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Aug 31, 2020 12:58 PM
May 2020
big boob girl reminds me of Toga from MHA
Aug 31, 2020 1:01 PM

Jul 2011
Mira finally getting some time to shine being the first of the trio to awake her stand, thats nice. Not really a big fan of how they mixed Jin's fights into one, it just felt kinda lazy.
Overall the fights aren't next level genius in inovation and theres a lot of overused plot points in this episode but it was pretty cool and enjoyable seing Mori unleash that dragon kick
Aug 31, 2020 1:02 PM

Mar 2013
The final fight was nice (animationwise)

still the overall 'strength' of the characters are kinda hollow, like we have 0 notion of 'power levels' so we never know how impressive those moves are or not...

In any case, the biggest problem on this episode was the complete lack of time passing notion..
We don't know where Mori went to, how far it is and how long to go and come back... so there was never a sense urgency or of 'danger' in Mira's fight. It never made us doubt for a second that she would win and that mori would comeback in time.. What's the point of the whole "mori goes missing and we might lose bc of that" ?
Aug 31, 2020 1:16 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Brushrop03 said:
I instantly busted a nut when I saw Lu Bu.

Same here. The Dynasty Warriors fanboy in me marked out so hard when Mira's power ended up being the legendary Lu Bu.
Aug 31, 2020 1:32 PM

Apr 2015
DsMasterBR said:
AllIsManga said:
Hmm well it definitely feels super rushed again compared to the last episode, but I'm definitely enjoying the anime more and more compared to episodes 4-7 since I could make sense of the story and the fighting scenes were dope. Love the triple-kick and the side-by-side parallel of the two fights with Mori Jin, pretty badass.

I don't understand people who are still watching this if they don't even care about the fighting scenes at this point. It's been 9 episodes, you should know the formula. Why do people have the need to come here every week to complain about the same goddamn thing, just drop it, it's that simple.

You're right, the triple kick was pretty cool. But as for the other point, I don't know, it's a forum discussion, so people that like AND dislike the show have the same right to come here and talk about it. I don't like people overly criticizing something either, it's sometimes rude.

Yeah of course it's fine to criticize the show, the story is obviously lacking due to the horrendous pacing and some things occur out of nowhere with no explanation. I don't have a problem with people who point out the specific asspulls pulled in this particular episode. But I'm specifically talking about people who literally come here just to shit on the show when they obviously hate it and can't even appreciate the fighting scenes when that's been the main focus of the entire show.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Aug 31, 2020 1:51 PM

May 2020
Really good episdoe, definitely one of my favorites so far. Mira x The fake Jeju member was quite a nice fight, with Mira's charyeok finally being revealed, it seemed quite strong as well. Also someone mentioned that the girl that fought Daewi looked like Toga from MHA, I'd agree with that, she did give me some Toga vibes. I'm quite hyped to know what's going to happen next. Things are getting interesting relatively fast.
Aug 31, 2020 1:52 PM

May 2018
Sooo, for the moment there I thought jin Mori won't make it back on time.

Yoo Mira has her Charyeok
Aug 31, 2020 1:53 PM

Mar 2017
Blown away yet again! First Mira gets her Charyeok and kicks that dudes ass spectacularly and then Jin comes in with the Twin Blue Dragon kick which was not only badass but also visually stunning.

I really loved the intertwined scenes of both of Jin's fights; such a creative way to show both of them without taking up any extra time.
Aug 31, 2020 2:30 PM

May 2020
yo man, that Mira's new power is amazing.

OMG, time to do the job Jin.
Aug 31, 2020 2:52 PM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
My biggest pet peeve that shows up in this show (and I'm not saying this show is responsible) are fights like Yoo Mira. They've set it up so that you know she has to win for the plot to move forward, so no matter how much she's being beaten up, you know that in the end she'll power up and win. I really dislike this style of manufacturing tension (it doesn't only happen in shounen, the same thing can happen with conflicting romantic interests in romances.) This problem also becomes more apparent over time, since you never know if a show will throw real losses at you at the beginning, but once they've demonstrated that they aren't willing to let the protagonists actually lose, then the show starts to fall apart. The show definitely could turn around, but the lack of explanation about the powers suggests to me the system was built so that the author could always have a deus ex machina ready when he wrote himself into a corner (again, I'm not necessarily blaming the author here, since you can write a good story and have deus ex machina moments, but I'm not sold on it in this story.)
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
Aug 31, 2020 3:08 PM
Jan 2020
AddaeAkono said:
Brushrop03 said:
I instantly busted a nut when I saw Lu Bu.

