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Jun 24, 2019 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
The finale battle that concludes this show :o

It's been a hell of a journey and to see it wrap up this way all makes it worth it to the end. Neat epsiode. I personally think this show is a really well done anime for the modern times that got bought back from the original.

9/10. Really going to miss this.
Stark700Jun 24, 2019 6:25 AM
Jun 24, 2019 6:31 AM

Apr 2012
RIP pretty much everyone...

Although it was only for a bit, we got to see an older Dororo~~ She became such a pretty lady... (Slightly happy that my wish came true)
They sure teased us with those few seconds that it’s kinda sad that we’ll most likely never see the rest of her adventures.

I will really miss this anime...

Edit: I just found out that the fulll version of the 2nd ED is out on Youtube on Eve’s official channel~ so good~~
AleiadJun 24, 2019 6:45 AM
Jun 24, 2019 7:41 AM

Apr 2016
Well i dont know what to say, pretty underwhelming ending. I'm actually kinda disappointed.

Jun 24, 2019 7:48 AM

Mar 2012
It is a lot less dark and toned down when compared to how the original series ended but still a satsifying conclusion, it is rare to enjoy a series fully and have a sense of closure, il miss it. I recommend anyone to give it a try at least once, it is fantastic.
Jun 24, 2019 7:53 AM

Feb 2015
Was a beautiful end for this story. Dororo x Hyakkimaru forever!
Jun 24, 2019 7:54 AM

Sep 2008
that was absolute nonsense.
why the hell did any of these happen?
it being anticlimactic was expected but holy fuk.
taho and hyakki fight for understandable reasons.
hyakki stops wanting to kill taho because he sees the hole in his heart. okay.
after sparing him the last demon starts acting up so the tears his extra eyes out and rejects the demon. is that even possible? whatever.
hyakki kills the last demon by stabbing the red orb in an instant. that's it? really?
puppet guy and mom show up they save hyakki, then die along with taho for no reason when they could have dragged him out. I get puppet guy's urge to die, it was well explained in his backstory BUT "guess I saved hyakkimaru and gave him some blessing I can die at last" that's bullshit.
and the mom is like: "all these years I never paid attention to you, instead of saving you and dedicating myself to be by your side from now on I'll just watch you die and burn with your corpse."
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Jun 24, 2019 8:01 AM
Sep 2018
eyyy the ending clip where dororo runs and grows up and goes towards hyakkimaru is niceee
Jun 24, 2019 8:03 AM

Aug 2015
This was a very beautiful story and setting, Hyakkimaru and Dororo looked really wonderful at the finale.
Jun 24, 2019 8:05 AM
Jan 2018
It really needed some extra time for closure. This anime had a great potential but this episode was a big clusterfuck and felt kind of rushed. Sure it wrapped up everything in the end somehow, but 1 extra episode fleshing out the battle with last demon etc. would make it just so much better. Also Nui is just plain retarded, what the fuck was that supposed to be, what's the point of Hyakkimaru sparing his brother if she just decided to burn along with him in the for whatever reason lol.
Jun 24, 2019 8:09 AM

Mar 2017
Well im gonna miss this show soooo much! I thought the ending was great because of the whole thing that Daigo learnt that when u make a deal with demons, you never win. I cried about Tahomaru's death because he deserves a happy life just as much as Hyakki and Dororo did; he's just another victim of his father's greed and selfishness.

It found it really sad that Hyakki left Dororo behind when he went on another journey, but at least we know that he came back for her... but damn was he gone for long! I felt like the very end was a bit rushed. I think we needed to see how Dororo's idea for the village turned out and see a happy reunion between her and Hyakki... would be cool if there was an OVA made about that!

