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Nov 6, 2016 12:00 PM

Jun 2016
@Rei366 yeah, you're right. She changes. But I guess I expected a more obvious change, not only in her beliefs but also her overall attitude. To me, she is the cutest when she smiles at Sininji in one of the earlier episodes. So, I guess, the small detials like a smile, etc.

She reminds me of Yin in Darker than Black. But for some reason, I like Yin better.
Nov 29, 2016 2:40 PM

Aug 2014
Ritsuko is definitely moving up for worst Eva girl for me, never liked her from day one.

Not gonna lie, that line about Asuka wanting Shinji to come to her rescue was pretty damn touching.
KashKetchumNov 29, 2016 3:08 PM
Jan 4, 2017 3:07 PM

Feb 2013
What an episode. So thats the third Rei.So I guess Rei is a clone to some degree. That place with all of the Rei's was really creepy. So Rei's should can be implanted into another one if need be and it was originally Shinji's mother? Woah. Then they started to decompose. A very disturbing sight.

I feel like we're getting closer to the truth.

That fucking preview. That's what I was talking about on the previous episode. It's all unfinished because they ran out of time or something. Three more episodes!
Jan 5, 2017 1:56 AM

Dec 2015
@Nano1124 The director/creator, Anno, was constantly coming back with new changes during the making of each episode.
But the end still followed his original vision, no matter how much money they still had. The assistant-director even said it: this type of conclusion was what was formulated during the conception.
But there are so many people out there ready to make you despise/refuse/reject the TV finale, or even ignore it ...

@Kotenbo How could two episodes "ruin" a whole series (of 26eps)? Damage/stain it, of course. To this extent? Internet dramatization.
And many spectators who started for the robots action or scifi mystery came to appreciate the show for other things that they still found in eps.25 and 26. For the others, there are still 25' and 26' so nothing is entirely demolished.

January 13, 2017
@Hinata All my excuses, I took your words for their "first meaning". And I wasnt blaming/accusing, it was just an expression. Also, I differentiate the three ones only because of what I was writing, of course nobody expects you or anyone to specify the number each time. (my excuses, again)

- God means Adam/ the non-human being discovered in 2000.
- then humans indeed created a "god" based on it, "EVA", without a soul (who are labelled as "synthesized humans" probably, in english)
- Rei was created as a mix between what's in the "basement" (called Adam until now) and humans. But she can't old Yui's soul because...
- as suggested many times before, the soul of Yui resides in the Unit-1 (crossing dialogues of Akagi Ryôko and what you learned in the "LCL Shinji" episode, Yui got an accident accordingly to the wish of Ryôko who was the one coming with the plan to rescue her, ultimately a failure).

As what exactly is Rei, the last bits of info are given in episodes 24 and 25. (and if it's still unclear, the movies remove any doubt)

A_Haiku_Unloose said:
"Man found god, and in their joy tried to make Him theirs. That's why there was divine retribution. That was 15 years ago. *The God they found has also disappeared by then. But then, they tried to resurrect God on their own. The result was Adam.*
Unless the subs themselves are wrong, this clearly says that the God they first found was gone, and that Adam was what they produced when they tried to recreate the God they saw, no?

I have no way to read my own (french) DVDs by me so I can't quote them, but based on yours I shall beg your pardon for contradicting an information supposed to be true until episode 24's revelation (well, one among a lot of revelations in this episode, thanks to the guy talking like a poet)
What you already saw for sure is:
- the Second Impact came from humanity's contact (the Katsuragi's expedition at the Pole) with what they called "God" here, the light giant mentionned earlier. It "exploded" (=gone). But Kaji brought the being back to Gendô earlier in the show (you remember the wallet with the embryo thing?) before the commandant started wearing gloves. And I'm pretty sure tjhough, that it's a grammar/english thing that lead you to think that the created one was Adam and not the Eva who were both talked about in the same lines.

June 4; 2019
@retr0ali There is no point in watching the TV version, simply check the "director's" .

October 7, 2019
@Rayl1ght Yes, she is a clone partly made out of Ikari Yui. But I won't spoil you the full recipe, since it's almost revealed. ;)

June 24, 2020
@Ryzor While the character is important, he is a far from a main character and only makes a brief appearance. Another cover could have well be used on this webpage.

