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Jul 5, 2010 3:24 AM
Just finished rewatching. I'm going to up my score from an 8 to a 9. I might have given this a 10 if those kids weren't soo annoying earlier on. I would love to actually see Renton and Eureka's "honeymoon". |
Jul 13, 2010 8:47 PM
loved this episode. one of the best animes out there. i thought it was gonna suck because it had 50 episodes but its alright. 10/10. this was one of the best endings i have seen in a long time. it was sad but fullfilling. |
Jul 15, 2010 10:55 PM
I must say, the best anime I've watched in my whole life. I don't care about all the loopholes and shit, I care about Eureka and Renton actually being together in the end with the promise that Renton made. 10/10 sad that it's over.. man i loved this show. ah well, onto the movie! |
Jul 21, 2010 11:27 PM
It was good, not too bad. I was going to leave it at 8/10 but it might get bumped down to a 7/10 for the lack of consistency regarding the animation itself. Some scenes throughout the show were drawn and animated terribly. Another thing that affects my score is the fact that every other episode Renton, Eureka, the damn kids, Anemone, Dominic or somebody is crying. That got really annoying. Overall I thought it was great, I had wanted to see it in its entirety for a long time. |
Aug 4, 2010 6:21 PM
This is definitely an acquired taste. I only watched it to the end because there was nothing else. 14 year old protagonist, which didn't sound promising, lived up to its unpromising state. |
![]() |
Aug 14, 2010 5:43 PM
Great story, I wanna give it a 10 but they didn't make a big heartfelt reunion at the end and just kinda pulled the plug sooooooo, sadly a 9. |
Aug 22, 2010 7:51 PM
there was a question about the ring in the amber. it wasnt charles' ring. the ring in the amber had the letter R&E in it. after seeing that, renton went curious (just like me) and looked at the ring at his pocket, which was the real charles' ring. and that ring had the letter R&C on it means that the ring in the amber meant "renton and eureka" :) so we can say that they really did get married later on. and that amber thing was quite suspicious. O_o it had the ring and the footprints in it. and that amber was there to protect those memories. it felt like the sand and the ring under the amber were somehow memories from the past. just like looking at the future. i wonder what that meant. other than that, i just finished the show an hour ago, and im not satisfied with the ending either. im going to repeat another question which is already asked here, but noone answered it. what does the "seven" in the name of the show stand for? im thinking, searching the internet, but couldnt find any answer to convince myself. anyone knows? |
gibberishuserAug 22, 2010 8:05 PM
Aug 25, 2010 7:39 AM
foreveryoung said: there was a question about the ring in the amber. it wasnt charles' ring. the ring in the amber had the letter R&E in it. after seeing that, renton went curious (just like me) and looked at the ring at his pocket, which was the real charles' ring. and that ring had the letter R&C on it means that the ring in the amber meant "renton and eureka" :) so we can say that they really did get married later on. and that amber thing was quite suspicious. O_o it had the ring and the footprints in it. and that amber was there to protect those memories. it felt like the sand and the ring under the amber were somehow memories from the past. just like looking at the future. i wonder what that meant. other than that, i just finished the show an hour ago, and im not satisfied with the ending either. im going to repeat another question which is already asked here, but noone answered it. what does the "seven" in the name of the show stand for? im thinking, searching the internet, but couldnt find any answer to convince myself. anyone knows? the seven is the seven swell, and the seven colors of the rainbow. notice how basically everything had something to do with rainbows? haha |
Aug 25, 2010 4:59 PM
BigSimo said: the seven is the seven swell, and the seven colors of the rainbow. notice how basically everything had something to do with rainbows? haha hmm.. i got it. thank you for the explanation. btw, for a moment i thought you were turk like me and making a joke about the show. because the turkish fansubber group translated that "seven swell" in turkish as "the rainbow effect" in their videos. i looked up the wikipedia anime pages and then saw it was actually "seven swell". -_-'' now it makes sense. |
Aug 26, 2010 12:32 AM
haha nope not Turkish though the fansubbers translating it as rainbow effect is perfectly understandable. and no worries |
Sep 6, 2010 7:16 AM
a 10/10 for me well if i wasnt a sucker for Music i would have given this a 9/10 but yea, good characters, nice ending (thou it would be nice if they showed ever1s life) AMAZING SONG THUMBS UP FOR THAT, deep story, great Mythology, SUPERB ANIMATION and character designs, man Eureka Seven was a great ride ^.^ still hoping for an OVA or maybe a 5 min Epilogue PLS but i doubt it cuz this was like 4 years ago FCK well, im off to watch the Movie =D |
Oct 6, 2010 9:27 AM
ExplosiveLee said: Clearly, this is a "Coming of Age Anime": at the beginning, we have Renton who is the 14 year old boy who has no clue what he wants to do or where he wants to go; but after encountering Eureka, he starts to develop into a young man. At the beginning when he joins the Gekko state, he has no idea of the sins he commits (all the people he's killed and all the collateral damage he's done to the world). He comes to realize that he's been killing people and he's part of a war that his father started. Instead of running away from the sins he's committed, he decides to face the burdens of being a murder and protect Eureka with all he's got. Renton becomes more of a man than most of the users on MAL (myself included). If you guys didn't like the development of Renton or Eureka, then this Anime would be very very boring. The one thing I don't like is how everyone keeps complaining about Renton; sure he's a bit of a pussy, but heck, he's a 14 year old. The abuse from the Gekko state (mainly