Hey what's up! :) So which new anime are you watching now? actually i'm watching seven deadly sin (so great!), dragon ball super ( the story is cool but i don't like the animation, so simple...) and about manga i read prison school ( wtf haha XD) and plan to read Umisho (a manga about natation :D well, have a good day!
Das Musik-Turnier geht in die zweite Runde! Welche Songs sollen weiterkommen? Wählt jetzt!
Und das Anime Guru Quiz geht in die 4. und damit letzte Runde. Wer wird der neue Anime Guru Meister?
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Für die langen Sommernächte gibt es die zweite Runde des Anime Guru Quiz! Auch wer in der ersten Runde nicht mitgemacht hat, kann gerne mitraten!
Außerdem started endlich wieder ein neues Musik-Turnier! Nominieren könnt ihr dieses Mal OPs, EDs und OST Tracks ab dem Jahr 2010.
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Für alle Rätselfans started endlich wieder das Anime Guru Quiz! Wer wird der erste Guru Meister 2014?
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SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINCE were coming to an end of the year here are the return random questions of MAL ! 2013 EDITION!
lets start by the most obvious question to ask someone about their first year!
Are you still single?
Nah just kidding
Best moment this year:
Anime of the year:
Goal you had and achieved it:
worst moment this year:
worst anime this year:
an anime you'll remember:
a moment this year u remember and grateful for:
anime choice for 2014:
Goal for 2014:
Rate 2013 year in terms of cupcakes:
and finally
A word you would like to share before the end of 2013:
You in the desert with a beautiful woman or man would you rather have them:
Top Fish naked
Bottom Fish Naked
METAL GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR :O! I didnt know that game was popular with the females :O since they...well you know how the girls in metal gear are xD (none have bras)
I played Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Rising, both are excellenet games, if u havent tried Rising you should! its kinda like DMC but 100 times better songs and great combat. You play as Raiden!
I play all kind of games too but my fav are Fifa (Obviously), any hack n slash game such as DMC and MGR, The Witcher 2 which I recently finished and I gotta say the BEST RPG game EVAR! cant wait for the 3rd one since its gonna be the biggest RPG game ever made. Now I'm playing Reckoning so far so good with the gameplay.
Even though Im no fan of Visual Novels, I did play two VNs which were worth it! 999 and its sequel Virtue Last Reward both a psychological thriller game where its gives you this Saw or Liar game feel, your a player who gets thrown into a deadly game of mind twists and YOU get to choose your choices and with every choice the story changes...EVERY CHOICE and I really love games where they offer you choices.
I do play a lot of games actually but I gotta run soon ^^ I did play Silent hill downpour but didnt rly continue it, got bored :X.
WELP GOTTA GO! oh and lets make 1 thing cleeeeear! IM NO CALL OF DUTY FAN!!! >_<
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Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
lets start by the most obvious question to ask someone about their first year!
Are you still single?
Nah just kidding
Best moment this year:
Anime of the year:
Goal you had and achieved it:
worst moment this year:
worst anime this year:
an anime you'll remember:
a moment this year u remember and grateful for:
anime choice for 2014:
Goal for 2014:
Rate 2013 year in terms of cupcakes:
and finally
A word you would like to share before the end of 2013:
You in the desert with a beautiful woman or man would you rather have them:
Top Fish naked
Bottom Fish Naked
I played Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Rising, both are excellenet games, if u havent tried Rising you should! its kinda like DMC but 100 times better songs and great combat. You play as Raiden!
I play all kind of games too but my fav are Fifa (Obviously), any hack n slash game such as DMC and MGR, The Witcher 2 which I recently finished and I gotta say the BEST RPG game EVAR! cant wait for the 3rd one since its gonna be the biggest RPG game ever made. Now I'm playing Reckoning so far so good with the gameplay.
Even though Im no fan of Visual Novels, I did play two VNs which were worth it! 999 and its sequel Virtue Last Reward both a psychological thriller game where its gives you this Saw or Liar game feel, your a player who gets thrown into a deadly game of mind twists and YOU get to choose your choices and with every choice the story changes...EVERY CHOICE and I really love games where they offer you choices.
I do play a lot of games actually but I gotta run soon ^^ I did play Silent hill downpour but didnt rly continue it, got bored :X.
WELP GOTTA GO! oh and lets make 1 thing cleeeeear! IM NO CALL OF DUTY FAN!!! >_<
but the question is what kind of games :O!