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Happy Sugar Life
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Aug 18, 2018 11:47 AM

Sep 2017
Every I check back and it seems the rating keeps lower? I personally enjoy this show so I have no idea why
Are we really gonna make it..?
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Aug 18, 2018 12:00 PM

Apr 2016
It's just people for some to me unknown reason don't enjoy seeing fictional characters suffer.
Aug 18, 2018 2:29 PM

May 2012
Swagernator said:
It's just people for some to me unknown reason don't enjoy seeing fictional characters suffer.

Weird. How is it possible?
Aug 18, 2018 2:32 PM

Nov 2016
People don't know how to recognize Good Anime. Thats why shit like YOI Got uch high scores and good shit like this gets low scores

Without Love, the truth cannot be seen.
Aug 18, 2018 6:25 PM

Jul 2014
I would not be surprised if it ends somewhere between 6 and 7, horror series do not get too far if they do not have an interesting plot or appealing characters.

I get it is a horror anime, you are suppose to feel uneasy about the plot and how things progress, but every character of this series (except Satou's best friend(?)) has some weird borderline mental disorder because of reasons; and that seems to be the only highlight of this anime, people with mental disorders doing stupid things.
Aug 18, 2018 7:07 PM

May 2018
LegnaOnFire said:
...but every character of this series (except Satou's best friend(?)) has some weird borderline mental disorder because of reasons; and that seems to be the only highlight of this anime, people with mental disorders doing stupid things.

That's pretty much it, and with each new episode another psycho character enters the stage. The series is not particaulary bad, more like "so bad it' good" or "bad but fun to watch". A guilty pleasure.

The actual score at the moment (7.06) seems more than fair though@OP, it could be a lot lower if all the anime on this site wouldn't get overflodded with 8-10 scores from overoptimistic people.
Heck, most of the scores are so similar that the score difference from a ~rank 1000 anime and this one (rank 3400 at the moment) is 7.7 against 7.0, so 0.7 in total only. In that regard I wouldn't care so much about the rating here if I were you, really.^^
Aug 19, 2018 11:42 AM

Dec 2017
Horror is a niche genre that has certain "tastes" that people just don't enjoy watching. Normally they would gloss over what is considered tension and suspense for being dark and edgy to try and scare you. A horror anime doesn't just have to scare you but make you feel nervous and uneased, which is something that Happy Sugar Life does well IMO.

I'm not saying this show is perfect as some of the characters are crazy for the sake of being crazy, but it has been the most enjoyable horror anime in a while since it does do horror well.

Aug 19, 2018 12:02 PM
Oct 2017
So far, I am not disappointed how Ezo'la adapting this despite being a newcomer studio. VA plot and specially OST are better than what I have expected.
Aug 19, 2018 1:02 PM

Feb 2018
it's shit thats whats wrong with it
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Aug 19, 2018 1:26 PM

Jul 2016
I think it's repetitive and stale... oh well :P
"This little girl, who's not even half my size... taught me that tears can flow even from these silver eyes." - Teresa
Aug 20, 2018 2:15 PM

Mar 2010
I really wanted to like it but it just falls flat in multiple aspects. There is yuri, unhealthy relationship, yandere, deaths, cute female characters, interesting and dark plot, basically everything I love in anime. What could there be not to like? Well... yeah... Rant incoming!

This absolutely fails as anything remotely similar to horror. Maybe it's that I have an issue with anime horror but this is not scary... or creepy... or making me uneasy... or making me anything else but indifferent. It's just randomness with insane characters who don't even go all the way for gore galore (not a fan of gore fest but if you aren't Junji Ito, it's the safest and easiest way to do horror and not even that is here).

Look at Another, it failed to bring the tension and fear but it made very gruesome deaths to compensate and while I wasn't a fan, it's still better than nothing. Which is exactly what we got here.

As it was said before, all of these characters are mentally ill. The MC is a pedophile, another dude is a pedophile, another woman was a rapist, the teacher is a crazy masochist, etc. It makes them awfully unrelatable and unlikeable. Seriously, Shoko is probably the only (partly) sane character on screen and it is awfully annoying with how the show tries to make her the cutest and sweetest friend ever. uwu kyaa~ Just no. Even that little kid who are usually the incarnation of cuteness and likability is a schizophreniac with possible DID.

