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May 23, 2010 4:14 PM
Bittersweet. I feel really bad for Misuzu and her aunt. The wheelchair scene really tugged at my heart, it was so powerful. I loved this series, it was wonderful. |
May 23, 2010 10:52 PM
Misuzu calling out "Mama" on the beach hit me hard. What a powerful scene.. D': I couldn't help but tear up. *sniffles* Why did Yukito have to go.. D: *sighs* Damn YOU KYOANI!!! |
Jun 19, 2010 7:10 AM
Uh I don't really think this ep is sad... Is something wrong with me? wtf O.o |
Jun 19, 2010 9:10 AM
Nah, nothing wrong with you. Probably just didn't follow the series all that well. |
Jul 12, 2010 5:33 PM
Jul 31, 2010 7:41 PM
nicoliolipoli said: I'm confused and I wanted Misuzu and Yukito to live forever together. That is all. This. I knew in the back of my mind Misuzu was going to die because I could remember some stupid spoiler YouTube comment saying so... >_> Thankfully, after reading some of the posts on here the ending seems a bit more clear, too. I really did miss Yukito in those last episodes, though. I guess I was wanting a classic romance where they lived happily ever after, so I can't fully appreciate the ending for what it was. It was touching, though, and I did like it. |
Aug 25, 2010 5:36 PM
Yes, that was indeed awesome and, as far as I got it, the story is real awesome too. |
Aug 31, 2010 5:02 PM
good series. i think that it would have done better with more episodes and would explain alot of untold parts of the story. overall 10/10 for the series. not going to bother with Air in the Summer. |
Sep 2, 2010 4:25 AM
Meddigo said: nicoliolipoli said: I'm confused and I wanted Misuzu and Yukito to live forever together. That is all. You're just focused on a single point of time instead of looking at the whole breadth of what happened. Think about it. "1000 summers" have gone by, and the curse has finally been broken. If Misuzu and Yukito were together then Misuzu would have had to die anyway (see the movie for that ending) Thanks a lot for that spoiler, I was just about to watch the Air The Motion Picture after finishing this series. (I edited in the spoiler tags in there myself, so as to not spoil for anyone else, there were none in the original post.) |
Sep 2, 2010 8:39 AM
You're absolutely welcome :) Thanks a lot for not offering any bit of insight or discussion about this wonderful series. The only reason you could be mad about such "spoiler" is that you didn't even understand the series nor Misuzu's plight. Also, I find it hilarious that you didn't even spoiler tag the actual spoiler itself. ^^ |
Sep 4, 2010 2:12 PM
Meddigo said: I think you misunderstand.You're absolutely welcome :) Thanks a lot for not offering any bit of insight or discussion about this wonderful series. The only reason you could be mad about such "spoiler" is that you didn't even understand the series nor Misuzu's plight. Also, I find it hilarious that you didn't even spoiler tag the actual spoiler itself. ^^ You spoiled the movie ending, not the fact that "if Misuzu and Yukito were together then Misuzu would have had to die anyway". That wasn't a spoiler, it was part of the curse laid upon Kanna by the Buddhist (iirc, which made no sense to me, why a Buddhist would do that) monks/priests incantations. The spoiler was, how could I possibly have known the movie was going to go with that ending, by simply watching the series? If you read the first post it says "THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE", it should be obvious for anyone that the same implicitly applies to animes beyond this episode. Hence, you should've used spoiler tags for the above. My post's intention was clearly to encourage proper use of spoiler tags in the future (by you, as well as others), so as to avoid other innocents from suffering the same fate I did (or worse!). Not to discuss this indeed wonderful series. I think chinaboat and Roketsu covered everything pretty much already. Speech is silver, silence is gold. |
JvW4Sep 4, 2010 2:26 PM
Sep 11, 2010 3:13 AM
I think patient_sense made this show a bit more sensible for me. Hey, come to think of it, wasn't it Yukito who became the crow, not Ryuya? I thought he formed into the crow after he poured his soul into his puppet. Maybe that's just me. Idk. This show confused me - I may have to watch it again to try to pick up on what I missed. On another note, I wish they had done something more with Yukito's telekinetic powers and the magic users. They were just like "oh yeah, he can use telekinesis, a girl has wings, and her mom can use magic to completely obliterate a fleet of soldiers, no biggy, w/e" That bugged me. Why were the characters so completely un-interested in such things? Ughh. It just got ignored. p.s. Misuzu ftw! :eof |
TheRetroSpectrumSep 11, 2010 3:19 AM
Sep 13, 2010 8:54 AM
