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Oct 20, 2009 1:26 PM

Feb 2009
These last episodes haven't been as good IMO because they keep introducing these weird new characters while I wanna see more of Jerid and Yazan. They are doing exactly the same with this Rosammi as what they did with Four, but this Rosammy is a really annoying character I just wanna see dead, while I liked Four.

Anyways, the plot is still awesome and is getting more and more interesting, can't wait to see how it will end, unfortunately I accidentely got spoiled on some events, hopefull that won't ruin the impact.
VeethornOct 20, 2009 2:41 PM
Feb 5, 2010 12:20 AM

Jul 2008
yet another new model, and rosamia has gone crazy like 4
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
May 23, 2010 2:21 PM

May 2009
Another episode of Kamille trying to persuade a mental Cyber-Newtype...
I still haven't figured out the plot of this anime yet. It just feels like there are random fights between the the A.E.U.G and Titans every episode. And I don't understand why the Titans are destroying colonies, are they after Mineva's life? Why? I thought they allied with the Zeon remnants... I'm hoping for some developments and answers next episode...
stAtic91May 23, 2010 2:33 PM
Aug 23, 2010 10:11 PM

Sep 2009
stAtic91 said:
Another episode of Kamille trying to persuade a mental Cyber-Newtype...
I still haven't figured out the plot of this anime yet. It just feels like there are random fights between the the A.E.U.G and Titans every episode. And I don't understand why the Titans are destroying colonies, are they after Mineva's life? Why? I thought they allied with the Zeon remnants... I'm hoping for some developments and answers next episode...

Have you not been watching this the whole way?

They are destroying colonies to break the AUEG's moral and try and end the entire resistance in one swift blow. I guess they are hoping the AUEG would either surrender or become so enraged they make an all out attack, in which their smaller more spread out forces would be crushed by the titans larger more concentrated force.
Sep 5, 2010 3:19 AM

May 2008
Rosammy just continually keeps annoying me while there is another new character, Gates. The plot is getting dragged a bit now~
Oct 9, 2010 1:47 PM

Apr 2009
It's really becoming tiresome to watch same old story with another version of 'Four'. Other than that i was quite impressed how agile and fast Kamille is. His little fight with lt. Gates was quite impressive, especially the way he dodged bullets.
Nov 26, 2010 2:44 PM

May 2010
Damn it, I suppose I'm the only person in the world who likes Rosammy. Besides that, I agree with stAtic91 that there seems to be random fights every episode. Sometimes it's kind of hard to tell what exactly is going on big-picture wise. It doesn't really matter to me because the big picture doesn't really seem like the point of this series, but I agree that I'm sometimes confused by why there is a battle going on, or how it relates to the grand strategy.
“Money can't buy dere”
Jun 26, 2011 12:36 PM

Sep 2009
stAtic91 said:
Another episode of Kamille trying to persuade a mental Cyber-Newtype...
I still haven't figured out the plot of this anime yet. It just feels like there are random fights between the the A.E.U.G and Titans every episode. And I don't understand why the Titans are destroying colonies, are they after Mineva's life? Why? I thought they allied with the Zeon remnants... I'm hoping for some developments and answers next episode...
I wholeheartedly agree with these sentiments. Even if the big point is there, it's fairly tough to discern it with random plot points coming out of nowhere with this series. That's why I'm rather enjoying this Rosammy arc. It's not deep or anything new, but it's pretty cute the way Kamille is actually developing brotherly feelings towards Rosammy. But everything in this darn show is a tragedy, so I'm not expecting a happy ending.
Jul 28, 2011 7:05 AM
Jul 2018
stAtic91 said:
I still haven't figured out the plot of this anime yet. It just feels like there are random fights between the the A.E.U.G and Titans every episode.

What are you talking about, you already figured Zeta's plot right there. Otherwise they'd look pretty silly by throwing mecha battles almost every episode and having them taking at least half of each episode...
Jul 2, 2013 10:51 AM

Mar 2010
Seabury said:
Damn it, I suppose I'm the only person in the world who likes Rosammy.

The way I see this story with Rosammy is not really so much of a repeat of the story with Four (which was probably my favorite part of the whole show so far.), but it is more a chance for us to see how affected by Four Camille was. I think Camille sees Rosammy as something like Four's sister. So Camille seems like he'll do pretty much anything to save Rosammy, maybe because of how much Rosammy reminds him of Four, or possibly that her mind is even more elaborately deranged than Four's by the process of becoming a cyber-newtype. I think probably a combination of both. Camille's struggle to protect the people he care's about is what makes him so great. IMHO of course.

