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Dec 1, 2014 5:58 PM

Dec 2011
The episode focused on their love for Andou. Next up, the pool episode!
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Dec 1, 2014 6:06 PM

Jul 2007
I don't even know anymore. This anime is so weird. It started with cool superpower, it became a SOL/comedy, all heroines got their mini-arc and then last episodes we got a decent "Story". I really never believe that we are gonna get explanations behind their powers and that their powers will be remotely useful for anything besides messing around (although I guess with powers as strong as theirs you can't call it "messing around").

That being said, what Sagami did was actually pretty interesting. He kept calling himself a "reader". And this is an adaption from a LN (duh). Well yeah. I don't know what I'm trying to say besides it feels suspicious. Like the story being forced into the "cliche" or say "obvious" route and ugh all the readers are cheering for best girl that never wins cause fuck it that's why. But the way their dialogue went it really feels like they are gonna aim for that which cannot be done. Meh I don't know. Worst part of it all is that we have no idea about Andou feelings. Well I guess we know he has Hatoko in the depths of friendzone and I really doubt she can crawl down there. Which really only leaves Tomoyo and Sayumi. It would be a pleasant suprise if the OBVIOUS pairing didn't happen and we had a Sayumi X andou ending.

Personally I prefer Hatoko but yeah sure. I ALWAYS cheer for the wrong pairing :X
Dec 1, 2014 6:18 PM

May 2009
novalysis said:
As much as I ship Andou with Tomoyo, I find the recent development with Sayumi very interesting.

What development?
Dec 1, 2014 7:00 PM
Jul 2009
Baah, whats with the new Dark n Dark?
And go Hatoko!
Dec 1, 2014 7:15 PM

Oct 2013
(Chant her name with me people!!)

Actually, there's a simple solution to this problem
Step 1: Be a Muslim
Step 2: Marry them all (even the Loli)
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!!
Toaki90Dec 1, 2014 7:45 PM
"Burn the heretics"
Dec 1, 2014 7:24 PM

Aug 2014
Whoa, suddenly... drama! Okay, it was a little funny how the whole episode was dedicated to the girls and their feelings, but it wasn't bad.

I can't believe they keep teasing us about Dark and Dark. It's been 9 episodes, how much longer until we know what it does? They didn't even explain what happened to Andou last time.

On the other hand... Chifuyu. Little Chifu, the cutest loli i have ever seen, one which only certain two other bundles of cuteness from Black Bullet can rival. ''Am i going to die from the illness?'', aaaaawwww. Tone down Chifu's cuteness, please... it's getting unbearable.


I still hope Mirei will win, she's undoubtedly the best girl.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Dec 1, 2014 7:32 PM

Aug 2012
Has the show been pulling the wool over our eyes this whole time? Everything regarding the girls seemed somewhat standard albeit fresh and nicely conveyed, but I feel like we've been lulled into believing these standard concepts in the writing structure for a reason. Too self aware. Very suspicious. Sagami confirmed for major player in story.
Maledict said:
I still hope Mirei will win, she's undoubtedly the best girl.
I like everything the show has done with Tomoyo and her dynamic with Andou, but I still can't help but agree with this. Especially now that Sagami has presented this new intriguing concept of choosing the least likely girl ;)

Toaki90 said:

Actually, there's a simple solution to this problem
Step 1: Be a Muslim
Step 2: Marry them all (even the Loli)
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!!

AlexTheRiotDec 1, 2014 7:36 PM
Dec 1, 2014 7:34 PM

May 2011
Cookie-chan, you were right the first time. Chifuyu does have arrhythmia. It's just a special allergic arrhythmia triggered by Andou. xD

In all seriousness though, Hatoko is stealing the show lately. Wow.
A Humble Pawn of the Hakuou Gakuin Seitokaichou, Hinagiku Katsura!
Dec 1, 2014 7:38 PM

Jun 2014
I would express my love for this show by squealing... but that would be very unlike me. SO. I'm just going to PRAY that this show gets a second season, and they don't rush an ending on it...
Theres a LOT of drama and back story building, to end it in just 3 episodes would be a MASSIVE waste...
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Dec 1, 2014 7:46 PM

Aug 2010

Sayumi the darkhorse winning via some sort of unseen method is an interesting possibility. I think it was cool of the anime to acknowledge she is a long shot and to also put her on equal footing via some sort of devious? plan.

Hotoko: Got to love her blunt honesty, none of that in denial crap. I find it refreshing for any heroine, but doubly so for a childhood friend who is usually stuck with the role of doing nothing. I think it should be rewarded even if her personality loses her "cute" points.

