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Mar 10, 5:05 PM
Sep 2018
Nope but it badly needs to improve the genres they put out. Enough isekai man..
Mar 10, 7:03 PM

Jul 2013
The anime industry is a scam. Then again, everything under capitalism is a scam, so what difference does one extra scam make?? Nothing in reality.
Mar 10, 7:19 PM

Dec 2021
Yes, donghua will take over. Ne Zha 3 will make over a trillion dollars. Li Haoling will be considered the next Miyazaki. I welcome our new Chinese overlords.
Mar 10, 7:28 PM
Mar 2015
Reply to DesuMaiden
The anime industry is a scam. Then again, everything under capitalism is a scam, so what difference does one extra scam make?? Nothing in reality.
@DesuMaiden How exactly is anime a scam ?
Mar 11, 3:24 AM

Dec 2024
I don't want anime to die because i want to watch more anime. LIve laugh love anime.

Mar 11, 3:53 AM

Dec 2017
If it dies, the chinese or koreans will just take it over lmao
Mar 11, 3:58 AM

Apr 2022
not really, just kill off these ''old school weebs'' instead and the world is fixed.
Mar 11, 6:37 AM

Feb 2018

Do you want the anime industry to die?.

Why Not? i've been Strongly Considering shifting focus towards Western Cal-Arts-pattern TV Animation anyway...

Mar 11, 7:29 AM

Feb 2023
Reply to Zalis
derangedx29 said:
Japan is aging. They can't keep it up much longer. Us old school weebs and real fans can have our secret little anime club while the casual kiddies and tourists forget.
Um, that's what revenue from the entire rest of the world is for?
They can't keep it up forever without anime becoming westernized. And at that point. It SHOULD die.

Oh, right. Just as anime's always been corporate and intended to make money, there's always been Western influence, long before the current group of distributors. For instance, I just watched the 2nd Gall Force OVA from 1987, and it's essentially Star Wars. Much of the fantasy anime genre has roots in Tolkien / Dungeons & Dragons. The Magical Girl genre was inspired by Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. 70s and 80s anime were awash in Western literature adaptations. A lot of cyberpunk goes back to Blade Runner and similar sci-fi literature. Like pantyshots in ecchi anime? Thank the "pan-pan girls" who popularized Western underwear in their efforts to appeal to US military personnel after the war. Osamu Tezuka drew inspiration from Disney, Betty Boop, and Western cartoons/comics, and the list goes on.

Maybe the self-designated MAL Anti-Tourist Patrol should turn their gatekeeping efforts on the "I only like anime as long as it caters to my culture-war grievances" crowd. But that might mean looking in a mirror.

Zalis said:
Maybe the self-designated MAL Anti-Tourist Patrol should turn their gatekeeping efforts on the "I only like anime as long as it caters to my culture-war grievances" crowd
I very much agree with kicking the culture warrior tourists out. I also agree with kicking the corporate shill tourists out, and getting rid of all the toxic localizers who hate Japan and want to cater to the West. They all have no respect for anime or Japan.

Everybody is aware that anime has always had some Western influence, but it's never been as much as it is right now. Western influence almost always harms anime, and they've really cranked up the Westernization in recent years. What's especially bad is that anime is now made to appeal to Westerners, rather than Japanese viewers. That's what the biggest problem is. Thanks to this, ecchi are very rare now.
Mar 11, 7:53 AM

Jul 2013
The anime industry is not worth preserving. It is a huge epic fail.
Mar 11, 9:44 AM

Jan 2025
No, it's the last good medium remaining. Everything else has been infected by the West.
Mar 11, 7:23 PM

Mar 2021
ForgotEyeWasHere said:
Everybody is aware that anime has always had some Western influence, but it's never been as much as it is right now. Western influence almost always harms anime, and they've really cranked up the Westernization in recent years.

I would disagree. There no evidence that there has been any sort of harm to Anime due to outside influences. It's just some Westerners are extremely picky about stuff showing up in Anime that is inherently something that can be linked as some western influence in origin and simply like to paint it as some sort of problem when it ends up being stuff they simply don't like. It's just as bad as Westerners bitching and whining about about seeing a brief panty shot of a character in some seasonal series.