I also want to point out how fucking beautiful Dororo was when she was older!
Jun 24, 2019 8:11 AM
May 2016
" anticlimactic" why? Why do people want depressing ending when the world has already been depressing in recent years?
Jun 24, 2019 8:11 AM

Nov 2016
Great series, but I'm still disappointed about the drop in quality after the episodic portion in the beginning. And honestly, I'm also not quite satisfied with this finale. It was kinda unspectacular and I didn't feel much when it ended, which is sad.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 24, 2019 8:13 AM
May 2015
nyugvo6 said:
that was absolute nonsense.
why the hell did any of these happen?
it being anticlimactic was expected but holy fuk.
taho and hyakki fight for understandable reasons.
hyakki stops wanting to kill taho because he sees the hole in his heart. okay.
after sparing him the last demon starts acting up so the tears his extra eyes out and rejects the demon. is that even possible? whatever.
hyakki kills the last demon by stabbing the red orb in an instant. that's it? really?
puppet guy and mom show up they save hyakki, then die along with taho for no reason when they could have dragged him out. I get puppet guy's urge to die, it was well explained in his backstory BUT "guess I saved hyakkimaru and gave him some blessing I can die at last" that's bullshit.
and the mom is like: "all these years I never paid attention to you, instead of saving you and dedicating myself to be by your side from now on I'll just watch you die and burn with your corpse."

Taho was dying dude, he was finished, his mother stayed with him because of the sins she committed in rejecting her son when he returned, she wanted to stay with Taho because she wanted to be with him at the end because she was never with him throughout his life.
Jukai is already damned because of the atrocities he committed during his earlier life, it clearly shows when we meet him again halfway through the series, he's always haunted.
It really needed some extra time for closure. This anime had a great potential but this episode was a big clusterfuck and felt kind of rushed. Sure it wrapped up everything in the end somehow, but 1 extra episode fleshing out the battle with last demon etc. would make it just so much better. Also Nui is just plain retarded, what the fuck was that supposed to be, what's the point of Hyakkimaru sparing his brother if she just decided to burn along with him in the for whatever reason lol.

The point of Hyakki sparing his brother is that he doesn't get consumed and turn into a demon, his humanity wins out in the end. Regarding Nui's actions, read what I said above.
Some of you guys really aren't paying attention to what's going on...
Jun 24, 2019 8:14 AM

Sep 2017
Amazing ending to fit this anime,it was only for a moment but Dororo looked really wonderful at the finale.
The remake of Berserk is a mistake.
Jun 24, 2019 8:17 AM

Apr 2016
What i liked this episode was the part where when he goes for the final strike against Taho, you see his memories of Mio's death, his last meeting with Jukai, that hug, and also the scene where he first met his birth mother and the statue, through his 'eyes'. That was sweet. Shows how his human side came to be. 🙂

I felt bad for Taho, when he got those flashbacks of Mutsu n hyogo. 😔

This ending gave me a similar feeling as when I finished Death Note. Not saying it's bad or anything, but just stabbing that red crystal thing and it's done??
Also, there was no real need for either of his moms to die, or Tahomaru as well. 😕
How he dealt with the evil Dad was okay i guess.
SolitaryGrayJun 24, 2019 8:25 AM
Jun 24, 2019 8:18 AM

Mar 2014
I'm a bit disappointed with ending cos I was expecting to see something more, especially Dororo "adult ver"(at least to I get to see that) reunited with Hyakimaru, like that

But it's been a great ride 8/10
RedChromeJun 24, 2019 8:22 AM
Jun 24, 2019 8:24 AM
Dec 2018
*Happy cry noise*
Finally, a grownup Dororo...
she’s so beautiful
Jun 24, 2019 8:26 AM
Jul 2018
Was a long ride but we finally reached the end game. There were some problems here and there like how Hyakkimaru suddenly understands Japanese even though he lost all his senses for most of his life but overall the series was solid. Was originally gonna rate the series 7/10 but seeing the ending of adult Dororo running towards Hyakkimaru made me bump it up to an 8.
Jun 24, 2019 8:26 AM
Jun 2017
So... any idea why they chose to call to this series "Dororo", and not something like "Hyakkimaru and Dororo"?
Jun 24, 2019 8:27 AM
May 2016
I don't get why people are underwhelm by the ending, If hyakkimaru had killed tahomaru to reclaim his eyes and killed Kagemitsu for revenge that would be underwhelming or if Hyakki died same thing.
Jun 24, 2019 8:28 AM

Jun 2011
lolicon ending...
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Jun 24, 2019 8:29 AM

Mar 2017
Damn dororo grew up to be cute af
Jun 24, 2019 8:30 AM
Apr 2016
One episode more would have given a better closure. In my opinion it was a bit rushed, but I really, really enjoyed the anime. I wasn't hoping for a happy ending so I am quite happy
I'm gonna miss this show
Jun 24, 2019 8:31 AM
May 2015
yasuda1986 said:
I don't get why people are underwhelm by the ending, If hyakkimaru had killed tahomaru to reclaim his eyes and killed Kagemitsu for revenge that would be underwhelming or if Hyakki died same thing.