Also, I think it was a great choice to have the process of making cyber-newtypes have drastically different effects on the subject. Somehow it makes the whole thing so much more sinister. Like instead of imagining this kind of high precision super scientific process, it becomes more like something akin to electroshock therapy.
Jan 4, 2014 5:40 PM

Mar 2013
Not even Gundam saves itself from some nice Onii-chan incest, too bad Rosamia went all crazy like Four. The series is already reaching its end and I'm sure we're about to see what will happen to Jerid, Yazan and Scirocco. I also believe a few AEUG members will die before the end.
Mar 13, 2014 10:31 PM

May 2008
stAtic91 said:
Another episode of Kamille trying to persuade a mental Cyber-Newtype...
I still haven't figured out the plot of this anime yet. It just feels like there are random fights between the the A.E.U.G and Titans every episode. And I don't understand why the Titans are destroying colonies, are they after Mineva's life? Why? I thought they allied with the Zeon remnants... I'm hoping for some developments and answers next episode...

I thought I was the only one, lol. I get the reasons behind the AEUG and the Titans' actions but it's hard to get any background as to why they exist (if there is one). It seems like Zeta just glosses over all those details like they did about the Cyber Newtypes in this episode.

This show feels like it spends more time having characters whine and pretending to shoot each more than it does telling the story... Otherwise, this episode was meh. It spent more time trying to interesting than really be it. It's hard to care about Rosammy when anything about how Cyber Newtypes work are practically glossed over.
Mar 14, 2014 3:00 PM

Nov 2012
The plot of Zeta is a simple one. It's a civil war between the Titans and AEUG who are both under Earth Federation... wait a minute you didn't know AEUG was part of the EFF? yikes I guess you haven't been paying attention.

Titans exist because Jamitov created it, what Jamitov is trying to do is take over both the Earth and Space. The show is also trying to show what Newtypes can be capable, and if you remember(or didn't pay attention and missed it) that Newtypes have the ability to understand each other easily and on a different level, but sometimes this level of understanding leads to over sensitivity, which is why Kamille fell for Four so hard although it may seem really ridiculous, but it doesn't matter since Gundam is not a romance show, if you're looking for that in Gundam then you're better off watching Macross.
Mar 14, 2014 8:32 PM

May 2008
^I knew Zeta was focusing more on Newtypes and that the Titans were created by the Earth Federation (to patrol the colonies for the Earth Federation?), but that's all I got, to be honest. I did think the AEUG were independent since the show made it seem like the Titans and the Earth Federation were their enemies... I don't know when they became a part of them.

But, thanks for clearing it up some. It seems like I missed some of the details.
SakariiMar 14, 2014 11:06 PM
Mar 14, 2014 10:53 PM

Nov 2012
AEUG was always part of the EFF, they were often called 'rebels'
Mar 21, 2014 8:21 PM

May 2008
^ You're right, I finally looked it up. Thanks, I must of missed that small detail.
Mar 21, 2014 8:24 PM

Mar 2008
Sakarii said:
^ You're right, I finally looked it up. Thanks, I must of missed that small detail.
That's one of the things about Zeta, you get a lot of 'important' information just nonchalantly mentioned in passing conversations.
Jul 8, 2014 10:00 PM

Jul 2009
Another ace episode!!

To be honest without watching the PV i thought Rosamia was gonna die just because of the title of the episode.

I lol'd at the doctor that Emma should get a chest examination and says put your shit up XD

It's a shame that Rosamia is very VERY similar to Four. They should have made only one Cyber-Newtype that get's close to Kamille. I don't mind either Four or Rosamia, but there was no need to have two of the same archetype and even same relationship. Kamille even talks about Four when talking Rosamia.

Damn her Mobile Armor transformed into a dragoon type looking robot. It's a shame Kamille keeps getting attached to these kind of girls, that's why he always end up being saved by others instead of concentrating to survive.

Episodes keep getting more intense as we move closely to the final episodes.

Only 8 episodes to go!! Can't wait to end this! :)
Dec 15, 2015 10:21 AM

Jan 2014
Why are you taking the time to casually chat with your alleged sister inside a colony with a huge ass hole in it when your comrades are out there fighting and dying, Kamille?
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Mar 30, 2016 11:01 AM
Nov 2015
One of my least favorite episodes. With only eight episodes after this one, it's a little sad that my favorite bit was the Percy Doctor trying to see Emma's tits and not some plot relevant point. I know that the ending for this series gets huge and depressing and supposedly many die, but I'm wishing they'd paced it a little better so we had a better hint at that.