November 10, 2020
Rob said:

Dat pregnancy.
Dat abortion.
Dat explosion.

You gave me a good laugh, thanks!

January 6, 2020
@Code0018 Asuka was indeed suffering before the Angel's attack (couldn't stand that she had slowly fallen below Shinji + she was in her period I think).
There's also the fact Ritsuko can't bear Gendô's attitude toward her anymore. (She's been "used" just like her mother before.)

Have a good time with the great episode 24 and the incredible 26 !
Rei_IIIJan 5, 2021 5:54 PM
Jan 12, 2017 4:59 PM

Sep 2015
Those Rei vessels were creepy because they smiled. Was scared Rei died for a sec but glad she survived.
Jan 13, 2017 3:26 PM

Sep 2015
Rei366 said:
Hinata said:
Was scared Rei died for a sec but glad she survived.

Did you really watch the same episode 23 we all saw? ^^"

Rei III said:
I think I'm the third one.

Okay...I guess it was my bad on poor wording but why the need to point it out. 1st
Rei366 said:
Hinata said:
Was scared Rei died for a sec but glad she survived.

Did you really watch the same episode 23 we all saw? ^^"

Rei III said:
I think I'm the third one.

Don't know why I have to prove I watched the episode but okay... and my bad for using poor wording I guess in that sentence but had my reasons. 1st Rei got strangled to death by Naoko in episode 21 which at the time didn't make sense to me because I thought Rei actually somehow survived that but this episode pretty much cleared that up. Rei 2 didn't show signs of remembering that so I considered her a new Rei. Rei 2 died (I'm just gonna use it the way everyone including you wants me to use it) last episode and with this info we gather from this episode(23), we know that the Dummy system is linked with those Rei vessels(clones) to ever so produce another clone whenever one dies. Rei 3 recalled a bit of memories(from the Dummy system) from being in her old room and looking at Shinji's dad's broken glasses. I considered her still technically the same Rei (aka Rei 2) we know and love and that she didn't fully die in explosion because a bit of the stored memories from the Dummy plug could be recalled by Rei 3.

But this prob doesn't matter to you^^

^^^Heres the stuff you want to see I guess
Mar 29, 2017 9:53 PM

Dec 2012
I can't believe how much is left out when you don't watch the director's cuts...

That angel battle was very confusing, couldn't help yelling what the fuck... it looked like it took on the shape of Rei at the end before the explosion.
Speaking of rei, it was very cool to have it finally confirmed that she is indeed a clone. And possibly created fro yui's DNA... makes sense how she was called motherly by shinji, kept commander ikari's glasses, and why commander ikari showed a little bit emotion for her when she sacrificed herself that first time a few episodes back, with the bomb in hand. Someone made a comment that if all her possible next clone vessels have been destroyed, is this her last chance at life. She thinks she's replaceable... little does she know that is not the case anymore... hmmm

I hope they reveal what exactly happened at the time of yui's death, and what shinji saw... I remember she had those famous last words that went along the lines of "I brought my son in today to show him my work" or something

Sounds like everything is going according to the prophecy in the Dead Sea Scrolls (which by the way they are a real thing, but I doubt they say anything that has to do with this anime haha), sounds like there's one more angel attack to go before something BIG happens, eh? What does commander ikari have planned??? So glad things are making more sense with each passing episode haha
Jul 19, 2017 10:24 PM

Mar 2013
LOAD said:

Ew... I can't believe Ritsuko had feelings for Gendo. That's just so gross. Seriously, Gendo looked like a creep even as a college student.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly.
Jul 19, 2017 10:30 PM
Jul 2018
Just one more episode until the last two episodes ruin everything.
Aug 22, 2017 3:18 AM
Oct 2016
Best episode ever : 20/20
Rei was excellent!
Sad that she is actually a clone!
By the way there is a version of this episode where adam appears in the same scene when ritsuko talks about rei!
And many things in the past were revealed!
Everyone must see this, it's kn youtube i think
Sep 17, 2017 8:07 AM

Nov 2016
The mystery about Rei was finally solved.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 20, 2017 8:09 PM

Jan 2016
Shit just got real
Oct 7, 2017 2:36 PM

May 2016
The theme of this episode was Women Jealousy.
Nov 25, 2017 9:19 AM

Jul 2013
These Rei clones creep the hell out of me..0.0
Dec 21, 2017 3:08 AM
Apr 2014
Trying to fill an emotional void with clones.
Jan 27, 2018 4:37 PM

Apr 2015
I'm...starting to get confused. But I get that there's a lot of Reis that have seemingly been available at NERV's disposal up until now...which is why the seemingly-alive and returned Rei remarked "I think I'm the third one."

