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Mar 11, 2010 1:39 PM

Jul 2008
i wonder if she normally caries cyanide encased earrings?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Aug 11, 2010 7:19 PM

Oct 2009
Hey, you never know when you might need them.
Aug 24, 2010 1:11 AM

Sep 2009
Sarah's back!
The obligatory "What the fuck is with her hair" character.
Sep 6, 2010 12:45 PM

May 2008
Great and intense fight scene and Sarah is back again not to speak of Katz who developed a lot piloting mobile suits since we last saw him. This series could still impress me~
Jul 28, 2011 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
"How have you been able to survive until now?"

Urge to take a jab at the series writers... rising...
Dec 4, 2011 5:15 PM

Jun 2008
loved the reunion between Sarah and Katz
May 11, 2013 10:00 AM
Apr 2008
Man, this episode felt weak to me. I imagine it might have to do with me not following the story; I have tried to but it ended up being too convoluted and ultimately weak to me. Would appreciate it if someone could explain what happened.

atomusku said:
"How have you been able to survive until now?"

Urge to take a jab at the series writers... rising...

Hahaha. That Plot Armour is strong.
May 20, 2013 4:40 PM

Nov 2011
Char's comment was strange. 'I assume I'll be staying on the bridge' or something like that.

"This earring is filled with cyanide." Handy! I'll check Amazon and get me some, too.
Jun 22, 2013 3:25 PM

Nov 2009
I want Char to fight more, Bright is too worried about him dying since he is the AEUG's biggest asset but still Char wouldn't die so easily and is one of the best pilots they have got. At least we got to see Haman showing off her craftiness as usual and Katz was useful for a once.
Jul 2, 2013 11:55 AM

Mar 2010
Cathedral said:
Char's comment was strange. 'I assume I'll be staying on the bridge' or something like that.

I think Char was a little offended to realize that Bright no longer trusts him on the battle field due to how complicated his relationship with Axis is.
Jan 4, 2014 7:08 PM

Mar 2013
Haman is an awesome character.
Mar 9, 2014 1:44 PM

Sep 2013
Yeah I really like Haman. She makes a good antihero.

BUT OMG could that Jerid brat die already. Katz had a point blank shot at him, and the mecha basically farts the shot off.
cupcMar 17, 2014 2:46 AM
Mar 16, 2014 10:04 PM

May 2008
I love how Katz mentioned him doing all the work so he is forgotten yet the show forgot all about him since episode 26.

Ahh, Haman. Showing women in Zeta how to be awesome, I hope she starts battling in a suit and taking names soon.
May 6, 2014 10:24 AM

Aug 2010
Haman proved to be awesome this episode. Definitely one of the better female characters in the show.
Jul 8, 2014 11:16 PM

Jul 2009
Amazing episode, but.

Could someone kill Katz now?? Seriously this fucking idiot kid is getting in my nerves now. I don't know why Hayato allowed this stupid brat to go to space in the first place.

Of course if this stupid brat has a good pair, it would be Sarah. Who the hell interferes in the controls that may result of both of them dying at any moment?

I do not know why Sarah or Reccoa wants Paptimus's dick. Seriously snap this shit out of this.

Damn Haman got some balls to bring a cyanide that may kill her as well.

I wonder when will Yazan, Rosamia and others will appear??

What about Amuro?? Come on he should be fighting in space as well!!

Can't wait for the next episode!
Dec 16, 2015 3:52 PM

Jan 2014
Haman is so much better than the rest of the female cast it's almost ridiculous.

