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The Irregular at Magic High School (light novel)
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Jun 8, 2014 9:52 AM
Apr 2014
wrenchbread said:
Rankings matter (when it's in my favor) but scores don't (when they're not in my favor). Can you get any more hypocritical?

But he is right, the MAL score is meaningless...
Only thing that matters is the reception in Japan.
Jun 8, 2014 9:57 AM

May 2010
Vocah said:

But he is right, the MAL score is meaningless...
Only thing that matters is the reception in Japan.

But the numbers in Japan are meaningful...

This is some Poe's law shet up in heo.
Jun 8, 2014 9:59 AM

Jun 2013
We all know that Masaki won't be a threat to Tatsuya since he's the unbeatable god of this show.
Jun 8, 2014 10:02 AM

Apr 2014
YumeHunter said:
We all know that Masaki won't be a threat to Tatsuya since he's the unbeatable god of this show.

Even superman has a weakness but this
Jun 8, 2014 10:27 AM
Feb 2013
You know what, this is probably the only anime where the onsen scene have them girls wearing a robe while dipping in it.
Jun 8, 2014 10:46 AM
Oct 2012
millie10468 said:
You seem to have mellowed considerably towards the anime. I'm actually looking forward to reading your opinions nowadays because it feels a lot more reliable coming from someone who has absolutely no reason to praise it. What happened? Did your expectations drop to its lowest possible denominator?

Well, I wouldn't say I have mellowed towards it except in as much as the episodes have improved a bit so my reviews are getting better. As I said last week, I say good things about good scenes and say what I dislike about bad scenes.

Also, if you go back to the other threads, generally I don't post again except to answer a question that someone raises or to argue when someone makes a statement I disagree with. In the case of this animation most of the things I have disagreed with were LN readers saying that the animation has been dropping "hints" and tasking the viewers for not paying attention. I don't feel that is the case so I have defended the right of the critics.

For instance some people have claimed that I am contradicting myself here and on the NGNL thread, but I really am not. Calling Tatsuya a "Stu" is a valid criticism because the animation has yet to show a fault of his and that he seems to contradict what we have been told (being a weed but also being the most powerful magic user in the world, ultimately it will be explained, but as of right now, using only the animation as a guide, it has not), so I defend that criticism because it is valid; I do not believe it is a valid criticism for NGNL, because Sora has been shown to have faults (separation anxiety and inability to grope a girl properly) and when he kicks ass he does so within the context of how his character was defined in the first episode. But even if one want to quibble over my statements, ultimately because NGNL is a comedy and Mahouka is a drama, the MC of the former gets far more allowance than the latter.

Since there has been relatively less of that on this thread I have been more quiet.
Jun 8, 2014 11:22 AM
Oct 2013
ncnoobkill said:
nina4life said:

Problem here is twofold, at least in my opinion.

1. Tatsuya is a genius while everyone else lacks common brains to do simplest of tasks. Thus complaining. Sure, others have done some fighting, casting spells, but no one did anything of any real importance or significance even slightly comparable to Tatsuya.
Think of it (since Star wars picture) as Yoda and Luke on first encounter. While Yoda was lifting X-wing and giant boulders Luke was lifting small rocks. And although lifting even rocks is impressive it falls flat when you see what Yoda does.

2. The 2nd part of what you said is where most arguments come from. Non-readers, myself included, often ask themselves what the heck just happened. And then it never gets explained or just gets 5s of telling Tatsuya is badass (see magic cancellation and flying magic parts as example of this).
So, since I have no idea what they just said and everyone takes him "inventing" magic as a given I get angry at it and hella annoyed.
On the other hand, LN-readers get annoyed at my rant about nothing getting explained with one of the; "Gonna get explained later", or "It was explained in LN and mentioned here, too long explanation, stop whining."

The part where, based on your comment, stuff was explained in detail in LN is the part where all issues stem from. Almost nothing is explained in show.

This threads have less and less people commenting and even when they are filled with comments it's nowadays just same people going with chain replies to one another.
The reason is people got bored of trying to explain LN-readers stuff is badly adapted if non-readers can't understand jack and keep posting questions.

I had more things explained here than in the actual show. That is not how adaptation should work.
This is FSN all over again. Except I knew everything about that show since I've "played" VN.
Go watch Unlimited blade works movie and try explaining to me what happened there. No way you're gonna make sense of it. Yet it's fully clear to me.

Same thing is happening here with LN readers.

I hate pulling out ratings since they're stupid as hell, but the thing is, this show, even with huge LN following, fell from 400 to 700 in only 10 episodes. Doesn't that tell people anything?
It's not about whining anymore, it's about getting annoyed at show.

