Vinland Saga
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Sep 4, 2019 4:47 AM
Kamiyan3991 said: ChainxBastard said: I'm not sure what formula you are expecting. Probably something more akin to the dramatic flair of a more kid/teen-friendly show. Not having to watch this edgy kid would be enough. Srsly, I thought that his character might be interesting, but he f* refuse to turn off his emo-mode. ChainxBastard said: I am absolutely certain that if a show like Berserk 97' were to be aired today people would complain that "nothing was happening" and not understand that it's the journey that matters more than the destination (hence the word Saga in the title). Oh, rly? I watched old Berserk like 2 years ago and it was very good. You're lookin' for excuses, but Saga is just MEH so far. And I really hate your usual "it gets better". Berserk was good right from the start. ChainxBastard said: It's the quiet moments, like Thorfinn with a pained and twisted expression saying "What's so enjoyable about battle?" Or Askeladd telling that naieve kid how "Everyone is a slave to something," and the slave girl telling Thorfinn that "They were in the same position," etc, etc. So deep. I feel like I'm drowning Actually that "position" part was quite stupid, since she didn't even know him lol. What a mind-reader! ChainxBastard said: The fact that you couldn't pick up on these details, or that they hold very little weight to you, means that this show just may not be for you. Yeah, I definitely couldn't pick up on random talks you hear everywhere. You got me good, dear sir. ChainxBastard said: There is nothing mediocre about this show. The "average" anime does not possess the same level of depth that this one does. Not even close. Everything about this was mehdiocre so far. Especially eps 1-3 vel Resident Sleeper. Btw, you folks keep talking about "depth" of this show, yet all I can see right now is: *random talking *cheap slavery dilemma; *cheap brute force fights (looks more like shounen); *edgy, annoying MC. Quite far from "deep", I'd say. Still not a bad show though. Only overhyped/overrated. If you thought the first 3 episodes and think the where boring and think the slavery might as well drop it they are closer to the tone of the series after the rest of the prologue especially the Farmland arc . The series will remain having the over the top battles( when it has battles it has least in general after the proglue) because it's based on the Norse Sagas( hence the title) those where full of characters doing unrealistic feats. Thorfinn being a dumb edgy boy in the prologue has a purpose.He's not ment to be a likeable character in it, he's a dumb teen making huge mistakes and failed to understand what his father tried to teach him( as ends up getting pointed out by serval characters) but said mistakes and his desire atone are the motivations that drive him after he grows post proglue and him being said dumb edgy kid at this point makes sense since the age of six he has know nothing but war and violence, grew up around people he hates and manipulated by them into doing things he hates for 10 years now. As for rather or not the series is deep,the themes and messages of it are not new or revolutionary ,that war and violence is bad and ruins the lives of the people that commit it and the innocents that get caught in the crossfire and about trying to resist and escape said cycle of violence in a world that is glorifying it but it executes it very well. |
Lawren222Sep 4, 2019 5:35 AM
Sep 4, 2019 5:34 AM
Lawren222 said: Thorfinn being a dumb edgy boy in the prologue has a purpose.He's not ment to be a likeable character in it, he's a dumb teen making huge mistakes and failed to understand what his father tried to teach him( as ends up getting pointed out by serval characters) but said mistakes and his desire atone are the motivations that drive him after he grows post proglue and him being said dumb edgy kid at this point makes sense since the age of six he has know nothing but war and violence, grew up around people he hates and manipulated by them into doing things he hates for 10 years now. I know it has purpose. All I'm saying it's not fun to watch. It kinda reminds me of loud shounens (more annoying MCs). That stuff in the background (mostly politics) is fine. I actually watch it only for that. I couldn't care less about the main cast (Thorfinn, Askeladd's group). |
Sep 4, 2019 6:24 AM
Kamiyan3991 said: Not having to watch this edgy kid would be enough. Srsly, I thought that his character might be interesting, but he f* refuse to turn off his emo-mode. You say that while you rated "Shounen Firefighter" an 8. There is no world where that anime is better than this one. Except maybe in the mind of a troll. Kamiyan3991 said: Oh, rly? I watched old Berserk like 2 years ago and it was very good. You're lookin' for excuses, but Saga is just MEH so far. And I really hate your usual "it gets better". Berserk was good right from the start. It gets better but it's already good. Both are not mutually exclusive. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, but it's obvious that this is either a preference issue, or you're a troll. Kamiyan3991 said: So deep. I feel like I'm drowning Actually that "position" part was quite stupid, since she didn't even know him lol. What a mind-reader! Literally deeper than anything said on Shounen Firefighter. And yet you gave that an 8 and Vinland Saga a 7. Enough said really. Very, very hard to take you seriously right now. I've watched Enen no Shouboutai and I really wanted to like it but I dropped it after 4 episodes. I can't believe it was made by the same creator as Soul Eater. At least Soul Eater was entertaining thanks to Black Star. "Shounen Firefighter" has literally no redeeming qualities. Also she wasn't a "mind reader", she guessed that he must have been a slave (a similar position as him) since he was alone on the boat in the cold. Kamiyan3991 said: Yeah, I definitely couldn't pick up on random talks you hear everywhere. You got me good, dear sir. "You hear everywhere" Like in Shounen Firefighter? Lmao you're funny, I give you that. And you're more entertaining than that anime has been and probably ever will be. Over 40k people have rated it below an 8, and you, 7 episodes in, rated it an 8 but gave Vinland Saga a 7..... You're the one that's just downright wrong. Kamiyan3991 said: Everything about this was mehdiocre so far. Especially eps 1-3 vel Resident Sleeper. Btw, you folks keep talking about "depth" of this show, yet all I can see right now is: *random talking *cheap slavery dilemma; *cheap brute force fights (looks more like shounen); *edgy, annoying MC. Quite far from "deep", I'd say. Still not a bad show though. Only overhyped/overrated. You don't know what deep means. You gave Enen no Shouboutai a 8. There is literally no one here in this thread that would ever rate that anime over this one, except for a troll like you. And if you're not a troll then you're a jackass. Or uneducated. Or both. |
Sep 4, 2019 6:34 AM
