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Dec 24, 2015 4:28 AM

Apr 2009
Horrible show. The first half is good but it went downhill after that.
Hataraku Mao-sama is way better than this one.

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Feb 9, 2016 7:38 PM

Sep 2013
This is one of the worst action harems I've seen. Keina is stupid, Hattori's sister is stupid, the brave subplot is stupid, the plot conveniences are stupid, the explanations are stupid, the characters' principles and motives are stupid and the whole plot is stupid. This really could have been a great series but they failed to deliver in almost every aspect. I thought the main protagonist being an anti-hero demon king was cool, albeit unoriginal, other than that I didn't find any other else interesting.

It seems the light novel ended years after the anime ended so I can only assume that the ending was anime original.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Apr 12, 2016 2:08 PM

Dec 2015
Xynic said:
This is one of the worst action harems I've seen. Keina is stupid, Hattori's sister is stupid, the brave subplot is stupid, the plot conveniences are stupid, the explanations are stupid, the characters' principles and motives are stupid and the whole plot is stupid. This really could have been a great series but they failed to deliver in almost every aspect. I thought the main protagonist being an anti-hero demon king was cool, albeit unoriginal, other than that I didn't find any other else interesting.

It seems the light novel ended years after the anime ended so I can only assume that the ending was anime original.

I had read manga, so compared to it this was worse. Too much focus on unimportant events and side characters, even inventing some new plot for no reason at all. I think second half was barely touching some similarities but at the end there was just a confusion for me. This have harem tag, yet there is too little development for any of the girls here, why do they like that guy anyway? I think I would have hard time to finish this anime without previous experience with manga. It was kinda pointless, manga end was much preferable than this.
Apr 16, 2016 8:49 PM
Oct 2014
I have to admit, despite how much I disliked the show, I did like the resolution. Aside from the confusing battle sequences and everyone switching loyalties until you don't know who's on who's side or why, at least it came up with a creative way for the MC to fulfill his role as Demon Lord while still remaining a good guy.

After all, what could be more demonic than killing God? And if God is actually a machine oppressing mankind, then by killing him/it and liberating the world, that demonic act becomes a heroic act.
May 10, 2016 2:26 AM

Oct 2013
Eh, 6/10.
Was rushed af.
Also, Why didn't they marry?
Would've given 7/10 if they married.

(Why did you kill Peterhausen, thr best character in this anime?)
Jun 19, 2016 8:04 PM

Jul 2013
Hmm also if the last episode felt really rushed I liked it.

Poor Peterhausen I will miss him :(
But everything made so much more sense, after watching this episode.

Sad they we couldn't see much of the true power of Akuto, besides that gigantic explosion at the end.

The ending was cute between Junko and Akuto. She blushed so much when her sister was telling Akuto about that Junko loves him and was angry that he rejected the application to marry her. I hope they will end up in the manga <3

Seems like everyones memeries got erased, besides all the main characters.

Overall it was a lot of fun to watch and I enjoyed it. So I will give Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou a

7/10 :)

Jul 10, 2016 12:31 AM

Jan 2014
After Akuto became the demon king it really went downhill for me.
Which sucks because I honestly enjoyed the start of it.
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.”
Sep 11, 2016 8:05 PM

Sep 2014
Such a sack of dogshit, always start these dumb shows so I can relax before an exam and I always regret it later.
Oct 3, 2016 7:11 PM

May 2010
Ah, finish re-watching this series for no particular reason.
Mar 23, 2017 5:57 PM
Feb 2017
I think it was really good, yet the ending was terrible, they should have had an assertive ending, this isn't really a harem as sai only has a real relationship with Junko, plus memory loss endings are the worst.
May 6, 2017 3:51 PM

Feb 2014
Liked the first half more, more enjoyable.
The second half they went for the 'daydream' route and it got confusing and messed up.
In the end, he didn't even assertively considered to love one (or more) of the girls. No news coming from a harem anime. That's why Masou Gakuen banzai!

For a harem and ecchi, a fine anime. 6/10
Jul 25, 2017 7:03 PM
Jul 2017
to be honest it wasn't too bad but near the end it was soo rushed and I got confused on wtf was happening because it was all happening too fast , it would of been much better if they had more episodes so it would of been dragged out instead of rushed :D 4/5
Sep 27, 2017 7:13 AM

Sep 2012
here u see manga near end few pages from final chapter

Sugram22Sep 27, 2017 7:44 AM
Jan 30, 2019 10:07 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
That anime was like a rollercoaster to me. It started interesting, I especially liked the first 3 episodes, then it suddenly became a mess I wanted to drop, followed by somewhat interesting events which led into a horribly rushed ending. I wanted to flip my desk because of that.

I absolutely hated the harem/ecchi part of this anime since it absolutely made no sense. You can argue that ecchi doesn't really make sense in most cases, but in some other shows, it kinda... fits.
The story itself had so much potential but they failed in most aspects. Before you know what was happening, stuff was already over and it was almost impossible to get the intentions of any character. I had so many questions, and the ending pissed me off.

Still, I rated it a 5 due to some interesting parts and because of the main character. He didn't feel like your typical harem guy and was such a badass. His Demon King scenes were the best part of this anime, imho.