Oh, and Shio is apparently the center of universe. If the show doesn't make her a devil child sent to the Earth to mentally destroy humans to get as many to hell, I'll be disappointed.

Where? Seriously, the plot is that a pedophile kidnaps a girl and tries to get rid of everyone who wants to destroy their happiness. This actually sounds like a great story! It has huge potential to explore unhealthy and abusive relationships, messed up power dynamics, murder, manipulation and overall mental struggle as the innocent victim begins to see her captor for who she really is.

Just that we get nothing from that. We don't even get anything from the "pedophile kidnaps a girl and tries to get rid of everyone who wants to destroy their happiness" part. Literally, the only "getting rid of" that happened was off screen and implied. We're halfway done and NOTHING of substance happened. No "mad yandere mode". We only learned character background for both main characters. After 6 episodes!

Shio still thinks Satou is the best thing ever and apparently doesn't see anything wrong with the status quo. Satou has been awfully passive, we discovered several crazy people and got their backgrounds thoroughly explored. We even got the friendship between Shoko and Satou. And it seems like the show will go down the "it's ok to be abusive if there are more abusive people" with Shio's father as the villain instead of Satou, as it should have been. Which will be incredibly disappointing.

Even Yuuno got into her yandere mode at this point and the main point of that anime was a fight to become the God not yandere being yandere. For a show about yandere being yandere, there is awfully little yandering.

Bottom line: The only part of this anime I can call safely good is animation and character design.

The only reasons I will finish it are that a. I love yanderes so I still have some expectations and b. it's just 12 episodes and I'm already midway.
SuiNoByakkoAug 20, 2018 2:19 PM
Aug 20, 2018 7:23 PM
Feb 2017
It just seems a lot of people take the term 'edgy' very negatively.

I can understand that but I find it an aspect that attracts me to a show rather than detract me from it...

...unless it's Ousama Game of course. ^_^
Aug 20, 2018 7:41 PM

Jan 2017
Im watching this anime because its caught my interest, but that doesn't usually happen.

I usually watch / read MOE and Yuri, so animes like this where girls are hurting / killing other girls doesn't usually bode well with me.

(I'm assuming we'll unfortunately be seeing some of that next episode)
Female x Female = Yes

Girl x Girl = Yes

Vagina x Vagina = Yes

Yuri = Yes

Lesbian = Yes
Aug 20, 2018 8:31 PM
Jan 2018
pffffffft i dunno not a clue
Aug 20, 2018 8:56 PM

Jan 2018
Maybe because i've seen enough Yuno that I don't want to see another copy paste.
Aug 20, 2018 9:49 PM

Nov 2015
I'm enjoying it so far but I personally find edge and crazy characters entertaining at times. Others probably don't like that and are upset at the lack of likable and/or sane characters and the direction the story is going. Shows like this that are mostly shock value never get very high scores, just look at Mahou Shoujo Site and Ousama Game.
Aug 22, 2018 12:35 PM

Apr 2016
Like I said in my review, there is no momentum even the most heinous problems get solved within one episode for literally no reason at all. It isn't even about luck, for example in the first few episodes when she challenges her manager why did that just die on the vine? That character should have been incentivized to ruin or destroy the MC's life but instead she just faded into the background.
Aug 22, 2018 5:24 PM

Jan 2017
Mywifesson said:
Like I said in my review, there is no momentum even the most heinous problems get solved within one episode for literally no reason at all. It isn't even about luck, for example in the first few episodes when she challenges her manager why did that just die on the vine? That character should have been incentivized to ruin or destroy the MC's life but instead she just faded into the background.

It's also a bit annoying how most problems in this anime would not be problems if someone just called the cops.

I know there would be no interesting plot if the cops just solved everything, but it just comes off as unrealistic imo.

especially since there are SO MANY SITUATIONS where someone could have dialed 911
Female x Female = Yes

Girl x Girl = Yes

Vagina x Vagina = Yes

Yuri = Yes

Lesbian = Yes
Aug 30, 2018 6:48 AM

Aug 2017
'edgy = bad show 1/10' Muh, many of those who say that are the same who are jerking off to Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu, are some lolicons or like some generic hentai.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Aug 30, 2018 6:52 AM

Oct 2007
Its like it was written by an edgelord teenager.
Sep 4, 2018 2:55 PM

Jan 2011
I like all the extremes this show goes to and how Satou goes from nice to yandere in seconds. I'm also enjoying the blonde guy who basically got traumatized into "those tendencies" because he got raped by an older woman.
Of course, the little girl is cute (I mean this in a normal way lol) and all the other things are an added bonus.
Sep 5, 2018 4:45 PM