Holland) and the rejection from Eureka (the woman he loves) caused Renton to run away and look even more like an over emotional brat. But let me ask you this; wouldn't you do the same if you were in the same situation and with the same mind set you had when you were 14. Heck, most normal 14 year old boys would run away (I myself would do the same back when I was 14). The reason why the Charles and Ray Arc was so interesting to begin with was because Renton never knew what a normal family with a mother and father was like. If you didn't have feelings for Charles and Ray trying to accept Renton as their child and had hope for Renton to accept them as his parents, I don't know what is wrong with you; You might be emotionally retarded or just a complete psychopath. However, once again, Renton comes out more mature as a man once again after he decides to leave and go back to Gekko state to see Eureka. Renton could have chosen to stay with Charles and Ray and live a happy family after Charles and Ray and the military take out Gekko state. The more you think about it, you see more of Renton's coming of age. Then we have Eureka who is the emotionless and clueless shoujo that changes into a beautiful woman. At the beginning she thought of Renton as a kid and as their relationship develops, she slowly realizes that Renton is her partner, not a kid or just a pilot for Nirvash. After going into the zone the first time in the Anime, she begins to change and develop emotions for Renton. Although she is afraid of her changing body in the last couple of episodes, she is just afraid of rejection from Renton and her children; however, Renton is man enough to stay by her side and she truly recognizes that they were meant to be. As for the ending, I liked how they kept things open allowing us to use our own thoughts and imagination of what really happens. I don't know about you, but I'm the kinda guy who doesn't like having every single detail fed to him by a silver spoon from a golden platter. If you guys really can't think of a good wrap up for the other characters by the end of this episode, then you guys really need to take lessons on being more imaginative. Also, I don't see how everyone is confused whether or not Renton and Eureka are alive or not. When Renton goes to Eureka who is going to be a part of the new Command Cluster, Renton's intention is to be with Eureka in the Command Cluster. However, after they become one, Nirvash becomes complete and gives her little speech on how they should guide the new world with hope. The tree that's holding the Command Cluster and the sphere that is the Command cluster breaks apart because the Scab Coral realizes that Humans and Coralians can coexist on one planet. As for the "Half will come with us" statement from Nirvash may be the only confusing part, I'm pretty sure it just means that the Scab Coral will be taking those that were originally in the Command Cluster and those that had Despair Syndrome with them to other planets. Also, I'm pretty sure the Limit of Life would not play in affect considering how many were lost in the last battle from episode 49 and 50 (for both humans and Coralians). As for the rest of Gekko state, it's quite clear that all of them are alive and I'm pretty sure your own imagination could picture how life would be on the ship when Talho and Holland's child is born. As for Anemone and Dominique, they are off on their own love trip; yes, not enough detail or development was put into their relationship throughout the series but the point is that they ended up loving one another. At the end when Maurice, Linck and Maeter are having dinner with Axel, Axel is holding onto a residence form which shows Renton and Eureka as father and mother with Maurice, Linck and Maeter being their children. Why you may ask? Well considering all they've gone through together (especially the last 4 episodes) I can't really see Eureka giving up her role as being their mother. Now, what I really don't get is how some of you guys don't get how Eureka and Renton aren't there with Axel and the 3 children or are confused whether or not they are alive. I think the heart in the moon with their names on it kinda confirms that they are in love and what do you do when you love someone? Obviously you go on a honeymoon with said lover after being married. If you look at the last scene before the episode ends it shows a silhouette of Eureka and Renton holding hands; notice the glowing green wings that belong to Eureka and the hair style of Renton). Anyway, Superb ending for an awesome Anime. Definitely a 9/10. If you feel that this Anime could have been condensed (with less filler episodes) and should have had more development for Anemone x Dominique and Ray x Charles; I feel the same, but that's why it's a 9/10. I won't say anything about the plot holes because I actually think through the plot and come to my own understanding of what's happening. P.S. Think about Renton's situation and mind set as a 14 year old and what he does throughout the Anime and tell me how he doesn't become a young man. I feel how most people hate Renton. I know he is 14 and went thru alot of bs. Near the end He WAS SOOO ANNOYING. OMG I CAN"T SAVE ANYONE EVERYONE IS DYING. OMG ANT DIED IM SO SORRY MR. ANT I CAN'T SAVE AN ANT. I'M going to roll myself into a ball again. FUCK. JESUS CHRIST. This kid was emo throughout the whole series. Hands down Ray and Charles are best anime parents ever. I hated how they completely did a 180 on their personality after one episode. They become filled with vengeance and evil. Completely different from what they were built upon. OMG the pacing in this show and the fillers omg. At least in bleach there was an arch you can just skip but this has hybrid episodes with filler/story. When the story gets serious its totally random. For instance, Talho enters the room. Oh you know, Eureka is Coralian and explains a buch of other things, when obviously 30 something episodes couldn't do. They could have easily used this opportunity to build the supporting characters, who were far superior than the main. I especially feel sorry for Anemone and Dominique, who got little to no screen