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What is favorite Fate/Stay Night Route?
Nov 2, 2008 4:32 PM

Apr 2008
Just as the title suggest was is your Favorite Fate/Stay Night route, since all the routes have been translated. It's a poll too so vote and discuss.

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Nov 3, 2008 2:56 AM

Jun 2008
It's gotta be Unlimited Bladeworks for me.

Loved seeing Shirou at his full potential... And, for some reason, Rin seemed to have the happiest endings.
Nov 3, 2008 9:51 AM

Apr 2008
I have to say that I loved HFs true ending. But it seems I prefer UBW route after all. I liked the whole Shirou and Archer struggle about ideals.. I've never been too interested about love themes.
Mar 20, 2009 6:26 PM

Dec 2007
UBW, lots of Rin, great plot and great endings.

My final ranking is UBW > Fate > HF.
yakisobapanAug 21, 2009 6:19 AM
Mar 21, 2009 6:12 AM
Feb 2009
UBW, clash of ideals between Shirou and Archer was really great. Also, many other Servants got their background explained a bit more.
Mar 22, 2009 3:55 AM

Jul 2008
UBW, but I still think that Archer's and Shirou's were the same. And Archer never really wanted to kill Shirou.

And I prefer Shirou x Rin, I don't really care about Sakura, and love between a Master and a Servant is a pretty twisted thing, I think.
Mar 22, 2009 4:12 AM

Dec 2007
I cant decide between UBW and HF, i think I'll actually have to think about this to come up with an accurate answer.

Akinori said:
And Archer never really wanted to kill Shirou.

He may not have wanted to but he felt it was necessary to try to end the cycle of death he had to live through, he saw it as the only was out. Although, his personality did become very cold during that time so i believe he felt very little remorse when trying to kill Shirou. But his change at the end of UBW was most likely due to Shirou showing Archer that he wont become the same person.
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Mar 22, 2009 7:04 PM

Feb 2009
Definitely got to go with Heavens Feel besides the fact that Sakura is the main female character of this route it is in my opinion the most heart felt of the 3 also it throws in an extra twist to the story. Unlimited Blade Works is a close second they would be about even in my eyes were it not for HF being about Sakura XP

Mar 23, 2009 1:31 AM

Apr 2008
Ketuekigami said:
I cant decide between UBW and HF, i think I'll actually have to think about this to come up with an accurate answer.

Akinori said:
And Archer never really wanted to kill Shirou.

He may not have wanted to but he felt it was necessary to try to end the cycle of death he had to live through, he saw it as the only was out. Although, his personality did become very cold during that time so i believe he felt very little remorse when trying to kill Shirou. But his change at the end of UBW was most likely due to Shirou showing Archer that he wont become the same person.
Or try not to become the same type of person.

Mar 23, 2009 2:30 AM

Jul 2008
To kill Emiya Shirou was a fake goal, it was an objective impossible to fulfill anyway. Archer needed something to withstand his condition of Counter Guardian, but he never really wanted to do it, because he doesn't regret his choice of life. If he said that he was "not wrong" in the end of UBW, there's a reason. In Fate, he's a mentor for Shirou, and in HF, he saves him.

Counter Guardian Emiya doesn't act as a Hero of Justice, but as a sweeper. So he can't see the results of his acts. And finally, like Zouken, he fooled himself, thinking that killing Shirou was his sole objective. And in the beginning of UBW, Shirou really was pathetic. He stops Saber and let Tohsaka go, says some irrealistic things (if I remember well), and decides to stop Caster himself. I think that at this time, Archer thought "Maybe I was right to want to kill him, after all. And anyway, if he acts like this, he'll be killed, so..". I think Archer actually really cares about Shirou. Even in UBW, he saved him three times, or even more. He wasn't determined when he fought against Shirou. And to finish, if I remember well, Archer is sarcastic only with people he cares about.
AkinoriMar 23, 2009 3:11 AM
Mar 24, 2009 3:53 PM

Apr 2008
Actually Archer's goal was to kill Emiya Shirou. He was hoping for that very slim chance of being summoned into the Grail War; in which he would kill his so called former self in which to create a Time Paradox that which would have never made him into a Counter Guardian in the first place. He didn't want to kill Emiya Shirou because he hated him he just want to prevent the event that gave him a contract with the world.