Same here. The Dynasty Warriors fanboy in me marked out so hard when Mira's power ended up being the legendary Lu Bu.

More Dynasty Warriors fans out there! Yup seeing Lu Bu was a huge mark out moment being a long time DW fan myself

All that was missing was either a "Don't pursue Lu Bu" or "I-I-I-It-It-It's LU BU!"
Aug 31, 2020 3:14 PM
Aug 2020
Mira finally got to shine, but wtf was that Lu Bu charyeok? Lu Bu is a Chinese warlord/berserker who butchers people with a halberd or piercer, which is so far from a girl practicing "Moon Light Sword Styles". And that headdress was just out of place and ugly.

Don't know how to feel about the fight scenes. Feels, again, like a mash-up of random powers, kicks, and tropes. The villains did have exactly the same pose right before being hit by the dragon.
Aug 31, 2020 3:45 PM
Dec 2017
I honestly feel bad for Mappa, they're really trying to animate this to make it look appealing.

Too bad that the story is written by a 14 year old with blatantly awful character development, a worse than average storyline, plotholes, too many convenient things happening and I could go on and on.

Tower of God was the superior manhwa without a shadow of a doubt.
Aug 31, 2020 3:58 PM
Dec 2017
gaussian_ said:
The show definitely could turn around, but the lack of explanation about the powers suggests to me the system was built so that the author could always have a deus ex machina ready when he wrote himself into a corner

From what we've seen so far, the author has been constantly writing himself into a corner, the storyline is like a jenga tower with no structure (foundation) and zero stability. It started falling apart from the very start and the story is driven mostly by plot conveniences whilst ignoring things like logic, physics and probably also every rule that it "tried" to set for its universe.
Aug 31, 2020 4:29 PM
Aug 2020
SaltyReinn said:
I honestly feel bad for Mappa, they're really trying to animate this to make it look appealing.

Too bad that the story is written by a 14 year old with blatantly awful character development, a worse than average storyline, plotholes, too many convenient things happening and I could go on and on.

Tower of God was the superior manhwa without a shadow of a doubt.

Crunchyroll could abandon GOH and invest more in TOG, TOG is ready to have crazy stuff and impactful fights in which GOH lacks a lot in, GOH rn is being saved by it’s fights, but whenever they forcefully try to add a plot buildup, it ends up becoming a mess and gets criticized for some part, once this whole fight dbz anime ends, noblesse is up, heard it’s adapting 140 chapters in 13 episode, not sure if it’s true or not
Aug 31, 2020 4:31 PM
May 2015
Truly sad so many people just compare this show to other shounens instead of enjoying what you're given, lol. I thought this episode was fantastic and I enjoyed every minute of it. Though it feels a little late at this point, I do hope the anime actually starts explaining what the fuck is actually going outside and around the tournament.
Roses are red

violets are blue.

Omae Wa

Mou shindeiru
Aug 31, 2020 4:42 PM
Aug 2020
AnimeFanTalk said:
Not a huge fan of that editing in the end, thought it was lazy editing. Almost gave me the impression that they couldn't fit Jins fight with the doppelganger guy so they had to try someway to fit it in.

Other than that, enjoyable episode. Not enjoyable enough to where I can get my meathead shit on! That little exchange between Daewi and Jegal was bone chilling tho.

Well the opponent did ask him what he did to the clonemaster guy and he didn't answer. I think mori rather preferred showing it to him LMAO thus mappa editing those fight scenes in one shot. I think it's pretty cool that they did that. Overall it was a great episode and pacing felt really natural although I'm still pretty annoyed by the fact that mori's clothes were ok after the explosion. At least they should have made it a little tattered
Aug 31, 2020 5:25 PM

Jul 2017
lol I like how that explosion was enough to completely blow up the building and was right in front of Jin but all he got were some minor cuts

and what's with dead figures coming back and giving power ups this week?
Aug 31, 2020 6:19 PM

Jul 2013
Amazing episode. As I thought Mori was going to find his grandfather after he got the picture of him in that envelope last episode. Who had exepected that Miras first fight would be against a suntan oil guy lol.
Interesting enough that this guy also brought Miras sword with him. Overall it looked pretty even but that guy got more and more the upper hand.

In the meantime we saw Mori reaching an building where he seeminly found his grandfather. Of course all of that was just a trap by Nox and everything ended up in an big explosion which Mori fortunately survived even if he looked wrecked as hell. I got very excited when Mori pressed his vital points. Sadly we didn't see anything of this fight, at least I thought so at first.

I also got Toga vibes from blonde big boob girl. But dam Daewi is such a lucky guy. New girlfriend confirmed haha.

