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Witchcraft Works
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Apr 9, 2014 8:50 PM

Dec 2011
DrGeroCreation said:
dmrch said:
That is the comedy part that Honoka couldn't kiss her lips even though he had the courage to sacrifice himself to save the entire city.
More people need to realize this.

I can't speak for anyone else but I think you guys and krownklown aren't understanding what I'm saying. I recognized that it was meant as a joke to begin with. I mean what the heck else would it be? What I'm saying is that I just didn't find it funny at all. I found it misplaced and annoying. The joke itself was based on an anime trope that I feel might reflect a somewhat unhealthy part of Japanese society. It being a joke doesn't really change the fact that it took a lot of fun out of the very last episode for me, which is a pretty big deal when considering my overall opinion of an anime.

I mean look, its just freakin' Witch Craft Works, lol. I already said I had fun watching for the most part. So sue me if I have 1 single criticism about some really insignificant anime that serves as a decent bit of entertainment at best.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 10, 2014 3:29 PM

Aug 2013
LayedBack said:
DrGeroCreation said:
dmrch said:
That is the comedy part that Honoka couldn't kiss her lips even though he had the courage to sacrifice himself to save the entire city.
More people need to realize this.

I can't speak for anyone else but I think you guys and krownklown aren't understanding what I'm saying. I recognized that it was meant as a joke to begin with. I mean what the heck else would it be? What I'm saying is that I just didn't find it funny at all. I found it misplaced and annoying. The joke itself was based on an anime trope that I feel might reflect a somewhat unhealthy part of Japanese society. It being a joke doesn't really change the fact that it took a lot of fun out of the very last episode for me, which is a pretty big deal when considering my overall opinion of an anime.

I mean look, its just freakin' Witch Craft Works, lol. I already said I had fun watching for the most part. So sue me if I have 1 single criticism about some really insignificant anime that serves as a decent bit of entertainment at best.
I get what you are saying, I myself didn't find it funny but I don't really see it as a big deal as other users who think Honoka is a wuss, pathetic etc just because of that little scene. The comedy in Witch Craft Works is definitely hit or miss.
Apr 13, 2014 8:12 AM

Jan 2011
best of the show was the animation and art style! plot was interesting, but somehow bad storytelling. would give it 0,62.
Apr 13, 2014 2:06 PM

Dec 2013
The plot was average, but the character's image / landscape was very well drawn. Overall I liked it.
"Me ni wa me wo, ha ni wa ha wo, aku ni wa aku wo."
Apr 14, 2014 5:49 AM

Mar 2012
Doesn't feel that outstanding, 7/10 I guess..
Keep moving forward
Apr 14, 2014 6:39 PM

Sep 2011
Apr 15, 2014 12:55 PM

Aug 2010
Well, this was a surprisingly enjoyable series. Kagari was a welcome break from generic tsundere #23.011, though Honoka was terrible and I got sick of him yapping the same stuff since episode two. And then there's the supporting cast: Kuraishi Tanpopo, Kasumi, Chronoire, Touko and Kanae not to mention Otometachibana Rinon, I would watch a show based around her. 7/10, nothing spectacular, but definitely enjoyable, the story was meh, but the setting pretty nice.
Mogami-kunApr 15, 2014 10:38 PM
Apr 17, 2014 5:38 PM
Aug 2012
normally i complain when there is no kiss in the end but that kiss was so hilarious i didnt care
Apr 17, 2014 5:38 PM
Aug 2012
normally i complain when there is no kiss in the end but that kiss was so hilarious i didnt care
Apr 24, 2014 3:00 PM

May 2012
Pretty decent ending from this series, expected something more but this will do for this series and well in the end it wasn't all that bad to be honest! It had some great action and character development so all in all it was a good anime!
Apr 27, 2014 11:41 AM
May 2012
The story was pretty well put, and it didn't have any awkward moments, the comedy scenes were right on time, though. My only gripe are the main characters, Takamiya and Kagari. I don't like them, they are annoying and they just kinda ruin the enjoyment for me. Heck I like the supporting characters even better so I guess that makes it up.