time. Their kiss was more amazing than Renton and Eureka, which was a copy of Spirit Away.This leads to another issue with the anime. COPIED. Literally, master plot is stolen from Final Fantasy Spirits Within. A maniac using a Laser Cannon shooting from space at extraterrestrials, who take over earth. Then u have Full metal alchemist story where you have the military vs religion. Both sides oblivious about the situation. Military conducting inhumane experiments and killing innocent lives. The religious cults sacrifice lives to communicate with the coral. At least Full metal had an interesting mastermind with twists that actually mattered. Imagination is great and everything, but honestly we have to come up with our own scene with two main characters Talho and Holland (even tho I hated the douchebag, who also pulls 180 in personality after one episode). I wanted at least a scene with the baby being born and the rest of crew. Why put up fillers with a story filled with holes? Why couldn't they have created a perfect ending? Especially for the people who actually went thru 50 episodes. GLAD I didn't. 1/10 for the story and the lines lack oomph, 10/10 music, animation was jumpy but ill give 10/10 for surfing animations, 10/10 for Charles x Ray, Anemone and Dominique, lastly, Gidget and MoonDoggie. Renton and Eureka is in the middle for me At times they were great and there were times were they were sooo annoying. |
batman3456Oct 6, 2010 9:31 AM
Oct 12, 2010 1:55 PM
Oct 22, 2010 7:30 AM
Oct 23, 2010 9:57 PM
the best ending! now... lest's go to The Movie! \o/ |
Oct 25, 2010 6:43 PM
I love this anime very much, I want to watch the movie but not sure if it will just ruin the anime for me, does it tie in with the anime well and is it worth a watch? Also any Good animes like this other then code geas (havent watched many anime's at all), TY! :) |
Oct 31, 2010 4:24 AM
weak ending idk had good parts with renton getting eureka but some stuff in the ending was crap |
Nov 17, 2010 7:27 AM
Hiba-Tan said: That was a pretty confusing ending. I didn't get why the kids were dumped on the grandpa and what happened to everyone else. And why did Renton and Eureka have that cheesy moment thing where the lazer had a heart around it? Couldn't they have just left it a circle? And did poor Will end up dying? ;-; And what about Talho's baby? Was it mutated? And Dewey's kids? They left too many questions. D: They weren't dumped on the grandpa, they went to the grandpa because thats where Renton and Eureka will return to. Because of the book, in the book she wrote a big heart for renton and the Compac Drive also showed that off. Everyone that died has become one with the Coral I'm sure the child was healthy... it woudn't have been mutated by the summer of love. Deweys kids are going to be with the Captain of the Izumo.. Hardly unanswered... |
Dec 16, 2010 9:47 PM
Overall comments: Final episode was decent, but not stellar. However, the series as a whole was pretty awesome. So many heartwarming moments. So many awesome moments. The plot gets credit for keeping me guessing until almost the very end, and the show mostly understood the idea of dramatic pacing--which is better than can be said about a lot of other shows (I'm looking at you, Sky Girls, for your often complete lack of cliffhangers). However, keeping it from a score of 10 are things such as not enough development of the supporting cast, and a soundtrack that, while great, could have been even more awesome (I thought Kiddy Grade's soundtrack was better, for example). I would also have enjoyed seeing a few more hints at what the characters are up to now. Reading this thread was nice to help illuminate the possibility that R&Ewere on a honeymoon. Well, reading this thread was also useful for thinking about what other details they missed--such as why was all that area coated in amber? And I agree, they should have been through on the epilogue and shown more sides. We literally know nothing of what the rest of the characters where up to. You'd think they'd at least touch on how Holland is holding up after all the abuse his body and mind suffered at the end of the series and considering he's the most prominent main character after Renton and Eureka. Since they failed to follow through, and it had some cheesy scenes (love beam is as cheesy as it can come), I'm not particularly keen on the ending, but as a whole it was good that they managed to close the main issue at hand, which is something a lot of series seem to be failing at lately, even if it failed to cough up a satysfying epilogue. Agreed. Though the sign on the moon might just be something the characters imagined--the sparkly ring as well as the park's name is enough to make them think of Eureka and Renton. However, hearts beam is definitely cheesy. Renton and Eureka... even at the end of this, I can't stand them. At all. Whine whine whine, QQ baw. I wish they had focused on the supporting characters more, they were a hell of a lot more compelling than watching Renton and Eureka cry about nothing for fifty episodes. I agree that the supporting cast really needed more screen-time. However, for what it's worth, I teared up a lot during this whole series. a bit like evangelion, lol D: Actually, I'd say it's like the opposite of Evangelion--the boy hero actually does grow up, the emotionless girl gains emotions, the red-haired crazy girl is redeemed, and we actually get backstory revealed to us. Didn't expect Nirvash to be a female. O.o They hinted at that once. After the end I thought "give me some more minutes I want to see more of the characters" Me too. The ending wasn't the greatest thing...but the journey was darn well worth it. I watched that speech the Nirvash gave at the end about 'not all life will remain on the planet' several times, but I still can't come up with a conclusion as to what the Nirvash was trying to say. Does anyone have a theory as to what the Nirvash was saying? I think she meant that some people would have to go on living as thought-entities like Adroc and Diane. Also, Gonzy being a Coralian...did not expect that one. Well, he did set up his tea mat in way too little time than was sensible. Also, I