Sarah is wrong: Katz hasn't become stronger. Matter of fact, he's managed to remain the exact same whiny, bratty little imbecile that she first met. Opening his stupid mouth while his superiors are discussing serious matters that he has no business voicing out his uninformed opinions about. He really shouldn't have dodged that slap from a couple episodes ago.
SapewlothJan 28, 2016 8:45 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 30, 2016 5:03 PM
Nov 2015
Haman is great. That's all I have to say.
May 8, 2016 11:51 PM

Dec 2015
I admire the fact Camille is still struggling to avoid useless deaths. His resolution seems even stronger since Four's death. While Amuro ended up in the mold people were waiting him to be, his successor builded his own way (I know it has been noneffective so far). I hope our hero eventually succeeds with at least an ennemy.
It is sad to see how lucid Sarah has become and yet she stays bewitched.
What's the thing with those "dick lovers" in the comments? -_- After every episode, I keep reading about men and women lusting for Scirocco's penis... Were there so few watchers understanding that he's "Guru Paptimus" and not some kind of sexual magnet?

It's hard for me to accept this alliance, I understand Katz on this point. It's obvious that the Axis is trying to get a mutual destruction of the two forces who are on his way of building a new Zeon (empire?). Haman interests me a lot, but she and her Zeon remnants comes in the game way too late (only six episodes left).

Funny to see how Bright has to take care of Char, now that he became a symbol.

What is the terrible weapon Axis is preparing? Another colony drop/laser?


June 29, 2016
@Lease_of_Life Sorry, I thought dick was an insulting word for penis, and because of that ìmagined that "dick lover"was an insult meaning either woman with no self-esteem (bitch) or nymphomaniac.

More seriously, as much as I understand how any IRL guru works and on what they rely (the famous ones and any unknow one), I myself fail to see how they can be so convincing (I don't even think this kind of magnetism can be described because no matter how any article, fiction tries, I end up thinking "just how idiot should one be to fall for that?"). So I accept it just like that. Same here.

June 21, 2020
I "theorized" that, from a japanese (ill-informed) perspective, this might sound more solemn/formal for foreign characters. For example, Kamille uses this "trick" once on Fa while putting some distance. It' also used where a striking effect could be useful.
Rei_IIIJun 21, 2020 12:48 AM
Jun 28, 2016 10:36 PM

May 2016
@Rei366 We understand what they are going for, we just think we haven't been shown enough to understand why his personality and whatever he makes his subordinates believe in are so convincing. As of this episode we just know that he is good at understanding others, and since that is far from enough to generate that kind of following we feel free to cheekily speculate about how irresistible his sexual magnetism is.
Lease_of_LifeJun 28, 2016 10:46 PM
"I will become his world and will make him my world" - You really should know who said this.

"Firing at unarmed citizens is a feat that those without courage and a chivalrous spirit simply cannot accomplish." - Oskar von Reuenthal

"No way Spirited Away is better than Akira. NO WAY." - Kanye West
Dec 1, 2016 12:44 PM

Jun 2013
Very good episode!
I know many will disagree, but i really do like Sarah's character!
Mar 2, 2017 11:59 AM

May 2012
Fantastic episode, really awesome progression going on here and with 6 more episodes, I really do wonder how this season will continue next!
Jun 21, 2017 7:01 AM

Nov 2011
Haman has sweaty cold during the battle, Kamille manages to attract, all the squinters who populate the universe, poor! It's really intense and captivating the battle this time.
Feb 7, 2018 1:41 PM

May 2015
Haman Karn is a witty character!

On a side note:
Where is Yazan???
May 20, 2018 1:58 PM

Feb 2012
It's crazy to think that Jerid has failed his way his way to awesomeness. He has lost pretty much every fight he has been in, and yet he is now one of the best pilots in the Titans. He even had some pretty strong moments against the Axis forces.

Kamille Bidan Kill Count:
3 Kill this episode
62 Kills total
Aug 20, 2018 6:56 AM

Mar 2016
It's hard to believe that the AEUG is dumb enough to trust Haman I'm sure Char understands the consequences but maybe he doesn't want to believe it? So much for being able to see what's ahead of you out in space away from the pull of the Earth. The writing in this series continues to impress me though, war really does suck, and it has a way to take over everyone involved in it.
Oct 8, 2019 8:20 PM