I don't think anyone was ever shocked over Yukito's ability because the only one who ever really got to see it was Misuzu: when he used magic to oust the vengeful mother that had possessed Kano. Sure, the little kids saw him move the doll around, but they were completely incredulous the whole time, asking where the string was, etc. I believe he also performed for Haruko who was just as incredulous. But really, the only time he used magic in some exuberant way in the presence of others was the exorcism of Kano. Every other time was in a tawdry way to entertain others (and who really pays all that much mind to street performers anyway). |
Sep 16, 2010 10:25 PM
I really loved the ending of this series, its so sad :( |
Oct 7, 2010 5:14 PM
I just finished and here is my speculation: Where to start... Ok, the crow, I didn't get, but a few things I can piece together (yes I know Clannad was after Air, but bear with me), In Clannad, ~After stories~ it turns out Tomoya was the robot, but he couldn't build or do anything but spectate this girl, and Yukito was eventually reincarnated as the crow with a somewhat similar role. The "looping" as I saw it referred to as, made me pissed to, but it makes sense when at the beginning and end the lady says the story will continue forever without end, until the last child. A.D.D. MOMENT: And how all the winged girls wanted to just do something fun like go to the beach and how all Yukito had to do was make Misuzu smile and stay by her side; anyway, all the memories will be passed down from child to child, to the very last UNTIL THE LAST MEMORY IS FULL OF NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS.. <---- That I believe is THE BIGGEST POINT, especially in other Key films, like Clannad with the Hikari and Angel Beats! The two children at the end, I had a theory, and it was Yukitos mom, since she promised to return, but thinking about it, I saw another post, and it was Yukito and Misuzu, interesting thought, and may as well be true. It was sad/funny when Misuzu kept falling over, even more sad so when you figure out why. |
Oct 19, 2010 9:46 PM
meh I didn't like the ending or get most of this. our main character became the crow ? and misuzu just dies from the curse of her ancestor? I just don't know. It stopped being too interesting when he vanished or turned into a crow. I enjoyed Clannad and Kanon a lot more.... the story was just too out there and the 2 other girls weren't very relevant at all. |
Oct 21, 2010 7:35 PM
I liked this series alot, Key's works are just my favorite among all writers. The ending was very bittersweet, but moreso on the sweet side. Haruko's arc at the end was very well done and emotional. She easily became my favorite character. 9/10 and really wish there were more Key works in anime form. |
Oct 25, 2010 6:16 PM
The curse isn't broken ..?? "tragic times lay ahead for those two, but for us it's only just begun" as quoted by the boy on the beach but, atleast Misuzu new what it was to be happy!! |
Nov 4, 2010 11:48 AM
Nov 4, 2010 2:04 PM
Because it was her (and Haruko's) sacrifice that caused the curse to be broken. By her achieving her goal of being with a friend and seeing the ocean together, she broke the binds on Kanna. And if you want the proof that it's broken, then you should tell those kids are the next reincarnations of Kanna and Ryuuya respectively, and they're seen holding hands with neither of them being sick or weak. After 1000 summers, Kanna was freed. |
Nov 6, 2010 4:34 PM
Well, what can I say... this last arc was marvelous. Very touching indeed. But as for the show itself, it was really lacking. The arcs about the other girls felt really unnecessary. The only reason they were there, was probably because that this show was based on a visual novel. I might be wrong, of course, but that is what I believe. It was not until this last arc the show actually became very good. The "flashback arc" was so so, but at least it told us what the heck was happening. And thanks to that, this last arc became very good. We all knew what was coming: "Goal". It makes me sad, really sad. But as a show, Air didn't make it. 6/10, even if it sounds harsh. But even so, the journey was worth it. Without a single doubt. |
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it! |
Nov 30, 2010 12:44 PM
Jan 23, 2011 2:22 PM
Feb 4, 2011 9:21 PM
Air is the weakest among the Key's anime..But it's my most favorite. 10/10 a masterpiece. |
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Mar 3, 2011 7:48 AM
i guess it's just a lil confusing but the story is really brilliant.. the only factors I dont like about the series is how it was presented and the way MOST of the voice actresses act. Though it is convincing, I havent really cried at all. Really. Though I am a crybaby..though at some point at ep. 11 I almost cried, I guess the emotions put by the seiyuus are not enough unlike CLANNAD which even you like it or not you will cry.. in the presentation, I didnt like that the arcs of the 2 other supporting characters are so short .You havent even grasped the situation and then one moment later its already the revelation time. |
