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Sep 29, 2023 6:00 AM

Nov 2011
Seeing a friend helping out Frieren is such a sweet thing.

This episode really bought out more of her personality and connection to the world imo. Fern in particular is someone she can rely on and a person she can trust around in her world.
Sep 29, 2023 6:00 AM

Jul 2017
Frieren teaching Fern magic as time passes and the deciphering of the grimoire, it's been 4 years since their very first meeting. But even Heiter's time will come someday, and Fern's meeting with Heiter was after Himmel passed away that he saved her out from her poverty. Once again, the passing of time comes and goes, and while Fern masters her magic, Frieren's research was all for naught, though Heiter tricked her into accepting Fern. But the one thing that Frieren learnt from Himmel's death, is to accept nautral death incoming, and as promised, to drink wine with him when he passes.

The Turk Region where Frieren and Fern continue their travels and earning weird magic as rewards, Fern finds it strange. But with the job of clearing up Himmel's statue in a village where he's revered, Frieren does the cleanup as usual. But the herbalist wants some flowers, and Frieren knows that blue moon weed flowers will be best, because that's flowers from his hometown that unfortunately did not reap a fine ground anywhere. The stubbornness of Frieren to find the flowers for herself, and 6 months later, there is still no sight of the specific flowers. The obsession may be unhealthy, but it's an objective that while Fern is not willing to compromise, Frieren promises to find it, which following a seed rat to this ancient tower, it's where the flowers can be found. Sure, Frieren's obsession for magic can be traced back to Himmel appreciating her for the unconventional, but this is what makes her, and the flower bed of blue moon weed rests upon the statue.

RIP Himmel for rememberance.
KANLen09Oct 5, 2023 12:56 PM
Sep 29, 2023 6:05 AM

Jul 2021
MAN I love the OST, Evan Calls just never misses. Now, Frieren searches for Heiter in the Central Lands. She gets lost and is guided by Fern to Heiter's home. Heiter, now old, lives with Fern. He asks Frieren to decode a grimoire for possible life-extending spells. Frieren agrees and teaches magic to Fern, who trains diligently. While Frieren deciphers the grimoire, Heiter falls ill. Fern continues training to fulfill her goal before Heiter's passing. Frieren learns of Fern's past and determination to repay Heiter. The grimoire lacks life-extending spells. Heiter knew this but wanted a secure future for Fern. He asks Frieren to leave with Fern. Frieren advises cherishing their time, like Himmel did. Frieren leaves, Fern succeeds, and Frieren is inspired to follow Himmel's path. Everyone is just dying old, it’s painful.
Sep 29, 2023 6:06 AM

May 2020
The second major stage of the story came in when Frieren visited an almost bedridden Heiter, and met Fern there… a girl Heiter took in back then, whom he almost immediately requested Frieren to take as an apprentice. Frieren might have rejected the notion straight away back then but she did train her as an apprentice without even realizing lol. But as it had been, Heiter too finally met his demise, and that’s when Frieren decided to take Fern along with her, on that long long journey to… somewhere.
Sep 29, 2023 6:09 AM

Dec 2021
Those flowers do indeed fit Himmel.

In his final moments, Heiter introduces Frieren to a young human apprentice named Fern. Motivated by Frieren's passion for collecting an array of magical spells, the two set out on a seemingly purposeless adventure, revisiting the locations once trodden by the legendary heroes of old. During their travels, Frieren slowly comes to terms with the remorse she feels for not forging deeper connections with her now-departed comrades.

The series began on a positive note, though I anticipate it will likely maintain its melancholic tone. Heiter led a life free from lingering regrets, showcasing his admirable character. Fern is a captivating character in her own right. Additionally, Frieren's dedication is truly remarkable. Devoting half a year to the search for a blue moonweed flower demonstrates her extraordinary commitment. I'm relieved they ultimately located it and were able to place it around the statue.

Despite Himmel's death, he continues to stand beside the blue moonweed.

Sep 29, 2023 7:27 AM

Oct 2011
Himmel 😭😭

Heiter 😭😭

Fem training with Friede
Sep 29, 2023 7:32 AM

Jun 2019
As I expected from the show... it made me emotional. It's painful and beautiful at the same time. Already gave my full thoughts on the first episode.
Sep 29, 2023 9:28 AM
Jul 2023
A dog from Elden Ring make an appearance

Sep 29, 2023 9:35 AM
Apr 2021
Best magical fiction
Sep 29, 2023 9:43 AM

Oct 2017
Heiter with his plan to make Frieren stay till Fern has become capable enough made me emotional. He knew he didn't have much time left so he purposedly made Frieren stay by giving her work and teach Fern magic so she would be able to leave with her when the time comes and they just barely made it in time. Fern's journey with Frieren begins.
Sep 29, 2023 9:52 AM

Jul 2012
First, Himmel. Now Heiter. It seems Frieren is beginning to understand humans a bit more.

