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Smile Down the Runway
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Mar 6, 2020 9:49 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, Chiyuki and Kokoro seemed like they destind to see each other one more time in this show.

Tsumura better be prepared for himself because the amount of competition he's facing is no joke. Good to see Tsumura's mom doing better in the hospital.
Mar 6, 2020 11:31 AM
Oct 2016
This episode turned into a double edged sword after that first scene. It's great to see Kokoro and Chiyuki be given the chance they deserve but at the same time this wager they're in throws Ikuto under the bus. His secret weapon of designing the show around Chiyuki is shattered now that she'll be Kokoro's model. It's disheartening to see especially with how last episode ended with there being that ray of hope for both Ikuto and Chiyuki. But now they're being pitted against each other and rivals. Which I don't feel they are even if Chiyuki herself said it. Or at least they don't work as rivals imo. That's just not their relationship to compete against each other, they seem to bring out the best in one another when working together.

Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see them like this instead of as a team. Ikuto did good to not let losing Chiyuki stop his pursuit. Seeing his mom's will and being determined to give this festival his all because of all his family support. Telling off Toh right to his face like a badass! He will be proven wrong. I'm gonna laugh it up when both Kokoro and Ikuto crush Toh while he has this big team and they are basically just themselves. Looks like the festival is here now and time to see what they're all made of.
Mar 6, 2020 11:42 AM

Apr 2018
Ikuto has so much determination, I hope he will succeed, can't wait to see the next episode
Mar 6, 2020 12:48 PM

Dec 2014
that slap was made my day
Mar 6, 2020 12:49 PM

Feb 2019
I'm still not understanding why Kokoro doesn't just tell the manager she quits. It's not as if she needs the modeling career to fund her while she grows as a designer, because she has already asked permission to quit.

Why does she need permission? The manager basically said that the design agency is finished without Kokoro, so I doubt the agency has any sort of power to black list her in the design community.

Instead, they let the manager provoke Chiyuki into quitting Ikuto's show, to move over to Kokoro. That put a hardship on Ikuto who had to change his theme. I am sure it also puts a hardship on Kokoro who is not used to working with Chiyuki, and she may have had to change her theme as well.
Mar 6, 2020 1:13 PM

Jan 2016
So after 9 episodes I can now confirm that this is the "new anime" that I've enjoyed the most this season by a mile!

It's not the perfect adaptation by any means but it does check off a lot things that makes an Anime good, 2 of those being the OSTs and the voice acting! Pair it up with the VERY strong characters and you've got a super enjoyable show even if the animation and pacing might be lacking

I'm a bit sad that I won't to see Ikuto and Chiyuki work together again but this is the best direction story wise
Mar 6, 2020 1:20 PM

Dec 2014
well nice a fun competition
Mar 6, 2020 3:17 PM

Sep 2011
I'm not sure how to feel about this, I was looking forward to see Chiyuki being Ikuto's model. I guess it's going to be different and special to see her being Kokoro's model though, but will it work out? Does Kokoro really stand a chance of defeating both Ayano and Ikuto? I mean, Kokoro pretty much gave her word on giving up on her dream if she doesn't win first place, and that's... Risky. Let's see what will happen.
Mar 6, 2020 4:05 PM
Jan 2020
HOOfan_1 said:
I'm still not understanding why Kokoro doesn't just tell the manager she quits. It's not as if she needs the modeling career to fund her while she grows as a designer, because she has already asked permission to quit.

I think it's just a difference in the culture. Kokoro (right or wrong) feels indebted to her manager and so sees it as her duty to work for her.
Mar 6, 2020 5:25 PM

Apr 2016
This episode showed, why is this anime in the category of shounen and in my opinion it is really a shame. I wanted to like this anime, but it is slowly becoming distanced further from my hands reach.

The shounen likes to play into the cards of rivality and I think it is getting slightly noticable that this anime just forces it's characters to get into conflicts. And I just hate it that it is that way.

If you take for example similar anime about making clothes as this, categorized as josei, named 'Paradise Kiss', you can see the potential this anime could have... Well, maybe not...

To explain my reasoning 'Runway de Waratte' is not really about making clothes, but more about doing typical shounen stuff in a untypical environment and it is doing a great job portraying it. But. BUT.

Normal 'shounen' guy would not even consider watching this, just because it is an anime about making clothes, which it certainly is not. AND, anime fan who likes shoujo and josei like me is going to feel incompleteness coming from this show.

