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Jan 1, 2020 1:37 PM
May 2016
MahiaErebeaNegi said:
AMcLemore_ said:
will they air the first two normally when the show starts to air?

Basically, yes...
I’m looking forward to watching this series the previews looked really amazing
Jan 1, 2020 10:26 PM

Feb 2012
shiro_kai said:
The anime seems alright but the shounen authors and their thing for "attempted rape" is annoying as always.

Who the hellstill like this kind of fan service? Oh, yeah, the japaneses. ...Fuck.
Have you ever read a book? Rape happens and it's dramatic, which is why it happens regularly in every medium. In the last three book series I read, I can count two of three that had rape at some point.

Nothing to do with anime or being Japanese.
Jan 2, 2020 1:23 PM

Sep 2015
Zei33 said:
shiro_kai said:
The anime seems alright but the shounen authors and their thing for "attempted rape" is annoying as always.

Who the hellstill like this kind of fan service? Oh, yeah, the japaneses. ...Fuck.
Have you ever read a book? Rape happens and it's dramatic, which is why it happens regularly in every medium. In the last three book series I read, I can count two of three that had rape at some point.

Nothing to do with anime or being Japanese.

Lul, you not even trying...

Rape is a thing. Using it as "fan service", doing closes in the girl private parts, extended shots, and going just until the part the otakus will "accept",

that's a completely different thing,
Jan 3, 2020 2:50 AM

Nov 2014
that guy looks wayyy too young to be a Sergeant Major. I heard the other soldiers calling him "Sergeant" in Japanese so could this just be a translation error? After all in real life it's impossible to achieve the rank of Sergeant Major without at least 15 to 20 years of service.
Jan 3, 2020 8:43 AM
Sep 2016
Sylverthas said:
zahrawaani31 said:
this one gonna be another tear jerker, for some reason thoo

Tears of laughter? :D

With how crap the world building was in the first two episodes I really hope this is a hidden isekai (they are in a gaming world because everything about the numbers system feels really artificial). Actually the female MC pretty much knows as much about this world, which she apparently travelled A LOT in, as your standard isekaid character. Of course, why would you EVER wonder what's up with all those numbers or that strange thing your mother was dragged into?

Actually the first episode made this show for me, Licht might already be the worst MC of winter season. Always funny to see the MC molesting girls on the street, only to continue molesting the female MC by using all his force to spread her legs. Really amazing stuff!

And boy, bet you can expect more of those molesting scenes, because the shadowy rape hands will surely grab on her thighs a couple more times (already done twice in 2 episodes!). What else could the point of putting her number there be?

Yeah, this is really, really bad trash - if it gets even worse might continue watching it for the LULZ :]

Yeppp, molesting girls is the mc hobbies eventually, and those numbers that he’s been rejected is so damn high too hahahaha, he’s like kazutard but more bold in action of molesting girl
Jan 5, 2020 4:39 AM

Oct 2011
Overally it's pretty interesting, a little too much fanservice.
Licht seems pretty cool (depsite those pervy situations) but I really, really hope Hina won't be another damsel in distress...Something's telling me she will be.
Jan 5, 2020 9:11 AM
Mar 2018
I feel as though the premise of the whole anime is really interesting but it's heavily dragged down by the god awful writing, like the character transition of Licht going from disgusting pervert to legendary hero was completely absurd, and as mentioned aswell Hina's ignorance is such a nuisance to the point you feel as though you know more about the world than the mc.
Jan 5, 2020 9:21 AM
Jul 2018
Pretty good for an Ecchi! I usually don't like fanservice but this one isn't half bad!
Jan 5, 2020 2:52 PM
Apr 2013
I like the concept and the action was pretty badass but I didn't see the "ecchi" tag until after the fact and the over the top fanservice annoys me plus it's of the rapey variety. Since Hina's number is strategically located on her inner-thigh these first episodes are probably just the tip of the ecchi ice-berg. Also don't like Hina's as a MC, likely a drop for me.
Jan 5, 2020 7:27 PM
Sep 2019
Acosm said:
I feel as though the premise of the whole anime is really interesting but it's heavily dragged down by the god awful writing, like the character transition of Licht going from disgusting pervert to legendary hero was completely absurd, and as mentioned aswell Hina's ignorance is such a nuisance to the point you feel as though you know more about the world than the mc.