Mar 5, 2011 2:39 AM
Roketsu said: Huge post, so click the spoiler tag at your own risk :P Kano: the freeplanetling. When she touched the feather (Kanna's feathers possess [sad] memories) as a child, perhaps the sad memory was passed to her. Like the infant in the flashback, Kano had lost her mother as a child. So maybe she was sensitive to that memory -- the separation of a mother and daughter by death. Recall that Yukito felt nostalgic and sad when he encountered the feather that Kano had touched. The magic feather, Yukito's power and Kano's wish made it possible for her to meet and thank her mother as Yukito had suggested she do. This helped resolve her sorrow and guilt over the loss of her mother and I suppose the feather was returned to Kanna with the happy memory Kano experienced by meeting her mother. Recall also that the bruise on Kano's wrist disappeared with the feather. The child had the bruise, yet Kano was reciting the words of the mother. So she had a connection to both mother and child from the memory. As to Minagi, well, she's Minagi, not a reincarnation of someone else. Minagi and Micheru (the buttshaking-ling). I think Minagi was a bit of a plot device to get Yukito (and us) to realize that the "girl in the sky" was more than just a folk tale or legend. Michiru, Minagi's sister who died before birth, meets the Kanna, the girl in the sky and borrows one of her feathers which enables her to come to Earth as a "dream," in order to comfort Minagi and reconcile Minagi with her mother, emotionally broken by the loss of Michiru. Michiru's companionship helps Minagi through the difficult time with her mother; Yukito steers Minagi back home where Minagi and her mother are reunited as a family. In the end the mother finally sees Minagi as herself rather than her dead child. Before she leaves (the dream comes to an end), Michiru gets to finally meet her own mother; another happy memory to bring to Kanna when she returns the feather. So really neither Kano nor Minagi or Michiru played a role in the past (Summer Arc). Neither did Yukito, Misuzu or Haruko for that matter. Misuzu dreams of Kanna, she is not Kanna herself. She is one of Kanna's dreams, she is part of Kanna, but not all of Kanna. A winged being's essence cannot fully fit into a human being. Like the water of the ocean, it cannot fit into a teacup without shattering it. Likewise, Yukito is not Ryuuyu, but he does carry on his will. He is descended from Ryuuyu and Uraha, separated by 1000 years. He inherits Ryuuyu's will (to find and save Kanna) and Uraha's power (magic and the doll with generations of unfufilled wishes which will ultimately be used to help Misuzu save Kanna). Why did I mention Haruko, Misuzu's substitute mother? There's a similar theme between the Summer and Air arcs. Kanna wished to be reunited with her mother, Misuzu has a similar wish: to experience happy memories with her mother. The goal which has taken 1000 summers to finally reach. When Yukito has an attack in the hallway and is wounded, later to discover a scar just like Ryuuyu's suggests Yukito suggested to me that Yukito has passed the point of no return. He's experiencing the curse that his mother warned him about: caring about the girl will cause both he and the girl to die. Misuzu's dreams are having a physical effect on both Yukito and Misuzu. The common theme: Memories and the mother-child relationship. Families stick together. Each of the girls in the series, Kano, Minagi, Kanna and Misuzu were separated from their mothers either by death or by circumstance. The goal and wish for each of them is to reconcile that loss. Sad memories hold us back, happy memories give us hope and keep us going. But we cannot live on memories alone. Each of these girls, even Michiru to some extent, resolve that mother-daughter separation and the guilt or sadness associated with it. Kano meets and thanks her mother. Kano had felt guilty about her mother's death and accepted part of the blame as the reason for her mother's death. Until Yukito set her straight, Kano had wished to apologize (for having been born) rather than thank her mother. Good advice, Yukito! Minagi is able to reach her mother and be recognized as herself rather than her dead sister. She had accepted her mother's condition the result of her sin: wishing for a younger sister who unfortunately died before birth. She then lived as a fragment of her mother's dream, taking on the role of Michiru, whose death devastated her mother. That dream had to end to bring Minagi and her mother together. Misuzu lost her mother as a child and was taken in by her aunt Haruko. The two remained somewhat distant in part because Haruko feared losing Misuzu to her natural father, and Misuzu kept her distance because affection resulted in fits and pain. They overcame these obstacles and became close in the end. Haruko ultimately would have lost Misuzu no matter what she did anyway - the least they could do was to