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Jun 17, 2021 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, what a performance! They really put the training to good use with all those coordinated moves on stage. Music made that performance feel impactful too. It's just too bad that Shoutarou still had his wrist problem. However, they definitely deserved praise for their work.

Felt bad that Shoutarou has to deal with an injury but it's cool that the team supports him when he needed the most.

Jun 17, 2021 11:27 AM

Jun 2019
At first, what a great performance by Shiro High, the champions of the previous year. They're no joke. But, they also helped our boys to gain some consciousness back and focus on the game more. Shotaro's hand is fine for now and after careful observation, the coach and the captain allowed him to enter the competition. And, then we saw our boys performing and giving out their all. Great job boys. Again, the OST and animation were beautiful as usual.

Looks like the results will not be revealed until the last episode that is next week. Can't wait to see who's gonna win this one. Our rivals or us?
Jun 17, 2021 11:42 AM

Jul 2017
Futaba has his hand sprain injury THAT bad, and the team can't afford to waste his talent given their progress to the regionals. Futaba desperately wanting in, but the team says otherwise, because they want nothing but the best condition.

Of course, the Shiro High and Ao High gymnastic boys meet to fanfare, while the regionals are going on. Time will only tell if the Ao High boys would be able to perform as a full 6-man team.

As expected, Zexcs really put on flawless, excellent and jaw-dropping cinematic rotoscoping camerawork with the animation and visuals, and that's to top with the music for the rhythmic gymnastics section.

For Futaba, it's a do-or-die afffair to either sit out or make their performance worse at the expense of his injuries. The usual affair with leaving 3rd Years becoming of the last time that all 6 can compete together, Futaba and Misato make their claim to share the dream tgether with the rest of the 4-man Senpai team. Even Coach Shusaku makes a heavy compromise, but for the greater good.

The Ao High boys have come this far, and now it's their turn to soar high in camaraderie. Expectations are high, and this is a reference to Episode 1's opening, now with the addition of Misato and Futaba. The performance...IS SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL.

Can't wait for the final episode next week to the results and finish on a hgh note.
Jun 17, 2021 11:45 AM

Apr 2018
Shiro High's representation was the best by far in my opinion, the main ones still did great and I wonder what score they will get but I don't think they can get 18 or more, so I expect Shiro High to win once again, anyway it's still good how they managed to do that even with Futaba's hand injury, his determination is incredible.
Jun 17, 2021 12:02 PM
Sep 2015
Shiro High School performance blows me away. I like it more than Ao High School. In fact, I've an uneasy feeling watching Ao High School performance knowing that Futaba's injury might destroy the show anytime. And even though that didn't happen, their performance is still not that difference in previous qualification round.

If I remember correctly, top two schools of this round will go to Inter-High. I'm gonna bet it'll be Shiro as the first and Ao as the second. If there's only one school that can win then it's obviously Shiro.

Screaming moment: Captain Shichigahama almost kissed with Captain Takase, they should get a room already, and invite me to that room too!
Jun 17, 2021 12:05 PM

Apr 2018
Shiro High's performance was pretty damn good, the music was incredible. But damn Shotaro still performed even with his wrist problem and performed amazing. The angles, the music, the animation.. EVERYTHING was really good imo. They left us on a bigass cliffhanger.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jun 17, 2021 12:24 PM
Mar 2020
i am,,,,,,,in pain
(also why must that cliffhanger happen I'm gonna be suffering until next Thursday)
Jun 17, 2021 12:33 PM

Aug 2008
OMG the Shiro Kou performance the animation/CGI and the way it was directed just perfection. Felt so much better and smoother than earlier episodes and the Ao Kou performance was amazing as well. I really didn't think they'd let him perform. I thought surely someone was gonna be the adult in the room but no. xD Just amazing, beautifully choreographed and directed episode. <3 I am so sad there is just one episode left though. I hope Shoutaro is gonna be okay! T_T
Jun 17, 2021 12:49 PM

Oct 2019
This episode was fantastic, honestly this entire anime has been such a pleasant surprise for me, every episode. It keeps getting better and you can just tell how much passion went into this show. Both performances were incredible and I gotta agree with most of y'all that Shiro High's was best, but Ao High's had a lot more emotional impact on me so personally I liked it better. Well I guess that's a given lmao

Amazing place to end the episode too really. I expected them to push the performance to the final episode, but this is much more of an effective cliffhanger. Now I Really really need to know the scores!!

