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Apr 21, 2011 6:19 PM

Jul 2010
Is the animation/CGI for this show really so bad? I don't mind it.

More information on the District. Things are continuing to interest me.

Ah, Masakaki. He's gotta be one of my favorite characters this whole season. "My, my, my, my, my..." Mikuni and Yoga seem pretty similar in looks to me. I wonder if there's anything behind that? Their assets also look a lot alike, too.

Looking forward to the next episode!
Apr 21, 2011 6:32 PM

Nov 2008
Another great episode! Although the fights are kind of weird it still was interesting.

Does anyone know how many episodes this will have?
Apr 21, 2011 6:50 PM

Sep 2007
If midas money continues to pop out of nowhere, wouldn't that bork up the economy?
Apr 21, 2011 7:00 PM

Apr 2010
The animation quality is really bad, I agree. But the story seems pretty good. Its just too bad they couldn't get a bigger budget

Apr 21, 2011 7:14 PM

Jul 2010
ClementIV said:

Does anyone know how many episodes this will have?

i think this is only 11 episodes, since the noitaminA timeslot is only one hour, and they have Usagi Drop and No.6 planned for next season.

i haven't watched this episode though >.<
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Apr 21, 2011 7:45 PM

Nov 2008
Wasabi said:
If midas money continues to pop out of nowhere, wouldn't that bork up the economy?

I think that the currencies from both worlds are used. Since he could not see them before, but I'm sure that they were always there, the more the money is used it benefits that "country" in this case the Financial District. If money just stays in a single place it gains no value, which is why I imagine that they have allowed Midas currency to circulate in the human world. It all has to do with economics, I'm sure there is a better explanation but I don't remember since it has been a while since I took economics.
Apr 21, 2011 8:07 PM

Mar 2008
Another interesting episode. The fight in the beginning is great too :)
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Apr 21, 2011 8:07 PM

May 2009
OMG! this fight was amazing!!!! "scorched earth!!!
Apr 21, 2011 8:10 PM
Sep 2007
Am I the only one who thought Mikuni was voiced by Koyasu Takehito.

He and Hosomi Daisuke (seiyuu for Mikuni) have almost identical voices.
Apr 21, 2011 8:43 PM

Jun 2010
BGM sounds good =)
Apr 21, 2011 8:50 PM

Sep 2009
The fight was interesting, definitely looking forward to the next episode. o u o

I was hoping that this would be around the ~24 episodes ballpark though, 11 just seems to be a little less for something like this.
Apr 21, 2011 9:05 PM

Apr 2011
I like the music in this series. The CGI looks weird, but I don't mind it.

I wonder what role the lollipop girl will play.
Apr 21, 2011 9:19 PM

May 2008
Wasabi said:
If midas money continues to pop out of nowhere, wouldn't that bork up the economy?

It's likely the Midas Bank and/or Financial District users buy up "real" money in addition to circulating and using their own. There should be flow both into and out of the Financial District. If there wasn't and money was just being minted there, you're definitely right that that would cause inflation and bork up the economy.
Apr 21, 2011 9:19 PM
Apr 2010
Very good episode like how they have to invest money in each attack they make if it hits they gain misses they lose looks like it will be a good show
Apr 21, 2011 9:20 PM

Oct 2009
Amazing, I was so so about the show but now that I've seen his asset, that cute of an asset at that; I'm in love.

Not bad at all, though the animation's a bit weird.
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Apr 21, 2011 9:27 PM

Jan 2010
Hm. I was a little shaky at first, but this seems solid enough. I'm quite pleased to say it was entertaining, actually. The english actually doesn't sound too bad, barring the robots in the Financial District.
Dear Math,
I'm not a therapist. Solve your own problems.

Oh, and Algebra?
Stop asking us to find your ex, she's NEVER coming back.
Apr 21, 2011 10:25 PM

Jul 2007
Psajdak said:
Am I the only one who thought Mikuni was voiced by Koyasu Takehito.

He and Hosomi Daisuke (seiyuu for Mikuni) have almost identical voices.

Yeah, I thought so too. He could definitely be Takehito's voice double, if he is ever sick or anything lol
Apr 21, 2011 10:52 PM

Apr 2009
Iilia said:
Is the animation/CGI for this show really so bad? I don't mind it.