Aug 2018
I just started watching this anime. Is everyone in this series a pedophile? I'm being so serious right now. This is actually disturbing. I'm only two episode in, and considering dropping it...
╔════════════════ • • ════════════════╗
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game, or live my own life
- Get Free, Lana Del Rey

╚════════════════ • • ════════════════╝
Sep 5, 2018 5:18 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
That 7.04 is actually pretty damn good for that kind of anime. Usually the edgy kind of anime ends up at the bottom of the seasons.
DatRandomDudeSep 5, 2018 5:23 PM
Sep 9, 2018 5:51 AM
Dec 2014
I wonder what people expected when they watched this show. I had my reservations. I generally dislike yandere, Yuno is my all time most detested character, and the MC look a bit similar (well, pink hair and crazy looking eye). But I gave it a chance because I have seen it described as horror or psychological horror and I like this genre. I also also curious as to how Kana Hanazawa would voice this character. I also braced myself for the train wreck one would expect of this genre so I wouldn't be too annoyed when any nice characters are killed off.

I wouldn't really class it as horror.. yes, they do some eerie stuff, but it's not horror. Still, I think this is yandere done right. I do not like the MC's actions but expect it, you know what you are getting from the cover, and I liked her portrayal as a sociopath and they spell out what goes into her twist mind. Yuno might win the body count contest, but Satou stomps in character design (quality over quantity). And while the world they live in is by no mean realistic (everyone is crazy, the cops are impotent), at least the concept of some crazies kidnapping and locking a toddler in the house is plausible, which I felt added to the story.

Still, this is basically the opposite of a "feel good anime" where everyone is happy and nice, and anything bad ends up patched up by some heartfelt making up and tears of happiness. Here just about everyone is screwed up, almost everyone hurt one another, and you know what whatever little happiness shown will soon be replaced by tears and blood. If "enjoyment" is part of the criteria of one's rating, I think that a "feel bad" anime will naturally not do great.

FWIW, I consider 7 pretty good for an anime that doesn't have an widespread appeal. While I am pleasantly surprised by it, this is not an anime I will go recommending to everyone.
Sep 9, 2018 6:11 AM

May 2017
for me, this is top 3 anime in this season and it place no 2 after Grand Blue
Sep 14, 2018 1:42 AM

Dec 2015
The score is too damn high honestly.
Sep 14, 2018 2:39 AM

Aug 2018
The score should be a point higher honestly.
Sep 14, 2018 4:01 PM

Jul 2015
The main problem is that this anime is so edgy, I almost cut myself.

Sep 14, 2018 7:02 PM

Jul 2013
I don't get the appeal of Shio. I find her bland, boring, and downright annoying at times. Yet, characters in this show act like she's the perfect angel who will save all of humanity or something. Speaking of other characters, everyone has some kind of mental problem (except for Shouko, who is a boring "I'm a good girl" character). It would still be fine if they're entertainingly broken, but more times than not, they become borderline cringe worthy when their craziness kicked in.

The story is stale. The characters are so passive it felt like the show itself is waiting for something to happen. They're teasing us with Shio's backstory a lot, but there's no bait to bite into. We already know it's some kind of fucked up household, all that's left to know is the exact detail of the event.

There're some good moments here and there, like when Satou "bitchslapped" the manager, or at the end of episode 9, but the rest of the show just felt like a slog to watch.
Sep 17, 2018 7:49 AM
Aug 2011
SuiNoByakko said:

This absolutely fails as anything remotely similar to horror. Maybe it's that I have an issue with anime horror but this is not scary... or creepy... or making me uneasy... or making me anything else but indifferent. It's just randomness with insane characters who don't even go all the way for gore galore (not a fan of gore fest but if you aren't Junji Ito, it's the safest and easiest way to do horror and not even that is here).

For me, I think one thing this series does it try to give a reason as to why people are really messed up and why they have the unhealthy relationships that they do. The explanations are a bit all over the place, some work some don't.