P.S. Incoming "Stop whining and ranting" comments.

It's not the best adaptation but i think madhouse has done decently in adapting the novels given the nature of the light novels.

The flying magic explanation is base on mahouka universe technical jargons. If one understands technical jargons in mahouka verse such as interference strength and magic cancellation then the flying magic explanation makes sense in my view at least.

On a side note i will compile what information the anime has given the viewers on flying magic.
1st- interference strength. If one wants to fly he needs to keep casting magic to change his coordinates. The more magic you cast the subsequent magic needs higher interference to overwrite the previous magic.

2nd- magic cancellation. As said in the anime magic cancellation only cancels the effect of magic, the magic sequence is still present. Hence that's where interference strength comes in.

3rd- how did tatsuya overcome this ? According to the anime, he designed a software that records the smallest magic sequence necessary to fly. By doing so, since the magic sequence is small the effect only lasts for a brief period of time and the next magic sequence kicks in. This process can be repeated using the loop cast system explained back in ep 2.

That's what i understand how he solved flying magic

I think the best explaination would be league of legend comparision here. Flying magic can be compare to Kassdin's R, riftwalk basically. You cast it to use it but if you use mulit cast in short period of time but the mana cost stacks up until you don't cast it for 8s for the stack to go away.

What Tatsuya did is basically make it so the stack goes away as fast as the CD so by the time you can cast again there is no extra mana needed beside the base =X

In short Tatsuya can make Kass more op than he already is.
Jun 8, 2014 12:23 PM

Sep 2008
RexZShadow said:

What Tatsuya did is basically make it so the stack goes away as fast as the CD so by the time you can cast again there is no extra mana needed beside the base =X

In short Tatsuya can make Kass more op than he already is.

Why didn't anyone think of using this as an explanation before?

If it really works that way than I understand it perfectly. Not even joking :D
Jun 8, 2014 12:28 PM

May 2011
Jun 8, 2014 12:33 PM

Nov 2013
RockerXD said:

What the...

Please no ._.
Jun 8, 2014 12:40 PM

Jul 2012
Miyuki is a piece of work , how tf can you tell someone to change their freaking clothes after seeming them once all because she felt it was a little revealing lol smh she obviously doesn't wear things like that all the time whats the problem.

She thinks way to highly of her brother almost making him sound like he's not even human. She said he doesn't care about superficial things lol she makes it sound like he's not interested in women period.

This series pace never changes what so ever , it waste some much time on this Sci-fi jargon then at the end they give us 2 seconds of some sort of magic action then it ends and they start the next episode again with jargon then end with small action like taking down thieves and the cycle repeats. I can say this because I've watched it up till this episode.
Jun 8, 2014 12:49 PM
Aug 2012
Botato said:
RockerXD said:

What the...

Please no ._.

Don't worry...........Mikihiko belongs to another ship (it's not Erika btw).

Jun 8, 2014 1:11 PM
Oct 2013
nina4life said:
RexZShadow said:

What Tatsuya did is basically make it so the stack goes away as fast as the CD so by the time you can cast again there is no extra mana needed beside the base =X

In short Tatsuya can make Kass more op than he already is.

Why didn't anyone think of using this as an explanation before?

If it really works that way than I understand it perfectly. Not even joking :D

Coz I was trying to make a good real life example to make and thought of Kass coz of that CLG Vs Dig game lol.
Jun 8, 2014 1:14 PM

Nov 2013
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Botato said:

What the...

Please no ._.

Don't worry...........Mikihiko belongs to another ship (it's not Erika btw).

Well, that's pretty much obvious I guess.
Just expressing my disapproval of his shipping, which is disturbing I might add .__.
Jun 8, 2014 1:32 PM
Apr 2014
I've been wondering are they gonna animate all the short stories in vol 5? Or will MadHouse just make them into separate OVA. That's something I really want to find out about.
Jun 8, 2014 1:33 PM

Apr 2013
Ashishgup said:
Although, I must say, after watching 10 episodes, I still don't understand why this anime gets so much hate. Even now, it's rated 7.83. I mean, it definitely deserves a 8 if not 8.2+.
because its complete shit and overhyped? dry writing, boring characters and plot, misplaced fan service, annoying sister, and so on.
Jun 8, 2014 1:41 PM
Apr 2014
Amon-Raw said:
Miyuki is a piece of work , how tf can you tell someone to change their freaking clothes after seeming them once all because she felt it was a little revealing lol smh she obviously doesn't wear things like that all the time whats the problem.

