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Fairy Tail
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Dec 1, 2009 9:28 AM
Oct 2009
Memfis said:
There is no fighting spirit, only tons of special attacks. That's not cool.
If you're basing your entire opinion off of JUST the fight scenes of this show, that is not a very fair or objective way of reviewing this show.

Granted, I will agree that there are better fight scenes in other shows.

This show however is not just about flashy fight scenes. Rather, I watch this show because it's very fast paced, rarely (or never) dull, has decently cool characters, and always sporting some nice gags and comedic moments. That alone I believe makes this show extremely entertaining.
Dec 1, 2009 10:07 AM

May 2009
Decent episode with quite a lot of fighting, but compared to the manga it's just bad.

The comedy is handled a lot better in the manga as well. I remember laughing all the time when Gray took off his clothes or Natsu asked something stupid, but it isn't working for me at all in the anime.

Next episode is going to be a filler? They're going to ruin it more?
Dec 1, 2009 10:18 AM

Feb 2009
Man only 8 episodes so far and I can still notice a lot of flaws in this show. I am only going to make the assumption that the direction team is just doing a bad job, and since his previous manga Rave was ruined, looks like this will face the same end! Shame for such a good concept. Anyway the episode was okay, I mean Natsu's fight was good, although the animation really does not do the quality of the fight justice, those crapppy CGI fire/ice that they put on screen. Just please make the animation better, it so annoying.

Also everytime damn Erza slashes, all they do is put a black screen with slashes, thats something that happened in 1990s and when One Piece first started. Damn, it better improve, so much for the studio being good, oh and a filler already!!! Another Bleach/Naruto!! :(
Dec 1, 2009 10:25 AM

Aug 2008
It's a 52 episode show. I doubt that the animation is going to get any better. In fact, it stands to get worse with filler and as the months go by. At this point, I think it's clear that what you see is what you'll get for the next year.
Dec 1, 2009 10:41 AM

May 2009
DarcyD said:
I mean seriously, "fairy tail's strongest team" only had 3 people. I got a bit worried. xD

Well, it was only a misunderstanding, it will be soon revealed that they are far from the strongest in the Fairy Tail guild.
Dec 1, 2009 10:49 AM

Feb 2009
noteDhero said:
It's a 52 episode show. I doubt that the animation is going to get any better. In fact, it stands to get worse with filler and as the months go by. At this point, I think it's clear that what you see is what you'll get for the next year.
noteDhero said:
It's a 52 episode show. I doubt that the animation is going to get any better. In fact, it stands to get worse with filler and as the months go by. At this point, I think it's clear that what you see is what you'll get for the next year.

Huh? Where did you get that piece of information from? Anyway if anything the animation should mimprove, do you not agree that it is ruined by animation as well. I mean does it not piss you off that everytime Erza makes a damn slash a black screen all of a sudden develops. Mashima is an idiot for choosing such a studio, they have ruined the series in the first 8 episodes.
Dec 1, 2009 10:51 AM

Feb 2009
A2ZOMG said:
Memfis said:
There is no fighting spirit, only tons of special attacks. That's not cool.
If you're basing your entire opinion off of JUST the fight scenes of this show, that is not a very fair or objective way of reviewing this show.

Granted, I will agree that there are better fight scenes in other shows.

This show however is not just about flashy fight scenes. Rather, I watch this show because it's very fast paced, rarely (or never) dull, has decently cool characters, and always sporting some nice gags and comedic moments. That alone I believe makes this show extremely entertaining.

Of course you do not understand the consequences of having a fast paced anime based on an ONGOING manga, if you don't let me tell you.......FILLER!!! Oh and with such fights, it is fundemental to have flashy fight scenes. Thats the whole point of a Shounen.
Dec 1, 2009 10:59 AM

Aug 2008
Whoops, I thought it was announced as a 52 episode series. Still though, unless the show does turn out to be like a Bleach or a Naruto, I doubt it will improve in the ways that you want it to for at least the next year.

Is the show ruined by the animation? No, since the show isn't good in the first place. It's definitely less entertaining though since what should be the primary focus in a show like this is bumbled as much as it is here.

As for the studio, it's done by A-1 and Satelight. Both studios that have done remarkable jobs in the past year. A-1 with Birdy, and Satelight with Guin and the CG in Basquash. The problem is clearly that the show just doesn't have to budget to pay for any real animation, because both production companies have proven that they can do a lot with relatively little.
Dec 1, 2009 11:10 AM

Feb 2009
noteDhero said:
Whoops, I thought it was announced as a 52 episode series. Still though, unless the show does turn out to be like a Bleach or a Naruto, I doubt it will improve in the ways that you want it to for at least the next year.