I like how we learn more about the other heroes from her memories, and also more about herself and how she recognizes that she's changed. The fact that she spent so much time searching for those blue flowers shows subtly how much Himmel meant to her. She really valued their friendship. Then, there's the contrast between Frieren and Fern near the end. The direction and music are both so good. What an amazing episode this was.
Sep 29, 2023 9:59 AM

Mar 2020
Really like Fern, and her dedication to not letting Heiter worry as he passed on. Just very beautifully animated, and Evan Call's OST continues to be amazing. Really feels like a breath of fresh air for a fantasy anime, since the genre has gotten oversaturated in isekai.
Sep 29, 2023 10:00 AM
Sep 2023
For now, after finishing the story in the first episode, I think Yoasobi song is good for the second episode and so on. In terms of story, there's not much wow or meh. everything looks good
Sep 29, 2023 10:30 AM

Jun 2021
Heiter sure knows what he's doing before his passing. He made sure Frieren trained little Fern so that she wouldn't be a burden to her journey. Fern ended up becoming her apprentice. We can see Frieren's dedication, and wouldn't admit her love for magic. The same could be said for Fern.
Sep 29, 2023 10:36 AM
Handler One

Jan 2023
With Frieren not only training Fern but also watching over Heiter and deciphering the Grimoire, Heiter's time draws near.

The effects for magic spells and casting look incredible, I love how colorful yet impactful it feels. Heither passing away was inevitable and hard but it gave way for Fern's training, allowing for her to become a fully fledged mage to not only repay Heiter for saving her but quelling his worries of her safety once he passes away. I like that move, showing how much he cared for Fern and her impact on him.

Blue-moon Weed, a beautiful light blue flower native to Himmel's homeland. Frieren go up that tower and seeing a small field of those flowers was so beautiful and emotional, the soundtrack only intensifying those feelings. Spending six months in search of those flowers to plant at an old statue, she was finally able to see those flowers and place a crown on Himmel just like how he did for her.

I really like Fern and the aura she has, accompanying Frieren on her journey towards an uncertain destination. It brings out more of the two, and it feels so refreshing to see them.
Phenomenal episode, I can only look forward to the next.

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Sep 29, 2023 10:39 AM

Apr 2023
Man this music is hitting me like a truck, although I expected nothing less from Evan Call
Sep 29, 2023 11:03 AM
Sep 2015
Many anime have strong first episode, but only a few have strong second episode, and this anime is one of them.
Sep 29, 2023 11:22 AM

Aug 2021
Being an Elf with human friends is never an easy way to live, I pray that the girl is half demon I can't watch Frieren see her die just like the others
Sep 29, 2023 11:56 AM

Jul 2016
There's some sort of mystical power to this show's montages that instantly puts me at ease whenever they happen.

I could practically feel a blast of wind hitting my face from the reveal of the flowers. I wasn't prepared to be in so much awe, man.
Sep 29, 2023 12:51 PM

Apr 2022
So chill, so beautiful, so unexpectedly touching
Sep 29, 2023 1:02 PM

Mar 2023
Beautiful. There's nice sensibility to the writing and ideas
watsymSep 29, 2023 1:07 PM
Sep 29, 2023 1:24 PM

Mar 2019
Heiter was another one who had less screen time than Ai Hoshino haha ​​:v
Sep 29, 2023 2:11 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
So, the text did not reveal a method for prolonging life. I expected that, but I didn't expect Heiter to have put together such a solid strategy for getting Frieren to take on Fern as an apprentice. The old drunkard priest still had his wit about him all the way until the end. The scenes with Himmel's statue were also touching. Very good follow up episode to a very good beginning episode.
Sep 29, 2023 2:28 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I really liked the priest character. Such a patient man, filled with compassion and humanity and yet with a playful sense of humour.

The hero was such a dandy. The flashback to him getting his statue done was hilarious.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 29, 2023 3:18 PM
Apr 2022
very beautiful, I feel like my judgement is carried by nostalgia but I have no regrets
Sep 29, 2023 5:30 PM

Jul 2017
Another really good episode that followed up the premiere strongly. There's this calming, bittersweet feel with this show that feels organic which is refreshing, and wouldn't work as strongly in most other series like it. The writing at least at this stage is definitely strong enough and complemented so well by the direction and production that it just works so well. It's a weird thing to say about an adaptation since this is an adaptation of a manga but it truly feels like I'm seeing the actual drawings of characters just with color and more expressiveness by them being brought to life, spells feeling more magical, and emotions feeling more impactful with the voice acting and general music too with this. The ending with Fern and Freiren was a bit weak in the previous episode but their interactions were nice here in this episode and Frieren managing to deliver her promise with Himmel in some kind of a way by seeing those flowers at the end and putting them on his statue was a great moment there. You could just feel how time has flown so massively in that world despite everything feeling the same for her like its normal, as we saw him lively in the start of the premiere and now he is a proper legend that was hidden there with the statue. Episode did feel a bit slow at times in a way that it slightly dragged so it did not give me the 5 minute episodes feel that MT gave me in the Summer but regardless it was still pretty damn quality as a whole and has been fairly engaging so far at least.
Sep 29, 2023 5:38 PM
Oct 2019
RIP Heiter.

