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Nov 24, 2007 1:17 PM

Mar 2007
This is quite a fantastic story and I have yet to read the book which it is based of. I have heard though that the author herself was not too happy with the way they interpreted the story, and in a way, without even reading the book, I can sense that there are things missing from the story and a depth that didn't get told by this movie. Still, great animation and also a really good soundtrack.
Nov 24, 2007 1:27 PM

Mar 2007
i have red whole earthsea series so i can tell that its a mix between 3rd and 4th book
mostly on 3rd with ged and arren traveling together and that background story
tenar and therru thing comes from 4th book and ending is completely miyazakis thing
but it was really great adaption from those books and i loved it also :>

i can recomend those books, they are really good ^^
Nov 24, 2007 4:19 PM

Jan 2007
I haven't read the books either, but I did read what the author had to say about it. I can understand being disappointed that it didn't go in the same direction, but I still think she was too harsh. It was a gorgeous movie, I liked it a lot.
Feb 16, 2008 4:41 PM

Oct 2007
the story lacked depth and i really am going to go read the books now. the voices were pretty standard, nothing too spectacular aside from maybe therru. honestly, the story took a LONG time to develop. i was so bored the first hour of the movie. the second half was much better. i just wish they had explained things better? well, it was miyazaki's son's fist movie.
Jul 10, 2008 1:55 PM

Jan 2008
If this is your first foray into fantasy I'm sure you'd dig the hell out of it. If you're a fantasy veteren then ideally, like me, you'll be bored to tears with how generic it all is.

I found the slow-paced country wandering far more entertaining than the tired plot and boring bad guys. The story is actually very badly written with stupid plot holes and cliches, I'm both astounded and saddened by Ghibli's weakest film.

I side with Gorō's dad over their little squabble.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jul 25, 2008 2:00 AM

Aug 2007
Admittedly not as good as the ones by Miyazaki Hayao (being boring, especially the part when Therru just stood there singing for what seemed like five minutes), but I'm sure Gorou Miyazaki is learning. So I'll stick with Ghibli.
Aug 7, 2008 1:51 AM

Jan 2008
The art was good but not at Miyazaki's level (I don't mind that) but the story was kinda bland if you ask me.
Cihan said:
I found the slow-paced country wandering far more entertaining than the tired plot and boring bad guys. The story is actually very badly written with stupid plot holes and cliches, I'm both astounded and saddened by Ghibli's weakest film.
I agree. I liked the living in country part more and I also loved the song Therru was singing when she was in the field.
Sep 5, 2008 11:09 AM

May 2007
That was okay. Expected something better. Also felt like this could´ve been done easily in 60 mins or so... felt like I wasted an hour :<
Nov 25, 2008 7:22 AM

Apr 2008
So why did Arren stab his father? Just because he was afraid to die and became crazy?

Also, was there an explanation about what happened to Therru at the end? I've read all 5 Earthsea books so I know the rational, but I don't think I recall seeing one in the movie per se, other than an accepted deus ex machina.
Mar 23, 2009 11:46 PM

Sep 2008
I was impressed with the animation and the art overall, but that doesn't save a weak story. I found myself confused and bored through most of this movie. The character development sucked. The relationships between the characters didn't feel right. The main villain was generic and uninteresting. Maybe watching the dub was a small part of the problem. IMO, this was just an average movie.
May 28, 2009 10:45 PM

Apr 2009
I definitely enjoyed the first half of the movie the most, likely due to my love of The Farthest Shore. The rest, while not horrible, was just average. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie. But, just as everyone else is saying, it really lacks the depth and power of the novels it is based on and far too many things are left unanswered. I enjoyed it well enough, and I'll surely watch it again in the future, but it simply isn't one of Ghibli's best works. I do love the backgrounds and scenery used in the movie, though.
Sep 3, 2009 7:29 PM

Mar 2009
It's hard to say what I went in expecting from this one. On one hand, I love the series (especially TFS), so the bar was raised pretty high. On the other hand, I had also seen the live-action adaption, so the bar was simultaneously so low it was touching dirt.

Overall, it wasn't bad, though I was disappointed by the characterization of Cob. In the book, he has a fair amount of depth, but came across as a generic "look how evil I am" bad guy. It seems like they took Aspen's (from book 4) personality and motivations (or lack of) and gave him Cob's powers and name.