create some happy memories. Yukito guided each of the girls to their respective goals, but ultimately each had to resolve the obstacles on their own to find happiness. Such is life. All of these happy memories were returned to Kanna who was all alone in the sky. Finally a word about Sora the crow. As tragic as it is that Yukito seems to have run away and abandoned Misuzu when she really needed him and cared for him, he did the right thing. He'd gone as far as the two could go with the way things were. Had Yukito stayed as the freeloader at the Kamio house, Misuzu would have died without reaching her goal. Yukito may have lived on, or he may have died within a year anyway, like his ancestor Ryuuyu had 1000 years earlier. This would have solved nothing. Instead, like his mother before him, he placed his heart, his wish, into the doll while he still had power, while he was still strong. His wish was to be by Misuzu's side forever and to help her reach her goal, and to save the girl in the sky, Kanna, fufilling Ryuuyu's 1000 year old wish. In the final three episodes Yukito, as Sora rarely leaves Misuzu's side. He intervenes when Haruko tosses away Misuzu's birthday gift, the baby dinosaur, and alerts Haruko to its presence at the temple towards the end. Misuzu tries her best to reach the dinosaur and succeeds, a rehearsal perhaps for reaching her ultimate goal. But why a crow? Haruko's (some say corny) speech at the end should give us a clue. Humans cannot fly in the sky, but birds can. After Misuzu reaches her goal, Sora flies away to find the girl in the sky who's still alone to bring her back for a new beginning. What is the use of wings which cannot flap nor fly? It's to remind us of those happy memories from when we could fly. What is the use of friends or family who ultimately die or leave? The happy memories they leave behind. Uraha is not Misuzu's mother. They aren't even related. Ryuuyu, not Yukito, was Uraha's companion. Their bond to Kanna was as a family. They would do anything, even give their own lives for Kanna's happiness. Yukito turned into a crow but he never left Misuzu. He's in every scene from his transformation until the end. Don't confuse the series with the movie. Similar themes but different story. The movie jettisoned a lot of the mystical elements that were in the series other than the legend (soap opera) of Kanna and Ryuuyu and... The bit at the end where Yukito's doll leads him to Misuzu and then bounces into a feather and disapears. The connection between Kanna and Misuzu, Yukito and Ryuuyu is more thematic than literal in the movie. At least that's how I saw it. I enjoyed both the series and the movie, but the series is far superior in my view. As for the two kids at the end, Misuzu dies and her soul returns to the sky but this time with happy memories she got from having spent the time with her mother. There's a bit more to it though. There's debate as to whether or not the two kids seen in the ending were yukito and misuzu reincarnated. Nobody really knows. They represent "a new beginning". I hope this was helpful to someone even though it was a bit long-winded. (Credit goes to an unknown poster on Animesuki. I added my own insights where I felt they'd clarify, but the main body is his) After some fleshing out of the story and putting it together...I do give the series a lot more credit since it was all there and there werent really any holes in the story. However, I feel that the way it presented itself wasnt up to snuff compared to the story it was telling. It felt at times the story jumped all over the place and jumbled over itself...when the crow was introduced and we are suppose to realize it was always there in the first place reminds me of when a film uses fancy cuts to show that something was there all along but we just didnt pay attention...then we were suppose to swallow that the crows spirit was either Yukitos or I believe ryuuya. The problem with that is that if the crow was yukitos soul...whos the meat bag thats controlling him? And even if it was his ancestor ryuuya, it takes away from the main characters significance in my opinion because when you are take over someones spirit or soul which is now how is there still an original floating around right next to you in the form of a bird? I think it was a solid series nonetheless but it has a lot of things in the way to be considered great. |
Mar 24, 2011 8:26 AM
7/10 having the 2 episode story from the past kinda set me off, and with this size of only 12 episodes it just didn't fit right, ESPECIALLY being in the middle of the anime. nonetheless it was still a good anime just not something i would praise as being amazing. |
Mar 25, 2011 4:39 AM
