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Kill la Kill
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Mar 6, 2014 7:45 PM

Feb 2012
That was fucking intense.


That's all, Thank You.
Mar 6, 2014 7:47 PM

May 2013
That was pretty intense. I guess Ryuuko has been brought back to her senses. Laughed when half of the scissor blade pierced through her lol.
Mar 6, 2014 7:48 PM

Sep 2012
ataxia_ said:
What is there to say any more? Delivers every single time.
Mar 6, 2014 7:49 PM

Mar 2013
No one is commenting on dat scythe?

Anyway, it's almost like Ryuko is wearing blood clothing at the end, there's so much of it, and her resolve face (+enough blood to tint the whites of her eyes)...

I feel I should comment that I rather like Ryuko's "Anger BGM" too...
Mar 6, 2014 7:50 PM
Mar 2014
When Nui got pierced by the scissor i was like YES FINALLY !
Always hated Nui so cocky -.-
Mar 6, 2014 7:55 PM

Apr 2013
migohunter said:
NicTac said:
Yoo. Hey guys I think I found something in this episode. In the beginning of the episode I noticed a hand waving, it looked a lot like it was waving goodbye. Also! In the background Nui is talking. Therefore, it must mean Nui is gon die.

Hand wave of foreshadowing:

Nope, it's just sexual innuendo. (NSFW?)

Just joking. That was a joke post on how people overanalyze things. Like that 21 I die thing.
Mar 6, 2014 7:56 PM

Apr 2009
loved the episode a lot, I just hope its not leading to a conventional ending, because KLK is anything but conventional.
Mar 6, 2014 8:00 PM

Dec 2011
Aw. Kinda disappointed that Satsuki doesn't have a personalized version of Senketsu... and wished the fight was a little longer.

Although glad that Ryuko is back.
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Mar 6, 2014 8:06 PM

Dec 2010
Dissapointed. Hoped Mako to die. It would be plot improving a lot. Guess they are not going for the plot, but plot twists and teh lulz. Too bad.

So we did a cricle, and we are in the same point we had been in 19 ep. Yawn. After that build up. Mako is such a Deus Ex Machina. Seeing how thing flows, I am pretty sure, the final fight gonna be won by Mako jumping out of nowhere, doing Halleluyah and farting on Ragyo. Hurray.

Without Junketsu there is literally none chance that Satsuki gonna face Ragyo.

Episodes from 17 to 20 were amazing, but they are all almost irrelevant now.
Mar 6, 2014 8:14 PM

Jul 2013
i screamed every minute cause of epicness.

still build up was negated.

nui needs to die.
Just an anime fan, doing what an anime fan does
Mar 6, 2014 8:16 PM

Jul 2013
Well, this was intense... AGAIN

How the fuck can someone call this "slow-paced" ?? I wonder what kind of ecstasy induced show these people watch

And also trigger trolling... AGAIN
Mar 6, 2014 8:26 PM

Feb 2012
The story progression was really odd this episode. Do they even know what they're doing anymore?
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Mar 6, 2014 8:33 PM
Nov 2013
Last week I made the prediction that Ryuko would switch back by the end of this episode
Totally called it.
I'm a bit disappointed that it was so predictable, but if I think about it, it would be even worse if they had put it off for even longer
In my opinion, they kinda just wrote themselves into a corner in the previous episode
Mar 6, 2014 8:34 PM

Sep 2013
Wait what was with the sudden kiss?

"Even better then you." Lol so she makes out with Ragyou :P

Satsuki aint to shabby in Senketsu, but to bad the transformation is the same as when Ryuuko wears him.

Mako lift off!

Ha he fell off the ship.

Satsuki looking good in the nudist beach outfit ;)

Mako got sucked in too 0_0

She's back :D
Mar 6, 2014 8:39 PM

May 2012
Finally she's back,. now go kill Nui to hunt the boss..
I want Satsuki ride that DTR, wonder how she awkwardly looks like :D

That was a good ep.

