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Aug 29, 2019 3:53 AM
LOL at Zack, worst confession ever plus worst engagement announcement ever, it was so bad that it was actually good. Like junk food. I had a feeling something was fishy with Polina. Not that she was a bad guy but seems like she's from the past and she traveled into the future with them. |
臭い- |
Aug 29, 2019 4:17 AM
RPWPA said: how can one anime end up in a greater plot twist every episode? also if ulgar is a clone, then his brother was most likely a clone as well, I hope they address this issue On a side note, does anyone know which chapter to start reading from? Ooh.. what about if Ulgar brother was close uncovering the clone scheme and was killed because of that? |
Aug 29, 2019 4:21 AM
elementex said: Farabeuf said: HaXXspetten said: Okay the clone part was not that difficult to see coming by now but... the ending reveal was really out of left field Did they really never specifically say the word Earth before? It's not really something I've tried to pay attention to but if not that's actually a pretty cool and subtle twist. Though I'm not sure what kind of overall relevance it'll actually have other than Polina being screwed over in the process I feel exactly the same way. I've been expecting the clones thing for a couple of episodes now, but that final reveal came out from nowhere, at least for me. The banter about the 2 lovebirds was absolutely hilarious. I thought from the beginning that this was just an alternate universe that didn't follow reality. For one their tech is wayyyyyy too advanced for 2061 if going by our timeline. Not to mention that old lady said that she went on the space camp adventure too when she was a kid, which would mean she went around the year we are in now which is obviously impossible. Also Charces story in episode 7 didn't jive at all with our history. You've been paying much more attention than me then :-) |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Aug 29, 2019 4:37 AM
We all saw something like this coming, but I'm still kind of impressed. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the way the exposition felt the need to spell pretty much everything out in an almost "mechanical" way, but I guess it was necessary. A lot makes sense now, and the payoff was good since this was pretty much foreshadowed from the start. But still... I know the "originals" knew they were clones from the start, and did their best to not get attached to their "vessels," but this is still so sick. How could they be so cold as to not feel anything? I have no sympathy for them, so if they do end up being arrested then that's what they deserve. I'm glad they know that they are their "own person" though. They are dealing well with this, and that they see each other as family more than ever, but it's gotta hurt. I still have a few questions about this, but I'm sure we will get there. Now, the real revelation here was getting to know that their home planet isn't Earth, but one called Astra. Was Polina really only asleep for 12 years? I would be bewildered if I were on her shoes too. I guess something really bad was going to happen on Earth, and she and her crew tried to find another planet to live, but welp. I guess she is never going "home" as she wanted. I guess she will become part of the family this crew became too. |
Aug 29, 2019 5:01 AM
I did not notice the answer is already there but I never knew about it (if it is the answer) the revelation on this episode was shocking I never expect that the planet they live is different or something is off because it feels like they don't know the earth. they are a clone? it was shocking that it was really murder case or what it's called |
Aug 29, 2019 5:26 AM
Master_Geass said: mhJazze93 said: I would assume Aries's mum doesn't have a clue what's going on. At the parents meeting she wasn't familiar with any of the other "parents", as well as she was the only one who seemed concerned. I could say she put on an act, but it also shows her in Aries's room determined to find Aries. If she was in on the plan, she wouldn't play the worried mum act at home. So Aries is most likely adopted and raised by her adoptive mother, I can't remember the father being mentioned though? Aries is definately a mystery, though I doubt she's Seria (or whatever her name is). It's a safe bet Ulgar's brother was close to finding out about the clones, and then because Ulgar is a clone his "father" was either blackmailed or just covering his own back. So he stayed quiet. That seems obvious. I just took it the kids were either from Earth or another earthlike planet. It's possible a new world was discovered and Earth was covered up (for whatever reason). If they are looking into memory transplants, is memory alteration possible? The spy as well could be being controlled and has no idea of their actions (I mean clones, space travel, why not brainwash technology). Though it's a bit boring that way. Unless that damn puppet is more relevant than just Funi's quirk. The Astra ship is pretty convient, unless someone is trying to help the clones. Who would park a ship next to where the evidence were suppose to go? Because it clearly cannot be random. Though how did no one notice these clones beforehand? Seeing as the law checks genetics, I'm pretty sure an alarm could have been raised before. Especially if it's Aries. Surely not every medical professional is in on this plan lol Luca and Ulgar were the only ones stated to have two parents, and the ones ones to have brothers. All the other parents appear to be single. Several of them have been out right stated as such. Even Funi's first "mom" didn't have a husband. The "Astra" ship, which most likely wasn't it's original name, was not likely left by anyone looking to help the clones. It seems it was part of the Ark series like Poline's ship. Even when they found it they said it was quite old. The genome control act is very new, only recently passed. In episode 5 we see Marco walking to his car after submitting his DNA, meaning they didn't have it on file until then. The police may check the DNA of any bodies they find, but that doesn't mean they regularly check people's DNA. It's possible they are always treated at Olive's hospital where she could take care of such things, except Charce who is from a different district. Until now there might not have been a global DNA registry. Ah thanks, being a bit dumb here. I couldn't recall. I knew some of the parents were single but wasn't sure about all of them. Yeah the "Astra" ship, I remember them saying now. Sorry about that. Suppose it's just plot convenience that the ship was there. Makes a bit of sense as the Genome Control Act is new, though I would of thought doctors would have just put DNA on record when they got chance to. Could be at the same hospital, never thought of that. I'm sure being royalty, Charce's family can easily hide the truth. |
