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Oct 25, 2023 8:58 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, this is why working in their industry can be tough. When someone is out, they have to find a replacement or in this case for a programmer.

Funny how Konoha bought a sleeping bag over. Seems the show is trying to build more into Konoha's relationship with her co workers. I thought it was a cute episode seeing her work and how their life is like.
Oct 25, 2023 10:38 AM

Apr 2014
oh... She went back to the future again! But, at least this time, she can finally convince Mamoru that she's a time traveler since she disappeared in front of him.

btw, The 1996 50 Comiket was the first time Tokyo Big Sight hosted the event, and remained the convention's primary venue since then.

Oct 25, 2023 10:42 AM

Apr 2010
Well Mamoru is back with the team and he is even convinced about Konoha's origin, unsurprising after seeing that tablet tho.
The coming festival was also a big success and it's the one we all know of, it's been around for a long time i think they are nearing the 100th edition.
Konaha also made a new friend but the question is how will she react to Konoha disappearing for a while.
Oct 25, 2023 10:43 AM

Mar 2015
Seems like every time Konoha successfully completes a game (or helps with completing a game) she gets sent back.

That PC 98 cosplay was hilarious, Mamoru really dressed up as a computer to show his love. Gotta say it would probably be a bit traumatizing to watch a girl you were finally becoming friends with just disappear in your arms like that and possibly disappear for who knows how long. Hopefully there won't be as long of a gap between trips this time!

Really loving the series still. Curious to see how the present has changed now that Mamoru came back to work on a new game!
Oct 25, 2023 10:57 AM

Jun 2015
Nice way to scare away trouble lol. Being able to see the change that new hardware brings to software is always a delight. Hearing Konoha lay it all out to Toya really shows just much bonus mech came with the VN's back then. Especially their delux editions. Still given how Mamoru was raised around the 98 i can see why he's so resistant to moving on. Though Mamotu's little costume sure was a unique way of coming back into the fold while showing his loyalty to the 98. In the end im glad that they managed to finish the game on time. The time travel here really is quite random.
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Oct 25, 2023 11:03 AM

Mar 2021
Great to see Mamoru come back to alcohol soft to help make more games and now Konoha has travel back to the future its going to be interesting to see what happens from now on
Oct 25, 2023 11:43 AM
Sep 2015
Best episode yet.
Oct 25, 2023 11:52 AM

Dec 2020
Konoha has successfully her mission to bring mamoru kun back to alcohol software and start programming in windows and plus he repair her tablet well now he knew she tells the truth but yeah konoha has fallen asleep in his arms and disappeared back in her time.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Oct 25, 2023 11:53 AM
Feb 2017
God damn this show just works well and the time jumping in the end keeps me on egde for the next episode.

It's like "Time travelers fujoshi" or something. Her meeting them at critical stops along the years and changing destiny is a really poetic way to frame this whole story and make it stick out.
Oct 25, 2023 12:26 PM

Nov 2009
This anime brings me back to the days I was watching shows from KEY like Kanon and Air.

Oct 25, 2023 1:54 PM

Oct 2017
Well damn she's gone back again. So the time limit for her to stay in the past is untill she finishes making a game as I thought? Seems like it so far. Anyway was a fun episode and Mamoru finally believed that she's a time traveler. I wonder how many years later will she come back next time.
Oct 25, 2023 2:21 PM
May 2016
I just loved the evangelion references, and even the soundtrack when mamoru shows up as a pc-98 was like the ''decisive battle'' evangelion ost
Oct 25, 2023 2:49 PM

Nov 2016
Reply to Lobke
This anime brings me back to the days I was watching shows from KEY like Kanon and Air.


I swear. It gives off that kind of vibe.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 25, 2023 3:41 PM

Aug 2020
it was a good episode

i was thinking of dropping it but it was really not bad this episode...
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Oct 25, 2023 3:42 PM

Aug 2022
I’m glad mamoru started to believe that she was a time traveller.

And even if he had any doubts she literally disappeared right in front of him at the end.

So now he has to believe
Oct 25, 2023 3:59 PM
Feb 2015
I wonder how much she messed up the future doing that.
Oct 25, 2023 4:02 PM
Mar 2015
Fellas, I don't think that old little battery stack will be enough to replace the 10 000mAh Lithium-polymer batteries in modern iPads. But good on Mamoru for getting friendlier with Windows. Now he won't end up working on TempleOS in the future... from inside an asylum. AlcoholSoft is safe (until possible lawsuit with Alcohol120, the CD/DVD burning software lmao).