That's too bad. The story of Kanna, Ryuuya, and Uraha (the "Summer" Arc) is the centerpiece of Air. It is the storytelling behind the events of 1000 years ahead (with Misuzu, Yukito, Kano, Minagi, etc). It's like saying the Illusionary World doesn't fit right in Clannad. That's just silly, cause without the Illusionary World there'd be no foreshadowing or backstory to the events that are occurring to Nagisa, Tomoya, and Ushio. I'd say give it a rewatch in a few years or so, particularly if you liked the other Key works. Air is probably the hardest to understand in regards to symbolism and story progression of the 3, but once the connections are made most people see how brilliant the story is. |
Mar 25, 2011 5:17 PM
I think Air is such a beautiful anime and it's a real shame that it seems to go under the radar and not many people have heard of it. The storyline is confusing but other people's thoughts on it have given me such a clearer understanding... Now I just want to watch it again and again! I knew it would be but I hate how incredibly sad the ending is. I cried so hard at this! But I'd recommend it to anyone. |
"Don't call me small! I'll break down your feet and stick 'em on your head!" |
Mar 27, 2011 6:56 PM
Such a bittersweet ending My only complaint is that Kano and Minagi's arcs seemed to have little relations to the main arc. They're there as filler characters. Since many people have already commented on the logic behind this story, I'm not going to say anything further. Out of the 3 key works, I find Air to be very mystical, while Kanon and Clannad focuses on (slightly) more mundane subjects. It is also the only one where viewers are not thrown the cheesy "saved by a wish" ending. Thus Air's meaningful plot is far more superior to Kanon and Clannad's (more) linear storyline. That in itself deserves recognition. (However, death is always sad. And again Misuzu's departure will leave me saddened for days) This story has very good potential and rewatch value, too bad that it had to be crammed into one mere season. Even so, I don't really see why this show is so under-appreciated. Well, besides the fact that it's so difficult to understand. (Going to watch it again some time after I feel better) Overall very enjoyable. A great work by KEY. |
Mar 27, 2011 7:17 PM
Kano and Minagi's arcs were to purport how Kanna's sorrow didn't only affect her reincarnations, but rather her influence can be seen with anyone who touched the feathers of the Kannabi no Mikoto. |
Jun 5, 2011 3:21 AM
I watched the series in an odd order, started with Kanon, then Clannad (then Angel Beats), and now Air. I must say that Air is the most difficult to understand from them, but I got through it anyways. :) Kanon had a good solid going overall, and with Clannad I didn't find the first season all that impressive, that is, up until After story. It's hard to put them in any ranking though... So i finished this episode, and all i have to say is what? So, are the kids supposed to be a reincarnation of yukito and misuzu? Yukito was also the crow, himself, and that kid. Was this arc supposed to be a retelling with the crow added because i'm pretty sure that i didn't see a crow in the first episode. The crow was there in the first episode you know, it stole the puppet. Even those kids were there on the beach. Both the crow and the kids weren't important back in the beginning of the story, so I can understand that several people missed it. Do think that the series would have deserved to have a longer run, these 12 episodes make for a fairly crammed in story, especially with it not being chronological. Nothing much to say except for I'm going to go and die in the corner of my room now <.> No, go out and act like nothing happened and then die like Misuzu.... |
Osu! <img src="" border="0" /> ![]() |
Jun 19, 2011 9:28 AM
That was so fucking sad... |
Jul 25, 2011 8:36 AM
Not going to lie. I laughed a bit. |
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Jul 27, 2011 4:27 PM
Aug 1, 2011 4:44 AM
gregory003 said: I'm not trying to offend you or anything but... what are you? I was bawling for the whole second half of the episode...Not going to lie. I laughed a bit. |
Aug 5, 2011 1:21 AM
Sheer disappointment for me. Felt like leaving a lot of unexplained things hanging in the air (no pun intended) and killing off Misuzu for the sake of adding drama and to depress the viewer. Well, the latter certainly happened. I didn't cry per se, but maybe the magical sickness of a cute innocent girl got too repetitive. 3/5, I was expecting some grand finale like in Clannad AS. Gave the series a 7/10, it was good, but certainly bundled with flaws. |
Aug 5, 2011 1:38 AM
You were expecting some bullshit Deus Ex Machina ending and instead got a true bittersweet one and you complain? Not everything in life ends up sunshine and rainbows. There aren't always Dragonballs you can use to wish back the dead. And considering that Misuzu was actually able to reach her 'goal' I think she was happy with her choice. Would you rather her live out her life in perpetual solitude with nobody around her at all, like all Kanna's reincarnations had lived beforehand? Killing off Misuzu was not for "added drama". You just completely missed the entire point of the show. |
