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Sep 29, 2017 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
Ah I knew it. Picking up from the previous movie, the real world and digital world begins to intersect each other. Not to mention, Mei is still in its corrupt form. I do feel kinda bad for her partner since she feels helpless about the whole situation...

Tai's role shows that he still has leadership talent and I find that kinda inspiring.

I think Meiko is lucky to have friends like him and others. Tai's character chemistry and reflecting his meeting with Agumon is interesting as well. Digimon partner friendships are very important in this show and I feel like it's a central theme in this movie.

The final 30 minutes or so of this movie were rather tense imo. All those evolutions!
Homeostatis took control of Hikari and warns the others about its intentions. One more movie to go...I hope all things will end well.

Sep 29, 2017 10:49 AM

Jul 2014
They finally did a multi evolution in 1 moment screen, for a second there I thought we would have to go through all of their evolutions
Was this the first time they showed Wargreymon's mega evo scene? it was Godly af!

Mei was legit full on emo mode the whole 4 parts, while the nakama talk bs was cringy and I had to facepalm a lot of times, Tai's last moment was cool and his decision to kill Meikuumon, this is why he's the leader, because he has the guts to do whats right and not go with all that nakama BS thing, even if it makes him look the bad guy, also was it just me or was Tai's presumed death lackluster? no one even screamed his name besides Agumon in the last mint, that was so weird, its like he didnt even exist to them (tho Mimi was tearing up and Hikari's was clearly a huge shock to what happened, but the others....)

Omegamon having a bout with all mega digimons was epic! it was like a 4 way battle, Meikumon's mega form was OP as hell.
I didnt expect those 2 to... merge.. that was disgusting, and those huge wide ass wings.

Overall this was better than the previous one we had, to be fair I dont think they can top how horrible the prev one was.

overall I guess 7/10.

1 more to go, and please have a lot of fights this time, this whole sequel has been full of drama and less fights, I want fcking action! I grew past my teen angst days.
-StraySep 29, 2017 10:54 AM
Sep 29, 2017 11:50 AM

Sep 2015
Ahahaha another waste of life movie.

- Nothing much really happen here just Taichi TRIed to get some flag on Mei because Taichi on Tri are bastard who still TRIed to touch someone elses girlfriend... oh wait they never become couple because 02 is taboo
- Taichi x Yamato supported by Gabumon
- And sick Genai still cosplay as Kaiser for whatever reason
- Maki get screw and now she will gone on Dark Ocean
- Public already name them "Digimon" somehow? last time i heard about them they still called them as monster.
- And nope they don't TRIed to get rid the corrupted Digimon they just leave them alone unlike A FKING IMPERIALDRAMON.
- Omegamon you fking weak! how can you just devolve just from a few rock oh wait its for drama.
- Incest love Dark evolution! Opanimon FM! oh wait lets fuse Ophanimon FM with Meiwhatevermon now who care Opanimon was the cover for this movie.

I think i already cover everything? and oh yeah Taichi dead

- AND Seraphimon still useless as ever.
ZBlastHistorySep 29, 2017 11:56 AM
Into the Internet!
Sep 29, 2017 12:04 PM

Nov 2016
The first three episodes were amazing, but what the heck was the last one? Was all this even necessary? (I mean, they didn't even care about Nishijima's "death").
Sep 29, 2017 12:43 PM

Aug 2016
Okay for someone who is not that deep into the whole Digimon lore like me this on got a little confusing towards the end, with Ygdrasil and Homeostasis being kinda gods of the digiworld, each having their super execution Digimon at hand and what not...

And also that last fight was a bit confusing, like who was fighting who, with what motivation, to archieve what goal? The one "god" wants to destroy the human world, or something like that, and the other wants to keep balance and harmony and is willing to make sacrifices to reach that goal?
And yeah then this whole thing at the end with Hikari was also quite interesting.

Also pretty underwhelming reactions by everyone assuming they just saw their long time friend and a teacher die...

still a nice movie tho overall, just a bit confusing for me, but yeah I mean there is still a movie left and I am looking forward to that.
GreeenSpongeSep 29, 2017 12:49 PM
Sep 29, 2017 12:43 PM

Sep 2015
MyKamiList said:
For a second, I thought I was watching Evangelion.

Oh yeah i forgot to say something about that scene
Hikari is Shinji confirmed and i finally understand why they call this "Tri" its Third impact!
Into the Internet!
Sep 29, 2017 12:54 PM

Jul 2013
ZBlastHistory said:
MyKamiList said:
For a second, I thought I was watching Evangelion.

Oh yeah i forgot to say something about that scene
Hikari is Shinji confirmed and i finally understand why they call this "Tri" its Third impact!
I'm glad to not being the only one who thought of Evangelion after seeing the ending.
That fusion was the most WTF scene I have ever seen in the franchise. And, meh, I was expecting some Ophanimon action and, apart of the fusion, she didn't do anything. Hell, Kari barely had any screentime until the end and she appeared in the cover. Meiko took all her spotlight, lmao.