Is the show ruined by the animation? No, since the show isn't good in the first place. It's definitely less entertaining though since what should be the primary focus in a show like this is bumbled as much as it is here.

As for the studio, it's done by A-1 and Satelight. Both studios that have done remarkable jobs in the past year. A-1 with Birdy, and Satelight with Guin and the CG in Basquash. The problem is clearly that the show just doesn't have to budget to pay for any real animation, because both production companies have proven that they can do a lot with relatively little.

Oh ok, you made that asumption probably based on his previous creations' length. Man its meant to be a long running one, so therefore it hopefully should turn out like Bleach/Naruto....No better! XD

In the sense that since the show is predominantly action, therefore it should have quality animation. Im not asking to have film animation, but animation good enough to have quality fights, not too much to ask! Well its really irrelevant whether the studio made good shows or not, as now we have seen they have not done so well. Oh and with Fairy Tail they have proved they can't do much with little.
Dec 1, 2009 11:16 AM

Oct 2009
Well, I personally kinda hated the number of those crappy CG effects in this single episodes. So far I didn't care about them a bit, but that's just too much.

Those BG musics with chores and guitar playing were nice, tough.
Dec 1, 2009 11:19 AM

Aug 2008
I'm saying that they have proven that they can do a lot with little, so if they're sucking so hard with this, that is a reflection on the meager budget. It's getting to the point where truly astounding animation is only coming from properties that have already proven themselves in the market in some shape or form. Everything else has to work around the money they have and prioritize there.

That at least half of the soundtrack is from the public domain should be an indication of what little they do have.

A-1 ran into this same problem with Birdy Decode. They had to choose between having stellar animation and more consistent character design. They chose stellar animation. And while it was frustrating seeing blocky models appear in shots every now and then, the show had about three or four episodes (out of 12) worth of really dynamic, balls to the walls, animation for fights.

This is what the economy has dictated.
Dec 1, 2009 1:59 PM

Nov 2008
So now there are demons too. This might get interesting. I don't really care about that comedy tho.
Tosi ystävyys ei jäädy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Dec 1, 2009 2:21 PM

Jun 2009
Bad animation, same jokes over and over, practically no character developement after the first two episodes, battles that might have been epic were in best case mediocre, and there's that emotional stuff trown in... *sigh*

Dec 1, 2009 3:24 PM

May 2009
mr_outside said:
practically no character developement after the first two episodes,

I lol'd. What do you want after 8 episodes? It's a typical shounen series, the first few episodes are only about character introductions (in Bleach it was the first 20 episode, in Naruto it was around 25 and One Piece around 50 - but that may be true that these manga/anime did better job with this), I really don't know what type of character developement you want here. It was only Erza's introduction arc, the real fun start after this (I mean... after the upcoming filler/s).
Dec 1, 2009 10:13 PM

Feb 2009
amazing sound in this episode
Аккаунты: rutracker || fansubs || World-Art
Dec 2, 2009 2:00 AM

Sep 2008
despite all holes in this anime, I still like it :3
Dec 2, 2009 2:07 AM
Jul 2008
Anime is failing so much in comparison to manga.
Biggest eyesore for me in this episode, is the fact that they have continued to make magical princess out of Erza.
Erza is GARRRR for effin sake >_>
Dec 2, 2009 3:16 AM
Jul 2009
fairy tale was a let down from the moment the anime was released. Production from SATELIGHT was an eyesore.
Scheduled 10 + episodes only, they could have done better like macross frontier, basquash. Just look at the freaking animation.

I'll definitely vote this as one of the worse anime.

Even Rave got a better animation. Really such a LETDOWN!!!
I was forcing myself to watch all the time becos i wanna know the story. I'm not really a manga person.
Dec 2, 2009 11:13 AM

Feb 2008
the end..and they lived happily ever after....haha!

noteDhero said:
But they made such a big point of showing her visibly exhausted, and leaning on Gray for support. She drove the car all the way to that first place, used her power on all those guys, drove to Natsu, then walked to the meeting. Either they were blowing her exhaustion out of proportion for dramatic purposes, or they totally forgot that they said she was tired.