Archer was so worked up on how he just kept killing and killing as a CG; that he forgot how beautiful that ideal was and what it meant in the first place. He was reminded of those ideals when Shirou was trying to protect that ideal and defend his beliefs no matter what. It was that resolve that Shirou had is what helped remind Archer of the ideals he once stood for; reminding him that he shouldn't regret his choice in life of becoming a CG.

Also in UBW Archer was trying to achieve his Xanatos Gambit which he was successful in the UBW route. He wasn't injured by Saber in the beginning of the route; hence which allowed him to initiate his plans. He was trying to create the Xanatos Gambit and achieve two goals:

1) Rin make a contract with the servant she wanted from the beginning, Saber
2) Kill Emiya Shirou to create a Time Paradox
3) Killing Caster in the process

Mar 24, 2009 9:41 PM

Sep 2008
well my favourite route is HF since:
ShirouxSakura's relationship is really touching.
Nine Lives Bladeworks. i reckon this is prolly even better than UBW.
Kirei killing himself from beating up shirou (lawl noob)
Saber gets killed :(
Mar 25, 2009 1:25 AM

Jul 2008
FakerEmiya said:
Actually Archer's goal was to kill Emiya Shirou. He was hoping for that very slim chance of being summoned into the Grail War; in which he would kill his so called former self in which to create a Time Paradox that which would have never made him into a Counter Guardian in the first place. He didn't want to kill Emiya Shirou because he hated him he just want to prevent the event that gave him a contract with the world.

Archer was so worked up on how he just kept killing and killing as a CG; that he forgot how beautiful that ideal was and what it meant in the first place. He was reminded of those ideals when Shirou was trying to protect that ideal and defend his beliefs no matter what. It was that resolve that Shirou had is what helped remind Archer of the ideals he once stood for; reminding him that he shouldn't regret his choice in life of becoming a CG.

Also in UBW Archer was trying to achieve his Xanatos Gambit which he was successful in the UBW route. He wasn't injured by Saber in the beginning of the route; hence which allowed him to initiate his plans. He was trying to create the Xanatos Gambit and achieve two goals:

1) Rin make a contract with the servant she wanted from the beginning, Saber
2) Kill Emiya Shirou to create a Time Paradox
3) Killing Caster in the process

Yes. But it doesn't interfere with what I said.
Mar 26, 2009 12:10 AM

Apr 2008

Mar 26, 2009 7:12 PM
Mar 2009
hmm.. i think i liked ubw better because its has that beautiful. unlike heaven feel,ubw has a meaning even in the real life while i think heaven feel is make it more fictional (just think how ridiculous strong the character in there compare to other route O.o..). and comment i guess.

well basically while i accept heaven feel is cool and still true, i just cant accept or somethin like that for an idea to sacrifice something, either its your ideal or a person. since i think emiya shirou was a person which challenge an impossibility, and never given up to bring other ppl happiness. lets just say i dont like "only seeing reality and given up your dream" or fate "only seeing idealism and broken down when face with reality"

so guess its like this , fate is pretty normal , ubw is amazing that it brings me to tears , heaven feel is very good but i just dont like it.

so i guess no route are bad, fate is i think like introduction so its not very good. ubw well no need to ask ^^ , heaven feel are like "true" ending of fate,even though its true that i like it but i dont and cannot accept it with whatever reason.. since something doesnt seem right from all thus far..
Mar 30, 2009 1:20 PM

Apr 2008
It's gonna be Heavens Feel, of course.

