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Shiretto Sugee Koto Itteru Gal. Shiritsu Paranomaru Koukou no Nichijou
Oct 15, 2024 9:10 PM
· Scored
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I wanted to say that I have enjoyed our past discussions and it was nice to meet you at MAL. Hope you enjoy your times at life as much as I have. Farewell.
That's just me though. I prefer stuff like Samurai Champloo's fight scenes. I didn't need narration during that, because the action spoke for itself. Or how about that fight scene in CLANNAD AS's eighth episode? That isn't even a fighting anime and I thought that was one of the best animated fights I ever saw. The reason I was mostly indifferent to the fight scenes were because they kept on breaking the flow of the action by narrating every single chance they got.
With that said, I didn't hate the anime. I didn't even say it was bad. I just said I couldn't get invested into it as well as others. I even recommended the anime to people who didn't have my problem, and like you said earlier, this is the first half. Maybe the second half will change my mind, as I said in my review that I will see it. But a lot of the first half was really boring for me, so I can't rate it any more than average.
Anyways, I know it's just the first half, and hopefully the second half will be better, but I'm just not really a fan of the Fate series.
I haven't commented on your profile in 2 years ~~~(x_____X)~~~~
Those are arms.
Btw I meant Happy Hannukah, lol.