And how did they make it there at around the same time as Kage anyways?

details details...haha after a big finish like that who can complain... i don't really think this is a show you can expect to be consistent.
Dec 2, 2009 1:14 PM

Sep 2009
I liked it.
Dec 4, 2009 4:54 PM

Jan 2009
"Flying Phoenix magic", so why's that wind magic? The Phoenix is usually associated with the element of fire if I'm not mistaken.. Oh well, I'm not seeking logic in this show anyway xD

And well I suppose this episode was called "The Strongest Team" for a reason, eh?
Mahou Shoujo Erza, Go!
Half-dressed Grey, Go!
Re-used skills of Natsu, Go!

Lol how funny, they blew some holes in him and thus he can't play his lullaby xD.

Black Wing armor <3
And hey that fight was actually pretty awesome : D
Especially with the after-effects, "a mountain or two". lol

Bob.. is one scary guy though.

tl;dr Natsu is clearly cooler than Naruto, in every possible way. Except maybe for the re-using of those movements before every attack. (Although I haven't read either manga, and haven't watched Naruto in like.. 12-13 weeks or something)
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Dec 6, 2009 1:20 AM

Jun 2008
For a fight with a big huge monster it was kind of disappointing. Am not from the guys that says this anime sucks because until now i was having fun watching it. Maybe is because i didn't have much expectation except of seeing some fighting with jokes to pass the time. But the fight was still not that great because for a monster created from the most dark wizard ever lived it was a little lame. Also Natsu has to stop using that dragon punch over and over or more accurately they have to stop showing that and just show him punching things.

Anyway since is a big shounen series i expect that they can go up to even 30 episodes before starting showing something good and since the show with out being great offers some relaxing no brain fun time i don't see why not give it the patience that it needs.
From my understating from looking a few pages, the manga is more darker and make you feel a little more serious for the characters and staff and the scenario looks more solid there, but i also noticed that the characters themselves look to have better artwork in the anime.
In the manga they are a lot like One piece design but in the anime they are more solid and little different from One Piece anime that looks a little like shit to be honest in the character art work department.

BTW we need more Black Armor. That was hot as hell. Someone please start making artworks of her with that Armor.
Dec 6, 2009 3:02 AM

Apr 2008
rawrs ... too extreme xD haha

Dec 6, 2009 5:00 AM

Mar 2009
That was funny and I'm glad that arc is over.

Dec 6, 2009 6:08 AM

Oct 2009
A2ZOMG said:
-Risa- said:
I was wondering the same thing... :o good fight scene (for someone who hasn't seen the manga) And Kage keeps on reminding me of Shikamaru... That may be why I somewhat trusted him... o.O Anyhoo~
He's obviously a Shikamaru ripoff LOL.

I mean they both use Shadow magic. And doesn't Kage mean "Shadow"? I remember Shikamaru's jutsu being called "Kagemane no jutsu".

lol exactly what i was thinking :P

i liked the way he played out in the ending of the ep through :P
Dec 6, 2009 2:42 PM
Dec 2008
Natsu is awesome.
Dec 6, 2009 8:38 PM
Oct 2007
Shutting off my brain and overlooking the loopholes made this episode enjoyable enough. The fight was pretty good. Erza's black armor is wow. But I think the best part goes to the conversations between characters. They're all such idiots that it's funny. I'll continue to see what the next arc is and then decide.
Dec 6, 2009 10:47 PM

Dec 2007
I feel that episode was rushed a bit, but it was very good. Sexy Erza's black armor was awesome. I am looking forward to the new arc.
Dec 7, 2009 7:37 AM

Nov 2009
There are some serious flaws in this anime... boring special attacks, twisting the situations in favor of more boring action. Also the Strength of all the character varies by day, yeesh beating such an uberdemon with that much ease. but still... the music.... i love the music... and some brainless bashing is great when u r in a foul mood.
Dec 7, 2009 6:15 PM

Sep 2009
i like this anime but it still has to get better to be as good as the manga :D

Dec 7, 2009 9:34 PM

Oct 2009
This is probably the only episode I watched over 3 times because the demon and fight was amazing to me. Absolutely the best episode to me and let's see which one will beat this kind of fight yet.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 8, 2009 4:50 AM

Jul 2007
More Erza :)
Dec 8, 2009 9:31 AM

Oct 2009
Claymir said:
There are some serious flaws in this anime... boring special attacks, twisting the situations in favor of more boring action. Also the Strength of all the character varies by day, yeesh beating such an uberdemon with that much ease. but still... the music.... i love the music... and some brainless bashing is great when u r in a foul mood.

yehh i know what you mean when i've had a stressful day at college i'll just come home sometimes & watch some brainless bashing too haha :P
Dec 8, 2009 2:07 PM

Dec 2009
personally i think its the best episode
great fight
and great music
Dec 8, 2009 7:30 PM

Aug 2008
Fave episode of the series so far. A ton of action & plenty to laugh at, as well.

