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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Nov 14, 2018 11:34 AM

Oct 2010
DumpsterKing said:

Have you never scene like pretty much any good shows, like at all? Any good show will establish a good personality within 1st ep.

Goblin Slayer isn't good. It's just to your tastes.

my tastes? are you kidding me? my taste is romance, shoujo, comedy - how the hell did you figure out goblin slayer is my tastes

and they did establish good personality within ep 1

he hates goblins and he's traumatized cus they killed someone he loves and his entire life revolves around killing goblins. Your argument is just a joke. Even the other characters within the world itself find his personality basic and simple because THAT WAS INTENDED BECAUSE THAT'S HIS PERSONALITY. You think he lacks personality? maybe pay attention to the anime and see that the characters within the anime also think the same - it's not "unrealistic"or uncommon and is pretty reasonable

he doesn't have an opinion on every 2nd stupid issue in life WOW HE MUST LACK PERSONALITY. That's so dumb. I actually **know** people who are like this, who are super focused on 1 thing and obviously irl is way more indepth than a ((less than half of an anime aired))

the manga looks better? ok cool, doesn't matter cus we're judging - talking about - rating the anime. That's like tasting a banana and loving it but then saying "but chocolate strawberry milkshake is better" even tho its completely irrelevant and not even remotely the same thing

they've cut out character development? how would you know? it's not even fully aired. maybe they just moved it somewhere else

lol at complaining about "no personality" or "not like humans" when they literally were afraid as hell in the first ep from the goblin and showed emotion and the priest peed herself which is way more than every other anime that comes to mind. Take some other random isekai? they face all sorts of shit with no fear whatsoever, no fucks given nothing = so immersive

so far i haven't seen a **single argument** why goblin slayer is bad

everything people say is either complete or blatant lie/bullshit or just subjective and again - stupid

edit: also all the rape outrage is just insane. It's implied rape scene - ITS NEVER SHOWN
why does nobody freak out when the kazuma guy got decapitated in konosuba? it's not shown but they talked about it and they even described it (unlike the "rape scene" in goblin slayer) and it's much worse

i'll tell you why - cus ppl are clowns with low iq and that's why in any competition, - ever - the top is always a few elites and everyone else is below - cus theyre unintelligent and have bad understanding of the world
incisorrNov 14, 2018 11:37 AM
lots of music -
Nov 14, 2018 12:59 PM

Mar 2015
incisorr said:
the anime is already packed with stuff, what "personality" do you want in an anime that's combat focused that hasnt even fully aired ? if they focused on personality there'd be no action.

So far goblin slayer has been the best anime of the last 2 seasons and i hope it keeps it up till the end

people's "arguments" against it are just bad
old men opinions aren't relevant
Nov 14, 2018 2:51 PM

Feb 2010

"badass character."

some would say the same about superman, but many find him boring.

1. theirs no threat he will always win he is goblin slayer if he loses hes not goblin slayer anymore. you can make threat without losing/dying, but the series doesn't even do that.
2. his lack of personality makes him unrelatable for many. you could put in any character in the place of him and the plot would progress.

in the words of saitama a well written over powered character. from a series witch is made to basically point out the flaws of having a over powered character.

"having overwhelming power is boring."

also akame ga kill suffered from the repeated kill character effect.

hardly a actually good dark series like berserk, or uld blatt

if your going to kill basically all your case continuously the viewer will loose interest in the show. because oh look they also die and they die that ones also dead who care anymore.

DatRandomDude said:
7.62 is not low jesus christ...

oh wait, i forgot that its MAL where a 8/10 is just ok

MAL in a nut shell

"How dare you not like what i i like and how dare you like what i don't like."

personally i found goblin slayer boring and repetitive.

its basically

Goblins do something bad goblin slayer kills goblin.


GrimAtramentNov 14, 2018 10:26 PM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Nov 14, 2018 3:07 PM

Mar 2018
There are so many things wrong with what you wrote but since someone insane has pointed it out who obviously does not have a Santa related anime GIF who i know not of.

Akame ga kill anime is not canon so there is no point in mentioning it, barely anyone died in akame ga kill

goblin slayer light novel is not even close to being properly adapted, point is, what you are talking about is not the actual goblin slayer, it's Whtie fox slayer in a sense

Nov 14, 2018 10:12 PM
Nov 2018
swirlydragon said:
GS is such a badass character and this anime has so much potential. Why do you guys think people hate this anime?
Furthermore, I believe this anime ain't so dark and cruel as people claim it to be. Especially if you've read manga like Akame ga Kill which are way more dark than GS.

The quality of an anime is not dependant on how "badass" an MC is. Sure GS design looks good, but consider there are other parts that go into the anime like Story,Visuals, and Music.
Nov 14, 2018 11:52 PM
Sep 2018
incisorr said:
DumpsterKing said:

Have you never scene like pretty much any good shows, like at all? Any good show will establish a good personality within 1st ep.

Goblin Slayer isn't good. It's just to your tastes.

my tastes? are you kidding me? my taste is romance, shoujo, comedy - how the hell did you figure out goblin slayer is my tastes

and they did establish good personality within ep 1

he hates goblins and he's traumatized cus they killed someone he loves and his entire life revolves around killing goblins. Your argument is just a joke. Even the other characters within the world itself find his personality basic and simple because THAT WAS INTENDED BECAUSE THAT'S HIS PERSONALITY. You think he lacks personality? maybe pay attention to the anime and see that the characters within the anime also think the same - it's not "unrealistic"or uncommon and is pretty reasonable

he doesn't have an opinion on every 2nd stupid issue in life WOW HE MUST LACK PERSONALITY. That's so dumb. I actually **know** people who are like this, who are super focused on 1 thing and obviously irl is way more indepth than a ((less than half of an anime aired))

the manga looks better? ok cool, doesn't matter cus we're judging - talking about - rating the anime. That's like tasting a banana and loving it but then saying "but chocolate strawberry milkshake is better" even tho its completely irrelevant and not even remotely the same thing

they've cut out character development? how would you know? it's not even fully aired. maybe they just moved it somewhere else

lol at complaining about "no personality" or "not like humans" when they literally were afraid as hell in the first ep from the goblin and showed emotion and the priest peed herself which is way more than every other anime that comes to mind. Take some other random isekai? they face all sorts of shit with no fear whatsoever, no fucks given nothing = so immersive

so far i haven't seen a **single argument** why goblin slayer is bad

everything people say is either complete or blatant lie/bullshit or just subjective and again - stupid

edit: also all the rape outrage is just insane. It's implied rape scene - ITS NEVER SHOWN
why does nobody freak out when the kazuma guy got decapitated in konosuba? it's not shown but they talked about it and they even described it (unlike the "rape scene" in goblin slayer) and it's much worse

i'll tell you why - cus ppl are clowns with low iq and that's why in any competition, - ever - the top is always a few elites and everyone else is below - cus theyre unintelligent and have bad understanding of the world

I doubt I will convince you, so I will say why I dropped it and leave it at that.

So after the flash forward we're introduced to Priestess in one of the most boring ways possible, then introduced to a bunch of randoms who proceed to trigger several death flags. The Receptionist also does a piss poor job of warning the adventurers. After even more death flags have been triggered and no real characterisation has been done they get ambushed by poorly animated goblins with poor choreography. Then the rape happens and I'm like WHY? (I know goblins rape to reproduce but, how does that even work? It's clearly a tool to say goblins = bad). After more poorly choreographed fighting and not particularly gory stuff, GS shows up with his red eye glow, which is an obvious 'look he's a badass'. After some more poorly written, directed, animated and choreographed stuff happens episode ends. This, in my opinion, is a bad first episode, nothing met my standards.

