I'm a person who likes science, Nintendo related anything, and anime. Talk to me if you like any of these things!
Stuff about why I joined MAL:
I joined this site shortly after I started college at UC Santa Barbara, since I figured I needed a way to keep track of the shows I watched at anime club (and more). Ever since then, anime has become a significant interest of mine, and critical analysis of anime has likewise become a hobby of mine.
I'm not a huge fan of dropping shows, and eventually I pretty much want to watch everything that I bother putting on my list. Except probably Naruto and Bleach which are just way too long as overextended Shonens.
And also, bad shows are not entirely a waste of time! Analyzing what makes a show bad is something I find fun. This accumulated experience is great to have in reference to the shows that are truly good. Also important to keep in mind is that our subjective taste in general is something that can be logically explained by our upbringing and personal experiences.
When rating shows, I use the system that MyAnimeList has provided to accurately represent my opinions of a show. For me, a 10 represents a top quality show that is a classic example of what its genre should accomplish, and generally good to the point where I believe the vast majority of people should enjoy it. A 5 rating from me isn't a really bad rating, just I believe the good and the bad weigh in equally when I rate a show a 5, and that the show is watchable, but not necessarily remarkable. And of course wherever I use the 1 rating, it's proof that even I am a human who is subject to making mistakes like watching the 3rd Naruto Movie, and that future generations should be warned in advance about the dangers of such abominations. You won't see the 1 rating too often though, since making something unwatchable to a literal extent is pretty hard if you ask me. Normally if I dislike a show, I will consider a 3-4 rating.
Also I like heated intelligent discussion. When I disagree with your opinion, it's not an insult, and I merely expect intelligent responses.
Note: Anime records include TV, OVA (if they are not basically extra episodes for an earlier season of a series), Movie, and ONA
This newbie has no idea what a good harem MC should be, and his virulent adolescent misapprehension of male character is the reason for garbage like High School DXD and the whole hentai genre. A good guy is not a pervert and a pervert is not a good guy. The harem genre is not about sexual fanservice: it is comedy. There is a reason good harem protagonists do NOT view women perversely: to do so is to reward the pervert! IT DEGRADES from risque comedy INTO AMORAL HENTAI! Any idiot should be able to figure this out, but this twit can't piece it together. This obtuse reviewer and the prepubescents who think like him have exerted damaging pressure on the field of anime. If this little hard-up kid wants port, GO AND WATCH PORN, LEAVE ANIME FOREVER!!!
All Comments (166) Comments
Joseph had no reason to be THAT useless
And hey is there romance in Genshiken.