I do like the anime however, even I have to agree it's hard to take it at face value when literally every main character is damaged in one way or another and they just do happen to be interacting with each other with only one character being remotely normal. I'm going with it for the fun ride with interactions I want to see play out but if someone asked me if this was high quality, I would lean on no.
Sep 17, 2018 12:46 PM

Apr 2016
It clearly is no masterpiece. But it at least deserves a 7.6 or 7.7 for how entertaining it is.
Sep 22, 2018 2:21 PM
Oct 2012
Austro said:
Mywifesson said:
Like I said in my review, there is no momentum even the most heinous problems get solved within one episode for literally no reason at all. It isn't even about luck, for example in the first few episodes when she challenges her manager why did that just die on the vine? That character should have been incentivized to ruin or destroy the MC's life but instead she just faded into the background.

It's also a bit annoying how most problems in this anime would not be problems if someone just called the cops.

I know there would be no interesting plot if the cops just solved everything, but it just comes off as unrealistic imo.

especially since there are SO MANY SITUATIONS where someone could have dialed 911

IKR! For example, don't appartments have thin walls? I'm sure a neighbour would have heard some weird things up to now
Sep 25, 2018 7:47 PM
Jul 2018
SuiNoByakko said:

This absolutely fails as anything remotely similar to horror. Maybe it's that I have an issue with anime horror but this is not scary... or creepy... or making me uneasy... or making me anything else but indifferent. It's just randomness with insane character who don't even go all the way for gore galore (not a fan of gore fest but if you aren't Junji Ito, it's the safest and easiest way to do horror and not even that is here).

Thanks, that's the perfect explanation.

It's hard for me to feel scared or uneasy at horror, especially anime horror. Tho, that's not the fault of most anime, I know that. I still really liked Parasyte or Death Parade for example.
The last (psychological) anime horror or "horror" that made me feeling really uncomfortable, were Perfect Blue, Madoka, Made in Abyss and ... D.Gray-man!? xD

But atm, I feel towards this anime as I felt towards the few episodes of Magical Girl Site I have seen. It tries so hard to be horror and is so much on the edges that I can't take it serious.
For me, it would have been much better, if the main character had been the only insane character.

Don't know, if I want to continue it, but I feel like I'm better with some RL series like Criminal Minds, if I want to see a better-done (imo) "someone kidnaps a child and tries to protect their delusion"-plot.

It feels like the edge of the season. That's it. xD
Sep 30, 2018 5:14 PM
Apr 2018
I am at episode 3 and still don't know if I want to finish this.
Oct 1, 2018 11:31 PM

Jun 2016
Shiro_Suzumiya said:
What's wrong with this anime?
The ending.

Extra text added to meet the word count requirement
Oct 2, 2018 8:55 AM

May 2009
So after which chapter of manga anime goes original?
Oct 3, 2018 12:22 AM

Aug 2018
SaiDrew said:
I am at episode 3 and still don't know if I want to finish this.

I don't recommend that you finish this. The ending was tremendously sad, comparable to plastic memories sad.
Oct 3, 2018 12:33 AM

Jul 2016
I dropped it for two main reasons. The first being that none of the charicters are completely insane and that made it hard to connect with them. The second being that is that it’s constantly trying to string us along with dumb mysteries.
Dec 30, 2018 9:59 AM

May 2018
One of the main characters is 5-6yo kid. I think some guys don't get this fact at all. Her undeveloped (literally) brain doesn't even know how to switch on the vacuum cleaner and how to tie shoes. She is not able to understand what love is, she just likes cuddles and head rubbing, her child's brain can't understand something more complex. And obviously, an adult can't fall in love with 5-year-old kid (in romantic meanings). It's an utter bullshit
Nemo_NiemandDec 30, 2018 10:07 AM
Jan 13, 2019 7:11 PM

Mar 2017
I really didn't like this anime because it was just too disturbing. Three pedo characters and a little girl who is mental fucked up at the end? That is too far
Jan 15, 2019 6:58 PM
Nov 2018
Everybody in this anime has at least a mental problem, but at the same time they have feelings and love to offer... You know what? THIS ANIME IS WRONG BECAUSE ITS IS.

Ps: I love this anime.
Jan 19, 2019 9:40 AM
May 2018
First episodes are good, middle is okay, 9 to 11 are good too, but last episode sucks af.
Apr 16, 2019 1:23 AM

Dec 2015
It makes my skin crawl and I feel horrible watching it.

But then that's better than being boring.

