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Fruits Basket Collector's Edition
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May 24, 2019 9:47 AM

Nov 2011
Oh hell yes, Saki getting more screen time this episode. She's slowly becoming one of my favorites in this show.

Looks like we got a small montage of Tohru's experience since her move. Episode is alright, felt like pacing slowed down a bit while Akito is still being mentioned. Tohru's relationship with both Yuki and Kyo seems to continously deepen with every episode.
May 24, 2019 10:24 AM

Apr 2016
You know you watching shoujo when people are running and emotional music is playing into that xD
May 24, 2019 10:32 AM

Apr 2014
This episode was simple yet very sweet.
May 24, 2019 10:35 AM

Aug 2013
Decent episode.

Tohru has some good friends.

May 24, 2019 10:41 AM

Feb 2019
Screw Akito and what Akito wants or how Akito feels.

Seems like at least Kyo, Yuki and Shigure feel. Although I am not sure what Shigure was trying to goad them into going, when he was so happy that they didn't in the end.

Heck, since Kyo is excluded on purpose, there's no reason for him to go.
May 24, 2019 11:12 AM
May 2019
Kyo and Tohru!! AHHH πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
May 24, 2019 11:17 AM

Jun 2015
As bittersweet as always! It's nice that Tooru has friends surrounding her that care for her.

Akito is scary ah
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May 24, 2019 11:22 AM

Dec 2012
Sweet episode~! <3
Finally got to see Haru!!!! ahh, cannot wait for the next one!
May 24, 2019 11:23 AM

Feb 2019
"Tohru-kun's word is law..."

Those two boys are whipped & they didn't even know it! *lol* But it's a good kinda whipped since they're both becoming a better version of themselves. it just me or I'm seeing a potential Saki-Shigure ship? I don't mind it though; they look kinda cute together *grins*
May 24, 2019 11:32 AM

Mar 2016
Swagernator said:
You know you watching shoujo when people are running and emotional music is playing into that xD

ain't nothing wrong with it, though. It does the job very well.
May 24, 2019 12:02 PM

Dec 2013
Does anyone have insert song lyrics?
May 24, 2019 12:18 PM

Nov 2018
Tohru wanted everyone to be with their families because she can't anymore, she puts up a smile because she doesn't wants to worry everyone, she honestly is such a wonderful person. And also her hair are so pretty in this adaptation, thank you, person that did the chara design.

I like Haru's voice, the monotone fits him. Next episode is gonna be fun.

The shigure and akito scenes are always soo creepy, i love how it contrasts with tohru's pureness, i think those scenes are even creepier than the manga, mainly because of the lighting. That makes me believe they're gonna adapt the later parts of the manga perfectly, i have so much faith.

The comedy really kicked in for me in the last few episode, i love Saki, she's the ultimate troll. It's funny that she scares Shigure more than Akito lol.
May 24, 2019 12:18 PM

Sep 2017
Who was it speaking the next episode’s title at the end? I watched the english dub and couldn’t tell...
May 24, 2019 12:26 PM

Sep 2008
As expected, this episode adapts chapter 11 from the manga. Much like the 2001 anime's 9th episode, the anime added in some additional scenes to pad out the runtime for this episode. Here were differences I spotted:

-Tohru walking home with Saki and Arisa at the start of the episode was added for the anime.
-Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru doing cleaning of Shigure's house was also added for the anime. In addition, the opening narration of the manga chapter that elaborated on the hardships in Tohru's life up to that point was said by Yuki during the later part of this scene.
-During the dinner scene, Shigure wore two layers of kimono with the outer robe having an elaborate design in the manga. He is only wearing one robe during this scene.
-Tohru's explanation of why she's staying alone at Shigure's house took place during the dinner scene in the manga instead of during the cleaning of Shigure's house.
-When Tohru realized she forgot about tending to the bath water, her reaction was more exaggerated in the manga.
-The anime removed some inner monologue from Shigure following Tohru leaving the dinner table where he elaborated that attending the New Year's festival was a law for cursed members to follow. This was replaced in the anime with Kyo and Yuki thinking Tohru should be fine on her own.
-The dialogue exchange between Hatori and Akito about the New Year's festival was added for the anime.
-The various flashbacks showing Tohru's times with Kyo and Yuki as the two boys ran back to the house were added for the anime.
-When Shigure arrives at the main Sohma house, Hatsuharu was the only one to greet him in the manga and Hatori was not present during their banter. As a result, a good chunk of the dialogue in the scene was added for the anime due to Hatori's addition to it.
-Much of the New Year's happenings taking place with Tohru and the boys were added in the anime, in particular the two eating mochi inside Shigure's house and watching New Year's TV specials. The manga only showed the three watching for the first sunrise of the New Year from the roof of Shigure's house and much of the dialogue from that scene was transferred over to when the three were still inside the house.
May 24, 2019 12:40 PM