Yep completely agree, I really wanted to like this show because I find the premise genuinely cool but it’s just so generic and Hina is literally my least favorite character type. She’s so stupid, and spineless she is the type of character that only exists to be rescued and show how overpowered and kindhearted the male MC is. But Hina is not the only bad thing about this episode, I also hated the rape-y fan service, the action (which is poorly composed and boring). I was annoyed by the multiple mentions of Licht being this murder and then he just lets the rapist live. Granted that is me just hoping that despite the comical start this show would turn into a solid dark fantasy using the solider dying as shock value to quickly transition into Hina realizing that Licht is not the hero in shining arms he imagined. But alas this show stayed trash till the end, I’m hoping it turns around in the next few episodes but, I doubt it will
Jan 6, 2020 4:51 AM
Oct 2018
Some ideas are interesting but everything else is painfully generic. Hina isn't likeable at all, and MC seem to be your typical pervy hero with a zest of "badassitude".

Cartoon antagonists + rapey fan-service = ZzzZZ Yikes

This episode failed to make me feel anything ... i guess I'm not the target audience. I don't like stupid and boring ecchi.

It's time, ecchi anime need to evolve toward something more erotic and less dumb.
We can do attractive things without insulting viewers's intelligence ...
ChapardheureJan 6, 2020 5:02 AM
Jan 7, 2020 7:12 AM

May 2009
kirie-chan said:
This show would only benefit from dropping absolutely garbage premise and replacing it with title "i decided to join party of a pervert hero in fantasy world obsessed with numbers".

Numbers lose relevance when

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:13 PM
Jan 7, 2020 9:20 AM
Dec 2014
Robiiii said:
Shieldsss said:
I bet it’s going to last only 12 episodes

You can always assume it’s gonna be 12 episodes. On any show. Unless confirmed otherwise.

Confirmed its 24
bastek66 said:
kirie-chan said:
This show would only benefit from dropping absolutely garbage premise and replacing it with title "i decided to join party of a pervert hero in fantasy world obsessed with numbers".

Numbers lose relevance when

and seriously is it that hard to go into an anime open minded and see where it takes you nowdays? everyone wants to know everything in the first episode or the anime is shit. If this is how we think its no wonder japan doesnt give a shit about our opinions

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:13 PM
Jan 7, 2020 9:35 AM

May 2009
ozzynothing said:
and seriously is it that hard to go into an anime open minded and see where it takes you nowdays? everyone wants to know everything in the first episode or the anime is shit. If this is how we think its no wonder japan doesnt give a shit about our opinions

Manga is great, read it. Suu's rides are fun.
Japan should never care about baka gaijins opinions. I want to watch anime not western cartoons filled with forced ideology, diversity and other cancer.
Jan 7, 2020 12:34 PM

May 2009
kirie-chan said:
bastek66 said:

Numbers lose relevance when

Good to know this anime is going to attempt setting the record for the most trash isekai. Any hints on mc using a cellphone by the way? Combo of

It's not isekai, also Licht

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:15 PM
Jan 8, 2020 12:33 AM

Jul 2014
bastek66 said:
kirie-chan said:

Good to know this anime is going to attempt setting the record for the most trash isekai. Any hints on mc using a cellphone by the way? Combo of

It's not isekai, also Licht

Feels like people mix up fantasy and isekai more often now confusing the two.
For peeps confused Isekai is when the MC is from another world who gets transported/teleported to another reality/world thats different from the prior.

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:16 PM
Jan 8, 2020 1:01 AM

Jul 2016
kirie-chan said:
bastek66 said:

Numbers lose relevance when

Good to know this anime is going to attempt setting the record for the most trash isekai.

There's a difference between

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:17 PM
Jan 8, 2020 11:59 AM

Jul 2019
This show really is not shy about providing fan service. Episode 1: Thighs and socks Episode 2: Pants, pants, pants... Where will it end?

The actual story & world? Pretty damn average and I hope they will play the unique theme to its absolute strength. I am definetly not hooked yet. Licht and Hina are however 2 very likeable characters IF Licht continues to be this goofy even without the mask.
Jan 8, 2020 11:59 AM

Jul 2014
Definitely not a fan of the MC but the plot is really interesting. Hina is cute and Nana hot, let's see if I can tolerate the MC and continue.