Firstly, it is the only route that wasn't depicted in the anime, thus being totally unpredictable (for me anyway).
Moreover, Sakura. Now I don't want to sound like I had some obsession with her, but she is just far too great. Compare her to her sister in UBW - while Tohsaka at the beginning seems to be cool and firm, she crumbles as the story continues, showing her frightened side. (And what's with this "I will not take off the top!!!111" attitude anyway?)
In comparison, we begin to think of Sakura as of some kind of cute disturbance at the beginning of each route. But then, we gradually start to understand her true nature. Hell yeah,

What is more, if you compare

Concluding, Sakura is the best heroine of the game (it would be another story if we talked about anime), while HF is the best route. Period.
Mar 31, 2009 9:56 PM

Sep 2008
devilpyro said:
hmm.. i think i liked ubw better because its has that beautiful. unlike heaven feel,ubw has a meaning even in the real life while i think heaven feel is make it more fictional (just think how ridiculous strong the character in there compare to other route O.o..). and comment i guess.

well basically while i accept heaven feel is cool and still true, i just cant accept or somethin like that for an idea to sacrifice something, either its your ideal or a person. since i think emiya shirou was a person which challenge an impossibility, and never given up to bring other ppl happiness. lets just say i dont like "only seeing reality and given up your dream" or fate "only seeing idealism and broken down when face with reality"

so guess its like this , fate is pretty normal , ubw is amazing that it brings me to tears , heaven feel is very good but i just dont like it.

so i guess no route are bad, fate is i think like introduction so its not very good. ubw well no need to ask ^^ , heaven feel are like "true" ending of fate,even though its true that i like it but i dont and cannot accept it with whatever reason.. since something doesnt seem right from all thus far..

actually they say that HF is the least fictional out of all 3 routes. i mean shirou giving up his life goal to save 1 girl, thats kinda like us guys selling our computers for our girlfriend
Apr 1, 2009 1:39 AM

Apr 2008
Actually all routes have equal chance of becoming the canon ending for Fate/Stay Night. It's just that Nasu made Heaven's Feel the final ending that concludes the story of Fate/Stay Night. It all really comes down to chance and what choices Shirou would make.

Apr 2, 2009 2:04 AM

Sep 2008
i cant really say cause wouldnt zoken do sumthing to prevent sakura from not participating? like when rider dies in fate wouldnt he jump in and cause sakura to turn dark like in HF? cant remember wat happened to sakura in ubw but yea im sure sumthing would cause zoken to take action to prevent his chance from seeing the HG gate open
Apr 2, 2009 3:44 AM

Dec 2007
Soulshade said:
i cant really say cause wouldnt zoken do sumthing to prevent sakura from not participating? like when rider dies in fate wouldnt he jump in and cause sakura to turn dark like in HF? cant remember wat happened to sakura in ubw but yea im sure sumthing would cause zoken to take action to prevent his chance from seeing the HG gate open
There are different reasons as too why Zoken did or did not take action in each route. Sakura wasn't always ready to become the grail and Zoken couldn't turn her Dark whenever he pleased. Sakura needed to be pushed into becoming Dark. it was because of Shirou that she was able to get that final push in HF. Without it she wouldn't become Dark and there is nothing Zoken could have done to change that. Thiat is the main reason why Dark Sakura was impossible in Fate and UBW and why Zoken had very little options which caused his lack of influence.
KetuekigamiApr 2, 2009 3:58 AM
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Apr 2, 2009 8:15 AM

Oct 2008
overall i would have to say Heavens Feel route then UBW then Fate. There are many particular reasons for this selection but HF and UBW are really close to each other.
Apr 3, 2009 3:15 AM

Sep 2008
Ketuekigami said:
Soulshade said:
i cant really say cause wouldnt zoken do sumthing to prevent sakura from not participating? like when rider dies in fate wouldnt he jump in and cause sakura to turn dark like in HF? cant remember wat happened to sakura in ubw but yea im sure sumthing would cause zoken to take action to prevent his chance from seeing the HG gate open
There are different reasons as too why Zoken did or did not take action in each route. Sakura wasn't always ready to become the grail and Zoken couldn't turn her Dark whenever he pleased. Sakura needed to be pushed into becoming Dark. it was because of Shirou that she was able to get that final push in HF. Without it she wouldn't become Dark and there is nothing Zoken could have done to change that. Thiat is the main reason why Dark Sakura was impossible in Fate and UBW and why Zoken had very little options which caused his lack of influence.

