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Jul 10, 2021 10:00 AM

Nov 2011
Well, there's Kazuya at work and putting his brains to use to help their economy. I mean, boosting food production sounds like a plausible idea. He and Liscia still has somewhat of a rocky relationship but I guess he's handling it well.

It's actually quite impressive how much progress Kazuya already made though. His charisma made his speech impactful and perhaps even earning the trust of the people.

Jul 10, 2021 10:33 AM

Apr 2016
Thats nice and dandy and all but we need more screen time of the former queen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 10, 2021 10:41 AM

Apr 2010
Well he finally did the speech for the talent hunt and i wonder how it will turn out.
I did have some passing complaints last week but this week was a bit more in line with the novel, tho that went a bit deeper in contect still you can't expect that in a anime.
Anyway Souma showing of his poltergeist skill was funny, also the way he was teasing Leica made for a good scene.
Jul 10, 2021 10:46 AM

Jul 2020
The grand reveal of his magic is... more hands? Sounds op in principal but our mc uses it to do admin? Fair enough I guess xD!

Love the pieces of real world history they added and that narrators voice is incredibly soothing, do they have like one guy who does that VA?

Seems like we see a motley crew forming, it's interesting to think that way back when illiteracy was the main cause for the stagnation of development, like the mc said
LeviathanHWDJul 10, 2021 10:55 AM
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jul 10, 2021 10:57 AM

Jul 2017
The new king Kazuya Souma is hard at work...and he's able to use magic now to do all of his financial administrative reforms on the easy and relieving some burden on manpower. Liscia's dad the former king is so useless lols, and Kazuya taking a peep at Liscia's sleeping face is so sweet.

Handing a food shortage with materialistic crops that are meant for food but grown with something else, it's a lot of welfare thinking for the entire kingdom, and Kazuya wanted Liscia to be part of his reforms plan should one day he return back to his own world.

It's rudimentary work to get subjects that would tell Kazuya the story better than royalty, and having to find people who are literate with talents gone disclosed, taking a page from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms being Cao Cao, who is obsessed with finding people to recruit for his practical reform works. No differences between people of all kinds, just people whom can come forward to have their talents counted and used for the betterment of the kingdom.

Heh, I'm learning to like this Isekai a lot more now. Really good stuff!
Jul 10, 2021 11:05 AM

Jun 2019
Kazuya sure is working hard for this country and seeing him pull all-nighters like that makes me feel bad for him. The guy is a king but his condition is so bad at this moment. His magic power sure is interesting one. We'll see how that will help him in the future. Other than that, I'm more interested in Liscia's mom than her. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I mean she's gorgeous. LOL

Also, Liscia is warming up to Kazuya now. They look cute together. Also, I'm impressed by his skills and how his brain works. He really knows how to handle business and a country. A wise king for sure. This sure feels like a breath of fresh air in the world of Isekais so far and I'm enjoying this. Wasn't sure about this at first but hey it really surprised me.
Jul 10, 2021 11:05 AM

Nov 2019
Such an inspiring speech. MC really knows his stuff.

Geee, I wonder which ones they are going to recruit amongst all those people in the kingdom.
NabaatJul 10, 2021 11:11 AM

Jul 10, 2021 11:07 AM

Aug 2018
This series is really quite good
I am liking the MC and how he wants the benefit of the Kingdom
"When There Is Evil In This World That Justice Cannot Defeat, Would You Taint Your Hands With Evil To Defeat Evil? Or Would You Remain Steadfast And Righteous Even If It Means Surrendering To Evil?"
Jul 10, 2021 11:14 AM
Oct 2016
Souma definitely has his priorities straight and knows what this nation needs get back right. Fix the money shortage, fix the food shortage, fix the low education. In that order, because those are the biggest problems facing the kingdom right now. Souma fixed their money that wad coming from that other country but the Money circulating in their own has been slipping by. Funds not allocated properly and people using the surplus they get for other things. Along with the farmers sudden interest in cash crops after the demon expansion raised the price. Causing their domestic food supply to plummet. Now that the price of cotton went down they've got a bunch of mostly useless cotton and almost no food. Especially for the lower class, they're starving which is very sad. Liscia not even knowing how bad things had become for the citizens. Souma having his call to action towards the people, asking any talented individual to come forward since the government needs help and they could be of use.
Jul 10, 2021 11:14 AM

