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Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
Jan 15, 6:12 PM
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Future Kid Takara
Future Kid Takara
Dec 30, 2024 1:03 PM
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Dec 27, 2024 11:36 PM
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Kemono Mikan
Kemono Mikan
Mar 12, 1:30 PM
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Mar 9, 7:15 PM
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SonicFF7 Sep 17, 2022 2:04 AM
I'm definitely gonna check out Liz soon, I just downloaded it recently. I've heard a lot of praise for it and yeah, I love both Hibike itself and Yamada so it's something I'll get to. How you described its relationship with sound reminds me of the Inner Silence soundtrack for Koe no Katachi, of course that actually removes most of the sound from the movie, but I see it as two sides of the same coin. It leads to the visual language being the sole guide to feel the scenes and character interactions, thrusting you into Shouko's world. So I'm interested to see Liz do something similar in a different way, hope that makes sense lol

Had a friend tell me about Gantz:O long ago as well, it and Lupin III (2019) are probably the contenders for best 3D CGI in anime based off what I've seen. And yes! I need to get on more of Yuasa's stuff in general, have yet to dislike any of his works. Only thing is I tend to not super love them either, with Inu-Oh being the exception, adored that, and that's the only film of his I've seen. Night is Short, Ride Your Wave, Lu Over the Wall, I need to get to all of them. Just so many things to watch 😩
SonicFF7 Jul 14, 2022 3:57 AM
It's cool to see someone focus more on the film side for anime, I've been diving into film more but mostly sticking to live action, but I'll go into an anime phase eventually. Great to see Princess Mononoke, Kaguya, and Millennium Actress in your top 10 :)

I see that your top films are almost all stand alones, you got any favs that are connected to a series? Just curious
ladrondemanzanas Jun 2, 2022 6:35 AM
In this corner of the world is one of the best things Mappa has done, a film that really makes you get attached to the characters and having Kotoringo in the OST, I can only be grateful.
Arcticwollf Aug 23, 2021 1:32 AM
I just wanted to say that your general assessment of Dororo was spot on. Another thing that bothered me was the lack of consistency when it came to the characters personalities and attributes. Specifically, Dororo's character changed abruptly halfway thorough the show. She began as a street smart, independent young person who has learned how to survive through stealing and hustling, and it is these attributes that made her such a big help to hyakkimaru because of his disabilities. But towards the end instead of growing further she becomes a scared little kid that is constantly either crying, clinging to any mother figure, or getting captured and needing to be rescued. And when it comes to hyakkimaru, its even worse. Just when he begins to learn how to express himself and relate to others, the show has him devolve into a raging monster.
Coolest1234D Jul 27, 2021 2:19 AM
Hey there.... Thanks for accepting my Friend Request.... Im actually searching for the extended version of Kono Sekai No Katasumi Ni... If you don't mind can you help me find it
Kuroidensha May 2, 2021 8:01 PM
Thanks for accepting. About "Naussica of the valley of the wind" , I would suggest you rather read the manga than rewatching it. It's a timeless masterpiece.
Rin707 Mar 16, 2021 6:53 AM
Happy Birthday!
babblejet Oct 26, 2020 3:47 PM
babblejet Oct 25, 2020 2:51 PM
Kuroidensha Sep 11, 2020 10:23 PM
Just dropped by to say you've got a good taste.
RoterMann Mar 16, 2020 10:13 PM
Happy belated (by a little over an hour grr) birthday!
RogerSmith2004 Oct 7, 2019 6:27 AM
If you read the credits of any episode you will not find Aya Watanabe's name anywhere on the project. (No credits in the staff list here) (No credits on any of the episodes)

You would think that someone who supposedly played a huge role in the series would actually be credited in the series proper.

Furthermore, your very first statement was saying that she could not write an anime script. I am not sure what you meant by that statement when you said it. Did you mean she literally could not write one and did not write one? Can you give me any other examples of someone who supposedly wrote Series Composition who was not credited at all? She left during pre-production. You don't have to believe me on this, my source is folks I know who follow the industry pretty closely and are in contact with people from the industry. However, I can't really think of why exactly this would make news in the first place. When has any production going through rough patches ever made news? The only people who would report on that production issues would be either 1. Sakuga Blog or some equivalent and/or 2. if fans in Japan were complaining a lot about it. Which, I don't know how much of a crossover there is for Japanese fans and this production in the first place. Maybe a little more than expected because it's a +Ultra title so it was on right before Sarazanmai, but I dunno. It's not like the production was infamously bad or anything like My Sister, My Writer last year. It took a lot for the staff of Marchen Madchen to speak out about the rough production that series went through and they had to do so anonymously.

As far as script writers "taking over the show", I don't know how exactly they approached writing the show, but if you look at how the series functions, it feels less tight than it probably should and like some ideas weren't given enough time to fully think them through. And if you look at the dips in quality the show has, it's very clear that the show wasn't well scheduled ( Scripts not being done means that storyboards can't get started which means that the animation can't get started.

However I suppose we will find out for sure the specifics when liborek writes his post on C&T.
RogerSmith2004 Oct 5, 2019 7:52 AM
Aya Watanabe did not write on Carole & Tuesday. She was announced as the main writer at the time because production on the show didn't happen until after it was announced. Then after that she dropped out and the folks working on the series got together a bunch of script writers to write the show. It's extremely likely considering how early she dropped out that she legitimately had next to no involvement with how the final show turned out.
xiulis Sep 18, 2019 1:02 PM
I am coming here after some days and I must say that seeing your reply made me really happy as I was nervously waiting for a chance to open a conversation with you about Meiken Lassie. I was also feeling so lonely while watching it and your topics about the episodes just really made my day as I was slowly getting deeper into it. Also I really wanted to clean up my image and explain you how I found you, even though it seems like you are some steps before me. Well, to answer your question, basically the episode nine just appeared like updated on the platform where I was watching my shows and I got really curious and tried the first episode. But, the funny thing is that I cried so much when I saw the little puppy there that I just couldn't think at anything else for like two days, until I was already out of subbed episodes. And then, I found you, my perfect victim to stalk and stress with my new-discovered obsession to Lassie.

I can't believe there's also someone else who is dying to read those tags! I remember that before to add you, I was reading everything I found in your list and I stopped specifically at the Marnie's tags and said in my mind: 'I can't believe how many things I have in common with this person, I MUST add him!' Then I compared the scores and everything until this point where we are now. I also loved the pacing, the characters and the gradual development in the relationship between Marnie and Anna. I had no idea that it was going to become such a roller coaster of emotions for me. And as you said, I DEFINITELY DID NOT CRY in the last couples of minutes. The ending song, I am still playing it sometime and it gives me shivers. Simply amazing. I am glad I found you and we have this special thing that we both treasure, I believe, in the same proportions.

What do you like so much about Paprika? I recently watched it and I can't find any proper words to describe it as it was so intense. I was curious about your opinion being one of your favorite. Also, sorry for the late reply.

Rsurect Sep 17, 2019 1:49 AM
i'll dm you my #, the one in your profile doesn't seem to work
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