May 2, 2014 12:09 PM

Jan 2011
if this anime had focussed on the villains instead of boring Kagari an that other beta mc id have given this a higher score

May 4, 2014 9:28 PM

Dec 2011
Gotta admit, I finished it, but this is probably not my kind of show (and I'll rate it accordingly and try to explain why I didn't like it, but in the end I just really didn't like watching it and completed it just for the sake of it). So here goes...

I didn't like OP Kagari. There wasn't any tension, because she always got back up through some saving grace or another, and barely had a scratch on her. There was little in the way of defeat and going back to the drawing board, just brute force/fire through each fight. (I didn't like Rosario x Vampire for the same reason.)

Honoka annoyed me because he served no real purpose other than as Kagari's weak link. Can't pick on Kagari because she's too strong? Let's pick on Honoka instead!
Whoops... we can't have him die. Time to invoke the tension-breaking power of being able to summon Evermillion and return everything back to normal.
Wouldn't it be great if summoning Evermillion had some negative consequences to show that not everything can be returned to status quo? Except no, because a contract that conveniently prevents any lasting consequences gets explained in the last episode. Urgh.

In the same vein, tension was lost when nobody died. Not every work needs death, to be clear, and lots of shows can create tension without death. But it helps if there's something on the line. When you destroy entire cities, blow up people, stab them through with swords only to have them pass out at best, there is nothing to be gained from watching a fight scene other than to see pretty colours. There was no emotional investment.

Also didn't like Playstation 2 level CGI, but it was okay when things were moving fast.

Oddly enough, I can be okay with all of the above stuff. But my biggest gripe was the poor treatment of the five crazy Tower witches. I really liked them. They had lives and personality. They went to karaoke, and they were defeated but got back up and created new strategies, which is more than I can say for the two mains. They're treated like crap because they're comic relief, which just made me dislike the MCs even more.

Oh but the non-CGI art was pretty good. Props to JC Staff.

May 5, 2014 12:18 AM

Apr 2011
Show was enjoyable.

I would have rated this higher if that wimp had kissed Ayase in the lips!
May 16, 2014 9:05 PM

Apr 2012
at the end they charged at her head on withought using magic when she had none some witches guess that's y they called it " operation going back to sleep"

good anime hope there is a season 2
May 23, 2014 11:26 AM

Jun 2011
The ending was kind of underwhelming, but the series as a whole was really enjoyable despite Takamiya being such an indecisive fellow. Kagari reminds me of Senjougahara from Monogatari, which is pretty rare in anime.

It's a shame that Medusa and her underlings didn't get nearly as much importance as the other tower witches, because they were pretty interesting characters who could've gone beyond comic relief.

I would definitely like a second season of this.
May 24, 2014 12:31 PM
Mar 2009
Dissent said:
The ending was kind of underwhelming, but the series as a whole was really enjoyable despite Takamiya being such an indecisive fellow. Kagari reminds me of Senjougahara from Monogatari, which is pretty rare in anime.

It's a shame that Medusa and her underlings didn't get nearly as much importance as the other tower witches, because they were pretty interesting characters who could've gone beyond comic relief.

I would definitely like a second season of this.

Yeah, the last five episodes were sort of down-hill for me....

Overall it was an okay series, but I would put many things above it. Like Log Horizon, Golgol 13 TV series, and anything Ghost In The Shell.
Jun 16, 2014 12:45 AM

Jul 2010
Animations, char design, voice acting, were top notch, while everything else was just mediocre. But mediocre doesn't mean not enjoyable so I had plenty of fun with it.
Would watch a second season 7/10.

Oh no lips kiss was painful. I wanted to low my vote down just for it but on a second thought I changed my mind and still gave it 7/10.
Jun 17, 2014 9:24 AM

Aug 2010
So we got a "damsel in distress" wimpy guy and an OP girl that just fell head over heels with the guy and is actually nothing without him. Where's the justice in that?

On top of that he has a Deus Ex Machina power that just made everything back to the way it was before. The final boss cool but when she start explaining her plan I take it back she's just another generic villain.