Then next episode rolls around and Cow Tits childhood friend is there and I know this is going to be bad. More exposition, awkward dialogue and an obvious 'look GS is lonely, give him a cookie' later we start the quest layered over GS's generic, boring and completely unimpactful backstory. The quest is mostly just GS shooting at things, which I found boring and as I said the backstory just made me think the author is bad.

I have more complaints but, I'll leave it there.
Nov 15, 2018 1:29 AM

Dec 2016
incisorr said:
so far i haven't seen a **single argument** why goblin slayer is bad

Because goblin slayer is not bad. People are calling it bad because they reacted negatively to some aspect of it, and therefore it must be bad.

However, I wouldn't call it particularly good, either.
Nov 15, 2018 3:07 AM

Feb 2017
jimmmaker said:
Askore said:

yes it's a standard and that's the problem, a fantasy world could go in 10000 different ways where only 1 logically has an "adventurer guild" setting

a scifi can evolve in different ways too but most of them would have spaceships because they're the next logical step to technological advancement and are needed for interstelar travel. a guild isn't needed and isn't logical to a fantasy setting, it's just an overused cliché.
Its seems you have missed the point.Every single character/worldbuilding part about it is the most generic you could possible be.AND THATS THE FREAKING POINT.Its supposed to be a dark deconstruction of the DnD archetype.Thats what makes Gs good.The story doesnt focus on the grandiose adventurers that fight mythical monsters wearing platinum armour.It focuses on a retarted crusader that has swore to annihilate all generic trash mobs.I understand not liking the generic aspects of it and blaming the romance elements because frankly they are the weakest aspects of it.However Gs is easily one of the best Dark fantasy/medieval anime manga right now,along with claymore vinland saga and berserk standing at the top.Plus the series knows that it lacks depth.Everyone knows that.Look at doom, a generic fps that barely has a story, yet millions of people love.Something not being complex does not mean that is less enjoyable.Also i dont mean to insult anyone that doesnt like it,everyone has their own tastes after all.But calling this series bad because its "disgusting" or "pathetic" is fucking retarted.
you're a man who speaks logic, i like you :))
Nov 15, 2018 3:09 AM
Jul 2018
Everything because of Rape. Most of people don't like that.
Nov 15, 2018 4:56 AM

Oct 2017
7 is a good rating, not sure where you're getting this bad rating idea from.

What pisses me off is that someone deleted the thread where we were debating if saying goblins are a species is racist since they are an equal race that can interbreed with other races. I guess bait threads prompting people to talk about SJWs and edgy are only acceptable.
Nov 15, 2018 5:17 AM

Nov 2013
Because people cant handle a rape scene. If people werent so narrow minded, they would see the meaning behind the scene. Inexperienced adventurers understimate goblins, think they are dumb and easy to handle, and end up getting brutally murdered, raped, etc. That was to show us why, among other things, makes Goblin Slayer hates them so much.

Because, except that, until now, you cant consider this a dark anime. And I think the score is ok, the anime isnt shit, but there is nothing special.
Nov 15, 2018 6:57 AM
Apr 2017
1. Generic purpose of fantasy world.
2. Generic Visuals
3. Stupid Characters
4. Stupid Woman Unnecessary Sexualization
5. Bad Animation
Nov 16, 2018 12:51 AM

Apr 2018
7.6 is too much for this anime tbh
Nov 16, 2018 1:03 AM

Nov 2011

I don't think this series would have as much attention if it wasn't for that first episode but as people can see, this series is nothing special after all.

Nov 16, 2018 2:46 AM

Mar 2015
The characters aren't interesting- the main character has no personality outside of wanting to slay goblins and the side characters haven't received any development so far either. There isn't a story, because they're just doing the next goblin slaying quest without any real end goal. They don't even fight anything outside of goblins, excluding that one orc. The sound is... ok, the OP is not bad and I like the rock music whenever a goblin slaying rampage is going on. Finally, the art is questionable due to use of CGI at times which doesn't always look the best.
“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete..." -Alphonse Elric

"Then and now, what I protect has never changed!" -Sakata Gintoki

I'll take anything like The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Anything as good as that.
Nov 16, 2018 6:26 AM

Jan 2017
Because if I wanted a story about a hero who fight monsters that rape humans, I'd rather read Monster Girl Quest. The hentai in that visual novel is awful, but it has a much more interesting story and a much more interesting and complex main character than Goblin Slayer.

Actually, I'd probably like Goblin Slayer more if it was darker, maybe then it wouldn't be so boring and predictable.
*laughs in Dimple*
Nov 16, 2018 11:26 AM
Oct 2016
Some people are just hung up on the first episode and think they have to be a moral crusader about it.
Nov 16, 2018 4:21 PM

Jan 2011
Andy_Roo_45 said:
It's kinda boring imo to be honest. I've found it really average. Not enough action and the characters aren't anything to write home about. I think the whole controversy in the first episode (which was an over-reaction I feel for alot of people) has really damaged it, as it seemed to set a precedent then kind of never really followed up on it... if you like it that's cool, that's what anime is all about, have fun!

Think the rape me me feel how cheap the show is. It substituted any real urgency with a doujun plot. Blood doesn't mean dar and dark doesn't mean good. I'm mainly offended by this assumption that writing akin to a 14 year would grab me. There's nothing past the shock value. Especially the anime which is only 1 cour.
Nov 16, 2018 10:13 PM
Oct 2016
QWERTYFish25 said:
Andy_Roo_45 said:
It's kinda boring imo to be honest. I've found it really average. Not enough action and the characters aren't anything to write home about. I think the whole controversy in the first episode (which was an over-reaction I feel for alot of people) has really damaged it, as it seemed to set a precedent then kind of never really followed up on it... if you like it that's cool, that's what anime is all about, have fun!

Think the rape me me feel how cheap the show is. It substituted any real urgency with a doujun plot. Blood doesn't mean dar and dark doesn't mean good. I'm mainly offended by this assumption that writing akin to a 14 year would grab me. There's nothing past the shock value. Especially the anime which is only 1 cour.

It doesn't mean cheap or bad either. Seems like there's a lot past the shock value.
Nov 17, 2018 4:22 AM

Aug 2018
UTJeff316 said:
QWERTYFish25 said:

Think the rape me me feel how cheap the show is. It substituted any real urgency with a doujun plot. Blood doesn't mean dar and dark doesn't mean good. I'm mainly offended by this assumption that writing akin to a 14 year would grab me. There's nothing past the shock value. Especially the anime which is only 1 cour.

It doesn't mean cheap or bad either. Seems like there's a lot past the shock value.

So what else is there that's engaging you? There's been a few talky episodes, a few goblin raids bu I just don't feel there's much to it... genuinely curious, not arguing :)
Can I offer you an egg is this trying time?
Nov 17, 2018 6:45 AM
Oct 2016
Andy_Roo_45 said:

So what else is there that's engaging you? There's been a few talky episodes, a few goblin raids bu I just don't feel there's much to it... genuinely curious, not arguing :)

Goblin Slayer facing an Ogre and using a pretty epic strategy to beat it and then basically telling it to GG before he sliced its face open.

Goblin Slayer forming a bond and companionship with the Priestess and his party members I find very engaging. All the party members are very unique and distinct and have likable personalities. They are building a nice sense of camaraderie together.

Priestess is also growing as an adventurer. She's already been promoted to Obsidian.

Throughout all of Naruto, Naruto was never even promoted, which quite frankly, was rat trash. Would've been nice to see Naruto get some type of promotion at some point over the course of the story. Instead, he was a genin throughout the entire story. I never liked that.
Nov 17, 2018 7:36 AM

Jan 2011
UTJeff316 said:
Andy_Roo_45 said:

So what else is there that's engaging you? There's been a few talky episodes, a few goblin raids bu I just don't feel there's much to it... genuinely curious, not arguing :)

Goblin Slayer facing an Ogre and using a pretty epic strategy to beat it and then basically telling it to GG before he sliced its face open.

