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Sep 11, 2011 1:26 AM

Nov 2007
Rin still not know about anything... School, too, closed down.

Yukio became the new Paladin and leader of Japan division shocked the other staff (lol @ that guy).

New weapons were handed down to completely delete demons. Shiemi doubting because the whole system is like war because of hunting down all demons).

So Yukio accepted the title because he heard the old man telling that Rin can become the human by deleting demon power (use of what he invented).

Seems like he showed Rin about shooting Kuro to catch Rin instead (the look at Kuro seems like he led it go). Yukio's arm has dots...and growing nails to attack Rin.

Bou sensing weird about the equipments they use.

Rin and Mephisto are in jail. And he even has the chair!! lol. He explaining why he got into the jail is funny, and eye-patch guy is involved. Then he escaped by becoming the do (just do it earlier if he is capable of escaping!! lol~).

The old man talking to Rin... and sentencing on Rin. Rin is painful. So he lied to Yukio about saving him, but to make a sacrifice between the two world.

OnoD was ordered to stop those who interfere with the plan (the friends).

Seems like Yukio became demon instead of Rin (or just the demon in Rin moved to Yukio?)
tsubasaloverSep 11, 2011 3:55 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 11, 2011 1:34 AM

May 2011
Good episode things are picking up i guess since they've deviated from the manga. Yukio becoming paladin only to help rin become human. Seemed suspicious from the start. lol'd at mephisto's drawings they are just as funny as rukia's.

I think at the end yukio is either possessed by Satan or was given some or all of rin's powers either can be a possibility. knowing they were planning on opening the portal between assiah and gehenna.
Sep 11, 2011 5:41 AM

Oct 2010
Funny thing is the following,

Izumo and Shiemi both having a bow and a faint ring of the word "Madoka" rings precisely Madoka and Homura duo. Anyone else?

I happen to also raise a big WTF at the following,

telling me absolutely that Yukio lost all at this point. From being cool to obsessed in his functions and unable to distinguish of a slaughter from common demon killings.

Rin fans must have been sad for Rin
the suffering he got was indeed terrible.

On the other hand WTF at Yukio in the spoiler
oh big O_O Satan is that you in Yukio?
Oh shit! What to do? More later.

BTW Image Stitches in the spoiler
Yukio looks really bad ass but so does Arthur.
Yumekichi11Sep 11, 2011 7:18 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 11, 2011 8:20 AM

May 2010
Ga ga ga....WUT????

Did they move Rin's demon-ness to Yukio????

Since I didn't understand what they were saying, I was guessing at first they were just trying to use Rin to open the way to Gehenna. I hope Rin's OK....
Sep 11, 2011 9:00 AM

Nov 2007
Yumekichi11 said:

Izumo and Shiemi both having a bow and a faint ring of the word "Madoka" rings precisely Madoka and Homura duo. Anyone else?

I loled.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 11, 2011 9:05 AM

Nov 2009
Mephisto no bouken, LOL! And the greatest prison break ever. I do hope we haven't seen the last of Mephisto yet, and he will do something grand to stop the old geezer's insanity from going completely outta control.
Sep 11, 2011 10:24 AM

Mar 2010
As the anime adaptation is departing from manga storyline and going for an original ending, it's getting awfully similar to Soul Eater anime. -_-

Even though I don't think Soul Eater ending was necessarily bad (it was still kinda weird to me), I hope A-1 Pictures won't mess up with this one.

Yumekichi11 said:

Izumo and Shiemi both having a bow and a faint ring of the word "Madoka" rings precisely Madoka and Homura duo. Anyone else?

Actually, Sayaka is hidden in that picture. :3
stevewiess01Sep 11, 2011 10:36 AM

Sep 11, 2011 11:38 AM
Jul 2010
I hope that grandpa will die slowly and very, very painfully along with Yukio.
Sep 11, 2011 11:59 AM

Oct 2010
Hopefully Mephisto will get a little serious and kill the grandfather. I'm really hoping to see how powerful he actually when he is not joking around.
Did they used Rin as a key and Yukio as a vessel for satan?
Sep 11, 2011 12:08 PM

Nov 2008
So, Satan is in Yukio, Rin... is dead, or not?
Yukio tried to kill Kuro.. that's not like him... Maybe the demon powers that were growing on him..
Answers next episode, or so it seems.
Sep 11, 2011 12:41 PM

May 2008
In the words of Lupin from the Harry Potter Musical..

