Chained Soldier
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Jan 5, 2024 12:39 PM
Reply to DedPanda
You know....having read the manga and actively keeping up with it compared to what I just saw in anime form....felt like two different atmospheres. I'm just here to see the "content" animated. Tenka getting the focus in the ED has me wondering just how far they plan to go with this. Also...funny how just like with Akame Ga Kill, they straight up supersize the boobs in the anime XD
@DedPanda Yeah, I did feel Tenka being the focus of the ED being a little strange. Why isn't it Kyouka? Tenka doesn't really feel right with the collar and all. I know Tenka is popular, but still felt off to me (especially when she hasn't even been introduced yet). |
Jan 5, 2024 3:35 PM
Bad CGI, mediocre plot, looks like another harem anime. |
Jan 5, 2024 3:42 PM
Wow that was terrible…. You know subjectively, if you enjoy it great. |
Jan 5, 2024 3:56 PM
As if it matters-I know I'm just some guy one the internet, but this animation studio has lost my respect. I was really looking forward to this show. I'm loving the manga, and was hyped to see the adaptation on screen. This looks terrible though. I'm certain this will only last one season. There's no way it measures up to the manga's quality. This sucks because the story is quite good, and delivers way passed the fan service. The manga actually turned out to be an interesting plot with good action. Disappointed that the anime isn't going to measure up to those fight scenes from the pages. TLDR: This material deserved better than this 3D-rendered dumpster fire. |
Jan 5, 2024 4:38 PM
Jan 5, 2024 4:48 PM
This was deceptively, painfully mid. Another isekai, with a really ugly and dumb protag, and a bunch of paint-by-numbers waifus... there's the lazy one, the bossy one, the cute one; each with corresponding hair colors. At least it does some setup by showing his life before he gets isekaid into a It has these really terrible monsters that attack and eat people..... yawn..... and chick finds him and tells him his duty is to be her slave. But on the other hand, there are things about it that seem decent. It has surprisingly good production values. It looks sharp, at least all the female characters look great (the mc looks like a goof) the OP is way too good of a song to open for a show like this, and the ED has really good animation, music, and there's even a preview screen at the end. The thing is, the characters are all archetypes, and just looking good might not be enough to bring me backfor 12 weeks of this. If I want good looking characters, production values and music I can surely find them attached to a better anime. |
SuperAdventureJan 5, 2024 4:55 PM
Jan 5, 2024 6:03 PM
Bro really became a professional simp and threw his future with any woman away over 2 kisses CGI looks bad too, at least it’s better looking than average though |
SamtoJan 5, 2024 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2024 6:32 PM
bruh...I'm not sure how to feel about! Makima wasn't femdom enough for y'all?!? |
Jan 5, 2024 9:57 PM
How's episode 1 different from the uncensored version? Besides the obvious "it is uncensored", what is uncensored? |
Jan 5, 2024 10:29 PM
ok so this was good but the thing is that those demon things looked to me like hollows from bleach like the smaller version of menos grande......well overall experience was pretty good and i had like to follow his story....and i will give it a 4 was good should gie it a try |
Jan 5, 2024 10:51 PM
Ladies and gentlemen. I gave you.... the power of slavery! |
Jan 5, 2024 11:12 PM
Luigi11Ism said: Episode 1 was not what i expected. Author is planning to showcase how he can make every dude simp for at least one of the girls. Can we talk about the ending and that certified waifu? WHO IS SHE? WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING?? HOLY FUCK. Just wait for Tenka, you won't be disappointed. |
Jan 5, 2024 11:48 PM
"All men are beta simps who lost against onlyfans copium which gives only power to woman" the anime. My thoughts as anime only first: its a type borderline misandry story that attracts submissive men readers and wouldn't be working if it wasn't for "power to only females" and "automatic ecchi reward" for the fan service. (Just a kiss is conveniently low for killing a lot of monster and saving 3 lives btw haha you already see the problem if you are smart) I can already see the dynamic that he's gonna keep being treated like trash but somehow save girls in every clutch times and be coveted by every girl around while falling into countless ecchi situations. But hey I know its fictionnal and you gotta turn off some parts of your brain regarding the story and fan service while enjoying the action and