huh? Sakura was always ready to become the grail, zoken just had to turn on the "switch", also zokens worms inside sakura were the main causes of turning her dark not because shirou pushed her over the limit although sakura was pretty pissed when shirou started liking saber or rin in watever route u choose which is more than enough to get her going. Sakura also knew that shirou and saber were already contracted as soon as they both showed up as quoted in HF so she that she would have to fight them both sooner or later when zoken flicks the "switch". but the main reasons that sakura turned evil was cause he was dumped by her biological father, raped and tortured by the matous and rin not even to bother saving her.
Apr 11, 2009 8:21 PM

Aug 2008
Heaven's Feel! Sakura is absolutely doomed any other way, and that's just no good, I really liked every route though.
May 2, 2009 3:35 PM

Apr 2008
Why am I the only person to vote for the prologe?

C'mon I know it the shortest of all. But I would have loved a route where we followd Rin and Archer win the grail war without Shirou joining Rin!

I mean what would have happond if Archer beat Saber then and there.

I loved both Heaven's Feel and UWB and i can't choose whitch one i like better
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
May 4, 2009 11:59 PM

Apr 2008
It's a tie UBW vs. HF. Lol

May 12, 2009 12:09 PM

Jan 2009
Prologue FTW lol.

I really enjoyed all the endings, and I agree that UBW and HF twists in relation to Fate route were memorable, but nothing is like the standpoint view of Tohsaka. Maybe I'm just incompatible with Shirou's mind, but the prologue and interludes on all routes would just always trill me.
Jun 5, 2009 10:20 PM

Nov 2008
For me It was A tie between Fate and UBW (As I loved both routes in different ways and for different reasons)- I was rather a harsh critic of HF, felt to contrived to me, but to each their own personal taste, right? . So I flipped a coin and Fate goes my vote. (heads)
sirwenceJun 5, 2009 10:26 PM
Jun 12, 2009 5:41 PM

Oct 2008
I really like both unlimeted bladeworks and Heaven's Feel, but went with heaven's feel cause rider is my fav.
Jun 13, 2009 6:02 PM

Mar 2008
surprisingly, Rin always have a good end

Jun 15, 2009 11:59 AM
Feb 2009
Vin-nii said:
surprisingly, Rin always have a good end

That depends on whether or not you consider Last Episode canon.
Jun 17, 2009 2:53 AM
Dec 2008
Heaven's Feel for the win!
Jun 18, 2009 1:57 AM

Dec 2008
UBW, great story with both epic and funny scenes + the only ending that isn't depressing, Fate is only one short step behind UBW in my opinion though.
New profile design sucks.
Jun 18, 2009 6:15 PM

Jul 2008
Tiebreaker! Anyway, yeah, it's a tough choice between UBW and HF. They were both amazing, and both had their fair share of awesome moments for certain characters, like Kotomine and Ilya for HF and Lancer and Saber for UBW.

It's even hard to say which Shirou I prefer too. UBW Shirou went face-to-face with perhaps the most dangerous servant and won relying on his own power. HF Shirou was pretty crazy too, potentially defeating Black Saber/Berserker and Kotomine singlehandedly, although he had a much higher price to pay. In the end I think I just have to hand it to badass Lancer and Rin!Saber, as well as Rin punching out Caster.

I also liked Rin more than Sakura, if only by a little.
Jun 24, 2009 2:27 PM

Apr 2008
Vin-nii said:
surprisingly, Rin always have a good end

In HF either Sakura gets Shirou or Shirou dies... But since Rin is the only confirmed bisexual in the Natsuverse.....