Ritsuko just wanted Gendo, but Gendo wants his artificially produced babies, so she's naturally jealous.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Feb 19, 2018 11:38 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
That revelation is perfect! I knew that Rei is somehow brought back to life (because she's already killed once when she's a kid) So now that all the Rei clones are destroyed, does that mean that Rei can't have her soul transferred to her clone's body anymore!? Well I'll just have to watch more to know more...

Besides feeling sad/confused for the characters, I am also pretty sad to see the Tokyo 3 wiped out in the explosion...
ShadowkillZFeb 19, 2018 11:45 AM
Mar 8, 2018 11:46 AM

Sep 2017

So, this is Eve-ah. Rei is Eva. This is cute. But Rei 2 was killed and Akagi was such a bitch about her death. She is just like her mom. But poor Rei. She got killed twice already. She has even worse trauma than anyone else. Also, she sacrificed herself because she loves Shinji. You don't need any more reason for being Best Girl.

But the rest of the cast don't matter. Not even Shinji. Because according to my calculations, the one who has been doing her duty well is Rei. Only Rei. Shinji got lucky and Asuka is well, Asuka.

In some sort of way, Rei is like a resurrecting God. The reason she is in Shinji's memories is because she is Eva. She is the reincarnate of the angel. And I cried when she died.

Guess I can call it official now. Rei-tan Maji Tenshi.(RMT)

But they totally spoiled her resurrection with Rei 3 in the middle of the episode. Otherwise, I would have been in tears for the entire episode.

Also, what's the matter with Asuka and her unit. Can't get it up?

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Mar 18, 2018 5:23 AM

Feb 2018

In this episode we learn that men found God and tried to use him, but he obviously didn't want to take any of that shit, so he punished men and so came the Second Impact. Then men continued to play god and created a "God" of their own which is Adam and from it the Evas are made. Explains why Adam looks so hideous - it is a poor copy of a perfect being, and also why Evas have no soul - because they are made from a false "God".

The only thing created by man that did have a soul was Rei, and my guess is that is because Gendo *used* the soul of his wife to put it inside the empty husk that was Rei. Seems like Yui's "death" was no accident after all.

Ritsuko was naked because it was an interrogation after all, and when you are naked you feel the most vulnerable, so it's easier to crack a person that way. That's why she was so angry afterwards, Gendo loved the clone more, so he spared the clone from the embarrassment and stress and sent her instead.

JeremiahOrange said:

Also, what's the matter with Asuka and her unit. Can't get it up?

Asuka's lack of ability to even move her Eva is from her lack of confidence, which was already shaken when Shinji saved her the first time, and completely destroyed after the mental attack she suffered from the 15th angel.

TL;DR: Adam is a "God" and Evas are "Humans" created by humans - both failed, because humans are no gods and they cannot really create life. That's one of the points of the show.

Thank you for clearing some things up (like the soul of Yui), but are you sure that Adam is the being found?
The subs say, quote: "Man found god, and in their joy tried to make Him theirs. That's why there was divine retribution. That was 15 years ago. *The God they found has also disappeared by then. But then, they tried to resurrect God on their own. The result was Adam.*
Unless the subs themselves are wrong, this clearly says that the God they first found was gone, and that Adam was what they produced when they tried to recreate the God they saw, no?

Rei366 said:
I have no way to read my own (french) DVDs by me so I can't quote them, but based on yours I shall beg your pardon for contradicting an information supposed to be true until episode 24's revelation (well, one among a lot of revelations in this episode, thanks to the guy talking like a poet)

If the show contradicts itself in the next episode, then i guess it is best for me to watch it and change my opinion accordingly, but this is what it said for now. Unfortunately, my knowledge of French consists of 3 words, so quoting it really would be pointless, but I wouldn't be too surprised if there was a third type of interpretation there, and i believe you.
A_Haiku_UnlooseMar 18, 2018 6:16 AM
Aug 26, 2018 10:43 PM

Feb 2017
This is the craziest show I've ever seen. Through and through. The premise, the decisions of the characters, their backstories, the secret conspiracy narrative hidden by's all so damn crazy.
Dec 16, 2018 8:17 AM

Aug 2013
Those Rei clones were creepy.