Likely the sole reason why Ecchi is extremely rare these days is because a vast majority of Western consumers simply stopped buying Anime on Official physical copies. Where historically for such a niche genre when it comes to this industry, Official physical releases have played an extremely important revenue stream for Ecchi titles, specifically when it come to uncensored releases. Where after the mid 2010s, streaming basically became the norm for consuming Anime in the west and wide spread internet piracy in my opinion has effectively almost killed off all niche genres that use to be on the rise before streaming. So the amount of Ecchi Anime that has been getting released these days has practically been scaled back to when it was still a very obscure genre in this medium. Now a majority of Ecchi Anime that is still being produced is mainly produced to target Japan's own domestic consumers. Also a majority modern Ecchi Anime that does get produced and available in the West seems just exponentially trashier garbage and seen as just completely disposable junk food entertainment compared to the Ecchi titles that use to get released between the late 90s to early 2010s. Where even myself as someone who still collects Anime on Official Physical copies has extremely low interest in even purchasing almost any modern Ecchi Anime that gets released these days in the West each year. Where back in the 2000s and early 2010s almost every other 3 to 4 Anime titles I would buy on some sort of Official Physical copy seemed like it use to be some Ecchi title.

The last Ecchi title that I think I bought on Blu-ray was "Strike Witches: Road to Berlin" in early 2022 and it initially aired in 2020. Since then there hasn't been any Ecchi Anime I have been remotely interested in buying that has gotten released on physical copies in the West with the exception of "Mushoku Tensei", which I don't even view as an Ecchi franchise.
ColourWheelMar 11, 8:26 PM

Mar 11, 7:43 PM

Feb 2023
Reply to ColourWheel
ForgotEyeWasHere said:
Everybody is aware that anime has always had some Western influence, but it's never been as much as it is right now. Western influence almost always harms anime, and they've really cranked up the Westernization in recent years.

I would disagree. There no evidence that there has been any sort of harm to Anime due to outside influences. It's just some Westerners are extremely picky about stuff showing up in Anime that is inherently something that can be linked as some western influence in origin and simply like to paint it as some sort of problem when it ends up being stuff they simply don't like. It's just as bad as Westerners bitching and whining about about seeing a brief panty shot of a character in some seasonal series.

Likely the sole reason why Ecchi is extremely rare these days is because a vast majority of Western consumers simply stopped buying Anime on Official physical copies. Where historically for such a niche genre when it comes to this industry, Official physical releases have played an extremely important revenue stream for Ecchi titles, specifically when it come to uncensored releases. Where after the mid 2010s, streaming basically became the norm for consuming Anime in the west and wide spread internet piracy in my opinion has effectively almost killed off all niche genres that use to be on the rise before streaming. So the amount of Ecchi Anime that has been getting released these days has practically been scaled back to when it was still a very obscure genre in this medium. Now a majority of Ecchi Anime that is still being produced is mainly produced to target Japan's own domestic consumers. Also a majority modern Ecchi Anime that does get produced and available in the West seems just exponentially trashier garbage and seen as just completely disposable junk food entertainment compared to the Ecchi titles that use to get released between the late 90s to early 2010s. Where even myself as someone who still collects Anime on Official Physical copies has extremely low interest in even purchasing almost any modern Ecchi Anime that gets released these days in the West each year. Where back in the 2000s and early 2010s almost every other 3 to 4 Anime titles I would buy on some sort of Official Physical copy seemed like it use to be some Ecchi title.

The last Ecchi title that I think I bought on Blu-ray was "Strike Witches: Road to Berlin" in early 2022 and it initially aired in 2020. Since then there hasn't been any Ecchi Anime I have been remotely interested in buying that has gotten released on physical copies in the West with the exception of "Mushoku Tensei", which I don't even view as an Ecchi franchise.
@ColourWheel A majority of anime physical purchases, especially ecchi, have always been in Japan. Westerners hate ecchi anime. There was a resurgence from 2023-2024 in ecchi anime, and I think lots of this had to do with Onimai's popularity in Winter 2023. Onimai was despised in the West, but gained legendary popularity in Japan, and even got the extremely rare honor of receiving reruns on Japanese TV.
Mar 11, 8:09 PM

Mar 2021
Reply to ForgotEyeWasHere
@ColourWheel A majority of anime physical purchases, especially ecchi, have always been in Japan. Westerners hate ecchi anime. There was a resurgence from 2023-2024 in ecchi anime, and I think lots of this had to do with Onimai's popularity in Winter 2023. Onimai was despised in the West, but gained legendary popularity in Japan, and even got the extremely rare honor of receiving reruns on Japanese TV.
ForgotEyeWasHere said:
@ColourWheel A majority of anime physical purchases, especially ecchi, have always been in Japan. Westerners hate ecchi anime. There was a resurgence from 2023-2024 in ecchi anime, and I think lots of this had to do with Onimai's popularity in Winter 2023. Onimai was despised in the West, but gained legendary popularity in Japan, and even got the extremely rare honor of receiving reruns on Japanese TV.