I agree. Though, I think it's less that the CGI is bad, and more that the contrast between the two is noticeable. Older CGI is very obviously CGI, but this gets incredibly close to being well done. It falls a little outside that, just barely in an uncanny valley that looks like regular animation, but you can tell that something is off. For instance, when Kimimaro and Masakaki are talking after the battle, it's easy to tell that Masakaki is computer-animated while Kimimaro is more standard animation by the way that they move. It's a nice design decision, but the contrast is evident enough that it can be a bit distracting at times. I'm fine with it for the most part, though.
Apr 21, 2011 11:13 PM

May 2010
xxSaspra said:
I was hoping that this would be around the ~24 episodes ballpark though, 11 just seems to be a little less for something like this.

11???? WHY!?
This deserves a lot more than just a measly 11.
Oh well, guess we'll just have to make do.

Fighting style is well thought, hope we see a lot of well plan moves and not a overpower spamathon.
Apr 21, 2011 11:30 PM

Dec 2010
lmao i wont even deny it - the animation/cgi during the fight scene sucked. Plus, Msyo got messed up too many times I can't believe one move beat the other dude.

To me, I thought Q would have been a better Asset.

Really interesting with the midas money thing...wonder what the effects of it are (although that guy did say nothing will happen...)

The OP and ED is pretty nice. I like the songs a lot. Really sorta suits the animation.

Apr 21, 2011 11:50 PM
Jun 2009
Please get these guys a bigger budget so they won't have to resort to bad CGI!
Apr 21, 2011 11:50 PM

Oct 2009
Oh the irony.
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Apr 21, 2011 11:52 PM

Feb 2008
Minus the CGI, the story and battles are awesome
Apr 21, 2011 11:53 PM

Mar 2010
I really liked it.
Apr 22, 2011 12:10 AM

May 2010
Don't have problems with the fight scene. More Q and Mashu is just appealing. :D

More facts from the Financial District and about this Midas Money circulating in the real world is interesting.
Apr 22, 2011 12:12 AM

Feb 2008
Well I don't mind CGI too in this anime, really like the storyline and music in it.

Yeah Midas Money I wonder if something around this world with happend, haha if such a world exists you will become rich in no time.

Normal? I would glad to be part of Deal and make some more money, that's make the life a lot easier.

Overall: 8/10

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Apr 22, 2011 12:53 AM

Aug 2009
I dunno how to feel about that CGI. I like the fact that they're trying to use it more, but I'm just so... not used to it. And it could definitely be better.

I had no hope for this show when I first started it. I hadn't even planned on watching it. But I'm glad I am. It's entertaining me a lot so far. And dat Masakaki. Creepy dude popping up out of nowhere.
Apr 22, 2011 1:44 AM

Nov 2006
Love Masakaki and Mashu.
Apr 22, 2011 2:13 AM

Jan 2009
Wow, the horrible cgi renditions. They look absolutely fucking horrible.
At first I was like "woah, this guy got the hang of this pretty quickly", but no, he didn't, he was pretty helpless.
Well anyway, at least the OP/ED are good. And I hope they'll actually get somewhere with this.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 22, 2011 2:18 AM
May 2010
Mashu's personality kinda surprised me. For some reason I thought she would be more timid.

The battle sequence was a little weird to me, but it was an enjoyable episode :3
Apr 22, 2011 2:36 AM
Nov 2008
Mashu is going to be such a tsundere lol.

OMG I want next episode now ; ; this anime is very good.
Apr 22, 2011 3:21 AM

Jun 2009
Hey Guys... Is C gonna be 26 episodes show? Just have a look on this ending snapshot:

Apr 22, 2011 3:28 AM
Feb 2009
I don't mind the CGI contrast. Is being noticeable bad? Not really.
Apr 22, 2011 3:52 AM
Nov 2007
Mashu seems like she'll be a lot of fun. Thank goodness for very little Hanabi this ep. I wonder if Yoga's dad was an Entrepreneur too or if Mikuni just knows about it because of the report he read.

chicanerous said:
Wasabi said:
If midas money continues to pop out of nowhere, wouldn't that bork up the economy?

It's likely the Midas Bank and/or Financial District users buy up "real" money in addition to circulating and using their own. There should be flow both into and out of the Financial District. If there wasn't and money was just being minted there, you're definitely right that that would cause inflation and bork up the economy.
Mmhmm, they probably take away people's money when they lose the game and go bankrupt and inject money when people win a deal.
zzzfdfdsfsdfafsApr 22, 2011 3:55 AM
Apr 22, 2011 4:08 AM

Jun 2008
Showing some fantastic financial deals in some other world stock market as yugi-oh fights doesn't seem like a nice thing to me. But hoping there is some other kind of plot except all that.