I also can't express how much I adore Futaba as a character. Oh how I wish there will be another season for me to enjoy his wholesomeness.
Jun 17, 2021 1:11 PM
Apr 2021
best of the best just wonderful episode and wonderful anime
Jun 17, 2021 2:06 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Ugh, this show is so good. The animation on Futaba's expression and how he put his head down in dejection at the beginning of the episode really made you feel how he was feeling. And the whole scene where Futaba was pleading to the team to let him perform was, while not subtle, still very well directed. How it was raining with grey skies outside, and then the sun started to peak from behind the clouds as Futaba held his ground about accepting the future consequences of his hand—it was perfection. The lighting in this series has always been amazing, it really evokes many emotions. Time to praise the director once again!

Shiro Kou's performance was intense, and again, awesome lightning there, but I agree that Ao Kou's had more emotional impact to it. It was intense in its own way, the director not letting us feel safe throughout the performance, using the same uncomfortable fisheye lens and visual distortions as Futaba's nightmare from the last episode. It kept me on edge, wondering if something bad would happen, but I'm glad it didn't (yet...?). I wonder how's Futaba's hand doing after this performance.

One more episode...nooooo ;_;
Jun 17, 2021 2:55 PM

Feb 2020
Ah, i see. They are going to that route. Well, i was right about making him absent, at least on the opening ceremony. Other than that, no matter what shit, let them soar high, right mate? Understandable idea, even though, i think, the way its used those dramatic approaching kinda useless, if its goes to that route. But, anyways, everything were still nice tho. The performance looked very perfect for me. The next will be the finale, so expect to see them gettin the first place. Because i don't see them making enough mistake, even with Shoutaro injury, idk why. Then its clear that them had a better routines than Shiro High got on this one. So, yeah, if they are not, imma mad and crying at the bottom corner. That's it and peace out.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 17, 2021 3:06 PM

Mar 2016
The tension this episode was so high!! If you'll allow me to weeb a bit: ใƒ†ใƒณใ‚ทใƒงใƒณใŸใฃใ‘ใƒผ๏ผ

The characters' confusion and panic were drawn so well, and presented with the perfect camera angles, colour palette and music.

Throughout this anime, when the characters felt inspired and found a path to travel, we have seen a clear blue sky. This episode, after learning about Futaba's condition, the sky was covered with dark grey clouds, showing an absence of clarity. While I really dislike weather being used to show emotions in anime, Bakuten—I think—made it work somehow.

Shiro Kou performed with fiery clothes, a design which shows their power and determination quite well. Though, I kind of expected them to be wearing . . . you know . . . white? Cuz their name's Shiro? Ao Kou wears blue just like their name!

Anyway, Shiro Kou's performance was awesome!! And, "Massive Impact" is such a nice soundtrack!

When Futaba decided to enter the match anyway, it was time to release the emotions, and it rained. I love that the anime didn't put too much focus on the rain itself, but on the characters instead.

I could feel Coach Shida's dilemma when Futaba wanted to enter the match injured. Because the anime had told us about the coach's past early on, and not just this episode, we can see how the coach finds parts of himself in his students without the story telling each and everything to us. I like that the director is trusting their audience to understand things.

Futaba's facial expressions and voice acting is PERFECT!! His simple design makes it easy to notice the small changes in his emotions, and I love it!

The way the clouds slowly part to reveal the blue sky when they figure out what to do!!!!

The lighting this episode was just so beautiful! (Rim lighting makes me so excited!!!!)

Ao Kou's new performance was so nerve wracking! Because of Hoshiai no Sora and Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteru and the coach's flashbacks from this anime itself, I was constantly worried about Futaba's wrist.

