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Sep 15, 2011 2:15 PM

Apr 2011
Very awesome, not quite as dark and deranged as Perfect Blue, but in this case it's a dream causing the line between reality and fiction to blur, instead of schizophrenia.

Some crazy shit going on throughout the movie, and I loved the nonsense-talk. Found it amazing that the hot girl wound up with the huge mountain of genius. A dream for all the fat ronery otakus of the world I suppose. :) If Daru and this guy can do it, so can you!
Nov 20, 2011 8:30 PM
Aug 2011
The few people saying nudity ruined it. Honestly I could understand the distaste if it was heavy but a little nudity isn't bad. Sometimes the artist might be trying to make a statement. It was in no way tacky or over sexual. It was classy.

Movie all in all was pretty good. I think it was predictable at times though not enough to bother me. Artistically I was happy, the colors and music do a great job. Subbed beat out dubbed though the dubbed version was not bad. I'll give it an 8/10.
Dec 4, 2011 8:31 PM
Jun 2011
Finished the movie Paprika yesterday and holy shit the animation is crazy awesome. The movie was really good, characters were fine, music wasn't noticeable, but when it did show up it hit the right chords mostly. Animation again was brilliant, and I would recommend the movie for those that like psychological, sci-fi kind of stuff.
medicalmidgetDec 4, 2011 8:39 PM
Dec 18, 2011 12:09 AM

Aug 2009
fucking inception. what a ride this movie was. A lot of parts in the movie made me question whether it was a dream or reality. And I never guessed who actually was the culprit it was revealed. pretty good directing and animation in my opinion.
Jan 7, 2012 3:43 AM

Apr 2009
Confusing a bit, but was pretty fun.
Jan 24, 2012 1:24 PM
Apr 2011
Well, I agree with what others had to say positive about this movie. I felt that the movie ended a bit quickly, but it ended with a satisfied closure. Rating: 8/10.
Mar 8, 2012 4:31 AM
Mar 2012
I've seen it many times, always trying to piece together the entire movie into something that is coherent enough to understand. I'm not talking about the story of the movie, it had a superbly enthralling plot if you commit to understanding the meaning behind the movie.

I got a feeling the message being presented to the viewer is something of a revelation that not to many come to understand. In any case, I felt the core idea of the movie centered on the manifestation of your true dreams to you as if in a dream. It makes me think of the many spiritually focused 'religions' that have been prominent since antiquity. Various teachings in spiritually focused beings commit to the manifestation of thought.

Makes the movie a much more interesting piece.
Mar 8, 2012 3:27 PM

May 2009
That was a great movie!... i've already seen Inception and it has the same idea this movie is wayy more creative though x3 i'm going to watch Millennium Actress next :)
Apr 2, 2012 5:15 AM

Aug 2010
Overrated, but not bad. The first 20-25 minutes of horrible exposition was a pain to suffer through, but the visuals and the music was enough to keep me watching. The romance part was unneeded and sticked out like a sore thumb. I liked the detective's character and Paprika/Chiba. 7/10.
Apr 27, 2012 4:12 PM
Aug 2010
Dear god, that movie was incredible.

May 6, 2012 9:26 PM

Oct 2008
I didn't like it! -_- The only good thing about it is the music and art.
May 12, 2012 1:16 PM

Jul 2011
Yup overrated, good to see where Inception got its ideas from lol.

Jun 1, 2012 6:38 PM

Aug 2009
Very strange, but I enjoyed it.
Jul 1, 2012 10:27 AM

Jan 2010
Wow I really liked it 9/10 ^_^
<img src="" />
Jul 11, 2012 12:39 PM

Jun 2008
My first Kon Satoshi film.

I came into Paprika having seen Inception already, hearing that some said was similar. Aside from the fact that they are both about dreams, these two are worlds could be world's apart using similar concepts. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. With a decent budget, an amazing director, and it seems anime movies really do truly have the limitless potential to weave whatever it spins in the head of its director. This was one example of that.

While the ending was kind of nonsensical, (like wtf she just ate the guy and problem solved? IM MISSING THE ANALOGY HERE), the imagery and commentary about dreams, society, and people throughout the film was great. Dialogue was relatively dry however, but there was a tension in the film that kept it going (plus I did sleep only 6 hours the previous day which is very low for me).

Konakawa/detective shines here. His whole subplot about his persistent nightmare, friendship, and movies reminds me of the movie Midnight in Paris for some reason; the idea that the director talks about movies itself within a movie.

Romance was a bit off, but I like the take on it and wasn't just some side event. It contributed to the story and development of its characters. Too bad Konakawa didn't end up with Atsuko. I would've liked to see that instead.

