For some reason, Super Senko Time this time wasn't subbed from where I watched it, but it felt like they were saying something along the lines of 'thank you for watching", which is always nice to see.
Just some final thoughts on this anime, I was first introduced to it perhaps maybe over a year ago by one of Gigguk's videos, I think it was his waifu ranking video. Anyhow, he seemed to adore it so I added it to my plan to watch list, where it has been sitting ever since. Just randomly decided I wanted to watch something calm and laid back, and this was the anime on my ptw that fit the bill. And it didn't disappoint, it accomplished its goal. Yuru Camp was therapeutic via its ambiance, here well, Senko is basically performing physical therapy directly to our stressed out man nakano. And yes while it gets real sus at times, it still is relaxing to see. Just wish my boner would relax now.
Perhaps it was too much of me to expect more of an emotional punch from an anime of this nature. But it would have been a shock wouldn't it, and a pleasant one at that? Episode 11 hinted of something dramatic on the horizon, Senko leaving the apartment without any explanation, leaving the phone behind and thus not answering Nakano's calls. Turns out, she just went to cook some food for Shiro's fat ass. Sike! Nothing major. Although it does get real for a moment when Sora reminds her that pain will come with Senko choosing to stay by Nakano's side. She will live for millennia, but he won't. She'll experience the same pain she did with his ancestor long ago. But Sora was just testing her resolve, and Senko's resolve to pay back the goodness bestowed on her by Nakano's ancestor is strong. It's a heart felt moment, but sad when you think about the long run. At least here we got some of the emotion I was hoping for.
Also wanted to see Nakano perhaps quit his job, because from what we saw, it sucks. What he would do after I don't know, but I would've like to just see him be rid of that place. Also kind of wanted to see the black clouds, or stress, be rid of him completely, since Sora keeps remarking that Senko wasn't able to do so even after a year. Maybe it goes to show that it's just impossible to really rid all the pain and worry from one's life, but come on I'd still would have liked to see it. Would've made for a top 10 satisfying moment in anime. But no it's kind of disregarded after that.
For the more serious stuff, I was actually kind of hoping they'd really mess with us and have Senko actually leave for good. Whatever the reason, perhaps Sora genuinely wanting to spare Senko the pain of losing him, it would make Nakano learn to deal with her sudden absence and finally be a man and get his life back together on his own, or perhaps sink into a bottomless pit of despair. Either way, it'd make for a heavy-hitting moment. But yeah I know, it wouldn't make sense to give the viewer such pain in what is meant to be a relaxing anime. And perhaps it's not in Senko's character to ever abandon him, with the resolve she has shown to always look after him. Still, my slightly-masochistic self was sort of hoping to get a bit messed up.
I'm glad they did leave us with more of an emotional moment at the end of this series though, rather than just randomly leaving us with the odd episode in which an episodic series might normally do. But no, they do indeed end with a heartfelt moment, which is Senko promising to always be there for Nakano. Maybe I was expecting a few more punches to the gut, but come to think of it, I don't know how they'd make it more emotional without going into sad territory. So I think what we got was the best they could have offer.
This anime gave us relaxing vibes, and a waifu which Gigguk placed in the s-tier class I believe, which is well deserved indeed. Didn't check if there's more source material to go off of, but if they make another season of this, I'll put it on the list in a heartbeat.
6/10 |