I don't buy that thing of Tai being dead, his supposed death looked too ambigous to be sure he is 100% done. The same for Nishijima, don't think they are going to kill him that unceremoniously after all the drama of him wanting to save Himekawa from her despair and that stuff.

Btw, was Himekawa in the Dark Ocean of 02? It looked a lot like that place.
And speaking about 02, this is the 5th entry of these movies already and they still don't give a fuck about Davis and his friends. It's just sad at this point.

I wonder where Alphamon and Jessmon were too after Tai's death. They just engage in a fight after Alphamon's ruins Jessmon's attack and they suddenly vanished.

Only one movie left remaining, but I have very small hopes, tbh.
Sep 29, 2017 12:57 PM

Feb 2008
I believe they would have another movie after if I hear correct before they sould have more, but this cliffhanging ending is aweful.

Nah, haven't we seen previous Digimon season in a similiar situation this is happen before and Taichi still awake as ever, not sure if I remember correctly but had a feeling it happen before.

This Digimon movie darker than usually, kind of like it aim for more mature viewer that watched Digimon in 90s.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Sep 29, 2017 1:15 PM

Sep 2015
Illyricus said:
ZBlastHistory said:

Oh yeah i forgot to say something about that scene
Hikari is Shinji confirmed and i finally understand why they call this "Tri" its Third impact!
I'm glad to not being the only one who thought of Evangelion after seeing the ending.
That fusion was the most WTF scene I have ever seen in the franchise. And, meh, I was expecting some Ophanimon action and, apart of the fusion, she didn't do anything. Hell, Kari barely had any screentime until the end and she appeared in the cover. Meiko took all her spotlight, lmao.

I don't buy that thing of Tai being dead, his supposed death looked too ambigous to be sure he is 100% done. The same for Nishijima, don't think they are going to kill him that unceremoniously after all the drama of him wanting to save Himekawa from her despair and that stuff.

Btw, was Himekawa in the Dark Ocean of 02? It looked a lot like that place.
And speaking about 02, this is the 5th entry of these movies already and they still don't give a fuck about Davis and his friends. It's just sad at this point.

I wonder where Alphamon and Jessmon were too after Tai's death. They just engage in a fight after Alphamon's ruins Jessmon's attack and they suddenly vanished.

Only one movie left remaining, but I have very small hopes, tbh.

Hikari Shinji.... Ikari Shinji without H holy shit both of them have "Angel" who will protect them from anything.

And both of them have "evil" mode just to fk everything up because they can't handle reality even they have end the mankind rrole.

Yes i am sure its Dark Ocean one and the only one because they only give 02 related just for "drama" who they will forgot on next movie.

If you remove Ken the only "real" connection to 02 Tri everything still same shit as ever they still can do Tri without any 02 related for whole movie.

Just look they even already forgot about Dark Master they fight on last movie.

Blackbird said:
I believe they would have another movie after if I hear correct before they sould have more, but this cliffhanging ending is aweful.

Nah, haven't we seen previous Digimon season in a similiar situation this is happen before and Taichi still awake as ever, not sure if I remember correctly but had a feeling it happen before.

This Digimon movie darker than usually, kind of like it aim for more mature viewer that watched Digimon in 90s.

"mature viewer" and the "mature plot" are Old man licking Sora on face and move his hand to "forbidden place" to get her Digivice
Into the Internet!
Sep 29, 2017 1:35 PM
Feb 2009
I am so, so confused. The fight with jesmon and alphamon did not make a lot of sense to me, everyone was fighting everyone without a proper explaination.

We still don't know who the actual enemy is, as far as I know, I mean who controls gennai?

Himekawa went crazy (how is she connected to gennai), taichi apparently died (or at least that is what the others think but I'm really not convinced), hikari went in to the crazy state and her digimon merged with meiko's digimon? was that planned? When will hikari return to normal? :')

So many questions, how on earth are they supposed to fix all of this in the remaining part? And where are the 02 kids at? I mean I really dislike them so I don't want them to steal any of the screentime but they were shown at the start of the series so it would be weird not to mention them again.

I'm just confused.
Sep 29, 2017 2:46 PM

May 2011
If I liked this movie or not it will be based on the next (and the last) movie's outcome.

What I understand is this and it is not as confusing as some people claiming:
Meicomon couldn't be handled by Homeostasis anymoe so she decided to kill Meicomon instead of just observe her. Chosen Children were an obstacle and thus have been driven away cause they wanted to save Meicomon and not kill her.
Finally they were fighting against both Jesmon (trying to stop him from kill Meicomon) and Meicomon until Meimei decide that Meicomon should be eliminated. Not so confusing I think...
Sep 29, 2017 4:04 PM

Feb 2009
Still wondering where the S2 kids are
Sep 29, 2017 5:25 PM
Sep 2012
I feel like they could cut the time this series is taking in half if they wanted to, there's a lot of useless, slow paced stuff going on in all the movies.
Sep 29, 2017 7:54 PM
Aug 2016
Kurisenshi said:
If I liked this movie or not it will be based on the next (and the last) movie's outcome.