For real though, if you are the target audience for this anime, you're nerding the ever living f*ck out of it right. The 256 or 16bit colour depth, moving from old shitty tracker music to (almost worse) MIDI burnt onto CD straight from a Yamaha synthesizer, moving from programming in Assembly to using C++ in Visual Basic IDE and the WinAPI (I've specifically seen Winuser.h header stuff there).
1nvaderOct 25, 2023 4:08 PM
Oct 25, 2023 5:32 PM

Jun 2019
It's not like he can't insert assembly codes in C++, stop whining Mamoru.
Oct 25, 2023 5:47 PM

Apr 2022
the evangelion refrences lol kiyoshi with the gendo ikari pose was tops.
Oct 25, 2023 6:21 PM

Sep 2018
I hope when she comes back, it's not a huge time skip once again. Bittersweet.
Oct 25, 2023 6:24 PM

Jan 2022
It seems like she returns to the future every time a game is completed. Why does the dad and guy with the mask look so goofy? Its so funny. I know nothing about programming, cs, or coding. But is C++ not a newer coding language or has it been out for a while? I think Mamoru has a crush on Konoha
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Oct 25, 2023 7:53 PM
Jan 2022
man that ending is brutal. hope they find a way to pick a timeline. she finally had an ally fully serious about her (and he did what I wanted, to bypass and provide 5v directly through the charge port!)
Oct 25, 2023 8:08 PM
Nov 2022
Very good, I'm loving it. As a curious fact, the reason why the PC 9801 and the entire range of NEC computers eventually lost their prominence wasn't directly due to the emergence of Windows, but rather, in fact, their issue stemmed from patenting their operating system and designs, this resulted in expensive licenses and, consequently, an increase in the price of their computers. On the other hand, Windows, in collaboration with Panasonic and Hitachi, offered higher quality at a better price, which led people to prefer them over other options.

As for the episode, it was very satisfying; finally, at least Mamoru believes Konoha about her temporal origin.
Oct 25, 2023 8:23 PM
Jan 2015
That Mamoru face is priceless when see modern anime art
Oct 25, 2023 9:41 PM
Dec 2022
to people who read the manga I only have 1 question

these people from the past... do they exist in present too ? if yes, will they meet Konoha in present ?

sorry Im just curious since now theyre (especially the edgy male MC Mamoru) start to believe Konoha is from future
Oct 25, 2023 9:49 PM

Apr 2023
Now that Mamoru believes in Konoha and has seen all the quality of art and computational power of her 2023 "PDA", it may be that he becomes excited about every new evolution of computers as much as he is excited about PC 98.
Oct 26, 2023 1:00 AM
Apr 2016
Reply to bassyey
It's not like he can't insert assembly codes in C++, stop whining Mamoru.
@bassyey Technically you can insert assembly to C++.

However, considering that Mamoru had to work on two different operating systems, he definitely had twice the work on his hands developing two versions of the game. It's as Mamoru said in the previous episode, since he can't work directly with the hardware, he had to write code to communicate with Windows for that version.
Oct 26, 2023 1:29 AM

Jun 2019
Reply to LeNitrous
@bassyey Technically you can insert assembly to C++.

However, considering that Mamoru had to work on two different operating systems, he definitely had twice the work on his hands developing two versions of the game. It's as Mamoru said in the previous episode, since he can't work directly with the hardware, he had to write code to communicate with Windows for that version.
@LeNitrous Yeah, some parts of our C++ codebase have assembly codes. I guess C++ back then wasn't as portable as it is today.
Oct 26, 2023 2:16 AM
Jan 2016
I'm glad that we finally have at least one of them on board with the time traveler plot and even got some eyes on the future.

I liked how he said that as soon as he held the tablet he could tell it wasn't from his time. Anyone who's handled devices from that time or even remotely near it probably understands how different stuff from then feels compared to today.

The biggest leaps of faith the viewer has to take though will be that he managed to open and close the tablet without issue, on top of that managing to get his modified battery pack working to run it.