relationships. Now my thoughts as manga reader (minor spoilers ahead, just the gist of the story): So I wasn't sure I would continue to watch it as I'm watching many series (18) per season and have to make a choice so I went and binged quickly until chapter 84 ish yestderday so its very fresh in my mind. Then had to stop. My verdict is that its not as good and engaging as people are make it up to be nor not as hype as ppl think it is and the ecchi scenes are just whatever. its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being "peak". I had no idea about it and since I'm a fan of Akame ga kill, Esdeath is my favorite female manga character ever so before ep 1 I was expecting something great from the author like good characters, an interesting plot, problematic enemies, good fights, lots of threats to society, characters overcoming difficulties and going through hardship, lot of deaths around the mc etc mixed with femdom actions towards the mc but after ep1 and going to read the manga this is legit the dynamic that I predicted which is "Men and the mc are treated like trash (for 5sec) but somehow he save girls in every clutch times and/or he's coveted by every single one-note girl around while falling into countless ecchi/soft lewd situations that benefits him." Do not expect any powerful story/ thought provoking story, character development, touchy subjects, etc no. This is a pure ecchi harem manga with some action which goal is to give the mc a lewd reward.. But there's no sex just some ecchi/erotica and its not even remotely degenerate like a redo of healer and even Gushing Over Magical Girls is a bit more degenerate, but redo of healer was interesting by combining that into an interesting revenge plot, a nice rpg world/concept and cruel world/characters which kept me going. The manga setup is a misandry story, VERY FIRST page (and until chapter 2) is "in 2020 gender equality no more, women govern, only women have powers, they have all the priviledges and have everything going for them". And its strongly straightforward with women with or without power being simply better, smarter, any possible thing and far more powerful in every single aspect and more powerful in every single aspect. The women are almighty and have no flaws or no hardship to overcome since they are all strong. In fact the anime went original and added a little girl to save, but there's none of that in the manga the MC is teleported alone and such even will never ever occur. You'll only see his ugly friends appearing once more for one line and after that you'll never ever see another man or citizen just twice for like 10sec. He's gonna be the absolute only man around surrounded by beauties. Its a bit like World's End Harem but the world, society & threats are secondary. I wished they would expand on how the world works with women being at the top, the conflicts, the development of how women can handle themselves as a society and relationships between them as women but it does not go as deep as that and there's absolutely no depth to the powers as well. Here while every other male is beta/trash or doesn't exist 90% of the time (even the mc's "hero aspirations" barely exist) everything is basically done for the sole purpose of this "treated like a slave but lucky" guy getting conveniently into situations which give him cute ecchi rewards or moments with every single women and I mean litteraly every women appearing in the show whoever they are friend or foe that he's gonna encounter and things always revolve around him... and thats it, there's no carrot or nothing more to the story than this "carrot of little lewd moments". Tbh aside of giving him chores for a few time at the start of the series all the girls are acting like menacing, strong & dominant toward him for like 10sec but when around the mc their personality instantly change to being shy, embarassed and powerless: the truth is they are more slaves to the mc than the mc is a slave to them. EVERYONE is instantly interested by him and wants him "just because", all the girls are one-note like user superadventure said above. They are just one type personality, have one power and that's it no backstory or motivation whatsoever (except discount esdeath and the sister but its barely important) their interaction with the mc is either ending up in an ecchi situation coming from nowhere or doing lewds to his body as a reward. The basis cycle of the story goes like this : Girl meet MC + girl shows one note personality + girl shows instant interest in him "just because" or end in ecchi situation in front of him + girl fight or interaction with him + girl loses personality and she lewds his body automatically submissively + repeat step 1 Ah and sorry for beta guys but there's no bdsm or