Best moment was when the girls started kicking the molester like a soccer ball.
Jan 8, 2020 12:28 PM
Mar 2019
So Hina traveled for 5 years but barley not she hears about the numbers?
Jan 8, 2020 12:29 PM
May 2019
The scene where the blue haired girl was kicked like a soccer ball was pretty funny.
The idea with numbers seems kinda interesting.
Overall it's entertaining as long as you don't take it too seriously LoL
Jan 8, 2020 12:34 PM

Jul 2019
The first episode seems to me like a rip off of the very first episode of seven deadly sins which is enough for me to narrow my eyes already.
For final judgement, I'll wait for at most 2 or 3 ep before deciding whether I'll be dropping it or not.
Jan 8, 2020 12:35 PM

Jan 2008
I remember reading a manga that had some pretty weird, in a bad way, plot twist. I think this might of been it.

The female character's number should be based on the amount of times she gets sexually harassed or beaten cause god dam she does a lot in this one episode.
Jan 8, 2020 12:45 PM

Oct 2018
Not much hype for it but gonna continue...
the thing bothered me so much that Hina didn't know anything , not a single thing.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:18 PM
“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”

Jan 8, 2020 12:58 PM

Apr 2015
Pretty good start! The setup is interesting, I hope it will keep being intresting. Hina is cute, but god damn... 44100 km in 5 years, in search of the Ace. You would imagine her having huge legs after such milage. Atleast there was no shortage of closeups on her thighs!!

Licht is weirdo and a pervert! But to think he's actually the Ace himself that Hina has been looking for all this time.

Definitely one to stay this season if it stays interesting enough!
Jan 8, 2020 12:59 PM

May 2009
emraanash said:
the thing bothered me so much that Hina didn't know anything , not a single thing.

Why and what would she didn't know?
Jan 8, 2020 1:04 PM

Apr 2012
Can anybody tell m how 'gekitsuiou' is translated as 'ace'? All I can find is 'flying ace', and even that seems to refer to some specific Japanese mimitary guy from history.

Am I missing something? You can't just shorten 'flying ace' to 'ace' ...
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jan 8, 2020 1:21 PM
Sep 2019
There are a lot of things that don't add up here, and it's really distracting from the main series.

She travelled for 5 years, probably went to numerous towns and villages, yet she had no idea what the numbers mean? She talked very openly about her mom, so it doesn't make sense that no one has explained this to her. And what about the "people with a lower count have to obey those with a higher one". How is that enforced? Is it a thing they're unable to physically do, or is it a law? And can't the counts be exploited? If she had said "delicious" a thousand times, wouldn't her count go to 1077? I get that most of this will probably be explained soon, but it just really nags me.
Jan 8, 2020 1:38 PM
Nov 2018
MahiaErebeaNegi said:
Sylverthas said:
With how crap the world building was in the first two episodes I really hope this is a hidden isekai (they are in a gaming world because everything about the numbers system feels really artificial). Actually the female MC pretty much knows as much about this world, which she apparently travelled A LOT in, as your standard isekaid character. Of course, why would you EVER wonder what's up with all those numbers or that strange thing your mother was dragged into?

Sadly this is not isekai anime lol.

Also, was the anime did a bad job at explaining stuffs or did you guys didn't paid attention when watching the episode? Why does the reason that Hina doesn't know anything so hard for you guys to understand?

MahiaErebeaNegi said:
Is that really a surprise when Hina herself stated she was live in a mountain with nothing but trees and rocks as a child? Also, based on the information we know from the manga, I doubt her mother actually know how count works in this world aside of the one from the Red Barons.

And yeah, Hina never asks anything related to count all this time because she never talk with other people even once in these 5 years until she meet Nana and Rihito (Hina talking with other girls earlier doesn't count since that one was filler). Even if she do, based on her conversation with Nana she only asked the others about Red Baron but not the count itself.

I mean, I find this reason quite stupid but at least it does make senses on how Hina don't have any knowledge about the counts.

" did you guys didn't paid attention when watching the episode? Why does the reason that Hina doesn't know anything so hard for you guys to understand?"

