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Durarara!! (light novel)
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Feb 5, 2010 5:20 PM
Nov 2008
This episode was really good. =)

Kida's narration was awesome, and it was cool to get a bit of information on this Harima chick.

Not to mention getting info on the Yellow Scarves. <.<
Feb 5, 2010 5:22 PM

Jun 2009
LightningRamiel said:
Speaking of Anri, I can't help but think that she's almost disproportionately busty. I don't think it's just me that thinks that.

A little, but she's awesome like that xP
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 5, 2010 5:46 PM

May 2009
Nice to know that there's more to Kida that at first glance. Very interesting - especially his relation to that girl in the hospital.
Feb 5, 2010 5:55 PM

Aug 2009
I'm am certainly a fangirl of Kida now.

Wow, more info, more questions, more mysteries -- and it's just episode five?! This show is just amazing.
I'm not sure if Haruna is the Slasher. The OP reminds me that Anri was like holding a sword or something like that. Oh, I don't know.
Anyway, I'm really curious on the gangs in this show. It's too interesting that I read spoilers. Oh well..
Kida's past is certainly interesting, I want to know more. <3
Great episode with Kida's narration.
k0k0 said:
For a second there, that 'bang!' of Kida's reminded me of Eden of the East.

"sexy harasho" <3
Feb 5, 2010 6:44 PM

Aug 2009
Compton of Japan.
Feb 5, 2010 6:49 PM

Dec 2009
This episode was well done. I'm starting to get used to the narration of these episodes. They're really good. :D
Feb 5, 2010 6:50 PM
May 2009
Shaoran said:
looooool awesome, Celty's fear for aliens is the last thing i was expecting from her >__<

Same here. XD

Today's episode was good! Except, the animation this time was a little weaker. But still good for such a small studio. (Or so I've heard.) :) The storytelling style was excellent here. <3

I think that Kida was once part of a color gang. :O In the cellphone picture, he has a orange? scarf. I hope that we find out about the Dollars soon! x) And yeah, I think Mikado knows something more than Kida. The girl in the hospital was probably Kida's girlfriend or sister.

As for that slasher, I'm betting my money on Anri. First impressions, y'know?
Feb 5, 2010 6:54 PM

Jul 2008
so i wonder who the slasher is? i mean, how does it relate to the story?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Feb 5, 2010 7:02 PM
May 2009
It probably relates to the story a lot, since the slasher affects Celty and the gangs as well. Probably has some unknown motive. @_@
Feb 5, 2010 7:36 PM

Nov 2007
things start moving already. webs are woven. dices are cast.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Feb 5, 2010 8:20 PM

Apr 2009
I think the person who stabbed Selty and the slasher are two different people... that is, if people are referring to the one who killed those Yellow Scarves (wannabes?) the slasher.

The one who stabbed Selty did it with a long sword (like a katana) had short choppy hair and wore a short skirt. Looked like Anri. Whereas the slasher had long hair, long dress and a smaller knife.

Anyway. Really enjoyed Kida-kun narrating the episode. I love Miyano Mamoru's ~charismatic~ voice. lol.
Feb 5, 2010 8:32 PM

Dec 2009
Usami-Haru said:
The chat this week was creepy btw.
monkatx said:
Hmm. Pretty good episode. It is now confirmed who all chat room guys are, except that creepy new one.
i still have a hard time understanding the chat room :(
i might have to rewatch to figure them out....

and kida has way more depth than i imagined! i like where this is going.
Feb 5, 2010 9:08 PM

Feb 2009
This is becoming more and more intriguing and it's so cool.
Feb 5, 2010 9:30 PM
Jun 2009
liked it...
"slasher" is awesome xD
i'm liking how the story is being told...
Feb 5, 2010 9:49 PM

Oct 2009
Kida as narrator = awesomeness.

I still want to find out more about Harima and the stalker and the girl with the scar around her neck.

I wonder when things will start getting tied together. Loving the mystery XD
Feb 5, 2010 10:20 PM

Nov 2007
francismeunier said:
I am thinking about that too...I really am but just find it convenient to me....sry just easier to resume things instead of writing them.

D: I like his screencaps. ;; He always points out things I never notice.