Goblin Slayer forming a bond and companionship with the Priestess and his party members I find very engaging. All the party members are very unique and distinct and have likable personalities. They are building a nice sense of camaraderie together.

Priestess is also growing as an adventurer. She's already been promoted to Obsidian.

Throughout all of Naruto, Naruto was never even promoted, which quite frankly, was rat trash. Would've been nice to see Naruto get some type of promotion at some point over the course of the story. Instead, he was a genin throughout the entire story. I never liked that.
It just seems very thinly veiled, all of it. The dialogue is painfully familiar and GS'stoicism is in mo way entertaining. We get it. He's like that because of serious trauma and that led to his obsession with goblins, the end. There's nothing really holding this group together other than the fact they're adventurers and they had quests that involved goblins and therefore interested goblin slayer. Priestess is an adventurer because she's an adventurer. She hangs with gs because he saved her and he's the only one who will tolerate her. Not saying she's any worse than other beginners, but eh, it all feels phoned in.
Nov 17, 2018 12:35 PM

Aug 2018
UTJeff316 said:
Andy_Roo_45 said:

So what else is there that's engaging you? There's been a few talky episodes, a few goblin raids bu I just don't feel there's much to it... genuinely curious, not arguing :)

Goblin Slayer facing an Ogre and using a pretty epic strategy to beat it and then basically telling it to GG before he sliced its face open.

Goblin Slayer forming a bond and companionship with the Priestess and his party members I find very engaging. All the party members are very unique and distinct and have likable personalities. They are building a nice sense of camaraderie together.

Priestess is also growing as an adventurer. She's already been promoted to Obsidian.

Throughout all of Naruto, Naruto was never even promoted, which quite frankly, was rat trash. Would've been nice to see Naruto get some type of promotion at some point over the course of the story. Instead, he was a genin throughout the entire story. I never liked that.

Some fair points, I have thought the last few episodes have really picked it up. I think I'd be more into it if it had another season coming!
Much like Naruto, when it was dragging, you knew you had plenty more to come with some great action/characters. And yeh, it was lame he didn't get more recognition lol

QWERTYFish25 said:
UTJeff316 said:

Goblin Slayer facing an Ogre and using a pretty epic strategy to beat it and then basically telling it to GG before he sliced its face open.

Goblin Slayer forming a bond and companionship with the Priestess and his party members I find very engaging. All the party members are very unique and distinct and have likable personalities. They are building a nice sense of camaraderie together.

Priestess is also growing as an adventurer. She's already been promoted to Obsidian.

Throughout all of Naruto, Naruto was never even promoted, which quite frankly, was rat trash. Would've been nice to see Naruto get some type of promotion at some point over the course of the story. Instead, he was a genin throughout the entire story. I never liked that.
It just seems very thinly veiled, all of it. The dialogue is painfully familiar and GS'stoicism is in mo way entertaining. We get it. He's like that because of serious trauma and that led to his obsession with goblins, the end. There's nothing really holding this group together other than the fact they're adventurers and they had quests that involved goblins and therefore interested goblin slayer. Priestess is an adventurer because she's an adventurer. She hangs with gs because he saved her and he's the only one who will tolerate her. Not saying she's any worse than other beginners, but eh, it all feels phoned in.

I feel similar in that it does feel aibt too generic and little lacklustre for a one cour show
Can I offer you an egg is this trying time?
Nov 17, 2018 12:40 PM
Oct 2016
QWERTYFish25 said:
It just seems very thinly veiled, all of it. The dialogue is painfully familiar and GS'stoicism is in mo way entertaining. We get it. He's like that because of serious trauma and that led to his obsession with goblins, the end. There's nothing really holding this group together other than the fact they're adventurers and they had quests that involved goblins and therefore interested goblin slayer. Priestess is an adventurer because she's an adventurer. She hangs with gs because he saved her and he's the only one who will tolerate her. Not saying she's any worse than other beginners, but eh, it all feels phoned in.

Two rookies wanted to form a party with her in the third episode. So Goblin Slayer is hardly the only one who would tolerate her.
Nov 18, 2018 8:43 AM

Jan 2011
UTJeff316 said:
QWERTYFish25 said:
It just seems very thinly veiled, all of it. The dialogue is painfully familiar and GS'stoicism is in mo way entertaining. We get it. He's like that because of serious trauma and that led to his obsession with goblins, the end. There's nothing really holding this group together other than the fact they're adventurers and they had quests that involved goblins and therefore interested goblin slayer. Priestess is an adventurer because she's an adventurer. She hangs with gs because he saved her and he's the only one who will tolerate her. Not saying she's any worse than other beginners, but eh, it all feels phoned in.

Two rookies wanted to form a party with her in the third episode. So Goblin Slayer is hardly the only one who would tolerate her.

Still doesn't do much for her character. Seems like the obligatory female lead if anything. Tge last episode wasn't to bad because it focused on the goblin slayer but beyond that it suffers from LN dialogue. Characters are far from interesting.
Nov 18, 2018 9:17 AM

May 2016
I'm actually one of the people who likes this anime not cusi it's edgy, but the MC is gray moral.
Nov 18, 2018 10:52 AM

Jan 2011
Helios92 said:
I'm actually one of the people who likes this anime not cusi it's edgy, but the MC is gray moral.
I wouldn't say he is morally gray. He, like everyone else in this world, pretty much sees goblins like how we see rats or poisonous insects. Ehich doesn't really constitute their extermination as immoral. They haven't been humanized (like dragons from "How to Train your Dragon"). He'll save someone but if they're beyond hope he will end their pain, which in the old days was acceptable for those beyond help. He does have a somewhat unhealthy fixation on goblins but beyond that he seems like an average, competant (sp?), stoic character. Which I guess is better than a bubbly jesus-kun.
Nov 18, 2018 11:00 AM
Oct 2018
QWERTYFish25 said:
Helios92 said:
I'm actually one of the people who likes this anime not cusi it's edgy, but the MC is gray moral.
I wouldn't say he is morally gray. He, like everyone else in this world, pretty much sees goblins like how we see rats or poisonous insects. Ehich doesn't really constitute their extermination as immoral. They haven't been humanized (like dragons from "How to Train your Dragon"). He'll save someone but if they're beyond hope he will end their pain, which in the old days was acceptable for those beyond help. He does have a somewhat unhealthy fixation on goblins but beyond that he seems like an average, competant (sp?), stoic character. Which I guess is better than a bubbly jesus-kun.

yep, i dont see what is grey about him. And hat reminds me oher criiticism i have, the thing about goblin chiildren in ep 1, i yet have to see the point of that scene .

People see more in this series that what actually is
Nov 18, 2018 11:59 AM

May 2016
Maybe Goblin Slayer one day got bored and decide to kill Goblins for a living, just cus he felt he needed a hooby XD

Nov 18, 2018 12:00 PM

May 2016
TheArgonaut88 said:
QWERTYFish25 said:
I wouldn't say he is morally gray. He, like everyone else in this world, pretty much sees goblins like how we see rats or poisonous insects. Ehich doesn't really constitute their extermination as immoral. They haven't been humanized (like dragons from "How to Train your Dragon"). He'll save someone but if they're beyond hope he will end their pain, which in the old days was acceptable for those beyond help. He does have a somewhat unhealthy fixation on goblins but beyond that he seems like an average, competant (sp?), stoic character. Which I guess is better than a bubbly jesus-kun.

yep, i dont see what is grey about him. And hat reminds me oher criiticism i have, the thing about goblin chiildren in ep 1, i yet have to see the point of that scene .