But many people might rate it low for those reasons.
Apr 17, 2019 4:58 AM

May 2018
I personally like this anime, and gave some credits to Ezòla that done it great as a newcomer. But I get it why some audiences didn't like HSL.

First, despite being a Horror, nothing is creepy on it. It's a full psychological anime rather than horror.

Second, this anime is full of ill people. Pedophile, Psycho, Violence Victim, Bully, and not all audiences love it.

Third, there is no clear story or goals. Even me referenced this anime as a thing that show you how bad the effect after being bullied or got some domestic violence, or being a child from a broken family, and remind us to be more care of society. But if you asked me what is Happy Sugar Life Satou always catch for, or why she want to do anything to get her happiness, I don't know the answer.
Apr 18, 2019 11:38 PM
Sep 2015
Maybe people don’t like this anime very much because it’s triggering. Everyone is in love with that little child and this can be quite disturbing. If someone enjoys watching it, that’s fantastic, i’m into horror anime too but i understand why people don’t appreciate it.
(English is not my first language, sorry.)
Apr 20, 2019 5:54 AM
Jan 2018
The ending ruined it for me and some how it felt like the stuido did its own thing .
May 3, 2019 6:35 PM
Jul 2018
>brutal murders
Perfectly OK
>pedophile (who doesn't actually do anything)

Western society never fails to amuse me.
Jun 24, 2019 10:49 AM
Mar 2019
ArrRti said:
LegnaOnFire said:
...but every character of this series (except Satou's best friend(?)) has some weird borderline mental disorder because of reasons; and that seems to be the only highlight of this anime, people with mental disorders doing stupid things.

That's pretty much it, and with each new episode another psycho character enters the stage. The series is not particaulary bad, more like "so bad it' good" or "bad but fun to watch". A guilty pleasure.

The actual score at the moment (7.06) seems more than fair though@OP, it could be a lot lower if all the anime on this site wouldn't get overflodded with 8-10 scores from overoptimistic people.
Heck, most of the scores are so similar that the score difference from a ~rank 1000 anime and this one (rank 3400 at the moment) is 7.7 against 7.0, so 0.7 in total only. In that regard I wouldn't care so much about the rating here if I were you, really.^^

are you sure about that? 7.06 is lower then controversial anime like Tokyo Ghoul □A and season 1 and 2 of SAO which many people think are bad anime. Overly-optimistic people are a problem in MAL ratings as stuff like S;G O have a rating most classics don't even get close to. However, many overly-pessimistic just label this anime as 'edgy' and move on to rewatching Madoka and evangelion the 19th time this year, keeping their 3.82 mean score thinking people care
Jun 24, 2019 11:25 AM

May 2018
Panga216 said:
ArrRti said:

That's pretty much it, and with each new episode another psycho character enters the stage. The series is not particaulary bad, more like "so bad it' good" or "bad but fun to watch". A guilty pleasure.

The actual score at the moment (7.06) seems more than fair though@OP, it could be a lot lower if all the anime on this site wouldn't get overflodded with 8-10 scores from overoptimistic people.
Heck, most of the scores are so similar that the score difference from a ~rank 1000 anime and this one (rank 3400 at the moment) is 7.7 against 7.0, so 0.7 in total only. In that regard I wouldn't care so much about the rating here if I were you, really.^^

are you sure about that? 7.06 is lower then controversial anime like Tokyo Ghoul □A and season 1 and 2 of SAO which many people think are bad anime. Overly-optimistic people are a problem in MAL ratings as stuff like S;G O have a rating most classics don't even get close to. However, many overly-pessimistic just label this anime as 'edgy' and move on to rewatching Madoka and evangelion the 19th time this year, keeping their 3.82 mean score thinking people care

Um, I didn't really get what was the question now, so I can't give a proper answer (plus this thread is rather old).
But in case of TG Root Alpha and SAO, I'd assume that the 10/10 brigade is more prominent than the 1/10 fraction, as they are far more popular and hence can mobilize their fan base better than this rather unknown anime.
I don't know what to answer you else in that matter.
Jul 12, 2019 7:51 PM

Jun 2019
I finished Happy Sugar Life today And I gave it 10/7 For me 7.04 isn't a low point for this anime,yes was a Good anime but not a masterpiece,So if it's not a masterpiece How can it deserve 8-9 points on MAL,Of Course it can't deserve.And this is just my opinion but I'm sure that there is lots of otakus who watched this anime thinking same thing with me.
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