Jun 2015
Magic sure has become a valuable power for this world. But man that consciousness copy power really is one that suits Souma pretty well. While beautiful the cotton fields do take up a lot of space and take time to grow as well. Having too much of something thats unable to be sold for a good price sure is problem. Still economic reforms are going to take some time it seems while at the same time Souma's lacking in capable retainers as well. Using the yearly broadcast as a means to recruit people from across the kingdom sure was one hell of an idea. But that speech that Souma sure was a good one and showed well his own personal views. Overall a solid ep that did an excellent job at showcasing not only Souma's gradual expansion as a character and king but also how needed his reforms are as a result of the dire state the countries in. While gradual looks like Liscia's impressions of Souma is changing. Looking forward to seeing what will happen next as the cast gathers. Its quite impressive that Souma has so much knowledge of economics for someone his age though.
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Jul 10, 2021 11:29 AM

Apr 2018
That was totally epic, so many problems to fix in the Kingdom for Souma but it's possible if he recruits the best ones, they started showing the ones that will be introduced during the next episode, I can't wait to see that, they're all good to be honest xD Souma's speech was even better with that kind of background music, of course Liscia is already falling in love with him but that's not an harem for nothing, the next wives will come soon xD
Jul 10, 2021 11:33 AM

Dec 2020
Wee see that Souma don’t wait long to look for talented people who help to rebuild the Kingdom xD.
Liscia is a little worried that Souma maybe left in a few years and then she needs to rule over the Kingdom.
Hype for the next episode.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jul 10, 2021 11:35 AM
Jul 2018
Hype! Looking forward on the new characters next ep.
Jul 10, 2021 11:35 AM

Oct 2017
That was a great speech from Souma and we saw some characters who are proly gonna become the king's retainers. Excited to see them getting introduced in next episode.
Jul 10, 2021 11:44 AM

Jan 2021
Slowly the problems are being solved, I don't know how he knows how to do all that, but it's nice

I'm not goinna lie, I almost fell asleep with this episode, I hope the interesting part will come soon...
Jul 10, 2021 11:57 AM
Apr 2021
I really liked today's episode
Tokyo ghoul is a great manga with a trash anime adaptation

Jul 10, 2021 11:58 AM

Aug 2013
Souma's announcement to recruit people with talent was great and so was his speech. It would be interesting to see how things turn out.

Jul 10, 2021 12:04 PM
Jan 2019
I find these kinds of shows most fun when i see the authors doing a great job adapting otherwise middling (or worse) LN material.

The last time i had that vibe was with the Shield Hero. Shield Hero, however, only worked for maybe the first 4-5 episodes and then faltered beyond that (partially the fault of the source material that simply ran out of interesting ideas, partially of the insufficient ability of the team doing the adaptation).

Let's see how this one works out :D. There is a little bit less magical bs here than in Shield Hero (and it is better integrated into the story), so handling the supernatural stuff might be easier. There is, however, a lot of other hard-to-handle subjects like politics and social stuff.

So far, the show is managing the sociopolitical things as a part of main duo relationship dynamic. The main guy almost can't stop being competent, not wanting to be King, but enjoying the social worker aspects nonetheless, while the girl is reacting in various ways, and there is this whole tension about the girl deciding whether the guy would make a good King - and husband. This is a good character dynamic that effectively sells the dude's political achievements almost irrespective of the actual content of the politics :D.

Kind of reminds me of the way things worked in No Game No Life, actually.
Everything that reminds me of NGNL is imo a good thing :D

Shingster said:
Its quite impressive that Souma has so much knowledge of economics for someone his age though.

What's impressive is not the volume of his knowledge: anyone his age with any sort of serious interest has already read both Machiavelli and Sun Tzu, and familiarized himself with exploits of significant figures of the region. What's impressive is how readily he is applying this knowledge.
Jul 10, 2021 12:14 PM
Feb 2021
Really surprised with how this anime is chugging along. It does a great job of analyzing the problems the kingdom has and ways in which it can be solved. I've always been interested in the Medieval so this anime is right up my alley. It also doesn't seem to have too much fan service and the MC is rational, calm, and likeable. We'll see how it continues to hold my interest, but so far the pacing has been brisk and exciting, and I can't wait to see how it evolves on these already good foundations.
Jul 10, 2021 12:15 PM

Nov 2013
Definitely a better episode. Fascinating, the show already managed to surprise me. Of course magic made this super easy but it's a genius move to call upon the talented people all across the nation to aid you in governing and a lot of other things. No leader is best at everything. Every great leader needs advisers and people who can say NO. Outstanding move from the MC.

