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Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online (light novel)
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Apr 28, 2018 8:22 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, if there's one thing that gives LLEEN an advantage, it's that she's hard to hit with her character model size in battle. It helps that she can sneak in attacks too.

I still feels like LLEEN and M make a strange duo. They're just so different although on the battlefield, the two works well as a pair. Oh yeah, one thing I want to mention is that M is great as a defensive support and sniper. (I remember playing the GGO game recently and he's a solid pick for a party if you need some firepower support. Lol, I noticed the TV version actually advertises the game too)

The action was nice and it kept its momentum. I still wonder how the storytelling will develop as I feel that needs more work. Lol M's reaction.
Stark700Apr 28, 2018 9:54 AM
Apr 28, 2018 8:27 AM

Nov 2007
The story is continued from the end of ep.1, it seems.

The guy she teams up with is good at maps.

Battling against the remaining enemies. They have ships.

Wow, that thing in his bag, he must be strong to shoulder that heavy stuff (at least looks heavy for me) and still run so long in ep.1. With that he can one shot the enemies while blocking the shots.

Meaning of the game? Only good at long distance gunshot?

The one enemy team got near them so fast. She got shot but didn't lose.

After reading the letter, that huge guy aims at her. She locked his gun so she's safe.

He turns out (mentally) weaker than he looks as he burst out tears and say he doesn't want to die.

Another song of Elza Kanzaki
tsubasaloverApr 28, 2018 8:32 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Apr 28, 2018 9:06 AM

Apr 2018
I can't sleep because I'm too curious what's going to happen next. SAO series are always great.
Apr 28, 2018 9:56 AM

Dec 2014
That was a good episode.

The battle was pretty cool to watch and M-san is pretty pro eh? I guess real world shooting experience helps in GGO since he doesn't have to rely on hip fire + aim assist.

What's with that ending though? I feel like M-san is trying to pull some kind of stunt to defeat the last team but I can't seem to see what exactly he is trying to do here.
Apr 28, 2018 10:10 AM

Apr 2016
I bet the author of this LN never played MP game in his life, because the "last team" was not a team, but a fucking army LOL

Also the mental breakdown of M at the end is probably safe bet that he is in real life another light novel loser character ... what a shame.
Apr 28, 2018 10:19 AM

Jun 2015
M is very skilled, he managed to take out almost everyone on those hovercraft. Got to know a bit more how shooting works. Now they are being chased by a big team. That ending though. I was expecting him to betray her, but not how he was acting afterwards. I wonder why he's doing this.
Apr 28, 2018 10:27 AM

Feb 2013
Lol, that ending ruined his character.
Apr 28, 2018 10:29 AM

Aug 2013
I first thought the enemies didn't see the bullet line because M had to aim far ahead due to the enemies moving in a hover, but the bullet assist thing is fine too. It will probably be important later.

M is as chicken as he said to be lol which makes sense since each character is supposed to be quite opposite of their real life's self.
Apr 28, 2018 10:33 AM

Nov 2016
Finally an episode with action. The way M killed them all was with style, he a very skilled player damn. The way they explained the bullet circles was interesting.

LLENN got lucky for having a small character model. There is only 1 team left, and they had the advantage for a while. M's and LLENN interactions while in the battlefield is scary. That ending with M LOL.
Apr 28, 2018 10:49 AM

Jul 2017
Fine episode. Liked the action but again, I'm just struggling with LLENN and everyone else. I just cant give a fuck for any of them for me to be invested in this show.

Still, good ending for this episode. M came off as such a geek and I loved it XD
Apr 28, 2018 10:50 AM

Feb 2011
It was pretty obvious that the last enemy team would move in on the teams that clashed first, so they should've seen that coming. At least hide before the scan. It's what they've been doing up till now at that. What changed? Also, if he was planning to shoot her anyway, he could've left her behind when she got shot already. Where's the logic here? It almost seems like some kind of initiation where you take out your partner after you've gotten close to them.
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised)
Apr 28, 2018 10:52 AM

May 2010
That was unexpected...

Apr 28, 2018 10:53 AM

Feb 2016
Usually I dislike spoilers but I'm glad I stumbled across some for GGO. It made the ending pretty hilarious.