I like how Kida has some mysterious past before Ryugamine came to the city. Also, everyone: Don't click the spoiler in the MAL Charatcer page for Kida. Major spoilers. D': asdf;gg;l;d

LightningRamiel said:
Speaking of Anri, I can't help but think that she's almost disproportionately busty. I don't think it's just me that thinks that.

If you think thats busty, you haven't watched Saki yet.
underMebiusFeb 5, 2010 10:23 PM

Feb 5, 2010 10:25 PM
Nov 2009
Needs more Izayaaaaaa XD

underMebius said:
Also, everyone: Don't click the spoiler in the MAL Charatcer page for Kida. Major spoilers. D': asdf;gg;l;d

DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 5, 2010 11:52 PM

Oct 2009
desolato said:
francismeunier said:
I just call them like that.....those guys with yellow bandannas. Someone else mentioned it too before not the only one but thanks on the correction of the English.

Let me introduce you to my friend..
Awww thanks dear it was funny. Rofl!
hikoghert said:
The one who stabbed Selty did it with a long sword (like a katana) had short choppy hair and wore a short skirt. Looked like Anri. Whereas the slasher had long hair, long dress and a smaller knife.
Yes but wrong! Why? Both had red eyes.
underMebius said:
francismeunier said:
I am thinking about that too...I really am but just find it convenient to me....sry just easier to resume things instead of writing them.

underMebius said:
D: I like his screencaps. ;; He always points out things I never notice.

Why thank you if it does that to you but it's really not to write in English since I am French and still find English confusing in grammar and also cannot write in French in the forums at all.
LightningRamiel said:
Speaking of Anri, I can't help but think that she's almost disproportionately busty. I don't think it's just me that thinks that.

underMebius said:
If you think thats busty, you haven't watched Saki yet.
Rofl got better one.....Tomo from Seiken no Qwaser right?

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Feb 6, 2010 12:20 AM

Sep 2009
Love it. The storytelling is really good so far. I don't really fully understand the chat room stuff...but I haven't really put much thought into figuring it out anyways.
Feb 6, 2010 3:52 AM
Mar 2009
This story definitely has a unique way of telling it's story, I find it most intriguing. So this episode we get to see some things from Kida's perspective? Interesting, also it seems he was involved in some shady business back then. This show never seems to fail at capturing my interest.
Feb 6, 2010 4:09 AM

Jul 2009
saxophone15 said:
Love it. The storytelling is really good so far. I don't really fully understand the chat room stuff...but I haven't really put much thought into figuring it out anyways.

The chatroom stuff is one of the vital point of storytelling.From my observation,the chatroom is used to spread some rumors about legend occurred in Ikebokuro & color gangs activity.Did you notice that all the voices in chatroom are different each episode & likely being voiced by the narrator of the episode.For example Jun Fukuyama as narrator & chatroom voices in ep 4 & Mamoru Miyano in this episode.
Feb 6, 2010 4:18 AM

Jun 2008
porkypink said:
The show is way too interesting,
Proselyt said:
Always amazes me how well the story is told ,by using different perspectives and timelines.
I guess thats why I like it. I couldn't get the part where the person spams on the internet. "MotherMotherMotherMotherMotherMother..." I have a feeling it was some kind of message.. or it could just be a spam..

I got the impression that the spammer was that girl with the long hair showed near the end and that she was eventually banned from the forum. Also very likely she's the crazy red eye girl with the sword.

When i first saw those red eyes i was like: "Wow! WTF is Jigoku Shoujo doing here?".

francismeunier said:
Also nice save of Kida from Nasujima who was obviously looking at Anri's breasts here=>

Well you have to admit they have quite an impressive size.

francismeunier said:
Celty's head?=>

You were really late on picking that up. BTW i wonder if her missing head has anything to do with the girl that has that wound around her neck. Because you may think that it looks like someone reattached her head after being cut of.
Feb 6, 2010 6:15 AM

Oct 2009
Monad said:
francismeunier said:
Celty's head?=>

You were really late on picking that up. BTW i wonder if her missing head has anything to do with the girl that has that wound around her neck. Because you may think that it looks like someone reattached her head after being cut of.
Yeah about looks like that. The head.....someone said it might not be Celty's so it's Harima's? The friend of Anri?
Kagura89 said:
saxophone15 said:
Love it. The storytelling is really good so far. I don't really fully understand the chat room stuff...but I haven't really put much thought into figuring it out anyways.