Tehanu's transformation really came out of left field and seems like a Deus Ex Machina in the movie. It kind of does the same thing in the book, but has a bit better explanation, and the last book makes use of it.
Nov 2, 2009 2:27 PM

Mar 2009
The story was pretty damn lame. Even the at times STUNNING visuals couldn't save it. But of everything in this movie, it was the at first annoying leads who were developed, and as such were the only decent characters by the end. Even the random dragon thing just made me d'aaaw for them.

Maybe I'll read the books at some point to see how much better justice LeGuin can do the setting.
Nov 13, 2009 5:01 PM

Sep 2008
Better than most Ghibli films, certainly more enjoyable than the likes of Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke, but still a lackluster movie. Tales from Earthsea just had too much of a convoluted storyline, with too many plot devices. In the end I still didn't understand the main characters or why they did half the things they did. The boy was only interesting when he was in crazy mode, the girl was a real brat, and the wizard lacked epicness. The villain was kind of interesting, but I was taken aback when everyone started calling her a man. -_-()
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Dec 18, 2009 5:42 PM

Jun 2008
This movie disappointed me. It lacks of pretty much everything, and it's quite boring, staying focused on it was somewhat hard, almost nothing happens. The characters are shallow and at times irritating, the music is average, the story is not deep. Overall it barely had a 6 from me.
Cho said:
The villain was kind of interesting, but I was taken aback when everyone started calling her a man. -_-()
Yes indeed, lol.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Feb 25, 2010 4:31 AM

Oct 2009
Pretty good, the ending was cute.

HOWEVER the Earthsea series does no deserve good, it deserves EPIC.

Studio Ghibli should not have let Goro make his debut with this film, putting an untested director on Earthsea is an insult.

The Earthsea series is every bit the mythic saga that the Lord of the Rings is. Why not treat it that way? I feel sorry for Le Guin, two adaptations, one epic failure(SciFi) and one mediocre anime.

Lets just say that this is COMPLETELY NON-CANON. Why? The original story is awesome and relatively easy to adapt. Instead they decided to twist the time line into a bow a put it through a blender because they though they could tell the Earthsea story better than its creator.

Now for the cannon issues
Therru has a badly chared face, not a sunburn.
Cob succeeds in opening the gate to the dead, This is hard to do if he has already come back form the land the dead and died.
Therru... is a dragon human not a human dragon. That means no transformations. If they wanted transformations they should have used the other girl for the short stories.
Everything takes seems to take place in the on the island of Gont, despite the actual locations being scatted all over the archipelago.
Ged is depowered before Tenar adopts Therru
Cob is male....not whatever the villain is.
Heart grab= summoning magic...NOOOOOO
*Head explodes*
DragnoerFeb 25, 2010 4:41 AM
Error 547: No keyboard detected, press F12 for options.

Feb 25, 2010 1:27 PM

Mar 2008
The animation, as expected on Ghibli, was beautiful. I thought this had the potential to become something amazing, and although it didn't fill that potential, it was still a good watch nonetheless.

Zirgo said:
I can sense that there are things missing from the story and a depth that didn't get told by this movie. Still, great animation and also a really good soundtrack.

sugarplumfairyFeb 25, 2010 2:46 PM
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Mar 26, 2010 3:24 AM

Feb 2010
didn't read before watching.... i've seen the movie about 4 times now, just now getting to talk about it. i definitely felt like there were some plot holes, but the animation was terrific, the soundtrack was incredibly moving and the story was still spot-on. the second miyazaki generation does not disappoint.
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
Apr 8, 2010 9:39 PM

Aug 2008
Akumiri said:
i have red whole earthsea series so i can tell that its a mix between 3rd and 4th book
mostly on 3rd with ged and arren traveling together and that background story
tenar and therru thing comes from 4th book and ending is completely miyazakis thing
but it was really great adaption from those books and i loved it also :>

i can recomend those books, they are really good ^^
Oh, I heard that the fourth book was considered as discontinuity.
Anyways, I thought the movie wasn't as good as past Ghibli films but was still very decent.
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Apr 24, 2010 4:18 PM

Nov 2008
Gonna see if Miyazaki son inherited his genes :D
May 1, 2010 4:24 AM

Jul 2009
It was a good movie, nobody can deny it...But it wasn't "Studio Ghibli Good". Now that I look I see how 2 hours have passed but I don't know what plots took so long to develop.
Jio-FreedMay 1, 2010 4:29 AM

May 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Dec 2009
After all the hype... I'm really effing disappointed... To me the villain is always super important. But this one was freaking lame... MEEEEEEEEEH!!!
Jul 29, 2010 1:21 AM