Kamiyan3991 said: Its not ment to be fun to watch but Thorfinn will moved more to the background of the prologue after Caunte is more properly introduced, of Askeladd's group the only really important character there is Askeladd himself and you will likely find him more interesting once more of his character is explored( there is a lot more to him then meets the eye which has subtly being hinted at but will be shown off much more later). Hes the most important character of the prologue overall followed by Caunte,then Thorkell and then Thorfinn. Thorfinn is the MC of the series as a whole but the narrative dosent truly become driven by him till Farmland ( the second arc) which is when he develops into a likeable character. It's funny though in the prologue people complain about Thorfinn being an edgy brat but post proglue people whine about how they miss edgy " badass " Thorfinn he can never get a break.Lawren222 said: Thorfinn being a dumb edgy boy in the prologue has a purpose.He's not ment to be a likeable character in it, he's a dumb teen making huge mistakes and failed to understand what his father tried to teach him( as ends up getting pointed out by serval characters) but said mistakes and his desire atone are the motivations that drive him after he grows post proglue and him being said dumb edgy kid at this point makes sense since the age of six he has know nothing but war and violence, grew up around people he hates and manipulated by them into doing things he hates for 10 years now. I know it has purpose. All I'm saying it's not fun to watch. It kinda reminds me of loud shounens (more annoying MCs). That stuff in the background (mostly politics) is fine. I actually watch it only for that. I couldn't care less about the main cast (Thorfinn, Askeladd's group). |
Lawren222Sep 4, 2019 7:10 AM
Sep 4, 2019 11:36 AM
This statement seemed weird to me at first, but then I remember watching Dororo. During some stretches, I started dreading watching each subsequent episode; it was painful to see the kind of suffering going on episode after episode. But I consider it a worthwhile watch because it left an impact. Not saying I think the level of suffering/misery/sadness in Vinland is the same as Dodoro's, just that the above statement isn't so ridiculous. |
Sep 4, 2019 11:53 AM
najumobi said: I ment just Thorfinn's bratty and edgy behavior not the series as a whole( thought there are definitely parts of it I wouldn't call "fun" thought but it's not on the level of Dororo or the end of the Golden Age arc in Berserk or most of Now and Then,Here and There for examples). The readers/ viewers are definitely not suppose to see Thorfinn as a likeable character in the prologue but are ment to sympathize with and understand his situation as well as hope he sees reason eventually and better himself. That was what I ment not that the series as a whole was not fun to watch or suppose to be.This statement seemed weird to me at first, but then I remember watching Dororo. During some stretches, I started dreading watching each subsequent episode; it was painful to see the kind of suffering going on episode after episode. But I consider it a worthwhile watch because it left an impact. Not saying I think the level of suffering/misery/sadness in Vinland is the same as Dodoro's, just that the above statement isn't so ridiculous. |
Lawren222Sep 4, 2019 12:00 PM
Sep 4, 2019 2:40 PM
Marrone said: Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Its really a stretch to say the dialogue is outstanding. They barely even talk. This aint Monogatari.Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Lol its not a documentary and indeed season 3 is where it peaked. I wouldnt recommend it after the next generation takes over.Comander-07 said: Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? Lol Vikings goes downhill after season 3 and doesn't represent their culture accurately. Everyone in that tv series wears leather clothes or jackets when leather was not commonly used in that period. Also other inaccuracies historically. Vinland Saga is only unrealistic in the action scenes but does everything else better. Thorfinn has the best character development in manga second to Musashi from Vagabond I'm fully caught up with the manga. Cool I guess it gets better later then, like I expected. When does he learn to speak if we consider the current pace? yvanedisco said: Sorry to disappint you, but it legitely was shounen for some time. Comander-07 said: Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. This ain't shounen in the first place. Lawren222 said: Thorfinn actually out grows his edgy phase but it wont happen in this prologue arc. There is a reason why he has to go through this phase thought its nessacry for his overall character arc. The rest of this arc is som going to focus more on Askeladd and Canute's characters and explore them more in depth with edgy Thorfinn taking a backseat it might get more interesting for you then. Considering this is a double cour are we likely to see a more mature version of Thorfinn? Zehennagel said: Sadly it feels like a seasonal so far. Nothing is really outstanding. Except for the setting, which doesnt really benefit from being an anime so far.Comander-07 said: the "switch" hasn't happened already, I can spoil it for you but I won't. you'll know when it does. it's about chapter 55. but this guy meant something else by "switch".Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? anyway, the protagonist does stay the same until what will probably be season 2/ middle of season 2 (taking for granted it also lasts 25 episodes). then he changes, and in a very interesting fashion. (btw I said 10 volumes but it's at about volume 5 that it happens). also, this is not just some "sesonal anime", please. although I agree that the standards are lower while it is airing, this aint some little seasonal. Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Lol its not a documentary and indeed season 3 is where it peaked. I wouldnt recommend it after the next generation takes over.Comander-07 said: Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? Lol Vikings goes downhill after season 3 and doesn't represent their culture accurately. Everyone in that tv series wears leather clothes or jackets when leather was not commonly used in that period. Also other inaccuracies historically. Vinland Saga is only unrealistic in the action scenes but does everything else better. Thorfinn has the best character development in manga second to Musashi from Vagabond I'm fully caught up with the manga. Cool I guess it gets better later then, like I expected. When does he learn to speak if we consider the current pace? yvanedisco said: Sorry to disappint you, but it legitely was shounen for some time. Comander-07 said: Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. This ain't shounen in the first place. Lawren222 said: Thorfinn actually out grows his edgy phase but it wont happen in this prologue arc. There is a reason why he has to go through this phase thought its nessacry for his overall character arc. The rest of this arc is som going to focus more on Askeladd and Canute's characters and explore them more in depth with edgy Thorfinn taking a backseat it might get more interesting for you then. Considering this is a double cour are we likely to see a more mature version of Thorfinn? Zehennagel said: Sadly it feels like a seasonal so far. Nothing is really outstanding. Except for the setting, which doesnt really benefit from being an anime so far.Comander-07 said: the "switch" hasn't happened already, I can spoil it for you but I won't. you'll know when it does. it's about chapter 55. but this guy meant something else by "switch".Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? anyway, the protagonist does stay the same until what will probably be season 2/ middle of season 2 (taking for granted it also lasts 25 episodes). then he changes, and in a very interesting fashion. (btw I said 10 volumes but it's at about volume 5 that it happens). also, this is not just some "sesonal anime", please. although I agree that the standards are lower while it is airing, this aint some little seasonal. You will get the bigger picture starting next episode. Thorfinn does not really influence the story in the prologue arc more like he tags along with the rest. Askeladd, thorkell, canute etc are the main drivers of the story and bigger protagonists. So far 9 episodes in nearly 2 episodes were anime original so the manga is quicker at getting the story and other characters rolling. To say there is nothing outstanding is a stretch for me the dialogue (except thorfinn) is better than your average anime dialogue and production value is pretty good. Next episode onwards is when all this focus on askeladd thorfinn and thorkell will pay off. Unless they add some more anime original content and delay the main political intrigue. Nono the amount of dialogue isn't a marker of quality. I'm referring to the way they talk - anime dialogue tends to be cringey on many occasions with cheesy lines and characters feeling like robots rather than having a sense of two characters having a conversation when talking to each other. Monogatari doesn't set the standard for dialogue just because they talk a lot. It's good though. But lmao your "opinion" is officially worthless anyway since you think Monogotari dialogue is only good because they talk a lot. WTF how even. @Chainxbastard monogatari isnt the standard lmao. Its the standard for "outstanding". And this here is simply not. Necessary r/im14andthisisdeep The example you just gave is cringe and bad dialogue. Where did I say I only think monogatari dialogue is good because they talk a lot? You said there is barely any dialogue in vinland saga and pointed to monogatari which has a lot of dialogue as a measure of quality. So I told you that the amount of waffle someone talks doesnt matter but how they speak (how the dialogue is written). 'Everyone is a slave to something' is not cringe or bad dialogue but you have stuff like code geass and DBZ in your favourites so cant really take you seriously with the hypocrisy. Nice talking to you. I never said my favourites are about outstanding dialogue lol. And where did I say monogatari has outstanding dialogue because they talk a lot? I said Vinland saga doesnt has much dialogue and the few bits it has arent outstanding either. |
"This emotion is mine alone. It is for Madoka alone." - Homura or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. |
Sep 4, 2019 10:07 PM
Sep 5, 2019 6:16 AM
Damn, that Thorkell was over the top, OP. The guy didn't even flinch when he lost two fingers. |
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?” ― Lelouch Vi Britannia |
Sep 5, 2019 7:06 AM
nanashi796 said: Comander-07 said: lol monogatari dialogue oustanding,just the line everyone is a slave to something is better than all the dialogues in monogatari combined and it's not even the best dialogue in vinland saga.Marrone said: Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Its really a stretch to say the dialogue is outstanding. They barely even talk. This aint Monogatari.Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Lol its not a documentary and indeed season 3 is where it peaked. I wouldnt recommend it after the next generation takes over.Comander-07 said: Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? Lol Vikings goes downhill after season 3 and doesn't represent their culture accurately. Everyone in that tv series wears leather clothes or jackets when leather was not commonly used in that period. Also other inaccuracies historically. Vinland Saga is only unrealistic in the action scenes but does everything else better. Thorfinn has the best character development in manga second to Musashi from Vagabond I'm fully caught up with the manga. Cool I guess it gets better later then, like I expected. When does he learn to speak if we consider the current pace? yvanedisco said: Sorry to disappint you, but it legitely was shounen for some time. Comander-07 said: Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. This ain't shounen in the first place. Lawren222 said: Thorfinn actually out grows his edgy phase but it wont happen in this prologue arc. There is a reason why he has to go through this phase thought its nessacry for his overall character arc. The rest of this arc is som going to focus more on Askeladd and Canute's characters and explore them more in depth with edgy Thorfinn taking a backseat it might get more interesting for you then. Considering this is a double cour are we likely to see a more mature version of Thorfinn? Zehennagel said: Sadly it feels like a seasonal so far. Nothing is really outstanding. Except for the setting, which doesnt really benefit from being an anime so far.Comander-07 said: the "switch" hasn't happened already, I can spoil it for you but I won't. you'll know when it does. it's about chapter 55. but this guy meant something else by "switch".Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? anyway, the protagonist does stay the same until what will probably be season 2/ middle of season 2 (taking for granted it also lasts 25 episodes). then he changes, and in a very interesting fashion. (btw I said 10 volumes but it's at about volume 5 that it happens). also, this is not just some "sesonal anime", please. although I agree that the standards are lower while it is airing, this aint some little seasonal. Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Lol its not a documentary and indeed season 3 is where it peaked. I wouldnt recommend it after the next generation takes over.Comander-07 said: Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? Lol Vikings goes downhill after season 3 and doesn't represent their culture accurately. Everyone in that tv series wears leather clothes or jackets when leather was not commonly used in that period. Also other inaccuracies historically. Vinland Saga is only unrealistic in the action scenes but does everything else better. Thorfinn has the best character development in manga second to Musashi from Vagabond I'm fully caught up with the manga. Cool I guess it gets better later then, like I expected. When does he learn to speak if we consider the current pace? yvanedisco said: Sorry to disappint you, but it legitely was shounen for some time. Comander-07 said: Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. This ain't shounen in the first place. Lawren222 said: Thorfinn actually out grows his edgy phase but it wont happen in this prologue arc. There is a reason why he has to go through this phase thought its nessacry for his overall character arc. The rest of this arc is som going to focus more on Askeladd and Canute's characters and explore them more in depth with edgy Thorfinn taking a backseat it might get more interesting for you then. Considering this is a double cour are we likely to see a more mature version of Thorfinn? Zehennagel said: Sadly it feels like a seasonal so far. Nothing is really outstanding. Except for the setting, which doesnt really benefit from being an anime so far.Comander-07 said: the "switch" hasn't happened already, I can spoil it for you but I won't. you'll know when it does. it's about chapter 55. but this guy meant something else by "switch".Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? anyway, the protagonist does stay the same until what will probably be season 2/ middle of season 2 (taking for granted it also lasts 25 episodes). then he changes, and in a very interesting fashion. (btw I said 10 volumes but it's at about volume 5 that it happens). also, this is not just some "sesonal anime", please. although I agree that the standards are lower while it is airing, this aint some little seasonal. You will get the bigger picture starting next episode. Thorfinn does not really influence the story in the prologue arc more like he tags along with the rest. Askeladd, thorkell, canute etc are the main drivers of the story and bigger protagonists. So far 9 episodes in nearly 2 episodes were anime original so the manga is quicker at getting the story and other characters rolling. To say there is nothing outstanding is a stretch for me the dialogue (except thorfinn) is better than your average anime dialogue and production value is pretty good. Next episode onwards is when all this focus on askeladd thorfinn and thorkell will pay off. Unless they add some more anime original content and delay the main political intrigue. Nono the amount of dialogue isn't a marker of quality. I'm referring to the way they talk - anime dialogue tends to be cringey on many occasions with cheesy lines and characters feeling like robots rather than having a sense of two characters having a conversation when talking to each other. Monogatari doesn't set the standard for dialogue just because they talk a lot. It's good though. But lmao your "opinion" is officially worthless anyway since you think Monogotari dialogue is only good because they talk a lot. WTF how even. @Chainxbastard monogatari isnt the standard lmao. Its the standard for "outstanding". And this here is simply not. Necessary r/im14andthisisdeep The example you just gave is cringe and bad dialogue. If a line u'd copypaste on your instagram profile with some cringy hashtags is what makes dialogues good to u, sure. OT: This is getting more shonen-esque every bloody ep, we just got the cartoonish fat noble a couple of eps ago, and now the 0 dimensions fight maniac. Also Thorfinn has no problem in faking his death to caught the enemy off guard? What happened to his already questionable sense of honor? I really don't see that much difference between killing someone with his guard lowered and killing someone in his sleep. |
Sep 5, 2019 9:57 AM
vhagar8 said: this is the most stupid comment i've seen in mal congrats. nanashi796 said: Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Yes yes it certainly is. And the few things they do say arent outstanding either. Google the word. Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Its really a stretch to say the dialogue is outstanding. They barely even talk. This aint Monogatari.Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Lol its not a documentary and indeed season 3 is where it peaked. I wouldnt recommend it after the next generation takes over.Comander-07 said: Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? Lol Vikings goes downhill after season 3 and doesn't represent their culture accurately. Everyone in that tv series wears leather clothes or jackets when leather was not commonly used in that period. Also other inaccuracies historically. Vinland Saga is only unrealistic in the action scenes but does everything else better. Thorfinn has the best character development in manga second to Musashi from Vagabond I'm fully caught up with the manga. Cool I guess it gets better later then, like I expected. When does he learn to speak if we consider the current pace? yvanedisco said: Sorry to disappint you, but it legitely was shounen for some time. Comander-07 said: Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. This ain't shounen in the first place. Lawren222 said: Thorfinn actually out grows his edgy phase but it wont happen in this prologue arc. There is a reason why he has to go through this phase thought its nessacry for his overall character arc. The rest of this arc is som going to focus more on Askeladd and Canute's characters and explore them more in depth with edgy Thorfinn taking a backseat it might get more interesting for you then. Considering this is a double cour are we likely to see a more mature version of Thorfinn? Zehennagel said: Sadly it feels like a seasonal so far. Nothing is really outstanding. Except for the setting, which doesnt really benefit from being an anime so far.Comander-07 said: the "switch" hasn't happened already, I can spoil it for you but I won't. you'll know when it does. it's about chapter 55. but this guy meant something else by "switch".Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? anyway, the protagonist does stay the same until what will probably be season 2/ middle of season 2 (taking for granted it also lasts 25 episodes). then he changes, and in a very interesting fashion. (btw I said 10 volumes but it's at about volume 5 that it happens). also, this is not just some "sesonal anime", please. although I agree that the standards are lower while it is airing, this aint some little seasonal. Comander-07 said: Marrone said: Lol its not a documentary and indeed season 3 is where it peaked. I wouldnt recommend it after the next generation takes over.Comander-07 said: Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? Lol Vikings goes downhill after season 3 and doesn't represent their culture accurately. Everyone in that tv series wears leather clothes or jackets when leather was not commonly used in that period. Also other inaccuracies historically. Vinland Saga is only unrealistic in the action scenes but does everything else better. Thorfinn has the best character development in manga second to Musashi from Vagabond I'm fully caught up with the manga. Cool I guess it gets better later then, like I expected. When does he learn to speak if we consider the current pace? yvanedisco said: Sorry to disappint you, but it legitely was shounen for some time. Comander-07 said: Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. This ain't shounen in the first place. Lawren222 said: Thorfinn actually out grows his edgy phase but it wont happen in this prologue arc. There is a reason why he has to go through this phase thought its nessacry for his overall character arc. The rest of this arc is som going to focus more on Askeladd and Canute's characters and explore them more in depth with edgy Thorfinn taking a backseat it might get more interesting for you then. Considering this is a double cour are we likely to see a more mature version of Thorfinn? Zehennagel said: Sadly it feels like a seasonal so far. Nothing is really outstanding. Except for the setting, which doesnt really benefit from being an anime so far.Comander-07 said: the "switch" hasn't happened already, I can spoil it for you but I won't. you'll know when it does. it's about chapter 55. but this guy meant something else by "switch".Zehennagel said: ] I still have hope for the characters but after Vikings and the Last Kingdom this one just doesnt really stick out. The MC barely even speaks and when he does its always the same 4 words. The fights are okay-good, the visuals overall are surprisingly boring as well. I liked the beginning much more and I already had the feeling that after Thors inevitable death the series would tank for as long as the MC is in his edgy teenager phase. But maybe it gets better again. Its a seasonal airing anime, those dont really have a high standard to get watched.Comander-07 said: you can consider this as the "golden age" of berserk. but you haven't read it it seems.. so I'd say it's a "prologue" to where the story will go in the future. but as berserk, it's a 10 volumes long prologue. I don't know what's bothering you so far but from this point on I think I remember thorfinn doesn't have the biggest importance in the show until the "second part" of the manga. (chapter 60 so lets say season 2 or 3 probably). it takes a drastic change at this point but the "soul" of the manga is obviously not lost and the themes are the same.