Okay so I saw your profile pic and I think you and me have something in common so I'm gonna fr you lmao.
Yui is and will always be the best and most relatable girl. :D
That movie is kinda amazing,I laughed and (nearly) sobbed,it will get my tears definitely if they don't recycle the ending scene from 24th episode in s2.But I guess it's kinda explain most of the stuff.
All Comments (21) Comments
Yui is and will always be the best and most relatable girl. :D
I just want to be the first xD
Hope you have a great birthday
You should watch non non biyori
Some can't even answer the band name of K-on correctly
It's being fixed now ^^
It's created by me,15 questions,3mins
(Our lord in moeblob heaven, who designed the Keions.)
Moi is moe