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Mar 29, 2010 10:58 PM

Apr 2008
Here are two snapshots I took of both the Seleção information chart and what seems to be the only good (uncluttered) Air King image in the movie.

EDIT: Images too large; thumbnailed.
Mar 29, 2010 11:43 PM
Jan 2008
Jigero said:
Aokaado said:
DeathHormone said:
I really enjoyed it, yeah it was slow paced but i didn't mind it, just wish the 2nd film was out! The trailer part confused me, perhaps the trailers carry some sort of cargo that has some connection to juiz, although to me, it looked like the trailers were carrying more missiles(but that wouldn't make sense?)

agreed, and yea, wtf was all that?

Those were Juiz, they where mobile servers, each holding a Juiz for each Selecao, he tried to blow up everyone's Juiz, but his own, there for the other Selecao can't do shit and effectively cutting the head off the snake. It looks like the only people left with a Juiz is No.1 and No.09.

The reason Juiz seems different was because there was only 1 Juiz before, but they moved Juiz into different mobile servers for each Selecao, so those separate Juiz must have tailored them selves to each Selecao.

lol damn kids pay attention. there is more plot in this movie than bleach and other action oriented movies. To add # 12 was the one who moved them from episode 11. Since #1 thought he had them all and wanted to celebrate but no champagne was brought because he didn't win. I'm pretty sure the second movie will be more epic, otherwise; the setup they made in this movie was all for nothing.
Mar 30, 2010 12:30 AM

Sep 2007
Although I got bored of the Saki bits, I still found it to be pretty entertaining. It looks like they're setting No1 as the villain but there's still the supporter to worry about. I thought it was kind of strange that No11 had such a change of heart and decided to help Akira out.
Mar 30, 2010 2:21 AM

Aug 2008
Wasabi said:
Although I got bored of the Saki bits, I still found it to be pretty entertaining. It looks like they're setting No1 as the villain but there's still the supporter to worry about. I thought it was kind of strange that No11 had such a change of heart and decided to help Akira out.

not really; if you recall from the anime show, she took a liking towards takizawa before she disappeared

other than that i enjoyed the first five minutes than most of the movie with saki and her guns, except for maybe the last ten minutes

sort of confused here: so the Air King is loved by the people but hated by the government? i really got lost when they tried to explain that Iiluma Akira (takizawa) would be given all the blame for the missle attacks even though the people would realize he was the Air King, savior of them all
Mar 30, 2010 9:27 AM
Apr 2008
It's god-awful. 3/10. And I've waited so eagerly for this one... Such a dissapointment.
Mar 30, 2010 12:02 PM

Oct 2009
Mar 30, 2010 12:39 PM
Mar 2010
Bah not that much happened, Gotta get my hands at the other movies too^^
Mar 30, 2010 1:43 PM

Feb 2009
I don't even really know what to say. I could watch it fine, but I wouldn't say I enjoyed it so much. I mean, I guess it's justified as being an introduction for the next movie but even for an introduction I think it could have been a bit more interesting.

But oh well, I still love it and I'll watch it again before I watch the second.
o genki desu ka
Mar 30, 2010 1:53 PM

Jan 2008
Not much happened, but it really was gorgeous, especially backgrounds.
Mar 30, 2010 2:11 PM

Feb 2008
This took a little longer to get to the awesomeness I've come to expect than I would have wanted but all in all 8/10. I assume that the second movie will be so phantasmagorically amazing that I won't even care that this one was a little slow anymore.
Mar 30, 2010 3:18 PM
Jan 2009
I really liked. Actually, I'm a little surprised at the reactions I see in this thread, thought most people would be crazy over it. I didn't even get the feeling it was slow, to me it was just right and fitting. Only thing that managed to annoy me (again) were koda's subs. What the hell is wrong with that person. DB shouldn't have invited her.
Mar 31, 2010 1:43 AM

Jul 2008
My gripe was that everyone who died in the series magically appeared alive and well. That irked me to no end, this isn't Dragonball.
Mar 31, 2010 7:33 AM

Oct 2009
Wow....what a great series this was and now this movie just makes things so much better......I am happy for one unlike some people who had a while before they saw this movie.....I had fresh memory and so enjoyed remembering how the series was at first to come right away to this movie. This is so long I have to separate in let's say three parts of 30 minutes......let's start with the first one....I was a little confused as to what Saki was doing in New York but things got explained very well in the beginning with Akira adopting Linuma's illegitimate son. I found it brilliant what Hirasawa did with the building Akira bought in the series making it into the project he had in mind but the sign reminds me of Macintosh somehow=>
So it's been 6 months after with a short 3 days after the missile attacks. I am suspecting that Linuma's death was arranged with Juiz's assistance. Tsuji though well to have a financial mean instead of relying on Juiz with that yacht he got and Air King products=>