May 2016
Saki in a Russian style outfit, could I love this girl anymore especially after this episode? Tohru really has some of the greatest friends in the world.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
May 24, 2019 1:12 PM

Dec 2014
nice she wasn't able to spend the new years alone...this series is so close to heart
May 24, 2019 1:20 PM

Oct 2017
That was good episode but last 2-3 were better than this one. It even looked a bit like a filler
The Young Noble of the Field is currently watching - Diamond no Ace: Act II
Misugi-kun is also reading - Kanojo, Okarishimasu
May 24, 2019 1:25 PM

Feb 2018
I didn't really notice before, but Saki is a real looker. Hope we get to see more of her and Arisa.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
May 24, 2019 2:02 PM
Oct 2015
So emotional! I related to this episode so much.. Having traditions with someone, and them being gone so you couldn't do it them anymore...the loneliness after. I love that Saki got the best bois to go back to Tohru. I'm so loving this adaptation so far. ♥

But.. MY BABY BOY MADE HIS APPEARANCE!! I love Hatsuharu so freakin' much, his JPVA fits his whole chara so much ;-; I CANNOT wait for next episode.
May 24, 2019 2:40 PM

Feb 2014
Saki really knows how to make her entrance, as she easily scared Shigure with ease. =3

But she's my MVP of the episode, though. Her words really hit home, no pun intended, for Yuki and Kyo and it helped them to change their mind about going to the Sohma estate and decided run back home to be with Tohru for the new year's celebrations.

No surprise that Akito and Kagura won't like that respectively, but Yuki and Kyo made the right choice in the end, as they got home to see a teary-eyed Tohru and they had no problem in comforting her that she won't be alone for new year's.

The background art deserves some praise. It looks really beautiful most of the time normally, but when Yuki, Kyo and Tohru got onto the roof of the house to welcome the first sunrise of the new year, the background looked even more stunning and wonderful. =)

On another note, I'm happy that Hatsuharu has finally made his appearance. He also read out the title for the next episode, so I think we'll be seeing more of him next time, if my memories recalls from the manga. ^_^
May 24, 2019 3:37 PM

Dec 2016
When the episode reached almost mid-point with Yuki, Kyo & Shigure heading towards the Sohma state, I was like "hey, wasn't there more content in the old adaptation before this point"? and it sure was, of course, all non-canon material because in the manga was also a short chapter.

I personally loved all that non-canon filler from the 2001 adaptation. Hanajima & Uotani helping out Tohru and the Sohmas with the new years cleaning, Shigure trolling his editor and of course the best was Hana's deadpan jokes I had an itch last year in Hinamatsuri when Hina pulled out the funeral joke because I knew I had seen something very similar long ago, but I couldn't pinpoint. Also it's funny how before the Light Novel boom in Japan, Deen studios already were already foreseing the staple joke of the editor and the lazy writer. I also loved the snide and cynical humor from the 2001 Hana, back then I didn't get what was the deal with that small window and Hana narrating the joke, but today I learned that's a japanese thing that's been on TV since the 80s and they like their WIPE commentary on their shows.

Something I love from the 2001 adaptation of this chapter was that short scene on Hana noticing the Osechi (new year's japanese meal box) and how Tohru elaborates that she will be alone at the Sohma's house. That scene gives Hana motivation to ambush the Sohma's before reaching the Sohma state in order to give them the guilty trip on Tohru being all alone on new years. I always think that kind of non cannon material is really well thought and fixes Takaya's problem of "I ran into you by coincidence" kind of writing.