Mar 6, 2014 8:41 PM

Aug 2013
Satsuki is such a boss omg.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Mar 6, 2014 8:44 PM

Jul 2010
The pace was just fine, this episode was fucking perfect in my opinion.
Also, the best thing was the inside-scene of Ryuuko-Mako and Senketsu.
Mar 6, 2014 8:54 PM

Nov 2013
I think that the episode was action packed, yet disappointing in the end. I am really thinking that the series will only be one season. It seems that it will end up having Ryuuko saving the world, how would they start a second season off of that if the plot completes?
Mar 6, 2014 8:54 PM

Jan 2013
omg this anime, I keep saying that each week's episode topping the previous one.
Btw, 2nd season? what you are saying?
Mar 6, 2014 9:00 PM
Oct 2012
Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha. There's not gonna be a second season.
Mar 6, 2014 9:01 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuuko kissed Nui...I don't why she suddenly kissed her.

Ryuuko finally got back to her senses at the end.
Mar 6, 2014 9:23 PM

Jan 2011
All those emotions, all of that holding on to hope, and wow what a pay off. Bravo Trigger.
Mar 6, 2014 9:47 PM

Nov 2013
That was just... wow She really love Mako and Senketsu eh?
Mar 6, 2014 9:47 PM
Jan 2014
Loved that music when ryuko gets pissed and removes junketsu and goes like super saiyan.
Mar 6, 2014 10:04 PM

Apr 2009
Tohka_Yatogami said:
Ryuuko kissed Nui...I don't why she suddenly kissed her.

Ryuuko finally got back to her senses at the end.
lickyXD said:
why the ryuko doesn't kiss satsuki!?
omgf satsuki with a Clothes of nudist beach! ♥


Perhaps being in the fucked up mental state that she was, she saw Nui as the only one she could relate to, the only other supposed life fiber monster, which was hinted at in the previous episode.
Mar 6, 2014 10:17 PM

Apr 2012
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 6, 2014 10:19 PM

Apr 2012
Meg-nyan said:

*gives paper bag*
breathe man breathe*

Mar 6, 2014 10:40 PM

Mar 2013
I'd actually kinda like Nui to survive everything to the end.
Epilogue: Nui in jail, or something
Mar 6, 2014 10:40 PM

May 2011
Tohka_Yatogami said:
Ryuuko kissed Nui...I don't why she suddenly kissed her.

Ryuuko finally got back to her senses at the end.

The kiss of Death.
Mar 6, 2014 10:42 PM

Sep 2013
ashlelouch said:
Mako fuck out the way. I like you as a character but goddamn are you ruining these moments or what?

I'd be really glad if she died, simply because it'd be plot progression and SOMEONE would finally die (there's so much blood in this show but no one's even died yet).

God. I really wish Mako and her family had just stayed at their home, or maybe Ryuko killing Mako in her crazy state could have snapped her back to normal.

I'm really enjoying Kill la Kill so far, but for some reason this episode pissed me off.

Great ending tho.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I always thought KLK had more to it than this.
Mar 6, 2014 10:55 PM

Oct 2011
I agree that they've ended up making Mako too important of a character. They should have separated the comedic and dramatic portions of the show much more than they ended up doing.

Comedy means less Drama.
Drama means less Comedy.

You can't have one without losing out on the other. Hopefully one day we'll see a show from TRIGGER than fully splits the two. We've gotten light-hearted stuff and comedies already, but can you imagine how amazing it would be if TRIGGER made a 100% serious work?

Imagine all the showpieces of KILL la KILL, but without all the Mako interludes. Imagine..

Amazing, right?

KILL la KILL is an amazing show, but it's held back by being their first official work. They need to build up their strength as a company before attempting another original 2-cour work.

Regardless, I can't wait to see it when they do.

"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Mar 6, 2014 11:04 PM

Feb 2010
Am I the only one who thinks the show would have been better if Mako died? Like nothing serious has happened in the entire series so far. Mako dying would solidify the series into even more greatness.