Not a bad episode.

May 3, 2019 4:41 AM

May 2016
Because of all of the Evangelion memes about Shinji being a pussy, the last thing I had expected was Asuka to outmatch the guy in terms of incompetency. I understand that she's distraught over her many losses and painful memories resurfacing but it's pretty unfair for Shinji to get all the ridicule from the watchers when he didn't want to get in the robot at the time while Asuka being in the robot actually didn't get to do anything to save Rei II who ended up sacrificing herself only to get replaced by another clone of hers.

Ritsuko showed the real situation about Rei's role as the dummy plug's core and her real origins to Shinji and Katsuragi and it wasn't pretty. While getting rid of all the other soulless Rei husks erased something that wasn't supposed to exist, I guess that means that Rei's on her last life from this point on.

May 17, 2019 9:52 AM
Apr 2016
Oh hell, Rei nearly died, that was close. It was nice seeing her cry, a scene I never thought I'd see. Well, what a goddamn plot twist at the end...goddamn. Well, Katsuragi trying, with a 14 year old...heck bro.
blankMay 17, 2019 10:24 AM
Jun 3, 2019 4:52 PM

Dec 2018
should i watch the original episodes first, then the directors cut? interesting episode though, even though i kinda know most of it going in from the manga lol.
Aug 22, 2019 10:21 AM

Aug 2016
Geez all people there in NErv are so F up. Looks like Seele Council is getting ready to overtrow/coup/betrayel Nerv by using twice as much or more EVAngelions. Well, it there gonna be any last epic battle, looking at quality of preview... I knew it's gonna get bad, but this bad?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 23, 2019 12:17 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Martin_Taylor said:
Geez all people there in NErv are so F up. Looks like Seele Council is getting ready to overtrow/coup/betrayel Nerv by using twice as much or more EVAngelions. Well, it there gonna be any last epic battle, looking at quality of preview... I knew it's gonna get bad, but this bad?

I suggest that when you finish the tv series, you jump straight to the film End of Evangelion which is absolutely complementary to the last two episodes of the tv series. If epic is what you want, E o E does it in a scale almost unmatched in the medium.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 23, 2019 2:57 AM

Aug 2016
@Farabeuf Well, epic ending is not what I particularly want (Well, yeah, I do) but that's what show was set up for last few episode, at least that was my feeling from some scenes (And something deep psychological mess from others). Anyway, I was planning to watch movies after, even not sure which and when, so thanks for tip. How should I watch rest? I understand film series is remake that's coming out now, right?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 23, 2019 4:28 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Martin_Taylor said:
@Farabeuf Well, epic ending is not what I particularly want (Well, yeah, I do) but that's what show was set up for last few episode, at least that was my feeling from some scenes (And something deep psychological mess from others). Anyway, I was planning to watch movies after, even not sure which and when, so thanks for tip. How should I watch rest? I understand film series is remake that's coming out now, right?

After the series you can go straight to End of Evangelion.

The Rebuild films (there's 3 of them) are an alternate retelling of Evangelion (there are myriad theories of what they are). The first one is extremely close to the series, the second one is a departure from the series story and the third one is a different ballpark entirely.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 17, 2019 11:41 PM

Jul 2009
What an episode!

So basically all these entry plus were powered by Dummy Rei's which were salvageable humans from most likely what happened with 2nd impact. Only Rei had her own "soul" which I already can see what who her soul is based from.

Asuka being useless here, which probably is going to even sting more of her pride. She was playing that Puyo Puyo game!

I thought Rei really died, then she survives the next scene. For some reason she gets to keep her memories, but her feelings and emotions seems to have reset.

Also, did Misato tried to be intimate with Shinji just because of what happened? I mean, she did sleep with Kaiji as soon as Ikari was brought back after missing inside EVA 01.