What I understand is this and it is not as confusing as some people claiming:
Meicomon couldn't be handled by Homeostasis anymoe so she decided to kill Meicomon instead of just observe her. Chosen Children were an obstacle and thus have been driven away cause they wanted to save Meicomon and not kill her.
Finally they were fighting against both Jesmon (trying to stop him from kill Meicomon) and Meicomon until Meimei decide that Meicomon should be eliminated. Not so confusing I think...

Yeah i get it. but what's the point Alphamon suddenly join the fight? is it to help Raquelmon?

also lack of reaction of digidestined for Taichi death is mind boggling (i know Tai Chi isn't really dead) . but one of their friends just die in front of their eyes for god sake and that's their reaction? and nobody even care about Nishijima. it's like "oh Taichi dead, too bad. oh well let's move on to the next location"
Sep 29, 2017 8:29 PM

Oct 2013
First 3 Episodes were way too much Emo for my taste. But...damn

The 4th episode went full End of Evangelion. Third Impact Incoming!!!

From what I see, there are 3 Factions in this war:
-Homeostasis, who wants balance, and destroy Meicoomon. Using Huck/Jesmon as their herald.
-Yggdrasil, who wants to destroy the human world. Composed of Alphamon, Evil Gennai and probably tricked Maki into triggering the System Reboot.
-The Chosen Children, self-explained.

But, what happened to Maki?! She reunited with her partner on the last movie, and now said digimon is nowhere to be seen. I got a feeling that we'll see her again in movie 6. Taichi and Daigo probably fell into the dark ocean.

Taichi isn't dead. No corpse = no death, it's an anime rule.

Arcos said:
Still wondering where the S2 kids are

That has been bothering me since the beginning. In the first OVA we can clearly see they were "killed"/defeated by something... Was it Evil Gennai or Meicoomon? But, the rest of the cast seemingly forgot those guys even exist.

Tbh S2 characters were pretty much a recycle of the S1 characters, and it would have been better if Tri retconed S2 into never happening. (Or perhaps that actually happened?) but still doesn't explain why Hikari and Takeru have their S2 digivices.
Sep 29, 2017 8:57 PM

Jan 2013
its always Gatomon & Hikari that gets lured into an antagonist role
Sep 29, 2017 9:42 PM

Dec 2014
It was decent I suppose.

The first three episodes felt kinda slow because they were mostly just set up. I don't really like Mei or Meicoomon enough to care about their backstory or their angst drama and hence most of those episodes just felt largely uneventful to me.
The Daichi and Augumon scene trying to comfort Mei however was pure gold. xD

Multi screen digivolve!! Like finally, that was actually really awesome, wonder why Toei did not do it earlier.

The final episode went full crazy and the action was pretty good. That fusion at the end was totally unexpected and like a lot of other people mentioned, it did remind me of Eva. Shame cause I wanted to see some Ophanimon action.
Also the kids reactions to having presumably lost Taichi with the exception of Hikari and Koromon felt pretty underwhelming.

7/10, the final movie should be crazy action packed so that's good.
Lelouch0202Sep 29, 2017 9:45 PM
Sep 29, 2017 9:46 PM

Jun 2017
The first 3 episodes were really slow paced and I ended up with even more questions, they also gimped Alphamon so hard.

Listening to brave heart play throughout the digivolutions and fighting scenes is still a joy though.
_3DPD_Sep 29, 2017 9:50 PM
Sep 29, 2017 9:49 PM

Dec 2016
Much, much better than the disaster that was the 4th movie, which definitely became the worst thing of the whole Adventure universe.

I know that my dear Tai isn't death, no, no, I refuse to accept it.

Well, even tho I know this won't be happening (I mean it's not like you just erase from the map the main character of all the Digimon entries...just like that), I must admit that, for a second there, it felt sooo real :( much I got really dismayed and this painful pressure in the chest was inevitable. So distressing.

And I was SO disappointed by the reactions, I mean...hey guys! your long time friend, your leader, just died and dissapeared forever in front of you, and you're just gonna stand there staring like nothing? WTF! Give me more drama! A simple "shock" is just not believable, I expected more from a show that has always handled well the very emotional/dramatic moments.

Sep 29, 2017 10:30 PM

Aug 2013
Man I'm sorry but Tai's so call sacrifice wasn't even that impactful especially since we all know he's alive in the epilogue at the end of Adventure 02. This movie may be better than the last one because good lord these movies are seriously dragging their butts off. It's not excited nor interesting like the first season, heck Adventure 02 was better than this. I thought the first three Tri movies were good but the third film's third act started to become less interesting, especially the fourth film, which I thought was really bad. And more importantly Meiko is one serious one dimensional and uninteresting character. She gets doubting herself throughout the entire two films that is ridiculous. I really feel like the creators are justing focusing more on the teenage drama instead of creating a fun story. Too much drama and too much slow pace. They seriously need to step up their game and make the last movie fun and excited or it will be a huge failure, in my opinion. I hate seeing one of my favorite animes becoming a bad anime.
Sep 29, 2017 10:56 PM