I am disappointed.
Mar 6, 2014 11:08 PM

Dec 2013
Yet another awesome episode! Though the kiss was really weird. Satsuki takes the not giving up to the next lvl which is just awesome to see
Mar 6, 2014 11:12 PM

Mar 2013
I feel like this show was- how do I say it -written with a strong emphasis on the wait between each week. (cliffhanger after cliffhanger)
The heaviest highlights of most of the episodes come during the last few minutes, and this was no real exception besides maybe the kiss. (not a heavy moment, but one they knew fans would latch onto)

On the other hand, it's like the complete opposite of a show like Shinsekai Yori, which feels like one really long movie with occasional pauses as you finish an episode and move to the next.
Mar 6, 2014 11:13 PM

Dec 2010
It doesn't really feel like much happened this episode, but it was still awesome to behold! At least no one has died yet, but I don't think that will last much longer...
Mar 6, 2014 11:18 PM

Jul 2013
I think this episode is a slap to whoever thought that KlK was a mindless fan service show.

I didn't expect them to have an explanation as to why the God robes are such skimpy outfits but they managed to explain it without making it sound forced or illogical. HA!

I also love how they made Mako's Halleluya shaky when she was dizzy XD it's such a small thing but nice!!
Mar 6, 2014 11:18 PM

Jan 2014
Titanz25 said:
I'm so agitated right now.. As a stand alone episode it was good with one HUGE problem(take a guess) but it was anti climatic due to the setup from the last chapter

I'm not mad at Satsuki getting beat.. She held her own but eventually got overpowered. In fine with that. What IM not okay with is this shows biggest flaw.. Which is Mako. She is literally taking the greatness from this series and is fucking it up.. She just HAD to butt in like an idiot doing her retarded "Hallelujah" speeches not once but twice.. And we were finally getting a bit more development between Ryuko/Satsuki but Mako just halted it and messed it up.. We only have a few more episodes so that will make the relationship between the sisters feel rushed and forced unless Trigger makes a second season(which I doubt)

I don't hate the anime.. Quite the contrary I've given it an 8 and its very engaging and fun.. But Mako is holding this anime's potential back

And like someone said I don't even know about the sisters teaming up at this point

3/5.. Good episode but Mako ruined it(as usual)

What I really loved in this episode is this show's biggest asset.. Which is Mako.
She literally makes the show better with her presence.
5/5...great episode mostly due to Mako (as usual).
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 6, 2014 11:27 PM

Jan 2014
Patureau said:
Well, this was intense... AGAIN

How the fuck can someone call this "slow-paced" ?? I wonder what kind of ecstasy induced show these people watch

And also trigger trolling... AGAIN

I have found that people will always complain. If they condensed it to add just 2 more minutes of content, you'll get people complaining that "Oh my God! It's too rushed!"
Now even with another fast paced episode you get complainers. The best thing to do is to ignore them (or point out their own folly when appropriate).

Just look at the people complaining that Mako didn't die now. I never understood the silly idea that "people dying= good"
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 6, 2014 11:27 PM

Nov 2011
This episode was the shit.
Mar 6, 2014 11:28 PM

Sep 2013
RedRoseFring said:
Titanz25 said:
I'm so agitated right now.. As a stand alone episode it was good with one HUGE problem(take a guess) but it was anti climatic due to the setup from the last chapter

I'm not mad at Satsuki getting beat.. She held her own but eventually got overpowered. In fine with that. What IM not okay with is this shows biggest flaw.. Which is Mako. She is literally taking the greatness from this series and is fucking it up.. She just HAD to butt in like an idiot doing her retarded "Hallelujah" speeches not once but twice.. And we were finally getting a bit more development between Ryuko/Satsuki but Mako just halted it and messed it up.. We only have a few more episodes so that will make the relationship between the sisters feel rushed and forced unless Trigger makes a second season(which I doubt)

I don't hate the anime.. Quite the contrary I've given it an 8 and its very engaging and fun.. But Mako is holding this anime's potential back

And like someone said I don't even know about the sisters teaming up at this point

3/5.. Good episode but Mako ruined it(as usual)

What I really loved in this episode is this show's biggest asset.. Which is Mako.
She literally makes the show better with her presence.
5/5...great episode mostly due to Mako (as usual).