Damn, so even Ritsuko falls in love with Gendo Ikari? What's up with Ikari attracting every girl out there XD

Surprise, Misato wasn't charmed. The "pill" that had the data extracted. Isn't that the same pill that Kaiji tried to "insert" to Misato during their sex scene? :X

Oct 6, 2019 8:25 AM

Oct 2012
So Rei is a clone.. right?
That was some really creepy smiles Rei's bodies have right there
"Signature removed"
Apr 6, 2020 1:47 PM

Dec 2019
It was kinda obvious Rei was a clone she was so lifeless every time she appeared, i didn't notice that Rei III meant for the third Rei, so those episodes with the title Rei I and Rei II meant that Rei died and got reborn again, interesting...

Apr 9, 2020 8:13 AM

Apr 2016
Well that was bleak.

Looks like mankind not only wants to create God in their own image but make an army out of them.

I no longer care if the world survives.

Everything depends on Shinji. Which is the point of the series. He's our Saviour...from ourselves.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 5, 2020 3:44 PM

Apr 2020
Oh Gendo, you old romantic! Women throwing themselves at him left, right and center but he only has eyes for one.

Interesting episode nonetheless, and I like that the show has veered away from the Angel of the Week attack to the larger conspiracies behind NERV.

Also thanks to everyone who posted above. Helped me figure out a few WTF moments were going on in this episode.
Jun 23, 2020 8:16 AM
Discord Moderator
Divine Protector

Sep 2019
Wow... So I was almost right in thinking Rei was a clone. What I didn't expect was so many of her, even if they were just empty shells.

A lot of things are starting to make sense. But the ultimate plan of SEEL and Ikari still hasn't been revealed.

Also there's hardly any episodes left and I still haven't seen that guy that's taking centre stage on the anime's picture cover.
Jul 28, 2020 1:44 PM

Feb 2020
(original version)

it's been what feels like a hundred million years since i saw the previous episode (#life) so i wikipedia-ed the synopsis to remind myself of what happened haha (asuka angst central how could i forget)


i have.......... no idea what is going on!! :)

thank goodness rei isn't dead!!!!!!!!!!!! but how CREEPY that they had a whole host of clones of hers for "parts" wow creepy. and the giggling sounds they made as ritsuko destroyed them was also Very Creepy indeed.

why did ritsuko have to be interrogated by seele? and why naked? i'm still a little confused about seele's purpose and their goals but hopefully all will be revealed

gendo sucks. he really really sucks. how ritsuko and her mum ever trusted him (and were attracted to him EW PUKE) is beyond me, he's so cold and heartless and more of a "vessel" than rei

and poor baby asuka :( but i can totally relate, when you suddenly go from being the best and being super talented to needing help with things that seem simple, it can really affect you

also it felt like a bit of a throwback to the first episode for me, shinji and misato being led through nerv by ritsuko

this show is getting Emo
Sep 24, 2020 10:25 AM

Feb 2020
(director's cut)

a lot of intense stuff going on but i still feel like i have no clue what is happening despite this being the second watch lol

but it was very creepy when the faces grew out of shinji's hand and started talking. and unit 00 turning into rei before exploding was new. it looked very dramatic, no idea what it means though. classic evangelion
Oct 7, 2020 3:37 AM

Apr 2020
Rei said that she was the third, that means she did die when Akagi's mother killed her in her childhood,
Damn the lab scene was crazy, I thought they were going to talk about Adam but Damn...

So now if Rei dies she dies for real?
Oct 14, 2020 12:38 AM

Aug 2018
Another very psychological and confusing episode, it is pretty terrifying that Rei had so many clones of her that weren't in use.

Ritsuko's decision to end this in front of Shinji and Misato is very admirable, but there are still many questions that need to be answered even after revealing so much in so little time.