femdom toward the MC, you got lied to and misled. Every reward is basically them becoming auto-submissive to him and lewding his body like a typical harem. Absolutely none of the girl will hurt him, physically dominate him or put him in a submissive position other than mounting him in monster form to transform him so he can get his reward. He's the luckiest plot armor generic harem mc ever that is NEVER treated as slave or humiliated during lewd moments, the girls are the ones being humiliated as everything profit to him in a good way. Even the mc's "hero aspirations" barely exist or matters, hes bland and got no development nothing about him gets remotely better he's just here to collect his lewd moments for the fan service and give compliments here and there, him not talking at all would be the same. The perfect description for him is that he's just a tool story/fan service-wise and I legit forgot his name while writing this. While girls are a succession of (of course) cute or hot girls with no personality other than being tools to give him lewds situations. The manga keeps introducing countless new boobies for a lewd with the mc so there's no time for any chara development, its like a countless gacha of hot girls without backstory or development. So I decided I will stop watching (and reading). If you want cute but simple ecchi action story its nice, if you are expecting more to the story or to have even good humor or really interesting action or overcoming difficulties or character development you will be extremely disappointed and mistaken. (Tho I managed to like and root for Shushu a bit lol). And also they NEVER NEVER NEVER "tackle for real the gender inequality topic, gender roles etc nor dig into these themes in an interesting and complex way." I expect smart people who expected more or something similar to Akame ga kill to realize they have been lied to around episode 4 I guess. Please do not expect anything Akame like other than the fights, plzz forget the deaths and dark tone etc. every threat/monster is fodder & useless unless its a hot girl who's gonna ALWAYS join his harem in any possible way even defeat still maake a girl/enemy join the harem. Tho people who are just here for the erotica scenes and a generic ecchi harem will be satisfied. People expecting femdom toward the mc or bdsm etc will get nothing. He gets stepped on only once at the beginning by the main girl and nothing more, then he gets sit on twice with one time very quick by Shuushu at the beginning as well and the other time muuuuch later being a quick dream but it doesn't remotely feel sexual as it is to activate his power) These are legit the only moments the "hero" is gonna get femdomized. Its not very bad tho, its just mid at best but not worth my time, I'm glad I decided to read ahead quickly to make my decision. I expect most of you to comeback to my post and quote me saying "Fuck, he warned us". |
Kyrrua_Jan 6, 2024 1:54 AM
Jan 6, 2024 12:07 AM
I wonder what kind of rewards he'll be getting next xD |
Jan 6, 2024 12:15 AM
Reply to Pezguy97
Luigi11Ism said:
Episode 1 was not what i expected. Author is planning to showcase how he can make every dude simp for at least one of the girls.
Can we talk about the ending and that certified waifu? WHO IS SHE? WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING?? HOLY FUCK.
Episode 1 was not what i expected. Author is planning to showcase how he can make every dude simp for at least one of the girls.
Can we talk about the ending and that certified waifu? WHO IS SHE? WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING?? HOLY FUCK.
Just wait for Tenka, you won't be disappointed.
@Pezguy97 She's top of the popularity vote only because she's the only one who got a real date(the first one with discount esdeath doesn't count) with the mc and the first body lewd scene tbh. Aside of that she's utterly one-note and like I describe 99% of the girls in the show: She sees mc and instantly is interested with him/falls in love with him, she lewds him and then for the whole story she's just around to be useful with her power and covet him dreaming she'll marry him. Only girl with a tiny bit of development so far is Shushu (giant girl). |
Kyrrua_Jan 6, 2024 12:25 AM
Jan 6, 2024 12:18 AM
Thought maybe the uncensored has something to offer but it literally the same as the censored version... For an ecchi anime, maybe it isn't ecchi as it I thought it would. I felt mix vibes: Akame ga Kill + High School DxD = Mato Slave? |
Fuwa_sanJan 6, 2024 12:25 AM
MALoween✟Mansion (2024) Candy Basket 🎃: |
Jan 6, 2024 12:42 AM
Fuwa_san said: Thought maybe the uncensored has something to offer but it literally the same as the censored version... For an ecchi anime, maybe it isn't ecchi as it I thought it would. I felt mix vibes: Akame ga Kill + High School DxD = Mato Slave? If it follows the manga, and what you want is more ecchi, just give it another episode. |