Nov 2009
Way underrated.
Aug 11, 2010 10:55 AM

Jan 2010
Isn't bad at all.
Aug 27, 2010 6:43 PM

Aug 2008
I thought it was a pretty good movie. Not the best, but one I'd probably watch again. I have to say that my favorite part was when Therru was singing on the hill... so beautiful. I watched it in English and the voice acting was great, as expected. I liked the castle parts at the end, the actually ending I still haven't made up my mind about yet. Overall I say 8/10
Sep 9, 2010 8:40 AM

Jul 2008
Undeniably not as good as some other Ghibli films, but for a first shot at it, bloody well done to him I say. It's still a beautiful film.
Oct 2, 2010 7:13 AM

Apr 2010
Pretty good imo. But not as good as Miyazaki-san's works.
Though this movie reminded me of Spirited Away a little, well in some parts.
Oct 6, 2010 4:21 AM

Sep 2007
Um. Heh. Wow. That was kind of terrible.

I still enjoyed it in a weird way. It reminded me of some of my dreams. They don't really make a whole lot of sense at first, but they'll still make a damn good story later. I don't know. I'm definitely intrigued and I hope the books are as good as people say they are. I'll save my opinion on this after I've read the books, but I can tell right off the bat that they screwed something up.

There is one thing that bothered me. Why did no one question what happened to Therru at the end? Shoot, you need to do some major foreshadowing if you're going to pull something like that off. Everyone's all smiles and I'm sitting here like, "Why aren't you guys freaking out!?" I think they mildly tried to hint at it earlier with ShadowHawk being all, "Could she be...?" but really now.

Oh, and that sunburn on her face? Really now. When they called her ugly I was expecting some major disfigurement going on. Instead she has the Phantom of the Opera Sunburn. Real ugly right there. I think I threw up in my mouth a bit.
Nov 4, 2010 1:15 PM
Jun 2010
This would have been a okay movie with very nice visuals, if only it had been done in an original setting. At least for me the totally butchered, mashed up version of the plot detracted tremendously from the experience. They could have made an original story in the Earthsea world, or adapted one of the books. But no, they had to do something in between.

It wasn't really bad or anything.... it's just a shame, if done properly this could have been something truly awesome.
Apr 10, 2011 7:56 PM
Jan 2008
Having finally seen this film, I can attest that it is not a bad movie in any way. The artwork and the music were top-notch as usual and the dubbing is as great as any of the other Disney Ghibli dubs (especially Cheech Marin, I really liked his Hare, although Timothy Dalton and Maristka Herigaty deserve kudos for their work; I'm iffy about Willem Dafoe's performance, though, and I wasn't exactly wowed by Arren or Therru's VAs, although the former did a better job overall and the latter really shined during her song midway through the film).

But it seems to me that this is more of an attempt to combine situations of all four novels of EARTHSEA instead of an adaptation of one book, and as such, the story can be pretty confusing. There were also a lot of questions that I was still having at the end of the film: why does Arren kill his parents? What's up with Therru becoming a dragon? What's the whole thing with Arren's shadow/copy? Why doesn't he feel more guilty about his actions? The pace is also pretty draggy, especially in the middle of the movie when there protagonists end up on a farm. A tighter pace wouldn't have hurt.

Still, I do give Goro points for trying, even if this is not another instant classic from Ghibli. Is it still worth watching? Absolutely. Even with its faults, it's still a decent film, and as long as you go in with extremely low expectations (like I did), it'll play much better. 7/10 for me.
Apr 30, 2011 7:46 PM

Jul 2008
Horrible horrible movie. The first half was actually faster paced than the second half. It saddens me how it has anything to do with Ghibli. ;_;
May 10, 2011 3:45 AM

Oct 2010
After reading somewhere that this movie isn't really the brightest example in Studio Ghibli's repertoire, I went into watching expecting little more than the characteristic art, music and general tone. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was more than that. Gedo Senki is a bit incoherent, as in not fully explaining the storyline and character backgrounds, leaving the plot seem a bit naive. Then again, all Ghibli movies that I've seen are like that - at this point, I can say it is indeed a part of the charm. I don't really need to know the "details" that much anyway. The main motives of the movie, somewhat characteristic to the anime genre of entertainment, were in my opinion, sane, inspiring, even sobering. I did enjoy the multimedia experience as well, t'was true Ghibli all right.
May 22, 2011 6:55 PM

Dec 2009
The movie was alright, but I was expecting something better. Not Ghibli's greatest movie for sure.
Jun 20, 2011 4:13 AM

Jan 2011
bleh so boring think I'd rather watch paint dry
I'm a little surprised that a lot of people actually liked this lol wut
but nether the less Goro should just stick to his day job
"Where will a newborn go from here? The net is vast and infinite" - Motoko Kusanagi
Jul 7, 2011 5:45 AM

Nov 2007
The ending made absolutely no sense. Why was she a dragon? Huh? What purpose did that serve? And during the scene near the end why was she so afraid of jumping over the ledges and possibly falling if she could freaking turn into a dragon and FLY (which is what she ended up doing anyway)?