The way Mira learned charyeok in that fight was just cool. I also liked the style of those 2 long feahters? on her head. The sword is finally back where it belongs.

I'm glad Mori made it in time. But damn he looked pissed. The editing at the end was on point. I really liked how they split the scenes and just showed what Mori did to the close guy. His 2 original attacks also looked awesome. Can't wait for the next episode.

Aug 31, 2020 6:21 PM
Jul 2016
Im just so baffled at wtf just happened? Did Miras fight last the WHOLE day!? Jin went off in the morning, the fight started and Daewi ran like for 20seconds before getting interrupted. It cuts to the warehouse and the sun is setting... and Jin is fighting.... gets done fighting.... travels MILES back by bike, just in time for Miras fight to end.

Still trying to figure out why any of these guys are friends other than they found a wooden/plastic sword under a bridge 😂😂😂

It pisses me off so much because i wanted to love this show so much man.
Aug 31, 2020 6:26 PM

Feb 2020
An obvious trapped had been launched up to Mori. But, its just ended up with another awakened. The power called Charyeok. Its expected, the hyped still hanged there, pretty tightly. The flow of the plot kinda easy. But alas, its still had a rushing decision for the good moments until the duration of the episode reach the end. I mean, that split scene was so unnecessary. Idk why that shit need to be put up like that. Its really decreasing my mood. Mori's fight was not so appealing too, because its fast in flash.

Also, the committee just let the enemy spied and infiltratated on them like that? They let them killed brutally like that without a proper explanations of why? I hope the next one held some good explanations or else the show did not had a good justification with its story telling. Yeah, the part of story section never had an improvement since the first shit episode. If only, they put more effort to stop by for a while and detailing the situations, it should be good to balanced a great animation over their action packed. If only this show had a less hype, the show never reached this peak. Oh, well, its sure had an understandable reason, as always with one or two obvious reason. But, shall that blaming method always become a normal situations? Thats it for me.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 31, 2020 6:28 PM

Jun 2010
Best episode until now.
Aug 31, 2020 6:39 PM

Feb 2020
Gorochu said:
As someone who play Dynasty Warrior,my first reaction is "It''s Lu Bu!".

Lmao. Yeah, its my first pure impression when knowing Mira's charyeok.

Anyway with the revelations of Mira's charyeok. For me, its so random, actually. I can't believed when Mira's posessed a sword, she got a Charyeok of Lu Bu. I found thats kinda weird with that thing.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 31, 2020 6:40 PM
Jan 2009
the sakuga in this episode is weak compared to the previous episodes but still good enough

Mira got her own Charyeok now

and damn Mori is that even a Charyeok?

also ye Daewi got his first kiss from a busty THICC girl impressive i guess thats better than getting a Charyeok lol
Aug 31, 2020 6:46 PM
Jul 2016
Nothing seems to do damage until the writers decide it. Is a big explosion dangerous in this anime? or a grand flashy forceful attack, is that consequential/do damage? How bout getting stabbed or sliced up, is that bad? In this anime the answer is "NO.....mmmmm....yeah now it is"
Aug 31, 2020 6:49 PM

Sep 2019
Idgaf what anyone say this shit is cold. Mori a g
Aug 31, 2020 6:52 PM
Jul 2016
Harus said:
The final fight was nice (animationwise)

still the overall 'strength' of the characters are kinda hollow, like we have 0 notion of 'power levels' so we never know how impressive those moves are or not...

In any case, the biggest problem on this episode was the complete lack of time passing notion..
We don't know where Mori went to, how far it is and how long to go and come back... so there was never a sense urgency or of 'danger' in Mira's fight. It never made us doubt for a second that she would win and that mori would comeback in time.. What's the point of the whole "mori goes missing and we might lose bc of that" ?

I don't know how i missed this comment. I thought i was the only one. They've done all the grand flashy moves but its always to a side character and they are STILL left standing.

Also, Jin left in the morning and arrived back during the sunset, like how is that even possible.
Aug 31, 2020 7:04 PM
Jan 2009
lol at people here expecting realistic law of physics stuff in a damn battle shonen that kind of realism is rare like Attack on Titan is the only one i can think of at the moment

Rule of Cool is the usual logic of battle shonen like this
Aug 31, 2020 8:03 PM

Oct 2012
There are at least two major inspirations in this episode:

1. The fight between Jin Mori and the clones in the warehouse was exactly the same setup as one of the fights in Matrix 2 between Neo and Mr. Smiths.

