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Jun 28, 2012 1:44 PM

May 2011
Nice ending and overall, great series. Also, some OVA or Special to cover "8 years later" would be a great. 9/10

Must read manga. :)
Cl0udyJun 28, 2012 1:57 PM
Jun 28, 2012 1:45 PM

Jul 2009
not much to say - the episode speaks for itself.
Especially the "final screen"...

this show was fine indeed! ;)

And a short comment by Guy-sensei, summarizing Sakamichi no Apollon:

Jun 28, 2012 1:47 PM

May 2010
This show continues to tear my heart out and cause me to cry even after finishing it a few hours ago.

Splendid anime, surpassed even the high expectations I had for it.
Jun 28, 2012 1:52 PM
Sep 2011
basabeo said:

I will miss watching this show every week.
I highly recommend the manga for anyone who is curious about what happened through that 8 year gap since the anime sadly skipped all that.

They did? After reading some posts, I assume that I have to read the manga in order to comprehend the whole story. It seems the producer skips some stuff too.

It was worth watching it, Best anime for this season and one to remember.
Jun 28, 2012 1:56 PM

Apr 2012
I'm not sure how to feel about the ending. To me, it didn't finish the way I imagined it to be.
Still, it was such an awesome show. One of the best this season. Period.
I'll miss Sen, tho. This guy was such a badass.
Jun 28, 2012 2:00 PM

Jan 2012
I thought that the ending was brilliant! There were some eyes that got teary.
Jun 28, 2012 2:05 PM

Jun 2012
waaauuuugh! I'm conflicted. 8 years of silence! What happens with Ritsuko and Kaoru? What does the dream-achieving bit mean to Kaoru? Will Sentaro and Kaoru help Ritsuko find the samurai who smells like sunflowers? waaaaauuuuugh!
Jun 28, 2012 2:12 PM

Jun 2010
The last episode was very rushed. If they could make it 13, it would have been a little better.
I am also curious about those 8 years, but I suppose we gotta read the manga.

Anyway, 8/10. One of my top shows of the season.
Jun 28, 2012 2:16 PM

Jan 2011
Richie boy spends the first part of the episode sulking over his boyfriend which completely undos all of the development he had this far. The second part shows how everyone has fufullied Thier dreams which is nice. The reunion with Sentarou and the church Jazz session was the highlight of the episode really awesome.

This slope had its ups and downs but finished with a strong finale. Overall 8/10
Jun 28, 2012 2:25 PM

Oct 2011
Great anime and didn't even expect ending like that. I was thinking about Sentaro ending in hospital since Nishimi was a doctor.
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Jun 28, 2012 2:50 PM
Jun 2012
VioLink said:
Richie boy spends the first part of the episode sulking over his boyfriend

just stop posting...
Jun 28, 2012 2:53 PM

Jan 2008
gotta say the best anime so far for this season!
Jun 28, 2012 3:01 PM
Apr 2008
A good ending, but the other noitaminA show Tsuritama is the much better series of the two. This show was rushed, let's be honest and the awesome soundtrack was their way of saying "Hey, don't notice the plot it rushed. Instead have some awesome Yoko Kanno music!". The timeskip was kinda sudden but I liked it and that ending was pretty open to interpretation. Still, this was a series that had supreme levels of amazing music and the main cast is developed alright but everything else was clearly rushed (Jun/Yurika stuff especially). Tsuritama>Sakamichi by far.

8.5/10 is my final score
Jun 28, 2012 3:17 PM
Jan 2011
Easily 9/10 for me. But I have to admit I'm very angry about that choice of ending.
First thing I dont get is why they were implementing the ED in this episode... cut the ED for a few seconds and give me a kiss shot of Ritsuko and Kaoru >.>

No srsly, is there enough plot fin the manga for a second season?
At least give us an OVA.
Jun 28, 2012 3:24 PM

Dec 2009
Beautifully done! With the final ten or so minutes having been particularly well-*played*. I'm definitely going to miss watching this one.
Jun 28, 2012 3:27 PM

Feb 2009
It's over loved every single episode, the ending was so so but who Kaoru was really in love with?
Jun 28, 2012 3:27 PM
Aug 2009
Why I can't rate with an 11/10? ;w;
Jun 28, 2012 3:29 PM

Mar 2008
They made Kaoru act like a stupid and immature little boy again just to make him break up with Ritsuko. And I guess the things that happened during the 8 years were important, because it just felt wrong. It's like time froze and there were no developments for the characters, with the exception of their jobs.