Saki's meeting with Akira was good.....I like it better the first time they met it was more funny but this time around Saki had it more formal let's say. A lot less fan service of Kuroha so that's good. No.6 is nuts.....some movie maker? The guy is a joke in a nerd look=>
Was interesting Juiz has more of a personality and refuses more requests.....I take it as either AI evolves like Skynet in T2 or simply a nice sudden change. I liked how Akira made up that story and got Saki's cell phone back from the taxi driver.....#6 , #7 and #1 are pretty dirty themselves. Laughing at Ohsugi how he still takes his love seriously towards Saki after all those things in the first season. Mikuru and Onee were nice to see again. I also had a bad feeling about the bugging of the cell phones themselves. Loved that first meeting of Saki since 6 months ago=>
Of all things Pantsu being back! :D For people that were confused by it....he never died.....even at the end of season 1 he was at a hospital with a broken leg....since 6 months passed it was enough to recover=>

Pretty cheap of #6 to use that explosion. Dumbo movie part with Saki x Akira with the cover staying in the theater pretty cute I would say. So the ring refereed to a horse ride built before the 80s.....I really though it was more of a marriage proposal to Saki....oh well but during that part #6 with flame thrower was nuts. Good thing Kuroha came around with that Porsche Cayenne. Most disturbing points were Hajime not being dead..what the heck I though Mr.Outside was to kill them when they run out of money....Yuuki is still alive just by destroying his cell phone? Nice twist there......=>
and the most shocking of all Mononobe found out about Juiz being truck driven due to season 1 and blowing them up with missiles...O_O everyone losing Juiz depending on which truck get's destroyed is raises the challenge much more with that. Air King is amazing as a nickname.......I counted nasty grenades, UZI, 2 9mm, a possible desert eagle and a .44 magnum here? Nasty trick towards Saki=>
Overall long ramble but sort of long movie to talk about. Looking to see how this ends. I forgot that Saki looks splendid with that dress.
francismeunierMar 31, 2010 7:37 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 31, 2010 6:37 PM

Apr 2008
WolfWood37 said:
My gripe was that everyone who died in the series magically appeared alive and well. That irked me to no end, this isn't Dragonball.

Panties didn't die just from getting hit by a car, hell, you saw him in the hospital in the last episode of the TV series IIRC.
Who else are you referring to, though?
Mar 31, 2010 6:54 PM

Oct 2009
Three_Leaf_Ivy said:
WolfWood37 said:
My gripe was that everyone who died in the series magically appeared alive and well. That irked me to no end, this isn't Dragonball.

Panties didn't die just from getting hit by a car, hell, you saw him in the hospital in the last episode of the TV series IIRC.
Who else are you referring to, though?

He is talking about Hajime's case of why he is not dead and I find it strange too but on the bright side Kuroha suddenly changing by not killing Johny was what impressed me most since I find that a hard habit to have let go.....guess Akira did it again.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Mar 31, 2010 9:44 PM
Sep 2009
This movie makes things a whole lot more interesting, can't wail till Paradise Lost is subbed...
Apr 1, 2010 12:14 AM

Sep 2009
I really enjoyed this. It's best to not think of this movie as a stand-alone movie, because it's not. Things are set up well for the finale...I'm really excited but now I have to wait.
Apr 1, 2010 8:22 AM

Aug 2009
Uwaa.. Now, I'm so excited for Paradise Lost.
Apr 1, 2010 2:13 PM

Mar 2008
Fantastic, can't wait for Paradise Lost :D
Apr 1, 2010 7:36 PM

May 2008
This Movie was interesting...
Nice way to set it up for the second Movie.
Apr 1, 2010 11:09 PM

Jul 2008
francismeunier said:
I forgot that Saki looks splendid with that dress.

I agree. She was so adorable!
Apr 2, 2010 1:16 PM

Jun 2009
Anticipated more, but i guess this it prepares for the second movie which isn't that bad. Had some funny moments. NO6 was definietly retarded. No1 seems to be the bad guy now but obviously the awesome Takizawa will prevail!
Ending was good;D
Apr 2, 2010 5:06 PM

Feb 2009
The only thing I learn from that movie was the location of Juiz. One lesson learn when you are smuggling something do it on unmarked truck!
Apr 2, 2010 6:06 PM

Feb 2009
Absolutely loved it, made me remember why I enjoyed watching the series in the first place. The pacing was slow at first but built up well for the ending.