(and new ones, the story evolves, of course)Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. I mean it's hard to say. but you should probably follow your guts, if you don't like it so far and don't think you will, just drop it. that's what I think. but if you want to follow, I can guarentee it keeps the same spirit throughout (though again, the manga changes drastically at chapter ~60) najumobi said: Comander-07 said: This episode covered Chapters 18 & 19, both post-switch.Has someone read the manga and can tell me when this is going to shift from shounen to seinen? Not that I dislike the show, but Im really not feeling it. Oh so it already happened? anyway, the protagonist does stay the same until what will probably be season 2/ middle of season 2 (taking for granted it also lasts 25 episodes). then he changes, and in a very interesting fashion. (btw I said 10 volumes but it's at about volume 5 that it happens). also, this is not just some "sesonal anime", please. although I agree that the standards are lower while it is airing, this aint some little seasonal. You will get the bigger picture starting next episode. Thorfinn does not really influence the story in the prologue arc more like he tags along with the rest. Askeladd, thorkell, canute etc are the main drivers of the story and bigger protagonists. So far 9 episodes in nearly 2 episodes were anime original so the manga is quicker at getting the story and other characters rolling. To say there is nothing outstanding is a stretch for me the dialogue (except thorfinn) is better than your average anime dialogue and production value is pretty good. Next episode onwards is when all this focus on askeladd thorfinn and thorkell will pay off. Unless they add some more anime original content and delay the main political intrigue. Nono the amount of dialogue isn't a marker of quality. I'm referring to the way they talk - anime dialogue tends to be cringey on many occasions with cheesy lines and characters feeling like robots rather than having a sense of two characters having a conversation when talking to each other. Monogatari doesn't set the standard for dialogue just because they talk a lot. It's good though. But lmao your "opinion" is officially worthless anyway since you think Monogotari dialogue is only good because they talk a lot. WTF how even. @Chainxbastard monogatari isnt the standard lmao. Its the standard for "outstanding". And this here is simply not. Necessary r/im14andthisisdeep The example you just gave is cringe and bad dialogue. If a line u'd copypaste on your instagram profile with some cringy hashtags is what makes dialogues good to u, sure. OT: This is getting more shonen-esque every bloody ep, we just got the cartoonish fat noble a couple of eps ago, and now the 0 dimensions fight maniac. Also Thorfinn has no problem in faking his death to caught the enemy off guard? What happened to his already questionable sense of honor? I really don't see that much difference between killing someone with his guard lowered and killing someone in his sleep. |
Sep 5, 2019 11:17 AM
I read an article saying that Vinland Saga is having difficulty trying to combine the Seinen feeling of the backstory and serious tone of the world, with the shounen feeling of the early chapters. After reading a few comments, I see that this opinion is very wide spread. I can also see why people are disappointed and some dropping the show. The manga started as a shounen I believe for three and a half volumes of the single volume manga. It then became a Seinen manga and still is till this day. The anime started as Seinen, then back to shounen and now back to Seinen. Pretty jarring for people that have no knowledge of the manga. Most likely very disappointing for people wanting a true and full Seinen experience. I don’t know what to say to people anymore to try and convince them to stick with the anime. I only hope that with this information, people can understand why it feels jarring and as felt like a shounen for the last 3 episodes. |
Sep 5, 2019 4:02 PM
EchoAnEternity said: I read an article saying that Vinland Saga is having difficulty trying to combine the Seinen feeling of the backstory and serious tone of the world, with the shounen feeling of the early chapters. After reading a few comments, I see that this opinion is very wide spread. I can also see why people are disappointed and some dropping the show. I've heard some people say they're let down because they signed up for a seinen but instead got a MC who flies around like a ninja, so they're annoyed & can't enjoy the show or take it seriously. In my opinion, as the story moves forward, the dialogue becomes more elevated, and the plot becomes more intricate with more moving pieces. But it's hard to see how their complains will be alleviated. To me, the style of combat stays consistent, especially with Thorkell and Thorfinn. |
Sep 5, 2019 6:57 PM
najumobi said: EchoAnEternity said: I read an article saying that Vinland Saga is having difficulty trying to combine the Seinen feeling of the backstory and serious tone of the world, with the shounen feeling of the early chapters. After reading a few comments, I see that this opinion is very wide spread. I can also see why people are disappointed and some dropping the show. I've heard some people say they're let down because they signed up for a seinen but instead got a MC who flies around like a ninja, so they're annoyed & can't enjoy the show or take it seriously. In my opinion, as the story moves forward, the dialogue becomes more elevated, and the plot becomes more intricate with more moving pieces. But it's hard to see how their complains will be alleviated. To me, the style of combat stays consistent, especially with Thorkell and Thorfinn. The author took that liberty for the sake of being “fun”. He believed that if he kept the fights realistic that no one would enjoy it. That it would become stale after awhile. He was also influenced by viking tales and sagas. Which speak of people doing superhuman feats and one person taking on hundreds of soldiers. But, in the end it’s all about personal preference and expectations. Something which Vinland is sadly not able to succeed at. Maybe I am sounding pessimistic when saying this, but I believe anime only people will not be pleased with this series until it’s already to late and they have dropped the show. |