I liked how they didn't make things slow, but this time things were too rushed. But the end was good.

This series was good. Awesome soundtrack and visual quality, good characters and a good pace (except for this last episode). It's slice of life, so there really isn't much of a plot, but overall the story was good.
Jun 28, 2012 3:46 PM

Jun 2011
i want 1 OVA

excellent final of a great anime

Jun 28, 2012 4:04 PM

May 2012
Kurimu-chan said:
Tears were shed.


And Ritsuko's hair looks better 8 years later!

I feel you man, im so happy it ended on a good note
Jun 28, 2012 4:05 PM

May 2010
Beautiful. :'D

Now I have to read the manga because someone said they skipped the 8 years. >_<
Jun 28, 2012 4:15 PM
Jan 2011
After looking into the manga I think there will be even no OVA. With the Ritsuko moment at the very last moment in this episode they destroyed imo a possible chance to fit the manga ending.
They should have deleted the complete "8 years later"-part and bring a OVA announcement instead.

Argh I dont like this ending...
Jun 28, 2012 4:16 PM

Dec 2009
It felt very rushed, but the ending made me feel so happy that I can forgive it to some extent.

Wonderful show with great directing. The only thing it did suffer from was it high pace, as things could change around quickly in the same episode, leaving little sense of attachment. Otherwise great.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Jun 28, 2012 4:25 PM

Nov 2011
Good ending, and I'm glad they ended it with another performance of Moanin'. To partake in the puns, I felt the show rolled downhill since the first few episodes, but the slope wasn't steep enough to be overly concerned. I didn't much like the direction the show took with the drama near the middle of the series, but overall it still did well.
MissileSoupJun 28, 2012 4:31 PM
Jun 28, 2012 4:51 PM

Jul 2011
Heh, he enjoyed to be with kids so he become poor priest :D
3 guys met again after 8 years :')

I think Sakamichi was little short to my taste, not that I don't like it but I wanted see more.
Maybe some OVAs or something coming?

One of the best Drama+Romance anime I've seen for while.

GaichiJun 28, 2012 4:56 PM

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Jun 28, 2012 4:53 PM

May 2009
The ending was wonderful. I agree there was some unnecessary drama, but it was a good show nonetheless.
Jun 28, 2012 4:55 PM

Nov 2011
I haven't read the manga so the 8 year difference was quite a big gap, but the episode was still done really well.

This is probably one of the nicest endings I've seen -- when the opening started playing it just made me really happy and ahhh.
Jun 28, 2012 4:56 PM

Sep 2008
Great anime 9/10

ending felt rushed though, I think they should have added 1 more episode and devoted it to that 8 years later it would have had more room to breath.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jun 28, 2012 5:00 PM

Mar 2009
Jun 28, 2012 5:00 PM

Jan 2011
Still a good show, but I downgraded it a bit for the ending. I know it's probably not a cliche in Japanese culture but "the former juvenile delinquent who loses out in the love triangle becomes a catholic priest" ending has happened more than a few times in Western movies to my recollection. I was about 75% sure that was where Sentaro was going to end up when he took off the previous episode. I was almost afraid we were going to see Ritsuko dressed up as a nun in that open church door as a final moment--but we were spared that.

From what folks have been saying about the manga material cut from the end of the anime, my belief is confirmed that this ending was too rushed. Frankly, I thought Kaoru was a real prick in the way that he treated Ritsuko--he comes off a little better if they at least corresponded over the eight year time skip. Probably the best part of the final episode was finding out that Jun and Yuriko were still together and were having a family. Now they were a couple who knew how to do a train scene....
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jun 28, 2012 5:09 PM

Nov 2010
Some great scenes at the train station and at the church
At first I thought the Doctor was Junichi, turned out it was Richie
Got some mixed feelings about the end, maybe because I expected more episodes as well
A jump of eight years and Richie goes after Sentaro instead of Ritsuko
They all meet up at the end though and there was Jazz as well :)
Jun 28, 2012 5:46 PM