Thank you, finally someone who actually understands the themes of the show
Jun 24, 2019 8:31 AM

Jan 2018
Well it ended. The show lost its steam after the first 10 or so episodes. The final episode felt lackluster.

But we got to see a bit older dororo. She looks a lot like her mom.
Jun 24, 2019 8:35 AM
Jul 2018
The ending was so beautiful, grown up dororo running to hyakkimaru who looks so much more mature, the soundtrack was so lit at that moment too

I feel so sad now, no more Dororo
Jun 24, 2019 8:36 AM
Jan 2018
A satisfying ending that I wasn't expecting due to how horrible most of the second cour was. The visuals were good like they were before too. The characters stayed strong and developed right to the end but the rest of the show couldn't keep up unfortunately. 6.5/10 for saving the show right at the end
Jun 24, 2019 8:37 AM

May 2015
10/10 for that smile

8/10 for the series overall. I'm glad it ended on a positive note, some episodes were less interesting than others but still, good journey. Maybe they could have avoided some deaths, like Tahomaru, Nui and Jukai or at least showed that it was completely absolutely unavoidable but oh well, I expected all of them to die anyway except for Dororo, so seeing that Hyakkimaru is alive at the end and decided to be human is more than enough. I would be disappointed if he committed suicide or went berserk or some other dramatic stuff just after he finally regained his body. So yeah, that smile was worth it!
Jun 24, 2019 8:38 AM
Nov 2016
The ending seemed a bit rushed, especially with the glimpse of the timeskip in the last 10 seconds or so. Regardless, it was a great series overall and I'm sad to see it end.
Jun 24, 2019 8:42 AM

May 2016
This ending was almost as badly paced and executed as Game of Thrones'... This show started with such ambitious potential, and it has such a strong, distinct personality, but yet man has it dropped off in quality and disappointed... I find myself in-between liking and disliking this show.
I really admire the studio/committee for taking such a risk with such an old work, and from what I've read a lot of the changes they've made have been smart ones, but in the end it just didn't work. The script by far the weakest part of this--it's felt so disjointed. It's felt as if we've had 24 episodes but the actual content for less than 10... So much time was wasted on episodic mini-adventures that not only failed at being entertaining, but also offered nothing new or interesting in terms of our two protagonists' personal development and relationship--which we so desperately needed more of for this show to be half as compelling as it wanted to be. This awful structure has meant it's had to rush certain developments without the needed build up in this final arc, and man as a result has it all felt weak. Much like Game of Thrones, the actual plot points of what happened in this final part aren't even too bad in concept they've just been poorly paced and executed... I can take Hyakki's parents and brother dying. Dunno if I can take them dying for seemingly no reason at all, from just waiting for the flaming building to collapse on them... I can take it ending happily for Dororo. Dunno if I can take Dororo trusting these random three guys (who the show decided to make proper characters out of just two episodes ago) just like that and managing all that money with them just fine without Hyakki's protection... I can take Tahomaru's character being defined by his insecurity about, and lack of motherly love growing up. Dunno if I can take that literally being the only bit of depth to his character... I can take Hyakki and Tahomaru realising their wrongs and coming to treat each other like bros. Dunno if I can take that development as suddenly and quickly as it was introduced and developed here, after the entire show of fighting and hating each other (same with Hyakki and his father), being spurred on just because Hyakki missed an attack on purpose... And I could go on.