Sep 5, 2019 7:56 PM
While I am really really enjoying this show I don't feel like I am getting the experience I was quite wanting. Not that I am not sold on the series because I am but I was hoping for more of a seinen than what I am getting currently. That being said this is quality stuff. The fights are enjoyable and fun but I have to take myself out of the mindset of expecting this would be a more dark brooding tale. There are certainly times this feels closer to a shonen, not that I am complaining. |
Sep 5, 2019 8:08 PM
EchoAnEternity said: najumobi said: EchoAnEternity said: I read an article saying that Vinland Saga is having difficulty trying to combine the Seinen feeling of the backstory and serious tone of the world, with the shounen feeling of the early chapters. After reading a few comments, I see that this opinion is very wide spread. I can also see why people are disappointed and some dropping the show. I've heard some people say they're let down because they signed up for a seinen but instead got a MC who flies around like a ninja, so they're annoyed & can't enjoy the show or take it seriously. In my opinion, as the story moves forward, the dialogue becomes more elevated, and the plot becomes more intricate with more moving pieces. But it's hard to see how their complains will be alleviated. To me, the style of combat stays consistent, especially with Thorkell and Thorfinn. The author took that liberty for the sake of being “fun”. He believed that if he kept the fights realistic that no one would enjoy it. That it would become stale after awhile. He was also influenced by viking tales and sagas. Which speak of people doing superhuman feats and one person taking on hundreds of soldiers. But, in the end it’s all about personal preference and expectations. Something which Vinland is sadly not able to succeed at. Maybe I am sounding pessimistic when saying this, but I believe anime only people will not be pleased with this series until it’s already to late and they have dropped the show. Pretty much nothing is universally liked nearly ever pouplar series in existence I've notice has people online saying its overrated/overhyped and that's ok don't let yourself feel too upset about it is just a result of people having different taste and opinions. Its honestly for the best if the people who dont like it for being too "shonen" specially drop it becuse while the second half of the prologue and Farmland would likely appeal to them much more the Baltic Sea War arc felt closer to a shonen then anything in the first half of the prologue besides chapter 1/episode 7 imo ( not saying the arc was bad there was still plenty too like about still)if stuff like the over the top fighting bothers them so much they might not be happy with the series by that point anyways. |
Lawren222Sep 5, 2019 8:36 PM
Sep 5, 2019 9:01 PM
Lawren222 said: EchoAnEternity said: najumobi said: EchoAnEternity said: I read an article saying that Vinland Saga is having difficulty trying to combine the Seinen feeling of the backstory and serious tone of the world, with the shounen feeling of the early chapters. After reading a few comments, I see that this opinion is very wide spread. I can also see why people are disappointed and some dropping the show. I've heard some people say they're let down because they signed up for a seinen but instead got a MC who flies around like a ninja, so they're annoyed & can't enjoy the show or take it seriously. In my opinion, as the story moves forward, the dialogue becomes more elevated, and the plot becomes more intricate with more moving pieces. But it's hard to see how their complains will be alleviated. To me, the style of combat stays consistent, especially with Thorkell and Thorfinn. The author took that liberty for the sake of being “fun”. He believed that if he kept the fights realistic that no one would enjoy it. That it would become stale after awhile. He was also influenced by viking tales and sagas. Which speak of people doing superhuman feats and one person taking on hundreds of soldiers. But, in the end it’s all about personal preference and expectations. Something which Vinland is sadly not able to succeed at. Maybe I am sounding pessimistic when saying this, but I believe anime only people will not be pleased with this series until it’s already to late and they have dropped the show. Pretty much nothing is universally liked nearly ever pouplar series in existence I've notice has people online saying its overrated/overhyped and that's ok don't let yourself feel too upset about it is just a result of people having different taste and opinions. Its honestly for the best if the people who dont like it for being too "shonen" specially drop it becuse while the second half of the prologue and Farmland would likely appeal to them much more the Baltic Sea War arc felt closer to a shonen then anything in the first half of the prologue besides chapter 1/episode 7 imo ( not saying the arc was bad there was still plenty too like about still)if stuff like the over the top fighting bothers them so much they might not be happy with the series by that point anyways. Don’t worry, I’m not upset. I only wish people could be more open minded. For them to enjoy something that I enjoy as well. A pretty greedy and one-sided thought, now that I think about it. But, as you said we are all people who like different things and who differ in opinions. Something that I respect deeply. |
Sep 5, 2019 9:28 PM
Marrone said: Kamiyan3991 said: Lawren222 said: Thorfinn being a dumb edgy boy in the prologue has a purpose.He's not ment to be a likeable character in it, he's a dumb teen making huge mistakes and failed to understand what his father tried to teach him( as ends up getting pointed out by serval characters) but said mistakes and his desire atone are the motivations that drive him after he grows post proglue and him being said dumb edgy kid at this point makes sense since the age of six he has know nothing but war and violence, grew up around people he hates and manipulated by them into doing things he hates for 10 years now. I know it has purpose. All I'm saying it's not fun to watch. It kinda reminds me of loud shounens (more annoying MCs). That stuff in the background (mostly politics) is fine. I actually watch it only for that. I couldn't care less about the main cast (Thorfinn, Askeladd's group). LOL 'shounen MC' right he is surrounded by nakama he wants to protect and has an idealistic vision of wanting to save the world or wanting to be the best/strongest. Right..... just make yourself look like a clown even more. Titty fondling MC of fire force shouting hero janaika in every other scene > thorfinn. another clown to add to the ignore list. Thank you. This troll really scored Shounen Fireforce an 8. I am literally at a loss for words |
Sep 6, 2019 4:29 AM