I'm curious the full reasoning why he didn't want her to show the rest of the gang her artwork though. I wonder if it's beyond just fear of altering the future. (I could see them not fully understanding and him having to deal with them begging for him to figure out how they could get their art like that e.g. 24-bit color, HD)
Oct 26, 2023 2:21 AM

Sep 2010
1nvader said:
Fellas, I don't think that old little battery stack will be enough to replace the 10 000mAh Lithium-polymer batteries in modern iPads.
AA batteries hold about 1000 - 2000mAh, and 3 of them give about 4.5 - 4.8V. Maybe close enough for a USB device which really wants closer to 5V. Lower capacity just means it won't run for as long. Then it's just a question of whether it can provide the peak current without letting the voltage droop too low. Not sure what he's got in the box with the breadboard. Something to raise the voltage to 5V is all I can think of.
Also, I'm not sure what he could have "fixed" without turning the device on himself and realizing earlier the whole front is an LCD.

I was half-expecting some god of time travel to step in and prevent her turning the device on in front of Mamoru, but, no. So much for not changing the past, helping Toya buy games and doujinshi, bringing Mamoru back to program for AlcoholSoft, and showing Mamoru the tablet, powered on too, and her modern-style character drawing. Also, leaving behind photographic evidence of herself at Comiket 50.

Feels like when Mamoru got a closer look at the tablet, he accepted that PC-98 was going to become obsolete hardware within the decade.

Rules for time travel seem pretty loose so far. First time, she travels back and forward in such a way that no-one seems to notice. Not the people in the cafe, nor the employees at AlcoholSoft who should really have noticed if she disappeared right after falling over in the office. This time, she disappears and appears in a moderately bright flash of light, and right in front of Mamoru for the trip back.

Next stop, mid-1999 if the games in the bag are anything to go by.
TakataOct 26, 2023 3:28 AM
Oct 26, 2023 8:35 AM
Jan 2018
I really hope they end up together, although it sounds weird to say it since she’s technically not supposed to be there lol. Anyhow, this series deserves a season 2 right away, reminds me of Shirobako where it teaches everyone in the anime community the importance of history but also the amount of work and prep that goes into game making, and design!
Oct 26, 2023 12:23 PM

Mar 2013
I'm having such a good time with this series. The whole time traveling thing is really interesting. I'm guessing the next time she lands on the past it will be probably around 1999 or 2000?
Oct 27, 2023 1:21 AM

Sep 2010
I wonder if I should be suspicious of this guy who's always wearing a mask.

That looks like a real USB-C connector on the desk, suggesting that Konoha brought a USB-C cable with her, but no AC to DC converter. If the other end is USB-A, cutting open the cable and applying approximately 5 Volts across the correct 2 of the 4 wires is relatively simple. I'm guessing Mamoru won't let the presence of a USB-C connector in 1996 change history too much. Not sure how much he actually took the tablet apart while he had it, but I thought they would tend to have obscure pentalobe screws that hinder disassembly.
TakataOct 27, 2023 1:25 AM
Oct 27, 2023 9:57 AM
Apr 2023
fullstack programmer here. and dang, making software for 96 windows and PC-98 at the same time is spartan works.

I kinda relate to Mamoru, choosing parts then build the PC yourself until it powered on is so satisfying and hella expensive nowadays

man, I love Konoha cry voice so much..., I want her to cry more!!!
Oct 27, 2023 11:17 AM
Mar 2017
Things are getting more exciting now. I'm really curious about what happens next =o. Will he seek her out in 2023?
Oct 27, 2023 4:33 PM
Aug 2017
Finally this show is starting to wind up. Good episode!
Oct 27, 2023 11:25 PM
Apr 2014
For a second there, I thought Mamoru was going with Konoha back to 2023. Would have been an interesting twist.
Oct 27, 2023 11:36 PM

Dec 2022
I cannot say I am happy with the outcome of this argument. But it is good that Mamoru came back on his own volition, otherwise it would have been too forced. And the condition for coming back is good bcs he can still work on PC-98 and as a loving programmer, coding extra is no chore
Oct 28, 2023 8:55 AM

Aug 2020
Oh, Konoha convinced him just in time. Now, Kaori, Meiko and the crew can have Mamoru supporting them in their next projects. And... she was sent back again to this current year. Time to explain what is going on.