2. Yoo Mira's sequence as she was gaining the Charyeok was basically Ichigo when he was about to learn Bankai.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 31, 2020 8:08 PM

Dec 2012
This episode is really bad, they did change a lot. Better read the manhwa.
Aug 31, 2020 8:13 PM

Jan 2011
was dying at Jin fighting all the Agent Smiths , though they really like doing this girl dirty all of her fights have been lackluster and she finally gets a moment only to be overshadowed in the last 2 mins

and it really does to seem that only those with heavy plot armor are immune to any real injuries regardless of how deadly it may seem lol
Aug 31, 2020 8:51 PM

Feb 2015
I must admit this is no brain action and fights, but at least it is entertaining. That encounter between Daewi and that booty ass was weird, I hope gets developed in the future. Mori kicking asses all around, yeah. Mira getting a charyeok was ok, I liked the scene of the ancient war, but I didn’t get how it happened, I also don’t understand the sword’s importance, is it the one that she lost in the river, I mean, Mori?
Aug 31, 2020 8:51 PM
Feb 2018
I'm actually kinda ok with the changes they made this episode. They gave Mira much more shine than the Webtoon did, which just had Mori throwing in the towel for her and beating the entire team by himself. Mori actually being angry is cool (at least in the webtoon because the animated version is kinda meh), but I'm glad that Mira at least got to get a win for herself (this may mess with a later scene though, but I'm not gonna say anything until we get there).

I do think that the action in this episode was a little messy though, particularly the choreography. People are just kinda flying around the ring, kicks don't really look like they're connecting, the powers feel random and underdeveloped, and the way people take attacks is also kinda weird. The fight in the bathroom feels entirely random, but to be fair, it felt random in the webtoon as welll. She's also just not a character I enjoy so "bleh"

Overall a decent episode I guess.
Aug 31, 2020 8:52 PM

Feb 2015
katsucats said:
There are at least two major inspirations in this episode:

1. The fight between Jin Mori and the clones in the warehouse was exactly the same setup as one of the fights in Matrix 2 between Neo and Mr. Smiths.

2. Yoo Mira's sequence as she was gaining the Charyeok was basically Ichigo when he was about to learn Bankai.

It reminded me a lot of Bleach, or the Ichigo and Dark Ichigo, or Ichigo and his sword's soul encounter.
Aug 31, 2020 9:33 PM

Sep 2018
I really really love Jin's kicking fight! It's really cool, I'm not fan of their borrowed power though.
I don't like the flirty girl who kiss Daewi! She looks Toga but not likable >,< annoying!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Aug 31, 2020 10:10 PM

Apr 2009
I've been watching/watched far too many anime for too long that when an explosion that can destroy an entire old warehouse in the middle of nowhere can't even scratch the hero's clothes and who's also standing in the very center of that blast or even Mira's eyeglasses never fall off/break when she's been beaten down or sent flying off (heck it might be glued to her nose and ears!)... are not surprising anymore or perhaps already expected as anime laws but it's probably just me getting old. *sigh* Sorry, nothing to see here.

WTF? Did Mira just 'bankai'-ed her charyeok or whatever? It's very Bleach-like for the lack of a better term. X(

I expected Jin coming back in the last minute and the curb-stomp battle of his fight but the side-by-side double beatdown was a treat to watch!
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Aug 31, 2020 10:41 PM

Jul 2020
Best episode yet. And the music during Mori's fight just kicked in at the right time.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 31, 2020 11:11 PM
Community Mod
Feb 2014
Side by side fight was great, mappa doing it good
Aug 31, 2020 11:41 PM

Mar 2014
Samuel481 said:
AnimeFanTalk said:
Not a huge fan of that editing in the end, thought it was lazy editing. Almost gave me the impression that they couldn't fit Jins fight with the doppelganger guy so they had to try someway to fit it in.

Other than that, enjoyable episode. Not enjoyable enough to where I can get my meathead shit on! That little exchange between Daewi and Jegal was bone chilling tho.

Well the opponent did ask him what he did to the clonemaster guy and he didn't answer. I think mori rather preferred showing it to him LMAO thus mappa editing those fight scenes in one shot. I think it's pretty cool that they did that. Overall it was a great episode and pacing felt really natural although I'm still pretty annoyed by the fact that mori's clothes were ok after the explosion. At least they should have made it a little tattered

So when he asked Jin what happen to Fei (the doppelganger villain) he didn't respond. Okay great. We as the audience don't need an explanation and for a good minute I really thought we weren't going to get one, but we did, despite knowing that Jin made it on time... Imagine seeing a chef spit in your food and hand you it, you tell him what you saw, and you can clearly see it on the food, and still the chef says he didn't do it. That's what this feels like. Jin's silence and his on-time appearance to the match was ENOUGH to let the audience know what happen.