najumobi said: This statement seemed weird to me at first, but then I remember watching Dororo. During some stretches, I started dreading watching each subsequent episode; it was painful to see the kind of suffering going on episode after episode. But I consider it a worthwhile watch because it left an impact. You're correct. I actually could choose better words, too. ChainxBastard said: Kamiyan3991 said: Not having to watch this edgy kid would be enough. Srsly, I thought that his character might be interesting, but he f* refuse to turn off his emo-mode. You say that while you rated "Shounen Firefighter" an 8. There is no world where that anime is better than this one. Except maybe in the mind of a troll. You said it yourself tho. It is shounen anime. I rate stuff by category and my own expectations. I rated VS lower cuz of my sheer disappointment. And I honestly thought that "Shounen Firefighter" would be way worse, but I actually have good times with it. You only need to turn off your brain, and enjoy some DP animations. Not like my scores need explanation since I don't really give a darn about them. Too lazy to update/change anything. Unless something really impress/disappoint me. And TBH, defending one anime with another is just lame. Like you can't just find good qualities in VS, so you dis Firefighters. So lame. Lawren222 said: Kamiyan3991 said: Its not ment to be fun to watch but Thorfinn will moved more to the background of the prologue after Caunte is more properly introduced, of Askeladd's group the only really important character there is Askeladd himself and you will likely find him more interesting once more of his character is explored( there is a lot more to him then meets the eye which has subtly being hinted at but will be shown off much more later). Hes the most important character of the prologue overall followed by Caunte,then Thorkell and then Thorfinn. Thorfinn is the MC of the series as a whole but the narrative dosent truly become driven by him till Farmland ( the second arc) which is when he develops into a likeable character. It's funny though in the prologue people complain about Thorfinn being an edgy brat but post proglue people whine about how they miss edgy " badass " Thorfinn he can never get a break.Lawren222 said: Thorfinn being a dumb edgy boy in the prologue has a purpose.He's not ment to be a likeable character in it, he's a dumb teen making huge mistakes and failed to understand what his father tried to teach him( as ends up getting pointed out by serval characters) but said mistakes and his desire atone are the motivations that drive him after he grows post proglue and him being said dumb edgy kid at this point makes sense since the age of six he has know nothing but war and violence, grew up around people he hates and manipulated by them into doing things he hates for 10 years now. I know it has purpose. All I'm saying it's not fun to watch. It kinda reminds me of loud shounens (more annoying MCs). That stuff in the background (mostly politics) is fine. I actually watch it only for that. I couldn't care less about the main cast (Thorfinn, Askeladd's group). Oh, Caunte actually seems interesting. I know that part of the story might be actually good. They say he's a wimp but that's probably not the case, right? BTW, thank you for your response. You're the one making sense here, I even feel a bit convinced now. Talking with regular fanboys is a real pain in the neck. |
Kamiyan3991Sep 6, 2019 4:35 AM
Sep 6, 2019 5:38 AM
Thorkell is one tough guy. Looks as strong as Askeladd. |
Sep 6, 2019 8:05 AM
Kamiyan3991 said: I dont want to go too much detail into Canute's character right now because of the spoilers it has on the arc but the prologue's story is a slow burn( or rather the anime is making it feel slower since it added original content and adapted the first 17 chapters in a different order from the manga)but its worth it imo. The plot and acurate direction of this arc will finally start to become clearer in the next episode.najumobi said: This statement seemed weird to me at first, but then I remember watching Dororo. During some stretches, I started dreading watching each subsequent episode; it was painful to see the kind of suffering going on episode after episode. But I consider it a worthwhile watch because it left an impact. You're correct. I actually could choose better words, too. ChainxBastard said: Kamiyan3991 said: Not having to watch this edgy kid would be enough. Srsly, I thought that his character might be interesting, but he f* refuse to turn off his emo-mode. You say that while you rated "Shounen Firefighter" an 8. There is no world where that anime is better than this one. Except maybe in the mind of a troll. You said it yourself tho. It is shounen anime. I rate stuff by category and my own expectations. I rated VS lower cuz of my sheer disappointment. And I honestly thought that "Shounen Firefighter" would be way worse, but I actually have good times with it. You only need to turn off your brain, and enjoy some DP animations. Not like my scores need explanation since I don't really give a darn about them. Too lazy to update/change anything. Unless something really impress/disappoint me. And TBH, defending one anime with another is just lame. Like you can't just find good qualities in VS, so you dis Firefighters. So lame. Lawren222 said: Kamiyan3991 said: Lawren222 said: Thorfinn being a dumb edgy boy in the prologue has a purpose.He's not ment to be a likeable character in it, he's a dumb teen making huge mistakes and failed to understand what his father tried to teach him( as ends up getting pointed out by serval characters) but said mistakes and his desire atone are the motivations that drive him after he grows post proglue and him being said dumb edgy kid at this point makes sense since the age of six he has know nothing but war and violence, grew up around people he hates and manipulated by them into doing things he hates for 10 years now. I know it has purpose. All I'm saying it's not fun to watch. It kinda reminds me of loud shounens (more annoying MCs). That stuff in the background (mostly politics) is fine. I actually watch it only for that. I couldn't care less about the main cast (Thorfinn, Askeladd's group). Oh, Caunte actually seems interesting. I know that part of the story might be actually good. They say he's a wimp but that's probably not the case, right? BTW, thank you for your response. You're the one making sense here, I even feel a bit convinced now. Talking with regular fanboys is a real pain in the neck. |
Lawren222Sep 6, 2019 8:12 AM
Sep 7, 2019 12:16 AM
Pretty nice episode, and the Thorkell introduction was pretty great. With Canute appearing, I think the beginning of Farmland Saga will soon be upon us. |
Sep 7, 2019 2:30 AM
VinlandBlonde Sengoku Samurai Saga. Somehow feels rather phony. OK action. Signs of future character development. OK buildup, I guess. |
Sep 7, 2019 10:55 AM
Sep 7, 2019 5:43 PM
The episode was great. It was a little nostalgic when Askeladd was with Sweyn because it felt like Madara and Hashirama was there again LOL (Naoya Uchida voiced Madara and is the current voice of Askeladd while Sugo voiced Hashirama and is voicing Sweyn). Overall, it was a nice episode |
Sep 9, 2019 12:35 PM
My fav character just appeared like that a madafaking Madman Thorkell and seems he knows about Thor, I wonder if they were friends. |
Sep 9, 2019 8:23 PM
Thorkell voiced by Solid Snake himself, nice! pretty cool fight. |
Sep 9, 2019 8:25 PM