Also LLENN is a reaction image jackpot. Her and Chaos are pretty much a gold mine.
Apr 28, 2018 10:56 AM
Jul 2016
This was almost a perfect episode. It ended exactly where i thought it would but the after-credits scene was unnecesary, they should have left all the brain-dead story stuff for next week, there was no need to ruin the mood in this episode as M shooting LLENN was a perfect cliffhanger.

Welp whatever, at least yet again they don't create false expectations so the after-credits scene was at least good in that regard, plus they presented the M situation in a semi-comedic fashion instead of nonsensical grim fashion like the ln.

And action scenes were yet again really satisfying.

Oh boy, next episode...

Apr 28, 2018 11:00 AM

Aug 2013
*Dramatic Stormtrooper voice* TRAITOR
Don't believe the hype.
Apr 28, 2018 11:03 AM

Jun 2015
The suitcase tactic though was just overwhelmingly effective lol. Thats some skill that M has in navigation though. Wow to think that one of the teams managed to get their hands on not just one but four hovercraft. To think that gun shields exist in the game though. But M's skills as a sniper sure is amazing. The bullet circle is handy but not indicative of your actual skill i guess. The last team though sure is proving to be a tough one. Hmm quite the action packed episode with an explosive twist in the end. I wonder what that letter said.
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Apr 28, 2018 11:04 AM

Jan 2018
wow this is actually pretty good
Ueno best girL

Apr 28, 2018 11:05 AM

Sep 2016
"I'm sorry."

The pink loli munchkin said as she murdered a guy to death for the crime of playing a VR game, turning his corpse into a fine red mist with her beloved husbando, P-chan. This is the fate of all who cross LLENN.


Does anyone remember that time in the original GGO arc where Kirito thrusted a guy to death with his totally-not-a-light-saber stick thingy as they both screamed in borderline-orgasmic horror for an entire minute? It was simultaneously too terrifying and hilarious to take seriously. They were going for an epic moment, but it just turned out so bad it looped around to almost being a meme. It's as if the show was literally mocking its own pacing by making Kirito stab a guy for a full minute.

Or thirty seconds.

A stab shouldn't take that long. Seriously.

Don't f*ck with the murder loli. M learned his lesson.
Ravioli ravioli, Kirito will not touch the loli.
Apr 28, 2018 11:05 AM

Jul 2010
Goddammit M, wtf you doing

The music was especially great this episode.
Apr 28, 2018 11:09 AM

Dec 2017
*throws grenade in water*
*grenade sinks down 2 meters down*
*grenade blows up in water with an explosion that brings the hovercraft 3 meters up in the air*
...what the fuck...

>stands in a wide-open field waiting for map to load
>gets shot
>oww, i got shot, how???

pretty sure author knows less shit about br than a dog about astrophysics
uninstallthegameApr 28, 2018 11:15 AM
Apr 28, 2018 11:09 AM

Mar 2016
LLENN's facial expression at the end was outright golden xDDDDD
if only she was like "eh?" at the very last sec, that would've been absolute perfection
Apr 28, 2018 11:11 AM

Dec 2017
onetruejafar said:
"I'm sorry."

The pink loli munchkin said as she murdered a guy to death for the crime of playing a VR game, turning his corpse into a fine red mist with her beloved husbando, P-chan. This is the fate of all who cross LLENN.


"i'm sorry"
>unloads full magazine in a guy
"i'm really sorry"

sheesh, this girl has some issues
Apr 28, 2018 11:13 AM

Nov 2016
This was a really entertaining episode,easily my favorite one.

But I seriously want to know what happens next,also lol at Karens expression at the end xD

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 28, 2018 11:15 AM

Sep 2012
dash5611 said:
Usually I dislike spoilers but I'm glad I stumbled across some for GGO. It made the ending pretty hilarious.

Also LLENN is a reaction image jackpot. Her and Chaos are pretty much a gold mine.
Somebody please spoil me in a DM. I have NOT READ AHEAD but my guess is they will really die now for some reason? From M’s reaction it seems like he won’t just be logged out. Looks like the letter says it’s a real death game this time. Maybe too obvious? Or I am way off base and he really is just a chicken, perhaps an Aincrad survivor who doesn’t trust it won’t kill him??? Can’t wait a week...
Apr 28, 2018 11:23 AM
Apr 2016
hpulley said:
dash5611 said:
Usually I dislike spoilers but I'm glad I stumbled across some for GGO. It made the ending pretty hilarious.