I feel like this show had everything great in concept, but utilized and delivered on none of it well. They could have shown and done so much more with Dororo, Hyakki and their relationship for example... The world had room to be so much more interesting and compelling... The demons could have been so much more intimidating... The action so much more entertaining... It has just all disappointed. For a show with so much sword fighting and battles, it pains me too that the only actual highlight for me in terms of the fighting out of these 24 episodes was that one moment back in the first few episodes where Hyakki lost it at the samurai after Mio's death. Oh and maybe that second Hyakki vs Tahoumaru & Co battle...

Also, was starting to really get tired of Biwamaru's whole "oh I'm not an actual character--I'm just here as a narrative tool to explicitly explain and go through the super deep themes and meaning whenever they are most relevant for the stupid, incapable audience" shit. Started feeling so out of place and contrived. And it really shows so much confidence in their storytelling... To have to explain away every potential bit of depth and nuance.
ZaugrJun 24, 2019 2:58 PM
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Jun 24, 2019 8:45 AM

Oct 2017
I never expected this series to end this way.Im surprised and so happy that Hyakkimari and Dororo got their happy end.Also i find Nui and Jukai's death a bit meaningless specially Jukai i see no reason for him to die like that but whatever. Damn that last scene where they showed older Dororo , she looked so pretty . Sadly we wont be able to see rest of their journey but hope they end up together someday. A good conclusion to a great anime. Im so happy this ended with a happy end for them.
MegamiRemJun 24, 2019 8:54 AM
Jun 24, 2019 8:48 AM

Jun 2017
Pretty underwhelming ending! I expected a pretty vague-ish ending but this was certainly more so than I imagined it’d be.

I honestly can’t comprehend why Hyakki’s mothers didn’t bother to try and save Tohomaru. If he was fully down and out, then why didn’t the adopted mother, as in the doctor lol, try to move away and save himself with Hyakkimaru? Surely, it was supposed to be just a touching scene between Tohomaru and his mother (and it definitely was!). With that said though, I really liked how Tohomaru and Hyakkimaru were finally on the same wavelength. About time the two finally found some solace in each other and listening to Tohomaru call Hyakkimaru ‘brother’ was a little relieving of sorts. On the flip side though, I couldn’t help but feel as though the timing for this was far too convenient making it a little cheesy, I suppose. Tohomaru gouging his eyes out and rejecting the demon followed by the swift kill by Hyakkimaru was seriously puzzling though. And I’ll just leave it as that, I think I’ll need to rewatch the episode to get that fully.

Moving on, some more enticing Dororo and Hyakki scenes. “The Sky is Beautiful. Dororo, you’re beautiful!” - Hyakki, boy talk about a smooth approach xD. Really glad that Hyakki managed to catch a glimpse of his mothers earlier and that he got back his whole body! Life finally went his way, phew. Moving on, Hyakkimaru and Daigo’s little scene in the Hall of Hell was pretty cool! Having the Priest and Dororo’s little convo beforehand just set up really well in my opinion. I’m really curious as to how Daigo and his men managed to fend off the Asukasa Army’s advancement though, they were totally depleted internally but apparently the casualty count was very high so I guess there’s that. On the other hand, Dororo has finally found a way to use the money effectively and that’s great to see! Teenage Dororo has grown up to be really pretty and Hyakkimaru seems to be more human, so a wonderful ending in that retrospect!

As for the whole season, in general, I felt as though the show lost its steam somewhere around the mid-mark. Animation took a lethal blow and remained under par throughout since then also so a definite drop in quality. Sound Department-wise, I enjoyed both the first Op and ED but the usage of soundtracks, in my opinion, improved in the second half so that’s a plus! A lot more Characters and small arcs were introduced in the 2nd half and while most were intriguing, the others were fairly boring to be frankly honest. But the main cast were really good so no biggies. Loved the whole difference and thus clash in ideologies though but I think it was a little overdone even then. Also, the fights became very monotonic with Tohomaru and co always getting the short end of the stick. Basically, a little too dragged out especially in the second half. I think this show would’ve been better off with 18 episodes or so with the events of this finale episode getting almost a couple of episodes of screen-time.

Over all, a solid 7/10 to the series!
I really hope Studio MAPPA goes on to make more of these old gems!