Sep 2015
AvatarJinzo said:
Man I'm sorry but Tai's so call sacrifice wasn't even that impactful especially since we all know he's alive in the epilogue at the end of Adventure 02. This movie may be better than the last one because good lord these movies are seriously dragging their butts off. It's not excited nor interesting like the first season, heck Adventure 02 was better than this. I thought the first three Tri movies were good but the third film's third act started to become less interesting, especially the fourth film, which I thought was really bad. And more importantly Meiko is one serious one dimensional and uninteresting character. She gets doubting herself throughout the entire two films that is ridiculous. I really feel like the creators are justing focusing more on the teenage drama instead of creating a fun story. Too much drama and too much slow pace. They seriously need to step up their game and make the last movie fun and excited or it will be a huge failure, in my opinion. I hate seeing one of my favorite animes becoming a bad anime.

Remember 02 are huge taboo for Tri that epilogue are mean nothing for Tri
Into the Internet!
Sep 29, 2017 11:03 PM

Oct 2015
Illyricus said:
ZBlastHistory said:

Oh yeah i forgot to say something about that scene
Hikari is Shinji confirmed and i finally understand why they call this "Tri" its Third impact!
I'm glad to not being the only one who thought of Evangelion after seeing the ending.
That fusion was the most WTF scene I have ever seen in the franchise. And, meh, I was expecting some Ophanimon action and, apart of the fusion, she didn't do anything. Hell, Kari barely had any screentime until the end and she appeared in the cover. Meiko took all her spotlight, lmao.

I don't buy that thing of Tai being dead, his supposed death looked too ambigous to be sure he is 100% done. The same for Nishijima, don't think they are going to kill him that unceremoniously after all the drama of him wanting to save Himekawa from her despair and that stuff.

Btw, was Himekawa in the Dark Ocean of 02? It looked a lot like that place.
And speaking about 02, this is the 5th entry of these movies already and they still don't give a fuck about Davis and his friends. It's just sad at this point.

I wonder where Alphamon and Jessmon were too after Tai's death. They just engage in a fight after Alphamon's ruins Jessmon's attack and they suddenly vanished.

Only one movie left remaining, but I have very small hopes, tbh.

this tri movie is basically rebuild tbh
starts off semi ok, becomes more and more shit and more and more wtf with almost 0 thing answered but alot of romance
the #eva trend is still alive
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Sep 30, 2017 1:13 AM

Jul 2013
Scarlett_ryuken said:
Illyricus said:
I'm glad to not being the only one who thought of Evangelion after seeing the ending.
That fusion was the most WTF scene I have ever seen in the franchise. And, meh, I was expecting some Ophanimon action and, apart of the fusion, she didn't do anything. Hell, Kari barely had any screentime until the end and she appeared in the cover. Meiko took all her spotlight, lmao.

I don't buy that thing of Tai being dead, his supposed death looked too ambigous to be sure he is 100% done. The same for Nishijima, don't think they are going to kill him that unceremoniously after all the drama of him wanting to save Himekawa from her despair and that stuff.

Btw, was Himekawa in the Dark Ocean of 02? It looked a lot like that place.
And speaking about 02, this is the 5th entry of these movies already and they still don't give a fuck about Davis and his friends. It's just sad at this point.

I wonder where Alphamon and Jessmon were too after Tai's death. They just engage in a fight after Alphamon's ruins Jessmon's attack and they suddenly vanished.

Only one movie left remaining, but I have very small hopes, tbh.

this tri movie is basically rebuild tbh
starts off semi ok, becomes more and more shit and more and more wtf with almost 0 thing answered but alot of romance
the #eva trend is still alive
Another proof of the impact EVA had in the animu community. Sasuga, Anno.
Sep 30, 2017 2:15 AM

Oct 2008
Other than nostalgia-baiting, is there any point to this series? Take out all the warm fuzzies from seeing something we like from our past, are there any other redeeming qualities?
Sep 30, 2017 4:42 AM

Sep 2011
Wow, that was fucking awful. Even worse than the last one. Nothing of note other than minor exposition happens until about an hour in. It's still just the Maiko show with some Digimon EU cameos except this time we don't do anything until the movie's almost over just so we can end on "stay tuned for the next one suckers." And it's made even worse by Crunchyroll's absolute shit presentation of it. The butchering of these movies into "episodes" is the worst it's ever been. The cut at the the end of the "third" episode it particularly atrocious and the recaps at the start of each "episode" feel more necessary than ever. And then there's the subbing issues...
Sep 30, 2017 5:38 AM

Sep 2014
Ugh, the three episodes felt like a chore to watch and had a kinda slow pace. Cannot stand hearing all this friendship crap for one hour. The 4th episode at least delivered in terms of action and Maiko finally deciding to kill Mei was heartbreaking, surprising yet understandable. The reactions upon Taichi's "death" excluding Koromon and Hikari were completely unrealistic. 6/10 overall for me just because of 4th episode's action otherwise I would have give a worse score than the previous movie.
Sep 30, 2017 6:40 AM

Sep 2015
Actar said:
Other than nostalgia-baiting, is there any point to this series? Take out all the warm fuzzies from seeing something we like from our past, are there any other redeeming qualities?

