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Jun 13, 2023 5:59 AM

Nov 2011
That invitation to the movies sounded more like a date.

This was probably the cutest Nagisa ever dressed up outside of school and Junta is one lucky dude. Honestly though, it's great to see the two share similar interests as well. Maybe Junta should've been more mentally prepared though. He seems not to be the type of guy that is ready for movie dates. Junta is also such a nice guy for giving up a seat to the elderly. He's too nice.
Jun 13, 2023 6:17 AM

Feb 2021
Movie date! Kubo's outfit was very cute.
Imagine being the people sitting in front of them on the train. Must be a bit awkward.
Lol, I was a bit annoyed when I saw "the getting hit on" cliche but it was funny how it was dealt with.
I personally like Americano coffee. I started drinking it when I was on a diet when I wasn't allowed to eat/drink sweet things but then suddenly coffee with sugar started tasting weird for me. So there you have it lol.
Shiraishi blush. Bless.
Wholesome. 1 episode to go!
EmbientJun 13, 2023 8:57 AM
Jun 13, 2023 6:55 AM

Apr 2010
The had a lot of fun on their date which was nice to see.
The coffee part was funny to watch the way Nagisa reacted when tasting the coffee was great.
And this was the first time where the guys hitting on the main girl where not complete assholes except for the part where they where hitting on a girl with 3 guys.
Well having the main there helped out.
Jun 13, 2023 7:07 AM
Aug 2022
Ayoo!! Movie Date ;*giggles* was so cute!!!
Nagisa-Chan in ponytail Kawaiiii ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’—.
i like those punks for leaving them as soon as they realized they're in the way of Couple formation.
train ride sure had a good impact on their becoming close. Good Job Train-kun.
one more episode to go. hope Season 2 Announcement as soon as the season finishs
Ricky16Jun 13, 2023 11:55 AM
Jun 13, 2023 8:57 AM

Jun 2015
Being so engrossed in a movie release and not noticing someone's there i think we all been there. But Nagisa inviting herself along sure was fun. Still painful as it looks being Nagiasa's shield looks like it was worth it. The cinema date though was a lot of fun with their time at the cafe being especially cute. That was some nice luck that Nagisa had at the egg machines. In the end im glad that the date turned out that well and that Junta and Nagisa only serevd to get closer.
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Jun 13, 2023 9:01 AM

Feb 2023

"Bocchi the Rock!" - Ijichi Nijika

Jun 13, 2023 9:08 AM
Sep 2021
Kubo and junta have a great time enjoying the movie, shopping and these interactions helped them to learn about each other and hence it is making their relationship deeper.
Jun 13, 2023 9:27 AM
Mar 2023
Jun 13, 2023 9:31 AM

Mar 2021
Kubo looks great in her outfit and looked super cute when she gets excited and Junta looked so adorable when watching the movie
Jun 13, 2023 10:04 AM

Mar 2019
this show just makes me happy
Jun 13, 2023 10:35 AM

Feb 2019
“It’s a promise, okay?”

Best kubo episode for sure. Seems like the staff put a lot of extra time into the art and animation today as well and it added to the intimacy of the first date.

Casual Kubo looked gorgeous. Proud of Shiraishi for standing up to those guys who were pestering Kubo. That took a lot of courage for such a shy guy. The coffee shop scene was really cute as well

Only one more episode left man :/
Jun 13, 2023 10:59 AM

Jul 2017
Finally, the day of Shiraishi's long-awaited movie adaptation to catch it in the theaters, and Kubo wants a slice of it too.

Shiraishi may have hung out with Kubo before, but it's a feeling that he's still not used to it. That said, Kubo in her home clothing and ponytail hair, she's beautiful to the prettiest pedigree. But she's unfamiliar with the outside world, so much so that Shiraishi is her only support. And in a crowded train, it's easy to mistake intentions, like Shiraishi's sudden kabedon towards Kubo, of which he's still careful not to touch her. He's obviously not okay, but at least he's fine in one piece out of the train ride. The next side of Kubo being hit on by 3 guys, and other than Shiraishi still treated like invisibility, Kubo's confession in the heat of the moment surprised everyone, even him. Onwards to the movie theater, and both Shiraishi and Kubo find themselves at a loss trying to find a paired seat together, while passing time with him. Kubo's literally covered by Shiraishi, and that's the plan.