Aug 29, 2019 6:09 AM
It was an intresting episode with that earth thing and clones. I'm really sad that they skipped the part from the manga where they have some DNA samples on tooth brush and stuff they brought from home and investigated it, and all of them matches. In the anime its a bit too shudden, they beliebe it far too easily just because of the Gal sisters... I"m really intrested whats the deal with this Earth/Astra case. |
Aug 29, 2019 7:35 AM
MasanobuMaou said: It was an intresting episode with that earth thing and clones. I'm really sad that they skipped the part from the manga where they have some DNA samples on tooth brush and stuff they brought from home and investigated it, and all of them matches. In the anime its a bit too shudden, they beliebe it far too easily just because of the Gal sisters... I"m really intrested whats the deal with this Earth/Astra case. yea the fact they skipped over that detail bugged me there were some really good dialogue changes in this ep though but skipping that was a mistake also since you read the manga you should know what the deal with that is :D |
You son of a .. turtle |
Aug 29, 2019 9:04 AM
What a marvellous cliffhanger, the biological versus environmental debate within psychology helps explain how personality is not biologically predetermined - this only adds depth to the understanding of our fav space kids! I cried. 8/10 |
Aug 29, 2019 9:07 AM
GenesisAria said: Well i was spoiled on the clone plot a few eps back by some idiot, so that reveal didn't shock me much, however, the creators of this episode either intentionally or unintentionally took that into account by filling the episode with other stuff to really stick it in your memory. The marriage announcement was adorable. ALSO I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH THE DATE! No way they had that technology in 30 goddamn years... My previous post: GenesisAria said: Now the cloning stuff is getting going yeep. Master_Geass said: azzuRe said: So after reading some comments here I take a look at the dogtags again just to make sure.. Something fishy.. That would make him about 39 when he died. I'm having trouble making out his last name given the shine. I keep thinking Walker. It says Glenn Baker. 2012? Seattle Washington? nanidafuq Well i guess the story isn't set that far in the future, that's not that odd now that i think about it... Almost sounds like shit like this might happen in my lifetime, hahaha! Though honestly this sounds more like a Macross type of timeline where everything is shifted implausably early. Interstellar travel in 30 years? AIN'T BUYIN IT. That said, that is one of the tags for Polina's crew, who'd already been doing interstellar FTL. So my statement of tech WAYYY to advanced would still apply given that dog tag year, yikes. (unless the calendar was for some reason shifted even by that time) Still, revealing the planet thing was huge, also them saying "what is Earth?" shows, not only is Astra not a colony planet, but that Earth is gone, destroyed, or some event reshaped Earth's surface and was renamed to Astra..... (i'm almost reminding myself of Eureka Seven with that latter idea)... If earth was devastated by war or famine or something, then surely they'd know it as an "Earth That Was" like in the tvshow Firefly, but not knowing at all? That's pretty weird. It's not too weird that they already have FTL in 30 years. We just need the right push to get a quantum leap in space travel. If someone figures out how to break light speed by chance then it wouldn't be long before we incorporate it into space craft. It wasn't long after the Wright Brothers developed their first working airplane that countries all over the world started to industrialize them and use them in wars. Still it is stretching things a bit with some of the other stuff. |
Aug 29, 2019 9:30 AM
Master_Geass said: GenesisAria said: Well i was spoiled on the clone plot a few eps back by some idiot, so that reveal didn't shock me much, however, the creators of this episode either intentionally or unintentionally took that into account by filling the episode with other stuff to really stick it in your memory. The marriage announcement was adorable. ALSO I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH THE DATE! No way they had that technology in 30 goddamn years... My previous post: GenesisAria said: Now the cloning stuff is getting going yeep. Master_Geass said: azzuRe said: So after reading some comments here I take a look at the dogtags again just to make sure.. Something fishy.. That would make him about 39 when he died. I'm having trouble making out his last name given the shine. I keep thinking Walker. It says Glenn Baker. 2012? Seattle Washington? nanidafuq Well i guess the story isn't set that far in the future, that's not that odd now that i think about it... Almost sounds like shit like this might happen in my lifetime, hahaha! Though honestly this sounds more like a Macross type of timeline where everything is shifted implausably early. Interstellar travel in 30 years? AIN'T BUYIN IT. That said, that is one of the tags for Polina's crew, who'd already been doing interstellar FTL. So my statement of tech WAYYY to advanced would still apply given that dog tag year, yikes. (unless the calendar was for some reason shifted even by that time) Still, revealing the planet thing was huge, also them saying "what is Earth?" shows, not only is Astra not a colony planet, but that Earth is gone, destroyed, or some event reshaped Earth's surface and was renamed to Astra..... (i'm almost reminding myself of Eureka Seven with that latter idea)... If earth was devastated by war or famine or something, then surely they'd know it as an "Earth That Was" like in the tvshow Firefly, but not knowing at all? That's pretty weird. It's not too weird that they already have FTL in 30 years. We just need the right push to get a quantum leap in space travel. If someone figures out how to break light speed by chance then it wouldn't be long before we incorporate it into space craft. It wasn't long after the Wright Brothers developed their first working airplane that countries all over the world started to industrialize them and use them in wars. Still it is stretching things a bit with some of the other stuff. We dont even have to reach light speed or break light speed to reach intersteller travel. If humanity can achieve at least 5% of the speed light we could reach the nearest star system in about 80 or Years so a multi generational ship could be feasible(this is how at the current technology we have might start of with unless a breaktrough in faster than light travel were to occur. if it is 10% of the speed of light it would be less than 40, 20% less than 20. 