Jan 6, 2024 4:50 AM
It was alright. This is just a typical action+ecchi series. I have seen stuffs like this many times. I would actually enjoy it more if there is a comedy element like the "Gushing over magical girls" show aired this season. |
Jan 6, 2024 7:01 AM
That was one hell of a first kiss, she almost sucked his soul out lmao. It reminds me a bit of Gleipnir. |
Jan 6, 2024 7:49 AM
Not sure how to feel about it yet. I like the artstyle though. Also, my dumb ass can't figure out what the difference(s) are between the censored and uncensored version. Would someone please enlighten me? lol |
Jan 6, 2024 8:25 AM
Good start as well for this series & good episode I want to say only this for this episode "It should have been me not him". |
Jan 6, 2024 9:24 AM
damn, many delicious armpit we've got here. Last year we've got Temple then 100-nin no Kanojo. and starting this year this anime as the ecchi crown. can't wait next episode |
Jan 6, 2024 9:43 AM
This is pretty interesting if it's in the Ecchi and Harem category haha. So in this world of Japan, girls have special powers while guys don't, and some of the girls work to fight off demons that appear in a sud-dimension, pretty cool!! Yuuki and Kyouka seem to already be a great combi, people who wish to get stronger in order to reach a high goal is something admirable! Kyouka's slave ability to give them a reward for their work sure was something, even if it's just automatic I wonder if this'll spark something between these two hahaha |
Jan 6, 2024 10:21 AM
Reply to karrotStick
@dazedcowcow62 not sure but with what I gather from source readers it's comparable to high school DxD or maybe even beyond.
@karrotStick If they're gonna make it look like the manga... it will be like To Love Ru kind of lewd, the Darkness seasons where they went really extreme |
Jan 6, 2024 10:56 AM
Hamon- said: Not sure how to feel about it yet. I like the artstyle though. Also, my dumb ass can't figure out what the difference(s) are between the censored and uncensored version. Would someone please enlighten me? lol If you've just watched the first episode, then I don't think there is a difference. |
Jan 6, 2024 1:45 PM
well what did i just watch lmao. but this anime seems really funny and entertaining. i am curious to see where the story will go. |
Jan 6, 2024 3:02 PM
Sooooo.....MC is good at cleaning, sewing and houskeeping....oh...and he looses wrestling matches, with girls. Oh yeah....aaaand his superpower is getting enslaved by a hot female lead. *Sigh* I mean....can't you just loose the extra steps and just go watch some sissy p*rn, at this point? xD Ecchi is so in your face and pandering, these days. It's creepy. |
Jan 6, 2024 7:17 PM
I can't believe this incel wish fulfillment series is sooooo popular. it isn't even good as an ecchi series |
Cross Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste) |
Jan 6, 2024 8:53 PM
I have a great feeling that this anime is going to be real lewd and I'm also going to be real horny a little bit in the process. |
Jan 6, 2024 11:58 PM
@Merve2Love @GangsterCat (and everyone else tbh) The truth of this series (as a manga reader) will have no femdom acts or the MC being dominated, its more like all the girls have to automatically do good lewd things to him and get humiliated from it. He pretty much dominates them all to lewd him through the power of the reward. They NEVER treat him badly or humiliate him. Its built on the fact that the MC is the only lucky man in the world who's sexually forcing every existing hot girl he encounters to give him pleasure while the society is femdom and men are trash. Do you see my point ? Its the trope of "every men is treated like trash except me who get all the girls for me, and I've become the prize" Even his enemies if they are hot girl fall for him and give him sexual favors, even if he kills them they become his "caring girlfriend" in the spirit world inside of him. I cannot wait until this first season finishes and every beta man/incel who were hoping for femdom sex and putting their hope in this series will launch countless threads about this series crying that they've been lied to and weren't allowed to fap to their beta kinks :D I can bet with you 10 000 dollars right now with no hesitation thats what it is, because.... it simply truly is that. |
Kyrrua_Jan 7, 2024 12:28 AM
Jan 7, 2024 12:44 AM
Wow this is just like Akame ga kill I WONDER WHY ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |
Jan 7, 2024 3:30 AM