People see more in this series that what actually is

I'll take it back then, I just thought he serious character have gray moralitty just cus they don't act comic relief like the others.
Nov 18, 2018 2:47 PM

Jan 2011
TheArgonaut88 said:
QWERTYFish25 said:
I wouldn't say he is morally gray. He, like everyone else in this world, pretty much sees goblins like how we see rats or poisonous insects. Ehich doesn't really constitute their extermination as immoral. They haven't been humanized (like dragons from "How to Train your Dragon"). He'll save someone but if they're beyond hope he will end their pain, which in the old days was acceptable for those beyond help. He does have a somewhat unhealthy fixation on goblins but beyond that he seems like an average, competant (sp?), stoic character. Which I guess is better than a bubbly jesus-kun.

yep, i dont see what is grey about him. And hat reminds me oher criiticism i have, the thing about goblin chiildren in ep 1, i yet have to see the point of that scene .

People see more in this series that what actually is

This. Happens with a lot of LN, people absolutely nut when they realize a line of dialogue from the source was used, despite its uselessness.

As far as the Gob kids I guess it was to sell the whole grittiness of the show, kinda hard to see it as gritty given the rape scene that took place 5 minutes before, not to mention the bubbly cheerful looking cast and campy episodes that outnumber ones like this week's.
Nov 18, 2018 3:36 PM

Oct 2017
QWERTYFish25 said:
TheArgonaut88 said:

yep, i dont see what is grey about him. And hat reminds me oher criiticism i have, the thing about goblin chiildren in ep 1, i yet have to see the point of that scene .

People see more in this series that what actually is

This. Happens with a lot of LN, people absolutely nut when they realize a line of dialogue from the source was used, despite its uselessness.

As far as the Gob kids I guess it was to sell the whole grittiness of the show, kinda hard to see it as gritty given the rape scene that took place 5 minutes before, not to mention the bubbly cheerful looking cast and campy episodes that outnumber ones like this week's.

I believe it's a reference to pest eradication. Like killing a nest of baby bunnies in a garden, coyote pups, or mice babies.
Nov 18, 2018 3:52 PM
Jul 2018
How to judge if a Dark/horror novel/show is doing something right?

By looking at the amount of upset, offended and silly complaints against the show.

If you are not upsetting someone and getting a negative reaction you arn't doing it right.

Word of the day; interpersonal. And where it says relations it doesn't mean sexual (well it does but you get my point), get your heads out of the gutter.

Just go back to the pg13 shows ffs, you can giggle all you want at a side boob back there.

Swear to god I feel like a genius everytime I use the internet, I have to slap myself in the face to wake up.

Also I don't remember anyone saying this show was going to spectacular or that it was going to win any medals, 12 episodes and small budget from an industry that puts out quantity over quality is all you have to look at.

It is competent though and deserves every point it gets in ranking.

I still remember the PC bastards going after television in the late 90's because "too much sex in shows". bleh, I spit on you. Hello GoT the best show this decade.

So.. what I am saying is.. let the show fucking exist, and I will be voting it one higher than I would because I know haters will be voting it 1 star and spouting nonsense like "GS is unrealistic, but beserk does it better" and "it has no story" it's not the shows fault if you can't tie your own shoe laces, it's there, if you pay attention.

End disgruntled rant.

I personaly think it should rest at 7-7.5.
removed-userNov 18, 2018 4:27 PM
Nov 18, 2018 5:40 PM
Oct 2018
Is not the first time i read someone sayin, i like GS because itt triggers people. Thats some petty line of tought, imo, you should like something because its own merits, not because i made so and so angry ,. And for the record, im not one of those offended.
Nov 18, 2018 5:43 PM
Oct 2018
QWERTYFish25 said:
TheArgonaut88 said:

yep, i dont see what is grey about him. And hat reminds me oher criiticism i have, the thing about goblin chiildren in ep 1, i yet have to see the point of that scene .

People see more in this series that what actually is

This. Happens with a lot of LN, people absolutely nut when they realize a line of dialogue from the source was used, despite its uselessness.

As far as the Gob kids I guess it was to sell the whole grittiness of the show, kinda hard to see it as gritty given the rape scene that took place 5 minutes before, not to mention the bubbly cheerful looking cast and campy episodes that outnumber ones like this week's.

yeah, and its ironic, considering its obviout hat gob babies are a conseqence of ..well, the stuff that literally was on screen five minutes before, you will never be sympathetic towards them. So, it was for some extra edge , not much more

To summary my toughst

Its Goblin Slayer entertaining. Yeah, maybe more that most of this seasin stuff

Its mature. Nope, havin graphic content dont make something mature. Its more like a teenage edgy fantasy

I will ad this, i like the manga more, the anime art style is TOO cutesy, the girls in the manga sill look pretty without lookin like dools with puffy cheeks.
TheArgonaut88Nov 18, 2018 5:49 PM
Nov 18, 2018 6:48 PM
Jul 2018
TheArgonaut88 said:
Is not the first time i read someone sayin, i like GS because itt triggers people. Thats some petty line of tought, imo, you should like something because its own merits, not because i made so and so angry ,. And for the record, im not one of those offended.

It's not that I am saying that I like it because of it triggers people, (I have always liked the the darker bloodier more depraved and degenerate forms of storytelling) I am saying that in general, if someone is running out of a movie yelling "that was disgusting" or "why would they show that" then you got the reaction you want.

People like to throw around "shock factor" or "milking a reactions" like it actually means something without providing anything that would do anything but dull the visual experience. I go into a Horror movie fully expecting someone to get butchered for example.

An easy reference for this is the movie Alien and the chest burster scene, articles state that people were actually vomiting it was so shocking, another movie that recieved massive backlash was Kids (20mil box office) for its sex scene between two minors at the start of the movie (outstanding movie btw).

The actual mistake was the outlets not puting an apropriate age rating or warning for the show.

The real conversation is with the show and the low budget and if anyone has ever read the articles about working conditions for animators and the risk aversion tactics used by funding committee.

I think White Fox did an excilent job keeping the spirit in tact and the last scene was done justice, I would have loved to have seen HEA nail bat some gobos but adding scenes from the manga was obviously not in the budget.

I still have fingers crossed for the GL arc and hope they managed to do that justice too.

My question is; why do studios not use crowd funding?

It would have been an exceptional way to get a feel for the wants of the community whilst also reducing the risk and give the people intrested in supporting a project a way to do so.
removed-userNov 18, 2018 6:57 PM
Nov 18, 2018 7:14 PM

Jan 2011
IRFodder said:
How to judge if a Dark/horror novel/show is doing something right?

By looking at the amount of upset, offended and silly complaints against the show.

If you are not upsetting someone and getting a negative reaction you arn't doing it right.

Word of the day; interpersonal. And where it says relations it doesn't mean sexual (well it does but you get my point), get your heads out of the gutter.

Just go back to the pg13 shows ffs, you can giggle all you want at a side boob back there.

Swear to god I feel like a genius everytime I use the internet, I have to slap myself in the face to wake up.

Also I don't remember anyone saying this show was going to spectacular or that it was going to win any medals, 12 episodes and small budget from an industry that puts out quantity over quality is all you have to look at.

It is competent though and deserves every point it gets in ranking.

I still remember the PC bastards going after television in the late 90's because "too much sex in shows". bleh, I spit on you. Hello GoT the best show this decade.

So.. what I am saying is.. let the show fucking exist, and I will be voting it one higher than I would because I know haters will be voting it 1 star and spouting nonsense like "GS is unrealistic, but beserk does it better" and "it has no story" it's not the shows fault if you can't tie your own shoe laces, it's there, if you pay attention.

End disgruntled rant.

I personaly think it should rest at 7-7.5.