Oh, and liked the theme song. Pretty fun to listen to.
TachiiJul 11, 2012 12:43 PM
Aug 3, 2012 5:28 PM

Apr 2012
Not as mindblowing as I'd been led to believe. Fun and kept me interested the whole time but funnily enough, I was left with the same underwhelmed feeling as with Inception, when I wanted to be overwhelmed and have to use my brain more. Like, a genuinely multilayered plot not a simple-ish (but confusing) plot just occurring in multiple layers.

Too many pointless and undeveloped plot strands basically! They kept making winks at "murder mysteries" and noir like they didn't even care about setting up a real concealed antagonist properly.

Also, it kept niggling in my brain that they just took the style and concepts of GITS and used them as genre conventions rather than trying to push them to another level.

Good stuff anyway, weirdness is always good.
Aug 3, 2012 5:38 PM

Apr 2011
Lovely film.
Sep 21, 2012 4:46 AM

Aug 2012
The romance towards the end just felt a little cheap and wrong to me, like they put it in there just because they thought every anime has to have some aspect of romance. It didn't make sense and truthfully bothered me, the movie seemed a bit, uhhh to me too. I don't like, or understand how the dream world managed to blend in with reality.

But that ending song was really nice, for some reason it makes me feel nostalgic, it's powerful.
Oct 3, 2012 5:35 PM
Feb 2008
I loved the film too, but it´s a bit confused, well, and the chase of Konakawa for the murder ended quickly.....
Oct 19, 2012 3:31 PM

Apr 2012
Damn. I was sitting wide-eyed and mouth agape for the whole duration of the movie, my mind trying to catch up and make out a somewhat coherent idea of what was going on. Without a doubt one of the most mind-fucking (or, put in a nicer term, psychological) movies I've watched.

The plot kept me on edge throughout the film, and the merging of dream and reality was amazingly done. When I sat down to watch it, I wasn't expecting big things (believe me or not, I hadn't really heard about this movie until today), so boy did I get a surprise! And a good one at that!

I have to admit though, that the romance at the end felt off. It's like suddenly Atsuko realizes her love for Tokita and BAM! End of the movie. It's too sudden, and though I know it sounds judgmental, I don't see how Atsuko can love him. I mean, she herself points out his numerous faults (one of them being his weight). But at least it added to the stack of surprises.

This movie is definitely getting a 10/10 from me!
Oct 31, 2012 8:44 AM

Jan 2012
another piece of shit

will give 3/10 just for the boobies
Nov 18, 2012 7:29 AM

Oct 2012
Incredible, just incredible. I'm still not quite sure what exactly happened... but I know that I like it! Vibrant doesn't even begin to describe what I just watched. My only complaint is who ends up with who at the end of the film. I guess that says something about my personality, more than anything the movie did wrong at least.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jan 17, 2013 7:44 AM

May 2012
I really don't get the point of the story but it is still fun to watch. It is really like a dream and the effects as well as art is awesome!
Mar 23, 2013 8:45 AM

Jun 2012
It's really hard to follow the logic of this movie. Paprika just seems to enter dreams whenever she wants but there is this one time her other self has to go to sleep before she can do that. Also, the movie doesn't seem to like giving a synopsis of some of the characters. I had a hard time keeping up with the movie while trying to make sense out of pure interpetation what was going on, but it wasn't too bad.
The movie was a lot of fun to watch. It had some deacent characters, amazing visuals and a great atmosphere. It's a 6/10 overall. A good film, but there was a lot of potential that wasn't used and it suffered a little from not fine tuning itself.
Welcome to club: Anime that Should Continue
Apr 7, 2013 9:43 PM

Jun 2012
You know it's a great movie when someone gets fisted!
May 17, 2013 5:00 PM
Jul 2012
Good movie.
Quite some repeated dreams to follow. The dreams are hard to follow and know them.The story could of been better understandable.
The ending was okay.
Two Parika's are cute.
May 17, 2013 5:01 PM
Jul 2012
tvlookplay said:
Executer said:
sakR9 said:
the nudity ruined it for me

What are you, 6?

I don't see how a couple minutes of nudity ruined such a great movie for you otherwise.

paprika is plain sexy :3
the nudity was the best part! xD

And the rape part of Parpika hnggg.
Jun 3, 2013 7:12 AM

Sep 2010
flaxman85 said:
another piece of shit
will give 3/10 just for the boobies

You're too kind. ^_^
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Oil and nuclear are civilisation saviours. Deal with it.
Jun 4, 2013 2:43 PM

Mar 2012
IMO if you don't understand the movie you didn't actually watch it and pay attention...yeah there are some plot holes, but some of the questions you yourself could have answered if you had just paid attention to it the whole way through.