think they should've focused a bit more on other characters like Anemone, but I'm glad that she ended up with Dominic. ^_^ Yeah, it was a music video of Dominic and Anemone that actually got me to watch this series in the first place. and the worst, too much animation recycled Really? I didn't notice any thing recycled. If you guys didn't like the development of Renton or Eureka, then this Anime would be very very boring. The one thing I don't like is how everyone keeps complaining about Renton; sure he's a bit of a pussy, but heck, he's a 14 year old. The abuse from the Gekko state (mainly Holland) and the rejection from Eureka (the woman he loves) caused Renton to run away and look even more like an over emotional brat. But let me ask you this; wouldn't you do the same if you were in the same situation and with the same mind set you had when you were 14. Heck, most normal 14 year old boys would run away (I myself would do the same back when I was 14). So in other words, it portrayed a 14-year-old boy somewhat realistically, and managed to do it without being a tragedy like Evangelion did. |
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut. |
Dec 17, 2010 1:07 AM
why is it that 50% of people in this thread assume that renton+eureka + everyone else dies, or don't know what happened to them? =.= did they even bother to look at what was going on in the screen ._. Also, eureka and renton obviously survived, with the grandpa saying renton was the only person in the family to ever return (after leaving), and the last scene, where they are on their "holiday" on the moon. sheesh |
Jan 1, 2011 10:10 AM
I just finshed this series, it was one of the best anime ive watched ever. 10/0 loved the animation, music, plot developement and everything about it, just the odd fillers were annoying. loved the charles and ray part, my fav part of the series. the last episode was epic, animation just amazing. somewat confusing ending though. btw what were those rings that charles, ray and holland wore with the r&e written on them, because a ring idenical to that was incased in amber on that beach in the planet. also what were those steps in that mouontain of amber? |
Jan 2, 2011 9:44 PM
Wow..Just Wow. I just finished this anime, and im definitely going to say that this is my favorite anime of all time. But.. 1st. The ending wasn't bad at all. I actually loved it, Renton did the similar thing to what Adrock did by doing what he could to save the earth and everyone on it. 2nd. Lol @ Nirvash finally talking and helping Renton save everyone. & 3rd. Im surprised, The old man on the Gekko State was actually a Coralian watching over them the whole time. Very Interesting. Well The reasons why this anime became my favorite of all time are: 1. The original soundtrack/Opening, Ending Theme songs are all amazing. 2. All of the characters kept me interested, because they were all very cool and blended well together. (Good/Bad Characters) 3.The whole plot/story kept me wanting more & more non-stop. 4. It had Romance, Adventure, and Mecha fights that made it just absolutely phenomenal. So this anime definitely deserves its credit, and I would recommend it to anyone. 10/10. |
ShinobiCJJan 2, 2011 10:25 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jan 30, 2011 8:02 PM
This is terrible. Absolutely awful. I'm in danger now of having 4 mecha animes in my top 5. That's just plain redundant! ;p I love this show. The last batch of episodes made everything worth it. One hell of a ride. And unlike SOME shows that totally ignore it, the journey the two (or I should say three) couples took was spectacular. 10/5 if only I could :) |
"I... don't need anything else...if you don't need anything else." |
Feb 1, 2011 4:20 AM
So after years of holding back on this anime and never giving it a chance I finally decided to pick it up a week or two ago. And having spent my entire night watching the last 12 episodes, and also watching the snow fall that's canceling all my classes, I have to say I regret ever saying no to this thing. Honestly have no idea what possessed me to put this off for so long. Completely mind blown. Anyways, guess i'll touch up on a few things: 1. I'll agree, renton and eureka combo got so annoying to a point where i had to skip a little ways. I can only take so much crying. But i will also admit that the character development was still very well executed. 2. I'm a sucker for those defined endings and would've loved to see an ending of renton and eureka walking home towards his grandpa or something. However the ending how it is was probably much more artistic and made for better storytelling. It left a little open endedness but come on, we all know how things turned out (think happy). 3. bones man, they do such great work. although kinda upset with star driver and gosick atm, but that makes for topics in other threads The Thurston brigade gets a 10 out of 10 in my book. |
Mar 20, 2011 1:24 PM
After nearly finishing E7 about 4 years ago and forgetting everything, I recently picked up this show again. The story was so grappling that I usually cannot control myself marathoning one season at a time, as well as watching the last 2 seasons within a course of 24 hours. This show was set to near perfection at the beginning, with many characters having to endure endless struggles for survival, freedom, or the safety of their loved ones. The story is somewhat well paced. And there are lots of lovey-dovey as well as bad-ass hero moments. ...Though I hate the fact that most of the episodes in this show reduce me to tears. I can't handle it anymore. Personally, I find the supernatural element arising since the start of season 3 a bit overwhelming. And what came with it is the total mind-fuck episodes where nothing seemed to make sense even after they explained it 20 times (well it's better to think too much than not thinking at all). And the final episode was almost too stereotypical but were nonetheless satisfying and removes a big load off my chest. Renton and Eureka shall live on forever as fireflies :P (but humans and coralians are fine too) |
coolwolfMar 20, 2011 1:34 PM
Mar 21, 2011 5:02 AM