Apr 2009
Good ending, however rushed. Was really cool seeing how everyone looked, though I'd like to know what everyone was doing all those years.
Jun 28, 2012 6:01 PM

Nov 2011
10 out of 10 baby! LOVED IT!! They did such a good job at the end, see them grown up and after 8 years they still got that swing! Not to mention Ri-chan is still a cutie :3
Jun 28, 2012 6:11 PM
Jun 2010
i guess they couldn't fit everything in this show :'(
Jun 28, 2012 6:12 PM
Jun 2012
I felt cheated by the ending because of the rushed feeling it had to it. It was a good ending, just not sakamichi good. Finished reading the manga shortly after and it was everything the anime ending should have been. I'd encourage anyone that wanted more closure and information from the ending to read it.
Jun 28, 2012 6:13 PM

Jul 2010
Wow, that was amazing. I am totally blown away. Such a good episode. I was crying so hard for no reason at all... I just felt so engulfed in beauty. I adore the decision to make no words for Sen and Kaoru's reunion. Music is all they need. Much better than words. It's funny, I find that when you try to articulate something you're feeling, it loses so much awe and beauty. I'm so happy. So so so so happy.

Kids on the Slope was a really amazing show. Being a musician, I was so happy to be introduced to some interesting jazz pieces and to welcome some that I've liked for a while. I would've liked more actual musical terminology used, but that would narrow the show's audience so I'm fine with that. Also, being a (a bit too much haha) romantic girl, I loved the triangles and squares that were formed and I enjoyed being tossed around by the emotional ride.

I also loved all the characters so much.. My favorite was Sentarou. I loved his personality and background, so unique and touching. But all the characters were so well-thought out and created, it made me really happy. Except for Matsuoka. He pissed me off. Haha~

The flash-forward to the future was really nice and refreshing too. I'm happy Sentarou's surrounded by children, it suits him :) I wish there was more clarity on Yurika and Jun's situation though, I really wanted to continue their story. There were a lot of untied ends, but they didn't really matter much. It was still satisfying.

Overall, Kids on the Slope was a refreshing, unique show with mind-blowing animation and music... I cherished it so much. Definitely very memorable. Sadly, I didn't get as attached to the characters as I'd like to, because of the short time span. There were some flaws in the show, such as the problems in pacing at times, but they didn't detract much from the experience. 9/10 is what I'm giving it, and I believe it was the best show of the season<3.

I'll never forget you Bon, Sentarou, Ri'ko, and everyone else! :')
fishergirl16Jun 28, 2012 6:17 PM
Jun 28, 2012 6:18 PM

Aug 2011
Aww man, what can I say about this ending. It's so bittersweet, such is life.

I'm still happy that Richie and Sentaro met again after 8 years and played "Moanin" as a duet for the orphans. Such a cool scene.

The ending montage of them running downhill with the OP theme was really appropriate.

9/10. Wasn't disappointed at all. Watanabe has done it again.
Jun 28, 2012 6:29 PM

Jan 2012
it was almost perfect but i felt the ending could've been better compared to the manga D: BUT it's one of my favorite animes now so it gets a 9/10 :B
ad stellas super alas angeli.

Jun 28, 2012 6:33 PM

Aug 2010
Seriously, that was the end? A happily-ever-after ending? Really? I can't be the only one who thinks this comes from completely out of nowhere. After several episodes of nothing but hard times and tribulations, it ends with everything being absolutely peachy perfect? Ugh... 7/10 overall because I loved everything up to this point.
Jun 28, 2012 6:53 PM

Nov 2007
8 years is a long, long time. I hope Ritsuko ends up with the Sensei now!

Ritsuko is simply the definition of a lovely girl. I will miss those Sentarou and Kaoru duets. A very nice ending to a wonderful anime.