Also LLENN is a reaction image jackpot. Her and Chaos are pretty much a gold mine.
Somebody please spoil me in a DM. I have NOT READ AHEAD but my guess is they will really die now for some reason? From M’s reaction it seems like he won’t just be logged out. Looks like the letter says it’s a real death game this time. Maybe too obvious? Or I am way off base and he really is just a chicken, perhaps an Aincrad survivor who doesn’t trust it won’t kill him??? Can’t wait a week...

How I see it, either the Pito (who is supposedly Elsa Kanzaki, as discussed each episode before) threatened him in the letter to finish the game or something, or that is a psychological attack to disrupt the opponent's understanding of oneself. At least this way I would be able to accept this stunt. But hey, in a week.
Apr 28, 2018 11:27 AM

Aug 2017
What happened in the end?! i have so many Questions! :D
Apr 28, 2018 11:31 AM

Dec 2016
What kind of idiots would stand out in the open in a shooter game, where there is only one team left, and last time you checked they weren't ridiculously far? Anime logic I guess lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 28, 2018 11:31 AM

Jun 2016
Nice episode, though I'd also like to see some of Karen's real life too

Apr 28, 2018 11:43 AM

Jan 2015
THAT ENDING, though... Not gonna lie, it cracked me up. Cuz, the thing is, as soon as M pulled out that letter and started to read it, I knew exactly what he was going to do. And that's without any familiarity with the source material. I'd even venture a guess that it was Pito that put him up to it. Having said that, I'm not sure whether or not she's going to be LLENN's actual adversary/antagonist. But, I've gotten that vibe from Pito since the moment she was introduced. What would her reasoning be? I've no idea. But, that's why I'm still watching -- and loving -- this series!
~ sXeblues - Reviews on Youtube ~
Apr 28, 2018 11:44 AM

Dec 2007
uninstallthegame said:
*throws grenade in water*
*grenade sinks down 2 meters down*
*grenade blows up in water with an explosion that brings the hovercraft 3 meters up in the air*
...what the fuck...

They are playing a video game. Game physics never match up to real world physics. The grenade could either be a timer bomb or a button detonation bomb (she called it a deca-nade). We don't know but as I said, it's a game so anything is possible.
Apr 28, 2018 11:50 AM

Jan 2017
This series is seriously enjoyable. I gotta play GGO.
but LLENN unloading an entire mag on the guy, then says sorry; that's gotta raise some brows 'cause shes meant to just be a girl with height issues 😕

The double crossing was funny though, what would you really have against the adorable LLENN, she's just a little chibi (that may need a psych eval)😐
Apr 28, 2018 12:00 PM

Dec 2015
This was probably one of the lamest fight-outs I've ever seen in anime... Also, I'm curious, couldn't LLENN use her super speed/agility to easily dodge the bullets? I mean, she did that before when enemies were only a few feet away from her...

And all that exposition about aiming and whatnot, over and over, WE GET IT SAO. WE GET HOW THE WHOLE LINE THING WORKS. YOU DON'T NEED TO HOLD OUR HANDS, THIS IS NOT KINDERGARTEN. Smh...

Lemme guess, he probably has something to do irl, so he decided to kill LLENN and give up on the match.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Apr 28, 2018 12:15 PM

Jul 2015
I'm actually enjoying this more than I thought.

I don't care if the game mechanics are different when compared to the real world, nor I want to watch some "professional" play (I think the whole idea of eSports laughable).

If it is fun, it is enough.

Apr 28, 2018 12:19 PM
Sep 2016
TheFreycook said:
What kind of idiots would stand out in the open in a shooter game, where there is only one team left, and last time you checked they weren't ridiculously far? Anime logic I guess lol

Last time they checked they were far away from them but they snuck up on them while the other team on the vehicles was attacking
Apr 28, 2018 12:28 PM
Jul 2016
That last team is a girl team. Things are gonna be interesting. LENN should've lived :(
Apr 28, 2018 12:41 PM

Jul 2014
I have a feeling M was hired by Pito to kill LENN in the match so she loses the bet.
Apr 28, 2018 12:51 PM

Aug 2014
man that ending ruined this show and im betting it only gets worse..
Apr 28, 2018 12:59 PM

Jan 2018
Finally we get a continuation of the first episode but seriously, what was up with that ending? M was a completely different person lol
Apr 28, 2018 1:09 PM
Nov 2017
Why the hell would you aim with your sniper for the pink munchkin when there is a guy literally 4 times bigger just next to it if the shot is difficult? Wtf.
Apr 28, 2018 1:22 PM
Jul 2015
Gamelova said:
I have a feeling M was hired by Pito to kill LENN in the match so she loses the bet.