Now to sit here and wait for the next movie. :l
Apr 2, 2010 9:35 PM

Oct 2007
It was okay. Not much happened to progress the story, but it was still enjoyable to watch. Can't wait for the second movie. Going to be a long wait though :*(

Help me get Bioware bazaar points.. trying to win a desktop.. thanks for everyone that clicks on the link! Currently at 7930 tokens! Click daily plz!
Apr 3, 2010 1:52 AM

Jul 2009
Pretty good imo in building plot. I hope in next movie they conclude this series well.
Apr 3, 2010 6:09 AM

Nov 2007
Well certainly not amazing like the series itself but definitely continues the story well enough and still made for an enjoyable watch. I'm looking forward to the conclusion in the last movie.
Apr 3, 2010 9:22 AM

Nov 2008
I watched this a while ago but forgot to comment. For some reason, that square shadow on all of the characters noses in the exact same spot bothered me a lot for some reason.
Apr 3, 2010 5:52 PM

Dec 2009
I'll join the disappointed side.

I think the slow pace really killed it, unlike the anime in which everything seemed so fresh and new at the time.

The only things of interest to me are:
- #5 still being alive
- #10 faking his death, and coming back to take revenge on... #1?
- Who is #12
- How is #2 going to win the game
and any other Selecao mysteries.

Otherwise, I couldn't care much for a lot of the characters, except maybe King Takizawa, and the NEET with Ikkaku's voice.
Apr 4, 2010 8:10 AM

Feb 2009
This is hard to judge since it's a continuation of the anime and it paves the way for the second movie which should be much better.
Apr 4, 2010 10:38 PM

Apr 2008
loved it, loved it, LOVED IT. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. It set everything up for what's gonna happen in the second movie. The pacing was nice for the most part, other than the fact that it seemed to take a bit to get things off the ground. Curious about some of the other Selecao charas who are unidentified.....

also, did anyone else get a huge kick outa Juiz's attitude toward the movie guy (#6 I think)?? It's obvious that Juiz hates that guy! XD
Apr 5, 2010 9:49 PM
May 2008
Decent movie, like others have said, this was a nice set-up for the next movie. My only real complaint is how little progression was made, some details were revealed... but those don't have much impact with what information we currently have.
Dead Account
Please Delete
Apr 6, 2010 4:59 AM

Nov 2007
i found it incredibly slow paced x.x it pissed me off not to mention the almost 3 gig dl x,x DAMN YOU DB!

I signed my screen and now its all smeary "When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone."

check out my blog

fix MAL already
Apr 7, 2010 11:03 AM
May 2009
Well thanks to this episode, I understand a lot more about Juiz. She's just a system that responds to each cell phone, but she I think they have a separate system for each phone. That's why then the cars blew up, the people's phones stopped working. At first I thought it was just one system, but since she views each Selecao differently, it had to be different, and the whole truck scene at the end made me realize that.

It was good in terms of story, yea nothing happened, but they do need to get on with the story.
Apr 7, 2010 7:24 PM
Sep 2007
Why is there a picture of Juiz on the character list?
Since when was her identity revealed?
Apr 8, 2010 12:08 AM

Jan 2009
gotoKu- said:
Why is there a picture of Juiz on the character list?
Since when was her identity revealed?
Somewhere in the end of the TV series, Takizawa sent a bottle of champagne to No.1 and whoever was with him, and that bottle was delivered by the one in the picture named Juiz. I'm pretty sure Takizawa also said something about Juiz delivering it as well, don't remember why anymore though : p
(Maybe I should watch the series again?)
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 8, 2010 1:00 AM

Oct 2009
gotoKu- said:
Why is there a picture of Juiz on the character list?
Since when was her identity revealed?
At the end like Oosran said when she brought the champagne bottle.....Mr.Outside...has rumors he was the cab driver at the end.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 8, 2010 4:36 PM

Aug 2008
Tomodachi said:
i found it incredibly slow paced x.x it pissed me off not to mention the almost 3 gig dl x,x DAMN YOU DB!

THIS! Thanks to that I can't work out if I was dissapointed because it was a relatively poor movie or because it kep bloody lagging

Bleh, I don't have the enthusiasm to watch Paradise Lost now. If anything I want the whole thing to come out on dvd and watch the entire thing from start to finish but I know if I wait I'll hit spoilers
The Cart Driver <-- My awesome anime blog
Apr 10, 2010 11:40 PM

Oct 2008
Cliffhanger. Can't wait for the new movie. :3

And the ED is pretty nice.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Apr 11, 2010 2:36 PM

Jan 2010
I'm guessing that the second movie will finish up everything they didn't do in this movie.
Apr 11, 2010 4:33 PM

Oct 2009
mixed feelings . . . I liked the characters but it wasn't nearly as epic as the series :/ Just filler before the final movie . . . Can't wait to see how it's going to resolve the mystery!!