Don't get me wrong I would watch a second season, if there are any, only if they made it more serious and really provide background with the tower vs workshop thing or give emphasis on the real bosses here eg. Medusa and Chronoire and what about the seals right. 7/10 for now.
Jun 21, 2014 8:48 AM
May 2012
That was a nice ending to me :D
Honoka and Kagari's relationship didn't really develop; it could have been really awesome if their relationship developed. Also, I didn't like how Honoka stayed just like that. He knows some stuff but that's it. I like how he didn't kiss Kagari in the lips, though.....because I thought they will kiss after Kagari opened her eyes, but it didn't happen =_=
Well, the animation is really great, and I like the character designs. Awesome OSTs, nice voice acting, and nice opening and ending song. I would like a season 2 :3 I will wait for the OVA(s) and specials.
I will read the Manga someday. Thank you ^^
Jun 29, 2014 8:26 AM

Oct 2012
"Kumokumo.. Kumooo~"
"Usa? Usausa, usa!"
I understand it very... well

Usa x Kumo!!!!!!!! I ship this!!!!!!

Why didn't you kiss her??
Is this KyoAni's anime?? Trolling-kiss.. always

And... until the end..
Those five tower witches.. still, weak
I know what Medusa is feeling right now xD

Crazy (Kuraishi) Tanpopo is the best girl!!
Dat voice xD
"Signature removed"
Jul 27, 2014 8:54 AM

Jan 2012
I did somewhat enjoy watching this

but at the same time felt like it was a waste of fucking time...


and holy shit at the voice castings..
Oct 1, 2014 8:52 AM

Jun 2010
Yea great start loved the animation but in the end my allergy towards wimpy MC's beat me.

There was so much ass pulling going on I don't even want to start ranting.

Still loved the show though whenever takamia wasn't being super annoying.
OP MC's FTW #TeamKagari

<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Oct 9, 2014 4:30 PM

May 2008
This show was so random but the animation makes up for it :)
Mar 3, 2015 6:24 PM

Jul 2013
yukishiromei said:
What a beauty Kagari-san.
Fun episode. Fun show overall.

Really enjoyed the show! The OST was pretty good!!! Especially that piano one at the end of the episode, it gives me that nostalgic feeling!!!! Animation was awesome!
Kagari's soothing voice! So relaxing <3
Hope one day there will be a season 2!
PhinalPhlashMar 3, 2015 6:33 PM
Apr 2, 2015 3:11 AM
Jul 2018
The Anime was awesome I rewatched it 7 times and it actually got better for me. I loved the whole kagari and honoka thing ofc it isn't sudden love like most anime they built that love when they were children but their memories were erased honokas completely while kagari's more or less did and honoka still had feelings for kagari even though he didn't know why im ranting.
Last episode was awesome loved the kissing part XD especially when they used the support characters to show how the audience must've felt when he kissed her on the forehead instead. Overall 10/10 season as a whole 10/10 reading mangs now.
Apr 6, 2015 4:38 PM
Dec 2014
Eremiel said:
The Anime was awesome I rewatched it 7 times

I'm sorry.
Apr 17, 2015 1:53 PM

Sep 2013
I really do hope some NA distributor will pick this up someday... Hell, at this point, I'm willing to buy it even from Aniplex of all companies!
Jun 3, 2015 10:47 AM

Oct 2013
Ayaka's lips are so juicy, i'm impressed with Honoka he could resist the tempation of her lips what a man ! or he just your typical clueless dumb guy, lol

I love witchcraft works i hope this anime has more episodes because it's fun to watch especially those 5 girls who are Medusa's desciples they make every episode colorful the one with glasses is my favorite which is Katsura Kotetsu