The café in the midway, and more romantic gestures outside create more tease for Kubo, but she just reluctant to not match without Shiraishi. Ordering coffee just like Shiraishi, Kubo's rarely-seen innocent is shown for the first time, though she can't handle a cup of black coffee. The former thinking to get sugar and creamer for her, since she stubbornly wants to drink whatever Shiraishi drinks, when he thinks that ordinary coffee is too bitter for his taste. And it's sweet overflowing feelings. Moving onto games, and both Shiraishi and Seita's luck at gachapon only involves bad luck but thank God for Kubo being his lucky angel. Stationery shopping proves more erasers for Shiraishi, though Kubo hands him one bunny eraser, which is a nice gesture. Above all, they were almost late for the movie, and am glad to share an interest in the same thing. Though Shiraishi feels the same expressionless self in school, reflected on the outside, Kubo telling him that it doesn't matter, honestly, is some sound advice. 

Both Shiraishi and Kubo having a good time of a movie date, and a promise to hang out more, the former is flexing his facial muscles more because of her.

Beautiful and sweet...what will the finale bring for us?
Jun 13, 2023 11:01 AM
Oct 2021
Don't want this to end
Jun 13, 2023 11:06 AM

May 2019
Junta doesn't show much emotion so Nagisa noticed that right away when he admitted that he was excited for a movie adaptation of a manga. Nagisa invited herself to watch the movie with him and it basically turned into a date which I'm questioning if Junta even realized that. The accidental kabedon in the train was a little surprising but with Junta hardly being noticed by other people he was pushed into her.

Junta does have good traits and a positive attitude and he showed it throughout such as when he spoke up when those guys hit on Nagisa, getting creamer & sugar so that Nagisa could enjoy her coffee more, had already planned on walking her home, and giving up his train seat on the way back home to an elderly lady. I'm sure those are some reasons Nagisa is into him and now she's wanting another outing (date). Not sure if that second date will be on the final episode and I doubt a confession will happen but perhaps an "inadvertent" kiss or something, we'll see.
Jun 13, 2023 11:23 AM

Dec 2022
well an date with kubo of course some guys will hit on kubo because shiraeshi IS invisible also kubo is very lucky indeed
Jun 13, 2023 11:49 AM

Dec 2020
Nah i cant accept this i like coffee but not bitter and this anime is now indirectly calling me a kid >:(
Jun 13, 2023 11:52 AM

Nov 2016
Imagine your crush asking to come to the One Piece movie with you after you got her hooked.. Yeah, that ain't happening anytime soon to me lmao

When I don't think Kubo could get any better she's proving me wrong on a weekly basis.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 13, 2023 12:03 PM

Apr 2021
This type of main character is so tiring to watch, always answering in single word sentences like "huh", "yeah" or "okay". Kubo is such a sweetheart, tho. Her playful teasing is really adorable. 
Jun 13, 2023 12:38 PM

Jan 2021
Junta is happy because the manga he read is getting a film and he wants to see it but Kubo keeps calling his name and then he tells her and she wants to tag along, which he agrees to. Sounds like a date to me.

Wow Kubo is dressed beautifully and Junta realizes that also. There's some wholesome moments in the train with Kubo and Junta, which is cute. Some dumbass guys try to hit on her and Junta jumps in between but Kubo throws that she is Junta's girlfriend, the guys then leave happily lol. They're later to the movies than expected so they decide to pick another time for the movie, the one for 4pm. Kubo then says to Junta that there's more time to hang out together. They attend a cafe and those couples lmfao. Junta gets a black coffee and Kubo wants the exact same thing. Its bitter so they decide to add cream and sugar. Junta tries for a long time to get a item from the slot machine for Seita but has no luck. Kubo gets it 1st try, the magic. They got to a accessories shop before the film starts. Man that expression on Junta's face. Junta walks Kubo home and Kubo asks if this can be done again in the future which he agrees to. Wow we actually see Junta blush for the first time.

Jun 13, 2023 12:49 PM

Feb 2007
The absolute sweetest. ^_^
Jun 13, 2023 12:51 PM
Jul 2019
Is it me or the art of this episode is different from other episodes
Jun 13, 2023 1:56 PM

Mar 2020
A cute movie date to remember...