In the end, this anime is so far a good attempt at going to the different and more special direction than most newly aired anime. But, maybe, just maybe went to far...
Mar 6, 2020 5:29 PM

Dec 2014
Every episode makes me love Chiyuki more. <3
Loved how she encouraged Kokoro to pursue what she wants.

The part with Ikuto and his Mom was very nice.

I'm rooting for Kokoro and Chiyuki to win it but let's see.
Mar 6, 2020 6:09 PM
Mar 2015
All of his friends are set up as rivals He needs to show Mama and Ayano what he is made of
Mar 6, 2020 7:40 PM

Apr 2012
idk shit about fashion and fashion shows but i would loved if he asked is sisters (and mother? if she was 100% healthy) and make his theme "Family".
I know they arent top models and he would probably lose but i feel like he would get respect points from every1, especially if his desings were good
Mar 6, 2020 8:07 PM
Jan 2017
Smile Down the Runway delivers yet another fine episode! After the previous episode pushed Ikuto to the brink of depression, it's good to see that he picked himself up and is ready to get back into the competition. This episode increases the emotional stakes by dwelling on the theme of rivals and I think the rivalry between Ikuto and Ayano is more intense than the rivalry of Ikuto and Chiyuki or even the rivalry between Chiyuki and Kokoro. Ikuto does understand that since they're on opposing sides now, he must see Chiyuki as a rival, but I think he's too nice to see her as such. Ayano, on the other hand, downplayed Ikuto's skills as a designer, which is why it's easier for him to declare Ayano as a rival. The big competition is about to begin and our young designers must give it their all if they want to win. All in all, this was a fantastic episode and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Mar 6, 2020 8:09 PM

Nov 2011
Xaralabos13 said:
idk shit about fashion and fashion shows but i would loved if he asked is sisters (and mother? if she was 100% healthy) and make his theme "Family".
I know they arent top models and he would probably lose but i feel like he would get respect points from every1, especially if his desings were good

Honestly and this is something that could be possible. His sister who plays Volleyball might be his model. She is tall enough to be a model and she is pretty enough as well so that might be a twist that I'm on board with. Especially after he yelled at her in the last episode.

We're literally at the Festival and we don't know who Ikuto's model is and I think the sister might be it.
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Mar 6, 2020 8:23 PM
Jun 2019
I don’t like that they’re being pitted directly against each other. I feel like if they were competing separately it’d be better. You’d still have the issue of Ikuto having to deal with losing his star model without ALSO having to try to crush Kokoro’s dreams. But I guess the writer was trying to make it hard to root for everyone and forcing you to pick a side? Toh feels like enough of a rival, though. It seems unnecessary to me. Unless there’s some big twist someone HAS to lose.
Mar 6, 2020 9:50 PM

Jun 2012
I get the feeling that Ikuto is gonna come up short against Toh. I hope I'm wrong.
Mar 6, 2020 10:37 PM
Apr 2018
I'm excited next episode!

Hope this would attract more audience. It's so rare to have this kind of anime. Such a shame that it is one of the overlooked anime this season.
Mar 6, 2020 11:23 PM

Oct 2008
Wonderful episode!
it is head-on competition between Ikuto & Tou!
very touching part was at the mom of Ikuto wanting to go to see Ikuto's work at Geika festival.

Mar 7, 2020 12:08 AM

Mar 2016
Ikuto: *compliments Chiyuki*
Emotional music: *suddenly stops*

Mar 7, 2020 1:49 AM
Mar 2020
I was looking forward to see Chiyuki being Ikuto's model, they keep me hate this
show with erver episode ,they keep make it too hard for ikuto and with everything happen cant see him win.

i wonder who will be Ikuto model now?
Mar 7, 2020 3:56 AM
Aug 2017
Really threw this show off for me. went from 8/10 -.> 6/10 real fast.
Why did they have to ruin the ccombo, the highlight of the show, chiyuki modeling for ikuto just to help some random stranger? doesent make any sense
This shit sucks now.
Mar 7, 2020 4:44 AM

Mar 2019
I still have a bad feeling about the mom! next thing you know she needs a frontal lobe transplant!
Mar 7, 2020 5:28 AM

Oct 2017
Things escalated fast and wow Chiyuki will be modeling for Kokoro. So now she'll go up against Ikuto heh, this will be exciting.
Mar 7, 2020 8:59 AM

Feb 2008
Oh, so Chiyuki ended up in the red team? It will be a challenge right up her alley, though. Especially as she got nothing but the cold shoulder in Paris. Kokoro got her chance as well.
Mar 7, 2020 11:30 AM
Jul 2019
Sheees I wonder why would Kokoro call Ikuto "sempai" when she older than him???