Well, Renton and Eureka left for the other universe, right? Supposedly Renton chose to become one of the coralians so he can be with Eureka and save the world. Then I guess, one year later, they returned with... wings and flashing foreheads? Whatever, it was a great anime. 8/10 |
werrstonMar 21, 2011 5:11 AM
Mar 22, 2011 12:07 PM
Let's see if I can keep this short. First, Anemone×Dominic > Eureka×Renton. And besides, Anemone <3 And as far as characters go, most characters of slightly important to major characters, Anemone and Gidget were definitely the best characters of them all. Renton, was annoying, as one would expect from a shounen protagonist. Eureka, was almost as annoying, as one would expect from-... wait, what? Oh and, that annoying haircut she had after she... um... I dunno, was partially absorbed into the scub coral, or whatever happened, god how I hated how that looked. Anyway, Anemone, had the best development in this series. And Dominic had some great development too, seeing as I disliked him at first. Gonzy, was also a fucking awesome character, in all ways. Even though the fact that he was a coralian was quite expected ever since... I dunno, when he was more or less everywhere, all the time. To put it shortly about the story composition and overall pacing, I didn't really think they'd be able to wrap it up in the last 10 episodes, but so they did. Episodes 1-20 were great, episodes 21-30 were awful, because emo-Renton is about as fun to watch as any other generic shounen protagonist's emotional period is. Not at all, that is. It's all the same, and it just doesn't get to me. Then we got to episodes 31-45 something, which were really great. And then there were the last 5 episodes which were... a bunch of "what the fuck am I watching?" Well, despite the fact that I mainly mentioned the negative aspects (hell, those are the ones that you'd remember, while the good things just kinda disappear out of memory after a while), I still found this to be a really good series. I enjoyed it, thus earning it a 8/10, mainly because while most of the show was about 8'ish, and the end was pretty good. Even though it seemed like Bones were on drugs during the latter part of the last episode. And that moon further hindered a 9. And the signalling lights. >_> Also, did I mention anything about butterfly-Eureka? I don't think I did, so... "Haha, she turned into a butterfly, ain't that cute?" ...*sigh* I gotta stop making these review'ish posts whenever I finish a non-airing show. >_> Actually, maybe I should start writing reviews? Just needs a little bit of adjustments and removal of spoilers and then it'd work. Probably. Maybe. I guess. |
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile. Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not. |
Mar 23, 2011 8:02 AM
After all I'm glad I stuck with this series! It was a bit long but I guess the way the story was put together it would have been bad marketing to cut it in the middle and make a season 2 second half. There's a number of things I wish had been different, like the personality of the children & some of the morals it tried to feed the viewer. I'm giving this a 7/10 (which by my rating system means I liked it enough & I'd recommend it). |
Such junk... |
Mar 24, 2011 10:04 PM
I haven't seen an ending this good since FMA: Brotherhood. It's definitely up there with the best anime. This has definitely made my top 5 favorites! |
Apr 1, 2011 11:00 AM
This was one hell of a satisfying ending, but the open ending kind of bugged me. The title wish upon a star is pretty much a foreshadow of the episode's ending and that's what lead me to believe this series might have a sequel; I mean, grandpa and the kids both "prayed" that Renton and Eureka would come back and essentially that is one part of the sequel formula. However animes don't follow it, damn xD I liked it, but a sequel would be much appreciated but not needed for me to love this series :) It was pretty sweet and romantic; I liked it :3 |
“Don’t ask for it; go out and win it on your own. Do that, and you will succeed.” |
May 6, 2011 4:59 PM
this was the first time i cry when watching an anime words cannot describe how i feel right now this will be the most memorable anime i'll ever watch Bravo BONES |
Jun 3, 2011 1:56 AM
Jun 9, 2011 1:16 AM
cool ending but i think everyone in gekko go does't die because the kids is survive(eureka and renton child) XD |
Jun 20, 2011 9:19 AM
finally finished this, started very late due to not liking the idea of mecha on skateboards but after completed Xam'd, decided to go for this as with any long series, there are highs and lows, overall i find it is good the ending is a bit open but i guess we all understand that Renton, Eureka and the ppl on Gekko and Izumo survived, and Earth is saved Holland is an interesting character, he even fear what if he survive in the end... but i think he will be a fine father in the end, Talho has been strong and decisive in the final episodes, something not expected from her character in the beginning Charles and Ray is the biggest surprise of the show, slightly ahead of Norb now thinking of watching the movie version too |
Jun 22, 2011 11:13 AM
i recently completed the series and dont any of you think that there was one hell of a cliffhanger in the end |
Jun 25, 2011 1:54 PM
the best romantic anime i've seen can anybody suggest some similar anime? like romance, strong plot, good animation, awesome characters, etc. the recommendation section for the anime suck btw |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jul 16, 2011 5:53 PM
I give the show an 8/10. Not to keen of the romance aspect (like how Renton and Eureka have to hold hands to use the full power of the Nirvash), really wish there was more episodes of Dominic and Anemone and a HELL lot less of those annoying kids of Eureka!! The ending was cheesy but it was alright i guess. Wish we knew what happened to the Gekko crew, Talho's baby and of course if Holland is still alive. The only part of the series i really enjoyed was with Charles and Ray. That was the highlight for me, and it knotted me up when they died, especially Ray since she misunderstood Eureka + her not being able to have kids. +Fun characters (minus the kids) +Exciting and fun music +Animation is really good for a 2005-06 show +The dub was okay, liked Renton and Eureka's voice, Holland really good. Everyone else was okay, though that just made the kids more annoying. -Lots of unanswered questions (see above) -Romance aspect completely distracted from what it looked like a mecha anime -Pacing was off -Needed way more Dominic/Anemone, way less of the bratty kids. Ugh and i watched the dub... |