Poor Asuka is just in immeasurable suffering, her childhood might actually be worse than Misato or Shinji's.
Oct 29, 2020 2:18 PM
Jul 2020
after watching this i understand everything pretty clearly now. the second impact happened because humans tried to capture god so it was like a punishment from god. then humans created adam which was the first angel. they made new angels based on adam and they basically just put gear and shit on those new angels and these are the evas we see in the show. but since the evas are artificial angels its understandable that nerv can create angels in different shapes. Rei is an angel, or she's an artificial one like the evas. and since she's artificial nerv can just create more and more of her body, but not her mind. this is where the big machine that creates dummy plugs comes in. the machine that created the dummy plugs basically have Rei's thoughts and feelings in it and can transfer that information to a dummy Rei if the current Rei dies. hence why Rei can't really die. there are copies of her and when she dies all nerv needs to do it put a dummy Rei in that tank filled will yellow stuff and it'll transfer her thoughts and feelings to the new dummy Rei. so Rei probably died when she saved Shinji but she came back because they had tons of dummy Reis that they just needed implant with Reis feelings and thoughts. and the reason why Dr. Akagi destroyed the dummy Reis was because Ikari chose to sacrifice her instead of a dummy Rei. which is understandable since there's just one Dr. Akagi but hundreds of dummy Reis. so she basically got pissed because she saw how little Ikari cares about her. maybe this is what happened to Kaji a few episodes back? Ikari sacrificed him to save himself. but maybe not... personally i feel like maybe Kaji gave himself up so that Misato would be freed.
Nov 10, 2020 2:10 AM

Dec 2012
Dem door notes.
The spear.
An Angel.
The Angel attacks Rei.
Rei oppai on point.
Its on Rei's oppai now. Sugoi.

Shinji touched a clone of his moms boob and saw her fully naked. Like father like son. Don't worry Ritsuko, you're not the only one thats like their parent.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Dec 30, 2020 4:57 AM

Sep 2016
Well... that was dark. Same time I loved this episode and hated it.
Jan 2, 2021 5:40 AM
Jul 2018
Rei's self-destruction scene is one of the most beautiful and shocking ones that I've ever seen..! She didn't allow herself to access her feelings until that moment, mainly about her feelings for Shinji; she didn't even recognize how suffering she was. Rei portrays how distant a person can be from itself.
Jan 3, 2021 10:44 PM

Aug 2019
HOLY FUCK. Literally my only words for this episode, this series in like 4 episodes, has fucking descended into levels of fucked, that i didn't even know existed. This episode felt like another ice breaker, but to be honest so have the last 4, information is being given to us by the masses.

Trying to wrap my head around this episode, Rei isn't human and is more of an eva? She can be cloned, but those clones are soulless and also function for the "Dummy Plugs". So Dr Ritsuko who can no longer carry the burden of the knowledge of the Evas and happenings within NERV, breaks it to Shinji and Misato (although at gun point) however also puts an end to the soulless Rei's.
Jesus christ i actually don't know what could happen anymore, and i'm interested as fuck to see what happens.

Rei_III said:

January 6, 2020
@Code0018 Asuka was indeed suffering before the Angel's attack (couldn't stand that she had slowly fallen below Shinji + she was in her period I think).
There's also the fact Ritsuko can't bear Gendô's attitude toward her anymore. (She's been "used" just like her mother before.)

Have a good time with the great episode 24 and the incredible 26 !

Ah makes sense then, i did not expect Asuka's past to be so...dark and violent.
Yeh, on one hand i feel bad for Ritsuko and how Gendo used her and her mother, but on the other i feel like she ultimately brought this down on herself.

Thank you again! Rn, i'm really digging this series, has a lot of imagery and hidden meanings within it. I'm probably going to slowly chip away at the last few episodes this week xD Really looking forward to the movies though.
Code0018Jan 5, 2021 9:07 PM
Jan 24, 2021 6:55 AM
Aug 2020
So Rei is basically Weyoun from DS9, did I get that right?
Feb 23, 2021 11:03 PM
Jul 2017
this episode was confusing, even i opened wiki to understand what happened :/
Mar 10, 2021 1:42 AM

Nov 2019
I’m not sure I fully understood what happened here, but I’m very intrigued by it.
Mar 10, 2021 9:34 PM

Mar 2010
The echo was so creepy. Such a creepy angel lol
Mar 11, 2021 1:37 PM

Jul 2020
There is only one word to describe this episode. Damn.
Mar 25, 2021 11:00 AM

Feb 2020
3 Episodes left!!! This anime is getting more and more crazy. Those rei clones...damn
Mar 31, 2021 2:05 AM

Jun 2020
So I guess this can kind of explain why Rei felt lonely and why it was so easy for Gendoh to view her as a daughter
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