So now the episode proceeds to show Jin kicking the guys ass while transitioning back and forth between his fight with Fei and the current one taking place. This is godlike beautiful until they do that side by side shot. Just ugly. I don't like the directing in this episode, I thought it was just lazy and it could've been more intelligent/thoughtful. If there is one thing I can agree with your comment, it's that the pacing did indeed feel a bit natural. And overall with the last few episodes it's nice!
AnimeFanTalkAug 31, 2020 11:54 PM
Sep 1, 2020 1:20 AM
Jun 2017
Jin mori love his original move... That it now has an original 2.. and note its not yet the borrowed power. Hahaha
Sep 1, 2020 1:24 AM
Dec 2017
ItsBritneyBitch said:
Im just so baffled at wtf just happened? Did Miras fight last the WHOLE day!? Jin went off in the morning, the fight started and Daewi ran like for 20seconds before getting interrupted. It cuts to the warehouse and the sun is setting... and Jin is fighting.... gets done fighting.... travels MILES back by bike, just in time for Miras fight to end.

Still trying to figure out why any of these guys are friends other than they found a wooden/plastic sword under a bridge 😂😂😂

It pisses me off so much because i wanted to love this show so much man.

They're friends because the plot needed them to be :(

Perhaps they're paid actors by Mori's grandpa so that Jin wouldn't have to celebrate his birthday alone?

That would sound more plausible from the character writing aspect we've seen thus far
Sep 1, 2020 1:28 AM

Jun 2020
ItsBritneyBitch said:
Nothing seems to do damage until the writers decide it. Is a big explosion dangerous in this anime? or a grand flashy forceful attack, is that consequential/do damage? How bout getting stabbed or sliced up, is that bad? In this anime the answer is "NO.....mmmmm....yeah now it is"

Not to mention people are fine enough to use their big moves and attacks after being chomped on like 50 times by a shark and squirting blood like a garden sprinkler
This anime shit is addictive
Sep 1, 2020 1:34 AM

Jul 2020
The pacing of this episode is a bit better than the previous ones but I don't think anything other than that improved.

Can't really say I liked all the battles in this episode (especially Mira's), but Jin Mori's fight scene at the end was dope.

And again, just please explain to us in the future episode how this "charyeok" thing works. Personally I really can't take it seriously since it just pops out for the "finishing blow" every fight these past episodes.

I accept random friend requests!
Sep 1, 2020 2:48 AM

Apr 2020
How is it possible to survive that explosion. Kinda exaggerated tbh
Sep 1, 2020 3:48 AM

Jun 2013
Damn just four more episodes and this is over. It'll be Noblesse next. I really hope it can get a second season because it has been one of those shows that I looked forward to every week. I am reading the webtoon too and honestly, I don't mind the changes. I still enjoy it for what it is.

LOL I forgot about Lee Marin and he caught me off guard being all oily in the ring.
Sep 1, 2020 4:06 AM

Feb 2019
I love watching this show every week but since I read the webtoon first, gotta say that the pacing hasn't been doing too great. I really hope the final part does more justice cause it was amazing when I read it
Still not sure how they'll fit the rest into 3 episodes.

『ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ-ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴊᴜᴅɢᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜰɪʀᴇ』

Then her jaw slackened as she muttered out.
[I... am the bi◼️?]

☽ † ☾
- ᴅᴇʟɪᴠᴇʀɪᴇꜱ
- ꜱɪɢ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴᴛᴡɪɢ

Sep 1, 2020 4:33 AM

May 2019
Probably the best episode so far. Apart from the beautiful characterisation and artwork, the slower pacing really aided in amplifying the tension. Hopefully the mechanics of the following episodes are similar

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Sep 1, 2020 4:53 AM

Jul 2016
Ellenwitch said:
Lmao Jin fighting Matrix style. Loved that.

Also wtf Lu bu. Was just watching a warriors based anime, and now he's in this omfg.

Brining me back to my Dynasty Warriors days!
Sep 1, 2020 5:01 AM

Dec 2019
Yeah the pacing might be improving compared to other episodes but that doesn't save this series from the absolute mess it has been up until now bar a few scenes. That being said I'm glad Mira was finally given some good focus, and the scene with her getting her powers was cool, along with the closing scene.
Sep 1, 2020 5:12 AM
Oct 2019
This episode is too much... Damn Mira just got Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors 🔥

Also Daewi just got Free Kiss 😆
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