Aug 28, 2011 2:11 PM
Sep 3, 2011 10:24 PM
I didn't care for the underlying background stories with all the themes, reincarnations, prophecy, and so on. I just didn't buy it. The story is full of "triggers" that cause something to happen for no physical or logical reason, but rather for magical reasons. I couldn't help but feel that it was contrived, convenient, pointless. It's like the specific background story elements were put in afterwards as a way to get the results and character behaviors that they wanted. I got the feeling that it was just trying to be deep and profound, but instead it just made me shake my head and say "um, ok..." I felt like I was in a high school literature class being asked to write an essay the themes and symbolism found in some old classic novel. I never cared about that kind of stuff then, and I still don't now. But besides that, the rest of the series was very good. I liked the characters, the atmosphere, music, the humor. The beginning was the best, before the strange background story elements took control of everything. I had it rated an 8 after the first few episodes and thought that it could become a 9 as things developed, but it went in that nonsensical fantasy direction and became quite random, so I score the whole thing as a 6.5 or a 7. |
Sep 11, 2011 7:24 AM
Here's a slightly controversial theory... Yukito is not the crow. Yukito did exactly what he told Misuzu he was going to do, and left the town. Misuzu dreamed about Yukito appearing in her room and comforting her that night (She tells the crow the following morning "Last night I dreamed about someone I loved") and so many people assumed that, because this is a Key work and magic is often used in confusing yet heart-warming ways, Yukito had somehow died and transferred his spirit to the crow so that he could be by Misuzu's side forever. Yukito is still alive somewhere, and probably still broke. The crow is most likely the spirit of Ryuuya, continuing his thousand-year quest to find Kanna after Misuzu's death. As for the kids on the beach...I have no idea. Until I look further into it, I'm just going to put it down to 'LOL, editors'. |
"Ah yes, the demon drink...'Nature's Alzheimer's' they call it" |
Sep 14, 2011 7:32 PM
@teasaveslives you need to rewatch Air TV bro. Yukito is 100% the crow. I dont even understand how you missed that. He turned into the crow so he can stay by her side. Also turning into the crow allowed her to live longer and achieve happiness which broke the curse. Think of it as a paralles universe. Yukito is both the crow AND the guy who actually left. But his spirit was 100% definently in the crow. |
Oct 2, 2011 11:16 AM
I think this was a great series. I loved the characters and the emotion. I just got a little confused at the ending but it still was very sad. It felt like this story tried to explain something very important to the viewers, and even if I can't explain it in words, I think I understood. 10/10! |
Oct 24, 2011 7:17 AM
Well, I watched this 'cause I'd finished Clannad and it left me not happy with the other stuff on my to-watch list. I kept through all the episodes 'cause they were gorgeously drawn, just like Clannad was, but the story was too obtuse to really appreciate for me. It wasn't until episode 10 I found myself even caring much about what happened. A bit misty-eyed in episode 11, but compared to the tears rolling down my cheeks at a half dozen different points in Clannad... Air was a bit of a disappointment. Still, it scores a solid 7 from me due to the wonderful art if nothing else. |
<a href="">;;![]() |
Dec 9, 2011 3:04 PM
for me...a great seriese and a great ending even if is very confusing, but the explanations on the first page are helping little bit. I love the characters and the emotion, so...I think Yukito and Misuzu are together, this is all what I want 10/10 |
qazx3Dec 10, 2011 1:29 AM
Dec 11, 2011 2:11 AM
Odd that I can't get to the last page of this thread. Anyways. This Anime ended on such a sad note. I knew Mizusu was lying to Hiroku. I knew it, and yet I understood it was a lie out of compassion for her mother. That's twice I've seen a character in a series they built up a character that I disliked )The other was .... The pink haired Yui in Angel Beats who just bugged the daylights out of me till her last episode. I felt the same way about Hiroku, and yet I ended up loving her character so much because of what she went through once she realized she could allow herself to love Hiroku outwardly. I still don't quite understand the crow thing. But it doesn't matter. I'm not sure the last arc would have been as memorable if Yukito had been in the picture at that point literally. I need to ponder the series a bit before I rate it. I'm not sure I can give it a 10, as some of the arcs felt very rushed, but it's probably at least a 9. |
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day. |
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