"Who looks stupid now?! YOU DO."
^ For Yukio anyways.

What the FUCK. Yukio's a fucking retard for believing that guy in the beginning. Like are you joking..but Yukio's demon claws are all coming out now and he like brutally killed that forest demon. This is all going to hell. I can't even..I'm like to frustrated I don't even know what to say.

..also that was my last straw with Arthur. I want Mephisto or SOMEONE to cut his damn head off. Hell, even Shura doing it would be good enough. Christ. He just..pisses me off to no end.

And just..demon Yukio...god there's gonna be so much more fan art of that.

Brb killing myself OTL

Sep 11, 2011 12:46 PM

Feb 2009
OMG, this is epic fail.
Sep 11, 2011 12:48 PM

Jan 2011
Damn this is a good episode, one thing that I love is that even after ALL this shit commences, Mephisto STILL hasn't shown one OUNCE of fear or nervousness, just what the hell is he planning?
Tenchi_RyuSep 11, 2011 1:08 PM
Sep 11, 2011 12:50 PM

Jan 2011
Yukio you just went FULL RETARD

KayChan4U said:
And just..demon Yukio...god there's gonna be so much more fan art of that.

Brb killing myself OTL

Complains that there is too much fanart of something

Has yaoi fan-art in picture and sig.

Tenchi_Ryu said:
Damn this is a good episode, one thing that In love is that even after ALL this shit commences, Mephisto STILL hasn't shown one OUNCE of fear or nervousness, just what the hell is he planning?

Seeing as he has the same voice actor as Izaya THIS WAS ALL PART OF HIS PLAN!
VioLinkSep 11, 2011 1:01 PM
Sep 11, 2011 12:55 PM
Jul 2008
Princess Mononoke boar?
Sep 11, 2011 12:56 PM

Aug 2010
So much shit just when down. Sorry for the language.. It's just that.. WTF.
(At least we got to see Hamster Amaimon & even Doggie Mephisto).
I have a feeling next week is all the remembrance stuff and then the episode after will be so bad ass.
I can't believe Yukio was gonna kill the little cat! That lost him a bunch of brownie points.
I'm not surprised that he was double crossed. I mean, really, who really believed anything that creepy masked old man said?

Next week I'm just looking for Rin to be okay. That's all that matters. I just want Rin to be okay D: Honestly I really don't care about Yukio because (even though his intentions were good) he's the one that caused all this fuckery. Rin looked so beat up /: I don't think they would kill off the main character, but you never know.
Arthur& Shura. If they show the battle, it will definitely be an awesome one. I want Shura whoop his butt so bad. I'm also anticipating the comeback of Mephisto. ^^ I have high hopes for this series as it nears the finale!
Sep 11, 2011 12:58 PM

Aug 2009
Is it me or was the art REALLY terrible this episode? O___O
Sep 11, 2011 1:03 PM

Jul 2008
Die, you stupid so-called "grandpa".

I've been wondering what the hell are they doing to Rin, as I doubted Yukio would be okay with it, it turned out he didn't know, but hey, it totally doesn't excuse him. Here I thought he was supposed to be intelligent -.- -50 points for you, Yukio.
Sep 11, 2011 1:04 PM

Aug 2010
Whoops Yukio, you were had.

Also, Claris 3rd single in three days. Thanks you, gg for reminding me of this.
Sep 11, 2011 1:05 PM

Aug 2011
Anyone else who thought that the part with the boar demon was a Princess Mononoke reference? The show is really picking up, although it was pretty obvious that something bad would happen. Rin's grandfather was just way too suspicious. Awesome episode 5/5 ^__^.
Sep 11, 2011 1:08 PM
Aug 2010
What the hell just happened.
Sep 11, 2011 1:12 PM

Jul 2011
I want to strangle the grandfather! Yukio and Rin's mother must have rolled in her grave hearing the grandfather's BS.

Hopefully Rin is fine and Yukio doesn't go berserk on everyone.
Sep 11, 2011 1:12 PM

Jan 2010
idk wat to say other than YUKIO U EFFIN BAKA. And poor Rin man he got it rough. Really hope Mephi comes out and drops a nuke on the grandpa. Btw was that really satan in Yukio? If so some serious shit will be goin down >.>
Sep 11, 2011 1:25 PM

Jul 2011
Now things are just getting silly....