7/10 not too bad

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Jun 4, 2013 3:43 PM

Mar 2013
I've watched this movie multiple times (had it on dvd) and came to the conclusion that it is pretty overrated.

Liked it though.

3nvy said:
that eoten be eatin the pizza pi

Does anybody know a way that a body could get away?
Jun 17, 2013 8:39 PM

Nov 2011
A Madhouse presentation huh? This should be good.

I like this Paprika girl though. She seems energetic and has a playful personality. I really liked the opening credits of this film. It felt very surreal accompanied with the background OST. That Chief sure can talk some smack though lol. Such enthusiasm too...oh wait, it's the dreams that caused it. Poor Chief.

The dream of the parade was awkward as hell though. Paprika sure has some strange imaginations.

Anyways, I liked many of the surreal scenes in this film as well as that epic soundtrack.
45:00 mark. Is that a Sungoku reference? XD. Dangerous dream is dangerous.

>No boundaries
>No restrictions

That 'rape' scene was rather disturbing though...
Otherwise, nice action and themes. "One ticket please" XD

8/10. Great movie. Also, nice ED song.
Jul 7, 2013 3:24 PM

Jul 2012
I like that SK takes risks on his movies. They're all different, but in a good way. I'd call Millennium Actress my favorite of the bunch.

It's unfortunate he's gone tho. Someday, I'd like to see Madhouse complete his last work.
Jul 9, 2013 1:34 AM

Oct 2007
The only real problem with Paprika is that it relies too much on the viewers' knowledge of actual psychology and their ability to pay attention to the plot; much more so than any other Kon's work.
Aug 13, 2013 4:28 PM

Jun 2008
this movie was...meh 6/10
Aug 14, 2013 3:51 PM

Aug 2013
I just finished watching this and... Wow. This movie was extremely confusing. Half the time I didn't know what exactly what was going on, but they always seemed to explain it as best as possible later on. I loved the colorful (but sometimes dark) animation and found it a great watch. All the dream sequences were amazing and very interesting. I love how dreams were portrayed in this movie. 9/10.
wow gay
Aug 18, 2013 12:05 PM

Jun 2012
Thought it was a good movie, not a 10/10 but probably a 7 or 8. A lot of people seem to have found it hard to follow, i thought it was actually quite easy to follow personally, just required a tiny bit of thought :D Enjoyed it, i liked the style was very nice.

I think if it was a lot more in depth it could have been a 10, maybe spread across 2 movies or 1 really long movie. But it is what it is.
Does anyone else need a doctor to confirm that someone without a head is dead?
Aug 31, 2013 10:37 PM

Jan 2013
I am so impressed by this movie. The amazingly detailed animation along with the story just made for a great experience. At times, you really had to wonder whether they were still dreaming (or on the Internet) or in "reality". Satoshi Kon's style comes out as this work as some similarities with Perfect Blue. Don't want to drag this out but really this became one of my favorite anime movies!
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Oct 6, 2013 8:41 PM

Mar 2013
I give the film a 7. Definitely thought-provoking but not necessarily ground breaking for me. I wish they would have put more of a focus on character development.
Oct 9, 2013 10:30 PM

Apr 2010
And who said the fat guy never gets the girl?
Oct 19, 2013 7:28 AM
Feb 2011
This one explored very nicely and creatively what the subconscious can do, although I wouldn't want to delve further into meanings (if any) certain scenes in the movie wish to convey. I don't get why and how the dreams merged with reality and how Atsuko was able to resolve the conundrum by simply eating up Professor X's dream. Some parts were a bit confusing. The animation and soundtrack are a huge plus, though. IIRC this is my third Satoshi Kon film, and it did not disappoint (visual-wise). The plot needed some minor touch ups. Irregardless, beautiful movie. 7/10
Oct 25, 2013 9:35 PM
Jul 2018
Fucking loved it. 10/10.
Jan 6, 2014 2:35 PM

Mar 2013
It's like a real dream, but dreams aren't real are they? 8/10
Jan 11, 2014 1:58 PM

Mar 2013
As expected of anything done by Satoshi, this is an excellent film. No reason to really delve further into that.

One thing that peaked my interest that I haven't really noticed anyone talking about is the main character Chiba. It is mentioned in the film that the DC Mini is used to rehabilitate people with mental disorders, well what if Chiba has one as well? At first I found it odd how much of a polar opposite Paprika was to Chiba since they were the same person. I was even more confounded when thinking back to the beginning of the film and how Paprika made an appearance in real life. This was all answered though when Chiba and Paprika had their fight over who was "in control" and "who was a part of who". Chiba/Paprika is suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) aka Multiple Personality Disorder.