Shut up. The only one triggered in here is you. You really think a show becomes good because people dislike it or it does "offensive" shit? Stop assuming people who dislike it are SJWs or are too simple yo grasp a story. It's the same nonsense that follows at least a few anime every year. This idea that criticism has no right to exist or that it's popularity is the cause of it. People call shit when they smell shit. It could be chocolate cake for all they know but you can bet you won't find them there with a fork. I get it you like the show. But don't carry with the idea that all criticisms are invalid.
Nov 18, 2018 7:42 PM

Jun 2017
Well because a lot people are offended easily, not that I give a fuck about what they feel. If for some reason they don't like this show, then just drop it and let us, people who actually enjoy the show, watch it in peace, without being called names. I was asked in an FB group page if I liked this show, and I when I said I did, some snowflakes told me that "Do yOu liKe rApE?" For christ's sake, the manga is even darker and it only happened one fucking time.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Nov 18, 2018 7:44 PM
Jul 2018
QWERTYFish25 said:
IRFodder said:
How to judge if a Dark/horror novel/show is doing something right?

By looking at the amount of upset, offended and silly complaints against the show.

If you are not upsetting someone and getting a negative reaction you arn't doing it right.

Word of the day; interpersonal. And where it says relations it doesn't mean sexual (well it does but you get my point), get your heads out of the gutter.

Just go back to the pg13 shows ffs, you can giggle all you want at a side boob back there.

Swear to god I feel like a genius everytime I use the internet, I have to slap myself in the face to wake up.

Also I don't remember anyone saying this show was going to spectacular or that it was going to win any medals, 12 episodes and small budget from an industry that puts out quantity over quality is all you have to look at.

It is competent though and deserves every point it gets in ranking.

I still remember the PC bastards going after television in the late 90's because "too much sex in shows". bleh, I spit on you. Hello GoT the best show this decade.

So.. what I am saying is.. let the show fucking exist, and I will be voting it one higher than I would because I know haters will be voting it 1 star and spouting nonsense like "GS is unrealistic, but beserk does it better" and "it has no story" it's not the shows fault if you can't tie your own shoe laces, it's there, if you pay attention.

End disgruntled rant.

I personaly think it should rest at 7-7.5.

Shut up. The only one triggered in here is you. You really think a show becomes good because people dislike it or it does "offensive" shit? Stop assuming people who dislike it are SJWs or are too simple yo grasp a story. It's the same nonsense that follows at least a few anime every year. This idea that criticism has no right to exist or that it's popularity is the cause of it. People call shit when they smell shit. It could be chocolate cake for all they know but you can bet you won't find them there with a fork. I get it you like the show. But don't carry with the idea that all criticisms are invalid.

Wow, that was an emotionaly charged reply. Tell me how you really feel.
Nov 18, 2018 8:06 PM
Jul 2018
EmperorAlfred said:
Well because a lot people are offended easily, not that I give a fuck about what they feel. If for some reason they don't like this show, then just drop it and let us, people who actually enjoy the show, watch it in peace, without being called names. I was asked in an FB group page if I liked this show, and I when I said I did, some snowflakes told me that "Do yOu liKe rApE?" For christ's sake, the manga is even darker and it only happened one fucking time.

Exactly, that's the type of comments that are not needed, unfounded and not in line with the show itself. It says nothing about the show and just come across as a personal smear to dissuade someone. It's just "shit flinging" really isn't it.

Honestly, it's frustrating, I still remember the sexism articles for 40k, now that was a good laugh. -looks over at my sisters of battle collection-
Nov 18, 2018 8:14 PM
May 2014
IMO the series is just "meh". Not really great nor bad. I gave it a couple of episodes to see where it would go, but the story is kinda of lacking in depth. The setting is pretty standard. Just imagine a dark version of Konosuba and you pretty much have the exact same setting. Adventures go to guild, get quest, go out and finish quest, there's some demon king, etc. The only difference is Konosuba was a comedy making fun of the tropes and this is gritty action. Though even when it comes to the action it is still pretty average.

Which BTW the controversy was overblown. I never get why it's ok to have anime where people are murdered in horrible ways, but rape is the taboo.

It's just doesn't really stand out in any real way.

I'll probably finish it out just to have something to watch during the week, but I won't be calling it a great show.
Nov 18, 2018 9:06 PM

Oct 2010
YokaSol said:
IMO the series is just "meh". Not really great nor bad. I gave it a couple of episodes to see where it would go, but the story is kinda of lacking in depth. The setting is pretty standard. Just imagine a dark version of Konosuba and you pretty much have the exact same setting. Adventures go to guild, get quest, go out and finish quest, there's some demon king, etc. The only difference is Konosuba was a comedy making fun of the tropes and this is gritty action. Though even when it comes to the action it is still pretty average.

Which BTW the controversy was overblown. I never get why it's ok to have anime where people are murdered in horrible ways, but rape is the taboo.

It's just doesn't really stand out in any real way.

I'll probably finish it out just to have something to watch during the week, but I won't be calling it a great show.

you rated konosuba with 9 and goblin slayer with 6 lmao

konosuba is a comedy and it's not even that funny. It was mediocre at best. People that think konosuba are funny are people that haven't seen actual real comedy. Konosuba's "plot "is a joke, the humor isn't that good, the only good characters are aqua and megumin and nothing else

meanwhile goblin slayer

> Goblin Slayer - the guy is a fucking alpha Chad dream guy. Stoic, hardboiled, badass. Full plate armor MONSTER with GLOWING RED EYE. YOU DON'T GET ANY COOLER THAN THAT.
> priest (ONNA-PYON) - i personally don't like her despite her being blonde with blue eyes which is my fav type but shes ROOTED IN REALITY and is some sweet and innocent girl who must have some incredible motivation to want to become an adventurer and who knows when we find out how EPIC AND DANK it will be and even if she doesn't and just woke up one day and decided to become an adventurer its still something and she can be an inspiration to all cowards who still go and fight on the front lines for the good of everyone
> archer( YOSEI-TAN) - literally one of the best girls the anime industry has produced in the recent -- YEARS --. Elven tsundere that's also old and cute and innocent i can totally relate because i'm like the same, i'm not 2000 years old but im also old and also clueless and innocent just like she is and also a tsundere just like she is. Shes hot and shes skilled at her own thing and the whole concept of archer elf is so incredibly popular in fantasy/games but in anime there's literally zero representation and what better than a flat- chested 10/10 GODDESS
> the other 2 dudes

i mean, having unreal male:female ratio (like 1;5) is dumb and makes anime unfun but if you add 2 random ass dudes like these people it suddenly balances things out, plus im sure they're great. The lizard has so much character, he likes fucking cheese how rad is that?

i'm a hardcore TACTICAL RPG player and i've played every single turn based rpg i could find on MAX DIFFICULTY with IRON MAN MODE because i enjoy it and because i find it fun (some examples would be divinity original sin, xcom, pillars of eternity, blackguards, some random stuff shinobi tactics or w/e altho that wasnt exactly an rpg but still fits the bill+-, i dont know but any game like that i've played it)

