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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Oct 27, 2018 8:50 AM

Nov 2011
Ah shit, the darker and grimmer stuff returned this episode from what Goblin Slayer and the others discovered in those ruins.

It's slightly toned down as they had to improvise for airing this on TV. I think Priestess really improved in magic though or at least in her confidence to perform her abilities.

We also got some more powerful monsters rather than the standard goblin foot soldiers. Heh, it feels like fighting a video game boss. GG Ogre.
Stark700Oct 27, 2018 10:58 AM
Oct 27, 2018 9:35 AM

Apr 2010
Our Elf got bloody this episode and she had a vengeance but things ended nicely for them tho with some injuries.
Anyway that ogre was interesting but his defeat was pretty fast.
It was a pretty nice episode.
Oct 27, 2018 10:01 AM

Dec 2014
Awesome episode.

The action was great, it was pretty cool watching the group take out the goblins under GS's lead.

The fight against the Ogre was really nice and I love how at the end GS basically undermines the Ogre saying that Goblins are a bigger problem than the Ogre. xD
I hope the party doesn't disband immediately, I kinda want to see them go on more expeditions. They kinda grew on me, especially at the end when the Elf girl mentioned what adventuring meant to her and how she wanted to take GS on a real adventure that's thrilling and exciting and not just bloody massacre work.

Heh, I guess the Elf girl really grew on me this episode. <3
Receptionist is still best girl though. XD

Production seems to still be good and the soundtrack was on point during the fights.
Looking forward to next week.
Oct 27, 2018 10:04 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
That was really fun to watch

I laughed a bit when everyone thought that Orcbolg was gonna kill that elf lady lol but man I thoroughly enjoyed watching him and everyone else massacre those goblins

Our Elf Archer learned how dangerous Goblins are so I'm glad that she at least understands why Orcbolg does what he does but I won't fault her for trying to get this dude to lighten up and have fun lol

The Ogre battle was pretty great too (I totally forgot how they beat him so I had a great time re-living it all) especially that savage burn right before he died lol

Pretty good episode imo and how nice was it for Orcbolg to come home to his waifu in the end lol
Oct 27, 2018 10:10 AM

Aug 2013
Another good episode.

The Ogre battle was great with the way he was defeated by Goblin Slayer.

Oct 27, 2018 10:12 AM

Dec 2017
i still can't bear with this music, the orchestra makes it better, but the edgy rock riffs are making it worse

nevertheless, this episode was pretty good. the reason i liked gs was because of the synergy of this squad and how they handle their tactics. also the diversity of different species / races gives off some kind of WoW vibe, which is pleasant in some way
Oct 27, 2018 10:27 AM
Jan 2018
Muahahaha,as always Goblin slayer proves that it is a great show.For those that dont enjoy it,just drop it and find something else.
Oct 27, 2018 10:28 AM

Jul 2009
The use of the scroll misses of Michael Bay KABOOM sound and visual effect but good overall
Oct 27, 2018 10:29 AM

Jul 2017
That was great. Loved the strategies and desperation at play with Goblin Slayer resorting to the scroll to defeat the General. A really fun episode for me.
Oct 27, 2018 10:32 AM
Jul 2018
For those who may have missed it there is an after credits scene.

Spoilers: It's really heartwarming.
Oct 27, 2018 10:34 AM

May 2018
that raped elf got less detailed wounds compared to manga, but it's pretty okay. we got less crappy cgi, which is pretty great.

and in case you're missing, the lizard priest is using a special blade made from magic that is very sharp and never goes dull. that's why he didn't have problem killing those sleepy goblins unlike the elf.
Oct 27, 2018 10:36 AM

Jan 2013
Goblin Slayer is edgy show with a very little substance, few illogical things omnipresent in all anime and weird shift in tone - but it also have protagonist who actually uses some resemblance of tactics to actually defeat his foes, which is actually pretty rare.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Oct 27, 2018 10:36 AM

Oct 2008
Goblin Slayer: What is your name?
Enraged Ogre: You dare? I'm an O...
Goblin Slayer: It doesn't matter what your name is! Also you just activated my trap card!