It was good ad I understand there is gonna be more ecchi in next episodes I just hope its not gonna ruin the action moments and fights. Other than that the girls characters seems basic but still good and I love their designs but I dont know why I really hate the design of the MC maybe its he’s hair but I just cant he looks bad. But other than that solid action and interesting story for now |
Jan 7, 2024 6:38 AM
I have so many questions.... starting with real life men being "useless", that "slave ability" and ... "reward" part... I understand that Japan culture is different from European, but still so many questions.... about whoever wrote this and why wrote like this.... |
Jan 7, 2024 7:16 AM
This is an absolute abomination, calling this an "animation" is a travesty. I've seen fan made hentai games done by a single person that had better quality than this. Horrible 2D with out of proportion characters? Yup Horrible 3D with generic models and appalling animation? Yup Just for a good measure they have also added 2D scenes made with 3D cell-shaded models (or at least that's what this looks like). If anyone is familiar with Koikatu games - that's the quality level of the models if not worse at times. The choice of VAs is also questionable, to me personally it's almost entirely missed. My wholehearted recommendation is to skip this anime entirely and just re-read the manga... |
Jan 7, 2024 10:28 AM
Well the CGI of the main character is some of the worst looking CGI I have ever seen. I don't really expect it to get better, so I hope theres just not a lot of combat lol. |
Jan 7, 2024 3:52 PM
Jan 7, 2024 7:41 PM
A fun and sexy first episode! I started reading the manga around a year or so ago but didn't get very far, so I knew the basic premise and characters. The animation had some good moments, and I appreciate the stylistic approach they're going with the CG which helps make it look like less of an eye sore. They added variable thickness in the lines and that pencil/sketchy look to shadows making the models look more 2D. That kiss was something else though. I think it may have been censored in the middle there, but it was sexy regardless. Can't wait to see more of this one. |
Jan 8, 2024 12:09 AM
A world where men are nothing but peasants and women are overpowered since birth. Uh, okay... Wait, the reward is too lewd... 😳 Another weird series in action. |
CrazyButNot4UJan 8, 2024 12:19 AM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it, is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service. |
Jan 8, 2024 5:50 AM
Jan 8, 2024 2:16 PM
Reply to Kyrrua_
"All men are beta simps who lost against onlyfans copium which gives only power to woman" the anime.
My thoughts as anime only first: its a type borderline misandry story that attracts submissive men readers and wouldn't be working if it wasn't for "power to only females" and "automatic ecchi reward" for the fan service. (Just a kiss is conveniently low for killing a lot of monster and saving 3 lives btw haha you already see the problem if you are smart) I can already see the dynamic that he's gonna keep being treated like trash but somehow save girls in every clutch times and be coveted by every girl around while falling into countless ecchi situations. But hey I know its fictionnal and you gotta turn off some parts of your brain regarding the story and fan service while enjoying the action and relationships.
Now my thoughts as manga reader (minor spoilers ahead, just the gist of the story):
So I wasn't sure I would continue to watch it as I'm watching many series (18) per season and have to make a choice so I went and binged quickly until chapter 84 ish yestderday so its very fresh in my mind. Then had to stop.
My verdict is that its not as good and engaging as people are make it up to be nor not as hype as ppl think it is and the ecchi scenes are just whatever. its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being "peak".
I had no idea about it and since I'm a fan of Akame ga kill, Esdeath is my favorite female manga character ever so before ep 1 I was expecting something great from the author like good characters, an interesting plot, problematic enemies, good fights, lots of threats to society, characters overcoming difficulties and going through hardship, lot of deaths around the mc etc mixed with femdom actions towards the mc but after ep1 and going to read the manga this is legit the dynamic that I predicted which is "Men and the mc are treated like trash (for 5sec) but somehow he save girls in every clutch times and/or he's coveted by every single one-note girl around while falling into countless ecchi/soft lewd situations that benefits him."
Do not expect any powerful story/ thought provoking story, character development, touchy subjects, etc no. This is a pure ecchi harem manga with some action which goal is to give the mc a lewd reward..