"And yeah, Hina never asks anything related to count all this time because she never talk with other people even once in these 5 years until she meet Nana and Rihito (Hina talking with other girls earlier doesn't count since that one was filler). Even if she do, based on her conversation with Nana she only asked the others about Red Baron but not the count itself."

"I find this reason quite stupid but at least it does make senses on how Hina don't have any knowledge about the counts."

No. No, no, no. It does NOT make sense. Yes, she lived in the mountains, but she had another person there - her mother. And she never once asked about the numbers. No, it does not make sense. It also doesn't make sense never meeting any other person just because you live in the mountains.

No, it does not make sense to never, in FIVE YEARS of traveling, asking anyone about it.

Your answer to "why the hell wouldn't she ask anyone about it?" is "she didn't ask anyone about it". That is not a very good defense of the show's premise, I'm afraid.

It's a batshit insane premise. The numbers. Not even the most powerful of gods would introduce such a system, and there is no population in the world that would accept it. "The number of times people say the food was good". What the actual hell. And it's batshit insane that someone who can stand and walk and talk wouldn't ask ANYONE, NOT EVEN HER OWN MOTHER, why she has numbers on her thigh and why everyone else also has numbers. In her entire life.

Achievement unlocked: This rivals the insanity of Princess Ange in Cross Ange growing up for sixteen years without ever realizing she can't use mana like everyone else in her world, everyday magic that is as easy and common to use as using your hands, "because she has a maid who does it for her". I honestly can't decide which premise is the dumbest. I am truly impressed. Though Cross Ange of course had plenty of fan service, plus mecha, so everyone knew the real reasons for watching it.
Jan 8, 2020 1:46 PM

Oct 2010
This is so bad lol. The plot is generic/dull as can be, the main lead is stupid AF and seems to just be for fan service and there's already some dumb and easy-to-avoid plot holes. Like, how did the villain know her count was for walking? He wasn't there when she explained that. Litch at least was nearby.
Jan 8, 2020 1:59 PM

Mar 2017
I really liked this episode! It was really lighthearted and fun, definitely not an anime to be taken too seriously! The whole plot pooint that society is based on such a flimsy, subjective concept is kinda dumb though; if your count can be anything then how on earth can that determine your place in society?

Most of the characters are likable but i feel like Hina's 'weak, innocent woman' thing is gonna get annoying and boring real quick. I liked Licht a lot though, he reminds me of Meliodas in the way he's pervy, carefree but massively powerful.

Colorman said:
There are a lot of things that don't add up here, and it's really distracting from the main series.

She travelled for 5 years, probably went to numerous towns and villages, yet she had no idea what the numbers mean? She talked very openly about her mom, so it doesn't make sense that no one has explained this to her. And what about the "people with a lower count have to obey those with a higher one". How is that enforced? Is it a thing they're unable to physically do, or is it a law? And can't the counts be exploited? If she had said "delicious" a thousand times, wouldn't her count go to 1077? I get that most of this will probably be explained soon, but it just really nags me.

I quite liked the episode but i completely agree with you! There are a lot of plot points that don't make sense and it kinda takes away from the quality of the anime, especially the count... it's a waaaay to subjective concept for a society to be built on!

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenJan 9, 2020 7:19 PM
Jan 8, 2020 2:11 PM

May 2009
MyllerPhiem said:
Can anybody tell m how 'gekitsuiou' is translated as 'ace'? All I can find is 'flying ace', and even that seems to refer to some specific Japanese mimitary guy from history.

Am I missing something? You can't just shorten 'flying ace' to 'ace' ...撃墜王
First link on disambiguation page links to "Flying ace" page on their wiki.
I remember back when first chapters were scanlated translator chose Red Baron as translation

So as you can see all depends on translator.
Jan 8, 2020 3:03 PM

Nov 2016
I didn't like this episode at all, the thing with the numbers is super interesting but Hina not knowing anything about anything or super predictable appareance of the main hero, also, the fanservice it's great I think? it's not bad at all and making a super big tiddy character to put her number on the tits wasn't necessary at all.
Jan 8, 2020 3:20 PM

Apr 2012
bastek66 said:
MyllerPhiem said:
Can anybody tell m how 'gekitsuiou' is translated as 'ace'? All I can find is 'flying ace', and even that seems to refer to some specific Japanese mimitary guy from history.