At this point in the show, less important characters have died than in 079. That surprises me. I also don't really see the legendary Tomino depression shining rough the scripts. Regardless of the ending, I feel his depression being made manifest in this series may have been blown out of proportion by fandom,
May 3, 2016 3:33 PM

Mar 2015
After this episode it really shows how sad cyber-newtypes are. The military forces them to be a part of their experimentation and then overwrite their true personality with a false combatant one.
May 8, 2016 2:07 PM

Dec 2015
I feel bad for Camille. He was trying to "make up" for his inability to save Four but it backfired with Rosamia too.

4/5, but with so little episodes left, I wonder how they dare to make two full episodes about that.

St0rmblade said:
What's the purpose of Rosamia anyway? She's literally doing the same thing as Four.

Fodder for Camille's anxiety/despair. Once again, he wasn't able to do anything. (the fact it's a strict repeatition of Four's part is only adding to the "trauma")
Rei_IIIJun 21, 2020 12:42 AM
Jun 23, 2016 11:38 PM

May 2016
Thank god "pusaiko gandamu" is an acronym for "psychic communication system", and not actually "psycho gundam". That is a bad subtitling blunder if you take into account how silly "psycho gundam" sounds.

When Kamille and Rosamia sat on the grass and started talking I was almost sure I was going to come here and bash the scene but it was actually pretty cute, even if we take into account that it was Rosamia's "child version" talking.

Did Char really destroy three mobile suits with three shots? I know he is supposed to be overpowered but that is just silly.

I actually laughed at Kamille and Gates trading shots from a distance of 3 or so meters with no obstacles and missing everything. I know that they are pilots, but if they can accomplish so little with guns why bother carrying one?
Lease_of_LifeJun 24, 2016 12:18 AM
"I will become his world and will make him my world" - You really should know who said this.

"Firing at unarmed citizens is a feat that those without courage and a chivalrous spirit simply cannot accomplish." - Oskar von Reuenthal

"No way Spirited Away is better than Akira. NO WAY." - Kanye West
Nov 30, 2016 4:50 PM

Jun 2013
Damn, y'all are harsh, i thought this was a great episode!
Mar 2, 2017 10:42 AM

May 2012
Pretty solid episode, but his "sister" sure makes it a bit problematic for all parties... Let's see what's next though.
Jun 9, 2017 7:24 AM

Apr 2016
I can't be the only one who finds Rosamia more tolerable than Four, right? Though...only barely.

Really glad to see Kamille sort of go berserk on those awful Titans, and I swear, these last few episodes have destroyed Reccoa's likability, regardless of her guilt.
Jun 19, 2017 3:57 AM

Nov 2011
Kamille always finds time to get away, and run behind some undergrowth, LOL. Fortunately, there are those of Zeon to upset the plans of that bastard of Bask. :P
Aug 28, 2017 3:15 PM

Jul 2016
Hate to be negative.. but Jesus Christ all the major characters are getting on my nerves.. besides Char (shocker) and Bright.

Kamille is becoming insufferable and the drama of these relationships are tiring. I liked one of the original posts asking what was the point of the Titans attacking the colony.. and I can totally relate as I was thinking the same exact thing! Putting myself through Kamille's relationships has hurt my head so much that I forgot what was going on.

What is Tomino trying to convey with these relationship? Maybe it's easy to figure out, but I really don't care. I just want more of the political drama and interesting battles as the backdrop instead of teenage geeks with possible Borderline Personality Disorders.
Feb 7, 2018 10:35 AM

May 2015
That is why you don’t leave your mobile suit in the middle of a battle *Sigh*

Mc is lucky to be alive...

On a side note:
I never got a Four origin/flashback I would like to get one for Rosamia so tat I can understand what happened to her & her family…
May 19, 2018 7:05 PM

Feb 2012
They should have just kept Four in the story longer if they wanted to deal with all this cyber newtype drama.

Kamille Bidan Kill Count:
1 Kill this episode
56 Kills total
Aug 20, 2018 7:01 AM

Mar 2016
I find Rosamia's character to be a very sad and tragic one. It's hard to watch her childish behavior, knowing the cause, and how innocent her real desires are. I imagine the photo, and her background, were all constructed.
Nov 18, 2018 8:45 AM

Nov 2016
I actually enjoy the relationship between Kamille and Rosamia and I feel kinda bad for him.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 8, 2019 11:35 AM

Apr 2014
have to say one of the main bad thins about zeta is all these cyber new types and things just going the same way with them that and some of these other female characters are really annoying in this

this ep was really annoying to watch like i said the closer to the end it gets seems the worse it getting smh...

also is emma pregnant? thats what the part with the doctor was giving off not that it really matters as emma has been a non character for so long that i dont really care about her but wouldnt be a surprise if she was though
"one step at a time"
Jun 18, 2020 5:08 PM

Aug 2017
Char seems to be fond of the idea of creating Cyber-Newtypes. What can possibly go wrong?