Btw i want my bank card to come with a sexy girl inside it too. Now that's priceless.
Apr 22, 2011 4:27 AM

Oct 2009
Not even really card centered, why the Yu-Gi-Oh references?
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Apr 22, 2011 4:37 AM

Aug 2008
dragon132004 said:
Hey Guys... Is C gonna be 26 episodes show? Just have a look on this ending snapshot:

That is just some terrible english, they mean it's the 26th noitaminA series. C should be 11-12 episodes long.
Apr 22, 2011 4:42 AM

Sep 2008
Interesting. No idea where they're gonna go from here so that's pretty cool.

I like the fact that the battles aren't the important part of the show.

Extremely low budget animation and everything lol. Not that I mind so long as the show remains being as awesome as it has been so far.
Apr 22, 2011 5:40 AM

Jun 2009
Everything was good, but I can't stand that CGI animation. It bothers me a little.

Apr 22, 2011 6:09 AM

Aug 2008
Wasabi said:
If midas money continues to pop out of nowhere, wouldn't that bork up the economy?

Apr 22, 2011 6:26 AM

Feb 2011
I'm just trying to ignore the CGI. I mean, the story itself seems pretty interesting.
Apr 22, 2011 6:33 AM

Jun 2008
ikuto said:
Wasabi said:
If midas money continues to pop out of nowhere, wouldn't that bork up the economy?


Sorry but isn't that exactly the opposite? Inflation is unstoppable now because all the money we have are issued by a central bank and every dollar or euro or whatever, is being given as a dept with interest to the government. So the government basically borrows money to create money and to pay the debt back since all money are controlled by one institution it has to borrow even more by the same guy it wants to pay(stupid i know) and then even more and the endless circle goes on with inflation rising and rising.
The inflation happens not because more money are pumped to the market but because those money are debt with interest.
So if some anonymous party put money in the market that are not loan to the government and people, then the market will grow free of it's necessity to borrow even more to pay back the debt because now not all money in existence are in the hands of the one big creditor so there are money to give him that he actually doesn't control and don't have to be borrowed money again.
MonadApr 22, 2011 6:40 AM
Apr 22, 2011 6:34 AM
Jan 2009
I liked this episode better, the story's interesting, still...I don't think I'm into this anime as I think I should be.
Apr 22, 2011 7:18 AM

Mar 2010
the story and anime is just "OMG" over-excited O_O
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Apr 22, 2011 7:29 AM

Nov 2008
I liked this episode. The random CG was annoying, But I can bare with it.
It's getting really interesting , Probably my most anticipated anime of the season :D
I really like Mashu too <3
Apr 22, 2011 7:30 AM

Jun 2009
the idea is interesting , though the directing is bad .. & the CG is so damn annoying .. anyway .. it's only 2 eps .. & the fighting scenes are not that bad .. we'll see =>
Apr 22, 2011 7:38 AM
Feb 2010
This show is seriously exceeding what I expected....

Comments on ep 2 of [Insert phrase here]

Overall: It was a rather interesting episode, with some info on the Fiancial District revealed along with the fact that the Midas money is actually being used normally in the Real World.
Overall Score: 5/5

Judging by what Masakaki said....I've a slight feeling we'll have 1 battle for every episode . _ .
KoisolaApr 22, 2011 7:41 AM
| "In my time, the wowd is WUINED AND WIFEWESS!."

- Paradox (Yugioh: Bonds Beyond Time Abridged Movie) |

Apr 22, 2011 7:59 AM

Dec 2009
I thought the fight was a bit weak. One of those stereotypical "hero gets crap beaten until one randomly introduced supermove is enough to takes out the stronger opponent" fights. Hopefully that improves down the line because I really love the thematics of the show.
Ara ara.
Apr 22, 2011 8:27 AM

Jan 2009
RyanSaotome said:
The animation quality is really bad, I agree. But the story seems pretty good. Its just too bad they couldn't get a bigger budget

they are CONTROLLING the limited MONEY for the animation lol

but its still interesting the backgrounds and CGI's especially the buildings are still good looking though
Apr 22, 2011 8:37 AM

Nov 2009
Promising. The fight was so so, but i just wonder where things are heading.
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