Aug 28, 2011 3:27 AM
A bit of a vague ending, but that's just how many directors like it. I can live with that. Only thing that I don't get is how Dewey's back story fit in with all of this. Seems a bit irrelevant all things considered. Really enjoyed this series. One of the best love stories I've seen and its in a mecha anime. Great music and animation too. Having said that, I cannot give it a 10. The pacing is a bit awkward at some points and some of the side characters are way too annoying. I know that love and family are central themes to E7, but those kids just get too much screentime and get too distracting. And I also feel Ray and Charles could have been more involved throughout the series, instead of just getting a short arc. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Sep 1, 2011 1:03 PM
Eureka Seven was definitely a pretty interesting anime, the ending could of touched upon a few more characters with more clarity but what the heck Eureka Seven was much better than expected for me. I agree with a lot of ExplosiveLee' post too. LSK |
Sep 16, 2011 10:50 AM
pikel-kun said: Okay, as I've seen this series multiple times and it still to this day remains one of my favorite animes... I guess it's time for my conjectures. 1) Eureka and Renton are safe and sound. And yes, everyone else of the Gekko crew is fine as well. 2) Regarding the heart on the moon, I don't think it's just a cheesy addition like most people. I see it as a sign for the whole world to see, every day, that Coralians and Humans can coexist peacefully, and with a sign that big to keep it in everyone's mind... no one will forget. 3) I have only watched the subbed versions, so I'm not sure if the dub shows what's written on the paper Axel is holding at the end, and if I'm not mistaken, it's a family registry. Also, it states that Renton is the father of those kids, and has Eureka's family name as "Thurston" so the Honeymoon idea (which I have accepted as well) holds water. 4) The statement by the Nirvash about taking half of the people with them was probably referring to those people with desperation disease who chose to stay with the Coralians of their own free will rather than choosing to go back to their bodies in the "third dimension." As they will stay in an eternal slumber that way, like the dormant coralians, the limit of questions won't be reached and all can live happily. 5) Finally, referring to the whole "Eureka and Renton transcended into a different being/beings" theory... That wouldn't work in my honest opinion. As it would ruin the whole reason for her creation, to prove that humans and Coralians can coexist, if he's no longer human, and she's no longer Coralian, then it changes their intentions. If anyone would care to agree or disagree with me, I'd like to hear some opinions :D Exactly my thoughts ^^. I didn't like the fact that they just showed the silhoutte of Eureka and Renton in the final scene. If they kissed it would have been way more satisfying. The audience is distanced from the main characters in this ending. Also, it might still be possible for Eureka and Renton to surpass both Coralian and Human, without it ruining the idea of both coexisting with each other. Because the only way for them to ever reach this new form would be to coexist in the first place. I heared that the movie is more of a prequel with the same characters, rather than a sequel or a more in-depth look at the ending, so I doubt it will be as good as the main series. I give this show a 9/10, because the final episodes seemed to have the exact same character development as the rest of the show, which basically negates all the previous character development. I also thought they could have shown more of what happened after the second Summer of Love. |
DerpyderpSep 16, 2011 11:14 AM
Sep 26, 2011 5:30 AM
Sep 26, 2011 9:13 PM
Oct 12, 2011 7:30 AM
ok ive watched eureka seven 2 times now and im still al little confused at parts. mostly at the end. what exactly happens to eureka and renton? are they both living on earth with everyone esle? and the part that confused me the most was that when renton said to eureka that if she gave up being a corrolian than renton would give up being human. can some one please try to explain this to me |
Oct 27, 2011 12:03 AM
They should have given a bit more of a self explanative end, not with a kinda of mysterious scene with Eureka and Renton lost in the jungle.. I didn't really get what they were trying to do with that. Still loved this story, I wish we had a bit more of prologue. |
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant. |
Oct 27, 2011 2:36 PM
EUREKAvSEVEN said: ok ive watched eureka seven 2 times now and im still al little confused at parts. mostly at the end. what exactly happens to eureka and renton? are they both living on earth with everyone esle? and the part that confused me the most was that when renton said to eureka that if she gave up being a corrolian than renton would give up being human. can some one please try to explain this to me first of all they the restaurant scene at the end Axel holds a registry list for a family... it states 5 names and 5 ages .... first name renton thurston(age 16) second is eureka thurston(age 16) and the children names(ages 7 ,6 and 5. This is the proof that they live and that they came back. the reason that they are in the woods is kinda for the viewers to interpret... the honeymoon theory is strong... but in my opinion i think they just went away to spend some time alone together( because since they've meet they didn`t had a single time alone) and to see the world they created without the wars and the desperation. The rest of the ending...well..... i wanted to see what happened to the gekko state.... if they are still together or if they are disbanded.But i guess knowing that they are alive its good enough :D as for the whole giving up being a corelian/human that was just a way of speaking... because eureka said she`ll give up being a corelian to become the new control node so that the world wont be destroyed and renton won`t die, and rennton said he will give up being human so that he will be with her but in the end nirvash came through and she took all the burden so that they`ll live on earth happily ever after :D well i hope i explained some things for you..... some of them being my own conclusions :D ps: sorry for the bad writing :D |