Awesome episode loved the ogre fight and the music was just perfect for it. Rip and tear until it is done Goblin Slayer!!!
Oct 27, 2018 10:39 AM

Apr 2012
I want to ask the sexy mage a weird request as well.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Oct 27, 2018 10:40 AM
Apr 2018
Very good episode. The killings and the battle against the ogre were great.
High-elf archer, what did you expected from goblins? To gently kiss women? Nice to see her learning from GS.
Also, I loled at GS saying to the ogre "You are not a goblin?" but he still managed to slay him after telling him he was a lesser threat than goblins XD
Seems that next episode will be more calm/light-hearted.
Manaarii_0Oct 27, 2018 10:44 AM
Oct 27, 2018 10:40 AM

Jun 2015
The priestess's face on seeing GS try to rub blood on to the elf lol. Its nice seeing the elf get developed. Having pride is good but using it as motivation is even better. Quite creative combining two spells to knock out the gobs. The fight against the Ogre though was really impressive visually and intense. The party's teamwork was impressive for their first outing. GS sure dealt with the ogre in a creative way though. Their first adventure together sure produced an impressive victory.
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Oct 27, 2018 10:43 AM

Jan 2018
Ogre fight was great we got more blood to compensate last episode did not expect that scroll use

I would love to see an episode of him going on the adventure that elf promised probably not going happen

Don't really care about Cow girl
Oct 27, 2018 10:46 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode.

First I thought they would end with the introduction of Ogre and conclude the battle next episode and I'm glad they managed to pull off with only one.

One detail the anime skipped that Priestess has indeed overcasting her spell limit (1 for Heal for the abducted Elf girl, 1 for Silence, and 2 for Protection). She literally betting her life to save everyone since overcasting more often involve losing your life in the process.

One thing, I don't like how Crunchyroll's translation of Ogre's 孕み袋 to plaything, it should be breeding tool/bag since it would make more sense that the Ogre is planning to use Priestess to breed for the KIA goblins should she survived the Ogre's Fireball.
NitroKageAkiOct 27, 2018 10:51 AM
Oct 27, 2018 10:46 AM

Dec 2015
That was good. Although I would have preferred if the action was more dynamic, I just felt like the tension from the manga was missing. Oh well, it is what it is.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Oct 27, 2018 10:49 AM

Jul 2013
The battle against the Ogre was dope (especially the OST of the end). Goblin Slayer is a madman, using an item made to escape as a way to defeat his enemy, what a guy. The lizardman also has a pretty cool magic (I find very amusing that his Gods are basically dinosaurs).
I also find very funny how the Ogre asked Goblin Slayer if he was indeed thinking in using the trap of the scroll to kill Goblins before being killed. Even he thought Goblin Slayer was insane for wasting something so useful to get rid of pests, lmao.

It seems elf-chan will go tsuntsun for Goblin Slayer. To the harem she goes.
Oct 27, 2018 10:51 AM

Jun 2017
Great epsiode!

Sound Department, all the varying soundtracks that played, really excelled in this episode and was an amazing and top-tier company to have. Personally, I enjoyed the first ost most which played during the 5th minute of the episode or so when the Goblin Slayer was expressing his confusion and worry regarding the absence of a goblin shaman, but the battle osts that played during the intense fight/goblin slaughter and the more relaxing and calming one at the end were all magnificent! Action scenes were really entertaining and gripping too despite the constant use of CGI for the Goblin Slayer’s movements. Animation and just the tensed atmosphere of the episode were glorious!
Goblin Slayer once again shows why he is the boss when it comes to dealing with Goblins, taking the opposite path to which the Dwarf suggested in order to visit their wasteland(I’m assuming he knew that there’d be a hostage there too). Damn, that scene where everyone(including I) thought that Goblin Slayer was going to kill the elf though, I definitely didn’t expect that little Goblin to come charging out of the blue. Elf-chan, meanwhile, had a really traumatic experience in this episode and lost herself there while trying to slaughter all those KO’d goblins but it’s good to see her regain herself by the end of the episode. Priestess’s save there against the Ogre really shows her confidence in her ability now and that’s nice to see. Goblin Slayer sure is a great tactician and a stubborn but thoughtful leader. Really enjoyed how he outsmarted the Ogre there and claimed Goblins to be much more troublesome before finishing off the Ogre, it made his character so much more badass. It just makes me think that the elf-chan’s adventure wish is not for Gonlin Slayer as he’s now more or less a lost cause. What a nice welcome home in the end there though.

Looking forward to the next episode now!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 27, 2018 10:51 AM

Feb 2011
Lelouch0202 said:
... I kinda want to see them go on more expeditions. They kinda grew on me, especially at the end when the Elf girl mentioned what adventuring meant to her and how she wanted to take GS on a real adventure that's thrilling and exciting and not just bloody massacre work ...