Edit:, Dororo seems to be getting the spotlight here.
_MushiRock11_Jun 24, 2019 9:15 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 24, 2019 8:52 AM

Jul 2017
Damn what a series this was. Ending did feel a little underwhelming but it wasn't too bad at all, nice way to conclude everything. Shame for the sloppiness in the middle which kinda devalued it, but the last 4 eps made it all up. Never thought I'd see a fight scene that was almost as amazing as Sword of the Strangers, 10/10

A lot of people are also being quick to judge the mom for not taking Tahou and leaving, but literally, as soon as Hyakki left the building collapsed and blocked the only entrance. What she gonna do, jump off the tower and hope to be saved by plot-armor-kun

AbrarFyioz said:
I never expected this series to end this way.Im surprised and so happy that Hyakkimari and Dororo got their happy end.Also i find Nui and Jukai's death a bit meaningless specially Jukai i see no reason for him to die like that but whatever. Damn that last scene where they showed older Dororo , she looked so pretty . Sadly we wont be able to see rest if their journey but hope they end up together someday. A good conclusion to a great anime. Im so happy this ended with a happy end for them.

Jukai always wanted to die since the beginning lmao. It's a pretty fitting way for him to die after being able to save 1 person in his life (hyakki)
Short_CircutJun 24, 2019 9:32 AM
Jun 24, 2019 8:53 AM

Feb 2018
Never quite lived up to the incredible first half dozen or so episodes, and a couple of the episodes in the middle of the season were legitimately bad, but the ending managed to be fairly satisfying without anyone acting way out-of-character. It's a solid 8 or 8.5/10 for me.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
Jun 24, 2019 8:54 AM

Sep 2012
Aleiad said:
Although it was only for a bit, we got to see an older Dororo~~ She became such a pretty lady... (Slightly happy that my wish came true)

Dororo is a ggggggggggggirl??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Jun 24, 2019 8:55 AM

Jun 2016
Great series, Dororo adult is so cute. I was a bit sad to see Hyakkimaru’s mom die . 9/10
Jun 24, 2019 9:00 AM
Nov 2017
Hyakimaru was of a legendary stature, for the message we was left was one of a silent but elegant persuasion, les we never forget this magnificent remake and the thrills, chills and network usage bills it left us, as we saw a close, on a 24 episode long journey into sadness and despair...
Jun 24, 2019 9:00 AM

Feb 2011
Solid show. One of the few I've actually enjoyed this year.
And although the ending wasn't anything spectacular, at least we got some sort of satisfying closure to the story, which is a rare thing in this industry. 8/10
Jun 24, 2019 9:01 AM
Sep 2015
Is Tahomaru really dead? While it makes sense for those three to die (him who made a deal with demon, his mom who want to stay by his side forever from now on, and Jukai who killing too much when he was a samurai), my ultra-optimistic view is that I really need to see their corpse to believe they're really dead. Daigo's man also report that they're 'missing in action'.

To sum up I just don't want my HyakkiTaho ship to sink.
Jun 24, 2019 9:02 AM

Oct 2010
I truly understand the opinions here saying that the ending was rather underwhelming. I agree. I was very excited about the path this anime is going to take, there were so many good things about it, but it felt like in the last two episodes the scriptwriter.exe and screenwriter.exe suddenly malfunctioned and forgot how to execute wonderful plots.

But still, what an enjoyable ride, though. There will be scenes that I'm going to remember for a long time.
Jun 24, 2019 9:03 AM

Dec 2016
A tad rushed, but very emotionally satisfying for me-some happiness out of the tragedy for Dororo and Hyakki, just like I was hoping. Easy fave for me overall, bless MAPPA.
Jun 24, 2019 9:06 AM

Jul 2015
Good series,gonna miss it.

8/10 from me.

Jun 24, 2019 9:08 AM
Apr 2019
Kinda too fast... One more episode wouldn't hurt to properly tie this ending. But damn. It's pretty good.

Also, Hyakki destroying Asura (who's one with the land) had me thought that Asura is really the reason for Daigo's disasters.

Also, Biwamaru hinting that he's Buddha or its reincarnation or wtf...?