Tomoyo: She has the understanding Andou's chuuni thing going for her and apparently is a key figure in his past. She's a good tsundere and I do like her, but I don't want to see another generic ending where some girl effortlessly wins, especially when the rivals are actually facing their feelings, throwing down challenges, or even possibly taking backhanded measures to win.
Dec 1, 2014 7:50 PM

Oct 2012
[spoiler]just boosted Dark & Dark(of the end or something?) in action that intensifies the girls' feelings for him
Also, i used to ship Mirei/Tomoyo but Hatoko FTW![/spoilers]
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Dec 1, 2014 8:13 PM

May 2014
All I have to say is,

Dec 1, 2014 8:36 PM

Jun 2014
bastek66 said:

That bastard is us, the watchers.

Well shit.
Dec 1, 2014 9:26 PM

Jun 2013
The harem is real and the concept of them having powers is nearly nonexistent but a means to get them together...

I even bet that the romance won't even be resolved. Tons of other harem romance anime sadly ends like this.
Dec 1, 2014 9:47 PM

Aug 2013
Ohhhh, Hatoko pressing the game. Dis will b gud
At least, everyone confirmed their feelings, even Tomoyo in her tsundere ways. Gotta keep the tsundere status.

Sagami speaking the truth about glasses. Well, except in Kyoukai no Kanata, where MC is a glasses fetishist. And probably tons of other anime. Okay, he was wrong about that, but it's true that she had 0 chance with her glasses. Now, her chance rose up to .0001% :)

Chifuyu was adorable :3
Poor her, she's gonna get heartbroken, at such an innocent age...

But in all seriousness, let's not hide ourself and try denying it, there is like 95% chance that Tomoyo win [g]in the LN[/g]. She is the main of main girls, she always have the spot light on her. And I'm okay with that :P
But I feel your pain guys. I am on the losing side 90% of the time.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Dec 1, 2014 10:07 PM

Oct 2011
Everyone loves Andou!!!

Pool next week

What about Hajime and his group. Fairy War !!!??
Dec 1, 2014 10:15 PM

Apr 2012
they all love Andou, this is will be complicated.

next is pool episode with chifuyu

Dec 1, 2014 10:51 PM

Mar 2013
That Tomoyo and Hatoko conversation was intense.
Dec 1, 2014 11:36 PM

Aug 2013
Wooooahhhoahhh hoooly shit. The fuckin gauntlet was thrown down this episode.

Clear confession of feelings from Chifuyu and Hatoko. Somehwat clear confession from Sayumi (not sure why she let that guy throw the glasses out though, Andou liked those). No clear confession from Tomoyo though.

...lets not forget Mirei either lol.

Chifuyu too cute this episode. She's so damn innocent and honest it's great.

I don't trust that guy that Sayumi was talking to. At all. He is a sketchy fuck that shows up at the weirdest times. Like Guy from Chaika.

Idk if this will stay harem till the end or not, but I'm tied between Sayumi and Hatoko for best ship. Mirei obviously isn't going to happen anymore. I think Chifuyu is best character in the show, but too young to ship. Tomoyo is my least favorite by FAR.

For me personally, I follow the oppai so my pick would almost have to be Sayumi. But if Hatoko got picked I wouldn't be mad. Second biggest oppai too so...

Pool episode next week. Thank you for the upcoming fanservice.
Dec 2, 2014 12:20 AM

Dec 2010
So Tomoyo served as Andou's trigger. I would quite like to see a flash back at some point, just to see her being chuuni as well.

Lolis in love are always the best things, and Chifuyu is approaching that level. In fact he managed to up his harem level with every girl in this episode.

But his friend's reason for wanting to help Sayumi seems rather odd. Maybe he likes one of the other girls?

When will they explain the rest of his power? It was apparently a big deal...
Dec 2, 2014 12:24 AM

Feb 2012
Chifuyu was OMG so adorable when she was talking with Cookie about her so called "illness".

Everyone loves Andou, but who does Andou love? PLEASE LET IT BE HATOKO!! ...or Mirei! LOL!

And where the hell is Mirei? I'm starting to miss her loads! And NO, a pop-up photo of her will not suffice!
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Dec 2, 2014 2:01 AM
Mar 2013

That is too much...
Dec 2, 2014 2:10 AM

May 2013
Andou getting all the love. Chifuyu feels love! Haha! Sagami wants Sayumi to be the main heroin? Seems interesting. I hope he does something unexpected about that. Hatoko just confessed to Tomoyo that she loves Andou. Tomoyo should have done the same so that they'll have to compete. It all leads to Andou's decision on who to pick.
Dec 2, 2014 3:43 AM

Aug 2014
Wow, I didn't expect Chifuyu to fall for Andou.
I ship Hatoko X Andou

Sagami crossed the line..... to the girl's bathroom. I keep forgetting that Sagami is that kind of character, and I kinda like that kind of character.