I wouldn't mind for a 2nd season

Overall score 8/10, now onto the OVA
Jul 5, 2015 9:06 PM

Jun 2012
Dumb but enjoyable.
Jul 12, 2015 7:15 AM

Mar 2008
Feb 25, 2016 10:29 AM

Feb 2015
Why J.C.Staff?!!!! Why you skipped Kazane and Chronoire fight. if you didn't skip it, it would be very epic!!! that one really dissapointme though...but overall it was a good and fun ending :D
Overall, i really like and enjoy this anime a lot. the art is great and the character was funny(same with the comedy XD ). the story is great but.....they didn't show any flashback.........well, i still enjoy this anime even without any of that, but i prefet they show a flashback. what happened with him when he was a little kid. i really want to know that. The action was really great too :D
My fav character; Evermilion. BA :D, Rinon and Tanpopo.
obviously gonna read the manga right now :D
YizelTroFeb 26, 2016 10:50 AM
Mar 17, 2016 11:43 AM

Aug 2014
Keep in mind that the manga is still ongoing and that a new chapter is released monthly people.
Jun 10, 2016 9:58 PM

Aug 2013
I watched this mostly for Tanpopo's crew. The male protagonist and the story were kinda meh. Its just that the interactions between Tower Witches were so much more entertaining to watch than watching that whimp Takamiya or the invincible Hime-sama.
Oct 12, 2016 8:18 AM

Jun 2016
I really laugh on the kiss scene.
it's kinda original hahahhaa

The world is cruel, ugly and pitiful. Let's watch anime and make it colorful
Apr 30, 2017 7:35 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Too many characters for like no reason. And then they had the nerve to introduce even more characters as the show was wrapping up. I swear they could have told this story maybe even better with less than half of the characters and extra details they had in this.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
May 16, 2017 11:54 PM

Oct 2015
It was enjoyable to say the least. But overall it was pretty meh nothing spectactular or memorable about the series as a whole. 5/10
May 8, 2018 9:39 PM

Jun 2017
I enjoyed this anime quite a bit, it's a shame Takamiya is such a wimp. I get it, that's kinda this anime's shtick, but man, he's very irritating to me. Kagari said it right in the first episode - the best description of this guy is that he's a princess. A very useless one.

I mean really, I think if it's to save her life, even if it wasn't with her permission, she will forgive a kiss on the lips. When was the last time you heard of someone giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation only to turn around and yell at their hero for saving them? I'm sure it's happened, ONCE, in the history of mankind (a maybe at best, there are some assholes out there) - but in this situation?

Man, I want to beat the shit out of him. I want to KILL him, or I want someone else to do it for me. I'm so utterly disappointed in this character I just wish he would have died from his stab wound. Weekend didn't drive the knife deep enough, I am also utterly disappointed in her character as well. If only she had aimed for the heart, maybe gotten a kidney. Didn't happen. Very unsatisfying. He deserves to die after all that annoyance and whining and cowering.

no but really, pretty fun anime here. Gets pretty serious for a while, very unexpected in this anime too - it's just really a shame that Takamiya didn't die forever.

...I just really was hoping he would die by the end. =( Why didn't he die? =-/ It would have been SUCH a good ending if he had just died at Weekend's hands and everyone else survived except maybe her. This ending was like going to Wal Mart and walking out of the store not having found what you went there for - it's that kind of feeling. If only Takamiya were no longer among the living....
Alpha-MethylMay 8, 2018 9:47 PM
Jan 30, 2019 5:48 AM

Aug 2014
Considering this thread was 5 years old i was not surprised theres alot of mixed reviews coming saying it's mediocre.

While not knowing later those too much of a character actually link each other in Manga.
I call it superb adaptation because multiple reason.
Most memorable aspect about the anime is the visuals and ost. They're really like matching.
Then you have reversed roles for MC and Heroine.

Considering this was like 5 years ago the CGI is still better than most of CGI used in very own 2018/2019 year.
Also the art is unique and colourful, so is the story incase you forgot how mediocre the year was.
And unlike a normal anime fans who only focused too much on OP or ED, this anime did really a good damn job making those OST sets. You can even count with finger how many anime with good ost came out each year and this one still came out on top of my list.
Jul 1, 2019 8:57 PM

Mar 2016
Re-watched: I had forgotten about how absolutely absurd this anime is as well as the strange attention to detail in all of the goings-on in the background which really impressed me. I probably missed a lot of little easter eggs just soaking in everything else. This was weird as hell, but I don't think it was ever trying to take itself too seriously. Of course some aspects left a bad taste in my mouth (like the power-dynamic of the school itself, and some of the torture jokes) But, the over-the-top aspects of the show, which there were quite a few, ended up just being a lot of fun and it made the fictional world really come alive. This anime has a lot of character and charm.