Some facts on DID so you can make up your own mind on whether this sounds like Chiba/Paprika read as follows:
- Women are 3 to 9 times more likely to suffer from DID
- DID usually manifests itself in a persona responsible for day-to-day functions that has reduced emotional activity, and a secondary persona that is considered to have heightened emotional activity
-DID is brought on by stress
-Those suffering from DID are usually reluctant to discuss alter egos
Jan 11, 2014 7:16 PM

Sep 2010
...and in reality this cases so rare that you can count it on the hand(s).
Don't fill plot holes, it's author's work, not viewer's.
There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Oil and nuclear are civilisation saviours. Deal with it.
Feb 2, 2014 5:58 PM

Apr 2012
Probably not the kind of film you should be applying logic to... but gave this a rewatch, having been prepared for the 90% randomness. I don't really understand

a) How they can invade dreams of anyone, who's not even using/used the DC Mini.
b) How someone who's been invaded once doesn't just get invaded again when they fall asleep.
c) If the dreamworld's got a life of its own, why do they (Chairman) even need the DC Mini.
d) If the Chairman thinks dreams are sacred, why's he want to wreck everyone's?*
e) If the Chairman thinks dreams are sacred, why's he even got that job

*Or was that a lie and he just wanted to take over that guy's younger body? If that was it, then why do all the rest?

Also it felt like they spent too much time on the detective's story, since all he was really there for was to illuminate the mechanics of the DC Mini, and get from A to B to save Paprika. We know next to nothing about the antagonists...
BlackoutingFeb 2, 2014 6:02 PM
Mar 14, 2014 5:37 PM

Jan 2012
It was amazing,loooking forward to rewatching it one day
everything this guy makes is good same with Perfect Blue
Apr 8, 2014 6:30 AM

Oct 2007
Blackouting said:
Probably not the kind of film you should be applying logic to...

Paprika is one of the most logical films I've seen in my life.

SPOILERS AHOY, obviously.

Blackouting said:
a) How they can invade dreams of anyone, who's not even using/used the DC Mini.

In the cafe/restaurant scene they said that DC Minis transmitted data to the "psychotherapy machines" using a specific wavelength that affected people, using their own body energy; those who were the closest to the DC Minis and the machines were first, but with time the effect spread to those affected by that radiation alone, i.e. the rest of the city.

It's pure sci-fi, but within the story it makes perfect sense if you pay attention.

Blackouting said:
b) How someone who's been invaded once doesn't just get invaded again when they fall asleep.

They kinda do? It seems, at first the effect is weak and requires a more or less direct contact with the invading dream, but by the end of the movie it's literally everywhere.

Blackouting said:
c) If the dreamworld's got a life of its own, why do they (Chairman) even need the DC Mini.

I'm not convinced the "dreamworld" actually exists as a separate entity - at least, not in the conventional sense. It's quite obviously "just" a manifestation of the collective unconscious.

Blackouting said:
d) If the Chairman thinks dreams are sacred, why's he want to wreck everyone's?*

e) If the Chairman thinks dreams are sacred, why's he even got that job

*Or was that a lie and he just wanted to take over that guy's younger body? If that was it, then why do all the rest?

There's room for speculation as to what exactly his views were and what sort of personal history he had. But generally speaking, he obviously represents the power of control, dominance and ambition to "fix" and remake the world - meaning, other people - in his image and in accordance with his ideas. He's basically Thanatos to Paprika's Eros.

Blackouting said:
Also it felt like they spent too much time on the detective's story, since all he was really there for was to illuminate the mechanics of the DC Mini, and get from A to B to save Paprika.

I'd say his sub-plot illuminates the workings of dreaming and human psyche, rather than just a technical device - if anything, everything we know about DC Mini comes from other characters. Not to mention, he keeps the film from becoming a rather dry, if fanciful, hard sci-fi story.
Apr 22, 2014 4:27 PM

Oct 2013
I think i got mindfucked :S

Apr 25, 2014 3:55 PM

Feb 2011
really liked it!!! ost 5/5
complex but awesome!
Apr 26, 2014 10:36 AM

Dec 2013
Sometimes it was a bit difficult to distinguish reality from dream.. Like when Dr. Shima jumps through a window. But then everything merges and it ends up not mattering anymore. I liked this film, it was really original and had depth to it. Now I'm looking forward to watching Millennium actress and Perfect blue.
"Me ni wa me wo, ha ni wa ha wo, aku ni wa aku wo."
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