Dec 14, 2009 7:41 AM

Jan 2009
At first I didn't mind the CGI but it's starting to bug me. The repeating scenes when Natsu fights, too. Still I enjoy the show. The characters are nice and I'm hooked. Haven't happened since Naruto... And who doesn't get hooked by Naruto if he had only watched Yu-Gi-Oh anyway. xD I don't count FMA because it's not 100+... Either way, FMA is my best of best for shounens, Fairy Tail has a long way to goo :D

And I TOTALLY LOVE the OST! *_* It's awesome, one of the reasons I watch this xD
/though this arc for arc thing can get boring after time and I might drop it around 50-6o ep... For now it's okay.
Nao-staniDec 14, 2009 7:47 AM
Dec 23, 2009 4:37 PM
Dec 26, 2009 4:54 AM

Jun 2009
viral_hun said:
mr_outside said:
practically no character developement after the first two episodes,

I lol'd. What do you want after 8 episodes? It's a typical shounen series, the first few episodes are only about character introductions (in Bleach it was the first 20 episode, in Naruto it was around 25 and One Piece around 50 - but that may be true that these manga/anime did better job with this), I really don't know what type of character developement you want here. It was only Erza's introduction arc, the real fun start after this (I mean... after the upcoming filler/s).

This was the first +50 episodes shounen anime that I watched so I really don't know what I needed to expect from character developement and storyline, but the fact is that I was disappointed by it.
Jan 7, 2010 12:02 PM

Apr 2008
lol Bob flirting with Natsu and Gray...totally my type. The look on their faces is hilarious.
Feb 5, 2010 9:23 PM

Dec 2008
I don't follow the manga so I can't compare anything, I think this is a great anime. The comedy is fun and the action sequences are top notch. I can't get used to the crappy special move sequences though. :/
Mar 17, 2010 10:44 PM

Oct 2008
Makarov reading a dirty novel just to lure Kage. xD
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Mar 24, 2010 7:53 PM

Jun 2009
It's obvious that he looks exactly like Shikimaru
But I really like Master Bob hitting on him, and his past face lol

Ezra's breast plate habit lol
Boss vs the strongest team, good battle but the CG is kinda lame
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Mar 25, 2010 7:07 AM

Jan 2009
Happy was so funny during Natsu's fight:" Natsu, you can't win, just wait for Gray to come and beat him"=))

And... I actually think the animation is getting better :). Yes, I've also seen the re-used sequences in their fights but the character's facial expressions are getting clearer ( and there isn't that much boring misplaced comic relief). I found the "talking out of using Lullaby" idea stupid, but the monster was cool. And the fight was crazy *_*

Apr 21, 2010 12:12 AM
Jul 2018
wtf, this was how they ended this arc? Pretty disappointing ...
I was already shaking my head when master scolded Kage, uh this pattern again but then the flute transforms into a stupid monster, which they fight then
I hope they won't end storyarcs like this in the future
Apr 25, 2010 9:58 PM

Sep 2009
finally we see new moves even though its all very similar haha
Jun 28, 2010 3:25 PM

Dec 2009
The part with the Shikamaru-ripoff remembering how they saved him seemed way too dramatic for this show..
Aug 14, 2010 2:09 PM

Jul 2010
Oh my god! Is this meant to be a comedy? It is só funny, that demon; Don't you mock me!!! and just everything after that, I lolled so hard I had to cover my mouth, otherwise my parents would gonna check on me if everything was okay XD, I was wondering, am I the only one who thinks that it's one of the most funny animes I've seen -so far- and that Lucy is kinda weak... if you compare her with Erza, Gray and Natsu? :P Lol, I love this show ^^
Aug 24, 2010 6:36 PM

Dec 2008
Kage: "It's hugging me!" LOL!!
Both Gray and Natsu shirtless!! *nosebleed*
Sep 8, 2010 11:25 PM

Jan 2010
good fight scene.
Aug 27, 2011 1:37 PM

Mar 2011
I see no promise in Lucy. Being the main lead in this show, shouldn't she have .. SOMETHING.?! Ahhm, alright. The one character that managed to redeem itself from the beginning was Tsuna. He's now in my top ten. ^^
whatevs, Lucy better grow some balls soon.
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