How in the bloody fuck did she make this episode better with her presence? She held back the fight and interrupted the important, emotional scenes. She also held back the plot which is the biggest disappointment of all.
She did what she did in episode 12 (again) and that's just ridiculous. Everyone's saying how we wouldn't have been satisfied even if Mako died, but then it's the producer's fault for allowing the show to fall into a zugzwang.
Mar 6, 2014 11:35 PM

Jan 2014
yeslelno123 said:
RedRoseFring said:
Titanz25 said:
I'm so agitated right now.. As a stand alone episode it was good with one HUGE problem(take a guess) but it was anti climatic due to the setup from the last chapter

I'm not mad at Satsuki getting beat.. She held her own but eventually got overpowered. In fine with that. What IM not okay with is this shows biggest flaw.. Which is Mako. She is literally taking the greatness from this series and is fucking it up.. She just HAD to butt in like an idiot doing her retarded "Hallelujah" speeches not once but twice.. And we were finally getting a bit more development between Ryuko/Satsuki but Mako just halted it and messed it up.. We only have a few more episodes so that will make the relationship between the sisters feel rushed and forced unless Trigger makes a second season(which I doubt)

I don't hate the anime.. Quite the contrary I've given it an 8 and its very engaging and fun.. But Mako is holding this anime's potential back

And like someone said I don't even know about the sisters teaming up at this point

3/5.. Good episode but Mako ruined it(as usual)

What I really loved in this episode is this show's biggest asset.. Which is Mako.
She literally makes the show better with her presence.
5/5...great episode mostly due to Mako (as usual).

How in the bloody fuck did she make this episode better with her presence? She held back the fight and interrupted the important, emotional scenes. She also held back the plot which is the biggest disappointment of all.
She did what she did in episode 12 (again) and that's just ridiculous. Everyone's saying how we wouldn't have been satisfied even if Mako died, but then it's the producer's fault for allowing the show to fall into a zugzwang.

I was replying the very opposite of what Titan did intentionally.

"She held back the fight."
How? What more did you expect to happen except Ryuko slaughtered the whole lot of them?
"Emotional scene"
If you read through the thread, you'll find that Ryuko seemingly killing Mako WAS the emotional scene of the episode. In that sense, she enhanced the emotion.
"She did what she did in episode 12"
So she should have become an inconsistent character instead and said: "Ryuko's mad? Lol! Yolo! Let me leave her to her rampage #swag because that's what friends do." Of course not! She acted in character, and if you expected any different, the problem's with you.
"Mako's dying"
Mako dies and Senketsu's words come true, Ryuko is the one that's hurt the most, then we get 3 more episodes of crying, mopey, sappy Ryuko lamenting her loss as Ragyo ends the world.
Everything that happened was completely logical. All the dissatisfaction is mostly due to silly expectations of what should happen instead of what the characters would naturally do instead.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 6, 2014 11:35 PM
Aug 2010
BRSxIgnition said:
I agree that they've ended up making Mako too important of a character. They should have separated the comedic and dramatic portions of the show much more than they ended up doing.

Comedy means less Drama.
Drama means less Comedy.

You can't have one without losing out on the other. Hopefully one day we'll see a show from TRIGGER than fully splits the two. We've gotten light-hearted stuff and comedies already, but can you imagine how amazing it would be if TRIGGER made a 100% serious work?

Imagine all the showpieces of KILL la KILL, but without all the Mako interludes. Imagine..

Amazing, right?

KILL la KILL is an amazing show, but it's held back by being their first official work. They need to build up their strength as a company before attempting another original 2-cour work.

Regardless, I can't wait to see it when they do.

Yeah, amazing...actually no, not really. You seem to forget you're talking about the guys who did Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and Gurren Lagaan. When has "seriousness" ever been part of their repertoire? It's their style to be over the top and mix seriousness, comedy, and epicness together.

I'm confused over all the people saying Mako needed to die. Are you guys really that upset that you're predictions were incorrect? Or do you really want to tell me that killing a character makes a series much better? Because only hacks rely on a random death to "serious" the show. If she were to die, it would be at a much better place than this episode as its both too early and too late for her death to mean anything.