You know for Chiyuki to consider Ikuto as her rival is basically a stupid analogy cu'z A model cannot rival a designer unless the model itself is s designer and Chiyuki is not a designer , she a model wanna be if she wants to consider a rivalry with Ikuto then she should' be a designer herself, the real rivalry is with Kokoro and Ikuto.
Mar 7, 2020 1:30 PM

Aug 2018
Oh, I really didn't think Chiyuki would join Kokoro's team but that makes things even more interesting !

I'm wondering who's going to be Ikuto's model.
Mar 7, 2020 3:41 PM
Mar 2017
After so many difficulties and sadness overcome now Ikuto can continue his project, but along the way the plans were changing.

I laughed so hard when Ikuto tried to be good to Chiyuki and she slapped him and Chiyuki's face was as if she said; forget it boy I'm out of your reach, this completely marks that both are a great team, but I was glad that they both worked together, well until they met Kokoro and Igarashi, obviously the manager still insists that Kokoro give up with her dreams and succumbs to her destiny as a model, and incidentally takes advantage of insulting Chiyuki in the process, but this was fixed with a rather risky bet, Chiyuki offers herself as a model for the fashion show that Kokoro prepares and if she wins, Igarashi will have to accept Kokoro's decision.
Personally, I like the idea that Kokoro and Chiyuki will spend time together and especially in that situation, I think it is necessary for both girls to get to know each other better to understand how difficult life has been for both girls in the world of modeling.

Then we see Ikuto quite excited, but at the same time undecided, something that I personally love to see, because Ikuto sometimes has very improvised creative processes, such as when he destroyed all the designs he made in front Ryunosuke, but at least this gave Ikuto an idea for his designs, although he later learns that Ayano will also use the same theme for his parade, which excites Ikuto more.
Finally the fashion show will begin, I look forward to the next episode and see the designs that Kokoro created for Chiyuki and what Ikuto will surprise us with.
Mar 7, 2020 7:58 PM

May 2017
Another good episode. I'm so pumped to see all of these rivals working against eachother. The main cast has been characterized really well. Im so excited to see how the fashion show goes. I wonder if it will be this next episode or the one after that? Thoroughly enjoying this show anyway♡♡♡
Mar 7, 2020 11:16 PM
Sep 2015
I'm a little bit confused, is Ryuunosuke Eda joining Ikuto Tsumura team or not?
Mar 9, 2020 3:18 AM

Jul 2017
The two misfits that always see eye to eye with their misfortunes, have finally come back for one another, and are now working together for the next model show.

And when the duo finally meet Kokoro, the face-to-face interactions just shatter their dreams once again, but with absolute payback as rivals of each other: Kokoro vs. Chiyuki with Ikuto at the helm as a designer.

Good to see that Ikuto's mom is alive and well, but to see her will being to see his fashion show, he must not let his family down after coming this far. After leaving Yanagida's place and leaving his opportunity at Ayano's for his own dream, everyone are on their own toes to strive their best and crush the competition. Same for Ryuunosuke, and with him onboard, two minds work wonders to rival Ayano.

With that, everyone presses on for the big day, in aniticipation of the festival. The fashion festival that all has done their magnificence, what will be the results of their hard work?

Great episode that picks up pacing.
Mar 10, 2020 10:34 AM

Nov 2013
meh Toh has a bunch of people doing work for him while the other 2 have to do almost everything alone lol

wasn't expecting Chiyuki to leave Ikuto's team, nice twist i guess, it made sense tho
Kokoro will have her big chance, either win and finally leave the manager, or lose and fully commit to model
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Mar 10, 2020 9:09 PM

Jul 2016
Xaralabos13 said:
idk shit about fashion and fashion shows but i would loved if he asked is sisters (and mother? if she was 100% healthy) and make his theme "Family".

That would be so corny but I would absolutely love that kind of twist. Especially if he chooses his sister who he yelled at. The one who plays volleyball.
SouthRzVaMar 10, 2020 9:39 PM
Mar 10, 2020 9:38 PM

Jul 2016
Well... and that's how you lose your main model in the blink of an eye.

Honestly, I don't know if I like the idea of Chiyuki leaving Ikuto's team since I was really excited to see them working together. Especially considering those two manage to bring out the best of each other, I was expecting them to become a very powerful duo but well. Such a shame but I guess the author wanted the audience to have it rough to choose a side.

Anyways, as long as Toh doesn't win, I'm happy with whoever get the 1st. place between Kokoro and Ikuto.
Mar 12, 2020 10:13 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, this was fast-paced but great nonetheless!