Really nice to see Junta and Nagisa go out together to the movies and shopping. This episode felt more expressive in a lot of ways, as we got to see Junta all excited to watch his favorite manga adapted into movie form, and we got to see Nagisa enjoying her time a lot. The cliche of getting hit on is extremely overused, but it was kind of funny how it was resolved. I also kind of related to Nagisa since I've shockingly never tried coffee before. I guess I'm still a kid at heart who likes sweet drinks. The ending with Junta blushing was cute as well, could we finally be getting somewhere with the relationship?
Jun 13, 2023 2:41 PM
Jul 2022
Animation on point ๐Ÿค
Jun 13, 2023 3:35 PM

Aug 2020
They were cute together, a lovely couple
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Jun 13, 2023 3:49 PM

Jul 2016
Junta, as interesting as a rock once again but Nagisa truly made this episode. She was particularly cute and I think the animation felt a tad more vivid this time.
Jun 13, 2023 4:10 PM
Sep 2021
finally Junta shows his feelings for Nagasa, even if it's only slightly. Up until now, it's really only been obvious that she likes him but now we finally get to see his feelings. Best episode this season so far!
Jun 13, 2023 4:57 PM

Sep 2018
Pretty poorly directed if I'm being honest, felt like they were compensating. Similar to Golden Kamuy, it feels like production values have dipped after coming back from the delay.
Jun 13, 2023 4:57 PM
Mar 2018
Okay that moment in the theater is what I want more than anything in life. To have someone special look at me is awe of the things I like and taking pure joy in witnessing me in that moment.
Jun 13, 2023 5:04 PM

Nov 2017
I don't know how bitter that coffee was,but jesus,this ep sweetened mine to the point of being wayyyyy too sweet for me.
Best,cutest Kubo ep so far!
Jun 13, 2023 5:23 PM
Jul 2022
Honestly, this is just too cute and I really don't want it to end LOL

Please give us at least 3 seasons and a movie ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Manga spoiler!!!!
Jun 13, 2023 5:24 PM
Jul 2021
Jun 13, 2023 5:24 PM
Oct 2019
that accidentally Kabedon...

Sweet Movie date episode!!
Jun 13, 2023 6:13 PM
Jul 2022
Jun 13, 2023 7:07 PM

Dec 2018
Gotta love a classic movie date, hard to beat ‘em, and this was such a good one. I got a kick out of Kubo trying coffee for the first time in the cafe lol, I’m a coffee enjoyer myself so I was a little sad Kubo didn’t like it but of course I expected that, thankfully tho Shiraishi ended up sweetening his coffee so Kubo could enjoy hers which was a really sweet moment.

And it’s not just Kubo that witnessed Shiraishi emoting for the first time, it’s new for us viewers too lol, and it was quite the spectacle, but a good movie will do that, I definitely understand. And my man even walked her home too, with the promise to hang out more in the future, a perfect end to a great day, except maybe being cramped in the train but that was good for its own reasons lol. And damn man, just one episode left already, it feels like it just came back and it’s leaving again so soon, gonna miss it.
Jun 13, 2023 7:42 PM
Apr 2023
Scoring 5/5 because of Kubo-san's ponytail getup. She really has a powerup when she uses this hairstyle ๐Ÿฅฐ

1 episode left. The episode adapted chapters 40 to 43 of the manga (out of the total 144/145 chapters). I wonder how they will conclude this cour?
Jun 13, 2023 8:15 PM

Apr 2022
i literally just went to the cinema just yesterday, so this feels fresh to me lmao but a whole day out with kubo for shiraishi. a win is a win.
kubo's reaction to the taste of black coffee was jokes.
Jun 13, 2023 8:22 PM

Jan 2020
Ponytail Kubo was undeniably cute, and I expected Shiraishi to help clear up the misunderstanding when the three guys stalked Kubo a lot though. 

One episode left and we will say bye-bye to this series :(

2024 Bunkasai tickets earned:

Jun 13, 2023 10:21 PM
Jul 2010
TheUnkovvn said:
Is it me or the art of this episode is different from other episodes
definitely, i came to this thread to see if anyone else thought it felt off too lol
not just the art either I don't think. kinda strange pacing too. and the voice acting seemed weird too, especially when the guys were hitting on kubo
Jun 13, 2023 11:37 PM
Jan 2022
I hope we get a s2 and we get to have some "actually a couple time". too often things end right when you get past the "we're always nervous and just having moments" phase and start the "we just are 2 people being happy together" phase. I need more of the latter to fill the deep void in my soul
Jun 14, 2023 4:10 AM
Jun 2011
Ricky16 said:
Ayoo!! Movie Date ;*giggles* was so cute!!!
Nagisa-Chan in ponytail Kawaiiii ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’—.
i like those punks for leaving them as soon as they realized they're in the way of Couple formation.
train ride sure had a good impact on their becoming close. Good Job Train-kun.
one more episode to go. hope Season 2 Announcement as soon as the season finishs