- playing on max difficulty in a game like this on ironman mode means you're gonna wipe, a lot, wiping means you have to start from the beginning. Making a group is like one of the biggest parts of RPGs', having a cool ass group of adventurers and exploring dungeons and shit with them is cool and while making characters occasionally out of boredom you can just try to insert/imagine what personality they would have to go based on their looks while actually creating them

on top of that i've even played similar RPGs irl

having all this portrayed in an anime is _ __ FLACKING COOL EHRMAHGERD __ all these other weak shit animes like SAO aint got shit, they don't have a party that's more or less portrayed like a game and there's no sense of urgency or doom or anything cus they just have stupid ass plot armor and there's no "darkness "or even violence, there's no party setup and no tank and dps and archer and hybrid fighter/summoner lizard and mage and stuff like this, it doesn't tap into the same feeling
on top of that a fantasy story usually has swords and magic and swords are used to kill things and killing things means there will be death and blood but in other animes they don't emphasize on it at all so it doesn't even look important or grim or anything (look at SAO a bunch of ppl died but no1 cares about their deaths, its just a line and a text and nothing else while in here deaths and stuff have much more impact and u can see it and when they talk about it -it feels more impactful)

blood and death and stuff needs to be shown in animes that are LITERALLY IN A WORLD WHERE THAT'S A DAILY OCCURRENCE but at the same time gore and insides and stuff is disgusting and it's crossing a line like yeah it might be realistic but you're still watching for entertainment - goblin slayer takes the best route at portraying violence as well , it's not overdone but it's not all cute and fluffy

like yeah maybe the lizard and dwarf "lack personalities " a bit but that's only because we didnt have enough time, there's too much shit happening - for merely 7 episodes they had to introduce you to the world and to FIVE major characters on top of setting of the world and some minor characters and also give you some action - there's simply not enough screen time for everything to happen at once. Give it more time and we'll get better. As for the other 3 - sure they have personality, goblin slayer is a stoic badass hardboiled alpha male warrior who at his heart is still a nerd ass kid but is trying hard because he was prolly bullied or some shit look at that flashback and shit, he's basically <self insert male protagonist in a harsh world after x amount of training and experience> nothing overdone but not some beta ass fgt either
priest-chan i explained and elf-chan literally a goddess and a blessing for all anime watchers with her every second on screen it's like life is being given birth and the death's hour is being pushed backwards cus shes that good

literally the ANIME OF THE DECADE

i literally DEMAND that you raise your score, this masterpiece deserves nothing less than 9 or 10

not a goblin slayer spoiler
lots of music -
Nov 18, 2018 9:25 PM

Sep 2010
7.60 is actually really high for this show imo
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Nov 18, 2018 11:35 PM
Sep 2018
incisorr said:
YokaSol said:
IMO the series is just "meh". Not really great nor bad. I gave it a couple of episodes to see where it would go, but the story is kinda of lacking in depth. The setting is pretty standard. Just imagine a dark version of Konosuba and you pretty much have the exact same setting. Adventures go to guild, get quest, go out and finish quest, there's some demon king, etc. The only difference is Konosuba was a comedy making fun of the tropes and this is gritty action. Though even when it comes to the action it is still pretty average.

Which BTW the controversy was overblown. I never get why it's ok to have anime where people are murdered in horrible ways, but rape is the taboo.

It's just doesn't really stand out in any real way.

I'll probably finish it out just to have something to watch during the week, but I won't be calling it a great show.

you rated konosuba with 9 and goblin slayer with 6 lmao

konosuba is a comedy and it's not even that funny. It was mediocre at best. People that think konosuba are funny are people that haven't seen actual real comedy. Konosuba's "plot "is a joke, the humor isn't that good, the only good characters are aqua and megumin and nothing else

meanwhile goblin slayer

> Goblin Slayer - the guy is a fucking alpha Chad dream guy. Stoic, hardboiled, badass. Full plate armor MONSTER with GLOWING RED EYE. YOU DON'T GET ANY COOLER THAN THAT.
> priest (ONNA-PYON) - i personally don't like her despite her being blonde with blue eyes which is my fav type but shes ROOTED IN REALITY and is some sweet and innocent girl who must have some incredible motivation to want to become an adventurer and who knows when we find out how EPIC AND DANK it will be and even if she doesn't and just woke up one day and decided to become an adventurer its still something and she can be an inspiration to all cowards who still go and fight on the front lines for the good of everyone
> archer( YOSEI-TAN) - literally one of the best girls the anime industry has produced in the recent -- YEARS --. Elven tsundere that's also old and cute and innocent i can totally relate because i'm like the same, i'm not 2000 years old but im also old and also clueless and innocent just like she is and also a tsundere just like she is. Shes hot and shes skilled at her own thing and the whole concept of archer elf is so incredibly popular in fantasy/games but in anime there's literally zero representation and what better than a flat- chested 10/10 GODDESS
> the other 2 dudes

i mean, having unreal male:female ratio (like 1;5) is dumb and makes anime unfun but if you add 2 random ass dudes like these people it suddenly balances things out, plus im sure they're great. The lizard has so much character, he likes fucking cheese how rad is that?

i'm a hardcore TACTICAL RPG player and i've played every single turn based rpg i could find on MAX DIFFICULTY with IRON MAN MODE because i enjoy it and because i find it fun (some examples would be divinity original sin, xcom, pillars of eternity, blackguards, some random stuff shinobi tactics or w/e altho that wasnt exactly an rpg but still fits the bill+-, i dont know but any game like that i've played it)

- playing on max difficulty in a game like this on ironman mode means you're gonna wipe, a lot, wiping means you have to start from the beginning. Making a group is like one of the biggest parts of RPGs', having a cool ass group of adventurers and exploring dungeons and shit with them is cool and while making characters occasionally out of boredom you can just try to insert/imagine what personality they would have to go based on their looks while actually creating them

on top of that i've even played similar RPGs irl

having all this portrayed in an anime is _ __ FLACKING COOL EHRMAHGERD __ all these other weak shit animes like SAO aint got shit, they don't have a party that's more or less portrayed like a game and there's no sense of urgency or doom or anything cus they just have stupid ass plot armor and there's no "darkness "or even violence, there's no party setup and no tank and dps and archer and hybrid fighter/summoner lizard and mage and stuff like this, it doesn't tap into the same feeling
on top of that a fantasy story usually has swords and magic and swords are used to kill things and killing things means there will be death and blood but in other animes they don't emphasize on it at all so it doesn't even look important or grim or anything (look at SAO a bunch of ppl died but no1 cares about their deaths, its just a line and a text and nothing else while in here deaths and stuff have much more impact and u can see it and when they talk about it -it feels more impactful)

blood and death and stuff needs to be shown in animes that are LITERALLY IN A WORLD WHERE THAT'S A DAILY OCCURRENCE but at the same time gore and insides and stuff is disgusting and it's crossing a line like yeah it might be realistic but you're still watching for entertainment - goblin slayer takes the best route at portraying violence as well , it's not overdone but it's not all cute and fluffy

like yeah maybe the lizard and dwarf "lack personalities " a bit but that's only because we didnt have enough time, there's too much shit happening - for merely 7 episodes they had to introduce you to the world and to FIVE major characters on top of setting of the world and some minor characters and also give you some action - there's simply not enough screen time for everything to happen at once. Give it more time and we'll get better. As for the other 3 - sure they have personality, goblin slayer is a stoic badass hardboiled alpha male warrior who at his heart is still a nerd ass kid but is trying hard because he was prolly bullied or some shit look at that flashback and shit, he's basically <self insert male protagonist in a harsh world after x amount of training and experience> nothing overdone but not some beta ass fgt either
priest-chan i explained and elf-chan literally a goddess and a blessing for all anime watchers with her every second on screen it's like life is being given birth and the death's hour is being pushed backwards cus shes that good

literally the ANIME OF THE DECADE

i literally DEMAND that you raise your score, this masterpiece deserves nothing less than 9 or 10

not a goblin slayer spoiler
Did you even read that? Where's the baseless hate? He says he finds it BORING. How can you decide what people should find boring or entertaining? In your rebuttal, you said GS is a good character because he's a badass (which isn't good character writing), Priestess because she's your type (you basically admitted she's there to look cute, Elf because you're similar to her and you also admitted the two guys are bad characters - you couldn't be bothered to write anything for them, so I'll assume you don't like them that much.