Horrible movie. Cliched, boring and gigantic plot holes you could drive a plane through.
Sep 13, 2011 6:01 PM

Mar 2009
The English dub was pretty good, and I liked it better than the sub I had seen. That said, it still wasn't a very good movie.
Dec 10, 2011 2:48 PM

Aug 2008
I was confused while watching because the story seemed to keep borrowing from other movies. The ending was similar to spirited away. The story background was similar to Nausicaa. The characters similar to Mononoke-Hime. Now I find out it was based on an original and good novel series? They must have taken a great number of liberties.

Pros: The inserted song was great and made the movie.
Cons: The main character cried a lot. The villain was a Trap. Archmage got his powers sapped before he could go apeshit.
Jan 16, 2012 5:25 PM
Aug 2011
Look, I love slow movies, but this was terrible. The visuals were only okay, extremely disappointing by Ghibli standards. Porco Rosso or Castle in the Sky deliver better visuals, and those are much much older. The characters weren't developed well and nothing they did interested me. I read the Earthsea books way way back and while they are slow, they were always engaging.

The only upside is that the music was phenomenal. But it doesn't make up for the lack of spirit involved in the making of this movie. 3/10
Mar 5, 2012 2:00 PM

Mar 2009
Meh. Weakest Ghibli film to date. Plot holes galore too.

Why was Goro Miyazaki's directorial debut an adaptation of a popular fantasy series? You can't do much justice to it with one movie alone. A stupid choice.
Mar 29, 2012 8:10 PM

Jan 2011
I didn't read anything but the first two books from what i've remember of the story/characters and what i've read up now that i finished it. And the other movie, which actually is running here in TV (last time was just a few weeks ago) does only cover the first two books, either. Well, more or less, certainly doesn't cover the other books, whether it fits the first two is another thing ;)

Anyways, seems like it's was actually better to have not read them yet, this way i didn't expect anything and found tihs lovely movie. And tihis masterpiece of a song, especially a cappella + wind in the pause + this gorgeous countryside.

The bad thing is, now i have to read the other books, meaning i have to get them somewhere.

Damn, theres so much old stuff i never did read simply because the local ibrary never cared to stock these books when i was young. I'm not that old, there is no excuse for them not having all books or at least the older 3 back then. Sometimes they simply stopped in between, like, with the new Dune novels. They acquired the first of the new ones, but then..nothing, for years. Or Stephen King's Dark Tower..same, they simply didn't acquire all.

Meaning, i have to buy them all now, the likelyhood of finding someone who has these books is quite low. Sure, some of you might have it, but you don't live nearby..;)
Jul 16, 2012 11:38 AM

Mar 2011
Even if saying this sounds like blasphemy and will make me sort of an outsider:

A Ghibli work will likely never get more than a 7 or 8 from me ^_^

Reason: While the stories may be (almost sickenly) family-friendly up to the point of 'Tastes Like Diabetes', all this Anti-Capitalist & Anti-Warfare stuff is certainly not my cup of tea as in the end I'm kinda darwinistic and a Military Otaku...
Sep 23, 2012 10:27 AM

Dec 2010
My commentary concerning this movie:

Town Hort... so epic. One of the greatest cities I've ever seen in anime O.O
That door is so unlucky =

Anyway, I didn't expect much from this movie and I got nothing over my expectations. Seriously, I cared more about the wood-stake door than about the story itself.