I think I understand why they all like Andou. Not everyone likes a Chuunibyou, but everyone likes a wise and smart Chuunibyou xD
Dec 2, 2014 9:51 AM

Sep 2013
I hate that cocky little blond guy, Kiryuu Heldkaiser Lucy First better come and show him who's a real man :)
Dec 2, 2014 9:57 AM

Aug 2014
Y'all naive if you think he's actually gonna get together with someone. I'm willing to bet this will be one of the thousands adaptations that aggravatingly end without this aspect being concluded. Not only that, but the LN seems to be ongoing as well, and since it's an unwritten rule to milk for as long as possible, i highly doubt anything like that will be happening.

Unless i'm completely wrong and this is like SAO.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Dec 2, 2014 12:27 PM

Apr 2013
novalysis said:

That' s a very interesting idea. TBH deep down I still think that Tomoyo has the highest chance to be "the chosen one". I don't have any arguments to valid my point, it's just a feeling, but your idea of Sayumi being the n°1 is very appealing. However that Sagami dude is suspicious, who knows how her romance could end...

And I still want more Mirei.
Dec 2, 2014 1:01 PM

Jul 2012
thank god for this episode
redeemed the show after last week's trash
Dec 2, 2014 1:19 PM

May 2009
By the way, at the beginning of episode Andou mentioned that girl with silver hair and sunglasses that helped stay chuuni.

Next week in flashback, probably.
Dec 2, 2014 1:26 PM
Dec 2012
I didn't expect this great anime to become a typical harem shett... Dammit.
Suddenly Chifuyu and Sayumi add to his choice...I watched this anime bcoz I've seen that there's no harem in the genre, but now... wtf? Im sick of the harem thingy.
You're welcome to add the Harem genre tag to this anime! And expect a School Days ending!
Anyway, I hope Tomoyo wins this harem battle coz she's the one that most suitable for Andou.
Dec 2, 2014 3:23 PM

Mar 2014
"You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space: Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate...."

Hatoko's rooting for the "Patient childhood love interest" ending...
Tomoyo's rooting for the "First girl wins" ending (since she's the first person we met in ep 1)...
Mirei's rooting for the "Last girl wins" ending...
Sagami and Sayumi are rooting for a rare victory for the Harem Nanny...
Chifuyu's just hoping that Andou was telling the truth about being a lolicon...

Are all of the girls on their marks? Then let's get ready to rumble!

In all seriousness, though, I'm not expecting everything to get completely resolved in 3 more episodes, especially since the ongoing light novels open up the strong possibility of a second season. Hopefully, though, we will actually get that second season at some point, if I'm right and that is the decision that they make. The one thing I really don't want is for them end this show in mid-plot and never come back to finish it, like a cheap 90s OVA.
Dec 2, 2014 4:28 PM

Apr 2013

Uh oh. Battle lines are being drawn for Andou-kun's dick. And there is nothing subtle going on here. This is going to be full-out war with super powers added in for kicks. While everything points to Tomoyo winning, I'd love for Sayumi to get a solid crack at it. Whatever happens, my body is ready. Also, was that Miss Satomi who was the F member that escaped in that video?
Dec 2, 2014 6:14 PM
Jul 2012
So, we might be seeing a rare harem break? They'll probably fix it all up later though.

To be honest, there is a lot of characters given a lot of depth om the same category here. TBH, I'm not the best judge. I am kind of glad that were seeing some "cat-fighting." But I feel that F member is probably someone close to the Literature Club, And given how we've got that "friend" of Andou's taking action, I feel he or the School Council President is our F member. But, this friend could just be trying to get the Club President by going the classic "I help her, she will eventually like me" route common in animes.
Dec 2, 2014 9:26 PM

Jun 2010
it's either sayumi or hatoko. child hood friends have been taking major L's these past seasons. and onee-san types never even get a fair shot in romance plots.

I think this shows will be different from the generic "tsundere over everything" approach with the way that perv was talking.
he actually represents us (sayumi shippers).

all these dudes talking high and mighty bout "love" but let's keep it real. if i could make my ideal ships work I wouldn't think twice.
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for the Touma X Misaki ship to sail even though NT 11 crushed my soul.
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Dec 2, 2014 11:20 PM

Jan 2011
bastek66 said:
By the way, at the beginning of episode Andou mentioned that girl with silver hair and sunglasses that helped stay chuuni.

Next week in flashback, probably.
I imagined the silver hair as an afro for some reason.
Dec 3, 2014 1:44 AM

Mar 2013
Love is in the air :)

so what happend with Andou powers and Kiryuu?
Dec 3, 2014 1:50 AM

Oct 2010
Now this is becoming more of a Harem, hmm wanna see a flashback on how did he stay being a chuuni.
Dec 3, 2014 2:57 AM

Mar 2012
Ooooh, Hatoko has basically laid out her hand to Tomoyo. Now to see how she responds... :O

Normally, I don't like everyone falling for the main, but I don't actually feel perturbed about this case (though never the loli route for me -- it always feels wrong for me).