beminim said: Ok episode. The fight was actually pretty good although they didn't show Thorfinn cutting Thorkell's fingers. His last line about war not being anything fun? I agree. I can relate to Thorfinn since back when I was in the army there were plenty who thought it was going to be fun. Nothing good is in there. I'm going to bitch about the cg. It takes me out of the feeling of the show a lot. It is not hideous, but in the latter part of the episode that cg crowd was hell. It feels like I am playing a game on the DS. I'm probably going to watch one or two more episodes and drop it to read the manga instead. Definitely read the manga, this is complementary for me but it just can't capture the detail in the original artwork, specially with the CG as you mentioned. |
Sep 11, 2019 11:09 AM
Thorkell OP. PLZ NERF!!! |
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there." "Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life." |
Sep 11, 2019 9:51 PM
Thorkell is too much for Thorfinn as of now! but great fight! Thorkell's a madman! haha! 5/5. |
Sep 14, 2019 3:04 AM
I'm really getting fed up of seeing 3D-CG-Rendered crowds that don't even try to look like the anime in question sneaking their way into my anime dood. |
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't. Lie until you aren't lying anymore! Figures |
Sep 14, 2019 6:54 AM
KudanMX said: yeah, from what i saw the manga is very detailed. The anime is not bad, but it is less than the original artworkbeminim said: Ok episode. The fight was actually pretty good although they didn't show Thorfinn cutting Thorkell's fingers. His last line about war not being anything fun? I agree. I can relate to Thorfinn since back when I was in the army there were plenty who thought it was going to be fun. Nothing good is in there. I'm going to bitch about the cg. It takes me out of the feeling of the show a lot. It is not hideous, but in the latter part of the episode that cg crowd was hell. It feels like I am playing a game on the DS. I'm probably going to watch one or two more episodes and drop it to read the manga instead. Definitely read the manga, this is complementary for me but it just can't capture the detail in the original artwork, specially with the CG as you mentioned. |
Sep 17, 2019 7:35 PM
Love that madman! |
{\_/} (•~•) {\_/} ( •-•) {\_/} ( – _ -) |
Sep 19, 2019 2:12 AM
betraying your country for fun or motivating your country people to invade London I'm beet skeptical to him by the way his name was Thorkell did he have any connection to Thors it getting interesting our main character is still confident that he lost |
Sep 25, 2019 10:56 AM
As much as I'd want to like this show, there are too many things that prevent me from that. There's nothing special happening apart from those flashy fights that take place from time to time, and Thorfinn still behaves like an edgy brat who either screams his head off or challenges Askeladd to another duel to get his ass whooped, which makes it all the more difficult to relate to this kind of an MC. This series overall is growing stale and I don't really get all the excitement expressed by the majority of the people here. It's just mediocre to me (don't burn me at the stake tho) but since the quality is said to improve later on, I'll keep on watching and see what will become of this glorified show. |
☆ |
Sep 25, 2019 11:50 AM
Kyoris said: We are not suppose to relate to Thorfinn thought we are supposed to think his quest for revenge is stupid( his father would be extremely against everything he's doing)and that revenge in genral is stupid. The mangaka is very anti-revenge and anti-war in general and that becomes more and more pronounced as the series goes on. Thorfinn's character in the first arc( this whole season is just the first arc of the manga called the prologue)is about showing how revenge and war can bascally turn somebody into an empty walking husk. Thorfinn went from an innocent naive boy to the mess he is now that only cares about his personal revenge and helps people even those that helps innocent people like his own family get robbed,raped and murdered for his dumb vengeance quest.even those that help him as seen in ep6. He's not ment to rootable,relatable or even likeable at most we are just supposed to feel pity over how he ended up and hope he fixes himself.As much as I'd want to like this show, there are too many things that prevent me from that. There's nothing special happening apart from those flashy fights that take place from time to time, and Thorfinn still behaves like an edgy brat who either screams his head off or challenges Askeladd to another duel to get his ass whooped, which makes it all the more difficult to relate to this kind of an MC. This series overall is growing stale and I don't really get all the excitement expressed by the majority of the people here. It's just mediocre to me (don't burn me at the stake tho) but since the quality is said to improve later on, I'll keep on watching and see what will become of this glorified show. |
Sep 25, 2019 12:14 PM
@Lawren222 That pretty much makes sense now that I think about it. Though I still have some issues with exaggerated skills or pacing, among other things, I'll try to take a look at the story from a different perspective. Thank you kindly for the explanation. |
☆ |
Oct 4, 2019 7:45 PM
im really liking this Thorkell guy, he is cocky an he can actually back it up is that old guy supposed to be THE Ragnar Lothbrock? i hope not |
Nov 4, 2019 1:43 AM
Thorkell may be a crazed madman but he's the only one so far who took Thorfinn seriously from the get go, most people see him as an innocent kid until they see him in action. |
Nov 22, 2019 3:39 PM
This guy Thorkell lives up for what a Viking is. Noth only is he a mindless musclehead, but also a fun giant dude that takes even the most serious things lighting and throws in his spin in the mix. I like him. He gives me vibes as if he's going to be a second father to Thorfinn in away. An entirely different take from Askeladd. So far, every person whose name takes after Thor is a beast. |
Dec 20, 2019 7:41 AM
Wow, Thorfinn was destroyed by Thorkell. He's too strong. I really liked the battle between Thofinn and Thorkel. 5/5 |
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Dec 24, 2019 7:17 PM
Poor kid, can't seem to get a break. |
"At some point, I stopped hoping." |
Jan 10, 2020 10:51 AM
Nice action in this one, but yikes that huge guy is insane! |
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats. |
Jan 18, 2020 3:54 PM
I'm guessing Thorfinn still needs a time skip or two before he'll be strong enough to face ask a lad. |
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers |
Mar 7, 2020 2:16 PM
Mar 10, 2020 7:36 AM
I've noticed that Thorfinn's enemies have been pretty merciful. First it was Askeladd, now Thorkell. Is it because of Thorfinn's youth, his strange determination and will to fight on the battlefield? Who knows. Thorkell's also an old comrade of Thors. I wonder if this will affect his and Thorfinn's relationship at some point. |
Apr 1, 2020 6:08 PM
Apr 23, 2020 5:14 PM
May 7, 2020 8:19 AM
You can't win it all but at least Thorfinn lived to fight another day. Escaping with his life is a victory in itself since Thorkell really is a madman. That giant happy-go-lucky version of Askeladd is a very fun character to watch, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to their rematch! I initially thought that Canute was a girl but it turns out that he's a rich pretty boy who's next in line for the throne. Let's see how they'll win this war~ |
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