Well, just look at Erika's reaction when Miyuki says it. That screams that Miyuki is correct.
Tatsuya also mentioned a dress code when he was summoned by Ono-sensei in an earlier episode.
So that's where Miyuki's coming from.
Jun 8, 2014 2:23 PM

Apr 2012
this series is becoming mahou sensou 2.0 with a big budget. I said it jokingly during the start of the season but it really is now >_>

Jun 8, 2014 2:27 PM

Nov 2013
Zeally said:
this series is becoming mahou sensou 2.0 with a big budget. I said it jokingly during the start of the season but it really is now >_>

Oh hell no.
At least you know what's happening in this one. At worst you have some idea as to what's going on.
Jun 8, 2014 2:52 PM
Aug 2012
Zeally said:
this series is becoming mahou sensou 2.0 with a big budget. I said it jokingly during the start of the season but it really is now >_>

I guess you like repeating the same jokes...........good for you.

AquaWateria said:
I've been wondering are they gonna animate all the short stories in vol 5? Or will MadHouse just make them into separate OVA. That's something I really want to find out about.

Only 2 of the chapters are related to the story so they will be adapted. As for rest, i don't think they are important enough to get ovas. Morisaki is definitely hated so the chance of his SS getting a ova is practically zero. The SS regarding Masaki and George still has has some chance i guess.

Jun 8, 2014 3:28 PM
Nov 2013
That music during the hot spring scene has Taku Iawasaki written all over it
It reminds me so much of the "fail" music from Soul Eater
Jun 8, 2014 4:39 PM
Oct 2013
Zeally said:
this series is becoming mahou sensou 2.0 with a big budget. I said it jokingly during the start of the season but it really is now >_>

No its like 1000x more con herient than that. I watch it at random and I was like it was going some where and then bam the end was like the fuck? It be like if the enrollment arc took the whole 26 ep than that would be mahou sensou level
Jun 8, 2014 4:52 PM

Sep 2008
Zeally said:
this series is becoming mahou sensou 2.0 with a big budget. I said it jokingly during the start of the season but it really is now >_>

Nah, that one is hardly comparable to anything else. It was in its own league.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if Tatsuya finds a way to create time traveling magic.
Jun 8, 2014 4:55 PM

Aug 2013
Tatsuya showing off again how much of a badass he is.

Miyuki jokes and says she has no interest in her brother, i mean who is she kidding?
My Candies:
Jun 8, 2014 5:16 PM

Nov 2012
I do wonder how the hell Tatsuya manages to be pretty much everywhere, his speed is amazing.
Jun 8, 2014 5:19 PM
Oct 2013
nina4life said:
Zeally said:
this series is becoming mahou sensou 2.0 with a big budget. I said it jokingly during the start of the season but it really is now >_>

Nah, that one is hardly comparable to anything else. It was in its own league.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if Tatsuya finds a way to create time traveling magic.

To be honest I got a lot of it just it ended like mid way through the story. wasn't even like Code Geass season 1 ending its like if Mahouka ended at the enrollment arc no would like if mahouka ended 3/4 of the way through the enrollment arc XD
Jun 8, 2014 5:30 PM
Jan 2010
Do LN readers really have to be mad when a fellow reader doesn't read the story the way you guys read it? What is this, some fear that someone would actually find out that the story actually has some issues?

Reading and understanding is different you know.You are forcing your values and POV on her and is against the author's intent.If you are offended by the "incest" theme why did you read until vol 11?and why are still watching the anime?

God fucking damn it.
Jun 8, 2014 8:24 PM
Apr 2014
Man Erika really is the best girl no matter how you sum it up, but I feel that Honoka is next up in line too. Liking Mikihiko but I wanna see more of Leo though.
Jun 8, 2014 8:55 PM

Dec 2013
This arc is starting to pick up.

I thought this episode was quite well done. Sure the vehicle rescue was a bit drawn out, but not so much that it made things completely unreal to the story.

I found the inclusion of Erika and Mikihiko a bit... surprising. It does help to build their character and back story up a bit though. Kind of feel sorry for Leo though, all he gets is a mention on how he lacks finess, and zero screen time.

Miyuki seriously just doesn't want to leave her brother's side now does she? I also get the feeling that when she chastised Mayumi for being too revealing, she missed out the words "for my Onii-sama to look at". It's amazing how possessive a girl can get when fending off potential rivals. Then when all the girls were clamoring at her in the bath, I would have seriously enjoyed it if she really did freeze the water right then. XD

I can't even say that Tatsuya showed off in any situation during this episode, bar the last bit with the three thieves. Everything he did was done covertly, and left next to no trace (though the more powerful sempai's caught on quite easily). OP but not flaunting it.