But there's no sex just some ecchi/erotica and its not even remotely degenerate like a redo of healer and even Gushing Over Magical Girls is a bit more degenerate, but redo of healer was interesting by combining that into an interesting revenge plot, a nice rpg world/concept and cruel world/characters which kept me going.
The manga setup is a misandry story, VERY FIRST page (and until chapter 2) is "in 2020 gender equality no more, women govern, only women have powers, they have all the priviledges and have everything going for them".
And its strongly straightforward with women with or without power being simply better, smarter, any possible thing and far more powerful in every single aspect and more powerful in every single aspect. The women are almighty and have no flaws or no hardship to overcome since they are all strong.
In fact the anime went original and added a little girl to save, but there's none of that in the manga the MC is teleported alone and such even will never ever occur. You'll only see his ugly friends appearing once more for one line and after that you'll never ever see another man or citizen just twice for like 10sec. He's gonna be the absolute only man around surrounded by beauties.
Its a bit like World's End Harem but the world, society & threats are secondary.
I wished they would expand on how the world works with women being at the top, the conflicts, the development of how women can handle themselves as a society and relationships between them as women but it does not go as deep as that and there's absolutely no depth to the powers as well.
Here while every other male is beta/trash or doesn't exist 90% of the time (even the mc's "hero aspirations" barely exist) everything is basically done for the sole purpose of this "treated like a slave but lucky" guy getting conveniently into situations which give him cute ecchi rewards or moments with every single women and I mean litteraly every women appearing in the show whoever they are friend or foe that he's gonna encounter and things always revolve around him... and thats it, there's no carrot or nothing more to the story than this "carrot of little lewd moments".
Tbh aside of giving him chores for a few time at the start of the series all the girls are acting like menacing, strong & dominant toward him for like 10sec but when around the mc their personality instantly change to being shy, embarassed and powerless: the truth is they are more slaves to the mc than the mc is a slave to them. EVERYONE is instantly interested by him and wants him "just because", all the girls are one-note like user superadventure said above. They are just one type personality, have one power and that's it no backstory or motivation whatsoever (except discount esdeath and the sister but its barely important) their interaction with the mc is either ending up in an ecchi situation coming from nowhere or doing lewds to his body as a reward.
The basis cycle of the story goes like this : Girl meet MC + girl shows one note personality + girl shows instant interest in him "just because" or end in ecchi situation in front of him + girl fight or interaction with him + girl loses personality and she lewds his body automatically submissively + repeat step 1
Ah and sorry for beta guys but there's no bdsm or femdom toward the MC, you got lied to and misled.
Every reward is basically them becoming auto-submissive to him and lewding his body like a typical harem. Absolutely none of the girl will hurt him, physically dominate him or put him in a submissive position other than mounting him in monster form to transform him so he can get his reward.
He's the luckiest plot armor generic harem mc ever that is NEVER treated as slave or humiliated during lewd moments, the girls are the ones being humiliated as everything profit to him in a good way.
Even the mc's "hero aspirations" barely exist or matters, hes bland and got no development nothing about him gets remotely better he's just here to collect his lewd moments for the fan service and give compliments here and there, him not talking at all would be the same. The perfect description for him is that he's just a tool story/fan service-wise and I legit forgot his name while writing this.
While girls are a succession of (of course) cute or hot girls with no personality other than being tools to give him lewds situations. The manga keeps introducing countless new boobies for a lewd with the mc so there's no time for any chara development, its like a countless gacha of hot girls without backstory or development.
So I decided I will stop watching (and reading). If you want cute but simple ecchi action story its nice, if you are expecting more to the story or to have even good humor or really interesting action or overcoming difficulties or character development you will be extremely disappointed and mistaken. (Tho I managed to like and root for Shushu a bit lol).
And also they NEVER NEVER NEVER "tackle for real the gender inequality topic, gender roles etc nor dig into these themes in an interesting and complex way."