A large, and unique cast of characters really helped move the story along. Nice character designs, production values and direction too.

Funny, literally the only thing I remembered about this show was a big titty witch and the MC getting princess carried, but this was worth going back to after ~4 years.
syncrogazerJul 4, 2019 8:25 PM
Feb 8, 2020 2:07 AM
Feb 2016
Fun show, interesting cast except the male mc. Kagari is great. Felt comedic overall although it tries to take itself seriously lmao. This has potential but please just kill the fucking mc. He's annoying asf
Anguish_one7Feb 8, 2020 2:11 AM
Feb 13, 2020 3:27 AM

Oct 2019
Honestly the show felt like it had to be somewhere or something - most of the time I wanted it to focus more on the characters and the story itself. Seeing how this was just 12 Episodes (the OVA not really doing anything) I am kinda sad how this show could have been so much better, if they had invested more time towards flashing out the characters and very colorful cast.

Obviously I found it refreshing, that the "fighter" this time was the girl and the (mostly) helpless "damsel" was the dude, which happens very rarely (funny tho, how this is something the MC gets shit for, even tho there are many many girl-characters that are pretty much 1:1 the same and get a lot less hate).

Seeing how cool the character designs were and what kind of things they used to fight/use their magic I think the show could have done with either more episodes or a few less characters, but give them more real screentime of actually doing stuff instead.

But sadly this didn't happen. So I felt in the end, that the show missed a lot of potential just because they rushed the plot along, because they didn't feel like the story and characters could carry the story early on (which would have been the case, if it was just the MC and the Heroine, frankly.).

Jun 22, 2020 2:24 PM
Jun 2020
Well, this series was certainly something. Is this an anime where the manga goes more in-depth and farther or something? And the outro song is certainly clever throug-out the series. I give this a 10/10
I read some and watched a lot and I plan to see a lot more.

I also gotta get this signature thing straightened out... I'll come up with something cool later. Can't be bothered to do it now.

Also, check out my blog posts, I have lists of websites for reading manga and watching anime that you might find helpful and leave a comment!
Jul 28, 2020 4:03 PM
Dec 2016
Oct 12, 2020 5:30 PM

Apr 2018
It's a pretty good anime overall, I really liked it especially for the idea of the beautiful visuals sometimes + the story was really entertaining
Jan 4, 2021 7:45 AM

Aug 2018
That was a funny show.
Feb 5, 2021 8:51 AM

Jun 2019
This was a truly fantastic show that I scored 9/10, however, I'm left with many questions.

First off, what was the promise between Takamiya and Kagari and how did they know each other previously (ie were they lovers in another lifetime, where Kagari was the man and Takamiya the woman, and now the roles are reversed, so Kagari takes care of him still despite being the woman?)?

Next, i want to know more about Akane and Takamiya's mum, Komachi (i loved Komachi and her outbursts, forcing her kids to sooth her, great tactic lol) and what deal they made, and more of their romance!

Why didn't Takamiya just kiss her already, that was really, really annoying. She obviously likes you, she makes plushies of him whilst he's sleeping, it's not as if she would complain! I'd understand if he was supposed to kiss someone who disliked him, but Kagari is clearly in love with the guy and they have some connection from a past life and a promise together, so just kiss her already, that was a terrible ending moment and real anti-climax. Ideally Kagari would have reached up and drawn Takamiya down into an intense kiss when he wimped out, but se la vie.

Then just the world in general, i loved it and want more, why is there no season 2!