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 28, 2012 6:54 PM

Sep 2009
I'm not really satisfied about the ending :( why did they rush things like that?
Jun 28, 2012 6:57 PM

Feb 2012
I enjoyed this more than i thought i would. Great show, a bit rushed ending but i think they closed off most of the issues.
Kaoru's new hairstyle is hot. :D

Overall i'd wished they'd but slightly more into the ending with the 1 and a half minutes they spent playing the ending song (seemed kinda pointless after the Lullaby of Birdland at the end), but i'm mostly satisfied. I give this a 9. I wish there was at least 1 more episode though. It seems like it needs at least one more.
Jun 28, 2012 7:01 PM

Jan 2009
Psychotik said:
Seriously, that was the end? A happily-ever-after ending? Really? I can't be the only one who thinks this comes from completely out of nowhere. After several episodes of nothing but hard times and tribulations, it ends with everything being absolutely peachy perfect? Ugh... 7/10 overall because I loved everything up to this point.

I agree, I felt as if I was left hanging... It is as if nothing was resolved in the end. Yes so they had a reunion but what is of it? Are we meant to embrace the fact that they are all together in the end and how its was reminiscent of their high school years?

So I decided to read the "real" ending from the manga! AND MY GOD it so much more fulfilling than what this anime had left in the ending. I recommend anyone who isn't satisfied with this ending to read the manga version.

Jun 28, 2012 7:07 PM

Jul 2011
I liked the first part, but the second part and ending... I didn't really like much. :/

BananaPeel said:
Psychotik said:
Seriously, that was the end? A happily-ever-after ending? Really? I can't be the only one who thinks this comes from completely out of nowhere. After several episodes of nothing but hard times and tribulations, it ends with everything being absolutely peachy perfect? Ugh... 7/10 overall because I loved everything up to this point.

I agree, I felt as if I was left hanging... It is as if nothing was resolved in the end. Yes so they had a reunion but what is of it? Are we meant to embrace the fact that they are all together in the end and how its was reminiscent of their high school years?

So I decided to read the "real" ending from the manga! AND MY GOD it so much more fulfilling than what this anime had left in the ending. I recommend anyone who isn't satisfied with this ending to read the manga version.

I'm off to read the manga!

Giving the anime 8/10. Loved it.
Jun 28, 2012 7:10 PM
Oct 2010
Lelouch22 said:
The final scene was a wonderful conclusion for all three characters. In the manga, it's shown a bit more explicitly that Kaoru and Ritsuko will finally be together due to Kaoru easing her worries by telling her that he'll never leave again. Sen also teases them about being the priest for their wedding one day. Despite the exclusion of these scenes, I thought the final emotions translated perfectly between the two mediums.
Really? cool, the one thing that I didn't like about the ending was the uncertainty of their situation. For all we know Ritsuko could have been married already, 8 years is a long time...

Anyway, I definitely loved this. I don't know if I should give this a 9 or 10... I'll probably stick with 10.
Jigero said:
ending felt rushed though, I think they should have added 1 more episode and devoted it to that 8 years later it would have had more room to breath.
Maybe there will be an OVA for epilogue... (or would it be "post-epilogue"?)
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Jun 28, 2012 7:28 PM
Jan 2011
Ajunky said:
Maybe there will be an OVA for epilogue... (or would it be "post-epilogue"?)

I dont think so, as I said earlier they destroyed it with the meetup of ritsuko, sen and kaoru at the end in the anime. The manga ending could not work anymore, except they will start with the OVA at the moment where Kaoru is off with the train.
Jun 28, 2012 8:03 PM

May 2011
That was G-G
Not feelin the need to say much more
Gonna jam to some tunes later on

Jun 28, 2012 8:11 PM

Feb 2012
10/10. Perfect ending, yeah, I would've liked to see Kaoru and Ri-chan get back together like they apparently did in the manga, but as soon as they showed Ri-chan's face there, it was just...fuck. That was such a great last scene. Everything came together nicely. A sad ending, but an amazing one. Not going to crack my top 5, but certainly deserving of a 10 from me.

"In both love and octopus-hunting, you have to take the initiative!" - Gintoki Sakata
Jun 28, 2012 8:29 PM

Jun 2011
Too much

and not enough Ritsuko and Kaoru. I love it though.
Great anime. noitaminA, YOU, AGAIN !?
Jun 28, 2012 8:34 PM

Apr 2009
12 episodes just aren't enough. There was no closure and skipping 8 years to show where they ended up and not keeping in contact really did felt rushed.
7/10 Good series, not a fulfilling ending.
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