50% of the speed of light even less than a decade and other star systems within 10 light years in less than the span of 20 years. So 35 to 50% speed of light might be doable for a space travel era. I just hope it would. At the current pace tough the best we can hope within this century is to achieve an inter solar system era where humanity would be capable to achieve space travel at multiple points within out own solar system like the moon, space colonies, asteroid colonies even mars or the Jovian and Saturian moons. |
Aug 29, 2019 9:50 AM
-ShadowClaw- said: Master_Geass said: GenesisAria said: Well i was spoiled on the clone plot a few eps back by some idiot, so that reveal didn't shock me much, however, the creators of this episode either intentionally or unintentionally took that into account by filling the episode with other stuff to really stick it in your memory. The marriage announcement was adorable. ALSO I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH THE DATE! No way they had that technology in 30 goddamn years... My previous post: GenesisAria said: Now the cloning stuff is getting going yeep. Master_Geass said: azzuRe said: So after reading some comments here I take a look at the dogtags again just to make sure.. Something fishy.. That would make him about 39 when he died. I'm having trouble making out his last name given the shine. I keep thinking Walker. It says Glenn Baker. 2012? Seattle Washington? nanidafuq Well i guess the story isn't set that far in the future, that's not that odd now that i think about it... Almost sounds like shit like this might happen in my lifetime, hahaha! Though honestly this sounds more like a Macross type of timeline where everything is shifted implausably early. Interstellar travel in 30 years? AIN'T BUYIN IT. That said, that is one of the tags for Polina's crew, who'd already been doing interstellar FTL. So my statement of tech WAYYY to advanced would still apply given that dog tag year, yikes. (unless the calendar was for some reason shifted even by that time) Still, revealing the planet thing was huge, also them saying "what is Earth?" shows, not only is Astra not a colony planet, but that Earth is gone, destroyed, or some event reshaped Earth's surface and was renamed to Astra..... (i'm almost reminding myself of Eureka Seven with that latter idea)... If earth was devastated by war or famine or something, then surely they'd know it as an "Earth That Was" like in the tvshow Firefly, but not knowing at all? That's pretty weird. It's not too weird that they already have FTL in 30 years. We just need the right push to get a quantum leap in space travel. If someone figures out how to break light speed by chance then it wouldn't be long before we incorporate it into space craft. It wasn't long after the Wright Brothers developed their first working airplane that countries all over the world started to industrialize them and use them in wars. Still it is stretching things a bit with some of the other stuff. We dont even have to reach light speed or break light speed to reach intersteller travel. If humanity can achieve at least 5% of the speed light we could reach the nearest star system in about 80 or Years so a multi generational ship could be feasible(this is how at the current technology we have might start of with unless a breaktrough in faster than light travel were to occur. if it is 10% of the speed of light it would be less than 40, 20% less than 20. 50% of the speed of light even less than a decade and other star systems within 10 light years in less than the span of 20 years. So 35 to 50% speed of light might be doable for a space travel era. I just hope it would. At the current pace tough the best we can hope within this century is to achieve an inter solar system era where humanity would be capable to achieve space travel at multiple points within out own solar system like the moon, space colonies, asteroid colonies even mars or the Jovian and Saturian moons. Yes, well, for the purposes of this story they already have ships that can travel 9 light years in a few hours. The Astra might be slower then the ship they took to McPa, but it is still able to travel 5 KLY in three months, and it would of had to been made around 2050. So sub light speed is rather irreverent for what I was talking about. I was more thinking about how they handled interplanetary travel in Cowboy Bebop. I bought the guide books that explained the mechanics of it. They travel through a universe that is smaller then our own, 1/138th if I remember correctly. I don't have the book with me and it's been a while, so I can't explain the theory behind it, but it was an existing theory before the anime. |
Aug 29, 2019 10:34 AM
Aug 29, 2019 11:14 AM
Wow !, an episode too shocking, I was speechless, but also emotional and fun. Clones? Now everything makes sense! This was undoubtedly a great revelation. Damn, assumptions, parents, deserve to rot in prison, or something much worse. Of the only person I have hope, is from the supposed mother of Aries. I'm glad that Kanata, like his captain, could lift the mood of the crew with his words at a time so difficult for everyone to accept. "We are a Family", great Kanata. Also, with how much fun Zack and Quitterie's statement about getting married was, everyone regained their spirits. That Zack is a heartthrob, hahaha. And ... OMG !, the final part of the episode left me in total shock, I can't believe it! What I thought was the planet Earth, it is not, and there is another race of humans in the universe on the planet Astra, but WTF?!. Poor Polina, her greatest fear is coming true, perhaps the planet Earth no longer exists. In truth, this series keeps you waiting for a new episode every week. They always leave me with a great intrigue, at the end of each episode. Without a doubt, it is one of the best anime of the season. Ps: Can clones have children? I say this for Zack and Quitterie, in the future. |
