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My words:
shiromeshi'd - bad-luck/misunderstandings with girls
(origin: Momoya x Peeping Life: Go en Desu yo!)
e.g. I got shiromeshi'd by this girl
290'd - Buying the wrong component or got something that was worse value for money (origin: r9 290 vs gtx 770)
e.g. Basically, I got 290'd when I bought the cpu, should have bought the cpu on release since it was cheaper, now I got suzaku'd by the US dollar.
Suzaku'd - something got in your way (origin: Code geass)
e.g. Yeah, I got suzaku'd by ____. This guy basically suzaku'd me from getting what I wanted.
Extended Favourite character list:
All Comments (4722) Comments
Is she also your favorite character in Kanon?
I mean,with coffee most of it is kinda the kind of chore where you look at its bright sides even if there aren't any since you picture ''this'' and ''that'' you would swap so it wouldn't feel so akward to look back at as a whole,regarding each episode,one at the time weekly..but not always it works - there are characters that just feels like I wouldn't want to have any contant with them whatsoever
Well,sure but with the history of the studio and how it met its demise eventually,it was miracle how it got 3-cours overall.
I mean without the CD music which has these BGM tracks but the sounds of everything else is on.I played Quake II like that as well (as I mentioned),got used to it since WIN98 days where we would instal games in a way where you could save every MB we could get for extra space (lol) - you know how back in the days you had these custom,full and the minimum kind of installation..
Sure..getto daze xD
I mean the S1 won't get impactful until the last episodes (most of the early fights feels as janky as Ex-Arm,which is just the theme of having i as a whole animed like that) so enen if you happen to drop it after 1st episode just switch to the manga and give it like 150 or so chapters.
I don't play any.
Nah..FPS games in general and the amount of Racing games really decreased over the years (the meh ones I just play once and never go back to anyway) but ye..unless it's a period when I play something bit by bit,there's nothing much else besides animes and such.
''7'' is basically forgetable or something that brings me minimum experience or immersion and ''8'' can be average by todays standarts or with initially high potential that never came to me or in obscure situations something that would be sleeper hit 13-15 Years ago or h*ntai I enjoyed.''9'' and ''10'' are more of matter regarding character usages to their capacity,if the choice the series chose was one of the better ones it had on the hand or not..or if the immersion is consistent throughout the whole series or if it gradually rising from zero to pretty good etc. - basically I don't rate with numbers but more like If I respect the anime or not..for what it is,it certain cases.
Hmm,ye..though Amagami SS was to my liking back then with the possible routes for each girl...manga medium barely does that.
Nah..I didn' touch it.
With platformers I play it mostly for the music that boosts the atmpsphere and with FPS games..it doesn't matter as much since with games like Half-life 1,Quake II or Kingpin I spent most of time when replaying them without the BGMs playing in the background to bring most out of it (the enviromental storytelling we could say).
Nope..didn't play them.
Not to mention JJ2 has custom content made even to this day..
You can add me OriharaSoulsfear#0978 but who knows how often I reply xD
If you're willing to go through whole S1 full of 3DCGI...why not.For me personality it's the best longrunning manga..even if it has some weird decisions here and there in these intermission arcs.S2 gets better production wise..it's not fully 3DCGI anymore and with S3 being delayed by 1 year since new studio took a helm of it we can't say for sure how consistent it's going to feel but for sure is that only 1 huge arc supposed to get adapted in S3 (one of the most infamous/popular ones).You can always stick to the manga anyway (from the start) since S1 had some weird pacing here and there which resulted in forced stopping point after the first impactful moments of the story..
Ye...audio there is definitely carrying the show I would say..though people complaining about the past pace of the first episode when it was just a prologue of showing the MC his first love I would say when in reality the 6 years older girl got more out of it than the MC (if we exlude the fact that first kiss can be a huge deal in Japan xD).