@Nano1124 The director/creator, Anno, was constantly coming back with new changes during the making of each episode.
But the end still followed his original vision, no matter how much money they still had. The assistant-director even said it: this type of conclusion was what was formulated during the conception.
But there are so many people out there ready to make you despise/refuse/reject the TV finale, or even ignore it ...
@Kotenbo How could two episodes "ruin" a whole series (of 26eps)? Damage/stain it, of course. To this extent? Internet dramatization.
And many spectators who started for the robots action or scifi mystery came to appreciate the show for other things that they still found in eps.25 and 26. For the others, there are still 25' and 26' so nothing is entirely demolished.
January 13, 2017
@Hinata All my excuses, I took your words for their "first meaning". And I wasnt blaming/accusing, it was just an expression. Also, I differentiate the three ones only because of what I was writing, of course nobody expects you or anyone to specify the number each time. (my excuses, again)
- God means Adam/ the non-human being discovered in 2000.
- then humans indeed created a "god" based on it, "EVA", without a soul (who are labelled as "synthesized humans" probably, in english)
- Rei was created as a mix between what's in the "basement" (called Adam until now) and humans. But she can't old Yui's soul because...
- as suggested many times before, the soul of Yui resides in the Unit-1 (crossing dialogues of Akagi Ryôko and what you learned in the "LCL Shinji" episode, Yui got an accident accordingly to the wish of Ryôko who was the one coming with the plan to rescue her, ultimately a failure).
As what exactly is Rei, the last bits of info are given in episodes 24 and 25. (and if it's still unclear, the movies remove any doubt)
A_Haiku_Unloose said:"Man found god, and in their joy tried to make Him theirs. That's why there was divine retribution. That was 15 years ago. *The God they found has also disappeared by then. But then, they tried to resurrect God on their own. The result was Adam.*
Unless the subs themselves are wrong, this clearly says that the God they first found was gone, and that Adam was what they produced when they tried to recreate the God they saw, no?
I have no way to read my own (french) DVDs by me so I can't quote them, but based on yours I shall beg your pardon for contradicting an information supposed to be true until episode 24's revelation (well, one among a lot of revelations in this episode, thanks to the guy talking like a poet)
What you already saw for sure is:
- the Second Impact came from humanity's contact (the Katsuragi's expedition at the Pole) with what they called "God" here, the light giant mentionned earlier. It "exploded" (=gone). But Kaji brought the being back to Gendô earlier in the show (you remember the wallet with the embryo thing?) before the commandant started wearing gloves. And I'm pretty sure tjhough, that it's a grammar/english thing that lead you to think that the created one was Adam and not the Eva who were both talked about in the same lines.
June 4; 2019
@retr0ali There is no point in watching the TV version, simply check the "director's" .
October 7, 2019
@Rayl1ght Yes, she is a clone partly made out of Ikari Yui. But I won't spoil you the full recipe, since it's almost revealed. ;)
June 24, 2020
@Ryzor While the character is important, he is a far from a main character and only makes a brief appearance. Another cover could have well be used on this webpage.
November 10, 2020
Rob said:
Dat pregnancy.
Dat abortion.
Dat explosion.
You gave me a good laugh, thanks!
January 6, 2020
@Code0018 Asuka was indeed suffering before the Angel's attack (couldn't stand that she had slowly fallen below Shinji + she was in her period I think).
There's also the fact Ritsuko can't bear Gendô's attitude toward her anymore. (She's been "used" just like her mother before.)
Have a good time with the great episode 24 and the incredible 26 ! |