The sequence where Yuki & Kyo head back home undoubtedly looks better animated in the 2019 adaptation. But I really love the way the 2001 adaptation did it with Tohru framed in 2 cuts just when the two boys arrive and how it elongates with a couple more shots of her from different angles. The new one looks pretty nice too with Tohru's hair falling down slowly, but I just prefer the old one because it focuses more on Tohru's reaction.

In general the 2019 adaptation of this chapter was nice with the added scenes with Hana & Uotani walking down the hill along with Tohru, but to be fair it feels like it just stretched out a very short chapter into a whole episode that could have had more in it.
May 24, 2019 4:05 PM

Sep 2011
A really emotional episode. Festive dates can be hard, the world around you is usually joyous, but it doesn't mean you are also going to be. It can be draining, even if it's only 'routine' in the end like Kyou said. And Poor Tooru would spend her first new year's eve without her mother alone, unable to 'impose' on others or 'steal' their time with their families. Hana-chan is such a MVP though, she did something great, and saved Tooru from a long and lonely night by making Kyou and Yuki run back to her side like that. Uo-chan was also nice calling Tooru like that, it seems her only family is her father, who might have a problem with alcohol, so she has my sympathies.

But well, that scene in which Kyou and Yuki were dashing while thinking about her, and the one in the roof as they greeted the new year, were beautiful. I'm also glad Hatsuharu has made his appearance, and I can't wait to see more of him. The new year's banquet at the Souma's estate seems to be something cruel to the cat though, being the only one like them who is barred from entering like that as if to relive the tale. I wonder how the others feel about it, or if it's just 'normal' to them all, including Kyou, by this point.
May 24, 2019 4:05 PM

Jan 2016
This episode was amplified by a 100 just because of the insert song from episode 5 making a comeback, it's so beautiful!

They adapted the new year chapter really well!

One thing that I never thought was possible was that another VA nailing Tohru's iconic voice, but the new VA really has done a superb job! Credit to her

On a sidenote, it was great seeing Hatsuhara again! Missed my boi!
May 24, 2019 4:33 PM

Mar 2017
Is it just me that doesn't want her to end up with either of them? I just want them all to be together in a happy and fulfilling platonic relationship haha They both care for her so much and it makes my heart all warm ❀

Does anyone know how many episodes are gonna be in this season (please say 24)?
May 24, 2019 4:33 PM

Aug 2018
The real bros & sistas showed up this episode, Tohru's definitely encircled by good people. Though I thought she would somehow be invited to the Soma residence or that one member would come by the end to wish them a happy new year.

May 24, 2019 4:53 PM
Mar 2015
A very important chapter as Torhu is not alone thanks to Hana guiding Yuki and Kyou home while not even the New Years banquet can bring the Zodiac home to Akito Shigure has her right where he wants her
May 24, 2019 5:50 PM

Aug 2007
I almost forgot the new years episode. I mean, in manga this one is before Hatori's story with Kana. the good: Haru made his first appear.

next episode begin with the adaption of third volume.
May 24, 2019 5:59 PM

Oct 2011
great episode... good to see Hatsuharu =D
and, there's even some extra scene with Tohru's friends... (always like to see more of Arisa)
May 24, 2019 6:27 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode again.

Tohru is far too nice of a girl to be able to selfishly ask the Soma's to stay with her for New Year's. I kinda loved how Hana-chan provoked the Soma's into realizing what Tohru's real feelings would have been. :)

Insert song was really beautiful and I loved the fact that Uo-chan called Tohru to check up on her.

It's actually pretty amazing that despite everything that's happened to her, Tohru still thinks that she's really been blessed. <3
May 24, 2019 6:32 PM

Jan 2018
Great episode. even though I haven’t watched the 2001 ver yet. I can already tell why this was very popular.