Finally, no matter how you look at it, there is some pretty lacklustre animation.
Nov 19, 2018 12:12 AM

Jul 2012
Goblin Slayer opening is a great song of revenge, play it next time you take revenge, absolutely nails it
張大です for 張大勇督察
Nov 19, 2018 1:39 AM
May 2014
incisorr said:
YokaSol said:
IMO the series is just "meh". Not really great nor bad. I gave it a couple of episodes to see where it would go, but the story is kinda of lacking in depth. The setting is pretty standard. Just imagine a dark version of Konosuba and you pretty much have the exact same setting. Adventures go to guild, get quest, go out and finish quest, there's some demon king, etc. The only difference is Konosuba was a comedy making fun of the tropes and this is gritty action. Though even when it comes to the action it is still pretty average.

Which BTW the controversy was overblown. I never get why it's ok to have anime where people are murdered in horrible ways, but rape is the taboo.

It's just doesn't really stand out in any real way.

I'll probably finish it out just to have something to watch during the week, but I won't be calling it a great show.

you rated konosuba with 9 and goblin slayer with 6 lmao

konosuba is a comedy and it's not even that funny. It was mediocre at best. People that think konosuba are funny are people that haven't seen actual real comedy. Konosuba's "plot "is a joke, the humor isn't that good, the only good characters are aqua and megumin and nothing else

meanwhile goblin slayer

> Goblin Slayer - the guy is a fucking alpha Chad dream guy. Stoic, hardboiled, badass. Full plate armor MONSTER with GLOWING RED EYE. YOU DON'T GET ANY COOLER THAN THAT.
> priest (ONNA-PYON) - i personally don't like her despite her being blonde with blue eyes which is my fav type but shes ROOTED IN REALITY and is some sweet and innocent girl who must have some incredible motivation to want to become an adventurer and who knows when we find out how EPIC AND DANK it will be and even if she doesn't and just woke up one day and decided to become an adventurer its still something and she can be an inspiration to all cowards who still go and fight on the front lines for the good of everyone
> archer( YOSEI-TAN) - literally one of the best girls the anime industry has produced in the recent -- YEARS --. Elven tsundere that's also old and cute and innocent i can totally relate because i'm like the same, i'm not 2000 years old but im also old and also clueless and innocent just like she is and also a tsundere just like she is. Shes hot and shes skilled at her own thing and the whole concept of archer elf is so incredibly popular in fantasy/games but in anime there's literally zero representation and what better than a flat- chested 10/10 GODDESS
> the other 2 dudes

i mean, having unreal male:female ratio (like 1;5) is dumb and makes anime unfun but if you add 2 random ass dudes like these people it suddenly balances things out, plus im sure they're great. The lizard has so much character, he likes fucking cheese how rad is that?

i'm a hardcore TACTICAL RPG player and i've played every single turn based rpg i could find on MAX DIFFICULTY with IRON MAN MODE because i enjoy it and because i find it fun (some examples would be divinity original sin, xcom, pillars of eternity, blackguards, some random stuff shinobi tactics or w/e altho that wasnt exactly an rpg but still fits the bill+-, i dont know but any game like that i've played it)

- playing on max difficulty in a game like this on ironman mode means you're gonna wipe, a lot, wiping means you have to start from the beginning. Making a group is like one of the biggest parts of RPGs', having a cool ass group of adventurers and exploring dungeons and shit with them is cool and while making characters occasionally out of boredom you can just try to insert/imagine what personality they would have to go based on their looks while actually creating them

on top of that i've even played similar RPGs irl

having all this portrayed in an anime is _ __ FLACKING COOL EHRMAHGERD __ all these other weak shit animes like SAO aint got shit, they don't have a party that's more or less portrayed like a game and there's no sense of urgency or doom or anything cus they just have stupid ass plot armor and there's no "darkness "or even violence, there's no party setup and no tank and dps and archer and hybrid fighter/summoner lizard and mage and stuff like this, it doesn't tap into the same feeling
on top of that a fantasy story usually has swords and magic and swords are used to kill things and killing things means there will be death and blood but in other animes they don't emphasize on it at all so it doesn't even look important or grim or anything (look at SAO a bunch of ppl died but no1 cares about their deaths, its just a line and a text and nothing else while in here deaths and stuff have much more impact and u can see it and when they talk about it -it feels more impactful)

blood and death and stuff needs to be shown in animes that are LITERALLY IN A WORLD WHERE THAT'S A DAILY OCCURRENCE but at the same time gore and insides and stuff is disgusting and it's crossing a line like yeah it might be realistic but you're still watching for entertainment - goblin slayer takes the best route at portraying violence as well , it's not overdone but it's not all cute and fluffy

like yeah maybe the lizard and dwarf "lack personalities " a bit but that's only because we didnt have enough time, there's too much shit happening - for merely 7 episodes they had to introduce you to the world and to FIVE major characters on top of setting of the world and some minor characters and also give you some action - there's simply not enough screen time for everything to happen at once. Give it more time and we'll get better. As for the other 3 - sure they have personality, goblin slayer is a stoic badass hardboiled alpha male warrior who at his heart is still a nerd ass kid but is trying hard because he was prolly bullied or some shit look at that flashback and shit, he's basically <self insert male protagonist in a harsh world after x amount of training and experience> nothing overdone but not some beta ass fgt either
priest-chan i explained and elf-chan literally a goddess and a blessing for all anime watchers with her every second on screen it's like life is being given birth and the death's hour is being pushed backwards cus shes that good

literally the ANIME OF THE DECADE

i literally DEMAND that you raise your score, this masterpiece deserves nothing less than 9 or 10

not a goblin slayer spoiler

The point in regard to Konosuba was that GS was pretty much the same kind of set up. Just Suba is a comedy and GS is a dark story. Outside of that the two share a ton of elements.

Higurashi is one of my favorite animes and also the Umineko VN.

I like dark stories if they are done right. The problem with GS is the plot and characters are pretty one dimensional at the moment.

Being a badass doesn't make for good story writing by itself. You still need substance.
YokaSolNov 19, 2018 9:18 PM
Nov 19, 2018 1:48 AM

Jul 2017
I don’t feel like explaining again, I made a review why I gave it an average score. Check it out if you want to be enlightened:
FlexstyleNov 19, 2018 2:13 AM
Nov 19, 2018 2:55 AM

Jan 2010
This anime is average, is "ok". Nothing more, nothing less.

Point is it got so popular because of rape at first episode. And popularity brings many fan on one hand, and many haters on the other.

This is ALL about this series.
Nov 19, 2018 3:11 AM

Mar 2018
YokaSol said:
incisorr said:

you rated konosuba with 9 and goblin slayer with 6 lmao

konosuba is a comedy and it's not even that funny. It was mediocre at best. People that think konosuba are funny are people that haven't seen actual real comedy. Konosuba's "plot "is a joke, the humor isn't that good, the only good characters are aqua and megumin and nothing else

meanwhile goblin slayer

> Goblin Slayer - the guy is a fucking alpha Chad dream guy. Stoic, hardboiled, badass. Full plate armor MONSTER with GLOWING RED EYE. YOU DON'T GET ANY COOLER THAN THAT.
> priest (ONNA-PYON) - i personally don't like her despite her being blonde with blue eyes which is my fav type but shes ROOTED IN REALITY and is some sweet and innocent girl who must have some incredible motivation to want to become an adventurer and who knows when we find out how EPIC AND DANK it will be and even if she doesn't and just woke up one day and decided to become an adventurer its still something and she can be an inspiration to all cowards who still go and fight on the front lines for the good of everyone
> archer( YOSEI-TAN) - literally one of the best girls the anime industry has produced in the recent -- YEARS --. Elven tsundere that's also old and cute and innocent i can totally relate because i'm like the same, i'm not 2000 years old but im also old and also clueless and innocent just like she is and also a tsundere just like she is. Shes hot and shes skilled at her own thing and the whole concept of archer elf is so incredibly popular in fantasy/games but in anime there's literally zero representation and what better than a flat- chested 10/10 GODDESS
> the other 2 dudes

i mean, having unreal male:female ratio (like 1;5) is dumb and makes anime unfun but if you add 2 random ass dudes like these people it suddenly balances things out, plus im sure they're great. The lizard has so much character, he likes fucking cheese how rad is that?