Because the choreography had changed, I thought they'd use a different music, but they didn't. Makes sense in a way. "Sparkle" has become the soundtrack for Ao Kou.

They didn't use a lot of CG for either of the performances. And they were both so beautiful and detailed.

Now, going to my only problem, which is very nit-picky: the CG, while good enough, makes the animators feel very powerful, and they end up showing a lot of cool camera movements and angles. But, those movements and angles don't help you understand how amazing the characters' performances were, which makes it stick out from every 2d shots which have been directed better here than in most anime I've seen.
Jun 17, 2021 3:49 PM

May 2011
Something that really grabbed me this episode was Shinba Tsuchiya's voice acting for Shoutarou during the scene where Shoutarou begs Shida and Shichigahama to not have him sit on the bench. The way his voice cracked made my heart fall right through the floor- it felt incredibly real and raw. Shoutarou's journey throughout the series has been wonderful to see, and it's gonna be sad to see the series end next week.
if you told me we were dreaming, i would pinch you to prove we're awake.

Jun 17, 2021 4:52 PM

Oct 2009
The drama was set up very well, the preceding scenes and then the resolution both carried weight that could be felt. If anything, we're still left uneasy, and it's not only because of that cliffhanger alone. Then it was firedance and skydance, with impeccable music and direction for both. Didn't think we'd get to see both performances in this episode tbh. And holy sh×t, it wasn't just the boys that soared, but the quality of the anime as well. Lighting, animation, overall image quality, it's like they suddenly got a surge in budget, not that it was bad to begin with, but everything looks even prettier this time around.
I really would love a second season of this.
Jun 17, 2021 5:31 PM
Apr 2020
It's nice that Shotaro was able to perform with the team despite his injury. Hopefully this didn't aggravate it into something more permanent and serious.

There performance looked great and it doesn't seem like they made any mistakes. I wonder what their score would be?
Jun 17, 2021 6:56 PM

Jul 2020
The performance was great!!! The CGI doesn't look that bad. It was so good!!
Jun 17, 2021 7:21 PM

Dec 2020
an injury of course that'd be something in this show they ended up letting him perform but i liked how they were didnt let him at all then Very hesitant, not just instantly "ah yeah youre cool come with us". the paralel with the coach too, with both being injured but the coach went through it alone.

personally dont really like this kind of "oh no hes got an injury" thing to hype up the performance but it worked. i was clutching my hand the whole time on shiro high's performance and gritting my teeth on ao high's. animation for ao high's was SICK i rewatched it 4 times straight that was great
Jun 17, 2021 9:34 PM

Jan 2020
Impressive animation is an understatement. The camera angles, the flow of the animation and choreography, the changing atmosphere, OSTs, they nailed it all. I loved it! Both performances were excellent as well.

For a second I thought the coach was not going to let Shotaro participate, but the high schooler's will and sense of responsibility were too strong for the coach to turn him down. I really like that despite how simple this show can seem we still got to see two developments, Shotaro's and Misato's. They both changed for the better and kind of catalyzed each other's growth. Not to mention their influence on the coach. I really appreciate this about the show.

Really sad it's coming to an end, but it was really fun!

On another note, can the coach adopt me? He's so NICE I want to cry.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Jun 17, 2021 11:58 PM

Oct 2016
Man, that cliffhanger is a bitch. I love how the show just focused on Ao High's performance, no audience reaction or any interruptions, just the performance, very fucking immersive. And the directing and camera angles are just *chef's kiss*

Fantastic episode, the art looked extra crisp this episode, you can really see the pain in Shotaro's face. Even though Shiro high's performance was so captivating especially Mashiro, I couldn't help but feel anxious for Shotaro and the Ao High boys. Was anxious during the performance as well, but glad they were able to pull through, that was amazing. Loved those effects they used in the performances. Really looking forward to the last episode, I hope we get a season 2.
Jun 18, 2021 7:12 AM

Jun 2020
Omg the scene where Shoutarou begs to be allowed to still compete with them ........ Tsuchiya Shinba’s voice work was SO good, I could really sense the tension & desperation in his voice.