Mar 6, 2014 11:38 PM
Apr 2013
yeslelno123 said:
RedRoseFring said:
Titanz25 said:
I'm so agitated right now.. As a stand alone episode it was good with one HUGE problem(take a guess) but it was anti climatic due to the setup from the last chapter

I'm not mad at Satsuki getting beat.. She held her own but eventually got overpowered. In fine with that. What IM not okay with is this shows biggest flaw.. Which is Mako. She is literally taking the greatness from this series and is fucking it up.. She just HAD to butt in like an idiot doing her retarded "Hallelujah" speeches not once but twice.. And we were finally getting a bit more development between Ryuko/Satsuki but Mako just halted it and messed it up.. We only have a few more episodes so that will make the relationship between the sisters feel rushed and forced unless Trigger makes a second season(which I doubt)

I don't hate the anime.. Quite the contrary I've given it an 8 and its very engaging and fun.. But Mako is holding this anime's potential back

And like someone said I don't even know about the sisters teaming up at this point

3/5.. Good episode but Mako ruined it(as usual)

What I really loved in this episode is this show's biggest asset.. Which is Mako.
She literally makes the show better with her presence.
5/5...great episode mostly due to Mako (as usual).

How in the bloody fuck did she make this episode better with her presence? She held back the fight and interrupted the important, emotional scenes. She also held back the plot which is the biggest disappointment of all.
She did what she did in episode 12 (again) and that's just ridiculous. Everyone's saying how we wouldn't have been satisfied even if Mako died, but then it's the producer's fault for allowing the show to fall into a zugzwang.
yeslelno123 said:
RedRoseFring said:
Titanz25 said:
I'm so agitated right now.. As a stand alone episode it was good with one HUGE problem(take a guess) but it was anti climatic due to the setup from the last chapter

I'm not mad at Satsuki getting beat.. She held her own but eventually got overpowered. In fine with that. What IM not okay with is this shows biggest flaw.. Which is Mako. She is literally taking the greatness from this series and is fucking it up.. She just HAD to butt in like an idiot doing her retarded "Hallelujah" speeches not once but twice.. And we were finally getting a bit more development between Ryuko/Satsuki but Mako just halted it and messed it up.. We only have a few more episodes so that will make the relationship between the sisters feel rushed and forced unless Trigger makes a second season(which I doubt)

I don't hate the anime.. Quite the contrary I've given it an 8 and its very engaging and fun.. But Mako is holding this anime's potential back

And like someone said I don't even know about the sisters teaming up at this point

3/5.. Good episode but Mako ruined it(as usual)

What I really loved in this episode is this show's biggest asset.. Which is Mako.
She literally makes the show better with her presence.
5/5...great episode mostly due to Mako (as usual).

How in the bloody fuck did she make this episode better with her presence? She held back the fight and interrupted the important, emotional scenes. She also held back the plot which is the biggest disappointment of all.
She did what she did in episode 12 (again) and that's just ridiculous. Everyone's saying how we wouldn't have been satisfied even if Mako died, but then it's the producer's fault for allowing the show to fall into a zugzwang.

Have you guys ever thought about the emotional trauma that Ryuuko will have to go through, if Mako died? Even Senketsu stated that before they engaged Ryuuko mentally.

For all of the reasons that Ryuuko already herself has pulled away from Life Fiber Syncronization
Once you kill off Mako, you get this void where who will wear Senketsu efficently........ though following the archetypes, I doubt Ryuuko's personality and additional shock will prepare to save the world.
wytesongMar 7, 2014 12:30 AM
Mar 6, 2014 11:39 PM

Mar 2012
Damn it, Mako. Quit getting me so worked up. How many times did I had to yell "NOOOOO" at my laptop when you flew straight into the battle. Never scare me like that again, kthx.

In other news, Ryuko found her way again! This time for good, right?
Mar 6, 2014 11:40 PM

Jan 2014
xaszatm said:
BRSxIgnition said:
I agree that they've ended up making Mako too important of a character. They should have separated the comedic and dramatic portions of the show much more than they ended up doing.

Comedy means less Drama.
Drama means less Comedy.

You can't have one without losing out on the other. Hopefully one day we'll see a show from TRIGGER than fully splits the two. We've gotten light-hearted stuff and comedies already, but can you imagine how amazing it would be if TRIGGER made a 100% serious work?

Imagine all the showpieces of KILL la KILL, but without all the Mako interludes. Imagine..

Amazing, right?

KILL la KILL is an amazing show, but it's held back by being their first official work. They need to build up their strength as a company before attempting another original 2-cour work.

Regardless, I can't wait to see it when they do.

Yeah, amazing...actually no, not really. You seem to forget you're talking about the guys who did Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and Gurren Lagaan. When has "seriousness" ever been part of their repertoire? It's their style to be over the top and mix seriousness, comedy, and epicness together.