Kagari is one of the sexiest strong female leads I've ever come across. Her character design from the manga looks even better. I love older sister, strong female types, but they have to be interesting as well. Whilst quiet, i did like Kagari and she had her funny moments (the plushies, nurse outfit etc). Similar chars i liked were Hina in Domestic Girlfriend and Kana from Why the hell are you here, teacher.

Also Tanpopo-chan is such a great name (including the chan part), it has a really nice ring to it, I keep repeating the name to myself "Tanpopo-chan...Tanpopo-chan...", lol
23feanorFeb 5, 2021 9:08 AM
Feb 8, 2022 11:11 AM

Jul 2009
Started out good but pretty disappointing finish.. shows like this imo are at their best with whimsical nonsense going on and crumbs of story moments, having the last episodes trying to become serious lost a lot of it's charm. Mc is a poorly written character too, not even a good straight man. Nice visuals and ost though
Mar 5, 2022 1:57 PM
Dec 2021
Great anime!!! Pots model in statistical mechanics.
Sep 15, 2022 10:41 PM

Aug 2019
Story wise, maybe a unpopular opinion, but i thought the show had a great balance between humour + seriousness. The humour in this show hits so so crazy well, every episode i get a good laugh and is definitely such a redeeming quality for the lack of plot. Likewise when the show does want a serious mood, it changes it well, some action scenes and plot points that are a bit darker in the show they were able to handle in a pretty decent manner that makes me respect the studio more.

Takamiya and Kagari's story was overall enjoyable. With the small details of their past and how well the anime actually did at expressing characters, imo, you could piece together points that made their relationship bearable and their characters some what enjoyable. They were given some interesting situations that made their journey more hooking to watch, their relationship wasn't annoying to me, i felt like the author potrayed their feelings well and i genuinely enjoyed watching their cute moments but that could be me.

Overall what made me like the story most, was the humour and characters. The storyboard was balanced between seriousness and humour that when the serious points got a bit diluted that humour would come in and bring me back to earth. This along with the shows ability to make characters very enjoyable to watch, was what kept me watching and enjoying more and more.

Characters were great. All the characters were unique in how they expressed their appearance and personality and is honestly one think the anime does very good job on. Each character was essentially give a "5 minute break the ice" spotlight were they would introduce themselves and do something that is unique to them before they are left at the hands of the studio whether to keep showing them or not. Again, the show had a serious issue of adding more characters then it could handle, but the characters it did focus on had decent to mid development that made me like their character more. I mean some examples like Medusa and Kuraishi's gang alliance with Kagari, later Kuraishi's gang helping the workshop witches were great. Even still Schwarz VI comparing her to when we first saw her, to her taking out weekend due to her finding out she was used. All of these developments were shown and explained somewhat well and made me like these characters more, oh and the focused characters were at times also comedy gold to watch.

Kuraishi is also by far a fav, i mean she has this right mix of airhead but funny moments, but affirmative as a leader and is serious about situations. That and i think Izawa Shiori just fits as her voice so incredibly well, i love her character.

Visuals, character design again was so unique. Lots of Kagari's forms were also really well done and overall the show did a good job at designing a lot of the world. Animation i will say was consistent. The CGI was decent to good, i don't think it dropped in quality at all, and the Kaiju fights were some of the most rememberable for how it was both insanely stupid funny and how well directed it was.

SFX were honestly good for a 2014 anime. The voice acting was alright i'd say, hearing Kobayashi Yuusuke early works is truly an experience. The OP was good but the ED is where shit slaps hard. Its just so, catchy, random, cute with chibis, but the background with torture devices says otherwise. Like i said, even after finishing the anime, i stand by my statement that the ED can sum up my experience watching Witch works "the incarnation of an iron maiden with outer design of sun shine and rainbows."

All in all 9/10. Plot and ending had so much more to be desired, but benefit of the doubt, it balanced seriousness and comedy equally start to finish, had unique and lovable characters and an amazing ED. And imma be real i fucking loved the humour and characters the most in the anime, they absolutely carried the show for me at least. Sadly looks to be no S2, so farewell, i will miss you Kuraishi :(
Code0018Sep 15, 2022 11:26 PM
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