Heck... Imagine the power the mankind would wield if the best minds around the globe united to make the lives of ordinary people better. Heck, we'd find cure for cancer and colonize planets in a decade! So much talent is wasted and so much progress is hindered because of differences in nationality and petty politics, race and religion. And, of course, greed and ego...
Jul 10, 2021 12:19 PM
Sep 2020
As an LN reader, this episode was a 100 times better than the last one. Can't wait!!
To those who are anime-onlys, great stuff ahead!! Also, the harem tag is wholesome, I assure you
Jul 10, 2021 12:36 PM

May 2018
not bad. Now we get to see Kazuya's potential harem xD
Jul 10, 2021 12:48 PM
Feb 2021
So the farmers knew enough about supply and demand to spring on the demand for cotton, but didn't know enough about supply and demand to meet the demand for food when the cotton market crashed?
Jul 10, 2021 12:50 PM

Jul 2020
Well, this was a very entertaining episode.

I really enjoy having a really cool, smart protagonist like Souma, it feels like it's been a while since I've seen a protagonist like him in an anime. I'm enjoying the bonding between Liscia and Souma, I think those 2 make a good match, and we can already see Liscia falling for Souma little by little.
Jul 10, 2021 1:15 PM

Nov 2015
Dammit, my expectation after reading the manga version for a few months really mess up my enjoyment in this episode. Usually I don't mind a power point quality animation if the anime have good story progression, but eyes are distracted do badly that I managed to watch this while playing some gacha game in the background.

Also, I think this is just me but the BGM during the speech scene feel a bit mismatched lol.

Yeah, I think I should drop my expectation even lower to make sure I can watch the anime to finish and then going back to read the manga.
Jul 10, 2021 1:29 PM

Oct 2020
Episode was good. Really want to see an actual romance between Souma and Liscia. Already like her plus the Inori Minase’s voice boost.

Jul 10, 2021 2:13 PM

Jan 2021
My only complaint is how little attention Kazuya gave poor Liscia.
Looks like the next episode will be great though, definitely looking forward to it.
Jul 10, 2021 2:28 PM

Sep 2019
I liked the first episode but this one was better. That was a nice speech. The new girls look sooooo cute!!!! We'll have tanned elf, blue hair girl and a fox(?) loli!!!!!!!! HYPE
Jul 10, 2021 2:30 PM

Jul 2009
Incranium said:
As an LN reader, this episode was a 100 times better than the last one. Can't wait!!
To those who are anime-onlys, great stuff ahead!! Also, the harem tag is wholesome, I assure you

better but still slow....
Jul 10, 2021 2:31 PM

Nov 2016
Wanted to drop the show, but the MC showed some nice qualities.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 10, 2021 3:19 PM
Jul 2018
A lot better than ep 1 imo, the background music was hype and I can't wait to see all the ppl that souma recruits
Jul 10, 2021 4:26 PM

Apr 2014
So far this is a really enjoyable anime kind of hope we get more then one season with it too
Jul 10, 2021 4:39 PM
Jul 2018
episode was nice to watch souma really became a good king for the kingdom of that city it also looks like new characters will appear introduced by the end of the cool episode the events themselves.
Jul 10, 2021 5:06 PM

Jun 2021
The story is OK, but my god, the animation is terrible

I swear to god that Souma's hand size changed 5 times during the episode and this is the worst cross ever drawn

Watching this made me wish I was watching Amagi Brilliant Park instead; it has a better MC, cuter main girl, funnier side characters and most definitely better animation.

Jul 10, 2021 5:49 PM
Apr 2021
it was an ight episode, looking forward to the next episode, also she made it seem like she doesn’t want him to leave.
Jul 10, 2021 6:40 PM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
Ngl, most of the topics that the MC discussed from the first half just went right over my head. But the horseback riding moment between Kazuya and Liscia was wholesome, that's for sure.

Kazuya's speech to the people was impressive. It was a very inspirational, motivational speech that certainly captured the hearts of the most talented people in the kingdom and it looks like these prodigies will be presenting their talents & abilities to Kazuya in the next episode. I'm excited to witness that, but when will we ever see Kazuya show romantic feelings to Liscia? I know he's still completely focused on reforming the Kingdom, but still...
Jul 10, 2021 7:17 PM
Jan 2020
The hero has called... and so the harem comes forth.

I've avoided the manga so I don't spoil the details and so I'll remain curious how they keep this current theme serious as most harems usually gets silly.
Jul 10, 2021 7:26 PM

Feb 2018
They started looking for talented people and I'm attracted to that oppai girls, blue hair.
Jul 10, 2021 8:15 PM

Jul 2019
Basic economic teachings. Very primitive, to say the least. The MC being portrayed as a normal person with no super powers and fetishes is good thing to see.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Jul 10, 2021 8:52 PM
Sep 2020
this show basically is the basic fondations of economics
Jul 10, 2021 9:13 PM

Jan 2013
This episode was such a blast! Finally, an Isekai that gives me what i always wanted, and the whole fact that he's not perverted makes this x1000 better, a rare isekai of this type lmao

The whole demand/supply and economics moment really nice, and his speech was a blast, this guy is literally the fresh mind that they needed.
This might be one of the best MCs that I've seen in an isekai of this type.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jul 10, 2021 9:24 PM
Oct 2020
The music is too loud. It's hard to hear the dialogues.
Jul 10, 2021 9:34 PM
Jan 2019
MugenNoShirayuki said:
So the farmers knew enough about supply and demand to spring on the demand for cotton, but didn't know enough about supply and demand to meet the demand for food when the cotton market crashed?