I was screaming timeskip but holy fuck it was only a glimpse. Dororo is reaaallly pretty, if she started the story looking like that then she would've been a contender for seasonal waifu. Hyakkimaru's charming as ever as bisho.

Solid 8.5, would've been higher if the second cour wasn't so sloppy and the sinful Moth pt 2 didn't turned out so bad.
Jun 24, 2019 9:10 AM

Aug 2012
The episode could have been good. But the writers had to go with the ending full of bs:
1. Dororo solves every issue with money because apparently soldiers cannot steal money
2. Daigo is saved just because
3. the whole H demon mentioned again although no sign of him behaving as a demon ever was presented
4. Daido feels regret just because he is spared by H
5. H does not return to Dororo for no reason whatsoever

The bs in this ep is over 9000
Jun 24, 2019 9:15 AM

Oct 2010
9/10 for me. really solid anime. Dororo got hot. I wish we got to see more "Afterwards" with her and Hyakkimaru in the future - my only complaint. Though this did prove (though it was obvious) that she was NOT transgendered contrary to what that one stupid article claimed lol
Jun 24, 2019 9:15 AM

Jul 2016
I loved this so much more than the manga, especially Hyakkimaru's family fate. The ending wasn't super impressive but still had a good fight and conclusion to Hyakkimaru's struggle against the demons.

8/10 Not the greatest action or samurai anime around but it's such an improvement to the original story and it's my second favorite anime released this year so far.
Futari wa Milky Holmes was a mistake
Yoshii did nothing wrong

Jun 24, 2019 9:23 AM
Mar 2015
His brother gave his eyes back after Hyakki did not kill him
Too bad mama had to die,but she did not want to leave her son at the end. Glad Hyakki gave the mercy statute to his father instead of killing him. Hyakki has found another way and the ending shows that Dororo will eventually join him when they both grow up
Jun 24, 2019 9:35 AM
Dec 2018
Still don't know what to say, I just so satsfied and really hoping for continuation such an OVA?? Twin engine please????

This is definitelly the best REMAKE anime I ever watched!! it deserve my 10/10
Jun 24, 2019 9:38 AM
Feb 2017
I LOVED this ending
Hyakkimaru is, after all, a good, sweet person and he has always been, and as soon as he realized that Tahoumaru was in pain, Tahoumaru saw that,too. That's what I felt like this anime was about- nothing here is black nor white, no one is truly good nor bad and they summed it up really nicely imo.
I also liked that Tahoumaru, Jukai and Nui died (probably - if someone in anime doesn't find bodies, and people just go "missing", and they aren't shown on the screen - and they sure as hell searched for them - they might be alive, but tbh it doesn't even matter) in peace. That kind of death didn't really hurt.
Extra points for Hyakkimaru with his hair down and teen Dororo running to young adult Hyakkimaru (the last scene was Dororo running on repaired bridge to Hyakkimaru, underneath them were rice paddies (exactly like the ones from Mio's dream in episode 6). The previous scene was Hyakkimaru taking Mio's rice seeds from his stash. That means he did come back after some time.)
Bonus points for perfect symbolism and pretty much a suicide attempt from Daigo - he wanted Hyakki to kill him, to he could die "honuorable". He didn't really mean the whole renewing the contract with demons (come on, they are dead) and regretted it through...well...pretty much progressively the entire series, (which you could see by his expressions when Hyakkimaru was born; when he hesitated to kill him in ep 11 and commanded to shoot at the fox instead of Hyakkimaru's back <that would end everything SO quickly>; when he loudly called him "half born demon child",but in his thoughts, he called him just "Hyakkimaru"; in his face expressions in episode 23 and on several more ocasions) but he but didn't want to admit it. And he couldn't - if he did, he could come out as weak and not fit for the role of a lord and people don't tend to obey someone they don't believe in.
Honestly, maybe I'm biased after watching GoT S8 the same time I was watching Dororo and that's a pretty big upgrade for an ending, but who cares. I enjoyed it, 10/10, would recommed
Jun 24, 2019 9:39 AM

Apr 2019
And so it ends. The first half of this episode felt a little rushed but was good nonetheless and the second half was even better. I’m really going to miss this anime.
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