Oct 28, 2023 8:56 AM

Aug 2020
I loved the moment that Mamoru showed up dressed as a PC-98 lol dude has a lot of heart

Oct 28, 2023 12:53 PM
Mar 2023
In the end they were able to finish the game with the help of Mamoru, after the latter had resigned himself to the fact that Windows was going to be the dominant operating system in the future, but, at this rate, the poor guy is going to end up like Rintarou from Steins:Gate just as traumatized by all the time travel that Konoha does, disappearing right under his nose after making him become attached to her in a certain way. Anyway, he has to wait to see if the fact that Mamoru programmed in Windows is going to affect the timeline that Konoha comes from now that she returns to the present, or if nothing changed.
Oct 28, 2023 9:59 PM
Apr 2020
The way it's going with all the quick time jumps i feel like we might get a conclusion at the end of the season
Oct 30, 2023 10:59 PM

Jun 2016
This episode has me wondering: Is there a hobbyist scene for the PC-98 in Japan as of 2023?
I have vaguely heard that the company that made the PC-98 is still around and sells modern PCs that come with an emulator of some sort that can run PC-98 games. Also, I've played the PC-98 Touhou games in DOSBox-X before, so I wonder if that's what they're using.

I do know that the Commodore 64 and other Amiga PCs including modern and homebrew ones are still somewhat popular with hobbyists in the west in modern times so I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
Lost_VikingOct 30, 2023 11:02 PM
Oct 31, 2023 8:16 PM

Aug 2013
By far the best episode, with this we definitely have a clear goal for what's coming, I hope they can change the boring future industry together by making games the way Mamoru wants to keep making them. Also maybe at the end we'll see the 2023 Mamoru interacting with Konoha who doesn't have to go back to the past anymore, that would be cool

I can't wait for the next episodes
Nov 1, 2023 3:22 PM
Oct 2023
i really like the dynamic between all the characters and the mystery behind the time travel
Nov 2, 2023 7:12 AM

Jan 2017
Hobbyists like Mamoru is whats keeping obscure stuff like PC98 alive, ALWAYS STRIVE FOR YOUR PASSION!

Oh shit just as the ship was blossoming, here comes another timeskip probably
Nov 4, 2023 5:10 AM

Oct 2008
oh nice! Comiket! a full load of h-doujins as well as y-doujins! haha lolz no homo!
omg she went back again! so this is back and forth huh...without any explanation of course she does not have control over it huh...

Nov 8, 2023 10:23 PM

Jul 2017
Konoha wants Mamoru back, but he uses the PC-98 voice synthesis to chase her away at his apartment, and that fuels her. Even worse, Alcohol Soft is also realizing that their games needed to be programmed into Windows since the OS catching up waves as well, and Konoha...decides to camp outside Mamoru's apartment for a stake-out. But clearly, Konoha's love for Bishoujo games is more than Toya, that explains her enthusiasm for the genre. Besides the game creation, Summer Comiket is just as important, but Mamoru's love and dedication to the PC-98 is the utmost importance. But him going missing with her iPad, where the heck he's off to?

Being raised on the PC-98, Mamoru knows that he has to move on, but showing himself to Summer Comiket in a PC-98 cosplay, that's his way of knowing that this will be the final hurrah for the computer that had been with him since young. While sales of their doujin are going well through their K Works circle, Toya is offered a copy as well, and Mamoru came back on the condition that he could program games for the PC-98 alongside the Windows counterpart as well, and Alcohol Soft is back in business in completion of yet another game. Mamoru even repaired Konoha's iPad to work with the old standards, and all of a sudden, she is transported back to time once again.

Welcome back, Mamoru.
Nov 9, 2023 12:55 AM

Mar 2012
the comiket scene is gold. they nailed even the music.
i always grin wide with evangelion references. 🩷
Nov 10, 2023 5:29 PM

Oct 2022
I was just about to drop it but this was a really good episode. I love how they show the horror of how ugly anime characters were in the 90s in that game intro. Blegh! The whole idea of Mamoru refusing to change from the PC98 to more modern tech seemed really out there, but it made an interesting plot for how Konoha would try to convince him to get on board with the change so that the future could happen.
Then they go to Comiket- to that convention center where Comiket always takes place (they show it just like that in Dragon Maid a few times) but since this is about time travel- it would be really cool if Konoha went back to 1970 when the World Expo was there. That inverted pyramid building was just a part of the Japan pavilion at the Expo- the festival site was huge and had buildings from dozens of countries and it was some of the best psychedelic architecture you'll ever see. I have a Japanese-English magazine full of pictures of the Expo that I would share if you could use this site like any other social media and actually upload pictures.

Really good ending with the episode- I like how Mamoru discovering Konoha's tablet was the revelation he needed to actually believe she's from the future; and seeing the reaction on his face when she shows him her character design was a really great character growth scene for Konoha- as his reaction reveals her real talent. Then the climactic moment of her collapsing onto him and disappearing was magical "Let's make a game together" well the anime is worth keeping after this, I hope it goes somewhere interesting
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