Aug 29, 2019 12:52 PM
Nim0174 said: MasanobuMaou said: It was an intresting episode with that earth thing and clones. I'm really sad that they skipped the part from the manga where they have some DNA samples on tooth brush and stuff they brought from home and investigated it, and all of them matches. In the anime its a bit too shudden, they beliebe it far too easily just because of the Gal sisters... I"m really intrested whats the deal with this Earth/Astra case. yea the fact they skipped over that detail bugged me there were some really good dialogue changes in this ep though but skipping that was a mistake also since you read the manga you should know what the deal with that is :D No, I'm not reading it, just after every episode I check it a bit and sometimes read few more pages. :D So I'm just following it but not read the whole thing before watching the anime. And I only started to do this 4 episodes before when some people said that they skipped something in the manga. That was a sceen change when they first ended Pouilna's chapter then continued with the story in the anime, while in the manga it was a weird and not logic cut in sceens and also dropped some lines which was important but still gessable. But this time it was a mistake dropping not just lines but a very important sceen which could be only 1-2 minutes anyway. The episode was a bit empty besides the shocking truths like planet Astra and clones. |
MasanobuMaouAug 29, 2019 12:56 PM
Aug 29, 2019 1:49 PM
So all of the crew are clones? Damn, that's one really good twist for an excellent episode like this to start off with. After fighting out the truth, I don't blame them for wanting revenge at their "parents" and wanting then arrested. Just seeing 5 of the parents meeting up and discussing about the cloning just makes me want to arrest them myself. >_< But it was great to see how optimistic the whole crew were, with Kanata being in the thick of most of the heart-to-heart conversations. On another happy note, Zack and Quitterie announce their engagement to the whole crew. Not only Zack made me laugh with his awesome emotionless responses, but Aries was acting like a hyperactive fangirl the whole time, which also made me laugh a lot, too. =3 But the twists and turns of this episode wasn't done just yet. When Polina comes in and sees the picture of "Earth", she quickly finds out that it ISN'T Earth at all, but another Earth-like planet, called Astra. It does make me wonder what happened to Earth, but I'm just hoping that the next episode answers this question right away. =) |
Aug 29, 2019 2:22 PM
So, I still haven't read source material, but I had to find out why they come from Astra and not Earth. According to some wiki article, humanity moved to Astra in like 2051, because of incoming metheor. So why, in God's name, was every character so weirded out at the name"Earth"? It happened like 10 years ago? Am I missing sth here? Would love someone with knowledge to confirm this. Also, remember the "traitor"? I'm also curious if there wasn't one and Zack was wrong from the start or? What is going on with that? thats because on planet astra the government changed the calender -100 years from the earths calendar they also hid all information to the public and forbid them from talking about it paulina slept 112 years in hibernation, they used wormhole technology back then to migrate to Astra after sending out various Ark Ships to look for habitable planets. there was a scientist that catapulted technology many years into the future and invented wormhole technology back then, government later hid all information there is more to it, but u'll see in the next few episodes, but the calendar year change is essentially what you missed for your question i guess ( hence the grandmother in episode 1 reminiscing of her going on a space planet camp trip, foreshadowing for this ) |
Aug 29, 2019 2:29 PM
Ok, so far we now know that most of them were clones, but still Aries and Charce were still questionable, cu'z if Charce for one came from a place in Astra that remained in the middle-ages so why would some country would even bother to ven take advantage of such tech? Aries on the other hand don't look like a clone cu'z unlike the rest where we see them being glad of taking out the trash , Aries mom shows genuine concern about her daughter. |
Aug 29, 2019 3:12 PM
The story is great, the execution (pacing, direction) is terrible. Soundtrack is mediocre. It will be difficult to give a final score at the end... |
- |
Aug 29, 2019 3:14 PM
Holy shit dude. So Kanata and the rest are from planet Astra and for some reason the history of Earth is wiped out and renamed to Galem. I really wonder what the hell happened, some crazy ass war or something? And DAMN this means Polina is a far bigger problem to bring back to Astra. This story just keeps getting more intriguing and I'm loving it. Seems a lot of people think they're landing on Astra next. They're landing on Galem (our Earth) first, it's placed between Icriss and Astra on the map in the last scene. |
EsquirtitAug 29, 2019 8:23 PM
poop |
Aug 29, 2019 3:25 PM