I expect smart people who expected more or something similar to Akame ga kill to realize they have been lied to around episode 4 I guess. Please do not expect anything Akame like other than the fights, plzz forget the deaths and dark tone etc. every threat/monster is fodder & useless unless its a hot girl who's gonna ALWAYS join his harem in any possible way even defeat still maake a girl/enemy join the harem. Tho people who are just here for the erotica scenes and a generic ecchi harem will be satisfied. People expecting femdom toward the mc or bdsm etc will get nothing.
He gets stepped on only once at the beginning by the main girl and nothing more, then he gets sit on twice with one time very quick by Shuushu at the beginning as well and the other time muuuuch later being a quick dream but it doesn't remotely feel sexual as it is to activate his power) These are legit the only moments the "hero" is gonna get femdomized.
Its not very bad tho, its just mid at best but not worth my time, I'm glad I decided to read ahead quickly to make my decision.
I expect most of you to comeback to my post and quote me saying "Fuck, he warned us".
My thoughts as anime only first: its a type borderline misandry story that attracts submissive men readers and wouldn't be working if it wasn't for "power to only females" and "automatic ecchi reward" for the fan service. (Just a kiss is conveniently low for killing a lot of monster and saving 3 lives btw haha you already see the problem if you are smart) I can already see the dynamic that he's gonna keep being treated like trash but somehow save girls in every clutch times and be coveted by every girl around while falling into countless ecchi situations. But hey I know its fictionnal and you gotta turn off some parts of your brain regarding the story and fan service while enjoying the action and relationships.
Now my thoughts as manga reader (minor spoilers ahead, just the gist of the story):
So I wasn't sure I would continue to watch it as I'm watching many series (18) per season and have to make a choice so I went and binged quickly until chapter 84 ish yestderday so its very fresh in my mind. Then had to stop.
My verdict is that its not as good and engaging as people are make it up to be nor not as hype as ppl think it is and the ecchi scenes are just whatever. its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being "peak".
I had no idea about it and since I'm a fan of Akame ga kill, Esdeath is my favorite female manga character ever so before ep 1 I was expecting something great from the author like good characters, an interesting plot, problematic enemies, good fights, lots of threats to society, characters overcoming difficulties and going through hardship, lot of deaths around the mc etc mixed with femdom actions towards the mc but after ep1 and going to read the manga this is legit the dynamic that I predicted which is "Men and the mc are treated like trash (for 5sec) but somehow he save girls in every clutch times and/or he's coveted by every single one-note girl around while falling into countless ecchi/soft lewd situations that benefits him."
Do not expect any powerful story/ thought provoking story, character development, touchy subjects, etc no. This is a pure ecchi harem manga with some action which goal is to give the mc a lewd reward..
But there's no sex just some ecchi/erotica and its not even remotely degenerate like a redo of healer and even Gushing Over Magical Girls is a bit more degenerate, but redo of healer was interesting by combining that into an interesting revenge plot, a nice rpg world/concept and cruel world/characters which kept me going.
The manga setup is a misandry story, VERY FIRST page (and until chapter 2) is "in 2020 gender equality no more, women govern, only women have powers, they have all the priviledges and have everything going for them".
And its strongly straightforward with women with or without power being simply better, smarter, any possible thing and far more powerful in every single aspect and more powerful in every single aspect. The women are almighty and have no flaws or no hardship to overcome since they are all strong.
In fact the anime went original and added a little girl to save, but there's none of that in the manga the MC is teleported alone and such even will never ever occur. You'll only see his ugly friends appearing once more for one line and after that you'll never ever see another man or citizen just twice for like 10sec. He's gonna be the absolute only man around surrounded by beauties.
Its a bit like World's End Harem but the world, society & threats are secondary.
I wished they would expand on how the world works with women being at the top, the conflicts, the development of how women can handle themselves as a society and relationships between them as women but it does not go as deep as that and there's absolutely no depth to the powers as well.
Here while every other male is beta/trash or doesn't exist 90% of the time (even the mc's "hero aspirations" barely exist) everything is basically done for the sole purpose of this "treated like a slave but lucky" guy getting conveniently into situations which give him cute ecchi rewards or moments with every single women and I mean litteraly every women appearing in the show whoever they are friend or foe that he's gonna encounter and things always revolve around him... and thats it, there's no carrot or nothing more to the story than this "carrot of little lewd moments".
