lot about the person.

May 2, 2022 7:35 PM

Jul 2021
I don't even think you should even pay attention to reviews nowadays since everything to what they said isn't objective and it's meant to be subjective lol
May 2, 2022 7:51 PM

May 2021
chriskor022 said:
Gween_Gween said:

I literally said that it is not difficult to understand her crush
which i said that its not a failed romance because it is progress as the story goes. Its a series that has slow burn romance which is okay. And the important is the dynamic of the MCs building up to that most likely outcome but for now. The MCs gonna go through some developments especially Gojo

If your bar for a good romance is that it progresses then that is your own deal though

May 2, 2022 8:16 PM

Jul 2016
Gween_Gween said:
chriskor022 said:
which i said that its not a failed romance because it is progress as the story goes. Its a series that has slow burn romance which is okay. And the important is the dynamic of the MCs building up to that most likely outcome but for now. The MCs gonna go through some developments especially Gojo

If your bar for a good romance is that it progresses then that is your own deal though
thats true and most of it is not rocket science that you need some deep understanding of how the romance play out. Its doing good and executes it better and in line to some others anime with the same progress which is nice to see it slowly but surely rewarding. But me and others which shows in this anime has judged that its not a failed romance because its not true

May 2, 2022 8:30 PM

Aug 2020
Read the review. I for one agree with everythin it says. The interactions between Gojo and slut are boring and almost frustrating. We're here for boobs.
Keep scrolling
May 2, 2022 8:52 PM

May 2021
chriskor022 said:
Gween_Gween said:

If your bar for a good romance is that it progresses then that is your own deal though
thats true and most of it is not rocket science that you need some deep understanding of how the romance play out. Its doing good and executes it better and in line to some others anime with the same progress which is nice to see it slowly but surely rewarding. But me and others which shows in this anime has judged that its not a failed romance because its not true

Whatever dude, each on with their boat, I was just answering why it the top reviews are mostly negative, not criticizing the anime. If you feel like an anime progressing is a good measure about its quality (Spoiler alert, every anime should at least progress, the matter is always how) then you do what you do

May 2, 2022 9:00 PM

Aug 2021
Normally top reviews of popular seasonals are always bad despite the overall score. Its not just MDUD go to so many series and you will see like some random critic go 2/10 and make an essay on it.
May 2, 2022 9:06 PM

Apr 2018
Who cares? I actually prefer having dissenting opinions among the top reviews so it doesn't turn into a 10/10 circlejerk.

The people rating shows 10/10 simply because they enjoyed it are not the same people reading reviews and finding them helpful.
May 2, 2022 9:07 PM

Jul 2016
Gween_Gween said:
chriskor022 said:
thats true and most of it is not rocket science that you need some deep understanding of how the romance play out. Its doing good and executes it better and in line to some others anime with the same progress which is nice to see it slowly but surely rewarding. But me and others which shows in this anime has judged that its not a failed romance because its not true

Whatever dude, each on with their boat, I was just answering why it the top reviews are mostly negative, not criticizing the anime. If you feel like an anime progressing is a good measure about its quality (Spoiler alert, every anime should at least progress, the matter is always how) then you do what you do
and reviews are means nothing because its filled with misinfo and just a ruse to make it seem bad when its not. And with the number of ecchi there and bait there. The review is not a representation of the anime. And you should too. The negative is not a criticism and not to be take it seriously. Its all subjective which is what is matters. But my convo with you is about failed romance that im just answering. But to each own i guess

May 2, 2022 9:12 PM

Jul 2016
Zytoep said:
Who cares? I actually prefer having dissenting opinions among the top reviews so it doesn't turn into a 10/10 circlejerk.

The people rating shows 10/10 simply because they enjoyed it are not the same people reading reviews and finding them helpful.
it is. but circlejerking where is it? They review it as subjective as possible and with their deep fake analysis and some which get clicks are the ecchi buzzword. So being supportive with dissenting opinion is as worse as circlejerking which this anime has not happening at all. Its on about the reviews which is not that measurement to say the shows quality. Because its easily manipulated.