@-ShadowClaw- also @Farabeuf @elementex if you are interested in some more technical nuances into the implausibility of the dates and setting Master_Geass said: GenesisAria said: Well i was spoiled on the clone plot a few eps back by some idiot, so that reveal didn't shock me much, however, the creators of this episode either intentionally or unintentionally took that into account by filling the episode with other stuff to really stick it in your memory. The marriage announcement was adorable. ALSO I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH THE DATE! No way they had that technology in 30 goddamn years... My previous post: GenesisAria said: Now the cloning stuff is getting going yeep. Master_Geass said: azzuRe said: So after reading some comments here I take a look at the dogtags again just to make sure.. Something fishy.. That would make him about 39 when he died. I'm having trouble making out his last name given the shine. I keep thinking Walker. It says Glenn Baker. 2012? Seattle Washington? nanidafuq Well i guess the story isn't set that far in the future, that's not that odd now that i think about it... Almost sounds like shit like this might happen in my lifetime, hahaha! Though honestly this sounds more like a Macross type of timeline where everything is shifted implausably early. Interstellar travel in 30 years? AIN'T BUYIN IT. That said, that is one of the tags for Polina's crew, who'd already been doing interstellar FTL. So my statement of tech WAYYY to advanced would still apply given that dog tag year, yikes. (unless the calendar was for some reason shifted even by that time) Still, revealing the planet thing was huge, also them saying "what is Earth?" shows, not only is Astra not a colony planet, but that Earth is gone, destroyed, or some event reshaped Earth's surface and was renamed to Astra..... (i'm almost reminding myself of Eureka Seven with that latter idea)... If earth was devastated by war or famine or something, then surely they'd know it as an "Earth That Was" like in the tvshow Firefly, but not knowing at all? That's pretty weird. It's not too weird that they already have FTL in 30 years. We just need the right push to get a quantum leap in space travel. If someone figures out how to break light speed by chance then it wouldn't be long before we incorporate it into space craft. It wasn't long after the Wright Brothers developed their first working airplane that countries all over the world started to industrialize them and use them in wars. Still it is stretching things a bit with some of the other stuff. Not so. It's not just FTL, it's everything. If we somehow were given FTL by aliens for example, we'd have clunky aircraft carrier battlestar looking ships like the ones in Stargate SG1, if not modern shuttle-looking craft with the Alcubierre rings for warp bubble if it's warp. I'm kind of a mild expert on sci-fi technology as well as physics, metaphysics, and unified field. Not only is FTL impossible by any current hypothesis (would need a completely unimagined idea to get anywhere), being able to make large scale use of it in any reasonable timespan... You know every technology has a MINIUM 10 year R&D cycle, if not more, then 10-20 years on top of that where only high ranking military intelligence is aware of it, THEN it reaches public eye. I mean, unless the Combine invaded through Xen and basically wiped earth in 7 hours, only giving ready ships and whatever personnel around them the ability to emergency launch (which would make escapees a very very tiny population)... it doesn't make sense. Again, it's not just the FTL either, having all kinds of technology on those ships, which are colonial survey ships, prepared for it all, having functional cryostasis, etc etc etc. Never has humanity advanced so rapidly in any part of history. Even during the dawn of the 20th century when most things we use today were invented - that's a thing most people don't realize, most of the technology you use today is just hyper complex reiterations of 100 year old innovations. Even the railgun for example was invented in i think france during like the WW timespan, and i think the germans even made prototype as an attempted wunderwaffe. It takes ages for tech to be adequately tested and refined. Keep in mind we went to the moon with tech that was already kind of dated by the 60s. For there to be FTL by 2050, we'd have to already have invented it by present day and already be in R&D for refining practical efficiency and small testing and learning it's behaviours, before passing it for human use, especially as long distance forward scout/survey. ...Oh yeah, another issue is battery technology, in present day one of our biggest technological bottlenecks is the limitations of batteries and capacitors... what's powering these ships that has enough juice for FTL? I should also point out we don't have the technology to even accelerate a ship remotely close to the speed of light, even with our most effective plasma propulsion systems currently in development. DNA mapping today is an extremely long process, it's better than it was, but it still requires a ton of expertise and time, it's not just toss it into a computer and have it do it all for you. Keep in mind the ships are already 10-20 years old by the time the gang runs into them. I know of one way that artificial gravity could potentially be generated diamagnetically (would require ridiculous amounts of power, though has already been done with frogs)... and i know of a better way dielectrically (still needs a fair bit of power), but it would require more than a "quantum leap" in science, it requires a total abolishment of everything the scientific institution thinks they know, and a MASSIVE revolution in understanding of field mechanics, which the world is not ready for just yet - the consensus is far too stubborn, and the inertia of the masses is too hard to change (you need the masses or a significant body of people to back up a project in order to fund it's continuing R&D). You underestimate the requirements to be able to leap to something as drastic as FTL (which is still debated if even possible). Only methods i can think of require cosmic scale dielectric convergence, which is barely fathomable, because having any kind of significant dielectric (magnetic) effect on anything that isn't an in-phase 'magnetized' state is not something well understood or easily achieved in modern day... ...That turned into a lot more writing than i expected, oh well. |
GenesisAriaAug 29, 2019 4:43 PM
❀桜舞う空〜 Cute is Power. 🔗CosmoGenesis Project AraOto ep06 @ 11:59 “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” “A truth seeker has no patience for BS.” I seek only to improve myself and others. |
Aug 29, 2019 3:42 PM
Amazing. It would be really cool if they discover earth and it's modern day, would mean it's not just an alternate dimension earth. |
Aug 29, 2019 3:57 PM
vrupr said: Amazing. It would be really cool if they discover earth and it's modern day, would mean it's not just an alternate dimension earth. Don't count on that happening. |
Aug 29, 2019 4:37 PM
Now that was a really unexpected double plot twist, that's great |
Aug 29, 2019 4:47 PM