Oct 27, 2011 7:37 PM
If you havent read the manga, you should, it has a different ending, infact it has results through out the whole thing, like Renton and Eureka gets catpure by Military, it still has same story line but... just read it. |
Nov 14, 2011 7:15 AM
Well, I think Eureka and Renton will directly go to Bellforest if they had any clue where it is because Renton had once said that he wanted to go back to Bellforest and introduce his hometown to Eureka, so my conclusion is both of them are lost for one year or so Well, for the idea "honeymoon", it is identiquewith sex and stuff. Will it be just too hard for Eureka and Renton which is 16 years old and ?? years old to have another kids (even for a lovers) since they even haven't take care of those 3 after 1 year Personally, i still need more of the details about the ending. well I don't know what the story writters thinking though, but to make this anime to be an open ended one, it's just someway didn't satisfy me. I want to see the continuation (I know it's impossible because even the movie has nothing to do with the tv series which means they have no idea on how to make a movie based on that. Besides Nirvash is broken to pieces in the last ep right? So all that's left is just a normal live between all of the couples in E7 which i think it'll be a boring series), well then what I want is just a remake or OVA for the last part like their life, and oh yeah i also wanted to know about how the public reaction due to the cover of last ray=out and I believe that Gekko state already published another ray=out about Renton and Eureka. (will it be still possible for an untouched 6 years old anime) Overall, I will give a 10/10. Even though I got bored in the ep 30 till 40 because of the repetition of the same lines between Renton and Eureka, well who cares, I really like this series though. And too bad for me I watched this one 6 years after the airing Let's get to the movie to see another paralel story |
Jan 22, 2012 4:01 PM
To be honest, I really enjoyed it. Definitely by far my favorite anime. The incredible first 49 episodes made up for the joke of an ending, let's be honest here, it was pretty bad. What they really should have done, instead of stretching the part of the story where they cross the wall into the underground, was use those episodes to develop and lead into the ending more. It was really sudden, and it just seemed like they were in a rush to finish the show off. I wasn't surprised at all when the Nirvash recreated itself and then Renton running off to kill everything and save Eureka. The final moment between Eureka and Renton I REALLY liked, in fact I loved the two of them as a pair the entire series. The little epilouge with Rentons grandfather (can't spell his name, I'm fairly sure its not just spelt Axel), was really touching to me, almost as much as episode 47 with Renton's dad and such. I found it really touching that BONES went full circle and brought the children to the diner that you see Renton eating at in the very first episode... Just amazing. Episode 47 made me bawl, just seeing Renton with his father (I grew up without one), and his sister. I was pretty confused at that point though, I thought it was another in-your-mind episode where nothing is real, well it still isn't, but you know what I mean. For a bit I thought that the library and Renton's sis was an allusion or something, and then when Nirvash and Eureka (with the kids) flew in and it got more confusing. Oh, and I can't leave out episode 33, Pacific State, it was so sweet when Renton and Eureka were riding Holland and Talho's longboard, and I'm a guy, so that really is something to note. They just seemed so... happy. Holland trying to lift was saddening though, I wanted to cry, to be completely honest with you ;). First episode really hit it off for me, felt so epic when Renton pulled off that move (drop back cut turn, was it?) and set off the Seven Swell. Music really did a lot for this anime, especially for the first episode. And to add to the discussion of what the hell happened during the last episode, I think that simply put, Renton and the Nirvash saved Eureka, saved the world from ending, and then half of the scubs (coralians) left. And I really doubt that Renton and Eureka left, or changed for that matter, I'm fairly sure that either of them changing would destroy the main theme of co-existence. I really like the honeymoon idea for them, it really is the most plausible way that the story finished off. I actually think Dominic and Anemone are probably on a similar honeymoon, maybe even together with Renton and Eureka, seeing as you can see them camping by a lake right before the final close of the 50th episode. I agree that character development between Dominic and Anemone were weak at best, and I really wanted to see more of their relationship. And for the Gekkostate, it's probably doing just fine, and probably just repairing that huge hole Renton ripped in the ship somewhere. To be honest, the ending could have been better, but it's good that they left the door open for our imagination to fill out the rest of the story. But it was still confusing. Couldn't tell what Dewey really had in mind until Holland/Jergens were talking, and Jergens asked Holland why Dewey hated the world so much. It was all like at first he wanted to kill all the Coralians/Scubs, and then he wanted another control center for the scubs (that made NO sense to why that wouldn't save the world, although I'd rather not have