The chatroom stuff is one of the vital point of storytelling.From my observation,the chatroom is used to spread some rumors about legend occurred in Ikebokuro & color gangs activity.Did you notice that all the voices in chatroom are different each episode & likely being voiced by the narrator of the episode.For example Jun Fukuyama as narrator & chatroom voices in ep 4 & Mamoru Miyano in this episode.
Yeah, that slasher girl's message bothers me still....."Find someone strong"...."Find love" and "mother"? So it's only her father, her mother is gone and she obviously does not fell loved at all? I think Kida needs to give her some love somehow.....

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Feb 6, 2010 6:30 AM

Jul 2009
francismeunier said:

Kagura89 said:

The chatroom stuff is one of the vital point of storytelling.From my observation,the chatroom is used to spread some rumors about legend occurred in Ikebokuro & color gangs activity.Did you notice that all the voices in chatroom are different each episode & likely being voiced by the narrator of the episode.For example Jun Fukuyama as narrator & chatroom voices in ep 4 & Mamoru Miyano in this episode.
Yeah, that slasher girl's message bothers me still....."Find someone strong"...."Find love" and "mother"? So it's only her father, her mother is gone and she obviously does not fell loved at all? I think Kida needs to give her some love somehow.....

Yeah,that spammer message is bothering me for a while.What's with those message?Fortunately Kanra had banned the spammer for a time being.But that slashing incident has spark the hatred between Yellow Scarves (gg =_=;;) & Dollars because the slasher is rumored working with Dollars.
Feb 6, 2010 6:40 AM

Jan 2009
Did anybody else get the feeling that those Yellow Turbans were just about to get an ass whooping before Mikado showed up to 'rescue' Kida? That kid seems to have a pretty interesting past and a close link to gang activity...

And WHERE are the Dollars? For a gang that is so notorious, we sure don't see a lot of them...

And I feel that Anri is getting bustier and bustier with each episode! Supernatural forces at work? :P
Feb 6, 2010 7:02 AM

Nov 2009
I want more Shizuo and Izaya fights. >>

Feb 6, 2010 7:45 AM

Oct 2009
Kida has taken his place as my second favorite character in this show (after Celty). I agree, there's definitely a lot of things he's hiding from Mikado. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in Dollars, or had been in one of the color gangs but left.

What was up with Shizuo and that dog, lol? Guess we'll find out next week, as that sounded like Shizuo narrating the preview.
Feb 6, 2010 8:13 AM

Nov 2007
June_1983 said:
Kida has taken his place as my second favorite character in this show (after Celty). I agree, there's definitely a lot of things he's hiding from Mikado. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in Dollars, or had been in one of the color gangs but left.

What was up with Shizuo and that dog, lol? Guess we'll find out next week, as that sounded like Shizuo narrating the preview.
Nope, Kadota voiced the preview. Ep 6 looks like it'll focus mainly on the otaku group. About time I say =).
Feb 6, 2010 8:26 AM

Jul 2009
Kantarou said:
June_1983 said:
Kida has taken his place as my second favorite character in this show (after Celty). I agree, there's definitely a lot of things he's hiding from Mikado. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in Dollars, or had been in one of the color gangs but left.

What was up with Shizuo and that dog, lol? Guess we'll find out next week, as that sounded like Shizuo narrating the preview.
Nope, Kadota voiced the preview. Ep 6 looks like it'll focus mainly on the otaku group. About time I say =).

I love those otaku gangs especially Erika <3
I approve them next episode.
From the preview,Kadota doesn't like to be called Dotachin XD
Feb 6, 2010 8:36 AM

Nov 2008
Still blowing my expectations out of the water with each episode. Looks like it could become even better than Baccano!.
Also, I just noticed the one that stabbed Selty looked like Anri and the guy with the briefcase looked like the teacher. Pretty interesting.
Nyuu3Feb 6, 2010 8:50 AM
Feb 6, 2010 9:42 AM

Aug 2009
Overall it was a great episode. I can't imagine that Mikado and Kida would be Dollars material considering how the typical Dollars member are tough enough to knock someone's lights out in one punch rather than the "run-while-the-punks-are-confused" trick, but from judging from Kida's past as well as implications from his thoughts, he seems to stress the fact that Mikado could possibly be interested in joining them.