All in all a good episode. This is making me really want to read up on the LN now.
I can't wait till the competition actually starts!
Jun 8, 2014 9:54 PM

Nov 2013
ThreePointer said:
This was a steamy episode

I'm too lazy to make a fancy sig
〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Jun 8, 2014 11:06 PM

Nov 2007
Approva said:
ThreePointer said:
This was a steamy episode


Exactly. Plus a boring episode that covered:

1. Sugita-san's character pointed out that Tatsuya is a seasoned combatant
2. Erika pointed out that Tatsuya is a cold person
3. Ojii-san kind of guy, who is the head of magic society, knows Tatsuya personally
4. Miyuki knows that they are blood related siblings and so she has never considered Tatsuya as love interest which Honoka seemed to have found interesting
5. The Miki guy is probably one of the more capable weeds in first year as Sugita-san's character referred to Hattori

My general assumptions for now are:

1. Sugi will end up as a real bro character if he still isn't. fits his roles perfectly
2. The author/animators finally thought of a way to directly make it clear that Tatsuya is a cold person, which they have been trying to make viewers understand in roundabout ways in the previous nine episodes
3. Even Ojii-san knowing Tatsuya personally was (and hopefully will be the last time) the final step to show Tatsuya is an OP to us the viewers. ( to me the second most annoying thing about the anime.)
4. Miyuki is giving false hope to poor Honoka. I feel for that girl. Because Miyuki either isn't blood related (which I hope will be the case) or yet to realize that she has real brocon (to me the most annoying thing about the anime)
5. Mikihiko will play a noticeable role once he gets his old power back. He is probably one of those characters who easily side switches in anime/manga in general
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Jun 9, 2014 12:39 AM
Aug 2012
shanimebib said:

3. Ojii-san kind of guy, who is the head of magic society, knows Tatsuya personally

Just wanted to point out that, rather than personally knowing him, he acknowledged his ability(along with other four) to see through his trick. He doesn't know him personally.

Jun 9, 2014 2:30 AM
Feb 2013
AsukaTenjyoin said:
Of course you don't, Miyuki...

Found that a bit much too. If you take it to be true.

It could, of course, as well be that one wanted to depict the sad and tragic suffering of an individuals' feelings in contrast to societies' approval and social pressure to conform, and thereby - publicly at least - deny the wincest feelings which are deemed unacceptable by society and forum-posters alike. :-p
AnimageNebyJun 9, 2014 5:23 AM
Jun 9, 2014 2:34 AM

Mar 2014
I was amused when Erika pointed out that Tatsuya was a cold person.
And then again when Miyuki tried to deny any brocon.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Jun 9, 2014 3:17 AM
Apr 2014
xanic said:
I was amused when Erika pointed out that Tatsuya was a cold person.
And then again when Miyuki tried to deny any brocon.

Not that I say it is not in this case, but since when is "brocon/siscon" the same as "romantically in love with brother/sister". I'm sure you can be said -con without it.
Jun 9, 2014 3:30 AM

May 2013
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 9, 2014 5:06 AM

May 2012
hating MIYUKI is too mainstream
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Jun 9, 2014 5:23 AM
Jun 2010
darkreaperix said:
EasyGo-er said:
And don't you dare cutting any more of Honoka's screen time Madhouse. I see you're also a Honoka fan so I know how you feel about that though forgive me if I'm wrong. :P[/size]

MH better adapt that important Honoka scene in vol 5 1st chapter,or I'm gonna start bashing this anime too :)

Lets also hope they don't cut out the conversation about the history of the school and the cause of he separation of students into weeds and blooms. At least to me, I find it to be an important part of the arc as well.
Jun 9, 2014 7:47 AM

May 2010
LazyLuong said:

Lets also hope they don't cut out the conversation about the history of the school and the cause of he separation of students into weeds and blooms. At least to me, I find it to be an important part of the arc as well.