I knew changing the plot to the extreme would be a terrible idea, but not so terrible that I would stare at the screen and ask myself "What the hell just happened? What the hell did I just watch?" at the end of the episode.

And they ruined Yukio's character!! Unforgivable!!!

I'm still kinda curious how this is going to end though, doubt they will make a second season with all this nonsense going on at the moment... meh,you never know
Sep 11, 2011 1:33 PM
Apr 2008
I don't even know what to say here..plot-wise. This could end amazingly well or amazingly horrible, there is no middle option. you're a dumbass. You honestly believe some dude in a mask who claims to be your grandpa with NO actual proof that he can take the demon influence out of Rin? LOLNO try again bro.

I'm glad Rin's friends aren't oblivious or putting their heads down and pretending nothing's happening. I was afraid they'd just be like "Oh well, moving on..."

Need more Mephisto :O Hamaimon is back!

Arthur the (ex?) Paladin seriously needs to die, NOW. Sorry Ono Daisuke, you're amazing voice can't save this douchebag. Shura, kick his ass!!

The new pope/"grandpa" guy is getting me mad just like that certain someone in Steins;Gate.

Yukio being the demon all along? SHIT what is going on right now!
apolloisfineSep 11, 2011 1:36 PM
Sep 11, 2011 1:33 PM

Aug 2011
idk ;__; just what the?
Do not feed the trolls! They bite ;D
Sep 11, 2011 1:41 PM

May 2010
Harii said:

And they ruined Yukio's character!! Unforgivable!!!

that's excactly what i thought in the last few episodes.
i tried to tolerate the changings but he's just not acting like himself.
and that's just something that should never be changed. you can't change a characters behavior.
i hope they come up with something like the demon influence(the dots and stuff) made him act like that lol i dunno.
or in the end he's like i'm so sorry i didn't want this to happen.
that would at least somehow make it better :|
Sep 11, 2011 1:45 PM

Dec 2009
Well that was interesting episode. WTF just happened and Yukio!? I was hoping that Yukio might turn into a demon but Yukio should't have been so naive to belief the pope.I hope Rin is alive . Next episode more Shirou.
Sep 11, 2011 1:45 PM

Jun 2009
tokay choto mate this turn out crazier and crazier i cant stand that old man from the first time i saw him this phantom of the opera kind of guy

this bloody hunt is really one sided and sucks and for what he does with Rin damn i could kill that guy for that

i think im kinda lost cause thats all soo mixed together with a lil manga inside that kinda sucks but well

+amaimon is cute
Sep 11, 2011 1:50 PM

Jun 2011
it was a great episode i really want to see the next one
Sep 11, 2011 1:52 PM

Nov 2007
Ok, now they have totally crossed the borders :/

So, unfortunately this series is not popular enough to get a FMA:B style remake.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 11, 2011 1:54 PM

Nov 2010
Can anyone say he got trolled?
Sep 11, 2011 2:02 PM
Oct 2010
Yukio... o_o
Sep 11, 2011 2:06 PM
Oct 2010
VioLink said:
Yukio you just went FULL RETARD
I think the whole show went FULL RETARD...

Seriously, it doesn't make sense at all, these wannabe writers are a complete fail... That's it, I'm dropping it.
AjunkySep 11, 2011 2:19 PM
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Sep 11, 2011 2:10 PM

Aug 2011
haha, this new masked pope was so suspicious from the beginning, and here we are!
anyway, just wonder if Satan possessed Yukio's body just like he did with Fujimoto. guess it could happen after Yukio saw Rin and learned that he was tricked by pope and felt guilty.

and yeah, Lord of the Forest totally reminded me of Mononoke Hime too, lol.
Sep 11, 2011 2:13 PM

Aug 2010
To be honest, I never liked Yukio in the anime. "Yes, if we kill all the demons in this world, me and Rin can become humans and live happily ever after! Oh, these demons didn't do anything wrong? LOL NVM, sacrificing even innocent beings is a good thing too, because me and my nii-san will finally be happy and our happiness is all that matters o/".