And others give it low its okay but judging the anime in through reviews are not okay because it filled with bias negative or positive which in MAL case is mostly negative and they are proud of it

May 2, 2022 9:34 PM

May 2021
chriskor022 said:
Gween_Gween said:

Whatever dude, each on with their boat, I was just answering why it the top reviews are mostly negative, not criticizing the anime. If you feel like an anime progressing is a good measure about its quality (Spoiler alert, every anime should at least progress, the matter is always how) then you do what you do
and reviews are means nothing because its filled with misinfo and just a ruse to make it seem bad when its not. And with the number of ecchi there and bait there. The review is not a representation of the anime. And you should too. The negative is not a criticism and not to be take it seriously. Its all subjective which is what is matters. But my convo with you is about failed romance that im just answering. But to each own i guess

There is a problem when you assume that saying "reviews are all subjective" is anything but a tautology

May 2, 2022 9:38 PM

Jul 2016
Gween_Gween said:
chriskor022 said:
and reviews are means nothing because its filled with misinfo and just a ruse to make it seem bad when its not. And with the number of ecchi there and bait there. The review is not a representation of the anime. And you should too. The negative is not a criticism and not to be take it seriously. Its all subjective which is what is matters. But my convo with you is about failed romance that im just answering. But to each own i guess

There is a problem when you assume that saying "reviews are all subjective" is anything but a tautology
because its facts. You cant make absolute that the reviews are objective. Because it is varied from each other. And reviews in general are subjctive anyway.

May 2, 2022 10:04 PM

May 2021
chriskor022 said:
Gween_Gween said:

There is a problem when you assume that saying "reviews are all subjective" is anything but a tautology
because its facts. You cant make absolute that the reviews are objective. Because it is varied from each other. And reviews in general are subjctive anyway.

Do you even know what tautology means

May 2, 2022 10:09 PM

Oct 2018
Same shit with positive reviews. In the end, all are just opinions.

“Once you've been loved once and have loved once, you cannot forget it.”
― Natsume Takashi
May 2, 2022 10:17 PM
Nov 2019
sad part is that people only focus on the fanservice and put their own nitpicks over the actual good point of the show. Hating fanservice is a you problem. I want a review that doesn't say it's bad because of fanservice because that's just false. looking past your childish hate for fanservice, the show is high quality
May 2, 2022 10:19 PM

Jul 2016
Gween_Gween said:
chriskor022 said:
because its facts. You cant make absolute that the reviews are objective. Because it is varied from each other. And reviews in general are subjctive anyway.

Do you even know what tautology means
yes and what is the problem to it. And the word is related to the subject on hand

May 3, 2022 12:59 AM
Jan 2021
I get it, but I think more people just upvote those reviews because they agree with it. I’ve tried to respectfully critique this show once and ended up with massive amount of hate. Every fandom is hypocritical. I think it’s ok to hate this show and I think it’s ok to love this show, that’s what anime fandoms cannot come to terms with.

It’s all about enjoyment. Enjoyment trumps everything else. As for me, I could not enjoy it.
The right mindset when watching an anime is hoping that it will break your top 10
May 3, 2022 1:09 AM
Jul 2020
AwokenStroken said:
tobythesandwich said:
People with shitty hot takes get more traction and votes. A lot of people want to think they’re above “popular” anime as well. Lots of shows that do well get attacked by people who can’t let people enjoy things.

Do you happen to describe everyone's opinion that you disagree with as "shitty hot takes"? Is this just how people deal with disagreements or something? I just hate the mentality that many people have that if you give a rating below 7/10 that you're basically just "attacking" and "not letting others enjoy things".

Aww, you poor thing. You lack reading comprehension.

Because words are hard. There are plenty of people who just hate popular things without any reason besides them being popular. So they use that stance to try and bring people down. Not every person has legitimate dislikes of a show outside of they think it’s too popular.
tobythesandwichMay 3, 2022 1:12 AM
May 3, 2022 1:21 AM

Feb 2021
Horimiya also comes to mind, I think.
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