Am I missing something? You can't just shorten 'flying ace' to 'ace' ...撃墜王
First link on disambiguation page links to "Flying ace" page on their wiki.
I remember back when first chapters were scanlated translator chose Red Baron as translation

So as you can see all depends on translator.


That's a terrible translation. Turning 'flying ace' into 'Red Baron', wtf. Considering it's apparently a title, less a name, 'flying ace' would have been fine. Considering Richt's flying-like super skills it'd be more easily understandablr than 'red baron' ..

Shit like this motivates me to keep learning Japanese so I can translate myself.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jan 8, 2020 3:23 PM

Nov 2007
How do craps like this one get anime adaptation is beyond me.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jan 8, 2020 3:34 PM

Jan 2016
Really enjoyed that. Great art. Was worried for a bit but the ending was satisfying and well made. Perfect amount of ecchi. False Ace made it feel like a hentai at one point.
Jan 8, 2020 4:51 PM
Dec 2019
She already found Ace, that was... fast. I liked the visuals and the animation. The story seems insteresting, i'll watch.

Jan 8, 2020 4:51 PM

May 2009
MyllerPhiem said:


That's a terrible translation. Turning 'flying ace' into 'Red Baron', wtf. Considering it's apparently a title, less a name, 'flying ace' would have been fine. Considering Richt's flying-like super skills it'd be more easily understandablr than 'red baron' ..

Shit like this motivates me to keep learning Japanese so I can translate myself.

Japanese wiki page on the Red Baron - Manred von Richthofen has section titled 撃墜王, so this probably inspired TL to do this.
Jan 8, 2020 5:35 PM

Jan 2011
boy i think i might have gotten some enjoyment out of the numbers premise if it wasn't for such a shitty MC and a staggering amounts of sexual assaults in one episode
Jan 8, 2020 5:40 PM

Apr 2012
The sexual assaults were the only good parts lol
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jan 8, 2020 7:07 PM

Jul 2015
At least we know the one thing Japan isn't shy about.
Jan 8, 2020 7:20 PM

Feb 2019
This must be the worst anime released so far
Who the hell is writing this program? Oh right the same author sora no otoshmono. Let us make an important presumption and let go of the fact that the main character is other perverted scoundrel like Meliodas who shows himself as degenerate, but it is not true! he really is an extremely badass just focus on the enormous expositional dump to a character who apparently knows literally nothing of the world that she spent however many years of her life in. It's not like she has amnesia or was raised by wolves. Either of those would have made this make at least the tiniest iota of sense. She's been searching for years, traveling all across the world, in complete ignorance of… well, everything. She also carries a priceless treasure that she doesn't know is valuable, yet this is apparently the first time she's shown it to anybody. For hell's sake, it contains an exchange going:
"You are scum! Your number is impossibly low!"
"Sir, wait! He number is less than zero! That's impossibly low!"
"What!? Less than zero!?"

Yes, the shocking realization is that -999 < 0, and it's delivered by about three characters, peanut gallery commentary, and shocked gasps all around.

Where do you even go in talking about a show that just flat out makes zero sense and considers the audience and audience surrogate character to be a blithering imbecile while also moonlighting as rape bait? It doesn't even hold up on the production front either. Fantastic animation wouldn't have salvaged it, but it would have at least shown where the effort had gone since it definitely wasn't into the script. It's just flabbergasting that people were paid to create something as badly written as this seriously Was this thing of the most anticipated of the season?
Jan 8, 2020 8:05 PM

Nov 2011
Jesus lord I haven't seen a Solid nosebleed like that in a long ass time. Haha. Honestly it was rather funny.

Damn I wanted to whoop that Military dudes ass.

Hina is pretty hot.

Im okay with this anime so far.
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Jan 8, 2020 10:08 PM
Apr 2015
As someone who has been following the manga, I'm so glad they decided to make it an anime o/ Sad to see that the current rating is quite low though but I can say for sure that it does get better! Also curious as to why they decided to call it the "legendary ace" instead of the flash baron like in the mange (hope that;s not considered a spoiler o.o) cause I would prefer they used the latter tbh \_O_/ Also not a huge fan of the animation as it does the manga art no justice but still looking forward to seeing the rest of the anime and I hope it'll be good to the point where the ratings will start shooting up *-*
_Sirius_Jan 8, 2020 10:11 PM
Jan 8, 2020 10:31 PM

Feb 2019
Ok, Plunderer isn’t great, but it’s not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. It’s got issues with animation, some plot holes and the rapey shit was annoying, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. 2 cours so let’s see how it goes. Solid 6.8/10
Jan 8, 2020 10:31 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014
Ok maybe it’s the cheap sake I’m drinking but THAT was a pretty good episode.