i'm a hardcore TACTICAL RPG player and i've played every single turn based rpg i could find on MAX DIFFICULTY with IRON MAN MODE because i enjoy it and because i find it fun (some examples would be divinity original sin, xcom, pillars of eternity, blackguards, some random stuff shinobi tactics or w/e altho that wasnt exactly an rpg but still fits the bill+-, i dont know but any game like that i've played it)

- playing on max difficulty in a game like this on ironman mode means you're gonna wipe, a lot, wiping means you have to start from the beginning. Making a group is like one of the biggest parts of RPGs', having a cool ass group of adventurers and exploring dungeons and shit with them is cool and while making characters occasionally out of boredom you can just try to insert/imagine what personality they would have to go based on their looks while actually creating them

on top of that i've even played similar RPGs irl

having all this portrayed in an anime is _ __ FLACKING COOL EHRMAHGERD __ all these other weak shit animes like SAO aint got shit, they don't have a party that's more or less portrayed like a game and there's no sense of urgency or doom or anything cus they just have stupid ass plot armor and there's no "darkness "or even violence, there's no party setup and no tank and dps and archer and hybrid fighter/summoner lizard and mage and stuff like this, it doesn't tap into the same feeling
on top of that a fantasy story usually has swords and magic and swords are used to kill things and killing things means there will be death and blood but in other animes they don't emphasize on it at all so it doesn't even look important or grim or anything (look at SAO a bunch of ppl died but no1 cares about their deaths, its just a line and a text and nothing else while in here deaths and stuff have much more impact and u can see it and when they talk about it -it feels more impactful)

blood and death and stuff needs to be shown in animes that are LITERALLY IN A WORLD WHERE THAT'S A DAILY OCCURRENCE but at the same time gore and insides and stuff is disgusting and it's crossing a line like yeah it might be realistic but you're still watching for entertainment - goblin slayer takes the best route at portraying violence as well , it's not overdone but it's not all cute and fluffy

like yeah maybe the lizard and dwarf "lack personalities " a bit but that's only because we didnt have enough time, there's too much shit happening - for merely 7 episodes they had to introduce you to the world and to FIVE major characters on top of setting of the world and some minor characters and also give you some action - there's simply not enough screen time for everything to happen at once. Give it more time and we'll get better. As for the other 3 - sure they have personality, goblin slayer is a stoic badass hardboiled alpha male warrior who at his heart is still a nerd ass kid but is trying hard because he was prolly bullied or some shit look at that flashback and shit, he's basically <self insert male protagonist in a harsh world after x amount of training and experience> nothing overdone but not some beta ass fgt either
priest-chan i explained and elf-chan literally a goddess and a blessing for all anime watchers with her every second on screen it's like life is being given birth and the death's hour is being pushed backwards cus shes that good

literally the ANIME OF THE DECADE

i literally DEMAND that you raise your score, this masterpiece deserves nothing less than 9 or 10

not a goblin slayer spoiler

The point in regard to Konosuba was that GS was pretty much the same kind of set up. Just Duba is a comedy and GS is a dark story. Outside of that the two share a ton of elements.

Higurashi is one of my favorite animes and also the Umineko VN.

I like dark stories if they are done right. The problem with GS is the plot and characters are pretty one dimensional at the moment.

Being a badass doesn't make for good story writing by itself. You still need substance.

OG_Gattsu said:
I don’t feel like explaining again, I made a review why I gave it an average score. Check it out if you want to be enlightened:

Unmasked89 said:
This anime is average, is "ok". Nothing more, nothing less.

Point is it got so popular because of rape at first episode. And popularity brings many fan on one hand, and many haters on the other.

This is ALL about this series.
Andy_Roo_45 said:
UTJeff316 said:

Goblin Slayer facing an Ogre and using a pretty epic strategy to beat it and then basically telling it to GG before he sliced its face open.

Goblin Slayer forming a bond and companionship with the Priestess and his party members I find very engaging. All the party members are very unique and distinct and have likable personalities. They are building a nice sense of camaraderie together.

Priestess is also growing as an adventurer. She's already been promoted to Obsidian.

Throughout all of Naruto, Naruto was never even promoted, which quite frankly, was rat trash. Would've been nice to see Naruto get some type of promotion at some point over the course of the story. Instead, he was a genin throughout the entire story. I never liked that.

Some fair points, I have thought the last few episodes have really picked it up. I think I'd be more into it if it had another season coming!
Much like Naruto, when it was dragging, you knew you had plenty more to come with some great action/characters. And yeh, it was lame he didn't get more recognition lol

QWERTYFish25 said:
It just seems very thinly veiled, all of it. The dialogue is painfully familiar and GS'stoicism is in mo way entertaining. We get it. He's like that because of serious trauma and that led to his obsession with goblins, the end. There's nothing really holding this group together other than the fact they're adventurers and they had quests that involved goblins and therefore interested goblin slayer. Priestess is an adventurer because she's an adventurer. She hangs with gs because he saved her and he's the only one who will tolerate her. Not saying she's any worse than other beginners, but eh, it all feels phoned in.

I feel similar in that it does feel aibt too generic and little lacklustre for a one cour show

Goblin slayer is not Dark, it's a Dark wannabe and Edgy<

and it just happens that Edginess is not accepted socially speaking so the show therefore is bad

difference between konosuba and goblin slayer

is that almost everyone is konosuba is a retard ''in a funny way''

while in goblin slayer, they are...retards

boku no pico is so popular because of how edgy it is, < recommended show

the show is generic and is another product of the generic machine that lies somehow secret

the CGI is awful, the art style is cheesy and generic compared to that of the OG while not being faithful

the redesigns for the characters only made them more sexually appealing or easier to animate

and they adapt minor/niche moments to make filler scenes like said infamous event in the show

LN:it happened while other stuff happened to Anime: here is how it happened, why it happened, why it is the center of the episode and screw the other stuff!

and edgy fan-service<, reminds me of those shows where a baby is murdered for the sake of fan service

hazarddex said:

"badass character."

some would say the same about superman, but many find him boring.

1. theirs no threat he will always win he is goblin slayer if he loses hes not goblin slayer anymore. you can make threat without losing/dying, but the series doesn't even do that.
2. his lack of personality makes him unrelatable for many. you could put in any character in the place of him and the plot would progress.

in the words of saitama a well written over powered character. from a series witch is made to basically point out the flaws of having a over powered character.

"having overwhelming power is boring."

also akame ga kill suffered from the repeated kill character effect.

hardly a actually good dark series like berserk, or uld blatt

if your going to kill basically all your case continuously the viewer will loose interest in the show. because oh look they also die and they die that ones also dead who care anymore.

DatRandomDude said:
7.62 is not low jesus christ...

oh wait, i forgot that its MAL where a 8/10 is just ok

MAL in a nut shell

"How dare you not like what i i like and how dare you like what i don't like."

personally i found goblin slayer boring and repetitive.

its basically

Goblins do something bad goblin slayer kills goblin.


''thing is, people like what they are alike''

and title is self explanatory, but to be in-depth

some mentally ill person is hiding in an armor in fear of goblins so he kills them and want to terminate their species and there are fan-service females/humans with him which make no sense but that's it

Nov 19, 2018 3:33 AM

Oct 2007
Monchete99 said:
DatRandomDude said:
7.62 is not low jesus christ...

oh wait, i forgot that its MAL where a 8/10 is just ok

No, that's average. 9.99 is where the just ok begins

that's best comment. xD

Anyway, I guess these kind of threads will just keep popping up..
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