The doctor attempting to do a "checkup" on Emma was hilarious. Her reaction too.

The idea of (Cyber)-Newtypes being attracted to one another looks strangely similar to stands in JoJo, lol.

I finally understood that the falling sky Rosamia is referring to is the colony drop during the One Year War.

Kamille and Rosamia just chilling by the lake while everyone else is fighting Titans who are trying to use poison gas again.

Char stopped the poison gas by pressing some buttons. I thought he could've just destroyed the whole thing like Katz did.

Ah yes, the common trope of "dying in the hands of the main hero after telling him some important information"

"Just because you're a child I'm not willing to save your life" - says Rosamia who held a dead kid in the previous episode.

The new mobile armor was pretty dope though, with all these transformations and 2 seats. But what's the purpose of Rosamia anyway? She's literally doing the same thing as Four.
St0rmbladeJun 18, 2020 5:13 PM
Dec 1, 2020 4:39 AM
Jul 2018
Okay, this is the dumbest Zeta episode so far.
Mar 5, 2021 12:49 PM

Aug 2017
I think the writer should fusioned Rosammy and Four in one character. Four lacks a background and u could perfectly develop and complete Four character with Rosammy changing some significant points. Instead, we have a character who died?, then reappear +15 episodes later to finally die again. It doesn't help Rosammy appeared just a few episodes later after Four's death.

BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Nov 24, 2021 5:56 AM
Jul 2018
Nurguburu said:
I think the writer should fusioned Rosammy and Four in one character. Four lacks a background and u could perfectly develop and complete Four character with Rosammy changing some significant points. Instead, we have a character who died?, then reappear +15 episodes later to finally die again. It doesn't help Rosammy appeared just a few episodes later after Four's death.

Introduce more female characters = more waifubait = more character merch sold = PROFIT.
Jan 12, 2022 11:53 PM

Feb 2017
The Bound Doc looks ridiculous when transformed but I love it.
Aug 23, 2022 5:27 AM

Jul 2014
This entire Rosammy arc is just an inferior repeat of the Four arc. It's entirely redundant and pointless and offers nothing besides piling yet more suffering onto Kamille's angsty shoulders. I genuinely feel like you could cut Rosammy out entirely and change basically nothing, as her presence here just distracts from the big moves the Titans are making. Alternatively, why not just consolidate Four and Rosammy into a single character and give that arc more episodes in the middle section of the show, rather than wasting so many episodes in the middle on just absolutely nothing.

Zeta has some good ideas, but holy shit is it structured horrendously. This is a series that desperately needed an editor to come on board to do massive rewrites and restructurings to give us a more cohesive and concise narrative than this mess we've ended up with.
Sep 7, 2022 8:04 PM

Jun 2016
SakurasouBusters said:
Damn, y'all are harsh, i thought this was a great episode!

I guess they are easily annoyed at everything. I do understand the writing isn't that great and many of the characters can be annoying at times but not to an extend that I want them dead.
Nov 1, 2022 3:57 AM
Dec 2015
RX-782 said:
The plot of Zeta is a simple one. It's a civil war between the Titans and AEUG who are both under Earth Federation... wait a minute you didn't know AEUG was part of the EFF? yikes I guess you haven't been paying attention.

To be honest I also missed this. I thought they were some kind of revolutionary army financed by Wong

RX-782 said:
Kamille and Rosamia just chilling by the lake while everyone else is fighting Titans who are trying to use poison gas again.

yes, that was a bit random. I know you want to bring back Rosamia but wasting time like that? lol
Sep 14, 2024 2:32 PM
Aug 2024
I have never been so mad at an anime character as I was at Kamille, for refusing to shoot woman trying to kill him and his allies that he only met 3 episodes ago. YOU'VE NEVER MET HER BEFORE, KAMILLE! YOUR OWN SHIP'S DOCTOR TOLD YOU SHE'S BASICALLY A DOUBLE AGENT!
Oct 12, 2024 7:33 PM
Feb 2021
This was literally just the same episode as last time, with 100% less boobs
Feb 9, 1:14 PM

Aug 2013
Crazy Psycho NewType Rosammy does exactly what we all expected.

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