Also, glad to see more of Erika & Walker's crew at Simon's restaurant. Can't wait for the next one which looks like they'll play bigger roles in
Feb 6, 2010 11:43 AM

Feb 2009
I am totally in love with Kida! His narrations are awesome and I absolutely love this show, can't wait for next episode...

Feb 6, 2010 12:08 PM

Jun 2008
Amazing. This is very overwhelming but I love knowing more and how things tie in with each other.

Selty's scared of aliens, tehe.
Feb 6, 2010 12:12 PM

Aug 2009
Simply awesome! And keeps getting better & better everytime. Can't wait to see the next ep.
"Yume nara sameta dakedo bokura wa mada nani mo shiteinai susumu"

Feb 6, 2010 12:32 PM
Jan 2010
I just realized.
The 'Mr. Shiki of the Awakusu Group' that Selty has to deliver an object to...

In Episode 2, before Shizuo threw that machine in the air because he was 'only willing to give 2 and a half more minutes of his life' to that middle-aged guy who couldn't get enough money, that old man mentioned:

'Oh but if something were to happen to me, Mr. Shiki of the Awakusu group wouldn't be too happy...'

That seems like such a minor thing, but who knows.
Just an interesting tidbit.
Feb 6, 2010 12:58 PM

Jan 2009
who was the girl in the hospital
Feb 6, 2010 2:43 PM

Oct 2009
unknown1o1 said:
who was the girl in the hospital
All that is known is she that she knew Kida and is familiar with Kida profile to know more here on MAL in character section.....warning some spoiler stuff in it!

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Feb 6, 2010 4:15 PM
Oct 2009
i loved this episode about Kida!!!! <3

it really revealed a lot about him and his feeling ^^
Feb 6, 2010 6:49 PM

May 2009
Best episode till now.
Nice Kida story.
Bet he can take on the yellow gang himself, just Mikado coming so he can't beat em up =p
Zutto Anime, Game, Manga!

Feb 6, 2010 6:57 PM

Apr 2008
Kida as narrator bonzai, with the episode coming full circle!!!!! We really managed to get some great insight, particularly about Anri, Mikado and background on Kida!

Agh so many questions, what exactly was Kida's involement in the Yellow Scarves, how the girl in the hospital and Izaya are linked, the Slasher girl!?? >_<

Lol at Selty worrying about alien! :P
Feb 6, 2010 7:07 PM

Nov 2007
The ED is so kickass.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Feb 6, 2010 7:34 PM

Feb 2009
Got lost by that episode, now how does all these connected?
Feb 6, 2010 7:39 PM

Apr 2007
kida-kun is awesome~
Feb 6, 2010 11:33 PM

Aug 2008
I love how this show keeps the viewer off balance, and then slowly brings them back into the story. It's never stagnant, you always continue to learn something.

Oh yeah, Selty being afraid of aliens... what the hell?
Feb 7, 2010 1:56 AM

Jan 2010
Kida is hilarious <3

Needs moar Walker though. I love him.

Feb 7, 2010 5:09 AM

Jan 2009
Another awesome episode, narrated by Mamoru Miyano's voice.

First, I think that Kida is just a show-off annoying guy, but looking into this episode, looks like he has an interesting past in Ikebukuro. For Izaya to know him and what he said in this episode, could mean that he was a deliquent or acquainted with color gangs probably. Also the girl in the hospital that visited by Izaya which probably his girlfriend, makes me change my prespective towards Kida.

Anyways, this episode just create more mysteries like the slasher, Celty's wound and Mika Harima.
Feb 7, 2010 7:46 AM
May 2008
Good episode, and like others have said it revealed more about Kida. It's nice that this series puts a lot of effort into the character development. However, I would still like to get more important plot material.
Dead Account
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Feb 7, 2010 11:03 AM

Apr 2007
Kida bro-ness has made me much more interested in this show
Feb 7, 2010 12:51 PM

May 2007

Damn, this is the best way to tell a story.

Feb 7, 2010 6:15 PM

Jun 2009
This is still the best anime this season.

So, while Baccano! went for a whole puzzle of storytelling, where you have to arrange the dozens of pieces from when and where it happened that it boggles your mind, Durarara!!'s going to show off an episode narrated by each character while dumping more and more stuff on our heads before finally exploding just when we think our heads will. Well, that's what I think they're aiming for here.
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