The thing about agricultural food is that it takes a year to grow. So you get food shortage in the first year, and then for one more year as new crops grow.

Also, there are usually specialized interests pushing towards having more export goods. And when i say "specialized interests" i mean corrupt officials and criminal elements who do not give a second thought about the country's situation as long as they get to line their own pockets.
Jul 10, 2021 9:55 PM
Oct 2020
That was an awesome ep....just missing the blue hair woman a little and the previous queen needs more screen time....she really needs it...I mean we need it
Anyway it was great I am glad that it doesn't have a manga cuz I would have spoiled myself a long time ago
This is the only anime tis season whose story idk
Blah blah blah blah .... So annoying. Are you bastards in heat or something?
- Sakata gintoki
Jul 10, 2021 10:01 PM
Oct 2020
Erotaku_ said:
The story is OK, but my god, the animation is terrible

I swear to god that Souma's hand size changed 5 times during the episode and this is the worst cross ever drawn

Watching this made me wish I was watching Amagi Brilliant Park instead; it has a better MC, cuter main girl, funnier side characters and most definitely better animation.

And here is the nitpicker that finds fault and present to the other guys......drop it man ...if u r gonna complain for such things
If u saw such details and counted them then it's pretty obvious what u r trying to get from this anime isn't fun and a good story...
Blah blah blah blah .... So annoying. Are you bastards in heat or something?
- Sakata gintoki
Jul 10, 2021 10:48 PM
Feb 2021
malMaxi said:
MugenNoShirayuki said:
So the farmers knew enough about supply and demand to spring on the demand for cotton, but didn't know enough about supply and demand to meet the demand for food when the cotton market crashed?

The thing about agricultural food is that it takes a year to grow. So you get food shortage in the first year, and then for one more year as new crops grow.

Also, there are usually specialized interests pushing towards having more export goods. And when i say "specialized interests" i mean corrupt officials and criminal elements who do not give a second thought about the country's situation as long as they get to line their own pockets.

And NONE of this is brought up in the episode. The episode only presents the logic that the farmers were smart enough to account for supply and demand and then suddenly became idiots who can't understand market crashes for the sake of propping up the MC.
Jul 10, 2021 10:55 PM
Jul 2018
Man I hope all the solutions aren't as basic and blandly exposited like "cash crop"/"food crops" was. I mean, his high school understanding of history sure us fun too watch.

And I hope the new cast members actually bring ideas to the table and aren't just mindless tools to be utilized by our cool MC. Or maybe they'll just stand there and be lectured to like the Princess.
Jul 10, 2021 11:19 PM

Oct 2016
Really enjoying the show, Yuusuke Kobayash is truly goated when it comes to making speeches lmao. Souma's power is really perfect for paperwork, he's really meant to be a politician. Looking forward to officially meeting all those potentially talented individuals that was shown at the end. Hope Liscia convinces Souma to stay, I mean we know he will, it's only a question of how he'll be convinced and they also look good together.
Jul 10, 2021 11:23 PM
May 2011
MugenNoShirayuki said:
malMaxi said:

The thing about agricultural food is that it takes a year to grow. So you get food shortage in the first year, and then for one more year as new crops grow.

Also, there are usually specialized interests pushing towards having more export goods. And when i say "specialized interests" i mean corrupt officials and criminal elements who do not give a second thought about the country's situation as long as they get to line their own pockets.

And NONE of this is brought up in the episode. The episode only presents the logic that the farmers were smart enough to account for supply and demand and then suddenly became idiots who can't understand market crashes for the sake of propping up the MC.

The bit about the cotton market crashing isn't in the Light Novel so it was most likely made up for the anime. The LN just explained that cotton became so high in demand that every farm switched to commercial crops to make easy money, and eventually the economy started solely importing food. And because of the strain of the demand for food, the cost of food imports also went up, which in turn negatively affected the country's working class.

It sounds far-fetched but it really isn't, I live in Hawaii which for the most part imports almost everything, including foodstuffs, so it's pretty believable to me. We're even suffering from higher import costs every month.
Jul 10, 2021 11:39 PM

Jan 2017
Kazuya do be flexing his high school knowledge of economics to his people, smh my head to those farmers.

His speech was great though I'll give him that, looking forward to seeing more of that wolf girl
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