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What rating do you think this anime will reach when it finishes airing?
May 9, 2016 6:55 AM

Sep 2015
I haven't heard a lot of people recommending this series. To me, it's a great watch for all Slice of Life fans out there. The atmosphere that this anime gives out is just so relaxing and is a good anime to end off the day with since it always leave me with a smile on my face.

To be honest, I like it when a series is under the radar and doesn't get hyped up since hype has proven to ruin so many anime, look at Erased, compared to Rakugo last season.

What do you guys think the rating for this anime will be when it finishes airing?
May 9, 2016 8:05 AM

Mar 2014
XyriaLight said:
I haven't heard a lot of people recommending this series. To me, it's a great watch for all Slice of Life fans out there. The atmosphere that this anime gives out is just so relaxing and is a good anime to end off the day with since it always leave me with a smile on my face.

To be honest, I like it when a series is under the radar and doesn't get hyped up since hype has proven to ruin so many anime, look at Erased, compared to Rakugo last season.

What do you guys think the rating for this anime will be when it finishes airing?

This is not all underrated. Its rating is what it deserves on the average. IMO, it is monotonous and boring.

And i have watched, and liked, a lot of relaxing anime - Non Non Biyori, Kimi to Boku, Azumanga Daioh etc.,

This anime just repeats the same thing again and again. I would even say this seasons 'Flying Witch' is a better SOL with a 'relaxing' atmosphere.
May 9, 2016 8:16 AM

Sep 2015
SpikeCB said:
XyriaLight said:
I haven't heard a lot of people recommending this series. To me, it's a great watch for all Slice of Life fans out there. The atmosphere that this anime gives out is just so relaxing and is a good anime to end off the day with since it always leave me with a smile on my face.

To be honest, I like it when a series is under the radar and doesn't get hyped up since hype has proven to ruin so many anime, look at Erased, compared to Rakugo last season.

What do you guys think the rating for this anime will be when it finishes airing?

This is not all underrated. Its rating is what it deserves on the average. IMO, it is monotonous and boring.

And i have watched, and liked, a lot of relaxing anime - Non Non Biyori, Kimi to Boku, Azumanga Daioh etc.,

This anime just repeats the same thing again and again. I would even say this seasons 'Flying Witch' is a better SOL with a 'relaxing' atmosphere.

Flying Witch's pretty good too but I guess it all comes down to personal preference. I prefer this over Flying Witch xD
May 9, 2016 9:46 AM

Apr 2015
The score is going up and up and the trend is suggesting it would land around an 8 which wouldn't be that much of an underrating.

Don't be stressed about the scores though. They often mean next to nothing
May 9, 2016 10:05 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
It will get a boost when its gonna be finished so its ok, its gonna have a nice score.
May 9, 2016 10:13 AM

Mar 2014
XyriaLight said:
SpikeCB said:

This is not all underrated. Its rating is what it deserves on the average. IMO, it is monotonous and boring.

And i have watched, and liked, a lot of relaxing anime - Non Non Biyori, Kimi to Boku, Azumanga Daioh etc.,

This anime just repeats the same thing again and again. I would even say this seasons 'Flying Witch' is a better SOL with a 'relaxing' atmosphere.

Flying Witch's pretty good too but I guess it all comes down to personal preference. I prefer this over Flying Witch xD

Yeah, ultimately personal tastes differ. I just cant stand being told again and again how 'listless' the protagonist is!
May 9, 2016 10:26 AM

Aug 2014
It's a fun enough SoL. Didn't care much for the first episode, or the protagonist at all, but the introduction and interaction with the supporting cast in later episodes got me more into it.
Sieg Zeon!
May 9, 2016 10:30 AM
Oct 2010
The first episode was pretty boring and only gained some traction near the end. Subsequent episodes introduced new characters, more humor and diverse plot lines, but some people became biased and only saw the negative aspects of the first episode reflected in the other ones, ignoring everything else. I am sorry, but this is the director's fault: this situation is typical and the director should have taken this into account.
May 9, 2016 10:47 AM

Apr 2015
First episode was great though. It was basically a quiet version of Sakamoto, that one episode.
May 9, 2016 10:51 AM

Nov 2012
yeah i agree that it's underrated and underwatched, it's one of my favorites this season. its score is rising though~
May 11, 2016 5:16 AM

Oct 2015
Well It's a been along long time since I enjoyed SOL anime . Yeah ,this show deserved above 8.00 score for me.
May 11, 2016 5:35 AM

Oct 2015
Man_Lanz said:
First episode was great though. It was basically a quiet version of Sakamoto, that one episode.

YEahh tha's the reason why enjoyed this show more than Sakamoto.
May 11, 2016 5:37 AM

Mar 2015
this seires is 9/10 for me.... so yes... i still hope it goes better... but most underrated of the season? that goes to DJ agetarou...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 11, 2016 5:55 AM

Apr 2014
It's score has been going up since the first episode and I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up in the 8.xx range, so I think it won't be underrated anymore after it finishes airing.
It's definitely underwatched though. I would be happy if more people could pick it up because it's really worth it.
May 11, 2016 9:24 AM

Apr 2015
Underwatched would be about right, but it was to be expected.
May 11, 2016 5:25 PM

Jun 2013
An 8 is too high for this series.
May 16, 2016 2:23 PM

May 2010
As much as I love this anime, it's not the most underrated this season. Bakuon is. Sansha Sanyou, too.