Apr 2014
things was much better off without Katz really sucks to have him back acting pretty much the same and still really weak over all but somehow with sarah back i knew katz dumbass would be shown more smh

but my god this ep was kinda annoying hopefully things pick back up with these last 6 eps

also why the fuck wont that titan guy die already? like holy shit im guessing this is where it started in the gundam series where they have that one character that just wont die and thats super annoying cause i have seen characters like him in many of the newer gundam series hopefully this titan guy meets the same fate as those others like him
DazeFireOct 8, 2019 8:23 PM
"one step at a time"
Jun 19, 2020 6:59 AM

Aug 2017
Hmm, for some reason I was thinking that the Gate of Zedan was the base of Axis. But if Axis is another space fortress, as shown in the this Yamato or what? :D

I'm still waiting to know why did Scirocco call Reccoa by her full name during their first meeting. Did he know her? Sometimes I feel like Scirocco is almost a cult leader.

I almost felt sorry for Char when he said that he was going to remain on the bridge just by looking on Brighto-san xD

My favorite line from the episode comes from Haman: "What doesn some blood on a piece of paper prove?" - Exactly xD. Haman is a promising character, I like how intelligent she is. An antagonist, obviously, but hopefully a well-written one.

Interesting idea with dummy meteorites shooting out the metal net o_o

Jerid got some kills in this episode. That's progress.

Kamille's encounter with Sarah on an abandoned space station and the subsequent escape together reminded me of one famous Gundam spin-off.
St0rmbladeJun 19, 2020 7:07 AM
Mar 5, 2021 2:02 PM

Aug 2017
Oh no, Sarah is back on the ship. Haman is playing everyone like a fiddle.
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Dec 24, 2021 10:55 AM

Dec 2021
Hum, i have complained a lot about how horribly written the female characters are in this show compared to the series before, but I have to admit Haman is an actually very good and cunning villain, so yeah I do hope she gets more space from now on than dumb artificial newtypes or traitors for senseless reasons
Jan 13, 2022 1:07 AM

Feb 2017
People praise the number of female characters in this show, but they're really there just for Kamille to interact with and get overly emotional if they're a Newtype on top of being a girl.
Except for Haman, she's there to humiliate several male characters.
Aug 23, 2022 11:03 AM

Jul 2014
Tip to all writers everywhere: if you have to use a line like "you're like a different person from before" to illustrate that a character has changed, you're only highlighting the fact that they actually haven't. And my god has Katz not changed from the annoying, whiny, entitled little shit that he was when we last saw him: I was hoping him being gone for so long meant that he'd been forgotten and wouldn't come back, but unfortunately he did.

I will be absolutely delighted if/when Katz is killed off.
Nov 1, 2022 6:21 AM
Dec 2015
Lol at the ending with Katz and Sarah talking...

Katz seems a little how Kamille was at the beginning of the series: very stubborn

Sarah is just desperate for Scirocco, Kamille is right. why all females in this show has to struggle so much with something? Though i still consider Reccoa the worst of them

Haman is definitely an interesting villain. btw she seems to have the same hairstyle as Sayla, lol

I like how Bright is always level-headed even in moments where things aren't going well
Jun 9, 2023 1:28 PM

Aug 2016
*Female enemy exists*
Kamille:i must save her
Aug 30, 2023 7:48 AM

Jul 2017
I bet you all that Sarah is going to run away for the 20th time, just like jerid
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Aug 30, 2023 7:49 AM

Jul 2017
I bet you all that Sarah is going to run away for the 20th time, just like jerid
''Touch the darkness inside me''
May 19, 2024 9:51 PM
May 2018
I like Haman and Axis antagonism, is the classic "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", in a serie with a lot of annoying character i like when the spotlight is in Haman, Char, Emma and sometimes Kamille (when his sex machine mode is off). Sarah can't choose a boyfriend, she take turns with Paptimus, Kamille and Katz like Kamille and his harem xD.

The romance is the worst thing in this anime, makes dumb everyone
May 25, 2024 2:57 PM

Jul 2016
kamille, for god's sake, you can't fix her, her, or her! quit this madness...
Feb 11, 10:07 AM

Aug 2013
Excellent pacing

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