Close enough dude ..

You shouldn't open my next comment, if my speculation based on the information i gather

Yeah, you already watch the episode 3, right ? You can imagine the hint yourself.. "M" was looking at the message Pitohui give to him, and to open it he must wait until the right time.

Apr 28, 2018 1:27 PM
Dec 2017
weird cliff hanger there, I suspect its not what it looks like at all, to be honest this series so far is definitely better than SAO but it still seems the writers can't quite figure out how to make the MC seem beatable, LLEENN just feels kind of unbeatable at times, especially with M's master tactics and apparent ability to do anything, I feel like the writers tried to fix this issue that was so prevalent in SAO by spreading the god-like perfection across two different characters but since their always together it doesn't help much...perhaps after this cliff hanger it won't be an issue anymore?
Apr 28, 2018 1:28 PM

Dec 2016
JudoJD said:
TheFreycook said:
What kind of idiots would stand out in the open in a shooter game, where there is only one team left, and last time you checked they weren't ridiculously far? Anime logic I guess lol

Last time they checked they were far away from them but they snuck up on them while the other team on the vehicles was attacking
Yeah but if one team approached faster than you thought because they had a vehicle, and you knew you weren't going to be moving far, wouldn't it be logical to think the other team may have a vehicle too? I just thought that would be something they may consider but idk
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 28, 2018 1:29 PM
Oct 2012
Anyone know the name of the song/music that plays in the after scene? it was really awesome up until...well yeah.
Apr 28, 2018 1:37 PM

Sep 2010
So professionals, who want some extra "real life" experience do use bullet line, but this guy don't, I see. Also he is good tactician, but stays at open during scan because they were far away and there are vehicles in this game...

It's sad that they hire people with brain damage to make extra series.
Apr 28, 2018 1:44 PM

Apr 2016
I'm so glad that the internet can provide spoilers in the right time ... after reading those spoilers i'm definitely sure that i'm going to drop this.

Heavy + link

Seriously Nippon ? this shit again ?
SwagernatorApr 28, 2018 2:00 PM
Apr 28, 2018 1:50 PM
Jul 2015
hahahaha .. this discussion comes up with so many funny speculations ...
Apr 28, 2018 1:59 PM
Nov 2016
Err... That was okay, I guess.

Nothing new...
Apr 28, 2018 2:10 PM

Dec 2016
That was genius by M to have LLENN hide in the suitcase like that.

Seems that M has some kind of photographic memory when it comes to maps, that's an incredible skills.

Hovercrafts, now that is cool, what was even cooler was that armor and then the plan M had to win that fight.

He's dead LLENN, you only shot him around 200 times lol.

M is a pro at shooting in real life, that helped out an incredible amount here, his skill is very impressive.

I had a strange feeling that the other team would be close by when that scan started, luckily they didn't get hit too bad and have those med kits to heal themselves

Wow what a twist at the end there, LLENN outsmarted M though with that safety on the gun, guess we'll find out next time what was on that letter that made M do that and then he started crying like a baby, I am very confused.

My only guess is that something happened in real life.
Apr 28, 2018 2:15 PM

May 2015
Reload said:
It was pretty obvious that the last enemy team would move in on the teams that clashed first, so they should've seen that coming. At least hide before the scan. It's what they've been doing up till now at that. What changed? Also, if he was planning to shoot her anyway, he could've left her behind when she got shot already. Where's the logic here? It almost seems like some kind of initiation where you take out your partner after you've gotten close to them.

They were so far away that they didn't think they'd close the gap and get into shooting distance so fast. It was a mistake, yes, but an understandable one.

I don't think he was planning on killing her the entire time. I'm pretty sure the letter told him to. Who that letter was from and why he decided to follow it's instructions without hesitation are the real questions here.

Apr 28, 2018 2:54 PM

Sep 2015
That ending was just weird. I think it might be that other girl that wrote the letter. Since it seems she was talking about him as the real life shooter and introduced him to her. clearly they know each other. So I think it makes sense he'll carry out the task without hesitation if it's her.
But the way he went bawling at the end was just weird lol.
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