How dumb can you be to believe in all the shit a masked old man you never met before told you? WTF. He makes me facepalm IRL. He just doesn't trust Rin and feels the obsessive need to protect him and ends up screwing up :/
Screw happy endings, I hope he dies together with his precious grandfather and Arthur (wtf, until that scene with Shura, I was stupid enough to actually believe that MAYBE Arthur would ask Rin&Friends to help him end with that old man's mad plan but NOO).

Oh, Mephisto, just stop playing around and kill them all >_> /Yukio rage
Sep 11, 2011 2:24 PM

Aug 2010
lol, this show has gotten a bit retarded now hasn't it.
fuck everything and rumble
Sep 11, 2011 2:26 PM

Sep 2007
Lightyear8684 said:
I hope that grandpa will die slowly and very, very painfully along with Yukio.
Sep 11, 2011 2:29 PM

Feb 2009
Princess Mononoke come take your revenge, they killed the Lord of the forest!!
Sep 11, 2011 2:29 PM

Oct 2009
This show never made any sense at this point now. Will it ever maintain it's 8.?? rating?

(Otherwise, Yukio's demon!)

Sep 11, 2011 2:40 PM

Jul 2010
Dammit Yukio, you let yourself get influenced by your grandfather and now this! He has even gone full blown demon now. Let's see where this'll go.

Sep 11, 2011 2:45 PM

Jun 2008
Lulexiaa said:
Is it me or was the art REALLY terrible this episode? O___O

It wasn't you. The art had quite a few horrible moments.

I don't know this whole thing came too fast. The whole plot feels rushed. The developments didn't have enough time to pick our interest. That grandpa took authority from one moment to the other and in an extreme short time he already started the finale of his plans.
Sep 11, 2011 2:48 PM

Jun 2009
Hah, it was expected that old man had some fishy plans, didn't think he'd try to kill Rin though.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Sep 11, 2011 2:48 PM

Jun 2008
What the fuck is pretty much all I can muster. I really thought it would turn into brother vs. brother but honestly, I think it turned into something a little more stupid and I hate the people that deserve to fucking die DON'T FUCKING DIE. Yukio is a fucking moron, Rin really didn't know any better, and the grandfather deserves to have his face put through a deli slicer and feed his body to Satan. Is it bad that I'm rooting for Satan now because of this shit?
Sep 11, 2011 2:50 PM

Aug 2011
I thought this ep was terrible, I was hoping they would leave the ending a bit open so that they could always carry it on if it ever rose in popularity but no. Quality's dipped big time, already ruining the characters and the show :(
Sep 11, 2011 3:10 PM
Mar 2010
That's it, this anime ended at episode 15, such a shame.
Sep 11, 2011 3:16 PM
Dec 2007
Wow, we've officially hit the wall today. This was one of the greatest trainwrecks I've ever seen in anime history, the plot suddenly stopped making any sense and everything was rushed like there's no tomorrow. I'm totally dumbfounded by this episode, it's just as if the production team planned a 52 episodes series and the producers suddenly cancelled the second season to make it 25 episodes less than one month until the last episode was produced and all the scriptwriters had been forced to rush an ending out of nowhere (and without having build up anything ressembling a plot up to episode 20). For now, the series is like : an introduction consisting of two (excellent) episodes, new background and new characters appearing in the following 3/4 episodes, 10 episodes of filler, 3/4 episodes of semi-development without anything from the main plot being revealed and then everything is thrown without explanation and planning on episodes 20 and 21, then the episode 22 changes everything, not once but twice in the same episode. It's just ridiculous.

And what the heck with the Mononoke opening boar scene being reused almost word for word and shot for shot out of context ? That was extremely strange to say the least.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Sep 11, 2011 3:18 PM

May 2009
Lightyear8684 said:
I hope that grandpa will die slowly and very, very painfully along with Yukio.

Sep 11, 2011 3:33 PM

Mar 2009
confuser987 said:
Princess Mononoke boar?

This. Read my mind!

This episode was just awesome!

Sep 11, 2011 3:43 PM

Jan 2011
People complaining about Yukio changing all of a sudden aren't making sense. This ENTIRE series we've seen that Yukio has had a SEVERE inferiority complex, all the stupid shit he's done is the consequence of that. Someone lying to him promising him power and the ability to protect Rin is EXACTLY something he would fall for...

But oh well

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