Into the Internet!
Sep 30, 2017 7:09 AM

Feb 2013
We all know that Taichi can't be dead, this is Digimon after all.
I only liked the scary stories telling part and the moment when Agumon went to talk to Meiko.
Sep 30, 2017 8:20 AM
May 2015
first, when everyone digivolve to mega why angewomon didn't evolve?
second, wtf with that evolve? it doesn't look like ophanimon at all?
third, where tf is daisuke cs? the 02 kids? except Ken of course
fourth, why Ken becoming evil again?
fift, wtf with that not-so-like ophanimon and meiccomon jogress evolution lol
Sep 30, 2017 8:31 AM

Aug 2014
Crystalized said:
first, when everyone digivolve to mega why angewomon didn't evolve?
second, wtf with that evolve? it doesn't look like ophanimon at all?
third, where tf is daisuke cs? the 02 kids? except Ken of course
fourth, why Ken becoming evil again?
fift, wtf with that not-so-like ophanimon and meiccomon jogress evolution lol

That's not Ken, he's just being impersonated
Ruka desu.
Sep 30, 2017 8:46 AM

Sep 2015
Crystalized said:
first, when everyone digivolve to mega why angewomon didn't evolve?
second, wtf with that evolve? it doesn't look like ophanimon at all?
third, where tf is daisuke cs? the 02 kids? except Ken of course
fourth, why Ken becoming evil again?
fift, wtf with that not-so-like ophanimon and meiccomon jogress evolution lol

Because the digimental movie was not canon they never evolve to Seraphimon and Holydramon.

Because its not Ophanimon its Ophanimon Falldown Mode.

Did you even watch other movie? its just sick Genais taste to cosplay as Ken for drama
Into the Internet!
Sep 30, 2017 9:06 AM

Jun 2014
The biggest problem with all of these films has been that they had to create a whole new character just for the plot to function. This is not a Digimon Adventure series, but a set of films featuring the Digimon Adventure characters. They feel as if they witness the plot. That's not to say you can't introduce new central characters but if it's a Digimon Adventure series, the focus should be the core cast and their story. It feel slow and stagnant because the story wasn't made for the core cast to grow or develop, it's not their story. Had they approached making Tri to focus just on the original cast, I think we'd all be more engaged in the plot, but the focus is on a new character we have no preexisting connection to, so how are we supposed to be engaged in their story? It's a very hard task to pull off and I don't think it's the story any of us wanted.

This whole thing was flawed from the start, but then you add poor pacing, below average animation and a divisive art direction. It just comes off as lazy, cash-grabbing, needless filler at best and fan-fiction at worst.
Sep 30, 2017 11:48 AM

Oct 2008
irkaylub said:
The biggest problem with all of these films has been that they had to create a whole new character just for the plot to function. This is not a Digimon Adventure series, but a set of films featuring the Digimon Adventure characters. They feel as if they witness the plot. That's not to say you can't introduce new central characters but if it's a Digimon Adventure series, the focus should be the core cast and their story. It feel slow and stagnant because the story wasn't made for the core cast to grow or develop, it's not their story. Had they approached making Tri to focus just on the original cast, I think we'd all be more engaged in the plot, but the focus is on a new character we have no preexisting connection to, so how are we supposed to be engaged in their story? It's a very hard task to pull off and I don't think it's the story any of us wanted.

This whole thing was flawed from the start, but then you add poor pacing, below average animation and a divisive art direction. It just comes off as lazy, cash-grabbing, needless filler at best and fan-fiction at worst.


Unlike many fans, I for one, cannot see the joy in sequels/continuations to shows that have already concluded beautifully. Because many, if not all of the plot threads were tied up, anything extra will most likely feel contrived at best and exploitative at worst. If I miss the characters and want to see more of them on-screen... I just rewatch the original.

ActarSep 30, 2017 11:51 AM
Sep 30, 2017 1:33 PM
Apr 2016
irkaylub said:
The biggest problem with all of these films has been that they had to create a whole new character just for the plot to function. This is not a Digimon Adventure series, but a set of films featuring the Digimon Adventure characters. They feel as if they witness the plot. That's not to say you can't introduce new central characters but if it's a Digimon Adventure series, the focus should be the core cast and their story. It feel slow and stagnant because the story wasn't made for the core cast to grow or develop, it's not their story. Had they approached making Tri to focus just on the original cast, I think we'd all be more engaged in the plot, but the focus is on a new character we have no preexisting connection to, so how are we supposed to be engaged in their story? It's a very hard task to pull off and I don't think it's the story any of us wanted.

This whole thing was flawed from the start, but then you add poor pacing, below average animation and a divisive art direction. It just comes off as lazy, cash-grabbing, needless filler at best and fan-fiction at worst.