Of course that plot twist at the end truly unexpected. But, i just can't understand, how come Earth and Astra have the same type of space ship. And Polina, as an Earth artronaut know nothing about Astra. Just tell me if this gonna be explained in the story, or not. I don't read the manga, because I like watching show with full of mystery and unexpected plot. |
Aug 29, 2019 6:24 PM
Master_Geass said: vrupr said: Amazing. It would be really cool if they discover earth and it's modern day, would mean it's not just an alternate dimension earth. Don't count on that happening. When they teleported to space, the closest planet was Earth. So technically, they still found modern=day Earth. |
Aug 29, 2019 6:34 PM
10/10 My favorite episode in this series Revelations, revelation and revelations... i love this one... • being a clone This surprised me a lot as they have a theory that they are all only clones, and when they shown the people on earth- it is indeed that the people on space right now are just a clone and a vessel for them when they are old already... This is the ultimate reason why they are not being loved or just being raised by single parent... •quiterria and zack Zack throw the second revelation--- they are now getting married... this surprised kanata and the rest of group. And i agree i dont even have a clue that zack does like quiterria.. He even said more about how did she likes her, that makes the group cant handle it anymore... And the 3rd revelation • earth vs planet astra What? Polina said its not the earth..m and they said their home planet is Astra? Ohhh my what a revelation episode... love it |
Aug 29, 2019 6:48 PM
Wow, all these people gushing for such retarded and convoluted script. The whole plot of them being all clones was blatantaly introduced into the story a couple of episodes ago when most of their parents showed up to be some big shots in their own area of expertise, there's nothing to be surprised at this point. The whole clones plot for spare part isn't original at all either. Michael's Bay (yes that Michael Bay famous for producing the terrible Transformers movies) directed and produced "The Island" movie back in 2005, a distopian future were a large group of individuals were kept in a traninig facility far away from civilization, that only lived for the sole purpouse of one day moving on to a promised land called The Island. The whole tone of the movie is pretty consistant thru the settle of life in the secret facilities to revealing that the people in there are nothing but just spare parts. Even though The island is a cheesy action paced movie, it's probably the best movie Michael Bay has directed in his whole career. In comparisson, the huge tonal shifts even in one just episode of Kanata no Astra feels like a terrible fanfic that should've never seen the light in the first place. The whole camp scheme it's the dumbest example of a Rube Goldberg machine. If the now horribly monstruos mustache twirling villian parents wanted to get rid of their clones because the cat got out of the bag, why use such a convoluted space trip and a somehow unique piece of technology that allows them to create some dimensional warp gate (warp-chan) that can jettison the kids into outter space where no one would find them? there are far easier methods of getting rid of people in real life, kidnaping, fatal accidents (Japan's most used, car accidents). Just google "Ayotzinapa missing persons case", and it will show up an unsolved case of 43 missing students since 2014. If there was paranoia that even after several years their bodies would be found, there are other methods to get rid of remains of DNA, such as disolving bodies in acid, or even extreme fire or cremation. But in this dumb future somehow these famous public figures have access to some sort of secret tech that allows them to create a warp gate that will solve their problems, but ironically their problems will come back to bite them in the ass, using the most ridiculous odyssey. I'm already expecting another asspull to explain the coincidences of the Astra spaceship being placed in the right place and right time to serve as a vessel for this ridiculous travesty I mean travesy. Same with the whole sham on Polina and "I cannot believe it's not butter Earth all along, wich also was implied when the Astra crew rescued her. If at least the hackjob of a mangaka like Kenta knew how to craft a seamless story with both lighthearted comedy and intrigue it wouldn't get that much flak from me and other people that just don't buy asorted crap. But nope, his work just has an on/off switch, everything has to be either full blown gag manga or the most over the top ridiculously stiff drama. |
Aug 29, 2019 7:09 PM
Fucking hell. The clones part was kind of cliche but the ending, wew. Goosebumps, after so much time. 5/5 |
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru) |
Aug 29, 2019 11:25 PM
Interesting episode. Though it still bothers me how they're trying so hard to be cinematic with the black bars for no reason... |
Aug 30, 2019 5:38 AM
Oh... my... God! So all of them are clones!? That is really sad. They are finally getting near to their home planet. Wait, it's not planet Earth!? Then what is that planet called then and how are there humans there? It's called Astra? Polina Levinskaya, what are you talking about? Did she came from an alternate universe? Now now, I am really confused. Guess we'll just wait for the next episode. But I have a theory about planet Astra. They must be descendants from the space explorers who reached the planet and multiplied there then that happened. Idk. Anyways this is 10/10! |
Aug 30, 2019 6:57 AM
Can we name this show "They ain't a lot of plot-twists yet"? |
Aug 30, 2019 8:40 AM
phantomfandom said: hahahah that would be awesome .Polina you're wrong, Earth is wherever Kanata lives. You wouldn't find a single guy like him in origianl Earth. Also the Aries/Charce/Seira background is not fully revealed yet, so prepare for another twist. But my version of twist would be, due to time dilation, when Polina go back to her original Earth it's already year 5740, human civilization revert back to stone age, and she meet Dr. Stone. |
Aug 30, 2019 9:45 AM
GoldenDevilGamer said: Master_Geass said: vrupr said: Amazing. It would be really cool if they discover earth and it's modern day, would mean it's not just an alternate dimension earth. Don't count on that happening. When they teleported to space, the closest planet was Earth. So technically, they still found modern=day Earth. I really don't think that's what he mean by modern day. |