At this point I doubt a second season. The story is pretty far in the anime and the manga is already finished. Tho, I keep my hopes up for a second season anyway, since the anime didn't cover a lot of the manga chapters and there's enough bonding between them going on to make a season that recaps the left out chapters.
Jun 14, 2023 4:58 AM
Aug 2021
kubo very cute in this episode
Jun 14, 2023 6:28 AM
Apr 2020
The date was really relaxing and wholesome. Not felt like a typical dating anime scene.
Jun 14, 2023 8:42 AM
Jan 2018
This anime is criminally underrated!
Jun 14, 2023 12:06 PM
Jan 2023
This episode actually was a really big deal for me. The whole episode was nice and filled with romantic moments. And specially they focused on Shiraishi's role as a man. This episode showed his care and understanding for Kubo. Yes, he isn't like normal manly MCs but, that's the whole point, he is not like them. So, showing what he does when Kubo needs him is very nice.

But, there's one more and very important thing in this episode that touched me the most. You see, I was not enjoying this anime much, it was fine, sweet and fluffy. But, the romantic parts... it was kinda lacking for me. The main reason was Shirashi's Blank Expression in every romantic moment. I felt like they messed up a lot of amazing moments because of that. Kubo was doing great though.

But! This episode finally gave a huge explanation for his Blank Expression and showed us how his original expression would have been on it's final few seconds. He was actually trying hard to suppress his expressions and feelings all this time. And they showed us how much he likes Kubo. All with a single Blush in the end of the episode.

This really nullified my biggest problem against this anime. So I think they did a great job!

(Also, Note that Kubo was doing really nice throughout the series, I feel like I didn't need to mention that. Even in this episode her Guard Down Childish side was great! So, no, I am not ignoring her and only looking at the MC)
Jun 14, 2023 8:39 PM
Mar 2015
Progress He agreed to go out again
Jun 14, 2023 9:58 PM
Jan 2022
i love this anime so much and it's pretty cool that they Incorporated a manga getting Adapted into a movie within the anime my boy junta was hiding his facial expression at the end my boy has red face i'm praying to the anime gods please we need a season 2 of this wholesome anime
Jun 15, 2023 2:02 AM
Jun 2021
Hopefully this anime gets a second season because it is one of those which take their sweet time before developing romance and it would be a huge loss if it doesn't get one after this, although talking about the episode it was cute & wholesome as always!

There was always that one thing which kept bugging me & it was the way Shiraishi avoid confronting Kubo's moves and the way he literally brushes off which decreases it's sweetness at some moment, however it looks like that all lead to this point where he would actually blush on something rather than being a emotionless doll throughout the series (not saying he is bad but he is definitely annoying in these wholesome moments)
Jun 15, 2023 2:04 AM
Jun 2021
LordNNero said:
This episode actually was a really big deal for me. The whole episode was nice and filled with romantic moments. And specially they focused on Shiraishi's role as a man. This episode showed his care and understanding for Kubo. Yes, he isn't like normal manly MCs but, that's the whole point, he is not like them. So, showing what he does when Kubo needs him is very nice.

But, there's one more and very important thing in this episode that touched me the most. You see, I was not enjoying this anime much, it was fine, sweet and fluffy. But, the romantic parts... it was kinda lacking for me. The main reason was Shirashi's Blank Expression in every romantic moment. I felt like they messed up a lot of amazing moments because of that. Kubo was doing great though.

But! This episode finally gave a huge explanation for his Blank Expression and showed us how his original expression would have been on it's final few seconds. He was actually trying hard to suppress his expressions and feelings all this time. And they showed us how much he likes Kubo. All with a single Blush in the end of the episode.

This really nullified my biggest problem against this anime. So I think they did a great job!

(Also, Note that Kubo was doing really nice throughout the series, I feel like I didn't need to mention that. Even in this episode her Guard Down Childish side was great! So, no, I am not ignoring her and only looking at the MC)

Dude you literally stole the words from my heart! Well said especially about the blank expression part & actual emotions of Junta
Jun 15, 2023 12:38 PM

Oct 2008
such a satisfying date! so sweet! next date Kubo should take it to the next level -> kiss on the cheeks of Shiraishi on the front of her house! lolz

Jun 15, 2023 3:08 PM

Jan 2021
Just get married already.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

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