Mostly agree, but I wouldn't say that "they had to create a whole new character just for the plot to function" because Meiko is pretty much what's bringing the plot to a grinding halt. Meicoomon containing a bit of Apolycamon and causing havoc because of it. Interesting. Himekawa working to reboot the digi-world to see Tapirmon again. Again, interesting. But Meiko herself offers nothing to the plot, hence the reason why people have felt large portions of tri. (not so coincidentally the portions focusing on Meiko) are nothing but a waste of time. Meiko really feels like someone they just put in to give them an excuse to make Meicoomon cute and cuddly so they can sell merchandise later. It would have been flat out better had Meicoomon been an antagonist or an independent digimon instead.
Sep 30, 2017 2:02 PM

Jun 2014
skycafe said:

It would have been flat out better had Meicoomon been an antagonist or an independent digimon instead.

That would have been better, but sadly that's not what we got and currently Meicoomon and Meiko work as a package deal. Even if she's bringing the plot to a grinding halt, Meiko is still central to the entire story, more so than any of the original digidestined, and that's the problem. If this was more than just the Meiko show, her character progression or lack there of would not slow the entire story down, but because this story only really involves her, the pace does as well. If Meicoomon didn't have a tamer or partner, major sections of this plot would be unusable so i'd say that the plot, as it is, totally only functions because of this new character. I'm not talking about hypothetical plots, I'm saying the story they wrote was written around a new character and just doesn't work well or resonate. It was the wrong approach to begin with.
ClebbyboySep 30, 2017 2:05 PM
Sep 30, 2017 2:16 PM
Jun 2008
Dammit ! Agumon made me cry !!
Sep 30, 2017 5:24 PM

Apr 2013
Am I the only one who thinks there's something not right about Meicoomon's origins? It doesn't make sense at all. So Meicoomon was corrupted because a piece of Apocalymon's data got into the egg as it was developing. Okay. It's fucking stupid, but okay. But when and how did it happen? I don't care about the "why" or the "what", I just want to know the "when" and the "how". Because otherwise this is a fucking plothole.

Because isn't Apocalymon completely gone? Remember when he imploded in on himself at the end of the first season, contained by the Digivices to keep the Digital World from being destroyed with him? Meicoomon's backstory happened back in 1999, but when in 1999?

That's not my only concern about this mess of a film, but it's the biggest one that's been bothering me since the film started. And now I'm not sure about anything anymore.
Sep 30, 2017 5:53 PM

Jul 2011
Arcos said:
Still wondering where the S2 kids are

And not just the main group, but everyone the world was plagued with Digidestinied and they are nowhere to be found, instead we are stuck with mei and meimon.

The only descent thing i see out of this is that by erasing 02 they never have to address Ken and Ryo's story with Zeed and 03, they don't have to cover why Ken becomes a detective, and they can ignore how they both of them ignore each other when they meet at the end of Digimon Fusion. Because i don't think anyone on the staff is competent enough to tell that story.

That said they still fucked up by giving Himakawa Ken's digivice, and by having Gennai cosplaying as the Digimon Emperor, just to tease us about how much better this could be, but it isn't.
DoomroarSep 30, 2017 6:05 PM
Sep 30, 2017 6:15 PM

Nov 2013
Why jesmon and alphamon were fight each other ?

Sep 30, 2017 6:21 PM

Jul 2015
I knew this was going to be absolute shit... I only came to see Ophanimon's dark mode, but that was still a letdown because she immediately did that fusion with Meicoomon...

I skipped most of the dialogue...The pacing is shit
Current favourite: [Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo]
Sep 30, 2017 7:49 PM

Dec 2016
irkaylub said:
The biggest problem with all of these films has been that they had to create a whole new character just for the plot to function. This is not a Digimon Adventure series, but a set of films featuring the Digimon Adventure characters. They feel as if they witness the plot. That's not to say you can't introduce new central characters but if it's a Digimon Adventure series, the focus should be the core cast and their story. It feel slow and stagnant because the story wasn't made for the core cast to grow or develop, it's not their story. Had they approached making Tri to focus just on the original cast, I think we'd all be more engaged in the plot, but the focus is on a new character we have no preexisting connection to, so how are we supposed to be engaged in their story? It's a very hard task to pull off and I don't think it's the story any of us wanted.

Yes, you've nailed it. Throughout all of these movies I keep making myself the same question: who is this new girl and why am I supposed to care about her?

This was the Digimon Adventure return, to commemorate the 15th anniversary, so the logical, common sense right decision would have been to make the new story to be focused, and be centered around, the original cast, not around a new, come-out-of-nowhere, outsider girl. It just made no sense to go this way, if this was made to please the fans then take decisions in order to please the fans, who were never begging for a new main character to be added in the beginning. They could have used this opportunity to develop the original 8, but instead they opted to make them just witnesses of a story that don't belong to them.
Sep 30, 2017 8:20 PM

Mar 2008
neonshock said:
Yes, you've nailed it. Throughout all of these movies I keep making myself the same question: who is this new girl and why am I supposed to care about her?