Tbh aside of giving him chores for a few time at the start of the series all the girls are acting like menacing, strong & dominant toward him for like 10sec but when around the mc their personality instantly change to being shy, embarassed and powerless: the truth is they are more slaves to the mc than the mc is a slave to them. EVERYONE is instantly interested by him and wants him "just because", all the girls are one-note like user superadventure said above. They are just one type personality, have one power and that's it no backstory or motivation whatsoever (except discount esdeath and the sister but its barely important) their interaction with the mc is either ending up in an ecchi situation coming from nowhere or doing lewds to his body as a reward.
The basis cycle of the story goes like this : Girl meet MC + girl shows one note personality + girl shows instant interest in him "just because" or end in ecchi situation in front of him + girl fight or interaction with him + girl loses personality and she lewds his body automatically submissively + repeat step 1
Ah and sorry for beta guys but there's no bdsm or femdom toward the MC, you got lied to and misled.
Every reward is basically them becoming auto-submissive to him and lewding his body like a typical harem. Absolutely none of the girl will hurt him, physically dominate him or put him in a submissive position other than mounting him in monster form to transform him so he can get his reward.
He's the luckiest plot armor generic harem mc ever that is NEVER treated as slave or humiliated during lewd moments, the girls are the ones being humiliated as everything profit to him in a good way.
Even the mc's "hero aspirations" barely exist or matters, hes bland and got no development nothing about him gets remotely better he's just here to collect his lewd moments for the fan service and give compliments here and there, him not talking at all would be the same. The perfect description for him is that he's just a tool story/fan service-wise and I legit forgot his name while writing this.
While girls are a succession of (of course) cute or hot girls with no personality other than being tools to give him lewds situations. The manga keeps introducing countless new boobies for a lewd with the mc so there's no time for any chara development, its like a countless gacha of hot girls without backstory or development.
So I decided I will stop watching (and reading). If you want cute but simple ecchi action story its nice, if you are expecting more to the story or to have even good humor or really interesting action or overcoming difficulties or character development you will be extremely disappointed and mistaken. (Tho I managed to like and root for Shushu a bit lol).
And also they NEVER NEVER NEVER "tackle for real the gender inequality topic, gender roles etc nor dig into these themes in an interesting and complex way."
I expect smart people who expected more or something similar to Akame ga kill to realize they have been lied to around episode 4 I guess. Please do not expect anything Akame like other than the fights, plzz forget the deaths and dark tone etc. every threat/monster is fodder & useless unless its a hot girl who's gonna ALWAYS join his harem in any possible way even defeat still maake a girl/enemy join the harem. Tho people who are just here for the erotica scenes and a generic ecchi harem will be satisfied. People expecting femdom toward the mc or bdsm etc will get nothing.
He gets stepped on only once at the beginning by the main girl and nothing more, then he gets sit on twice with one time very quick by Shuushu at the beginning as well and the other time muuuuch later being a quick dream but it doesn't remotely feel sexual as it is to activate his power) These are legit the only moments the "hero" is gonna get femdomized.
Its not very bad tho, its just mid at best but not worth my time, I'm glad I decided to read ahead quickly to make my decision.
I expect most of you to comeback to my post and quote me saying "Fuck, he warned us".
@Kyrrua_ God damn!! Thanks for saving me 2x half an hour in the next two weeks until the 3ep rule would surely kick in. |
Jan 8, 2024 5:03 PM
I guess we need to wait until next week to really see if the plot is really good with this one. See you next week. |
Jan 8, 2024 7:59 PM
Jan 8, 2024 9:51 PM
Loser male lead becomes the caretaker of a Ryokan exclusively for women? This is Love Hina all over again but with monsters and slave fetish. |
Jan 8, 2024 9:55 PM
Jan 8, 2024 10:29 PM
I didn't realize this came from the writer of Akame Ga Kill. This was a good 1st episode, I love all the characters in it so far. It seems interesting and fun. I love Kyouka's design, Yuuki is a likeable main character too. I can't wait for more. |
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