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Feb 23, 2019 5:03 PM

Jan 2016
Started off well but what da fuck happened after the first 5 eps? This has to be one of the most rushed Animes I've seen.

The yuusha was annoying and never had a set character but kept changing between being the hero and admiring Akuto.

I don't critique fanservice anymore but the fanservice in this was senseless on a new level, not even DxD has reached this level of stupidenss.

4/10 because I liked the ost and the girls
Apr 1, 2019 12:29 PM
Sep 2018
Man, you can't win for trying, can you?

Just when it looks like the slight tweak and reset dealt with everything...
Some things can't get rewritten?
Once a Demon King, always a Demon King, I guess.
Although, who's God now?
Is there someone for him to oppose in the first place?

As for Peterhausen...
A part of him is still there, yes?
Wonder how long until it starts to regenerate.

Love the reaction when the Student Council member finally speaks normally.
May 13, 2019 10:11 PM
Dec 2018
The only episode that I truly enjoyed
May 14, 2019 3:28 PM

Sep 2008
Things that could have helped this anime.

Less plot.
Less harem requirement.

Pick one to remove and suddenly the anime might have had a fighting chance at not being a dumpster fire.
Jun 7, 2019 12:09 AM
Apr 2013
This was the biggest bullshit I've ever seen. The demonking fights with his dragon "Peterhausen" against god, who is a big computer inside of a flying tree. So he flies to the inside of that tree and his dragon shoots cables out of his body and... I don't even know what to say about this.

Worst anime since Shakugan no Shana III

Jul 25, 2019 7:37 PM

Jan 2013
after holding this one off after seeing the first episode for so many years, i hate that this is one of THOSE shows that starts decent but jumps the shark towards the last few episodes.
for me it was heading towards an 8 before that last stretch and whatever tf is that episode in the middle when the follower turned into Brave. 7/10 because i actually enjoyed a good portion of it and its comedy
Mar 20, 2020 8:17 AM

Apr 2018
Great colors, great waifu, fine/ok story so 7/10 for me even if the last 3 episodes were a bit bad compared to the others
May 28, 2020 1:40 PM
Mar 2018
Well, that was a mess. This show was of the mediocre side of things. All has been done or said before somewhere else. The harem was quite decent and the kuudere was bestgirl as always. Production quality was quite good for the time, so overall 7/10
Dec 15, 2020 9:37 PM
Nov 2015
Well... the ending disappoint me (Sai identity as Maou revealed again, so Peterhausen's sacrifice is at vain...)
Girl that going commando is best girl~

overall my score is 7/10, can be lower if not for Keena, I actually enjoyed episode 1-6 (before Brave appears):
Ep 1: Sai being Maou thus hated is interesting
Ep 2: Korone is so funny!
Ep 3: Rice solve world problems, sasuga Keena!
Ep 4: Story advancing but balanced out with fanservice and funny thing
Ep 5: Eiko bathing with Sai is so hot!
Ep 6: Funny sea cucumber and drunk Keena with her cute faces!
I love ecchi-romance-comedy manga!
Feb 5, 2021 12:24 AM
Jul 2010
God this was such a good anime!
May 23, 2021 11:16 AM
Aug 2020
can someone please explain the ending i did not understand anything. like why did he have to get married why were they after he girl with red hair. why were they trying to fight. what is this memory nonsense i lost track of everything after episode 7
Aug 8, 2021 12:59 PM

Jan 2008
I have never watched a set of episodes that made less sense than These... every conversation for the last three Episodes was plain nonsensical. XD
This show was horrible... 3/10, just for the Animation.

Sep 28, 2021 9:34 AM
Apr 2018
10:30 "The demon king is an existence that should unite with the identity and become the father of the new world."

11:23 "I did promise that I'll protect this girl."


It's an open ending, but if I had to ship the main character with someone, I will go with AKUTO x KEENA. Btw, they remind me of ISSEI x RIAS (my most precious couple).
Oct 5, 2021 11:44 AM

Aug 2017
Well, the anime was better than I expected, I'm still confused by the ending but it wasn't a big deal. It's ok. 6/10 for the anime.
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jun 7, 2022 2:23 AM

May 2019
My final verdict


- Fantastic animation and fight scenes
- Likeable characters and a very decent harem
- Fun setting
- Great art style


- Horrible pacing (insanely rushed)
- The story made no sense anymore the second half
- The last 3 episodes where very bad
- A shite ending

Overall I had fun, 6/10
Sep 11, 2022 7:01 PM
Sep 2022
e antigo e faz parte da infancia de qm começou a assistir animes antigamente um classico echi nem muito pesado nem leve e muito harem
Oct 7, 2022 10:05 PM
Nov 2010
They needed at least 24-48 eps for the number of characters and story they were trying to tell. It could've been a very good show. Nonetheless I still liked it. I had plenty of laughs during the first half of the season and all the characters were likeable. 7/10
Aug 30, 2023 8:50 AM
May 2023
woah this thread is very old
Sep 25, 2023 3:46 AM
Sep 2023
Brilliant 🌀 Masterpiece! 🔥
Oct 26, 2023 7:00 PM
Oct 2023
needs a season 2 and i hope the keep the same art style too

May 18, 2024 12:27 PM
Mar 2022
hui hui hui hui hui akuto op
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