This was the Digimon Adventure return, to commemorate the 15th anniversary, so the logical, common sense right decision would have been to make the new story to be focused, and be centered around, the original cast, not around a new, come-out-of-nowhere, outsider girl. It just made no sense to go this way, if this was made to please the fans then take decisions in order to please the fans, who were never begging for a new main character to be added in the beginning. They could have used this opportunity to develop the original 8, but instead they opted to make them just witnesses of a story that don't belong to them.

If you don't know who Meiko is after 5 movies, I don't think anyone can help you. And that's just a silly complaint. Did you watch the original show and when Kari was introduced say "who are you and why should I care?" Characters get added to stories, that's hardly a crisis or a problem. It's a sequel. Do you normally get pissed when a new movie introduces new characters?

All you are doing is inserting your own views on what common sense is and then being pissed that they didn't do what you wanted. When creating a sequel or new story. Something new is bound to happen. Whether it is a new villain, new supporting characters, new main characters, etc. They could have come up with something that didn't include a new character, but there isn't any issue with adding a new character either.

Just silly....
Sep 30, 2017 8:55 PM

Feb 2013
3/4 of this movie was just mediocre.
Had its moments, but only with the comedy.
They were really pushin the Tachi x Meiko jesus
Dont want that, I just need the Koshiro x Mimi

But then the last part of the movie ho shit.
We FINALLY get to see mega digivolution sequence of Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon.
Although Metalgarurumon's portion was minimized unfortunately..

Having everyones mega leveled digimon flying around was pretty awesome.
But shame it was just that. Flying around. No showcasing of anyone.
And we STILL dont know jack about what Alphamon is all about, 5 movies in and nothing?
Come on.

Taichi being the badass of course yes, have to take out meicoomon.
And then Yamato's wail, you can really hear his frustration of not being able to do anything.

And then Kairi.
Ophanimon Falldown Mode.
That was pretty intense, and just right.
If theres anything to make Kairi fall into despair, it's losing her onii-chan who is the embodiment of light for her.
After losing Taichi, her light, she falls into darkness.

And then the fusion? Wow.
But I wish I could have seen more of Falldown Mode first.
But hey, this totally confirms Gatomon's mega is regular Ophanimon.
Take that people who thought it was Magnadramon! In your face.

Next theres Yamato.
In Adventure 01, Yamato wanted to stop the fight to grieve for fallen comrades, while Taichi wanted to move on for the sake of those fallen comrades.
Now in Tri, Yamato takes on Taichi's will, to grieve for the fallen later to head to the fight now.
And then to top it all off, the symbolism of taking on Taichi's will, wearing his goggles.
So awesome

But what really kills me...
RaydntSep 30, 2017 9:08 PM
Oct 1, 2017 12:26 AM
Apr 2016
FlareKnight said:
If you don't know who Meiko is after 5 movies, I don't think anyone can help you. And that's just a silly complaint.

Neonshock is referring to the fact that there's absolutely nothing of substance to Meiko. There's no explanation as to how Meiko managed to get Meicoomon/the Digivice, her role is entirely fluff that the overall plot would actually improve by removing her from the story, and her personality is so bland that it's impossible to connect with her.

FlareKnight said:
Did you watch the original show and when Kari was introduced say "who are you and why should I care?" Characters get added to stories, that's hardly a crisis or a problem. It's a sequel. Do you normally get pissed when a new movie introduces new characters?

All you are doing is inserting your own views on what common sense is and then being pissed that they didn't do what you wanted. When creating a sequel or new story. Something new is bound to happen. Whether it is a new villain, new supporting characters, new main characters, etc. They could have come up with something that didn't include a new character, but there isn't any issue with adding a new character either.

When characters do get added in a well-done manner, there's usually a back-story there and a solid reason as to why they get added. Hikari, like the other main characters, was present for Greymon vs Parrotman battle and was one of the reasons why the Agumon in that battle evolved to Greymon. Canonically, she actually had MORE of a reason to be in the actual cast than anyone other than Taichi. While Hikari's actual role ended up being mostly for info-dumps and shipping bait for Takeru (not-so-coincidentally, you have people complaining about Hikari's lack of screen time and character development), people could actually connect with her in some way through Taichi.

As for the tri. movies, you don't see people complaining all that much about Himekawa and Nishijima, even though they are new characters as well. Their personal stories, motivations, and personalities were all fleshed out in a concrete manner.