Aug 30, 2019 9:48 AM
wOW just when I'm enjoying the gag comedy. The story still piles on one after another I'm really interested to see how it all ends. |
Aug 30, 2019 10:31 AM
Bingki-san said: Of course that plot twist at the end truly unexpected. But, i just can't understand, how come Earth and Astra have the same type of space ship. And Polina, as an Earth artronaut know nothing about Astra. Just tell me if this gonna be explained in the story, or not. I don't read the manga, because I like watching show with full of mystery and unexpected plot. Keep in mind they didn't find that ship at Astra or even at McPa. They found it after they got sucked through a wormhole. |
Aug 30, 2019 1:48 PM
The episode was pretty boring and pointless until the last scene lmao. |
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Aug 30, 2019 6:06 PM
Wait, so there's a possibility that Polina was stuck in hibernation for a lot longer than 13 years since it's likely that Earth and Astra are timed differently. If that's true, I wouldn't like to imagine how much longer she was stuck there and how many years/centuries/generations have passed her since she left. I'm going to have to assume that Polina will be forced to live on Astra or she'll go back into space to go back to Earth (maybe with Kanata and crew when he gets home and takes into future into his own hands). |
Aug 30, 2019 8:34 PM
Not only were they all clones but they were sent to space to get rid of them Polina's ship and the one they took both came from Earth |
Aug 31, 2019 9:22 AM
I can't believe they're all clones and they're not even from Earth. I can't wait to see what happens next because I feel that the last episodes will get more and more crazy haha. |
Life is a despicable endurance race |
Aug 31, 2019 11:58 AM
damn this show is getting more and more intense and I'm loving it. I didn't see those two twists coming. |
Aug 31, 2019 2:39 PM
Expected Funicia, Quitterie and Aries to be some sort of clones, but not all of them. Really interesting. Seems I was right about humans using different calendars and that a lot more than 12 years had passed since Polina went into hibernation. Can't wait to see what's the twist and how it will play out. Also, we have to get more details on Charce/Aries/Seira situation. What really happened there? |
Aug 31, 2019 3:20 PM
OH GOD! This is really a REVELATION! looks like implanted memories...they don't even know Earth's existence and replaced it with planet ASTRA! this is mind boggling! i get the clone part and they accepted that their parents really what they think it is but looks like everyone is in the wrong path in the first place? or maybe they have conscience but their souls are memory fabricated? this is really getting deep! like DEEP SPACE! LOLZ! 5/5. |
Aug 31, 2019 3:29 PM
Flevalt said: Also, as a sidenote, getting rid of bodies without leaving a trace is tricky. Even with something like piranha solution or thermite, you need professionals and vast amounts of resources to "completely" get rid of a body. And with completely I mean only somewhat. It's not that far off to think that economically speaking its more cost-effective and simple to have "a quick space travel" for these people (unimaginable for us) than it is to use some messy outdated means that are not guaranteed to be effective. You have similar situations today where you look at a technology and you're like who would use that method X when there is Y and it's so much easier? But still method X is used because it has become more affordable, accessible etc. compared to Y over time. They already have access to technology that can create warp holes whenever they want. Hiring a pro that would get rid of any evidence is a hell lot less crazy, don't you think? We're also talking about a society that stopped looking for this group a few weeks after their disapearance. I don't think the parents group should be afraid of getting caught if they had decided to go for a much simpler solution than getting their kids stranded in space. And forgive me for scoffing that "this and that" will be explained later on. This kind of storytelling is what commonly called just asspulls. Good storytelling introduces elements and sets limitations on what the characters and it's universe is able to do or create. Take the whole hibernation element as an example of an asspull, it wasn't introduced or at the very least lampshaded before, it was abruptly introduced a couple of episode ago when they found Polina |
KimurahAug 31, 2019 3:36 PM
Aug 31, 2019 5:38 PM
-I started to assume the clone theory was 100% correct after Kanata's little monologue at the beginning. Definitely didn't see that coming during the first 7 episodes though. -What's funny is when I initially saw the opening I thought all of the "parents" being shown were just older versions of the main cast. Turns out I was right! -So I was correct about this being a kind of child disposal thing. But I guess "clone disposal" would be the right way to put it. >Artists are so weird... Yes they are. -So anyway, Luca is not a clone of his original. Luca is biologically Intersex, the original is biologically male. Identical twins have to be the same gender, therefore clones would need to be as well. Maybe I'm not being accurate in saying this, but clones have to have identical DNA in the same why identical twins do. Therefore Luca isn't truly a clone. -That "Planet Astra" thing at the end was pretty weird. I wonder if it ties into Polina's little fit she threw an episode ago where she was saying "It didn't happen!?" or something like that. Why is Earth being called Astra? Is Polina from an alternate dimension? Is Astra just another "Goldilocks" planet like Earth? I wonder how that is going to play into the story. They keep saying when they return home they will be able to start a new life, but perhaps that is just wishful thinking. Maybe we will get a tragic ending. I guess we'll see in 3 weeks. Also The anime cut out a scene in the manga involving extra DNA testing that seemed kind of important. But maybe it's no big deal. Bazalia said: Can someone explain this to me. Given that Quitterie and Funicia have identical DNA. I'd assume that the natural conclusion would be that Funicia is Quitterie's clone. But how did they jump to the idea that they are all clones of their parents? Unless I'm missing something, that is quite a wild guess