1. Characters. The characters lacked any development, and I couldn't bring myself to like any of them except maybe a bit about Theru and it was because of her voice more than anything else. Man, even Ged was so useless... He wasn't better than Tenar. And the villain... IHe was something worse than a generic villain.
2. Atmosphere. +1. The atmosphere was actually good, enhanced by the scenery and the soundtrack. Actually it was something this anime didn't deserve at all imo.
3. OST. +1. One of the few good points of this anime. I really enjoyed it a lot.
4. Animation. It's really rare that I don't give a point for the animation part in almost any given anime. But I couldn't bring myself to like it, and I mean the way the characters were drawn. The scenery was good tho, but I gave it a credit already.
5. Background story. There wasn't just "lack of background story". I can't explain it exactly, but it was like - there was some backstory, but it isn't explained at all and it was totally pointless to be given to us, watchers, at all. I guess that people who've read the books probably doesn't need it, but I score this anime as someone who hasn't done so.
6. Storyline. Blah, the whole story was feeling like it was missing it's backbone. I can't give credit to anything, because the story actually sucked hard.
7. Ending. Man, it was so bad. We didn't get explanation of what actually happened, and when it comes to a project in which Disney takes part - I'd expect more of a simple ending. But no. Well the ending wasn't any worse than the whole story, but it wasn't better either. I've seen bad animes where at least the ending serves for a better final score of the anime if nothing else.
8. Fight scenes. I'd lie if I say I didn't expect at least one magic-to-magic fight here. I'm fairly disappointed of this aspect either.
9. Drama. Nothing here either.
10. Overall affect. +1. Even tho I didn't like the anime much, there's one or two things that I did like. One thing was the mystery shrouding Arren and 1-2 bits of the story. The other one was the matter about the living and dieing. At first I didn't pay much attention to it, but then it didn't let me go for some days. I guess that after all this anime has one strong point... be it just this kind of impression.
Bonus(extra) point for:... Nothing.

Overall score: 3/10. There's just one anime with worse and none with equal score in my list. It was nice thing to watch in the afternoon tho.
MeritasSep 25, 2012 3:22 PM
Mar 9, 2013 1:33 PM

Jun 2011
Liked the slice-of-life-ish traveling part the best. But that part, I actually liked quite well. The dark side of Arren was, in my opinion, unusually portrayed in the beginning (in a good way), but it went too black and white, good versus evil in the end.

And... Why did she turn into a dragon - anyone?
Apr 17, 2013 6:19 PM

Jun 2012
Amazing like all the Ghibli films. Loved the fantasy aspect of it and the budding romance of therru and arren.

Definitely will check out the book series.

May 30, 2013 3:11 AM

Nov 2012
A short comment is more befitting a show like this. Bland plot, unoriginal landscape, unappealing soundtrack, unrealistic romance and irrelevant foreshadow. The only demographic this'll appeal to is the anime virgins that just graduated from 20th century Western cartoon. I'd no idea what the current cartoon looks like since I'm not native but I supposed it would've evolved from the simple animation which is more plot and humour-centric than to look appealing.

Given the nature of the show itself which is more soul-searching than magical, this is more of a Makoto Shinkai work than Studio Ghibli. As it is now, there's nothing magical about it which can be salvaged by Studio Ghibli.
KenjimaxMay 30, 2013 3:37 AM
Sep 19, 2013 12:31 PM

Jul 2013
I watched this dubbed today and thought it was amazing! It's made me want to go and read the books ^_^
Nov 21, 2013 4:46 PM

Jun 2013
This is definitely one of the more bloody and dark movies out of Ghibli. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, since Princess Mononoke was also a little violent. But Princess Mononoke also had a an interesting plot, a very fleshed out world, and great characters. Contrast, Tales from Earthsea has a weak story, and lacks any likable characters. There's some character development, but it also feels weak and sloppily written.

Art and animation are great, but that's pretty much expected from Studio Ghibili, and that doesn't excuse all of this movie's faults. This is apparently Goro Miyazaki's first work, and it definitely shows in the worst way.
Dec 31, 2013 11:15 AM

Mar 2013
Beatnik said:
If this is your first foray into fantasy I'm sure you'd dig the hell out of it. If you're a fantasy veteren then ideally, like me, you'll be bored to tears with how generic it all is.

I found the slow-paced country wandering far more entertaining than the tired plot and boring bad guys. The story is actually very badly written with stupid plot holes and cliches, I'm both astounded and saddened by Ghibli's weakest film.

I side with Gorō's dad over their little squabble.

I am a fantasy veteran but I liked it anyway
Feb 19, 2014 1:49 AM

Oct 2008
I've got nothing to say about this besides, popcorn movie.
Well, looks like I'm a ghibli completionist now and this certianly is among their worst movies together with Howl. Still looking forward to Ghibli's upcoming tv series though.
May 13, 2014 1:20 AM

Sep 2008
A lot of things in this movie reminded me of The Witcher.

Too bad it was dragged down by some badly explained plot elements and some very boring scenes.
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