Again I disagree. Just off the top of my head 'some' Ecchi franchises I have bought in just the 2010s alone on physical discs from DVDs to Blu-rays are "How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?", "Food Wars", "A Sister's All You Need", "How Not to Summon a Demon Lord", 'My First Girlfriend is a Gal", "Armed Girl's Machiavellism", "Keijo", "Monster Musume", "And you thought there is never a girl online?", "Hundred", "The Asterisk War", "Seven Mortal Sins", "Chivalry of a Failed Knight", "Prison School", "Absolute Duo", "Lord Marksman and Vanadis", "Riddle Story of Devil", "No Game, No Life", "Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid", "Freezing", "Samurai Bride", "Haganai", "Senran Kagura", "Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero", "Campione!", "Upotte!!", "Medaka Box", "Maken-Ki!", "Majikoi: Oh! Samurai Girls", "Highschool of the Dead", "B-gata H-kei", "Demon King Daimao", "Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor", "Ladies versus Butlers!", etc... All of which are on Western domestic releases... Won't even need to list actual Japanese imports because I own absolutely Zero Ecchi Anime that was released in the 2010s on some Japanese Physical release import.

Though when it comes to Anime released in the 2000s and before the turn of the century is when my Anime physical collection start to get swamped with Japanese imports. But even with that, very few Japanese imports I own are actual Ecchi franchises.
ColourWheelMar 11, 8:15 PM

Mar 12, 1:37 AM
๐Ÿ… Tomato ๐Ÿ…

Feb 2020
Reply to IndustrialSoul
@DesuMaiden How exactly is anime a scam ?
@IndustrialSoul According to him, everything is a scam.
Mar 12, 5:18 AM

Feb 2018

Do you want the anime industry to die?

MasterTasukeMar 12, 5:28 AM
Mar 12, 11:04 AM

Jul 2013
Anime is hardly even worth watching. The only thing enjoyable (about it) is the fan service of the anime girls......
Mar 12, 11:22 AM

Oct 2011
"I don't want to watch anime anymore so I want it to disappear so no one else can watch it and I don't have to be behind."

That's narcissistic. If you just don't like it anymore, then just don't watch and get a new hobby. Plenty of people like it and it's more popular than ever, much more popular than it was in the early 2000s, and it wasn't even close to dying back then
Mar 12, 12:14 PM

Jul 2013
I don't want the anime industry to die, although it is obvious they aren't releasing any new good anime shows anymore.
Mar 12, 12:17 PM
๐Ÿ… Tomato ๐Ÿ…

Feb 2020
DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, but I must admit, it is an epic fail. Anime is an epic fail, which should be obvious by now.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry hardly produces anything worthwhile, so I don't care if it perishes

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is a scam. Then again, everything under capitalism is a scam, so what difference does one extra scam make?? Nothing in reality.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is not worth preserving. It is a huge epic fail.

DesuMaiden said:
Anime is hardly even worth watching. The only thing enjoyable (about it) is the fan service of the anime girls......

DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, although it is obvious they aren't releasing any new good anime shows anymore.

Zzzzzzzzzz... Take a chill pill already.
Mar 12, 12:27 PM

Mar 2021
Reply to Serafos
DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, but I must admit, it is an epic fail. Anime is an epic fail, which should be obvious by now.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry hardly produces anything worthwhile, so I don't care if it perishes

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is a scam. Then again, everything under capitalism is a scam, so what difference does one extra scam make?? Nothing in reality.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is not worth preserving. It is a huge epic fail.

DesuMaiden said:
Anime is hardly even worth watching. The only thing enjoyable (about it) is the fan service of the anime girls......

DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, although it is obvious they aren't releasing any new good anime shows anymore.

Zzzzzzzzzz... Take a chill pill already.