too far for them to believe that easily. They really did make a big mistake in cutting out a certain scene from the manga that confirms they are all clones. penguindrum264 said: I thought it was implied from the beginning they weren't from Earth, the clone thing surprised me though and the originals are total PoS. Where was it implied? I must have missed that. MonsieurPapillon said: I did indeed note that they never mentionned Earth. Since the beginning I did not assume their planet was Earth (you know, Sci-Fi and such). However, when Polina first mentionned Earth (I think she did last episode, to herself maybe ?), I was like "Ok nevermind it's Earth then", how dumb was I, even going so far as to hypothesize on possible time shift like "no no, it's earth 2000 years later" when the twist was building itself. However glad the clone theory we pointed out in previous threads was true indeed However we still don't know how Aries and Charce stand in this situation - both of their "possible" originals were shadowed when they explained. I would be a bit mad if Charce is indeed the traitor (Seira possibly being Aries original, etc.), there is so much hints that points to him (his explanation on how he handles the reaveal is way too convenient), but I would find it too cheap. I mean, he could possibly be a suicide traitor ; wanting to end his life along with Aries, poor possible clone of Seira and in that scenario, he probably did have a change of mind. Now, we know for sure the parents have control of the space-orb thingy. But how, then, could they have tracked the children to the 2nd planet (because the space-orb thingy appeared in the second planet also). Probably that the traitor had a change of mind since the second planet. I would bet that we are very likely to see again the space-orb thingy on the last planet, the traitor realising that if they come back home, he is in deep troubles. Dang, the Aries/Seira thing never occurred to me. That would also explain why they made the flashback in black and white. That's crazy. Maybe this will end up being a good anime. Hakan3369 said: phantomfandom said: Polina you're wrong, Earth is wherever Kanata lives. You wouldn't find a single guy like him in origianl Earth. Also the Aries/Charce/Seira background is not fully revealed yet, so prepare for another twist. But my version of twist would be, due to time dilation, when Polina go back to her original Earth it's already year 5740, human civilization revert back to stone age, and she meet Dr. Stone. I want an upvote feature One of the things I like about MAL is being able to see diverse takes and opinions on anime and manga. An upvote system would turn this into another karma-bait hivemind like reddit. RPWPA said: The_Smoking_Man said: RPWPA said: how can one anime end up in a greater plot twist every episode? also if ulgar is a clone, then his brother was most likely a clone as well, I hope they address this issue On a side note, does anyone know which chapter to start reading from? I thought so too at first, but Ulgar's brother was loved by their parents. I think he is an actual child. This is also why in the flashback his "father" said he should have died instead of his brother. An actual child, you are emotionally attached to, is worth more than a clone of yourself for that dumb rejuvenation plan. That does make sense. I think so too tbh but why would his father cooperate with one that killed his son tho. I hope we know in the next couple of episodes >I think he is an actual child. This is also why in the flashback his "father" said he should have died instead of his brother. That's a good point. >but why would his father cooperate with one that killed his son tho. That's also a good point. Hopefully we can get some answers soon. Nirgranth_Shah said: What I don't get is in the first ep, Zack says "Astra is a old word for a star" and Kanata says so it makes for ship to be named Astra If this was their home planet's name surely they would have noticed. And the blob (which is human made tech) appering again in another planet again after the original's assumed they died and people watching the ship through cams I think maybe there are a few more twists >What I don't get is in the first ep, Zack says "Astra is a old word for a star" and Kanata says so it makes for ship to be named Astra. If this was their home planet's name surely they would have noticed. This is a very good point and I think it will probably go unexplained. Probably just a hole. |
Aug 31, 2019 9:58 PM
It makes no sense that their homeplanet is called Astra. Think back to the dialogue from early on when they read the plaque on the ship - "Per Aspera Ad Astra". Zack explains that "Astra" means "star", and Kanata even mimicks this statement. Nowhere do they mention that it's the name of their planet. More importantly, does Zack get the 2 for 1 deal since Funi and Quitterie are clones? May as well throw in the scummy mother too. |
Sep 1, 2019 12:17 AM
Haha bloody hell, that long ass exposition dialogue. Just why do they feel the show every line of story, all parts of characterization and every shard of emotion...explicitly in dialogue. Just why would they use a contrived talking scene for everyone to show their shifts in character. Why would they not utilize the more delicate and less in-your-face method of monologues and flashback with good BGM and script. Is it not one of the first things writing and film classes teach. It's really disappointing because even a know-fuck-all like me can see that there's so much room for improvement. It's not a doomed crock of a story like Charlotte etc. |
Sep 1, 2019 10:46 AM
Sep 1, 2019 3:12 PM
So they made clones to shift their bodies into and then sent them into space? That's hilarious. Also this episode was slightly less boring than all the other ones, mainly due to the 2 twists being dumb enough to jolt me from almost falling asleep Once again, bleh/10 |
Sep 1, 2019 4:01 PM
Wait. If Poli-nee is from Earth and the rest is from Astra, how it's possible that they used exactly the same space ships and the technology was exactly the same (Zack was able to fix many things and mod the device for food recognition)? Im pretty sure that they were familiar with this space ship type when they discovered it. They were moved into parallel universe (with that orb) or something? |
HidenNinpoSep 1, 2019 4:25 PM
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