Panties Fes in the next episode!
W00t. I’m dripping already.

Seriously the action was great and the comedy was very funny. Good color and audio. Loved the first episode.
Jan 9, 2020 12:16 AM

Oct 2018
bastek66 said:
emraanash said:
the thing bothered me so much that Hina didn't know anything , not a single thing.

Why and what would she didn't know?

about abyss and number... why she didn't know that the question?
“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”

Jan 9, 2020 1:14 AM

Jul 2016
Hegar said:
No. No, no, no. It does NOT make sense

Lol chill dude.

Hegar said:
Yes, she lived in the mountains, but she had another person there - her mother. And she never once asked about the numbers. No, it does not make sense. It also doesn't make sense never meeting any other person just because you live in the mountains.

.......... Do you actually paid attention on what I'm saying?

MahiaErebeaNegi said:
Also, based on the information we know from the manga, I doubt her mother actually know how count works in this world aside of the one from the Red Barons/Ace.

Hegar said:
No, it does not make sense to never, in FIVE YEARS of traveling, asking anyone about it.

Hegar said:
It's a batshit insane premise. The numbers. Not even the most powerful of gods would introduce such a system, and there is no population in the world that would accept it. "The number of times people say the food was good". What the actual hell. And it's batshit insane that someone who can stand and walk and talk wouldn't ask ANYONE, NOT EVEN HER OWN MOTHER, why she has numbers on her thigh and why everyone else also has numbers. In her entire life.

You seriously need to reread what I'm saying again if you think it doesn't make sense. If my answer wasn't clear enough for you, then how about you watch EP2 yourself since that episode shown a little bit more on Hina's past and how she never asks other people about the count until now (It's already available on internet due to pre-screening).

Hegar said:
Your answer to "why the hell wouldn't she ask anyone about it?" is "she didn't ask anyone about it". That is not a very good defense of the show's premise, I'm afraid.

I never said the answer is great or something else (I even said the answer was stupid in my previous comment), I just said that reason is at least understandable given how she went through in past 5 years without asking anyone for help.

Don't get me wrong, I don't even like Hina as a character at all (Especially after the end of this season) and you're free to hate her, but you really paid attention on a certain stuffs before complaining. Almost every criticisms you mentioned are all explained in the episode itself.

_Sirius_ said:
Also curious as to why they decided to call it the "legendary ace" instead of the flash baron like in the mange (hope that;s not considered a spoiler o.o) cause I would prefer they used the latter tbh \_O_/

Because it's unofficial English title used by the fan translators, the actual translation of it was "Aerial Ace" not "Red Baron".
MahiaErebeaNegiJan 9, 2020 1:19 AM
Jan 9, 2020 2:07 AM

Aug 2013
So...if we were going to have a badass pervert lead, I guess no one knows how to write someone to hold a candle to my boy Arata Kasuga from Trinity Seven. This was all kinds of cringe with so much rapey vibes shit taken straight out of Alicization that I'm dying inside thinking about how this will go. Main highlight of the pilot was Nana for me, other than seems like I'll just see where this goes for a few weeks.
Don't believe the hype.
Jan 9, 2020 2:40 AM
Mar 2018
I have to say that I am not very impressed with the first episode. First, it is weird and unbelievable that Hina has walked for more than 40,000 kilometres and she still does not know about counts and such things. That she has walked a distance of what amounts to walking around our planet earth once and she is still soo naive and unknowledgeable means that she is either really stupid or the scriptwriters failed to consider the optics of what they were writing. I also had an issue with overdramatization of some things in the episode and the obvious sexual harassment that was a bit above what is acceptable.

That said, when she said that her count increases the more she walks, I thought that maybe her mum played a trick on her by asking her to find a nonexistent legend so as to keep increasing her count.

Anyway, despite the negatives I noted, I am quite interested in this anime so I plan to keep watching.
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