Also if you don't kill Saber in HF then

She only get Shirou (and saber) in UWB. Then again Shinji survived there so that's the only not good thing about it.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Jul 24, 2009 2:38 AM

Nov 2008
Vin-nii said:
surprisingly, Rin always have a good end

Not exactly:

Anyways, sakura's got relatively good ends in every route:

Anyways, I loved Heavens Feel. Not only because our moe semi-waifu Sakura, but because of Shirou. He really acted like a man. The story has less characters than the previous ones, but they developed nicely. Not to mention as a finale almost anyone's got enough development previously. I somewhat like and hate that aspect of the VN. Every route partly builds on the developments of the previous ones.Someone crtised it as it being dull on romance. It's not that. Even if both protagonists are in love from the beginning it doesn't mean the end of the romance. It touches an often left out part of it. The relationship itself. Being in relationship hardly means your goes easier. It stirs up new problems you must deal with. To me HF was a little bit similar to Tsukihime. Maybe because this is the only one which deals with insanity and because it has a great amount of emotions.
And last it seemed the most real/believable to me. True Assasssin's birth was explained somewhere in it and Zouken's sudden appearance too. The shadow thing was a bit strange, butbearable. The most unbelievable was the Rin vs dark sakura fight, because of various reasons. But it was no where near as dumb as the Gil vs Shirou or the Fate's last battle. Not to mention Shirou payed quite some price for everything he did. Nione of the good things he get came without anything as a pay. For everything he gained he sacraficed something of the same or even greater value. It may be sad, but that's why I like it.
Aug 20, 2011 11:56 AM

Aug 2010
UBW for sure. Follow by HF. I don't know why HF has so much haters. Fate routes more of an introduction. Anyways UBW=HF>>>>>>>>Fate

HF showed just how badass Kotomine is. For sure one of the best chars in fate stay night.
Ragna92Apr 4, 2012 3:37 PM
Aug 24, 2011 12:20 PM

Jul 2010
Unlimited Blade Works of course (Rin FTW!). Heaven's Feel was too dark for my liking and Fate ending didn't really satisfy me >_>

Oct 28, 2011 9:52 PM

Jan 2010
"Saber's staring at me with cold eyes. I...

1. ...Save Saber.
2. ...Bring my arm down."

..........Freaking hell.
Oct 30, 2011 5:20 AM

Sep 2007
Heh. Predictably, UBW and HF massively dominate over Fate.
Choosing between UBW and HF is a tough one though.

As they say in Tiger Dojo, Fate is "about Holy Grail War" i.e. sort of introductory route. UBW is "about Shirou" i.e. main character evolves the most. HF is "a backstage", tying loose ends together. Latter two are much better then former one, just from the setting, so to say. Personal preference just depends on if you care more about characters or general story/world setting IMO. I happen to prefer UBW by a slight margin.

HF is a real tearjerker btw, which some people out there dislike. That may explain at least some haters =P
Nov 1, 2011 9:37 AM

Dec 2010
Unlimited blade works for me :) The scene with rin was great, i should fill more information later on..
Nov 11, 2011 1:38 PM

Dec 2010
Fate route. Although very sad, it feels right, like that's the way it was meant to happen... kinda hard to explain what I meanXD.
I like UBW a lot too, whereas HF was ''meh''.
Seven years of power, the corporation claw
The rich control the government, the media, the law
To make some kind of difference
Then everyone must know:
Eradicate the fascists, revolution will grow...
Nov 11, 2011 7:12 PM

Dec 2008
Ixalion said:
Fate route. Although very sad, it feels right, like that's the way it was meant to happen... kinda hard to explain what I meanXD.

I have that feeling too. The end is very, very sad but this is just the most beautiful route.
New profile design sucks.
Nov 12, 2011 8:05 PM

Nov 2011
Unlimited Blade Works was the most epic out of the three in my opinion. It's also the route where romance isn't the central theme (Not that romance is bad).
Dec 23, 2011 4:16 PM

Jun 2009
Figured I'd drop this here as it more or less summarizes my opinions on the three routes.