No other coach for them, Shichigahama, don’t make me cry!!!!!

Once again Bakuten!! never fails to make me emotional. And impressed. I love how everyone is mentioning the art & Shoutarou’s expressions this episode!!!! The art & animation have always been amazing. They always put so much heart into even the littlest details such as casual movements, it’s what makes this anime all that more immersive. Sigh I’ll miss the boys so much after next week. I hope there’ll be a 2nd season, or at least an OVA.

๊•ค but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Jun 18, 2021 10:55 AM

Jan 2021
I was nervous throughout because of his arm , Glad it all went well
Jun 18, 2021 1:27 PM

Mar 2017
I didn't realise I was holding my breath until the end of their routine - I was so anxious that Shotaro's injury would take a turn for the worst at any moment! Our boys did so well and I was so impressed with the performance and how it was animated; despite it being the same performance they did before it felt fresh thanks to the cinematography.

I really don't want next week to be the last week... this anime is so freakin' good but seriously underrated. I'm gonna pray all week long that we get a Season 2 cause these characters have got so much more to give.
Jun 18, 2021 4:14 PM

Jun 2020
my god... this show really is the underdog of the season, just like the team. lmao

Shoutarou's unshed tears as he was begging to be able to perform, the animation, man. wow.
Jun 18, 2021 9:18 PM

Jul 2016
Leaving reckless decisions aside, I seriously doubt someone can sprain their wrist that easily but that's just me. Anyways, in the end I'm glad Shoutarou could finish the performance without fails while giving his all.

Fantastic episode. Direction was on point once again and man, Shiro High's performance was simply amazing. Ao's presentation was also pretty good but being honest, I found it slightly inferior in comparison. This said, looking forward to the final results next week.
Jun 19, 2021 3:16 AM
Jul 2013
Honestly this whole thing with sprains is rly relatable to me, i had nearly the same experience lmfao When i was still in school and doing P.E., one time my legs wobbled from exertion and my ankle twisted in a weird angle. Later on it turned out i sprained it but i didnt even feel it at first and finished the match and the classes. lmfao it rly can be the dumbest shit. Thankfully nothing major happened to my leg even after exercising rly hard so im praying its the same for Shotaro.

And their performances were rly great. As always amazing CGI with blend of 2d. Tho camera was a little too crazy this time imo. I also think Shiro High was better but it does make sense. They are the champions and Ao has less experience with their identity and stuff.

Only one ep left sigh what a shame. Im gonna miss this anime to death, wish it was more popular.
Jun 20, 2021 10:33 AM
May 2019
Guys, I'm shocked, I just watched the episode and I don't know what to say because I'm SO excited! The performance was amazing, I was proud seeing how much they grew :')
I hurt my foot 2 days before a performance in a dance contest and like Shotaro, I couldn't stop participating. At the event, everyone asked if I was okay when they saw the bandage. I dressed in my clothes, did my makeup and went on stage. I didn't feel anything during the presentation and I returned home with the medal of first place. I hope the same happens with the protagonist!
Sep 10, 2021 1:58 PM

Jun 2015
again with the bad camera work and shitty animation during competitions. The animation during Shotaro's nightmare was better than the entire series. And why did Shotaro even take the bandage off is hand? It would have provided him with much needed support. Is there a rule that prevents players from wearing bandages during competitions?
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Apr 30, 2022 11:56 PM

May 2020
The whole injury subplot could've been removed, since it doesn't really affect the final performance (which was great). Nevertheless, a really good episode.
May 20, 2022 3:52 AM

Dec 2013
Man, this episode is so intense! ? My heart is beating so fast when watching this uhhhu

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Sep 11, 2022 2:37 PM
Apr 2021
I adore the lighting and camera angles used within the tournament performance - it really adds to the dynamic element and prevents the scene from being boring. I still find the CGI used far to fake and jarring, especially intercut with fast one second 2d close ups.
Sep 19, 2024 12:35 AM

Apr 2016
Intense episode!!!
Futaba could ended the exercise!!!
Pretty episode too, with two great dances!!!

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