It’s very sweet and wholesome with little to no drama and action involved
May 24, 2019 7:05 PM

Sep 2017
Well damn I didn't expect Shigure to harbor such animosity towards Akito. That was pretty savage. Surprised we didn't see any of the potential fallout tho. They could show us next ep but doesn't really feel like it will.
May 24, 2019 7:10 PM

Jan 2019
"Space Cadet" is my new favorite insult, courtesy of Kyo
May 24, 2019 7:30 PM

Sep 2017
Ah yes, my weekly dose of wholesomeness. Glad my boys Kyou and Yuki went back and protected Tohru. I can't handle her having any more sadness. I wish we could have gotten to see Kagura fly into this terrifying rage of hers. Sounds entertaining. I also want to learn more about Akito eventually. Sounds like a fun character to hate.
May 24, 2019 7:33 PM

Dec 2011

Damn I forgot his first appearance was at the banquet. I love his voice in sub and I'm also glad Justin Cook is back to reprise his role in the english one too!

Very cute episode, I loved the mochi scene. Tohru has such wonderful friends.
The only thing that surprised me was Shigure feeling... glad about Akito being pissed off...? Not sure how to feel about that considering how we're supposed to be viewing him later.
May 24, 2019 9:00 PM

May 2015
This gets so dramatic it reminds me of my grandma's telenovela.
I don't like it when it gets too dramatic for little things. It kind of kills the vibe when something really bad happens. That's when it has to get dramatic.
Tohru is drama in human form tho.
May 24, 2019 10:01 PM

Apr 2017
again, an incredibly wholesome episode. tohru just wants everyone to be happy with their families but everyone's so worried about her - she's a lucky gal with so many people who care so deeply for her.

kyo and yuki rushing back to check in on her was precious. i found myself getting really teary-eyed when they were all watching the sunrise.

also, can i just say that haru is fucking gorgeous? i don't even know him yet but i already love him.
May 24, 2019 10:21 PM
May 2014
One thing I am wondering is if the cat is not invited to the banquet, why would anyone care if he doesn't show up.
May 25, 2019 12:56 AM

Feb 2014
Hanajima catches every wave around her. Nearly gave me an attack when she caught on Tohru's wish.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 25, 2019 1:45 AM
Jan 2016
loved the insert Song
i'm a real fan of background Music etc
does anyone know the title/Artist?(sounded a little bit like kobasolo
May 25, 2019 4:05 AM

Oct 2017
One thng I like about fruits basket is that it shows how important a family is.
May 25, 2019 6:14 AM

Jul 2014
A decent episode this week; the emotion felt far more earned this time, even if I would have preferred Kyo and Yuki deciding to stay with Tohru themselves, rather than being prompted to by Hana's words.
May 25, 2019 9:26 AM
Jan 2018
This episode must hit home for a few people that have lost there mum or recently lost thiers this year.

My condolences

The music of the series is soothing and heartfelt
May 25, 2019 1:04 PM

Mar 2017
kagura-pb said:
kater_tot said:
Does anyone know how many episodes are gonna be in this season (please say 24)?

There's 6 dvd/bd volumes listed on the official site for the first season, 4 episodes each (except for vol. 3 which seems to have a higher price than the rest.. I guess it may contain an additional episode?), so 24 episodes are a given (it could be 25 though).

Oh hell yes hehe Thank you!
May 25, 2019 2:35 PM

May 2018
most emotional running I've seen
May 25, 2019 3:11 PM

Sep 2015
I loved this episode! Hana & Uo once again prove that they are the #1 best friends, Shigure took a bit of a dark turn, & Ha-kun has arrived!

Also, I absolutely loved & related to Kyo asking “why do we have to be related?” It totally cracked me up.
May 25, 2019 5:25 PM

Jun 2015
saki just wholeass guilt tripped them into being with tohru, good intentions for her friend.
May 25, 2019 6:55 PM

Jun 2013
I honestly love Hana-chan. She's beautiful and I love her gothic lolita aesthetic. I am always happy when she's on screen and gets to spend time with Tohru and the others.

I got a bit teary-eyed when Kyo and Yuki ran back to Tohru to find her crying while looking at her mother's photo.

We got to see Haru! I can't wait to see him again.
May 25, 2019 11:21 PM

Apr 2016
I don't know what happened but Fruits Basket is making me cry every episode now! I'm so glad I picked this anime up; it's literally perfect
May 26, 2019 5:33 PM
Jul 2018
Good episode. I'm curious as to what the ramifications of missing the banquet are.
May 26, 2019 5:46 PM

Oct 2015
I just love those three, they make me smile all the time. The romance part will be a difficult time for me, as it won't be the same.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

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