We all know Orcbolg never intended to go on adventures in the first place. He exterminates under the title of adventurer. He'll do anything if it helps him complete his single minded mission.

Other than that, everyone filled their MVP quota. Elf with first kill(s) and traps, Priestess' last resort protection, Lizard increasing their man power, Dwarf ... tag teaming with Priestess I guess. He was able to pinpoint where the nest was, but GS just had them go the opposite direction anyway. He indirectly saved the captive elf in a sense. No need to mention our MC's achievements here. I'm actually worried word of his accomplishments will lead him into more trouble.
ReloadOct 27, 2018 11:15 AM
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised)
Oct 27, 2018 10:52 AM

Aug 2013
great episode
Priestess used 4 spell instead of 3, I guess she's really grown up (idk if it's permanent limit cap or ?)

can't wait for the Goblin Lord battle & meat shield
Oct 27, 2018 10:58 AM

May 2018
Vanschia said:
great episode
Priestess used 4 spell instead of 3, I guess she's really grown up (idk if it's permanent limit cap or ?)

can't wait for the Goblin Lord battle & meat shield

No her limit is 3 atm, she says it herself : "I just used Heal, so that leaves two", but notice how she became super weak and almost fainted after the 4th spell.
Oct 27, 2018 10:58 AM

Nov 2009
A nice hunt. The elf archer is quite emotional for someone her age.
Oct 27, 2018 11:04 AM

Nov 2016
Too bad that we didn't get see Ogre rape and a potential goosh goosh 2.0.

Good episode nonetheless since we were back to business.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 27, 2018 11:04 AM

Jan 2016
Vanschia said:
great episode
Priestess used 4 spell instead of 3, I guess she's really grown up (idk if it's permanent limit cap or ?)

can't wait for the Goblin Lord battle & meat shield

She cast past her limit. It gets mentioned briefly in the LN's and the manga, but she risks killing herself by doing so. In the face of that fireball, definitely a necessary risk, though I wish the anime elaborated on it a little more or made things look a little bit more high-risk for her. Some bleeding from the nose/eyes would've been a great visual touch to convey what was going on; as it was, I only know what happened there because I've read the LN.
Oct 27, 2018 11:17 AM

May 2018
FMmatron said:
Too bad that we didn't get see Ogre rape and a potential goosh goosh 2.0.

Good episode nonetheless since we were back to business.

this isn't some hentai where a falcon-9 sized pee pee can enter a normal girl's wee wee and somehow didn't tear her stomach.
Oct 27, 2018 11:22 AM

Apr 2018
Do elfs consider the lenght of 1 year to be less than what humans consider the lenght of 1 year to be?cause best girl aka elf girl sure didn't experience shit during those "2000" years looking at the ways she reacted and acted during this epsiode

Anw it was a decent episode i guess 3/5
Oct 27, 2018 11:24 AM
Mar 2018
And here I hoped that I'd never hear that disgusting Witch voice acting...
Oct 27, 2018 11:25 AM

Aug 2014
About the spell limit, also, you can see her totally exhausted.
Oct 27, 2018 11:25 AM
Jan 2018
Mattinator95Oct 27, 2018 11:30 AM
Oct 27, 2018 11:27 AM

Aug 2014
Mattinator95 said:

Yeah, I still can't believe it, but it's true xD.
Oct 27, 2018 11:31 AM

Sep 2017
So the fight ended with an anti-climax, barely-animated secret move. It's pretty bad. The manga was much better in conveying the intensity of that scene.

An action anime without decent animation. What's the appeal of this series? Just rape and "gore"?
Oct 27, 2018 11:32 AM

Jun 2014
Pretty good episode, filled with a lot of goblin-slaying action. It was cool to see each member of this group showcase their abilities, and I didn't expect GS to pull out that scroll that he used to kill the Ogre (then again, there didn't seem to be any other way to beat him). That was an awesome-looking technique.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 27, 2018 11:35 AM

Aug 2015
Will we still see different types of enemies like the ogre? Or was it just an exception? That really would make the series more interesting uwu
Oct 27, 2018 11:36 AM
Jan 2018
kofmaster said:
Mattinator95 said:

Yeah, I still can't believe it, but it's true xD.

even tough its only motion capture actor is pretty hilarious considering the amount of memes and fan art and the scenes where the doom song plays
Oct 27, 2018 11:37 AM

Dec 2017
what kind of person who has an idea to teleport a fucking seawater under the sea?