In short, I loved pretty much everything about this VN. The characters were phenomenal, particularly Shirou (I count Archer as a part of Shirou's character,btw) and the three main heroines. They were wonderfully developed three dimensional character and, let's not forget Ilya and Kirei who were great in their own rights.

But, ultimately, if I have to choose I'll have to go with Unlimited Blade Works as my favorite. Archer's betrayal, his gambit to have Rin win the war, Rin punching out Caster, her contracting with Saber, Archer and Shirou clashing over their ideals, Shirou's epic Unlimited Blade Works scene, and finally the final scenes in the true ending. Gripping stuff.

I loved various things about the other two routes. Sakura slowly going mad in HF, Kotomine in general, Ilya in general, Shriou throwing his ideal away, Saber vs. Shirou (bad end), being forced to kill Saber in cold blood, Rin kicking ass, and that final fist fight. The only thing holding this back was the sort of weak ending in comparison to the other two routes. I still liked how Sakura smiled at the end, though and having the epilogue from Rin's Pov was a nice touch.

And, in Fate I liked the romance, Saber's characterization was remarkably handled, the You Are My Sheath scene, Shirou saying he can't take the Holy Grail when captured by Kirei, and the Saber vs. Gigamesh scene which is my personal favorite of the final battles. The first time Emiya was used was freaking epic.

But, anyway, UBW barely wins out for me. But, the other two are great in their own way.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jan 22, 2012 4:06 AM

Nov 2010
Shocked said:
"Saber's staring at me with cold eyes. I...

1. ...Save Saber.
2. ...Bring my arm down."

..........Freaking hell.

I chose bring my arm down first time. Man, that was painful to watch.

Anyways, Unlimited Blade Works. Rin<3
"Oh, you want some too?"
Apr 2, 2012 10:57 AM

Mar 2012
But if you consider the emotional part a bit more, Fate goes as 1st.
The best relationship was definitely Saber-Shirou, but UBW gets the 1st place for it's main idea...
Best scene: HF/"Sparks Liner High" (bad end tho xD )
Apr 4, 2012 3:33 PM

Aug 2010
Valik93 said:
But if you consider the emotional part a bit more, Fate goes as 1st.
The best relationship was definitely Saber-Shirou, but UBW gets the 1st place for it's main idea...
Best scene: HF/"Sparks Liner High" (bad end tho xD )

That is all bias of course. I can argue that Sakura-Shirou was the best relationship, or that HF was the best route.
Apr 7, 2012 7:52 AM

Mar 2012
Of course... There are as many opinions as there are people =))
I can't say that HF didn't touch me, but for me Sakura is a bit weak of an individual (and I can understand even this, considering her "childhood"...)
P.S.: I hate worms xD
Sep 9, 2012 12:55 PM

May 2012
Although HF is pretty interesting with lots of great moments and it IMO stood out the most, I have the greatest affection for UBW. I liked the confilct between Shirou and Archer, Rin is favourite girl from F/SN, we got lots of Lancer, lots of Archer (I adore these guys <3).
I'm not fond of Sakura (her story was touching and strong, I agree, but after some time I got tired of her constant suffering). As for Fate - it was a good introduction to the world of Fate/, but wasn't so epic as the next two routes, at least for me xD
Sep 9, 2012 1:10 PM

Nov 2010
Well I would choose UBW, but HF and Fate are great also. I chose this route because of GAR moments.

The plot was very interesting and my favorite moment was when Shirou vs Gilgamesh fought and that legendary sentence: "Do you have enough swords King of Heroes?", Rin is also very interesting (& pretty) character.
I liked HF for such tragic and beautiful story, and Fate becasue of Saber (<3) but UBW is my fav.

PS. Why prologue is in the poll? It isn't a normal route.
rosomak34Sep 9, 2012 1:15 PM
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