That being said, this will finish close to 8, or maybe even cross that and end around 8.1
Jun 17, 2016 3:23 PM

Nov 2013
SpikeCB said:
XyriaLight said:
I haven't heard a lot of people recommending this series. To me, it's a great watch for all Slice of Life fans out there. The atmosphere that this anime gives out is just so relaxing and is a good anime to end off the day with since it always leave me with a smile on my face.

To be honest, I like it when a series is under the radar and doesn't get hyped up since hype has proven to ruin so many anime, look at Erased, compared to Rakugo last season.

What do you guys think the rating for this anime will be when it finishes airing?

This is not all underrated. Its rating is what it deserves on the average. IMO, it is monotonous and boring.

And i have watched, and liked, a lot of relaxing anime - Non Non Biyori, Kimi to Boku, Azumanga Daioh etc.,

This anime just repeats the same thing again and again. I would even say this seasons 'Flying Witch' is a better SOL with a 'relaxing' atmosphere.


And what's up with the recommendations? Working is the polar opposite imo.

Hyouka? Okay, Oreki is kind of lazy, but compared to Tanaka he's, I don't know, Usain Bolt? :)

And finally the comparison with Non Non Biyori is practically totally off-base. Renge and Tanaka are nothing alike. Did they mistake Renge with her sister?
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Jun 17, 2016 3:42 PM

Nov 2014
Lol, Is there going to be a thread like that for every anime this season? Can't wait for the Usakame thread, no one is watching this show.

Tanaka is definitely one of the better things this season, great atmosphere and interaction but it does get pretty stale, I wish they did more with the cool characters they have, most of the time Tanaka and otta are only dealing with one side character at a time which is sad. Still a good show, easily makes my top 3 this season out of the 15 something shows I started.
It totally wins at best girls of the season btw.

If I had to guess it's mean score by the end, i'd probably be something like 7.60 considering SoL isn't the best thing to attract the "give 10 to everything" crowd.
Jun 18, 2016 12:16 AM

Mar 2014
TheBigGuy said:
SpikeCB said:

This is not all underrated. Its rating is what it deserves on the average. IMO, it is monotonous and boring.

And i have watched, and liked, a lot of relaxing anime - Non Non Biyori, Kimi to Boku, Azumanga Daioh etc.,

This anime just repeats the same thing again and again. I would even say this seasons 'Flying Witch' is a better SOL with a 'relaxing' atmosphere.


And what's up with the recommendations? Working is the polar opposite imo.

Hyouka? Okay, Oreki is kind of lazy, but compared to Tanaka he's, I don't know, Usain Bolt? :)

And finally the comparison with Non Non Biyori is practically totally off-base. Renge and Tanaka are nothing alike. Did they mistake Renge with her sister?

Right? I have my issues with hyouka, but oreki is so much more 'normal' than tanaka. I just cant watch a character so stale and boring. No logic in the comparision with renge or working!. It will never be half as good as those.
Jun 18, 2016 11:04 PM

Oct 2014
I don't know why, but every list out there says Sakamoto is the comedy show to look out for.

I'm sorry, but I really dislike that show.

If any show is to take the cake for comedy, it's by far Tanaka.
One of the best I've watched.

And the premise is so simple too!
Jun 20, 2016 12:51 AM
Apr 2016
Eh. I find it a decent enough watch and it helps me relax, but it's definitely no AOTS. The only saving grace of this anime is the side characters honestly. Tanaka is probably the most one-note MC I've ever seen and he's quite frankly just boring.
That and it literally just repeats the same thing every single episode. It's redundant. The good thing is it doesn't try to take itself seriously like so many other anime do, so bonus points on that.

Do I think it's underrated? Definitely not. It deserves the score it has, maybe even lower. Then again, MAL ratings don't really mean anything at all.
XaelbolgJun 20, 2016 12:57 AM
Jun 20, 2016 10:12 AM

Apr 2015
With a week left this is dead set for around 8.1 or something, I don't give a flying fuck about ratings anyway but it's not a low score nonetheless

I think this is AOTS by a mile but still

Frankly this underrated talk is quite meaningless in any series
Jun 20, 2016 10:28 AM

Oct 2014
It has a pretty high score. It's ranked around #750 which is almost in the top 10% of all anime with over 50 votes. That is in no way underrated unless it deserved to be in the top 100 or something, which doesn't sound like the case.
Jun 20, 2016 3:34 PM

Apr 2014
zombie_pegasus said:
It has a pretty high score. It's ranked around #750 which is almost in the top 10% of all anime with over 50 votes. That is in no way underrated unless it deserved to be in the top 100 or something, which doesn't sound like the case.

It had a much lower rating when the thread was created. I think the score is fine now although I won't complain if it reaches an even higher rating. It's been a very enjoyable experience for me. (and it looks like for a lot of other people too)
Jun 24, 2016 11:25 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Well, it has an 8+ score now, and it well deserves it. Hopefully more people pick up this series.
Jun 25, 2016 8:59 PM

Sep 2015
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Well, it has an 8+ score now, and it well deserves it. Hopefully more people pick up this series.

Guess this thread doesn't fit anymore eh.. hehe. Still think it's underwatched though
Jun 26, 2016 12:45 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
XyriaLight said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Well, it has an 8+ score now, and it well deserves it. Hopefully more people pick up this series.

Guess this thread doesn't fit anymore eh.. hehe. Still think it's underwatched though
Yeah, the lack of popularity does suck :/
Jun 26, 2016 1:52 AM

Jul 2015
I didn't expect to like Tanaka-kun as much as I did. I usually don't really like Slice of Life...

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