Chiyuki's determination again was very admirable to see. Sad that we won't be getting the duo partnership between the MCs this time but to see them compete isn't too bad either, I suppose. Boy, is he fired up for this though? Having to take on the likes of Ayano-san and not falter is pretty impressive alone.

Really glad that Ikuto's mother is well for now. I hope he'll find a chance to apologize to Aoi though, that definitely wasn't nice at all and that should be it for the family problems for a while at least, I imagine. Cool to see a little in the Ayano household too.

And that slap right before the Op, lmfao. Ah, I just love the chemistry between the two.

Can't wait to see what's in store for us next!
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Mar 12, 2020 11:28 PM

Jul 2017
Mannnnn, that kinda felt like a buzzkill having chiyuki just casually switch sides like that. Either way I still hope Ikuto comes out on top lol. That being said though, how exactly do you rival a designer with a model?

Oh well, there’s definitely gonna be some drama after this

Horn_dawg_2019 said:
Sheees I wonder why would Kokoro call Ikuto "sempai" when she older than him???

You know for Chiyuki to consider Ikuto as her rival is basically a stupid analogy cu'z A model cannot rival a designer unless the model itself is s designer and Chiyuki is not a designer , she a model wanna be if she wants to consider a rivalry with Ikuto then she should' be a designer herself, the real rivalry is with Kokoro and Ikuto.

Bc Ikuto was working at Hanigawa’s first before Kokoro (and that’s where they met) so in terms of “work experience” ikuto would be “older” than kokoro
Mar 13, 2020 9:35 AM

Dec 2016
Hasegawa got the chance :O It's now or never!

That was cold! Never imagined Ayano would just pass by Ikuto and pretended he didn't see him. A stab in the feels >_<

Even so, it was a nice episode! :)

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Mar 16, 2020 7:29 PM

Feb 2018
So Chiyuki x Kokori?
Mar 19, 2020 6:01 PM

Apr 2012
Haha, Ikuto getting bitch slapped, this bloody show.

Decent twists this episode, will be interesting to see how it all pans out.
Apr 8, 2020 8:56 PM

Aug 2017
Ikuto gonna get crushed.

Kokoro not modeling is a waste.
Apr 10, 2020 9:28 PM

Oct 2011
Horn_dawg_2019 said:
Sheees I wonder why would Kokoro call Ikuto "sempai" when she older than him???

Sorry the reply is a bit late. She explained it in the beginning. It's because they know each other from their job and he has been working there longer than she has which makes him her work-related senpai (age doesn't matter in that regard).
Apr 15, 2020 9:58 AM

Apr 2016
Nice bonding between Chiyuki and Ikuto there in the beginning.

The Geika Festival is right around the corner! What a shocker though, Ikuto having the same theme as Ayano. I wonder who will come out on top?
Jun 13, 2020 2:24 PM

May 2013
Ooooooh, shnapps! I'm lowkey Team Kokoro hahahah. And not bc we both have the same name ;P

Man, imagine if I rejected all guys who asked me out with that same Chiyuki slap LOOOOLLLLLLL, RIP.
Jun 28, 2020 7:15 AM

Jul 2015
Pretty amazing to see Chiyuki encouraging Kokoro and helping but also a bit bad that Ikuto and Chiyuki are rivals now and Ikuto has additional pressure on him.

Well you know what they say, great minds think alike, especially with the coincidence on Ikuto's theme. Rooting for Ikuto to win but also for Kokoro to be able to follow her dream after the festival.

Jul 24, 2020 2:59 PM

Jun 2014
Finally, after four months, they're continuing the English dub.

Ikuto certainly has gained a lot of confidence, so hopefully it'll pay off.

Jul 24, 2020 4:09 PM
Feb 2018
Why not fire the agent it doesn't seem like agents do much in this anime
Aug 20, 2020 4:25 PM
Oct 2019
Good stuff. But kind of cruel for Chiyuki to ditch Ikuto. Wonder how he's going to find his models, etc.

Cool to see Ikuto want to crush Ayano, and get advice/learn from that other dude.

But man I hope nothing happens to Ikuto's mom. I don't want that kind of heartbreak.
Apr 7, 2021 1:21 AM

May 2020
Feeling ups and downs. 3 of them will join the battle in Geika Festival. Usually relax guy will take the lead. Exciting. Unfortunately Chiyuki did not with Ikuto but Ikuto try harder.
Apr 16, 2021 3:53 PM

May 2015
I had so much hope for another model and fashion anime but this one is just disappointing.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is shit

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