Such impulsiveness in the quotes you have posted by the same User within the same thread is mind boggling.... someone is obviously skipping their Methylphenidate intake. lol

Mar 12, 3:31 PM

Jul 2013
The anime industry is doing nothing but producing low-quality content for profit. But that is how capitalism works. It is all about mass-producing low-quality products for maximum profits.
Mar 12, 4:22 PM

Sep 2013
Reply to Serafos
DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, but I must admit, it is an epic fail. Anime is an epic fail, which should be obvious by now.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry hardly produces anything worthwhile, so I don't care if it perishes

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is a scam. Then again, everything under capitalism is a scam, so what difference does one extra scam make?? Nothing in reality.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is not worth preserving. It is a huge epic fail.

DesuMaiden said:
Anime is hardly even worth watching. The only thing enjoyable (about it) is the fan service of the anime girls......

DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, although it is obvious they aren't releasing any new good anime shows anymore.

Zzzzzzzzzz... Take a chill pill already.
@Serafos Dude’s in his own world, constantly having his sigma monologue shouted out all the time. Isn’t it impressive?
Geark77Mar 12, 4:32 PM
Mar 13, 7:25 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to Serafos
DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, but I must admit, it is an epic fail. Anime is an epic fail, which should be obvious by now.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry hardly produces anything worthwhile, so I don't care if it perishes

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is a scam. Then again, everything under capitalism is a scam, so what difference does one extra scam make?? Nothing in reality.

DesuMaiden said:
The anime industry is not worth preserving. It is a huge epic fail.

DesuMaiden said:
Anime is hardly even worth watching. The only thing enjoyable (about it) is the fan service of the anime girls......

DesuMaiden said:
I don't want the anime industry to die, although it is obvious they aren't releasing any new good anime shows anymore.

Zzzzzzzzzz... Take a chill pill already.
@Serafos I imagine you like this after seeing the sixth reply from DesuMaiden on any given thread.

Daviljoe193Mar 13, 7:29 PM
Mar 13, 10:56 PM
๐Ÿ… Tomato ๐Ÿ…

Feb 2020
Reply to Daviljoe193
@Serafos I imagine you like this after seeing the sixth reply from DesuMaiden on any given thread.

@Daviljoe193 Yep, that's 100% correct.
Yesterday, 9:08 AM

Jul 2013
The anime industry is (obviously) a huge epic fail. The only reason anyone would even watch anime is to cringe at its total epic failure.
Yesterday, 9:26 AM

Apr 2017
This is a unique trait common among many Americans. I've found many of them seem to feel an ownership of things that rightfully do not belong to any one person or belong to another country altogether.

The wanton destruction of things they see going astray from the path they envisioned instead of accepting they aren't the MC and how society, especially one on the other side of the globe, doesn't always align with their vision of reality.

Yesterday, 10:33 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to Israel_Is_Evil
This is a unique trait common among many Americans. I've found many of them seem to feel an ownership of things that rightfully do not belong to any one person or belong to another country altogether.

The wanton destruction of things they see going astray from the path they envisioned instead of accepting they aren't the MC and how society, especially one on the other side of the globe, doesn't always align with their vision of reality.

Why try to fix something when you can nuke it?
Yesterday, 2:40 PM

Nov 2015
Reply to SaiteiDaOrette
Yes, donghua will take over. Ne Zha 3 will make over a trillion dollars. Li Haoling will be considered the next Miyazaki. I welcome our new Chinese overlords.
@SaiteiDaOrette the former ceo of mappa and madhouse said donghua would take over soon!

Just wait till Ne Zha 2 gets released in Japan with a Japanese dub. Anime creators will be jealous.
HACKs! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Yesterday, 4:53 PM
โ™ก( โ€ขเฅขโ—ก-เฅข)โœงห–ยฐ โ™ก

Dec 2014
Both anime and manga are some of my main entertainment so no I do not wish for anime industry to die.

I doubt it would die soon anyway.

(ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ ๐“˜ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฑ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ ๐“ช๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฟ๐“ฎ ๐“ช ๐”€๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฏ๐“พ๐“ต ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ♥
Yesterday, 6:10 PM

Jan 2021
If you wanna go the gatekeeping route of “Us old school weebs and real fans can have our secret little anime club while the casual kiddies and tourists forget.” then even the most amazing anime that can potentially come in the future will be diminished. This isn’t 2007 4chan, smugness can only take you so far.
Yesterday, 6:35 PM

Jul 2013
Why does it matter? It is obvious anime is a scam. It does not matter in the grand scheme of things since humans are going to become extinct relatively soon.
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