The OST hits hard like a truck-kun, as expected from Evan Call.

Sep 29, 2023 5:58 PM
Jul 2021
To quote Chise from Mahoo Tsukaq no Yome, “Timing, timing”.

The pacing of the storytelling and especially the dialogue is near perfect … the characters, with their words and silence between words makes them alive, for me.

Sep 29, 2023 6:02 PM

Apr 2022
i'm kinda glad they split it into 4 episodes, didn't have time to watch past episode 1 earlier so 90mins would've been too much but now i got the chance. this is so beautifully animated, gotta love madhouse at their best. the osts are straight-up heavenly. rip heiter but glad he made a major contribution towards fern's life. also jokes to see that flashback of heiter and eisen playing together with the flowers, really nice episode.
Sep 29, 2023 7:18 PM
Oct 2021
every single time himmel appears i star bawling it's not even funny my eyes hurt
Sep 29, 2023 9:08 PM

Apr 2012
they have been searching for 6 months but they dint think to fly cose if they did they would have seen the flowers on top of the tower
Sep 29, 2023 9:28 PM
Sep 2017
Poignant, funny, bittersweet, and heartwarming. This episode beautifully adapts the manga's themes of loss and life change without coming across as slow or preachy.
Sep 29, 2023 10:16 PM
Nov 2016
It was ok I guess, not impressed but that's to be expected, this anime seems to be a slow burn, I just hope my patience gets rewarded here.

I didn't mention this in the 1st episode, the OP is okay-ish, however, the ED is pretty crappy.

And lastly, I'm a guy who gets emotionally attached to an anime if the music is good and if the anime has great emotional moments, so far I'm not seeing great emotional moments here but that's to be expected, we are only in the 2nd episode, and while the music in this anime isn't bad, I don't find it particularly good either, I prefer music with melody in it, that's something I'm not hearing in this anime in 2 episodes which is expected, we are only 2 episodes in, I hope I get better emotional soundtracks later, the ones that have that freaking melody in it, that's my jam.
Sep 29, 2023 10:21 PM
Oct 2018
Lovely episode. Many of the choices we make are based on thoughts and memories of loved ones.
Sep 29, 2023 10:23 PM

Jun 2023
Flowers are quite nice
Sep 29, 2023 10:54 PM
May 2021
This really makes you think about if you want immortality or not. I wonder if we'll get to see any of her fellow cool kids? (Elves)
Sep 30, 2023 1:29 AM
Jun 2012
When the OP is a banger.

And you relate to the main character way too much.

Idk if I'd have taken years to handle that book though... I'd have probably gotten too involved with my friends.
Sep 30, 2023 1:37 AM
May 2021
i love nature and this anime so good looking and i wanna fuck frienen
Sep 30, 2023 2:00 AM
Oct 2022
Like said, the story is a peak. To be honest, I don't really like fantasy kind of anime but Frieren is a different matter. The animation gives off 1997 Berserk kind of vibes, especially in dark scenes which I really like. Also, they didn't miss anything from the manga like the amount of detail, just wow.
Sep 30, 2023 2:54 AM
Apr 2019
this is gonna be one of the best shows of the season, holy smokes
Sep 30, 2023 6:37 AM

Sep 2018
This is truly sublime, I ache with the regret that emanates from the screen...
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Sep 30, 2023 6:57 AM

Aug 2022
R.I.P. Heiter. Now there's only Eisen left...
Sep 30, 2023 8:49 AM
Jun 2022
master piece 10 de 10
Sep 30, 2023 9:25 AM

Sep 2016
Heiter and Eisen frolicking in the flowers was really cute XD
Sep 30, 2023 10:19 AM

May 2016
I was wrong about the Priest XD well glad he died in peace.
Sep 30, 2023 11:49 AM

Jun 2013
Beautiful episode! Any scenes with Himmel and Frieren absolutely aches my heart. The Hero may have passed but the memories and influence he had on Frieren lasts as long as she lives.
Sep 30, 2023 12:11 PM

Nov 2011
That episodical demon sounded a little Balrog-ish. Anyway, soundrack is resonating with me so much. ^^
Sep 30, 2023 2:55 PM
Jul 2023
character design garbage
Sep 30, 2023 4:51 PM

Apr 2018
I still remember these parts from the manga. Still hurts to see Neither pass away, same for Himmel. Fern's fun to be with, it makes Frieren a bit more lively. I also know why the ED reminded me so much of Vinland. It's by Milet. So ducking good, same the opening by YOASOBI.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Sep 30, 2023 7:40 PM
Nov 2019
setelah kematian himmel dan heiter
frieren bersama fren berpetualang
dan bertemu dengan patung himmel
My Candies :
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