Wait, I thought we were done with the discrimination arc back in Enrollment. That bit sounds more relevant if they had just put it there rather than trying to address it well after the corresponding arc is over. The hell? Would anyone still care?
wrenchbreadJun 9, 2014 7:52 AM
Jun 9, 2014 8:17 AM

Sep 2011
The plot progressed to slow in this ep, it be cool & super intense if tatsuya meet the prince guy at the bowl though reminded me of ff8 for some reason.....
Jun 9, 2014 12:16 PM

May 2011
Still waiting for Tatsuya and Ichijou to meet. I'm guessing they have some history together based on the scene where he and George were looking at Miyuki. Seems like he knows some stuff about the siblings ...
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Jun 9, 2014 12:28 PM

Nov 2007
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
shanimebib said:

3. Ojii-san kind of guy, who is the head of magic society, knows Tatsuya personally

Just wanted to point out that, rather than personally knowing him, he acknowledged his ability(along with other four) to see through his trick. He doesn't know him personally.

That's good to know. It just implies that ojii-san acknowledged that Tatsuya is special even amongst the 5 who could figure the trick out. That smirk shared between them can only be seen as that.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 10, 2014 12:35 AM

Jul 2010
Is Tatsuya fucking everywhere?
The patriarch was pretty interesting btw.

Also, Erika need more room for development. Hoping that something of that sort shows up in the tournaments.
Jun 10, 2014 1:48 AM

Apr 2009
Akanezora said:
Is Tatsuya fucking everywhere?

Tatsuya is everywhere, everything and allmighty. You should have realized that by now.

Also, Erika need more room for development. Hoping that something of that sort shows up in the tournaments.

One of the few characters with potential, yeah. Sadly, she will probably have a backseat soon because Tatsuya "needs" more spotlight...
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 10, 2014 2:16 AM

Jan 2009
Nice onsen service. Just a meh episode.

Jun 10, 2014 6:23 AM

Feb 2014
Kinda funny how after the bus was stopped everyone was back to normal like its just a everday thing.
I mean under normal circumstances there would be at least one advisor/teacher there to watch out for the kids. They apparently didnt even increase security after the incident but instead "test" the students like they are soldiers.
Erika is still the best girl she and Leo who I hope appears and show that he is a real bro are the only characters I really wanna see shine. Too bad Erika wasnt involved in the Onsen scene.
Oh yeah, do girls really do like to fondle each others breasts in RL ?
Jun 10, 2014 1:51 PM

Apr 2012
that guy at the end has a swollen head because he think him self the same as Tatsuya. poor kid
Jun 10, 2014 2:44 PM

Dec 2011
Tatsuya strikes once again, helping them from the shadows.

Erika and Mizuki looking nice in normal clothes and then a wild maid Erika appears!

So that's the Patriarch huh.... guy has no freaking eyes...

She lied about never seeing her brother as a potential lover interest and we all know it.

Tatsuya shows just how OP he is at the end XD.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Jun 10, 2014 6:05 PM

Aug 2013
Holy hell, that ending was fucking hilarious. ''Who helped me?''. Mother fucking Tatsuya of course. Who else would have been able to save your unworthy ass?
At the beginning, I really thought that they were able to solve the problem without Tatsuya, until Miyuki started babbling weird pseudo-scientific stuff and said that it was all due to the great oni-sama!

Miyuki : ''I never saw my relationship with my brother as romantic. Though, if he wasn't my brother, I would fuck him so hard and rape him.''
Poor Suzaku red-haired guy, thinking he have a chance getting Miyuki heart... What a fool.

Is there someone in that show that doesn't have a fucking inferiority complex to our incestual couple? We now know that Erika is now digging the cold dark knight. Hell, even the fucking grandmaster of magic his amazed by Tatsuya perspicacity.

Ugh, I don't know if I should drop this show. Even though it's really bad, it's freaking hilarious for the same reason.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 11, 2014 2:55 AM

May 2014
minouneetzoe said:
Holy hell, that ending was fucking hilarious. ''Who helped me?''. Mother fucking Tatsuya of course. Who else would have been able to save your unworthy ass?
At the beginning, I really thought that they were able to solve the problem without Tatsuya, until Miyuki started babbling weird pseudo-scientific stuff and said that it was all due to the great oni-sama!

Miyuki : ''I never saw my relationship with my brother as romantic. Though, if he wasn't my brother, I would fuck him so hard and rape him.''
Poor Suzaku red-haired guy, thinking he have a chance getting Miyuki heart... What a fool.

Is there someone in that show that doesn't have a fucking inferiority complex to our incestual couple? We now know that Erika is now digging the cold dark knight. Hell, even the fucking grandmaster of magic his amazed by Tatsuya perspicacity.

Ugh, I don't know if I should drop this show. Even though it's really bad, it's freaking hilarious for the same reason.

If you still have problems with the MC you should probably drop it,or maybe watch it once the season is done,if very capable MC's is not your cup of tea.For me I had it with wimps that doesn't deserve to be the MC of a series with a few exceptions :)
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