Goblin Slayer it is.

it would look dope though if he release the teleport right where the goblin are sleeping and then just drown them all from the top.

great episode, Goblin Slayer knew he can’t handle that alone, and everyone had their roles, especially Dwarf and Priestess with sleeping combo, and her double layered protection. cast limit is the shit you know, harsh stuff.

when Goblin Slayer ask you to bath in a blood of a goblin, i feel that.

imagine the smell.
InukanuraOct 27, 2018 11:41 AM
Oct 27, 2018 11:38 AM
Jul 2018
CHC said:
So the fight ended with an anti-climax, barely-animated secret move. It's pretty bad. The manga was much better in conveying the intensity of that scene.

An action anime without decent animation. What's the appeal of this series? Just rape and "gore"?

Bad animation is still animation. Also music and voice acting adds a whole new dimension to things.
Oct 27, 2018 11:42 AM

Dec 2015
FuryTank said:
Will we still see different types of enemies like the ogre? Or was it just an exception? That really would make the series more interesting uwu
Yes, there will be other strong enemies like the ogre.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Oct 27, 2018 11:48 AM

Feb 2016
Well this was a better episode than last one. High Elf got her shit altogether, at least she's more bearable now. The action was nice I guess


Akerakai said:
Do elfs consider the lenght of 1 year to be less than what humans consider the lenght of 1 year to be?cause best girl aka elf girl sure didn't experience shit during those "2000" years looking at the ways she reacted and acted during this episode

I was curious about that, how come in all of her "2000" years didn't she experience something as dark as this? I know she says in one point that she rather have an adventurous life rather than what she just went through, but its still suspicious. Bad writing I guess.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 27, 2018 11:52 AM

Feb 2016
NamelesssOne said:
For those who may have missed it there is an after credits scene.

Spoilers: It's really heartwarming.

I would have been okay if I didn't see that, but thanks I guess.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 27, 2018 11:53 AM

Mar 2018
Pretty good episode, the battle was cool even though the animation was't the greatest
At the end Goblin Slayer was really badass charging agaist the ogre with the scroll
Hope this anime will keep getting better
Oct 27, 2018 11:55 AM

Aug 2012
Finally some stronger and different enemies that face Goblin Slayer.
Oct 27, 2018 11:56 AM

Jan 2017
This anime has some dark prospects, and the slight comic relief seems good.

But today's episode though, I actually thought that dwarf was going to pull off some kage-bun shin-no Jutsu... That wasn't the case however, I'm liking the way they use spells in this anime -that dwarf especially, it was reminiscent of earth-bending.
For a second I thought the goblin slayer would just be like, "eh, it's not a goblin. I'm out" but it ended up building up towards home using that scroll -which they were explicitly implying so...
Can't wait for next week
Oct 27, 2018 11:58 AM
Jul 2018
am i the only one thinking this anime got super boring lol, i find myself tabbing out a lot more lol
Oct 27, 2018 11:58 AM

May 2018
Reichter said:

Some bleeding from the nose/eyes would've been a great visual touch to convey what was going on; as it was, I only know what happened there because I've read the LN.

She became weaker and almost fainted, her legs were trembling. That never happened before when she was casting spells.
Oct 27, 2018 12:17 PM

May 2018
HereticHunter said:
Well this was a better episode than last one. High Elf got her shit altogether, at least she's more bearable now. The action was nice I guess


Akerakai said:
Do elfs consider the lenght of 1 year to be less than what humans consider the lenght of 1 year to be?cause best girl aka elf girl sure didn't experience shit during those "2000" years looking at the ways she reacted and acted during this episode

I was curious about that, how come in all of her "2000" years didn't she experience something as dark as this? I know she says in one point that she rather have an adventurous life rather than what she just went through, but its still suspicious. Bad writing I guess.

Probably bc she never gets out from her nest. Just think her nest is a very peaceful place and demon lord still didn’t exist in majority of her lifetime, she’s a lowkey 2000 y/o NEET.
Oct 27, 2018 12:20 PM

Aug 2008
Not sure how much of the feeling this anime is lacklustre comes from spoiling myself by reading manga and how much from poor production values. First episode was good but afterwards there's no proper flow. I have no idea what is in the novels but anime is also skipping some significant details you can find in the manga like what HEA said in the wagon. Or wet Priestess...

Oh ye, and how in the hell they were making sounds under Silence...
AntanaruOct 27, 2018 12:47 PM
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 27, 2018 12:21 PM
Sep 2017
Glad that it got more interesting than the last episode. I'm really liking the series so far
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