I'm confused over all the people saying Mako needed to die. Are you guys really that upset that you're predictions were incorrect? Or do you really want to tell me that killing a character makes a series much better? Because only hacks rely on a random death to "serious" the show. If she were to die, it would be at a much better place than this episode as its both too early and too late for her death to mean anything.


They are sad they didn't get another week of boasting that "it's so predictable." "I knew that would happen" etc.

As to Ignition's post: I have never seen a problem with mixing comedy and drama in a show. In fact, I score shows that are able to mix the 2 HIGHER because you're not left with a 1 trick pony that can only provide one form of entertainment.

Most of the time, complaints of not being able to differentiate comedy from drama just makes me think of social ineptitude to read a situation. If one really can't tell what state a character is in and read the tone of a scene through visible character emotions or even the soundtrack, then they should stop watching shows altogether and even stop interacting with people.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 6, 2014 11:42 PM

Apr 2013
Now watching this episode in context with the subs, I actually really enjoyed it. This sudden amount of "hate it" votes are kind of unwarranted IMO.

I can't wait to see how Trigger wraps up with the last three episodes now that they are all united to some degree.
migohunterMar 6, 2014 11:48 PM
Powerful eyebrows.
Mar 6, 2014 11:44 PM

Jul 2013
xaszatm said:

I'm confused over all the people saying Mako needed to die. Are you guys really that upset that you're predictions were incorrect? Or do you really want to tell me that killing a character makes a series much better? Because only hacks rely on a random death to "serious" the show. If she were to die, it would be at a much better place than this episode as its both too early and too late for her death to mean anything.


I bet they are just butt-hurt their prediction was wrong lol.. so many people were adamant that Mako's gonna die.

I don't think she's an unimportant character though. Ryuuko is a lone wolf character from the beginning. Mako is most likely the only person she truly likes and trusts with all her heart. Imo she doesn't even trust Senketsu as much as Mako. When everything is going against her emotionally, Mako is the only anchor that she has with humanity. I think it's befitting that time and time again, Mako brought Ryuuko to her senses because she serve's a reminder that Ryuuko can still be human/normal despite how shitty she feels about herself or how unfair the world is treating her.
Mar 6, 2014 11:46 PM

Apr 2013
jiraiya_sensei said:
I also love how they made Mako's Halleluya shaky when she was dizzy XD it's such a small thing but nice!!

The reason why I love the show so much, it's little things like this that Trigger thoughtfully put into the show. The directing for KlK is top notch, that is one thing that has remained so consistently good.
Powerful eyebrows.
Mar 6, 2014 11:47 PM

Jan 2014
jiraiya_sensei said:
xaszatm said:

I'm confused over all the people saying Mako needed to die. Are you guys really that upset that you're predictions were incorrect? Or do you really want to tell me that killing a character makes a series much better? Because only hacks rely on a random death to "serious" the show. If she were to die, it would be at a much better place than this episode as its both too early and too late for her death to mean anything.


I bet they are just butt-hurt their prediction was wrong lol.. so many people were adamant that Mako's gonna die.

I don't think she's an unimportant character though. Ryuuko is a lone wolf character from the beginning. Mako is most likely the only person she truly likes and trusts with all her heart. Imo she doesn't even trust Senketsu as much as Mako. When everything is going against her emotionally, Mako is the only anchor that she has with humanity. I think it's befitting that time and time again, Mako brought Ryuuko to her senses because sh serve's a reminder that she too, can still be human/normal despite how shitty she feels about herself.

Humans and life fibres CAN get along. Or something along those lines.
I love all the characters and all, but it needs more Ragyo. More Ragyo also means more Blumenkranz.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 6, 2014 11:50 PM
Dec 2008
Oh yeah Satsuki and her elite 4 kicking some ass. Satsuki sure is creative, Blade Gale & Blade flash? And this just her first time wearing Senketsu. And Mako saves the day again. I really wished that Trigger use another method to bring Ryuko back to her senses but, eh...

Good episode except for some iffy parts especially the scene where Satsuki yelled to Gamagoori to back off because Nui was coming, the lack of animation is glaring.
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