The ED was cool though and question . . . did number 2 make an appearance? and was the supporter revealed? or did I miss something??
Apr 11, 2010 4:36 PM
Apr 2010
I felt it was ok, just it seemed that great moments would come but they did not. Still, I loved scene at the Amusement Park, that was beautiful. It was not a bad movie, but I expected more. I will hope the best for the next movie.
Apr 11, 2010 11:01 PM

Jun 2009
The subtle reference to Catcher in the Rye in the merry-go-around scene did it for me. Very intelligent.

I haven't seen the anime series since I finished it last year so the 6-month time passage between this movie and the last TV episode was something I could really relate to. It felt very nostalgic to see all the characters again.

In the end, I'm glad that The King of Eden retained the charm and cleverness of the TV series. I can only expect good things from Paradise Lost.
Apr 15, 2010 3:02 PM

Aug 2008
I'm really confused about the people who say this movie didn't do anything for the plot development. This movie completely presented what happened to Akira at the end of the tv show, created a conflict with his past being totally erased, showed what happened to Eden and the creators becoming what they were complaining about as NEETs, Introduced two more Selecao, and amped up the stakes at the end with Mononobe attacking the new, roving Juiz. There was nothing stagnant about this movie at all.

What I did notice, though was a fluid pace that didn't feel nearly as hectic as the show did. I remember lots of people (including myself) complaining about how fast things went, and how quickly the show would resolve the conflict. So, now that that issue is resolved by changing the medium to film, people are calling it 'boring.' I call it balanced storytelling.

By no means am I calling it perfect though, because it does suffer a little from having to set up a few things, while lacking development from Saki and Akira; but to see it get 5s or lower is crazy to me.

8/10 for me.
Apr 15, 2010 4:58 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
I'm really confused about the people who say this movie didn't do anything for the plot development. This movie completely presented what happened to Akira at the end of the tv show, created a conflict with his past being totally erased, showed what happened to Eden and the creators becoming what they were complaining about as NEETs, Introduced two more Selecao, and amped up the stakes at the end with Mononobe attacking the new, roving Juiz. There was nothing stagnant about this movie at all.

What I did notice, though was a fluid pace that didn't feel nearly as hectic as the show did. I remember lots of people (including myself) complaining about how fast things went, and how quickly the show would resolve the conflict. So, now that that issue is resolved by changing the medium to film, people are calling it 'boring.' I call it balanced storytelling.

By no means am I calling it perfect though, because it does suffer a little from having to set up a few things, while lacking development from Saki and Akira; but to see it get 5s or lower is crazy to me.

8/10 for me.

That's because people are retards now a days lol. The fast pacing in the series was much welcomed in my opinion. It's one of the few series where fast pacing felt right. The movie lacked it big time which left a less dramatic and more "when is this gonna pick up" taste in my mouth and I think that's why people are pissed off. They're confusing plot development with slowness. I personalty liked it and expect the pace to pick up in the second movie now that members are starting to target each other more openly.
Apr 15, 2010 6:45 PM

Aug 2009
I completely agree with noteDhero and DeathfireD. This movie was more like 'planting seeds' for the next sequel, and it did it pretty much damn well. What I really didn't like was being the title 'eden of the east', it didn't really had noticeable development or engagement on that program itself. Now, it is pretty obvious that Eden of the east site is doing pretty much everything, and I liked it.

8/10 for me, too. Pace was slow and content was lacking, but still managed to be enjoyable for me.
Apr 19, 2010 10:16 AM

Dec 2007
Even if it wasn't all that exciting of a movie, it did what it had to do: advance the plot.
Apr 22, 2010 9:07 PM
Nov 2007
I call it balanced storytelling.

What are you talking about? This movie was anything but balanced. At least in my opinion.

This movie was fine, not great, in terms of plot progression. Take into regard how enjoyable it was, and this movie is merely mediocre. It was demanding to watch.

I'm giving it a 6/10. I would've given it a 5, but I'm biased since I enjoyed the TV series.
Apr 22, 2010 9:10 PM
Apr 22, 2010 9:24 PM
Nov 2007
noteDhero said:
How wasn't it balanced?

From this page alone:

"because it does suffer a little from having to set up a few things, while lacking development from Saki and Akira"

"Even if it wasn't all that exciting of a movie, it did what it had to do: advance the plot."

"What I really didn't like was being the title 'eden of the east', it didn't really had noticeable development or engagement on that program itself"

"The movie lacked it big time which left a less dramatic and more "when is this gonna pick up" taste in my mouth and I think that's why people are pissed off. They're confusing plot development with slowness."

So how about you tell me how it was balanced? lol.

That's because people are retards now a days lol.

It's one thing to be a troll, but it's another thing to be ignorant of your own epistemological views. If you enjoyed the movie, then that's fine, but don't call other people retards for saying this movie was mediocre or below... unless they were trolling, lol.
radiantfireApr 22, 2010 9:28 PM
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