Eureka as a freaking control center), and then he wanted to die to make sure that either Anemone or Eureka became the control center? And then we have to wonder where he managed to get a compac drive in his chest... Either way, it was too unclear on what happened. The final frame really did do a lot for me, kinda settled the loose ends with the series. (how do I post pictures) Oh, does anybody have downloads of the soundtrack? I seriously loved the music in Eureka SeveN. I'll check for torrents later, maybe ffshrine, they have a LOT of anime soundtracks. I found the Panty and Stocking soundtrack there, took forever. Anybody remember that anime? Maybe you don't, the Gainax ending was almost too much for me. *sigh* I really am going to miss Eureka SeveN, I just don't want it to end, at the very least I want an episode, even a short 5 minute clip, just to wrap up ends with the supporting cast and especially Eureka and Renton. They're making another season, rather, a spin-off, called Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean, and to my dismay, they've replaced Renton and Eureka. Probably not gonna watch it, Eureka was such a huge part of Eureka SeveN (well duh), and by taking her away it's just not Eureka SeveN anymore. This anime is gonna stick in my heart for a while, It was just so good (even with the bad finale). 10/10, and no doubts about that score. Movie is totally different by the way, it recreates the story. |
Jan 26, 2012 1:27 PM
For the first time in 2 years, I watched the whole series again (I watched it three times before, so this was the fourth time). In those past 2 years I went through my own "growing phase" or whatever should I call it, so watching this series, where one of the biggest parts is the adolescence of the main character, turned out to be even more enjoyable than the first time. :) it really strucked me how I saw some things completely differently than I did a few years ago (and how Renton saw them at the beggining). It's my favourite anime series, I don't think I'm even objective, but I love everything about it. I liked the adolescence of Renton. It felt natural and you could relate with him the most of time if you remember your own "growing phase" ;) the changes that occured in the other characters' minds were reasonable and often amazing and touching, too. I think the characters were my favourite part about this anime, especially the main characters - likable, not black and white, having their good and bad sides and reasons for their personalities to be that, not another, way. The story was a strong part, too, though. I liked how the story was crafted; the first half focused on the characters more, and in the second half we saw the bigger picture and everything about the plot itself started to make sense. The universe was believable and had an awesome vibe, and the fact it turned out to be Earth itself, just consumed with scubs made things ever cooler. Many references to pop-culture made it even more outstanding and enjoyable. I also loved how Adrock and Diane linked Renton, Eureka and Holland - it was kind of like destiny working. The graphics were mostly fabulous, though sometimes QUALITY appeared as well... But the fights were awesomely animated and designs were really outstanding. The music was AMAZING. Even the techno tracks were awesome even though I don't like this kind of music. The more "classical" themes were mostly really touching. I loved all the OPs & EDs, songs that don't leave the memory too quickly along with some cool animations. Well. So. This turned out to be some kind of a pour of an admiration, but like I said, I don't know if I'm even slightly objective. This series had me even after I watched it for the first time - even though by that time I didn't understand much out of the story and characters (I think a re-watch makes it all better in general). It's my favourite since I watched it and I still haven't seen anything that I'd like more. About the finale... well, I liked it, but there were some confusing parts, I guess. Here is what I think: The Dewey's plan was basically to make Eureka or Anemone become a cluster and because of a program in the rings, make all the scubs self-destruct (and not reaching the Question Limitation). But he died, and his death triggered the rings without the self-destruction program, I guess, that's why "his life was the Earth's life". After his death Eureka or Anemone would become the cluster and the Question Limitation would be reached because of the scubs which wouldn't be destroyed. I think Eureka had decided she'll become a cluster for the sake of the planet - and here I don't quite get it, perhaps it was to hibernate the scubs - but she was refusing at the start, because she wanted to see Renton. That gave Renton enough time to get into the cluster as well - there, he said he's ready to give up on being a human and to become a cluster along with Eureka, so she wouldn't be alone, so they'd become one. Eureka agreed that along with him it wouldn't be that bad. The Nirvash responded to their feelings and saved it on the Compac Drive which actived some sort of power - the real Satori program I think (because the Nirvash said "satori", it was translated this time though). Thanks to that the Nirvash, along with the scub coral, left the planet and went to another universe; thanks to this, the Question Limitation wasn't reached even though the scubs weren't hibernated or destroyed - they just left, ready to learn about people thanks to those feelings. Eureka and Renton come back to Earth, though they're surely slow with coming home. I'm not sure if I don't contradict myself there. The most confusing part was when at first they said they'd reach the Question Limitation if the cluster was destroyed and no one would destroy the scub - in other words, if Eureka didn't became a cluster with self-destruction code, and then they said they hasn't reached the Question Limitation BECAUSE Eureka refuses to become the cluster. >< and then that "giving up on being a Coralian/human" part, which sounded like Eureka wanted to became a cluster... |
QashqaiJan 26, 2012 1:46 PM
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