I was initially confused about everyone's serious reactions after Andou made that joke about his power. After checking the end of the previous episode, I'm indeed curious as well about what exactly happened. O.o

Andou has actually above average grades! Just behind Hatoko a bit while Tomoyo seriously lags behind. xD
Dec 3, 2014 3:06 AM

Jul 2012
Sagami pissed me off, stay away from Sayumi!!
Dec 3, 2014 4:05 AM

Jul 2012
All the girls are getting serious about their love for Andou I wonder who will win in the end, if it is not already obvious?

Sagami has broken bro code law! He went behind his bro's back and is forcing a relationship with said bro, horrible.
Dec 3, 2014 4:07 AM

Feb 2013
God damn Hatoko Kushikawa's VA nails it every time she gets a chunk of dialogue.
Dec 3, 2014 4:20 AM
Dec 2012
Rooting for Andou x Tomoyo
Dec 3, 2014 6:23 AM

Sep 2014
That counterclockwise 180 degree rotation around the room from Hatoko to Tomoyo when the former was talking about her love for Andou was well done.
The BGM during that scene was pretty good.

LOL when I saw the trash can [b]conveniently[/b] placed beside Sagami when he was talking with Sayumi I instantly knew that he was gonna throw the latter's glasses in there.
I don't consider myself a good judge.

trying not to be an obnoxious otaku
Dec 3, 2014 6:27 AM

Sep 2014
ReaperCreeper said:
bastek66 said:
By the way, at the beginning of episode Andou mentioned that girl with silver hair and sunglasses that helped stay chuuni.

Next week in flashback, probably.
I imagined the silver hair as an afro for some reason.

I imagined the silver hair as a [i]male[/i] Victorian era style wig for some reason.

Bastek leaving out the spoiler tags on the spoilers is as usual.
I don't consider myself a good judge.

trying not to be an obnoxious otaku
Dec 3, 2014 6:53 AM

Sep 2014
Stark700 said:

Ranks 1 and 2 does not surprise me. It's the result of reading so many books for literature.

Rank 2 reads so many books for sure, yes, but I don't recall anything about rank 1 reading [i]at all[/i]; Andou likely reads a shit ton more than Kudou based off of the information given (by the anime) so far.

Stark700 said:
Also, fucking Sagami. He's crossed the line this time.

Well no shit he crossed the line this time - waaait no he crossed [i]multiple lines[/i].
How dare he, as a reader, try to craft, like a writer, his own stories to enjoy. He even said that it violates his policy as a reader.
How dare he discuss meta
How dare he enter the girls bathroom with a [i]non-perverted[/i] agenda.
How dare he seldomly appear in this anime, bringing [i]meaningful[/i] discussions with every appearance
I don't consider myself a good judge.

trying not to be an obnoxious otaku
Dec 3, 2014 4:19 PM

Jun 2013
This anime is so perfect! :)
Dec 3, 2014 6:51 PM

Jan 2013
Harem tag confirmed.
I have legitimately been waiting for the romance to happen because until now it was all just hinted lol
Dec 3, 2014 8:33 PM
May 2011
Hatako has sealed her own fate... the only way that a character can ever find love in damned near any anime is through endurance... and Hatako just tripped a majore red flag that will put her back another 5 feet... She is basically Kotonoha (school Days) or the childhood friend from Shuffle or EF... they always lose in the long run to the girl that levels with the character the most because they are solely thinking about theirselves and how THEY feel about the Main... not how he sees everybody else... Tomoyo does more of that ... but even so i can't imagine Studio Trigger with their troll asses giving me a set relationship... Tomoyo has the best chance of winning... and if not her then it will be no one....
Dec 4, 2014 5:48 AM

Nov 2011
I would not say as discounted episode, but is still proving very messy narrative.
Still not clear to me what they want to do with the plot.
Narration indecipherable and nice at times, the best part is the comparison between Hatoko and Tomoyo.
Quality of the drawings down, much better animations.
Dec 4, 2014 12:23 PM

Nov 2013
I guess the battle begins now right? haha~ I`m rooting for Hatoko,since she`s the one i personally like the most~ >///<

Tbh,i really didn`t want this episode to end now. I wanted it to continue,i don`t want to wait a whole week for the next episode! This rarely happens to me,so i guess that means that i really like this anime heehee~

Anyways,next week...the battlefield will get fired up! >o</ :)))
This is where I`d put my signature...If i had one.
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