Meiko, on the other hand, flat-out came out of nowhere, has no ties to the original group, has no personality whatsoever, has no essential role in the story, etc. Meiko's role is entirely reliant on Meicoomon, which is why she feels like a filler character getting way too much screen time.
Oct 1, 2017 2:47 AM
Jan 2012
I think there are multiple issues surrounding Meiko and Meicoomon. The reason why Nishijima and Maki work is because they are characters with a clear motivation, relatable backstory and keep themselves at the background, while being useful and present as support at the same time. Meiko is a Chosen Child (At least, kind of? She does have a Digivice, but since Meicoomon was an irregularity in the first place, it's kind of unclear). And her personality isn't even a bad concept from the start. A shy girl with low confidence that can develop divers from the original group and leaves so much potential for her to grow stronger and mature. The problem is that she has - so much! - screentime, with - such slow - process. She gets a peptalk in every arc, but still continues to be so passive about everything. I honestly feel that they could wrap this up with half the sceentime she takes. In this arc, she finally gathered up her courage and made a decision, but it took this entire movie, focused on her. Wasn't this supposed to be a movie about both her and Hikari? Great last few minutes of rushed focus on Hikari, because oh yeah, she was on the poster, as well as giving little to no reaction to your leader's supposed death? The end fell completely flat. It was painful to look at, honestly.
Oct 1, 2017 7:05 AM

Dec 2015
I know this part, being the fifth chapter of the movies series, was supposed to be accelerating (including getting more action) before the conclusion. But that was so messy: things start then stop, others take so many screen time and end up being irrelevant. Things kept being introduced/glued to the mythology of the series world without being properly presented and pre-existing ones are conveniently bend for the writer's good, etc. While I could keep count of the different factions and conflicts crossing over, I'm still in awe by what looked like a pre-planned thing by Gennai that was never hinted at.
Of course, there are a few things here and there that were good/interesting, such as intelligent exploitations of past elements (or callbacks). But that doesn't make 90 minutes of film (this stupid Crunchyroll cut in "episodes" doesn't help the tempo either).
And so many cuts looked bad, including this still with Angewomon in some awkward position (you know wich one, I'm sure).

Was Hikari cut from this movie's intrigue or what? The only one who was really well made in term of characters focus partition was the Mimi/Joe themed movie, maybe the first one (Taichi/Yamato) too if you go easy on it.

I won't repeat everything that was said here or on previous movies threads (even by myself).

Enjoyment: 3/5
(Give me an angel falling to the dark side from despair, humans revolting against "God", and some giant white naked woman presiding over the end of the world as we know it and I'll be keepin an eye shut ^^" shame on me)

Score: 4or5/10 Messy mess.

@MyKamiList @ZBlastHistory @Illyricus Glad I'm not the only one. XD

@FlareKnight Hikari and Taichi were introduced at the exact same time: the first Digimon movie that came out and happens before the first episode of the TV show. This was never supposed to be a surprise. Western people simply got the different things in the wrong order.
Rei_IIIOct 1, 2017 7:27 AM
Oct 1, 2017 7:39 AM

Aug 2015
I know now, without a doubt, Digimon Tri is Light.

Rousing First-Timer Go Sakabe Music .

Digimon Tri also known as (Reflection of Reality) is called Total Drama.

A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Oct 1, 2017 5:45 PM

Dec 2013
legit wish the last movie would make all the bad taste go away. A huge potential has been turning into a huge dumpster fire right now. really really disappointed considering im a huge digimon fan

"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
-Oreki Houtarou
Oct 1, 2017 7:46 PM
Apr 2016
Well I was really enjoying the last few movies, the character development was great, some answers had been given, like why Himekawa wanted the reboot, and in this movei, the conflict between Homeostasis and Yggdrasil and Meiko being Yggdrasil's weapon... but this movie screw good part of it.

First of all: why make the reboot happen if Digimon attacking real world was the cause of it and now they are attacking the world again? Like, why make an one hour and half movie to in the next one the same problem start all over again? And also, why only the most obvious question was answered (Meiko being Yggridasil's wepon to infect digimon and destroy the world) and the other ones are still open. In an ideal world, this movie would have answered everithing ando set place to the climatic fight for the next one.

We still have this questions:

- Why Yggridasil send Meiko to a Digidestined?
- Why Meiko is a Digidestined?
- For who Gennai is fighting for? First it look that was for Himekawa, then Yggridasil, then in this movie Homeostasis, than Yggridasil again?
- Where are the 02 cast?
- What Himekawa really wants? Is she alive?

And the movie poses new questions:where is Taichi (beacause he definitely didn't die)? who possessed Hikari again? AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT EVANGELION-LIKE CHARACHTER? They made an indestructible monster as final enemy and it don't make any sense. Will be a Third Impact on this last movie? Just an enourmous deus ex can save the plot now, no way this ends fairly!

Aside from Meiko's development, this movie was a huge mistake! Next one will must have a fast pace to cover all the unanswered questions of the plot and to make a satisfying ending to all the romantic fanservice and slice of life tone they put on the movies (Meiko x Taichi, Izumi x Mimi, Yamato x Sora, Hikari x Takeru), not forgetig finaly show Joe's girlfriend.

6/10 for being entretaining and mantaining good character development, put this movie was disappointing as hell.
Oct 1, 2017 7:48 PM

Jul 2011
I've been fine with the last couple of Digimon movies, but this one really made my head hurt. This one felt more random and unstable. It's hard for me to say I liked this one. The first couple of parts weren't needed, the last battle was random, and I don't even get what Kari did. Was that some odd DNA digivolveing thing?

Well only 1 more to go and that will be the end of it. Let's hope the last one can at least be good.
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